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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    I lost a long post earlier so i didn't post but I had to come back and say goodnight. Shirley had to spend the night in the hospital is why we didn't hear from her.

    Hoping everyone with tests tomorrow comes out good. I have good friends here and you are greatly appreciated. I really need a life. I bounce around from here to chat to another chat to Myspace to yahoo360 but I always check in here off & on all day & night. I don't have friends there I'm just visiting but this where I call home.

    Mena, wish you'd come back.

    I wish everyone was well and never had to worry about tests or sickness again. Where's my magic wand?
    One more walk around the perimeter to make sure all my friends are tucked in and are safe.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Im almost afraid to look at how many posts there are since I was last on this computer yesterday morning. I really did have quite a day. Blew off my PCP visit and rescheduled it for today. After work, I went to my friends NH and helped her audit charts, then at 6pm went to the Board of Directors meeting. Didnt get home til 8PM and went straight to bed. Did not pass Go and did not collect $200.00!

    Guess many think Im good at taking notes, Im officially the Secretary on the Board of Directors. Sorta funny if you ask me.

    Coffee is brewing and almost done. Now its time for me to go read and find out what all happened today with all of you.

    Oh my dear friends, there are 3 (thre) pages to read. Im trying to say hello to everyone, just hoping I have time.

    Laura: I hope your friend Jan's surgery went well. Sending lots of healing light.

    Jasmine: Youll get back to 1.5 miles in 30 minutes. Gotta start slow and build up.

    Sue: Sorry your little guy is sick. Hoping he is better today.

    Joyce: Im hoping the job interview went good, really good.

    Anne: What the heck does decomissioning mean? Good luck with your MRI today.

    NS: Of course you will be able to type, although the first day or two you will just want to sleep and eat. I spent hours on the chat after my surgery.

    Susan: You have heard of the phrase. No pain, no gain? Sounds like that therapist worked you pretty hard. Hoping the pain goes away and the therapy gets easier as you go along.

    Vickie: I was so glad to hear that witchy Development Director is gone. Not a nice person.

    NS: ER/PR positive. There is no doubt in my mind this is a new cancer. In a situation where everything is bad news, this was really good news.

    Lini: Good to see you

    Tgirl: Darvocent is my best friend.

    Amy: Hmmmm! Warm weather again for you? Last night it was sleeting, this morning as Im typing I hear thunder. Tried to let my dog out in the yard, he walked out and turned around, walked right back in. Poor baby, didnt want to bet wet! Now he is bred to be an outside dog. But in his mind, he is a cat and lap dog.

    Peggy: This is too weird. I still see Prancing Boy.

    Jpann - hope your having a great day

    Jan: Hoping your visit with your PS's PA went well.

    Cheri: Im hoping Kevin is feeling better soon.

    Denise: I just hate that commercial everyone is talking about. Wonder who is putting it on TV. ACS or a pharmaceutical company. This is one time I want to write a letter.

    MargaretB: I sure am glad you got money for the car.

    Joyce: Im sorry your interview wasnt so good. Sounds like they are pushing you to go elsewhere. Make sure you keep your insurance under cobra if you leave. Or stay on until you find something better. Are you on Family Leave? If you are I always thought they had to give you the same money and a full time spot. But like Jasmine said, Corporate America stinks and I agree - this is bc related.

    Sherloc: I hope all is going well and you are recooperating from your GB surgery. Always miss you when your not here.

    Betty: My blood sugar went up after chemo. Doc told me it was the steroids. Hoping this is just a fluke.

    Karen: Good job on calling Astra Zeneca. Now Im wondering if there are connections with so many having gall bladder and thyroid problems.

    Tracey: Good to see you. How is school going.

    DebC: I could really picture what you were describing. Its always colder here when the sun is out also.

    Well, time to get ready for work, then off to my PCP - to have ahem, a little chat about his office staff.

    If I missed someone, you know I still love ya. Just hard taking notes in the morning when you still have sleep in your eyes.

    Hoping everyone has a great day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Good morning,

    Time to get up, sleepyheads. Nickie, you beat me up.

    I checked the perimeter and all's well.

    Karen, so glad you called Astra Zeneca. I’ve been getting their newsletter for a while and they seem very interested in their “customer’s” experiences. Never thought to call them however. Just your experience makes me feel better about being on Arimidex.

    Deb, I’ve had a a couple of those days like you had yesterday. Not often, so it makes them precious. I get caught up in just living and it’s hard to stop and appreciate. Thanks for the reminder.

    B455, great idea about the thrift shop bras. I had already gotten rid of my BBC (before breast cancer) ones, so I’ll be hitting Goodwill. I just PMed you for the addy.

    Better grab another cup of Nickie's great coffee while all’s quiet. Have a great day gals.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning sweet girls,
    I am on the mend...haven't thown up! Yippee. a question...have this weird (vein?)or something in my arm that runs from just below my elbow on the inside of my arm to almost my armpit. Looks like a line of yarn (LOL)...the nurse at work said it's a collapsed vein and not red or sore so it's nothing to worry this normal? It's hard but not really sore unless I press too hard...just freaks me out a bit.

    Good morning to all...I love you all but running behind...gonna be late to work if I don't get moving and quick.
    I'll be back later.
    Hugs and love to everyone
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All....woke up at 4:30 this morning, made coffee and stitched a bit on the afghan....I just saw that Vickie, Nicki and Betty are awake….

    Time to get ready for work
    Take care everyone, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Betty and Vickie! Hey Betty, I got it right this time - guess there is no chemo brain this morning.

    Vickie: From your description, it sounds like a collapsed vein, similiar to vericose veins you get in your legs. But I sure would have it checked out. Our circulatory system is pretty amazing. Arteries bring blood filled with oxygen to all of our cells. Veins bring back "old" blood from our cell with certain waste products that we get rid of by exhaling. So we do need our veins. Veins are more likely to get blood clots than arteries. Watch for redness, pain, and swelling.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Good morning girls,

    I think I need the magic carpet this morning. I have an appointment with my breast surgeon today, and I'm really worked up about it. Maybe it is all the bad news I've been hearing lately, but I'm not going there with the same confidence that I usually have. So, if you're doing a fly-by, feel free to drop in on NH. We're getting snow tomorrow, so you can stay and ski if you'd like!

    Thanks girls! I hope that Shirley and Jeannie are resting comfortably and that their procedures went well.

    Well, off to shower and to decide whether I need a Xanax or a shot of tequilla with my coffee!

    Hugs to all,
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies, been back since Monday late afternoon. Tuesday had my infusion and typical long day with that and then yesterday tried to catch up with major grocery shopping and cooking, cleaning...big mistake...I couldn't be more exhausted.

    Hope all you beautiful ladies are doing fine...hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Sue/Gus: Distorted Humor and I are ready to come with you to you BS appointment. I'll get off my horse and wave my Italian finger at him if he has any bad news! Im sure your appointment is gonna go great. Good luck and see you there.

    Oh ladies, Im in a frenzy this morning. Is one cancer worse than another? Im so tired of people with bc telling me they have it better than me. I know Im high risk cause Im er/pr negative and her2 positive. Add BRCA2 positive to that picture.

    Recently, someone with her2 negative status - keeps saying Im higher risk for getting brain mets than others. Oh by the way - she has brain mets.

    I dont care what hormone or her2 status is. I believe its all a crap shoot. So here I am, the Black sheep - with the worst prognosis. Cancer sucks - no matter what.

    Smoke is coming outta my ears, and my blood pressure is probably sky high. Ok - whining done. I feel better now.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    NS, I always find the advancement in treatment-diagnosis of bc a bit amazing. Your first was triple neg--- and now you are joining the “positive” group. You beat the first beast and will win the fight with the new one.
    Vickie, how was the care from House, Dr. McDreamy and Dr. Alex? I’m glad you are feeling better this morning. Maybe Nicki can give you some info on the vein.
    Nicki, you had a long day yesterday. I’m sure you were exhausted when you finally made it home from work. How was the meeting?
    Anne has test today….who is driving the magic carpet?
    We also need to be with Sue today....I vote for both Xanax and tequilla
    Peggy, just noticed the new avatar-cool!!!
    MB, posted in the Pinkstock thread….made my hotel reservations last night….Exciting
    Cheri, I see you were walking the perimeter this morning…..How is little Kevin? Hope the medicines are working..
    Deb, Seize the day ladies….seize the day – I agree with this…. Although some days it is hard….you have such a way with expressing thoughts….thank you!!!
    Amy, I think we may have some thunderstorms rolling through here today…be on the look-out because I know they are headed your way….It was in the 80’s yesterday. I don’t want to think of an early summer because if the Gulf heats up earlier than usual it may make the hurricane potential greater….
    Denise, thought of you last night when I used the last squares you sent to me in the afghan…this one is going to be colorful…..I’ll post pics when I am finished.
    Joyce, sorry you are having a tough time….Do you have a Best-Buy or Wal-Mart in your area? I want to get Kevin a little gift certificate for a new video and need to know if you have these stores in your area…..thanks for the info.
    Betty, how was your visit?
    Karen, I think we will hear more and more about the side effects of the AI’s. I remember my Mom was on Vioxx and she was one of the individuals that suffered high blood pressure and a stroke….scary
    Margaret, you have 2 special friends…I am sure you are a support to them as much as they give you support.
    I hope we hear from Shirley and Jeannie today.
    Alwayshope, CY, and all, Good Morning…
    Time to find something to wear to work (I know I am not the only one who has several size clothes in their closet)
    Take care everyone, Madison
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    CY, thanks for the info. Now I have to look at the pedometer to see how to input it.

    NS, you'll be able to type. Didn't I tell you that when I first came home my hubby told me to stay off the computer. So first chance I get, when he leaves the house, I go to the boards. I heard him come home so I go back to the couch and realize, as he's coming through the door, that I left my pillow (can't remember why, but I was using a pillow) on the computer chair. He busted me.

    Sue, good luck with the bs appt today.

    Madison, those two women are special and they both were so helpful when I was diagnosed. I We all worked together and the bc survivor has since quit.

    Time to shower. I'll check back later.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    GM all, jsut a quick hello
    MargB if you can 't get the pedometer to calculat right , use it to count your steps, 10,000 a day is the goal, most peoples stride..which bigger than a step is over 24"...and there is 5280'in a what ever works...I just use step counter on mine...
    Madison sorrry about the hotel I'll call them today...
    Ladies if you havent checked out Pinkstock lately please do...I am soo excited and can't wait to meet eeveryone...BUT I was on eof th elucky ones to have the honor of being selected for Jury duty,,,,so help me get the menu's done and stuff...
    thanks in advance..
    back to work...lots to do ,,I love being busy but it really cits into my board time, I'll guess I;lll have to check in at home, but I want the house finished for everyones visit...
    Deb blaring the CD at work today...must keep my spirits up, I hate Jury Duty
    Love MB...
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    Quickie this a.m. Sis is moving into her own apartment today (which will provide some welcome relief from the adjida---or however you spell it, Nicki) and I want to be back here gefore the ice event starts. It's official, I'm SICK of winter!

    Deb---I know exactly what you mean about those days. Sometimes I just wake up aware of the crisp sheets and birds outside and the whole day goes like that. They are gifts to my heart. They are certainly a reminder to not waste the days we have----and none of us have any guarantee on that count even if we haven't been dx with CA. As far as the crying bit----I'd be the only 62 year old still playing on the sand table! When all else fails, weep! You know those old Metropolitan Life commercials that showed childhood friends growing up and being successful business men together? Those made me cry---as does just about anything else I find touching. My grandbabies, David on one of his super "I'm so thankful for you" days. My ex used to say I'd cry at a ham sandwich if it was presented to me the right way.

    Peggy---my screen still shows Prancing Boy even tho others are seeing a witch. Go figure. I never realized that was a guy---just thought it was a picture of an incredibly lithe dancer in a very graceful modern dance pose---but then my daughter took modern dance and performed occassionally so I guess it's just a frame of reference thing. Whoever heard of a male dancer up on point? OUCH!

    Karen---would you PM me with the contact # for Astra Zeneca? My ortho guy who fixed my thumb insists he's never seen anything about AIs being related to these types of problems. Sure would be nice to enlighten him. (See? I TOLD you so!)

    Gus---I vote for both!

    As for yesterday. That was certainly an experience. I just love the staff at St. Joseph's in Syracuse, if anybody in these parts wants to know which one is the best hospital. It did take 2..5 hours as they had told me---got whipped in and out of that MRI machine so many times I should have friction burns. Good thing they didnt tell me about the clip placement part---the lesion was on the upper inner side of my breast and they can't reach that spot when you're on the MRI breast core---so use your imagination. The lesion was right next to a blood vessel so the whole top of my boob looks like the rainbow we could've used for the OZ party weekend. The core sampling itself took enough tissue that I now have a little dent in my beautiful recon boob but I'm hoping that it fills back in with new tissue. They showed me the scans and pics, had to replace the first clip with a new one after they were done for future reference. The pathologist was really reassuring and showed me that once the recon settles in you really can't tell which tissue is which---also told me he is very hopeful that it is B9. Thanks to all of my sweet sisters who asked after me yesterday--that means so much to me. I'm one of those stalwart types who thinks she can do everything herself and am so not used to such a caring group of people---and have really come to appreciate and enjoy the way we take care of each other here.

    Gotta go---supposed to be at sis's in an hour and I'm not dressed and sufficiently full of tea. Tomorrow I will be glued to the phone!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Good morning All!

    One thing about a 6:10 am MRI – it gets you going on the day. This one didn’t feel as long as the first one. They gave me headphones so I could listen to the radio, instead of just laying there worrying. I am SO good at worrying. They said the results would be to my onc by this afternoon. I’ll ask when I go in for my treatment, but don’t really expect to hear until Monday or Tuesday. The double vision is really annoying, but I’d rather this turn out to be yet another chemo side effect for sure.

    Deb – you are in a philosophical mood aren’t you? I usually need a campfire to start feeling like that.

    Nicki – Decommissioning is when the Navy takes a ship out of service. Enterprise is the oldest carrier in the fleet and she’s scheduled for decommissioning in 2010. My son and Shirley’s are both Navy Nukes. Shirley’s son has orders for Enterprise, and she will be the ship my son requests when he’s done with his training in about 7 months. And, for the Trekkers out there, yes, that is one of the reasons my son wants assignment aboard her.

    Joyce – My sympathies about your job. When I got laid off in October, it was really hard to know if it was because of the cancer or not. Like you need this on top of everything else. Just trust that God has something better in mind for you. That sure turned out to be the case for me!! Plus, you know all of the Circle Girls will give you wonderful references…

    Karen – Interesting about the CTS being a side effect. I’d have never thought of that. And I’d have never figured that A-Z would have admitted it!

    B455 – I’m off to run some errands and am thinking about a stop at the Salvation Army for a bra or two for the quilt. That’s a great idea. (It’d be funny if I end up buying back my old ones…)

    Vicki – Yea!! for not throwing up. I HATE up-chucking worse than anything. You have my sympathies and hopes that you are on the mend now. I’ve not heard of a vein like that. Sounds like something that would really creep me out, too. I’d be sure I kept a close eye on it, and probably show it to every medical person I could find.

    Sue – Hoping that the Magic Carpet gets you safely to the surgeons office for good news. (Think positively!)

    Cheri – I had a pedometer once. My son broke it before I ever got it calibrated right. We got a ‘step counter’ in the Frosted Flakes box this week. I’m gonna try using that. The price was right, that’s for sure. Good luck with yours.

    MB – Good luck with Jury Duty. Yes, the pay is horrible. Michigan changed from week long stints the last time I had it, to just one day a couple months ago when the DH had it. I could suggest a couple things that would ensure you wouldn’t be selected for a jury – but being on a jury is better than being in jail…..

    Tracey – Poor tummy. Hope you’re feeling better. Pet the new puppy for me.

    Looks like our snow is now changed over to sleet. Hope it quits by lunchtime so I can get in my walk over for my chemo.

    Hugs to all,
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    DMD...Divine Miss Deb. You're new name from me. I know exactly how you feel. When the family and I are having fun doing something, either on a trip or just at the beach laughing, I always say "Stop...look....breath....and remember how you feel at this second" drives them nuts, but we slow down for just a moment. Love it.

    vickie...I used to say"vomit free since 93" but no more...I just can't hold my liquor anymore.'re so lucky to have a hub like that. Mine is not allowed anywhere near my car, but he is a great painter. bras are coming very soon. Just have to box them.

    Then at Pinkstock, we can guess our bras!!

    Joyce...that stinks. Where you working in center city?

    Hey...I'm smarter than a fifth grader today!!! Got all of the questions. Very easy.

    Back to work...Love to all xoxo
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning all,

    Didnt take notes at all so bear with me.

    vickie-I guess on the next appointment I would ask about the vein just to see what they say.

    margaret-glad you enjoyed your lunch date. its nice to meet with other BC survivors.

    Anne-wishing you excellent results on the MRI and hope your treatment goes well, or at least as good as a treatment can.

    madison-hold on to your hat today or boobs or whatever might be loose. Its going to be a wild one today. Woke up at 5:00 to the wonderful siren blaring announcing bad weather. They are letting most schools out today by noon. I'm hoping for no tornandos and I know you are too but straight line winds can do lots of damage also. My parents are down in your area this morning. they are coming in from a cruise and New Orleans was their port.

    Sue-the magic carpet is up and moving today no problem. Good results is all we allow.

    Susan-great to see you checking in.

    jeannie-I know you are excited to have your sister moving out. Calls for a celebration I think.

    Nicki-enjoyed your rant this morning. Sometimes I feel the same way.

    Deb-wow yesterday was an excellent day for you for sure. I love those days. You deserved it!

    Shirley-hoping you get in today so that we can get an update. thinking of you and hoping Mazer behaved herself yesterday. She said she did but I wasnt sure I believed her.

    Karen-interesting info on the CTS. I know that has to help you feel better and it does make sense to me.

    Betty-congrats on the note taking. i didnt take notes today and my lack of brain cells is really evident. I remember bits and pieces and cant remember the name that goes with it.

    ok I am off to get some work done. i will be back and better take notes cause my memory ain't what it used to be.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy...where is everyone! I've got a bone density test today. Gonna see how well that Fosomax has worked for the last two years. Has anyone heard anymore from Sherl? Miss those 'shoot howdies'.

    How are you feeling today Miss Vickie?
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Alwayshope, it has been quiet today....we may need to stir things up a bit....I wonder if anyone left early for a 3 day weekend with Deb....

    I hope you get good results on the bone density test..

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one that could get on here today. I felt like I was talking to myself this morning.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2007
    Just checking in, CGs! I had my 11th taxol/herceptin today! Only one more and I am done! Then my onc said he will gve me a week off before starting herceptin alone every three weeks. My next big hurdle - rads! I have an appointment on 3/19 for CT scans and measuring.

    I am heading off for a benedryl nap, but just wanted to say good luck to everyone getting tests today or waiting for results.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Kristin, Hugs to you...have a good nap.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    congrats Kristin on the only needing 1 more. Enjoy your nap.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Way to go Kristin! Almost there!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good Afternoon cg's....I hope everyone is safe this afternoon there is some bad weather going on....everyone be careful.......Well it sounds like we have a graduate that is getting ready to happen....Kristen congrs...the hard part is almost over........I'm not sure but I think that DebC found Tracey's special "mushrooms"....I thought we were saving those for Pinkstock..........Nicki I'm not sure who is messing with you (chat girls?) but I think you are exactly right....this whole bc nonsense is nothing but a crap shoot......I don't think anyone can say which type of bc is worse they all suck and anyone of us can have reaccurances and/or mets or brand new primarys........whoever is messing with you Nicki tell them to shut the &*%$ up.......sorry girls....don't like people messing with the cg's........will check in later...everyone be careful driving home............

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Oh yea......Amy I guess you didn't hear all of us snickering over in the corner while you were "talking" to yourself...........just trying to keep you on your toes.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon girls. It's very windy here today. Had a tornado watch last night. That's the only thing about getting out of this nasty cold winter and going into Spring are the tornadoes. I'm not scared of a bad storm unlesss they say its a tornado and they scare me.

    Vickie, I knew after a night with all those sexy doctors that you'd be feeling pretty chipper today. Glad your better.

    Gus, your BS appt. is going to go just fine. It is hard though when you hear of so many having problems. I have my 6 mo onc check-up tomorrow afternoon and I'm really not worried about it. I guess I just can't imagine anything being wrong. Denial? Perhaps. But it works for me. BTW, I'd take the xanax so he doesn't smell liquor on your breath. lol

    Nicki, I agree with you. Cancer is a crap shoot and so is life. Don't let anyone bring you down. Cancer sucks, no matter what kind you have or what treatments you do. It really irks me when people talk about their (or your) Cancer being so much worse or better. Hey, it's all Cancer we just play with the cards we're dealt.

    Jeannie, glad your MRI is all over for you.

    Always, we've all been getting ready to come to your bone density test with you. Hope you see an improvement.

    Shirley, you should be home by now. Hope all is well with you and post when you feel like it. We're thinking of you.

    Thanks to all for asking about little Kevin. I haven't talked to my dd yet today. So he must be doing better or I'd know it. lol He was yesterday. I appreciate your asking.

    Hey to Betty, Holly, Madison, Margaret, MB, Anne, Theresa, Amy, and Kristen. Hope all of you are having a good day.

    Ginney, where are you? Are you with Carrie, Denise, Judy, Lini and the other girls we're missing? Or did you post somewhere and I didn't see it?

    NS, glad to see you posting. Surgery is soon so then it'll be over and you won't have to worry anymore about it.

    Let me tell you all just how sweet Susan is. Our weather was bad last night. Bad thunderstorms and tornado warnings. She knew my dh had left on the road & I was out here alone. She called to check on me. Unfortunately, I missed that call but I did finally listen to her message. I just thought that was awfully nice of her to even think of me. She's a good cookie.

    Well. I just don't know quite what to think. My dd was instant messaging me while I was writing this post. I told her I had a coule of rx's that i needed her to pick up from the pharmacy. Hmm. She typed back that I was just going to have to do it myself. I couldn't expect everyone to do things for me and my ankle might hurt but there were other people out there with alot more pain than me! Then jumped off line. Me thinks she's forgotten all the many, many times I've babysat when I really didn't feel like it. And all the financial help! Or maybe she's just having a bad day but she usually doesn't get that curt with me. We are close but I am still her Mother. GRRR

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good news--My friend, Jan's surgery went well yesterday. Her sentinel node was negative!! Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers.

    I don't know about all the rest of you who lost their hair from chemo, but I don't seem to want to let mine grow out again. I had long hair before bc. I absolutely hated short hair on me, and would not let it be cut any shorter than chin length. Usually I kept it shoulder length. Well, I went for a cut today, and it's still short, pixie length. I can't believe I've changed this much. Last night I ran into to women whom I haven't seen for quite a while. They didn't even recognize me at first. It's really amazing. I LIKE my hair short. The world is a strange place.

    Denise, I hope you're feeling better. I had a cold all of January. My doc finally put me on an antibiotic. I'm better now, but my dh has it.

    Colleen--Tim's a real stinker. You deserve better. Whenever I tell my own dh about some jerk doing what Tim did to you, he just can't understand it. I got a keeper. Someday you'll find one, too.

    The weather seems to be just terrible everywhere today. Be careful everyone. Prayers and good thoughts to all who are having tests, surgeries, appts, or are under the weather.

    It's March!! Spring is just around the corner. Can't wait for the first flowers to bloom.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Here's an early start to spring for everyone:

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    hey girls. I'm home. Got here about 30 minutes ago. All is well. My back hurts from the thing they call a bed. My tummy hurts like the dickens. Doc said my gallbladder was Nasty. So guess I'm glad it's not there anymore. He's got pics waiting for me when I go for follow up next week. Yehaw I love those surgery pics. Got a nice little collection going. Our promised snow for the weekend showed up Tuesday night. Didn't stop till about 9 Wednesday morning so I'm told. Apparently mine was the last surgery for the day cause as they were starting on me the electricity started to flicker and the hospital had some kind of problem with their generator the night before. So they cancelled everyone else for the day. I'm so glad they had already started mine. Now it's done and everyone says I'll feel soooo much better once the surgery pain is gone. Have to say this is the first time in over a year that I am not nauseous. That in itself is reason to celebrate.
    Mazer and Distorted Humor were so well behaved. Not a peep out of them. And no begging for treats. Guess they realized they were in an Adventist Hospital. No treats available. There was plenty of snow in the parking lot so I'm sure you all had a nice soft landing for the magic carpet.
    Nicki, I was sooooo happy to see you in the OR. Me and you were the only girls present.
    Going back to the couch. I'll catch up with you all later.
    Love you bunches, thanks so much for being there with me.
    How is Jeannie?
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for your support girls-I knew you would understand. Now that I have had time to think about it I am mad. They want to bring me back as a temp no benifits for 1 to 3 months. Then if my performance was good and they said going by my record it would be they would probably hire me full time because they would have an openning. I think they just want to see if I get sick again before they take a chance on me.Don't you think I'm right?
    Anne-you are right another door will open
    Kristen-WooHoo,your almost done.
    Karen-Thank you again you are so sweet
    Cheri-I am so glad your gs Kevin is doing better
    Vicky-I hope your are feeling better
    Theresa-Yes,I worked in Center City. Where are you at? I think we are neighbors
    Shirley-How did your surgery go?
    Madison-We have Best Buy and Walmart near us
    My thoughts are with everyone even if I didn't mention you by name

    Tomorrow I am having my 2nd reconstruction surgery. I will probably be out of it till Saturday so I will check in then.
    Kevin's drains came out today-yeah! He is having some nerve problems w/h his arms. He had a spine fusion 2 years ago C-1 to C-5. I am concerned so I want his orthopedic specialists to look at him to be sure.We are going there Monday.Someone get me off this merry go round I feel dizzy!!!
    Thanks for letting me whine,I feel better now.
