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  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited February 2007
    Of course that's a guy LOL...that's why it's called the "Happy Prance"!

    Just to let you all know...BILAT MAMMO CAME BACK ALL CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Woo hoo for your great news Peggy!!!! (LOL on your happy what can I say...I'm a widdle slow)
    Oh sorry...this flu is really an a$$ kicker! I'm just santitizing everything so Nathaniel doesn't get it (hopefully).
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    I have a new avatar. That is "Rover" our Great Pyrenese/Border Collie mix. I prefer human names but I let Ethan pick her name out. lol She's a beautiful dog but we couldn't get her to pose the way I wanted but that's the best pic of the lot.

    Susan, very very good! See girls, I told ya there was such a word as Lily-Livered. lol I also like 'Gutless Wonder'. That was cute Susan.

    Gee hope all of you with the flu get better. I guess it started here & just swept the nation.

  • texas78343
    texas78343 Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2007

    Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours.

    Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn't wait till they moved out.

    Plant extract that treats mom's depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days.

    Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups swallowed before an evening out increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and prevents conception.

    When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low IQ, resulting in enjoyment of country music and pickup trucks.

    Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and the urge to flip off other drivers.

    Potent anti-boy-otic for older women. Increases resistance to such lethal lines as, "You make me want to be a better person. "

    Injectable stimulant taken prior to shopping. Increases potency, duration, and credit limit of spending spree.

    Relieves headache caused by a man who can't remember your birthday, anniversary, phone number, or to lift the toilet seat.

    A spray carried in a purse or wallet to be used on anyone too eager to share their life stories with total strangers in elevators.

    When administered to a boyfriend or husband, provides the same irritation level as nagging him.

    Now, send these to any woman who needs a good laugh, and any man who can handle it.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Here's a pic of Ethans dog that is not house broken! He is so cute, friendly and well...not house broken. lol (The new puppy thread put my mind on dogs, If I see, hear, read, or have any exposure to some things it puts it my mind- I'm also easily influenced by others moods) Scooter:

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Did his ears stick up like that naturally or are they surgically done? Too cute!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Always, they're surgically done, along with his tail. We may have a clue as to why he's pooping in the house. Our dog door is off the utility room & opens onto the back deck where we have steps going down into the fenced yard. He's gotten afraid to go to the backyard he'll play on the deck though. My dh thinks he either got into the elec fence (which keeps our dogs from getting run over) or during the ice storm when Rover was...uh...gang raped a big dog might've jumped him. My dh let him out the fromt door last night a few times and this morning there was nothing to clean up after him. So, we'll see.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    heehee...he is so adorable. I have a shitzu puppy (well...actually he is Nathaniels) and he is so afraid to go out the back door. He is a true coward...will only go out the front door, you have to turn on the outside light...he will stand on the top step and look and listen for anything strange, run as fast as his little legs will carry him and go! If he hears or sees anything larger than a bunny he runs back to the house...too funny!
    Time to head for home!
    Love ya all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    you see Cheri hes not that bad afterall. He just had a tramatic experience and can you imagine the sights he saw when Rover was being gang raped? Why the poor fellow will never be the same.

    Farm update-everything is going well. Got 2/3 of the 12 x 12 dog condo roofed this weekend. Its 4 room seperate rooms with fencing come off each one so that each category of dogs have their own space. I have the geriatric room for the over age 14 dogs. I have the teenage room for the golden, lab and blue heeler who have way too much energy and they also have a bigger area fenced in. I have the indoor dog room so that they have their own space on pretty days they can stay out and then I have the toddler room for the little pups that got dumped. They arent quiet big dogs yet but too rough for the inside dogs to hang with. The pups are out when I am there but they stay in this area while I am at work so that I know they are safe. overprotective mom I suppose.

    chickens and ducks are doing wonderful. No problems and they are adjusting well.

    Molly the donkey is the official timekeeper on the farm and she is quick to let you know when feeding time is. Mazer did her first full donkey sound yesterday so it was a celebration moment,,lol. She actually choked herself up and had to have a big drink of water but tried it again and did very well. She loves to lay down with the goats and hangs with them alot. I did have two goats get out yesterday when they decided they were wise enough to raise the latch. I didnt have the chain on it because I was about to go in there but they helped themselves. It was nothing that a bucket of grain couldnt lure them back in with though.

    I really need to post some farm pictures but I really suck at the picture taking thing. Come to think of it,,,where is my camera?

    My transfer is set for Monday so will be reporting to work alot closer. Wooohooo. Baseball practice starts this week so that takes care of any extra time I ever thought about having.

    Its 70 degrees here today and I have already started the I hate summer chant. I was sweating today when I got in my truck and something is just wrong with that. I know of alot of you with snow on the ground could probably smack me for saying that butttttttttttttttttt.

    Vickie-sorry you are sick. Putting santitizer on as we speak.

    nicki-you meet alot of great people in your line of work. I enjoy the stories.

    Deb-i'm loving my surprise! Thanks again!

    Peggy-hmmmmmm,,ok i guess I am slow too because I also thought it was a woman.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    My total dog experience comes from the German Shepherd that bit me as a kid, and the assorted boxers my in-laws have had over the years. Nice enough dogs I guess, but the slobber factor still gets me.

    Extra layers of hand sanatizer, ladies. I might have picked up pink eye. Didn't have all the classic symptoms but my oncs PA (who is sweet enough to be a circle girl) is being cautious, and has me on antibiotic drops. If it's not improving by Thursday, I'll be off to the Optho... Why do I feel like my whole self is falling apart?

    Amy - Good to get the farm up date. And send a few of those degrees up here, please. I am officially tired of winter and ready for green growing things. Although Sunday on my way back into the house after church, while it was sleeting on my head, I did notice some little green tips peaking out of last years dead leaves on my day lilies. <sigh>

    texas sunrise - I love the new 'medicines'. Gonna share that one with some of my female friends.

    Time to start some supper, so we can eat before running to a meeting tonight. Hope it's a quick one. I'm ready for bed and it's only 5:00...

    Hugs to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Evening Everyone: I havent even begun to read your posts since I left for work. Had a very nice day today.

    DebC: What a wonderful surprise. I got to listen to it all day as I was driving about. Almost brought tears to my eyes. I felt like all of you were with me the entire day.

    I had another beautfiul drive. Had to go to Evanston Hospital again and drove by Lake Michigan and the Bahai Temple - which when its lit up you can see for miles. And I was blasting my new CD. Sometimes - life is grand.

    So I have another "real"story. I have to go evaluate a lady who is stage 4 with mets to her liver, lung, pancreas. She has fluid around the lining of her lung and has a tube to drain it so I have to make sure she is ok. Oh! Did I forget to tell you she was first diagnosed with bc in 1981? She is 86 years old! I thought I was gonna see one really sick old lady. She was beautiful, didnt look a day over 65! I dont have a calculator, but since 1981? And 86 years old? Man, thats one long life.

    MargaretB: Great on getting the flu shot and the tamiflu. Man I would like to get my hands on some tamiflu!! Supposed to really shorten the length of the illness if you take it right away. The pneumonia shot? Well if your being offered it, I would probably get it. There are no side effects to it and it lasts for 5 years unlike the yearly flu shots. The TB shot? It's not a shot to prevent TB as there is none available to date. It is to probably check if you have it or have ever been exposed to it. I have to get one every year cause of my job.

    PurpleMB: Well my husband is already hinting on me staying home from the European tour!! Dont have anyone to stay with my animals and they are mine. I brought them all home. But - he is committing himself to Pinkstock more and more. And believe me, he is a ham and a pretty good entertainer. And he just loves girly girls so if we are all dancing he will play. And - for the first time since my diagnosis, he mentioned it would be nice to talk to other husbands and SO. Im a procrastinator. If you would please get me prices and a telephone number for the Hampton Inn. Believe me, if I cant go to Europe, Im getting a suite!!

    Amy: The high here was 36 degrees and I was walking around smiling saying it feels warm. And my car was getting ugly from all the melting snow. And of course - this weekend they are predicting another storm. Im laughing so hard at your post. Dog condo? OMG thats too funny. But I really laughing trying to picture Mazer doing her first Donkey Sound. And Distorted Humor is just standing here smiling. Exciting times with your new transfer. Sounds like fun.

    Sherloc: I cant believe the gallbladder surgery is already here! What time is it scheduled for? Distorted Humor is all ready to take off in the morning. He will stay in the waiting room, but Im gonna be in the surgery room. Just making sure those docs and nurses behave themselves. When I had surgery I had them play my favorite CD's. Even the ones that skipped lol. Maybe they could play your newest CD. Then you would know we are all with you.

    Tracey: I vote for "Holmes" everytime you walk into the house you can put your fingers on your chest and go "Hey Holmes."

    Peggy: I knew it was a male. From the beginning. Wish you hung around with us alot more often. You always put a smile on my face.

    Vickie: The flu stinks. Its everywhere. We had to have the county health department come into our rehab cause more than 10 people have it. Hope you feel better soon. Chemo flash backs? Man I had that happen to me today. I need to get my hair colored and something else - Lord knows what. I lost my regualr hair dresser so Im looking for someone new. There is a quaint place that specializes in WIGS of all things. And she does hair one person at a time. I went there when I first was diagnosed. I went back there today. Big flashback. But I scheduled an appointment. I want to grow my hair long again and I really really need help.

    Susan: You drove? Thats wonderful. This too shall be a distant memory soon. Ok - great post - and my choices are
    "That coward, gutless wonder, Lilly livered Ass!!

    Sue/Gus: Like I told Vickie, this flu is bad. Found out from the County Health Department today that you are shedding the virus and contagious 24 hours before you come down with symptoms!!

    Cheri: Your doggy is cute. Poor guy. See theres a reason he's pooping in the house. My dog "mister" he's a bad dog, but I love him. I brought him home from Save A Pet. He's not the best dog I have every had, but he is mine. Any other owner would just get rid of him. But he is part of my family. I would never have the heart to give him away.

    OK! So whomever is doing a bra quilt? I dont have pretty bra's. But I have a few that Im gonna be burning at Pinkstock. I will look for any that might be nice. I say BURN baby BURN, BURN, BURN.

    Anne: Pink eye is contagious so be very careful. Im also laughing cause you PA comes to these boards and in the past I have been very critical of PA's. Just remember Im an older nurse now. PA's didnt exist most of my career. She sounds like a good one.

    Madison: Quickly in and out today. Wanted to say hello and looking forward to the next football season.

    Joyce: I saved you for last. It has taken me time to answer you. No one understands why I come to this site. When I mention it, I get a casual smile - like thats not for me. I have had friends, family, husband - all tell me I need to stop coming here and move on with my life. Like its that easy. You all have become my friends. A very important part of my life. I cant tell you how much. So I share what Sherloc said. Pffffffffffffft!

    OK! For dinner - we have French Onion Soup that has been cooking in the crock pot for hours. Toasted bread for those that want it. Romano and Parmesain Cheese. And a nice glass of red wine.

    Jan: Where are you. Oh and tonight just for fun, we got "Born Losers" from Netflix. Old movie which should be quite laughable tonight.

    NS: Hmmmm, I guess you dont feel like talking again. Sorta sad. We miss you. We want to help you. But it's ok if you need a break. We love ya.

    Gotta go - dinners on.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    I've always heard all my life. "Never trust a man who doesn't like dogs." I have found that to be true.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Cheri: I take it one step further. I dont trust anyone who doesnt like animals. If my dog doesnt like ya, there is something wrong with ya.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited February 2007
    Hi ladies! I meant to tell you, I have a story too. Last week at chemo, a woman came in and she looked great! She was laughing and joking with the nurses like she had known them forever, then she sat down in the chemo chair next to me and we chatted. Turns out she is an 8 year Stage IV survivor. 8 years ago she was diagnosed right off the bat with mets to the liver and spine...they gave her 6 months to live. She is her2/neu positive, so they decided to try an at-the-time experimental guessed it...Herceptin! Here she is, 8 years later, still getting Herceptin every 3 weeks and still dancing with NED! And she plans to be around for many more years. I can't wait to see her again, she was such an inspiration!

    Kids have karate tonight so I can't hang out on the boards for long, but I wanted to share that!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    good evening ladies...ok I'm thinking I just might make it through this NOT fun! good to see you posting and what a wonderful story...thank you.
    Nicki...I'm with you too...if my dog doesn't like you...your history. Dogs are smart. My german shepherd hated my ex...he was such a monster that he took her down in our back yard while I was at work, told her to sit and shot her in the head. That was the final straw for me. He did it just to be mean and it was the most unforgivable thing he had ever done and he did a LOT to me. She was a wonderful dog, she just didn't like him and wouldn't have anything to do with him...broke my heart.
    I get the Paula Young wig catalogs in the mail and can't even look at them...they go instantly in the trash. Don't ever want to even think about another wig. My hair is really growing and I got it cut a few weeks ago and the girl who cut it was just wonderful. She knew immediatly that it was "chemo" hair and she was so very careful not to cut to much and just evened it up for me...sweet as could be.
    Amy...yippee...a shorter drive and more home time for you! Seriously use the hand sanitizer cuz this flu is awful. I do feel better tonight just shaky, weak and tired out from it all.
    Texas...I can see many of those drugs that I could use!!
    Madison...where are you?
    Karen...are you feeling any better...thinking of you and sending you hugs.
    Cheri...come out and play...don't think I'll last long tonight...wiped out.
    More hugs for are you holding up...we are here for you and you are in the center of the circle.
    NS...what's up buttercup...missing you and hoping you are holding up ya. tomorrow? Sorry I missed that but I'll hitch a ride on the magic carpet and be there. Promise to wear a mask to keep my germs to myself.
    Need to go back and read as I got way behind here.
    Sorry to everyone I ya all...couldn't make it without you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    If you all want me to drive the magic carpet to Shirleys surgery i sure will.
    Shirley, now when we get there we might look a Not to worry though, I feel like with me driving that we have, oh about an 80% chance of not losing anyone along the way. Dang, I do love those dips & loops. Buckle up girls! HAHAHAHA

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007
    Deb, I have a story to tell about your surprise you sent, but I'll wait until everyone gets theirs.

    Sorry to hear so many are sick. Half my class is sick right now, only not all have stayed home. We pass the Germx constantly.

    I had 2 fillings put in after school and my mouth hurts, so I'll check in again tomorrow.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited February 2007

    Cheri, be sure and pick me up. I'm taking some pain killers, so will just have to hang on.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Evening All,

    Just returned from the Vet with my little dog...seems she has allergies...jeez....

    I'm going to sit in the middle of the circle and crochet...(one afghan went out TODAY).

    Amy, we hit 83 degrees today...I HATE SUMMER chant is here also.

    Who is having surgery tomorrow? I need a ride on the magic carpet..
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    IIsn't Jeannies biopsy tomorrow too? We will need a trailer for the magic carpet! I have the seatbelts ready!

    deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Yup...gotta go with Jeannie too...gonna be a busy day...make sure we pick up Mazer and Distorted Humor.

    We need a calender page to keep track of everyones appointments etc.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007

    Madison, Shirley is having gallbladder surgery. I guess Jeannies surgery is tomorrow, too. No Sheri, You will have to 'hang on', soto speak. HAHAHAHA Bring out the bubble wrap.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007
    ok first of more telling us your temp..if its above freezing...sleeting with a little ice here then there's come on spring is too far away for some of us...and Aug can't get here fast yea...i'm sneaking in at night, whoo hoo.... glad your DH thinks it would be a good idea to chat , cuz look how great it has made us...
    K4..Kristin...Karate kids...hmmm..I have been doing it for a few years now...what form and what rank are they?...
    OK I'll get DH to drive the bus to everyone appt. tomarrow... he's such a good egg...can't wait for you to meet him... shared the flu thanks...hcack hcack never mind it was the boy i think everyone has it...sanitizing my world
    Amy, you must meet my Middle son some day...maybe a trip to Alabama..he so loves his animals...doggie condo is right up his alley...
    ok DH just came in wine and hot tub time...
    have a wonderfull evening and I'll catch up on bosses time tomarrow...
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited February 2007
    Thanks for remembering, everybody. It's an MR guided biopsy tomorrow. Two and a half hour proceedure---would probably be faster to just take out the little bugger---but they'd still need the MR placed clip to find it.

    Sis still here---I'm starting to bleed from the ears. I've invited the kids to join me under my bed with my vat of martinis and a long straw. She moves into her apartment Thursday---I'll be there setting up the kitchen. What a mess.

    Will check in tomorrow. Been thru this before so at least I know what to expect---one really sore booby that turns funny colors!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007

    I started my outpatient PT and boy did she work me hard. I'm already in bed. Tomorrow am don't wake me up just roll me into the magic carpet and thow a blanket on me, ok? pleasant good night sleep to Shirley and Jeannie. hugs to everybody.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007
    well goodness gracious, were sure getting our moneys worth on that carpet.
    Cheri, I don't care what your hair looks like when you get there. I will just be happy to see everyone.

    Just a brief pop in. I'm in full stressed out mode. My finger nails are gone and I wanna throw up. Man I hate the day before crap. I know all will be well. I trust my surgeon completely. But gee whiz.....I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!
    O well.

    Girls I want any and all bras you can send me. Doesn't matter what shape they are in. Just send away. Can someone who I've already sent my address to pass it around. I just don't feel like going thru the process tonight.
    Love you all to bits. I'll see you on thursday

    OOOO I forgot. My son called just a bit ago. He just got his orders. He will be stationed in Virginia on the Enterprise. He is beyond ticked off. The only boat in the whole fleet that he didn't want. UHOH.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited February 2007

    Susan...just remeber you'll be able to walk around the "perimeter" at PINKSTOCK so keep up the good new mantra while at PT could be pinkstock

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited February 2007

    oops forgot to say, jeannie I'll say a prayer for you before the gas me tomorrow. Good Luck!!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    Hi Girls!

    Good luck on the MRI biopsy jeannie!! I will be thinking of you! And Shirley I will be thinking of you and am sending you luck for your surgery tomorrow! I haven't had a chance to catch up- I see your son is going to be on the Enterprise? Too bad, I have a dear friend who is stationed on the USS Teddy Roosevelt in Va.

    I need to READ to see how my circle sisters are.

    I am sorry I haven't been posting much. But between all this craziness of scans and doctors etc, I managed to pick up a head and throat thing. i have been pretty knocked out with it and can't talk- which to many is a blessing i am told!

    One week from tonight I will be in the recovery room planning my escape. I think instead of the magic carpet, maybe you all could bring a chopper with ninjas to break me out of there???My cat happens to be a ninja chopper pilot- ask Deese- he broke HER out of the hospital too!

    I had a weird one!
    My mother called me to wish me luck for my surgery. And then she gave me some "motherly" advice. She recommended I take up drinking. She said that would take the "edge" off and i wouldn't be as nervous!

    THEN- my dad called to tell me he was "just reading a travel magazine and there is a bra in here I think you will like!" Yes- my DAD is ordering me some bra that is close in the front, wide straps, no underwire, etc. He then said " Would you like it in white, black or blush??" I told him don't bother so he is having TWO sent.


    I know I keep promising- but I WILL CATCH UP HERE. Right now I need to rest my head again. They better not cancel my surgery because of this crud!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    NS, get well. None of us want to put your surgery off. Shirley, hugs. Take deep breaths.

    While I was out and about today I found this little gem so I decided to get it. We need more than one flying carpet.
