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  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007
    hi ya'll!

    i haven't been here much lately, but i'm always thinking of everyone! i could never begin to catch up, so i won't even try..........things are ok here............i hope they are ok with everyone else. our good friend "tina" is keeping me sane lol!

    i leave for the keys on saturday for 10 days and i'm so will be a much needed distraction, and this time it's just me going, so i get to do some "big girl/grown up" stuff!

    i check in here everyday pretty much.............but i just haven't felt like posting has handed me a big ass bunch of lemons, so when i get around to making the lemonade (which we'll make into cocktails), i'll be the meantime, it's just better if i keep to myself.

    love to all, shel
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    LOL at Peggy! Yes my dear, you were on the list. I even filled out the little form that the post office had for mail to Canada. It made me feel like I was a smuggler or something. I would not want to venture a guess how long it will take for you and the other girls from Canada to get the mail though….

    Colleen – I’m sending you another hug. I wish I had a magic wand to make it all better. Are you guys even talking at this point? I would sure want the chance to talk through this before I just accepted his decision. Good luck.

    Theresa - I have a little bit different take on the Celebrex question. Celebrex is in the same family of drugs as Vioxx that was taken off the market due to possible heart problems. The heart problems actually showed up during a trial that was to see if Vioxx would help to reduce the amount of reoccurrences in both colon cancer and breast cancer. The early studies showed a GOOD effect in reducing reoccurrence. In fact, it was reported that one of the docs running the study felt that many more people would die from cancers that Vioxx might have helped than will die from heart problems from taking Vioxx. They are studying to see if Celebrex has the same effect. Here is my theory…
    1. I need to be on something for mild to moderate pain anyway and celebrex works well for me.
    2. I am MUCH more likely to die of a bc reoccurrence than heart problems
    3. there has been no evidence of heart problems with the dose I am on (200 mg 2X a day)
    4. There is a possible benefit in reduction of reoccurrence.
    5. My muga scan is totally normal with no evidence of heart problems
    6. I don’t want to wait 3 more years for the study to get finished and be published and find out that I should have been taking it all along
    Have a good talk with your doc and your pharmacist, but after weighing all the pros and cons, I’m on celebrex.

    Jeannie – So far I have not heard and screaming. Hope your day got better….Hugs

    Shirley – My local library loans out lots of DVD’s that are TV programs….you should check and see if yours does. That way they are FREE! I have also had good luck buying used DVDs on E-Bay.

    Amy – how about a farm update?? How is the building going? We want photos especially if they include cute animals!

    Sue – WOW…I know someone who is related to someone famous! I love that 6 degrees of separation thing…

    Nicki – I signed you up for a foot rub in the spa tent. Take your glass of wine and relax my friend…

    Vickie - Ok, I’m spraying you down with extra strength Lysol and then tucking you into bed. Hope your yucka-pucka is gone sooner than soon.

    Anne – Thanks for the pep talk . You’re a doll. I laugh out loud a lot on the site too…my hubby always wants to know what is so funny, but how the heck can I explain a virtual toga party with jello shots, or why it is funny when we lose our boobs in the sock drawer…

    Kristin – I am handing you a golden ticket releasing you from feeling you need to do anything here except cuddle up in the center of the circle and letting US take care of YOU! Treatment stinks and of course you get depressed and in a funk. I am SO glad you only have 2 more treatments. Drop by when you have time…we want to know how you are doing, but please, please don’t feel like you HAVE to read every post and respond to everyone right now. There will be plenty of time for that when you feel well. In the meantime I have a big fluffy blanket in the spa tent with your name on it. The chair by the fireplace has your name on it my friend….be well

    Cheri – 250 bucks??? Yikes! Can your doc hook you up with samples? Is there any type of assistance from the company that makes the drug? That is a huge amount. Good luck.

    OK ladies…I know I missed lots of you but I’m off to clean my kitchen before I start growing new life forms in my fridge. I’m glad that my little packages are spreading smiles. This place and all of you mean the world to me…

    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited February 2007

    BTW peggy..........i've been meaning to tell you for months...........that "happy prance dude" is pretty 'disturbing' lololololol!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Colleen, checking to see how you're holding up. I still can't get over how Tim just up and left.

    Lisa, we're here when you can get back. I have when something goes wrong with my computer.

    Jeannie, you have a lot on your plate. Good luck with your biopsy. Jan beat me to putting you in the circle. Are you sure the surgeon can fix the dog's ears? I have some major ones going on and at some point would like to get them fixed.

    Shirley, sorry about your son's car. Ryan went to high school where there are the haves and the have nots and Ryan also has a big mouth. He went through several cars in high school, had a few accidents in the first year or two, had his convertible top cut, his car keyed, tires slashed, etc. The kids did learn their lesson about drinking and driving so they always have a designated driver.

    Amy, someone said no porta potties or public toilets for them - I don't use them because I want to it's cuz I have to.

    Deb, sometimes it's hard to find that balance. A few weeks ago, in addition to G's news, someone my husband works with had some more bad news, and I was dealing with two or three other issues and I just couldn't handle any more bad news. That has now passed. I'm sure your friends appreciate whatever you feel you an give them at the time. You are a wonderful friend. I got my gift today - thank you so much. I love it.

    Sue/ishop - how exciting is that that you are related to someone in Keith Urban's band???? I love Keith Urban.

    Cheri, can you take each of the kids individually when you want? That way you have Ethan when you want yet it won't cause any problems because you will also take the other kids separately. Being a stepmom myself, I wanted to make sure my mom wasn't going to favor my son over my stepdaughters. $250 for Cymbalta? Oh my. Can you look into the prescription programs that are offered like

    Shel, we're here when you're reading.

    Missing many, hope everyone has a good night.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    hi ladies!!!
    just got home... did my transvaginal thingy and it wasnt that bad i guess!
    well i am a sucker i have it written all over my anyways we went to the city and came home with a puppy.... eeksssss... heheheh
    he is a 6 month old jack russell.... and we have no name so as soon as i can charge my dead batteries i will put up a picture and see what names you ladies can come up with... lol so far we came up with sprite or howie he kind of looks like a howie... hahaha
    ok what a long day my muffler fell off just outside of the city and i was able to crawl under and tie it up then i drove back to the city and had the muffler shop fix it... well not fix it cause they were closing but they took it off and we had to come home with no muffler... so now i got to get back to the city to have a new muffler put on!
    wow there was way to many posts to catch up on but i will try
    trying to find some double AA so i can post the little brats picture.... we really do need a name
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good evening CG's
    Tracey - I'm am not good with naming dogs. When we got our two berners we kept the names the breeders gave the dogs as they were nice names and we couldn't think of anything better. They are Rosey and Charley. But I"d love to see a picture of the cute little puppy. We ended up with 2 dogs because my dh bulldog had just died. We asked the breeder to bring a male and female and on the way to meet her, dh says lets get both (we had not even see the pups yet). WE have over 250 pounds of dog - 3 total. DH is such a sofie.
    ///kristen - yeah hoo!!! only 2 more treatments to go.. YOu be sure to take care of yourself.
    Shel - have a good trip.
    Cheri - ask the onc if he has samples!!!
    Shirley - happy to hear son was not hurt in the accident. I have thought of tamox, but right now I am just so tired of it all. Will try atleast one more AI and see how it goes.
    Cy - thanks for the info on neurontin. My gyn said he would give me Catapress for hot flashes. I thought neurontin was for pain associated with neuropathy.
    Lisa - bummer about computer crashing. I just inherited dh old computer - it is better than what I had, but my screen died and we dug up an even older screen - its not the greatest resolution, but it didn't cost anything!
    Colleen - more hugs to you and Warren.
    Nicki - thanks, thanks and more thanks. I got your pm and wrote you back. thanks!!!!
    Deb - you give more than you ever know - be sure to take care of yourself as well.
    Jeannie - will have you in my thoughts on wed.
    MB, Theresa, Shokk, Amy, Sheri, Jan, Joyce, Sue, Margaret, and everyone else. Have a feel good day tomorrow and hope everyone sleeps well tonight.
    Karen in Denver
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Wow it was a busy day today.

    Went to the dentist. I called last week and asked if I need to take antibiotics before coming in and they said no, but after I get there and update their forms they said yes I needed them. So alter all the time and all, I got xrays and told it would be over $5000 and that my insurance would only cover about $200 of it. I told them I could afford that and left.

    makes me angry that things have to cost so much.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007

    Nueortin has many uses, pain management is another one. It may help with both the hot flashes and the pain. My feet don't hurt like they use to

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Margaret, thanks for the website.

    Shel, so nice to see you posting just before you go on vacation...again. Some peole just have all the luck.

    Thanks girls for thinking of the onc hooking me up with samples. Even if he had samples, which I doubt, they would only last so long. He's just going to have to find another med to try. This Lexapro just isn't cutting it for me.

    I laid down and got a couple hour nap this afternoon with the baby. He was already asleep or he would never have allowed that. That's not much sleep so I'm turning in a little early tonight, at least for me. I'm making one more walk around the perimeter to make sure all my friends are safe. Goodnight.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Just stopping by with a handfull of the sandman's sleepy dust and tucking everyone in for the night.
    Gentle hugs ~ sleep tight
    Deb C
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies ~
    I am NOT even going to try and catch up. I have not read anything since page #241 and posted right after that.

    Deb ~ I wrote you a PM thanking you so very much for the Sweet and Surprising gift. You are such a sweetheart. That Cancer Sucks pin is on my "cloth" purse.

    Colleen ~ I am not quite sure what is happening with you and Tim, but it does not sound good. I hope you will be okay. All I read was something about him leaving. I am not sure if it was for the evening or walked out. I will read your posts to find out, or if someone can PM me I would appreciate it.

    NS ~ From what I have been reading about you it sounds like things are MUCH better than you and the doctors thought it was going to be. Yipppeeee for Gina. I wish you the best of luck.

    Vickie ~ I hope you get over the flu quickly and I got your PM - thank you very much.

    Cheri ~ I want that puppy you have on your avatar. Is that your own puppy?

    Seriously ~ How does everyone here keep up with all of these posts? I am not on the computer every day and man it is like 5-10 pages get away from you within a day or so. I try to look at them here and there at work, but right now being in accounting it is almost impossible to. At home my DH uses the computer, I do too but just can't keep up, and we have sooooo many TV programs to catch up on from the DVR. We go away at least 2 weekends a month. It has been GREAT and we don't have any kids to worry about. There are 5 between us and they are all grown. I will be flying down alone to visit with my daughter in San Diego this weekend.

    Shel - Have a GREAT time in Florida and I hope you make a lot of Lemonade and forget the lemons.... Put them in the back of your mind and have a GREAT time.

    To everyone having surgery, treatments or doctor appointments the best of luck to you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    good morning ladies,
    hmmm...busy night! stomach still feels off and i'm sooo weak, shaking ucky feeling.
    off to shower, get dressed and get to work so i will catch up in a bit
    love ya all
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    Coffee’s on. That’s about the best I can do this morning. Again, it took me forever to catch up. I love reading, but I’m lousy about taking notes. So again, you all have my hugs and prayers and good thoughts. You are all just the best.

    I had to come home at noon yesterday to change my clothes. Chemobrain Betty forgot that I was going out last night with the girls to celebrate a birthday. And wouldn’t you know it; I realized too late last night that I forgot the sweet lady’s card. I was so mad at myself, but after a glass of merlot, I was better. I sat by my friend Sandy, another BC survivor and we compared notes on what our (same) onc was saying to each of us. There were 15 of us that descended on Olive Garden last night. We had a great time.

    Deb, when I came home at lunch I got the mail and my surprise was there. I won’t say anything except I LOVE IT. You are such a sweetheart.

    We’ve been trying to enlarge a closet in our bathroom since Nov. We tore everything out, I had this brilliant (?) idea of how we should do it, but neither of us really have the skills to make it happen. So we’ve had this huge piece of silver insulation stapled to the hole since then. Didn’t want the cat to venture into the bowels of the house. Anyway, DH made a deal with a guy to finish it. Even paid him ahead of time. Well, you guessed it. After three weeks of having our money, I still have the hole. I called him Sunday and told him he needed to get here or we would need to do something else. Well, he said he’d be here first thing in the morning (yesterday). Sure enough, he came and gave Tony the money back. Said I was very upset with him. Gee, I was nice and everything, but I want my closet. So now I’m a b**ch! But I have our money and another guy (friend who was too busy at the time) coming to look at it this morning. Charlie will probably cost us more, but he’ll get it done and it will be right. Cross your fingers, gals.

    Better get this posted. Have a great day everyone.

    Hugs to all,


    PS Wow. I just spell checked this and it’s written at a 3.5 grade level. I write like I talk…lots of fragments. Sorry
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    hee hee Betty...i'm writing at a kindergarten level this morning...think nothing of it! Hope you get your closet fixed.
    Nicki...where are you?
    We know that Cheri is probably sleeping in...that drinking problem that got us lost last weekend still keeping her under the weather LOL. (((Cheri pal)))
    Looked outside and d*mn...we got more snow last night and it looks like an icy snowy mix...the trees look beautiful but I'm sick of driving on nasty roads!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Well, yesterday evening as I was in the middle of my post, it seems the board went down. I couldnt get onto this site for the life of me. I even contacted and they told me at first it might be my cookies. So they sent me a addy to delete my cookies. I couldnt get on that site either. So I went to bed with a whole sheet of notes - none answered of course. I looked back to see if anyone else had any problems - doesnt seem like it. So I dont know what was going on, but Im glad I could get back on here this morning.

    Im sitting here sharing a cup of coffee with Vickie and Bendra - who woke up before me - and beat me to the first early morning post

    But I saved my notes! So hear we go - just hope I have enough time to talk to everyone.

    Colleen: Of course you are scared and feel like you are going to fall apart. That is NORMAL! Just remember you have already fought the biggest battle of your life. Breast Cancer. You are a survivor. After the shock and fear slowly fades away, Im hoping some anger sets in. What this guy did to you and Warren is absolutely unexcusable. It was a cold hearted thing to do. And to take the dog tops everything off. To just leave and have you come home to an empty house? This sounds like it was planned. Its tough to get closure when you never had the chance to talk about it. He still probably would have left, but at least you would understand why. Never lose sight of the fact that you are a survivor. You will get through this, although right now, its hard to see the bright light down the road. I feel sad you are having to go through this.

    PurpleMB: My goodness your post was chipper. You sure were laughing alot which made me laugh when I read it. Please explain the "fireman" thing. My husband talked about Pinkstock again last night. His European trip is in July. I want to go with him so bad. Will probably me my only chance in my lifetime to go to Europe. But - the sad part is, I might have to stay at home with the animals. If I dont go to Europe, then we will go to Pinkstock. Decisions, decisions.

    T-Girl: Sometimes I find that the "pain" medications are not so good for neuropathy or joint pain. Madison had a good suggestion about Ultram. That might just work. I use DarvocetN and it works for me. Its really the only pain medication I can take cause I get nauseated from codeine and I break out in hives from Aspririn and all the NSAIDs like motrin and aleve.

    Jeannie: I cant believe your sister has left her husband after 37 years of marriage. What are her reasons? My goodness, that is along time to be with someone and a big decision to leave. And now you have a house guest.

    Sherloc: I cant really read my notes after your name. I have Departed written, so I must have wanted to tell you to get the movie. It is the best movie I have seen this past year. Deserved the Oscar for sure. A little graphic as it is about the Irish Mafia - but wow, it sure was good.

    Shokk: Sorry about your "butt" but I sure can relate and understand. The last 2 years have turned my body into anything but beautiful. Im sure its cause of the surgeries and chemo. And Im looking for a quick fix, but I figure if it took me 2 years to look like this, its gonna take another 2 years to lose all of this fat.

    Amy: When it comes to bathrooms, McDonalds and Burger King are my best friends. And I know where every one of them is located. And of course, since Im in and out of hospitals all day, I know where each bathroom is on each floor.

    DebC: Im sorry about your friend. Has he been staged yet? I thought about what you said. When I was a young nurse they always told us not to get involved with emotions. I found out that the only way I could be a good nurse was to get involved. When you care about someone and your trying to help them, you cant help but take it personal. Im out on the road all day, and I got a call yesterday and they told me there was a package waiting for me. So Im so excitied. I cant wait to get to work. Everyone seems so happy over your surprise.

    WEll - I have notes to Sherry, Jan and Joyce, but that was after my second glass of wine yesterday, and they just dont make sense. So I just wanted to say hi and know I was thinking about you yesterday.

    Denise: Sorry your sick and hope your feeling better very soon. It took me 2 months to get rid of the cough I had after a bout with bronchitis.

    STOMACH FLU: This is indeed a warning as it is everywhere. I went to an inservice about it the other day. Was told that you are contagious 24 hours before the symptoms appear!! Which means you are infecting others when you dont even know your gonna become sick. Vickie did have the best advice. Wash your hands frequently and keep your fingers away from your mouth and nose.

    Kristin: I found the last few treatments of chemo to be the hardest. I guess its the accumulative affects. Hang in there. After the next one, then you only have one more! I almost quit my last 2 chemo's cause I was so sick of being sick. But my onc convinced me to continue. Good luck and good to hear from you.

    Sherry: I knew the Cymbalta would be the upper end with regards to cost, cause its so new. Dont understand why your insurance wont pay for antidepressants. That is so wrong. If I were you, I would wait until you see your onc. Then ask for samples from him. Make sure the medication will work before you order it. Im on Celexa. Changed from Lexapro cause of the cost and it seems to be working well for me.

    Jan: With this dieting and exercise thing. Im just taking one day at a time. Was way too tired to exercise when I got home yesterday. I did pretty good with my diet, until I woke up with the munchies. Had a nice big chocolate brownie which tasted wonderful! But certainly not on South Beach.

    Shel: Its always good to see you post. I love turning the lemons into lemondae. Spike mine for me will ya. Im so jealous you are getting another 10 days in the keys.

    Margaret and DebC: Im having a real hard time visualizing what these dog ears look like. Deb, if you are getting a sore, than that spot is being irritated whether you can feel it or not. Make sure to have the doctor look at so it doesnt get infected. Change bras if you can. There are bigger bandaides available, try a bigger one and change it every 4 hours, before it gets all shriveled up.

    Peggy: As always, it is so good to see you post. We sure do miss you around here.

    Tracey: I was glad to see your post too. Glad that test went well yesterday. Sucker on your forehead? Does it have xanax in it? Im so jealous about you having a puppy. I just adore puppies.

    Karen: I got your pm and good luck with your dad. This healing slower cause he is older baffles me. Get a copy of those records.

    Judy: The only way I can keep up with the posts is if I come on the computer everyday. Hard to go back and real all the posts and then try to stay current. Usually one of us sort of summarizes whats going on. I try to do that my first morning post.

    Betty: All I can say is good thing you got your money back. I have so many things that need to be fixed in this house and husband is not a fixer upper. After 3 weeks I would have been screaming! Olive Garden is one of my favorite restaurants. I just love it there. I have a birthday coming up soon and cant decide if we are going there or Maggianos. But, I dont care, Im looking forward to just going out to dinner.

    NS: Well Im saddened we dont see you too much anymore. Just wondering how you are doing.

    For everyone that asked lol, I guess I forgot to tell you my husband got home safely the next day. Good thing he waiting, by time he left his sisters, the temp went above freezing so there was no ice on the roads.

    Ok, heres my story for the day. After I evaluate someone at a hospital, I find a nice quiet play to do my paper work. So Im sitting at this table and there is a woman with her little girl - maybe 3 or 4 years old. They are playing Candyland and she is talking to someone on her cell phone. She is telling this person she is glad they made the right decision and feels they are at a good hospital. So I look above my crooked glasses at both of them. I see an IV in her arm. And I see Im sitting right outside the pediatric unit. Said hello and we started talking. Poor little girl is getting chemo. Made my heart sink. Then I thought, wow - how lucky I am. And this little girl was full of energy, laughing at her mom, cause she kept beating her at Candyland. Always something to open up my eyes and bring me back to reality.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Time for me to go and get ready for work.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning All, woke up early but it hurts to move in the morning so I debate about getting out of bed...
    Be careful driving on those icy roads. Our temp hit 75 yesterday and the azalea bushes are blooming....don't like it at all because it means summer (heat index of 102) is around the corner)
    Busy day yesterday at the office (Computer monitor burned and crashed-so I spent the day trying to finish work)
    Came home and sat to work on an afghan
    Will try to post more later
    Hugs to all who need it
    Love Madison
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Karen, good to see you. Try the tamoxifen. I've been on it for almost 2 years and did have some side effects when I first started but I'm fine now. I will probably be asked if I want to switch the next time I see the onc but if I'm not having any problems, I doubt I would switch.

    Judy, sometimes it is so hard to catch up. I check in the morning before I get in the shower (I forgo my exercise time) and after dinner, maybe one other time during the day. It's too hard to try to go back maybe more than two pages. Nicki does a good job of summarizing for us.

    Vickie, I hope you are feeling better soon. I hate going to work when I don't feel well.

    Betty, hope you get that closet fixed at not too much money.

    Nicki, should I get pneumonia and TB shots? The company I work for is giving us a supply of Tamiflu, flu shots, and the pneumonia and TB shots (those two will cost us but it's a nominal amount). I signed up for my Tamiflu, got my flu shot last October, and was wondering about the other two.

    Anyone hear from LauraB lately? Wonder how she is doing.

    To all I missed, have a good day. My thoughts are with all of you.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    GM girls...
    Well it was foggy this morning, but we still have huge snow banks..
    starting to get back my cold, so off to CVS ...drugs, hand sanitizer and what ever else strikes
    Nicki, so glad you take such good notes...cuz at work I barely can keep thing, son is a Vol Fireman and has an event that we will still have music so no biggie..was just being nice to the DJ's giving them some work...
    well..sorry lots to read and lots of work so , quick post to share the love ...and off to check in on PINKSTOCK...
    Hugs to all MB
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Deb, received your gift in the mail.....everyone is wondering why I am crying....AWESOME...THANK YOU.. BIG HUGS
    Love, Madison
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    good morning cgs,

    Deb- I got my gift! Thank you thank you thank you. You are such a sweetie. I love it! I cried when I opened it and tried to explain to my son why and what it meant to me. I am sure he thought his mom had lost it.

    ok got work to do this morning but wanted to drop in and tell Deb she is the best. I will be back.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. The promised snow never arrived. Yehaw. The sky is blue with not a cloud in site this morning. That could change in a heart beat but for now I'm enjoying it.
    I am happy to announce there was no alcohol involved in sons little mishap sunday night. Much to my surpise he called 911 after he went off the road. Police came, gave all involved a sobriety test. Did the breathalizer? thingy and everyone passed. So it really was just a patch of black ice. To bad for the car tho. It's tore up real good. Hubby says it not worth fixing. Bummer for the kid.

    Amy did you get your surprise? What did you accomplish at the farm over the weekend?

    Shokk, my butt has slid down my legs and disappeared somewhere around my knees. It is a sad sad thing.

    Deb, hugs to you hon. I just found out yesterday a friend was dx with her 4th recurrence. She is 86 years old and is going in for second mast next week. She says she is done with this crap and will never have another test.
    Prayers for your friend.

    Jan, anniversary dinners have no calories.

    Joyce, pppppppplllllllttttttt. Thats for your friend. Pass it on.

    Sue, you have a link to Keith Urban. How pickin cool is that. Lets kidnap him and make him sing sweet songs to us at PinkStock. I'm sure Nicole wouldn't mind.

    Nicki, tobacco spitting is a nasty habit.

    Vicki, yikes. You should be in bed my dear. Not working.

    Denise, special salve? hmmmmmmmmm

    Kristin, no point in going back. Just pick up where you came in. Hugs to you. I'm glad your feeling better.

    Well shoot Cheri, Thats a problem easily solved. Have Tristan (love that name by the way) over for his own time with grammie and grampie.
    $250? thats ridiculous. And why the heck doesn't your insurance cover it? Good Heavens I hate insurance companies.

    Sige, you crack me up.

    Shel, the Keys again? I am sooooo jealous.

    Deb, good idea about the library. I'll go check em out today.

    Margaret, my boys have always told me they do the designated driver bit. I can only pray it's true. Funny story, my youngest was a non drinker in high school. He has since rethought that position as a Navy boy much to my dismay, since he is still under age and if gets caught he gets in mucho trouble butttt....when he was in high school he was the designated driver when ever he went out with his friends. He used to charge people $5 each to take them home from parties. On occasion he would make $100 bucks a night. When I first found out about it I told him Shame on you. But then I thought about it and decided he was a pretty bright kid.

    Tracey, George gets my vote.

    Karen, I know your tired of it. But try the tamox before you give up on it.

    CY, thats crazy. I have crappy dental insurance too.

    Judy, I keep up cause I have no life.

    Betty, been there with the remodeling woes. Hugs. It's a pain having holes in the walls.

    Nicki, hubby just mentioned that movie last night. I'm sure we'll be watching it before long.
    A sad story for today. It breaks my heart when I hear about children having to go thru this stuff. That should never be.

    Amy see you got your surprise. Very cool aint it?

    Off to accomplish something today. Have to at least get the laundry done. Got my chicken soup and rice-a-roni yesterday. So I'm all set for self enforced recuperation. This time tomorrow I will be minus a gallbladder and probably just waking up from happy drugs with a killer sore throat (I HATE that tube). Tonight I take a long hot shower, shave all the bits, pluck my eyebrows, wax my lip. Am I the only one that grooms before grooming? Just can't handle the idea of laying naked on a table and having strangers see my nubby legs and such. Good Heavens I am so vain. If I don't get a chance to get back here today I'll report in when I get home on thursday.
    See ya.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    oops that would be grooms before surgery. What a doof.

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007

    ...that "happy prance dude" is pretty 'disturbing' lololololol!

    ROFLMAO...I know!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls. Yes, it is still morning. Went to bed a little earlier & got up ealier.

    Judy, havent't seen a post from you in awhie good to hear from you. As far as the avatar it's not mine. I'm going to change it though, probably to my big dog. Don't worry bout keeping up, there's just a handful of us that post several times a day. I have alot of free time. Ok. I have too much free time.

    Vickie, what are you doing at work? Hoping you get completely over that nasty stomach flu so you can come play.

    Betty, glad you went out and had a good time with the girls last night. Hope there was lots of laughter.

    Colleen, you know we're waiting for an update on Lilly-Liver.

    Shirley, we see Triston and the baby all the time. Ethan goes to his dads every thursday night and comes back on Sun. at noon so we don't see as much of him as we'd like. Tristons grandparents live about an 1 1/2 hrs. away and his grandma stays pretty busy, which I think is BS considering the child lost his young mama to bc just 2 yrs ago and her parents don't even try to contact him. I think his dads mother should take a much more active role with him as well as with Kevin, but she says they've raised their kids and want to do things themselves. Gee, I've raised mine too but I love having my grandsons around. And another thing, I feel awfully sorry for Triston but the child drives us crazy! He chatters non-stop about off the wall things, he's just a really annoying child & always has been even when he was little before his mama got sick.
    But we treat him like he's ours.

    Hey to Tracey, Nicki, Karen, Boo, NS, Amy, CY, Liz, Carrie, Denise, Brenda, Holly, MB, Jeannie, Shokk, Deb, Sheri, Jan, Joyce, Denise, Kristen, Christine, Margaret, Peggy, Michele and Ginney. If I missed anyone it was a mistake. Hope you all have a good day.

    Susan, where are you? Am I gonna have to call you? We miss your wit and great posts.

    Mena, hoping all is well with you.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Shirley you are so funny. Do you want any and all bras or just pretty ones or what? Good luck with the surgery.

    DebC I got my present! Now I feel special! thank you very much. Sorry about the over whelming feelings with so many getting sick. Your friends are very luck to have you in their life (as are we) hugs to you.

    vicki, sorry you are sick.

    I did good yesterday driving. just tired now. go see new physical therapist today.

    I can't remember what else I wanted to say. Oh well
    Have an onc appt next week to check the lumps.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    1 result for: lily-liver

    Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus -
    Main Entry: coward
    Part of Speech: noun
    Definition: afraid person
    Synonyms: alarmist, baby*, big baby, caitiff, chicken*, chicken liver*, chicken-heart, craven, cur, dastard, deserter, faint-of-heart, fraidy cat, funk, gutless*, gutless wonder, invertebrate*, jellyfish*, lily-liver, malingerer, milksop, milquetoast, mollycoddle, mouse*, nerd, pessimist, poltroon, punk, quitter, rabbit*, recreant, scaredy-cat, shirk, shirker, sissy, skulker, sneak, turkey, weak sister, weakling, white liver*, yellow*, yellow-belly
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Hi all,
    Well here I sit at work...oh my this flu sucks. Not throwing up anymore just feel lousy...achey, tired, still have the nausea...want to do nothing but sleep! I have to be here. I am the bookkeeper and it's the end of the month so I have end of month billing to get done, accounts payable to do and two payrolls to get entered...yeesh!

    Susan...let us know when your appointment is so we can get out the magic carpet! Hugs to you.
    Um Peggy...heehee I thought all this time that your avatar was a women!!! Took a close look today and oh my...disturbing indeed. Stick around a bit more, we miss you.
    Same goes to you Shel...we miss you when your not around!
    Hugs going out to Jeannie, Colleen, Tgirl (your almost there!!! We'll have to have a party for you) and anyone else who needs one.
    Tracey...oh my that puppy is so very cute...I am such a sucker for babies and puppies! Keep him away from me as I just might sticky finger him! LOL. have made everyone so very happy! I cried and showed everyone at work (don't think they "got it" but I didn't care) was like Christmas in February.
    I have not forgotten to send Kevin's care package...just been to sick to put it together...all I can do is come to work...enter numbers...go home and crochet. Poor Nathaniel is gettin mighty sick of take out! One of the girls at work got a tuna sandwich today and I nearly lost it...feels like going through chemo all over again which really sucks. hmmm...maybe that's why I've been so down too...hadn't thought of that till I wrote it. Chemo flashbacks.
    ah well...sorry to all I missed...gotta get back to work..break time is over.
    love ya all...each and every one...haven't seen alwayshope and a couple of others that suddenly my brain has blank out on...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Oh Susan that was so good!
    Um really want out bra's?!?! PM me your address and I'll send you a couple if your serious...somehow I got lost on that one.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    Peggy so good to see you posting and checking in...we miss you...and that's a guy? hmmm
    Susanmc...boy you got me pegged, thanks for the card...DH thinks I am weird for the Pinkstock
    to all those that feel they shouldn't share...come on we understand...good news, bad news, sad news, we get it...
    hugs to all
    hello my name is MB and I am truely a boardaholic...
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Yep, Vickie was right about the hand sanitizer -- my kids and I are home today with the flu and it has knocked me squarely on my butt! It is the kids' February vacation week, and they are very disaapointed that they are not missing any school days while they are sick. I told them to get it out of their systems this week because we are going to Disney in April during their next school vacation and Mickey doesn't want to catch anything from them.

    I'm working from home today so that I can play nurse to the kiddos, so I'm going to go read and catch up.

    Big hugs to all,