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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    OMG...I hope i don't have a tapeworm!!!
    Thanks Cheri pal...I'm sure to get better now...I love House!!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited February 2007

    What's that actors name? Did you see him when he was a guest on Mad TV...............they were doing a spoof of that British show Ghost Busters or Ghost Whispers or something like was sooooo funny................

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007

    I know you are a Grey's fan, so maybe McDreamy can make you feel better!
    Don't know why he sticks with Meredith when he could have me!!!


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh my...i do believe i am feelin worse...can you send them both...quickly!
    (I kinda like Alex on Gray's Anatomy too...hint hint).
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited February 2007

    Dr. Alex thinks you definitely need an exam....


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    ewwwwwwwwwww a tapeworm....
    now thats nasty!!!!! i googled it and they can grow to be like 5 feet....
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited February 2007
    Wow, McDreamy and Dr. Alex and House.....I think I may just have to help them take care of our Vickie

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    oh are the best. hmmm...think I need a consult with all three (at the same time)...I'll be back later.
    Love ya all
    you know I'm sick when its the last day of the month at work and I really don't care if I get caught up or not.
    Actually think I may be feeling hungry though...just a bit afraid to eat!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007

    come on over Madison...heck...everyone is invited...why not, I feel to lousy to take care of all three by myself!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited February 2007
    vickie, can I have McSteamy if you have the others??? Huh, huh,,,please?

    The guy that gave my bone scan reminded me of him.
    I'm still at work for the e-o-m and totally hate it. The vp constantly calls with more ideas to put on spreadsheets and you know what I want to tell him about that!!

    Have to go home and see my new range that came in. Oh wait I don't cook. Maybe I can tell my hub it's his birthday gift???
    Talk later. xoxo
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited February 2007
    Wow theresa a new range? What do you do with those? My house will be old one day but my range will look brand new. I know my dad said when they built their house that if they wanted they could leave the kitchen out because its not used anyway. I wont have to describe the look that my mother gave him. I think we all know that look and have given it a few times.

    Vickie-maybe feeling hungry is the first sign of normalcy. Hope so anyway.

    NS-glad to see you posting on here. I couldnt imagine my dad buying me a bra,,yikes! Then again, I dont need one since I go without so much and my insurance pays for the mastectomy bras.

    Cheri-sorry you didnt get enough rest. I guess you were just excited to be the designated drive and all that it kept you awake. I saw you laughing when you pulled up to my place to get me and you cant deny it. I guess the suits were a bit of a surprise.

    ok 30 more minutes here at work. I know I can make it if I hang in there.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Hi to all,
    I tried the new copy and paste so I wouldn't lose my post and guess what? This girl "gots" very little computer smarts!

    Susan: Glad you are feeling better! Don't'll be back to work soon enough!

    Jeannie: Hope your Biopsy went well! Let us know!

    I'm confused with my Shirley's. Who's having which surgery?
    Gallbladder, that wasn't Shirley Larsen was it? Brain Freeze. In any case...I hope all is well with both of you!

    NS: one week and surgery will be over with! You DID beat the beast the first time. Yaaa! Like I told you before, this is just his little brother coming to bother you. You can knock him cold!

    Vickie: I can understand how the commercial playing at WalMart would get to your Daughter. People sometimes go for "shock therapy" to catch peoples attention. Someone should send the "stupid" police to nab them and tell them what they are doing to the people they are thinking they are helping.

    Liz: It does seem like so many of us are in Crisis this week. Thank God we have each other.

    Texas: I loved your post. A very good laugh!

    Colleen: It is not your fault. I kinda like the name: Lily Livered A**! I don't know the story so all I will say is, "You can do it." Sounds like he is the one with insecurities.
    I'm not losing a second post. I'll try the copy thing again later!
    Be back
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Margaret: Kids and Cars...don't even get me started! I do love the escaped chopper you found!

    Karen: Thinking of you and your upcoming surgery. You'll be fine!

    Christinek: Oh how I remember that song and many more like it!

    Nicki: You are a busy one lately. I hope you do give your PCP an earful. It is ridiculous what we have to go through anymore when you call a DR. Office. I am so tired of rude receptionist and the "listen to the menu and push buttons" games that I get so mad. I've got a similiar story with my PCP this past week. If we could just talk to one person...isn't going to happen. (I switched back to a previous Dr. for this RX.) I'm glad you stopped in at the Funeral Home. I do hope he is eating Crow tonight.

    Laura: Sincere prayers for you friend, Jan.

    Sue: Hope your Son is feeling better. So much going around.

    Cheri: Hope your DD is doing better with Kids being sick and I sure hope she got her furnace running. Oy, always something!

    Joyce: I am glad Kevin is doing better. Let's pray he gets his drain out tomorrow. It's been awhile now. Good luck with your interview!

    Anne: I'll be thinking of you during your MRI tomorrow. God Bless and Good luck. Hope to meet you at the MI luncheon!

    I'm sorry, don't mean to drive you nuts by signing off and coming right back, but here goes.............
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited February 2007
    Deb: I have to look for your post on Celebrex. You made alot of Girls very happy this week. You are special!

    NS: Yes, I do remember the Vega..Does anyone remember my first car....Opel?
    Your Mom suggested you take up drinking! To Funny!
    I haven't tried Glutamine, but would like to hear from some girls that have.

    Alwayhope: Walking is great. I feel so much better when I do it. I get sidetracked quite easy. The school where I walk was closed for 3 days due to Cold weather. The following week they had a snow day and last week I got hit with the Flu. That's all it took to throw me off. I do have to get back to it..And Soon!
    And yes, that TapeWorm episode was disgusting!!

    TGirl: Praying for good results on your Bone Scan and Breast MRI.

    Amy: You hate Summer?!?! Come to Michigan, we'll change your mind real quick.
    p.s. Did you get the Knifty Knitter yet?

    Lini: That is a perfect name for Deb!

    Madison: Good job catching up on all of us! I wish I could do the same! Posted on the Afghan site also. Can't wait to see the next Afghan!

    Vicki: Hope you are feeling better. This bug Sucks! I think we've damaged you. I was reading your post about your vein. I am concerned, but when I read that your vein was going from the inside by elbow all the way up your "YARN" I had to laugh. You and Madison must be seeing Yarn in your sleep. I'm kinda addicted to it now too!

    And finally: I am sick too. Can I please have one of the Doctors. I'm over 50, so I will be gentle with him and promise not to keep him very long!

    For all I've missed. Best wishes, warm jammies, hugs and have a good nights sleep.
    Love and Hugs,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited February 2007
    HI girls,
    Well things didn't go as smoothly as planned w/h the interview. This company took over the part of the company that I worked for while I was out on disability. Everyone in my position transfered over and kept their seniority. I've been there ten years. Seems they don't have a full time position at the time to offer me. They do want me to work for them but I would be hourly instead of salary. They could not give me a $$ figure till Monday.I could take the lay off from my old company and just wait until they do have an openning for me. They said they would keep me in mind.What a waste of time going all the way down town. I told them I do want to work for them but could not give them an answer untill they gave me a figure. HR is suppose to call and let me know instead of me going back down.I am feeling bummed out enough and to make matters worse,the woman thats interviewing me had to tell me her mom died of Breast Cancer. It was horrible to watch her go like that.WTF???? Where are these peoples brains??? I can't even cry in my wine because of my surgery Friday. I may just have one anyway.I am suppose to give them an answer next week.
    I didn't read anyones post yet.I'll check in later. We have to call the hospital tomorrow w/h Kevin's amount and they may take it out. It's been three weeks poor kid.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited February 2007
    Evening everyone,

    I took notes….I took notes….I took notes. I’m so proud of myself. Can you tell?

    Nicki, sorry I missed the toes tweaking. I was outside hoping on the magic carpet. It was my first ride. Oh what fun. I sure hope we weren’t too noisy. Did everyone see the cute Air Force pilot in the jet who was checking us all out? Heehee.

    Shirley and Jeannie, hang in there.

    Cheri, so sorry to hear about Kevin’s set back. He’s really been through it.

    NS, Yippee. You beat the triple neg beast. I’m an ER/PR positive gal myself.

    Theresa – wishing you the best on all the tests. I hate MRI, too.

    Oh Vickie, I feel so bad for you. I totally hate to throw up. I’ll fight it until the bitter end. That was my biggest fear about chemo. And I wasn’t sick once. Drugs are wonderful things.

    Divine Ms. Deb…so true. It’s perfect.

    I saw my PC today. My onc wanted me to get lipid tests done because of the neuropathy in my feet. Insurance wouldn’t pay if she ordered the test. &^%*( insurance. So I saw Dr. B today. She doesn’t think the problem is from lipids. Maybe the chemo, which was what onc thinks, but she also told me my blood sugar was high the last time. Now mine scared that I’m diabetic. DH is and I know how tough it is on him. I’ve missed so much work this month with dr. appts that I asked for an early morning blood test. They can’t get me in until March 15. Meanwhile primary gave me another script for another drug (pain for the feet.) What did I just say about drugs being wonderful? Sigh.

    I’ll be back at my post tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, take care.

    I took notes…I took notes.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited February 2007
    Thanks ladies for all your well wishes...ate some noodles and dry toast and so far so good. I soooo hate to throw up!!
    Anyone here from Jeannie or Shirley?
    I'm sending hugs to everyone tonight and lots of love...couldn't make it some days without all of you. Heading this tired, weak butt back to the couch with my crochet hook and if I stay awake I'll check back.
    Sorry to not respond to everyone but you are all so in my mind...all the time.
    My name is Vickie and I'm a boardaholic!
    Love and lots of hugs
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2007
    Vickie - so glad you feel a little better. I also really hate to throw up.
    Joyce - I'm so sorry about the interview. I work as an independent contractor and after my DX I lost many clients. No one will say it out loud but I know BC cost me a great deal of work. What a crude B**ch that woman who interviewed you was. Some people are just idiots. Sending you gentle hugs.
    Jeannie and Shirley - Hope all went well for you today.

    Rest easy and sleep well tonight dear sisters. I will try to catch up with all this weekend.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited February 2007
    Joyce, soo sorry it went like that. Do you think you should talk with an employment/disability lawyer? Let's make sure you are being taken care of! I don't know what all the rules are. Good luck.

    Betty, if it isn't one thing it's another. I was just whining to my dh about "when am I finally going to get healthy again"

    Germ free hugs for everyone who is sick.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2007
    good evening ladies....
    sorry i havent been here to much been super busy lately....
    getting over this cold finally but now my tummy is acting up...we still havent named our new pup but sure am enjoying him....he is a little terror.... oh help me!!!!!
    sorry vickie that your not feeling to well!!! hugsss to you!!!!
    well i am off to watch the news so i will be back in a bit!!!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited February 2007
    Hi CG's - just have a minute then need to leave for a class. I wanted to share this info - I also posted it on the Hormone Therapy thread. Hope to check in later this evening.

    I decided to call Astra Zeneca yesterday about Arimidex and side effects, in particular carpel tunnel. My docs (onc, ortho and neurologist) all said that the carpel tunnel that I had developed was not from the Arimidex. BTW I had no hand problems prior to BC Dx. I have been on Arimidex since the end of July 2006 and by the end of December I had developed severe CTS in my right hand and moderate CTS in my left. I have since had surgery on the right hand. The gal at Astra Zeneca was wonderful. WE chatted for quite some time about my side effects and side effects in general. She told me that they have to report all side effects that people tell them about and that is how they note trends. She needed to take down my info - they keep track in house as well as have to report to the FDA (I think that is who she said). They are just putting out a new insert on side effects etc that will be out to the public in late March or April. She did not have the info handy and it was the end of the day, but said she would call me in the morning (today) after looking up the new info. She called me back early this am. Well, low and behold, CTS is now being reported as a side effect of Arimidex. What she read me said that CTS has been reported more frequently in women on Arimidex than those on Tamoxifen, particulary in women with identifiable risk factors. I felt so good to have my suspicions confirmed. I see the ortho again Friday and my onc in April and I look forward to sharing the news with them
    Karen in Denver
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Joyce, I'm so sorry to hear that the new company chose this route. Unfortunately, life is harsh in corporate America and I doubt there is little you can do.

    I would start working with anyone from the old company you still are in contact with to start getting GOOD references together and find that new job that you deserve.

    The good thing about getting a new job is that you can start with a clean slate and nobody needs to know about your bc diagnosis so there won't be any prejudice or discrimination.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited February 2007
    Good evening ladies.

    I don’t know quite how to put this….
    Do you ever have days where you feel everything deeply? Both for the bad and for the good, things just seem so vivid and bigger than life? Life seems so precious that it almost hurts to live it? The coffee smells better, the food tastes better….everything is just more intense.

    Today was one of those days. It was cold, about -12 this morning. When it is really cold this time of year it means we have crystal clear blue-sky weather. When the sun creeps up into the sky the horizon is every pastel color you can imagine. The frost that was left on the trees overnight was like opal glitter. Every song I heard on the radio seemed to have been hand chosen by someone to have special meaning for me.

    I spent some time with a friend today whose husband is dying of end stage cancer. He has actually had WAY more time than they thought he would and they both seems so thankful for every day and still so much in love. It is almost painful to see. They are at peace but still SO in the moment.

    I have always been tender-hearted. My mom tells a story that when I got done with Kindergarten the teacher didn’t want to promote me to first grade. When my mom asked why the teacher said that even though I was ready for school intellectually that I cried too easily. My mom just laughed and told them to put me in first grade. She said I would have been the first 30-year-old kindergartener if they waited for me to quit crying!

    I was just so aware of how precious life is today. I want so much to stay here and experience every moment. I want to watch my kids grow up. I want to LIVE each moment, even the hard ones 100% aware and IN the moment.

    So there it is dear ladies…my blather for today. Maybe it all boils down to Carpe’ Diem….

    Seize the day ladies….seize the day.

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited February 2007
    Deb, No. I have never felt that way. If I ever did it was so long ago that I have forgotten it. Sounds wonderful. Glad you had the experience because you deserve it.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    OK Ladies just a reminder, Shirley needs something to keep her busy, lol, so send her those bras you no long fit or can't use. She's going to turn them into an amazingly beautiful quilt! The "Bras Across America Quil". If you don't have her addy PM me and I'll get it to you. If like me you've already got rid of your bras then you can go to your local thrift store and pic up a cheap one. I got several at $1 a piece and sent them off to her today.

    Wow NS, I've heard of a few others that had one er/pr- once time and er/pr+ the other but not very often. But hey, at least you know that it is diffently not a reoccurance and there is some other treatments out there. As you know us Triple Negs don't get that option. This time next week and you'll be on the road to recovery. We'll have the Helo all fueled up and ready to break you out!

    Jeannie & Shirely hope you both are doing better tonight.

    Tracey glad you are feeling better.

    Vickie, Gus and everyone else that's been feeling lousy feel better soon , that's an order!

    going to make the rounds
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Wow, 60 posts since I last checked!

    Nicki, I happen to be fortunate enough that my hubby can literally fix any car. What we ended up doing with that though was California has a buyback program to get old cars off the road. Only requirements is that you have to drive it in, it has to be registered and something else that I can't remember. It wasn't worth repairing so Ryan and Joe drove it to the junk yard, met the rep there, and got their $500.

    Always, my son asked me tonight if I wanted to start walking in the ams; he would be willing to walk with me at 6 once it starts getting nice. I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to set my stride on my pedometer yet.

    Madison, is Cheri driving again tomorrow for Anne's test? I wanted to take a nap on the way back this afternoon but didn't think I could trust Cheri to not do loop de loops.

    Vickie, hope you are feeling better.

    Susan, I think that helo copter can handle Cheri's driving, don't you?

    Lini, where have you been?

    Amy, thanks for the safety suits. We need them tomorrow too. 78 degrees sounds pretty good right now. I am so sick of the frigging cold weather.

    Deb, I had lunch with two friends yesterday - one was a two time BC survivor and the other is a 2 time ovarian cancer survivor - she's in her early 30's and knows that she's on borrowed time and said she has gotten 3-1/2 years more than she thought. She was my inspiration when I was going through chemo and now she has to be on chemo for the rest of her life. Life isn't always fair.

    Sorry to those I missed.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    Margaret, mark your starting point, take ten steps and mark the end point then measure how far you went devide by ten and you have your stide length!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Just finished reading today's posts. Vikie - I can't believe you are still so sick. Please do take some time to take care of yourself.. Those docs are waiting to make a house call at your house!!!
    Tgirl - sending B9 vibes.
    Lini - glad to see you post.
    Nicki - good for you for going into the funeral home and sharing your thoughts! How did visit with the PCP go?
    Anne - good luck with the MRI tomorrow. Remind me what it is for? I was very lucky that when I had my breast MRI, I knew one of the docs and he called the same night with the result.Waiting is hard. sending hugs your way.
    NS- how does Glutamine differ from glucosamine> What you wrote for Colleen was beautiful. Good news on the path report. I too am ER/PR+.
    One year ago tonight I was getting ready to say goodbye to my boobs. Its funny, for me it was a relief compared to the diagnosis. The surgery was the start of moving on and getting through treatments. Talking about the surgery tonight with DH almost had me in tears, but overall this " 1st anniversary" is not seemingly as stressful as the 1st anniversary of diagnosis the beginning of this month. Now lets see how I do tomorrow. I don't miss my boobs, but I just can't wait to get rid of the expanders.
    I hope Shirley and Jeannie are doing well after their procedures today.
    Tracey - lots of good names suggested for your puppy.
    Colleen - how are you and Warren?
    Cheri - glad to hear Kevin is feeling better
    Joyce - how is Kevin. So sorry that the interview was so lousy. Hugs.
    WEll, my notes are not very good and I know I am leaving so many people out. YOu may not be mentioned by name, but you are all in my thoughts. Thanks for being here. Karen in denver
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Margaret, I had trouble figuring out my stride length as well. I finally found access to a treadmill and initially set it at 24" and just kept working it up until the distance ended up the same as what I was getting on the treadmill for 1 mile.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    I was hoping to hear some news from Shirley and Jeannie. I bet they are both tucked into bed. I hope you all have sweet dreams...

    Deb C