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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Nice to hear from you NS! Get better soon.
    Susan...oh...I like that magic carpet.
    Well..DD just called me. She's a manager at a Walmart in Florida and they are doing something related to BC...not sure what but she had a rough day. I guess they were playing some sort of commercial on and off all day (she didn't know what organization it was that put the commercial out)...anyho...I guess the commercial shows a little girl sitting on her bed cutting all the hair off all her dolls and putting it in a "bucket" or some such thing (DD upset and hard to understand)and taking the hair out to her mom who was bald from chemo. Poor Sarah...she said that the commercial broke her heart every time it came on and as hard as she tried not to look she did and then she'd cry. Geez...I feel so bad for her.
    I'll see if I can find out more about it...makes me sad that it makes her sad but she did say it was an awareness type commercial and that it was necessary regardless of how it made her feel.
    I don't know...seems like it would be a tough one for kids to have to see.
    Hugs and love to all...sweet dreams and a happy day tomorrow...that's my wish for you.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited February 2007
    Hi girls, just popping in to say I'm thinking of you all. Someone pick me up tomorrow. What time are we leaving?

    What is it with all the family crisis for us all this week? Sorry to everyone who is experiencing problems.

    I'm crocheting and will be sending squares out in the next day or so. Time flies when you're having fun.

    Hugs and Prayers to everyone.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Once again I'm running late, behind and getting myself all worked up for nothing!! DH has been on the Computer all night! The mental cruelty of it........Don't mess with my "puter" time and friends!!

    Love to all that are having surgeries, tests and procedures done. I have to go back and read up but I believe Jeannie, Shirley and OMG..brain freeze, are having surgery tomorrow.
    NS: I know you have a week to go.
    Love to you all. Please pick me up when you are flying around tomorrow. Flu seems to be gone, just the nagging dry cough spasms..I should be safe!
    Love and Hugs,
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited February 2007
    Hi Ladies

    OK, well I'm still hanging in. I'm not sure what's up with me, I haven't cried yet (almost cried once, but didn't.) I'm sure that's not good, and I'm probably going to just lose it when I least expect it. I kind of remember this from the cancer dx, I feel like I'm at the "I can't stop for one second to acknowledge what has happened or I will fall apart" stage.

    To clarify one thing, Jake was his dog, not mine and not "ours" even. That being said, it was really hard to lose Jake after having him live here for 2 years. I almost hoped he might act like a human and leave us Jake (I work from home and Tim is rarely home) but since he didn't act like a human to begin with, that was obviously not going to happen.

    I still have absolutely no explanation, and at this point I don't even feel like trying to talk to him to get closure. I feel like he wouldn't tell me the truth anyway. I guess I feel like for him to do what he did (sneak out like a LILY LIVERED thief in the night) he must not be able to face me, my son, or himself for that matter. That makes me think his reasons for ending the relationship are less than honorable you know? I don't know, it's so completely crazy that someone could just end a relationship without so much as a face-to-face conversation after 5 years. I still kind of feel like I'm in a Lifetime movie.

    Well, enough of that. Warren is not great. Hysterically crying yesterday after school. Major breakdown. I have to just focus on the fact that it's probably good for him to get it all out. I'm sure there's lots built up in there, he was very stoic about the cancer.

    I'm not going to keep apologizing for not being able to give back a lot right now, but know that I still feel that way anyway - LOL

    Nicki - thanks for the Candyland story, children are amazing, they inspire me every day

    Susan - that was so very funny, I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've laughed since last Wed AM when Tim told me over the phone that he had moved all his stuff out.

    Deb - thank you so much for the gift! I could really use some strength right now, it's just perfect!

    To all the other Circle Girls - I'm sorry not to mention you by name right now, but I'm too afraid I will leave someone out, and I can't bear the thought of making anyone feel excluded. You have made this situation more bearable for me. I am humbled and awed by the support you've given me, about a relationship of all things. There are so many of us dealing with so much more right now, and that doesn't stop you for a minute, you have love and support enough to share, for crises big and small. I know we all know this, but this is not something you find very often in life, and I cherish each and every one of you.

    Sweet dreams and here's to a better tomorrow, every day.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Colleen, it's so good to hear from you. And you tell Warren that he has a bunch of Aunties that would love to give him tons of hugs and kisses. Next time you talk to Tim or even someone who knows Tim, tell them, that this was probably for the best cause he (tim) is just so lily-livered.(eeww)

    don't belittle what you are going through. it still hurts and it's at a time where you need lots of support instead of a coward that wimps out on you. We are here for you!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited February 2007
    Kristin, welcome back. Your treatments are almost done! Don't worry about being behind, a lot happens every day. Check Nicki's posts every day, she sums it up pretty well.

    Shirley, I think snow is coming your way. It's pretty cold here but I guess we'll all be cold since we'll be with you tomorrow. We have to remind Cheri to make sure the heater is on. Glad to hear your son wasn't involved with alcohol. My son's first car was called Opie. It was a Ford station wagon and he hated it (ok, I admit, I was only in it once and hid my face) but it worked for him and his big football player friends. He called me one afternoon to tell me he had been in an accident and then he called his dad. When I got there, I could see my husband around the corner getting VERY excited. Apparently he ran into the back of a blazer, wrecked the hood of his car; the guy in the blazer got out, made sure everyone was ok, checked the back of his car to see no damage to his car, and told the kids he was late for work and left. In the meantime, someone called the cops. Turns out the cop lives in my neighborhood and kept trying to calm my husband down; finally told my son that it was his lucky day since the other guy left he idn't have to do a report, tow the car home (it was only a few blocks) and don't get in any more accidents.

    Cheri, I'm with you. I've raised my kids and am still young and do my own thing but I love my grandkids and want them around all the time. Is Triston crying out for help?

    Texas, thanks for the laughs this evening.

    Nicki,I work for the company that holds the patent on Tamiflu and they are dispensing it to us to have for the avian flu, which you don't hear too much about any more. Last year we couldn't get any because of the flu vaccine shortage.

    Someone remember to pick me up; I'll have a fresh pot of coffee.

    Susan, loved the magic carpet. You think we can use this one for the escape chopper for NS?image

    Colleen, we are here for you, always. Take care of Warren.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited February 2007
    Shirley, I have several bras packaged up and the hubby will mail them tomorrow. You should get them by this weekend.
    Anyone else that needs the addy to send the bras to let me know and I'll pm you with it

    NS glad to see you but sorry you've been fighting the crud on top of everything else. Don't you just love parents. They can be so funny sometimes

    Can't see straight again. I should hit the sack as I have to have my car at the shop first thing tomorrow. Get this, it's pouring down rain sleet and snow and my windshield wiper on the drivers side decides to stop working! Good thing I don't live too far from work

    HUgs a prayers throwing a few more logs on the fires
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Good "night" CG"s,

    I didn't take notes, but I wanted to send well wishes to Jeannie and Shirley on their procedures tomorrow. Please update us when you feel well enough. Cheri please swing by with the magic carpet tomorrow - it is you who is driving. Be careful as it is turning colder here in Denver and we are supposed to get some snow.
    Cy, please send me Shirley address. I still have all my old bras and will go through them. I am not ready to part with all of them, but I know I can find atleast one to send for the quilt. I don't know why I want to hang onto them as I will not be able to use them again. My exchange surgery is in 3 1/2 weeks. I see the PS on the 6th. Maybe once the expanders are out, I will be able to part with all the old bras. Thursdy 3/1 is one year ago since my double mastectomy. So far, I am not nearly as stressed about that date as I was approaching the one year of my diagnosis at the beginning of this month. But who knows how I will feel on Thursday!
    Well its late, so better go. Brain feels tired but body not sleepy yet, but I think I will crawl into bed before long as morning comes quickly.
    Karen in Denver
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited February 2007
    I thought we could be singing this as we travel around and pick each other up for various appt, surgeries or even our vacations:


    From the 1968 release "The Second"

    Words and music by John Kay and Rushton Moreve

    I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine
    On a cloud of sound I drift in the night
    Any place it goes is right
    Goes far, flies near, to the stars away from here

    Well, you don't know what we can find
    Why don't you come with me little girl
    On a magic carpet ride
    You don't know what we can see
    Why don't you tell your dreams to me
    Fantasy will set you free
    Close your eyes girl
    Look inside girl
    Let the sound take you away

    Last night I held Aladdin's lamp
    And so I wished that I could stay
    Before the thing could answer me
    Well, someone came and took the lamp away
    I looked around, a lousy candle's all I found

    Well, you don't know what we can find
    Why don't you come with me little girl
    On a magic carpet ride
    Well, you don't know what we can see
    Why don't you tell your dreams to me
    Fantasy will set you free
    Close your eyes girl
    Look inside girl
    Let the sound take you away

    © Copyright MCA Music (BMI)
    All rights for the USA controlled and administered by
    MCA Corporation of America, INC
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Im sitting here waiting for my coffee and wondering why Im so darn tired this morning. Actualy thought I overslept and had one of those last minute dreams before ya wake up. Im thinking its 5:30 am and I get on this gosh darn computer and realize it was only 4:30am!

    To make matters worse, I let my dog out and he is barking up a storm. So Im sticking my head out the door yelling "Misterrrrrrr!" So much for sleeping in eh?

    Today is gonna be a busy day. First I have to see my PCP just for regular checks up. I see him every 3 months for cholesterol and high blood pressure. And is he gonna get an earful about the whole prescripton fiasco that happened last week. Here is what his staff told my pharmacist.
    ...we leave early on Fridays
    ...we dont fill prescriptons on Saturdays
    ...Mondays are always too busy and we tell our patients to give us 3 days notice for all refills - NOT
    ...They finially called the RX in at 7:00pm on Tuesday.
    ...Cancelled fasting blood work on Thursday cause I didnt take my Lipitor for 5 days. Wanted to get it drawn before my appointment today.
    ...We dont have any appointments available for fasting blood work, why dont you get it done at the hospital.
    ...You dont need fasting blood for one more month!

    Yes - his office staff were not customer service people. And I think he needs to know this.

    Then I have that Board of Directors meeting tonight at 6pm. Geez, Im usually in my pj's and getting ready for bed! Cant get out of it though. So like I said, its gonna be a very long day.

    Kristen: That was a great story. She must have been in the clinical trials for Herceptin. People did so well in the trials, they made it available for earlier stages April 1st, 2005. I really do believe, in most cases, that bc is treated as a chronic illness.

    Vickie: thats was an awful story about your dog. Ex sounds like he is a really big jerk and Im glad your not with him anymore. Its funny about getting catalogs in the mail. When I got home, I got the TLC catalogue from the ACS. I looked through it and mentioned to my husband, ya know - the hats and wigs are all the same. Nothing has changed in 2 years. Im gonna give it to that Volunteer I met at one of the hospitals. She had her 1st chemo and is doing good. I talked to her yesterday. She is very anxious about her hair loss. I could see the disappointment in her face she looked at my hair and I told her I was one year out from chemo. Dang - it takes along time to grow back. But, its in a funky stage. Finially starting to cover my ears but sticks out all over like crusty the clown.

    Cheri: OMG your driving? Distorted Humor is already getting motion sick lol.

    Sheri: Good to hear from you. Cant wait to here your story.

    Madison: Hmmm to busy crocheting to be on the computer? Hope all is going well with you.

    Denise: Just saying hello and hoping all is well.

    Sherloc: Good luck with the surgery today. Like I said, Ill be in the surgical suite. I sure hope Distorted Humor behaves in the waiting room. You know how silly he and Mazer can get when they are together. Oh and why didnt your son want the Enterprise. Not that I know the names of any ships, but I was just wondering why not that one.

    Jeannie: Oh my goodness - 2 hours for the biopsy. We are gonna be with you too and Im only having B9 thoughts. I got a real visual and laughed picturing you under your bed with your martini to hide from your sister.

    PurpleMB: A glass of wine and hot tub sound marvelous. Im jealous.

    Susan: Yes, I do understand outpatient therapy. Used to call it the torture chamber. Glad the session went well.

    NS: It was so good to hear from you. Sorry about the head cold thingy. There are cold virus everywhere. Your surgery date is imbedded in my mind as it is 3 days after my Birthday. The TLS catalogue from ACS has all kinds of bras that button in the front. If you havent gotten one, let me know. Just thinking about you and missing you. We have known each other for such a long time. Im laughing at your parents advice. Drink? Well not before surgery. And a man buy you a bra? OMG - I would freak out.

    Vickie: That commercial sounds pretty serious. Way too serious for a child to understand - no matter how young or old.

    Colleen: Glad you stopped by as we are all worried about you and Warren. Sounds like you are still in the shock mode, which is ok. "Fight or flight mode." Its part of evolution. Our bodies handle crisis naturally. The flight mode (denial land) is a good place to be. I sorta figured the dog was his, but still - that was just cold hearted. Im probably giving you the worst advice, but I would get Warren a little puppy. And I say pffffffft! to this Lilly livered ass that crept out in the night. Shame on him.

    Margaret: What a story about your sons car. Sounds like the guy in the Blazer didnt want the police for some reason. Were you able to get any money for the car from insurance? Without a police report? Seems like the chopper will be good transportation for us when we go with NS for her surgery. Hope it has a stall for Distorted Humor.

    CY: Its bad enough that you have to deal with rain, sleet, and snow. And then your windshield wipers dont work? Man - I would crawl back into bed and say this just aint my day.

    Karen: Snow again? Dang this has been one tough winter. Good luck with your exchange surgery. You are gonna love it. The implants feel so soft. Not like the expanders.

    Christine: Oh my, I havent thought about that song for years. Its a really good song.

    Well, I have finished my pot of coffee and still have an hour before I take a shower and get ready for work. Thats what I get for reading the clock wrong.

    Hope everyone has a great day. I wont be checking in again until tomorrow morning. Wont be getting home until really late.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Morning All,

    Nicki, we need to tweak Vickie's toes. I hope she is feeling better today.

    Also, all hope all who have the flu are feeling better.

    I know that Jeannie and Shirley have procedures please swing by with the magic carpet.

    I hope to be able to read and post when I am at work today. Take care everyone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Good Mornng Madison. I tried tweeking Vickie's toes but she is sound asleep. Catching up from being sick. I tried tweeking Betty's and Shokks toes too. Oh and where in Holly? I wanted to hear about her week-end party.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    I just want to sleep for 5 more minutes.....please.....the coffee is brewing......I can smell it .........ok......Nicki I'm up.........going to read last nights post...I see that NS checked in....I think she is watching the Anna Nicole Smith trail going on during the day.........I come home for lunch and I can't help myself, I turn it on for just a minute and spend my whole lunch hour watching it......geezzzz....ok good luck today for all who are having precedures .........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited February 2007
    Ahhh! Good morning shokk. I dont know why, but I too cant help myself from watching what is going on with the Anna Nicole trial thing. But my husband hates it, so I have to sneak it in when he's not home.

    NS: So many months later, last week - I drove by Weinsteins funeral home. And I dont know why, but I pulled in and went inside. Guess I was in a fickle kinda mood. Anyways, I asked to speak with the head guy and I had my business card. Gave him one and told him it took me 4 months to come talk to them, cause I was so angry about their add in the North Shore magazine. Told him he had angered women with bc all over this country. How insenstive the add was. Said if you had a loved one with bc - you wouldnt have been advertising funeral homes in the Breast Cancer edition of that magazine. Come to find out his sister has breast cancer. So I looked at him and said, thats a bigger shame on you then. Probably didnt achieve anything, but I sure felt better.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2007
    Christinek-Thanks for the Magic Carpet Ride. It took me back to my freshman days on campus. I'll be thinking of and praying for those of you who are having surgeries and tests today,

    Please remember a new friend of mine from exercise class. She is having her lumpectomy and node disection today. Her name is Jan. She knows she'll be having rads, but chemo depends on her node statis.

    I like that elegant carpet that Susan got for us last night.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good Morning Happy Campers! Its going to be a great day in the south. Gonna be in the mid-60's today. Yahoo!

    AAAAAaahhhhh...I love Magic Carpet Ride. Let's face it, the music of the 60's and 70's was the BEST music. Or am I just prejudice? At least it was music you could sing to in your car on the way to work. I can't understand most of the words of the new pop songs today. It seems like everybody either screams the words or mumbles/slurs them.

    Well, its one week of walking today for me and I have to say that even though my santa belly continues to grow, my butt's looking pretty good. I'm very encouraged though that I've been able to get back up to 1.5 miles in 30 minutes which was about what I was doing before diagnosis 3 years ago.

    Sherl, good luck with your surgery. I know you'll feel so much better with that thing in a jar instead.

    And to everyone else having surgery, a procedure or treatment, hang on to hope and joy.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007
    Good morning girls,

    Just want to wish good luck to Jeannie and Shirley today. I'm thinking about you, and I'm ready to hop on the magic carpet when it flies over NH!

    My little guy is running a fever, so it looks like another vacation day in the house today. I feel so bad for the kids -- we had big plans to do some fun stuff this week!

    Gotta go get some Motrin for my son...Have a great day, ladies!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    WAGONS HO! Oh never mind, I'm driving the magic carpet today. Shirley & Jeannie, we'll be there for the both of you, well most of us will, I can always swoop down and get the girls that didn't strap in. lol Ok, ladies we gotta go hope somebody packed breakfast and coffee. You all did get your bubble wrap didnt you? I feel like an adventure this morning!

    Shirley, I do hope your surgery will go well as I'm sure it will. you'll be fine.

    Jeannie, we're all comin'.

    NS, nice to see your post last night. I'm sure as time nears you've either reached the point you decided, nah you really dont need it or you're just wishing it would hurry up and get here so it'd be over. It'll be over soon, sweet friend, just keep on hanging on.

    Vickie, pal, just where are you this fine morning? Hope you're feeling well.

    My dd had to take little Kevin back to the ER again last night. He hadn't felt good yesterday but didn't seem bad. By last night he could barely breathe. But no fever. His cough was terrible. It was like he was struggling for air. He has bad strep throat and bronchitis. They gave him anti-biotics, Albuterol for breathing treatments and steroids. Said his throat was the size of a nickel. About an hour after she got home and all the boys were tucked in bed, she called me. Her furnace had went out again. So it was a heck of a night. She just had Ethan & herself at the Dr.s office and got anti-biotics for them the day before. Luckily it just got down to about 43 last night. She didn't want to drag themout of warm beds so she put extra blankets on them and put the baby in with her under the elec blanket since her dh is working out of town. It's this darned weather. 18 one day 65 the next. Slight exageration. lol

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    Good morning sisters,
    I wanted to let Jeannie and Shirley know I am thinking of them todsy.
    If the carpet is available at three,could someone give me a lift to my interview? I can't believe how nervous I am to return to the real world out there. I know it is time but I don't want to go out there!
    Kevin still has the drain but it is down to 40 now. It will probably be taken out tomorrow.
    Talk to you after the interview.
    I finally figured out the aviator. The beach is my happy place so that is why I chose it. Now I have to figure out how to post the pictures so I can help w/h the parties.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited February 2007
    I'll be thinking about Jeannie and Shirley today. Hope the surgeries go smoothly.

    Shirley - I'm sorry but I smiled about your son getting posted to Enterprise, and being ticked. Mine plans to request Enterprise - he wants to be on the decomissioning crew. Of course I haven't heard from my Squid in about 2 weeks now. We're beginning to think he's in hack again....

    MRI tomorrow at 6:40 am. Gonna have to be up and out of the house by 5:15. Even more grumbly when you think that one branch of this hospital is 2 minutes from my house, but that machine only had openings at 3 am and such, so I get to drive to the one thats 30 miles... At least my eye is improving today.

    Better stop fooling around and get to work.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    They're decommissioning the Enterprise???? No way, there has to be an Enterprise...its just a trekkie kind of thing.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    I win the ding bat award for the day. I posted a long post to everyone last night, thought I finally caught up and couldn't find it this morning- I posted it in the wrong place! I copied and pasted here--

    Saying special prayers for Shirley and Jeannie today!

    Yes, Jas, it is kind of sad to "decommission" the Enterprise!

    Ok- here is the moved post:
    Peggy, I couldn't find it, but how did your test go??

    Shell- GOOD to see you! I hope you have a blast in the keys! My friend is there right now and emailed me that it was 85 and sunny- I would like to hit him !

    Kristin! You can make it!!!!! Soon this will all be behind you and you will think to yourself- I can't believe I made it and am still in one piece!

    Deb, that is interesting what you wrote about the Celebrex. There definitely is a connection between cox2 inhibitors preventing cancer. In fact, many doctors believe that chronic inflamation can cause cancer. How many of us have had bone, joint, back issues BEFORE BC? They even believe that regular anti-inflammatories like advil and alleve are helpful.

    Shirley, that is too bad about your son's car! I am so sorry! Do you want to hear something interesting Circle Girls??? Margaret and I BOTH had the same car as our first cars! And they are not everyday cars- anyone other than Margaret remember the Chevy Vega? We BOTH had white ones with the black stripe! How weird is that!

    Tracey! You got a JR!!! Get ready for action! I once had to deliver very important contracts to one of the board members of the place I was working for years ago. It was summer and I had the windows open in my car. I parked it in front of her house and brought the papers to her. She had a really long driveway with one of those gates that have to be opened. When I got back in the car and got up to the gate I realized that her TWO Jack Russells were in the back of my car! They jumped into the window when I was in the house. I was so afraid she would think I was stealing them! I would name him Jumpin Jack Flash... because THEY LOVE TO JUMP!!

    Judy, with me running on half a cylinder these days I have been having terrible trouble keeping up and it upsets me greatly. But after next week when I am STUCK home you will all think I have become a pest here! I hope you have a great trip to SD!

    Vickie, you don't sound so good! I hope you feel better!!!

    Betty good to see you! Men just don't listen!! I am glad you have someone who knows what he is doing coming to look at that and fix it right!

    Nicki you are so sweet. I promise I will be back more. ESPECIALLY after the surgery when I am a prisoner in the house!! You can type when you have this surgery right??

    Madison, are you hurting from AIs? Did you ever try glutamine? do any of you AI girls use that to help you?? Hope you feel better. I love my afghan, especially on these snowy nights!


    Peggy!! Just saw your update!! YAY!!!! I am happy prancing for you here!!

    Cheri your dog is a real cutie!!!

    Texas - that was funny!

    Oh Amy- I would love to live on your farm! It sounds like heaven to me!

    Hey Anne! I used to have a boxer- he wasn't a slobberer!! Sorry you had that experience. They are sweet dogs.

    Nicki, I forgot- you never told me what happened at that funeral home I started the ruckus at!

    Susan good luck with your new PT!!! Looks like the party's already started on that magic carpet!

    Colleen, like I wrote to you before- this man is a bad person. He doesn't have a heart and he has no empathy. He strikes me as very selfish and self centered. To do what he did to you was unconscionable. If there was any ring involved- DO NOT GIVE IT BACK! I think you should write a letter- it might take a few drafts to get some of the raw emotion out of it- but write it as an account of what transpired- as detached as you can be... like:
    " You told me you loved me. You promised you would stand by me. You worked your way into Warren's heart and let him know that you would never abandon him or break the beautiful trust you built together. You promised me your future and I gave you mine. I gave to you my heart, my love, my son, my trust and my faith in goodness. We were together for __ years and always had a special bond. You were my friend and I was the best friend you will ever have. None of this matters. Somehow the past and the promises and the love and the plans are wiped clean and taken away and ended by you- without a conversation, a thought for me or my son, without the basic human decency and courage it takes to be a real man and end something with the respect it deserved and demands. You took the easy way out- to you. But to everyone else, you took the coward's way out. You have no manhood and no dignity and a black heart. I feel sorry for you. Anyone that can turn off a relationship as if he is shutting off a light can not truly see or feel. The light was extinguished by you and you will live in a dark world of half-truths and empty promises for ever. In due time your day will come and you will find yourself alone without a friend in the world. You will think of what you lost. You may even want it back. If that thought should cross your mind, disabuse yourself of that idea immediately. Because I would never take you back and never give you another opportunity to hurt my son again. I have to tell you I am relieved. Relieved I didn't marry such a coward, a man who is afraid of his own shadow. A man who cannot end a long term engagement properly is not the kind of man I want to be married to. So consider this a thank you- because you just saved me thousands in legal fees.
    God help you- he is the only one who will now because you have lost everything good in your life and you will never get it back"

    Or something like that!

    Margaret- GREAT chopper! THANKS!!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    NS, it was good to see your post. We are always thinking about you. Did you see what Margaret has for you when it is time the break you out? Nice machine but do we dare let Cheri drive it...hummmm Aren’t Dad’s great. I think my hubby would do something like that for our 3 daughters….

    Vickie, How are you this morning? We have been tweaking those toes.

    Nicki, glad you went to the funeral home to let them know your feelings. There are too many sisters suffering and insensitive people need to be made aware of this fact.

    Peggy, GEAT NEWS

    Anne, I am glad your eye is improving. We’ll be there for your test tomorrow.

    Joyce, I like your beach happy place. It reminds me of calmer and happier times. Give Kevin hugs from all of us

    Cheri, strep throat and bronchitis are tough illnesses by themselves, but you put both together and you have on sick little boy. I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. Rover is cute.

    Sue, you have a sick one also? It does look like you will be spending another day home. I hope he gets better soon.

    Alwayshope, walking is great exercise…. and I just love the 60’s music.

    Laura, you friend is in my thoughts today. So many being diagnosed…so sad

    shokk , we need to give you a double shot of caffeine this morning. I know what you mean about waking up in the morning… fun

    Colleen, how are you? Please visit with us….we are here for you. I still like the “LILY LIVERED thief in the night” quote.

    Amy, our Mazer is growing up…making donkey sounds. When I visit my parents I drive on back country roads and see sheep, cows, horses, chickens, etc. I saw a donkey this weekend and I thought about Mazer…so cute…..They are just grazing in their yards-so calm….my blood pressure falls when I am in that environment….peaceful

    Christinek, I had not thought about Aladdin's lamp in some time….Maybe Vickie can swipe one for us…

    Denise, I am working some of your squares into the new afghan…..this one promises to be interesting because of all the colors…..

    Liz, I look forward to your crochet squares…I love all the different colors and patterns.

    Susan, that is one mighty fine carpet you have for us. We are going first class to all the appointments.

    MB, I planning my Pinkstock get away….trying to think of something to bring (or mail) that would be fun for everyone…..I’m thinking, I’m thinking…..

    MargaretB, I remember taking the tamiflu once when I had the flu….I think it did shorten the duration of the fever and aches. I agree with Nicki concerning the pneumonia shot…it you are offered it, take it

    Kristin, great story…8 year survivor.

    Sheri , how is the mouth….I HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST… are brave…

    Shirley, I know you are under the “influence” now, but you know how military orders are….”Yes, Sir” that is all they can do.

    Jeannie, we are making all that racket….but there is strength in numbers and they don’t have the ability to ask us to leave. Mazer and Distorted Humor are just so cute, no one would ask them to leave….

    Deb, your daughters are cross-country skiers? That is hard work. My daughters ran cross-country, indoor track, outdoor track and on the tennis team (and 2 on basketball teams). We spend every weekend, plus many week nights at their events. I enjoyed all of their meets. They were 2 time state cross country winners. Sniff, Sniff, now they are grown…..

    I know I am missing many…forgive me....I really have been working on the afghans and haven’t spent time on the computer.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Vickie, I'm beginning to get worried about you it's never this late when you post. Hope everything is alright.

    Nice to hear from you, NS.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Cheri, Vickie just posted in the afghan thread....I think she is okay

    VICKIE, come out, come out....we are worried.
    Love Madison
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    hey sweet ladies...i am here. not typing so well...thought i was feeling better but no such luck...this is ridiculous. all i want to do is go home, crawl in bed and crochet and sleep
    NS...good to see you! when is your date...we need to know.
    hanging on the bottom of the carpet by a string following you all to the appointments.
    ok...end of the tons to get done...hate to be a bookkeeper and sick at the end of the month...geez!
    oh i ssee we need an alladins lamp...ok.
    love ya all...bunches
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Sorry for the worry...this flu stomach thing just hits me in waves. fine one minute...throwing up the next...think i may have thrown up my toenails just before my last post here.
    I'll make it!!! Gotta party to go to and gotta pick up Cheri so we can mb the first ones there.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Margaret, is that one of them new fangled Helo copters? Last time I was at the Magic Carpet Shop I heard people talking about them. Say there gonna be replacing Magic Carpets some day. That one you showed us is rite purdy, I have to say.

    Miss Nicki my leg feels a little sore this morning. Just took my pain meds.

    Cheri, sorry to hear that Kevin is sick. Hope he feels better soon.

    NS, it might take a while for you to become a pest. After surgery it's hard to focus.

    They can't decommission the Enterprise. I see it on TV all the time. sheesh

    Sending your friend warm hugs, PeanutGirl. Tell her she's welcome to come and visit.

    Thanks for posting the song Christine.

    who is it that is interviewing. Joyce. Good luck, honey. I so want to go back to work. Just keep remembering you are a survivor. You've been through a terror worse than anything they could throw at you in an interview. And we love you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Wow...isn't it amazing how you can throw up and feel so much better then an hour later feel like crap again. Sorry for all my whining ladies but I HATE to throw just freaks me out and I fight it like crazy till there is just no options left!
    Feeling better again for a bit so I wanted to play catch up if I can.
    Shirley and Jeannie...holding your hands today. Brought the chocolate fountain along.
    Nice rescue chopper for NS...that will be a fun trip.
    Colleen...sending warm hugs to you and Warren...oh the deliverance tent with him! Call me if you need me!
    Can someone pm me Shirleys address so I can send her a couple of bra's...pretty please.
    Nicki...a couple of my coworkers saw the commercial that my daughter was talking about and said they hope that Nathaniel doesn't see's too much for little kids who have seen their moms without hair.
    I love that you went into the funeral home and spoke your mind!!! Would have loved to have been there!
    Hugs to Cheri, Madison, Karen, Joyce, Alwayshope...everyone!!!
    love ya all
    how long does this friggin flu last!!! Day three and I have seriously had ENOUGH!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited February 2007
    It's official! I am a freak!
    I just got my receptor report-
    My first cancer five years ago was triple neg... this one? 100% ER/PR positive!
    I believe it means I truly beat the first one and this is a new one that decided to crop up.
    Only me!