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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Joyce, good luck with surgery tomorrow. I'm sure it'll go fine. So glad Kevin gets his drains out. You have such a full plate, you are in my prayers.

    Shirley, hey I hear you'll feel so much better after the pain is gone. Duh. That does kinda stand to reason doesn't it? Get Well Soon.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Well Shoot Howdy, Shirley is back. This place hasnt been the same. All I can say is that they must have given you some serious drugs because mazer and distorted humor was nothing but quiet. Mazer has learned to make her donkey noise and Distorted Humor thinks she is so cute when she does it so that just makes her do it more. They snuck in plenty of snacks because they heard they wouldnt get any at the hospital. Those two are something else. Glad you are back though and hoping for a speedy recovery.

    Cheri-good thing there was snow on the ground when we went for that landing at Shirleys hospital. I'm not sure if you heard me over the laughing between us but we almost lost a few on that last loop de loop. I looked back and all I saw was the whites of everyones eyes. Oh well, gotta live a little ya know?!? Right?

    Joy-you have so much going on. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow and we will all be there. Glad to hear that Kevin got his drains out,,those really suck.

    Laura-thats great news about your friend. The center of our circle is powerful.

    Everybody brace for the bad weather today. Its a doozy out there.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Amy, now you can't tell me you girls didn't enjoy that landing. Or can you? I thought all that screaming I was hearing along the trip were squeals of glee. How was I to know ya all didn't like roller coasters? Hmmm. Is that why everyone wore those funny looking suits? Well we made it and that's what counts.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    Shirley--I'm so glad to hear you are home---and how sweet to even think of me! You're right---once the gall bladder is gone you start to feel better instantly (well, except for that belly full of air they leave you with!).

    No results today but that's a pretty optimiistic turnaround time. I can tell you one thing---the entire center of my recon boob is technicolor---right up to the scar line and no further. I won't be going anywhere tomorrow---just sitting and looking at the phone. Since we're due for a big time ice storm tonight I wouldn't be going anywhere anyway. Just hope we keep our power. If I disappear, you know the lights went out and the computer isn't on the generator line.

    Helped sis move into her apartment today. Furniture looks good---I have many inexpensive ideas for curtains, headboard, pretty touches. I just knew all of that HGTV watching would pay off one day---just wish it wasn't for this.

    BIL is coming over for dinner Monday---that will surely be a 12 xanax nite. I'd serve our lollipops for dessert but he's a diabetic. Do we have sugarless ones?

    The emotional load this week has been pretty overwhelming and I am pooped so 'nite all. Will let you all know when I get the path report.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Oh cheri I am not complaining at all. I was right up front with you laughing the whole way and then I realized the look on some of the other women. Oops! Maybe we were a bit wild on some of the loops but we were all safe and sound when we got there so it couldnt have been too bad.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007

    OMG---where is Amy in Alabama? I see she posted at 5:24 server time (wherever that is). Hope she is OK---check in Amy!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Amy, OMG...I just saw the news reports...Those children at the school...praying really hard for the families.

    Okay-I see that you are safe and sound.

    My military daughter just called from her base in Georgia...she said that tornado's were spotted in her area..

    Our watch ends in 30 minutes...

    This storm is horrible...please be careful everyone
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Okkkkkaaaayyyyy Ladies...I think I am over the flu!!! Whew...what a go round that was and now I'm ready for the magic carpet ride to Debs house tomorrow night for our weekend party!
    Jeannie...oh my...that sounds so very sore. Hope you heal guickly and all results are good ones! Thinking of you. glad your home and hope all is well. I was beginning to think I'd need a hospital stay myself and I was going to request a room with you...just think of the trouble we could have gotten into.

    Cheri...thanks for the magic carpet ride...sounds like that grandson might actually come around! How could he not...your just the best.

    Joy...good luck tomorrow...we will have the magic carpet ready for you and we will all be there. Hoping that Kevin gets back on track and soon...have a surprise planned for him.

    CY...oh a surprise for Nathaniel! You are too sweet...he loves surprises and since I call you all my "sisters" he thinks he has more aunts than anyone he knows!

    Alwayshope...oh thank you for that beautiful sign of spring...just what we need right now. They are predicting an ice storm here tonight from 7pm till sometime in the morning...great. I would love another snow day but have to much work to do to take off and don't want to waste my vacation time if I don't have to.

    Laura...I'm with you on the hair. Partly because my hair has always been really long and I like this short style and partly because I'm afraid to grow it out long again and have something go wrong and lose it all...more than I think I can handle. I did get it trimmed so it is a bit more manageable and that was nice.

    Madison...oh the docs were great...took good care of me! Crocheting like crazy here! you are almost there...good for you!!! We will have to have a party when your done.

    Amy...I talk to myself all the time...I seem to be the only one at home and work who knows what's going on LOL!

    Nicki...thanks for your info...I was a bit freaked out. I called my oncologist and he said basically the same thing...not to worry unless it turns red, hurts or gets swollen which he said is highly unlikely. He said that the after effects of chemo can cause it?!?!?! Not a side effect I've heard of before but I know that they don't tell you everything...he is going to double check it on the 8th which is my next appointment unless it should get worse before then. I swear I've checked it a hundred times today and sometimes it's barely there and sometimes it's really prominent. Always something...turning into a hypocondriac...

    Ok gotta go relax for a bit and crochet...
    Sorry to everyone I missed I love ya all and i'll try to check back in in a bit.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    OH MY...please all in the path of these tornados...please be careful! Let us know if your ok ASAP. Take cover Madison!
    I'm whining about the ice storm but tornados are so very much worth...what happened at the school? Need to turn on the news!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    I think I may have finally figured out the avatar! Did it work?
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    This weather is so Bizarre. I left the house with lite freezing rain this am. 15 Miles down the road I had to pull over cuz it was pouring "freezing rain." Then it just rained. Then a bit of snow. And now I just heard a Huge crack of Thunder. Gotta love Michigan!

    All you girls in the tornadoes path...I'm worried. Let us know that everyone is all right. Amy, are you near the school that was hit? Madison, you're in the path also aren't you?
    Jeannie: I'm glad your Biopsy and MRI are over. Your Boob sounds a bit colorful (not to mention Painful.) Praying with you for the good results.
    Shirley: You did it! I'm glad all went well and you are back home recouping. I had mine out in 91. Haven't missed it a Bit!
    Anne: Wow, that was an early appointment! Hey, atleast you don't have to wait all day and get a case of the nerves going! I hope they find the cause of that double vision soon.
    Vickie: Glad you're feeling better. This bug is a yukky one, forsure. I'm glad you called your Onc about the veins. Better safe than sorry. I know what you mean about being a Hypocondriac! I took a shower last night and when I got out I noticed the veins in My left arm were the Brightest Blue I have ever seen. Looked like someone injected tourqose in me. I'm sure it was because of the Hot Shower and I know Hot water will make veins stand out. But, total freak out first!!
    Kristen: YEAAAAA, one more treatment! Congrats!

    Okay, you all know my phobia about losing posts, so I'll be right back!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Cheri: I'm here, not in hiding!! Glad little Kevin is doing better. Sounds like your Daughter got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!! Just call whoever has the keys to the Magic Carpet and we'll go get your Meds!!

    Laura: I'm so glad that your Friend, Jan's surgery went well. Give her my thoughts and prayers.

    Joyce: I'm so glad that Kevin finally got that Drain Out. What a rough ride for him. (and you) Now you're saying that you are having Reconstruction Surgery tomorrow? My God Girl, We are gonna have to send you one big "Chill Pill!" I do hope you have help.
    Alwayshope: Let me know about your Bone Density. I quit taking Fosamax in Sept. They want me to start it back up and have another Bone Density. Can you believe My Insurance only pays for ONE Bone Density in a LIFETIME. Hello....can you say ignorance. I just haven't felt like getting them on the phone and arguing with them.

    Karen: Interesting conversation you had with AZ about CTS. I was Dx'd with Tendenitis (miss spelled) after I started Femara. I think we should be the ones to outline the SE's that come with these drugs and send them to the FDA. I'm looking into some of the not so common SE'S that so many of us have had.
    If I've missed anyone, please know that I am thinking of you!
    Sweet Dreams,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I think it worked! As you have surely noticed..I don't have an avatar, cuz I haven't figured it out yet. I love angels, actually collect them. I have a 5"x7" which I think is the same picture as your avatar. It was given to me shortly after losing my Son with a very vivid story. Fact or Fiction, who knows? But a lovely pic none the less!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    I don't know the story behind the picture but I love angels also. Found this pic. on the web when I was looking for something small enough to use and really liked it. I wish I could explain to you how I did it but I'm not really sure! I've always been a semi-idiot when it comes to computers.
    Anyway I wanted to find an angel because since BC I have had so many people "angels" touch my life with their kindness.
    Now I need to figure out how to post pictures. LOL
  • Shelley511
    Shelley511 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2007
    Hi Joyce. I agree with you. I don't think you should have to pay your dues twice. And I do think they want to see about your recovery. That's so mean! I can't believe you gave them so much of your life, hard work and dedication and this is what you get. Shame on them.
    I hope your surgery goes well tomorrow. Please keep us posted. This is all you have to do, right?
    Glad to hear that Kevin is drain-free. That poor kid. Please let him know that we are all thinking of him.
    Joyce - we'll be thinking of you tomorrow and do wish you a very speedy recovery. I'd love to see you when you're feeling better. Send my regards to Wendy. Hope to hear from you soon. Hugs,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    They said I would get the results next week sometime. Its been over 2 years since I had my first bone density. At that time I was diagnosed with osteopenia in my lower back and osteoporosis in my hips. If the fosomax hasn't shown improvement then I may consider stopping it as well. It sure seems like if you already have a diagonosis of osteoporosis which I assume you have since you were taking fosomax that the insurance company lifetime limit of one would not apply.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good evening ladies!!
    not much new here just working and lots of playing with our new puppy.... wow he is very enegetic... lol ladies you sure came up with alot of good names... he is still not named but i am leaning to chewy!!!chewy cause he looks like the chewbacca character on star and because he likes his chew toys!!!

    hey peanuts girls thats great news about your friend!

    jas those flowers are absolutely geogeous!!!

    sherloc hope your feeling better soon.... extra hugsss for you!

    joyce hope all goes well with your surgery .. i will be thinking of you!

    wow what a bad storm hitting the east .... hoping all you ladies are safe!

    boo love your avitar.... do we have another picture poster addict?

    all the ladies who i missed. ns, nikki, sue, denise, cheryl,vickie, deb, hugs to all i missed...
    jas good luck on your test results.... i am thinking of you too!!

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    jas, I love those flowers! But I have to tell you- I think about you every day! My "night blooming jasmine" bush that I brought in for the winter has so many fragrant blooms on it that every time I smell it now I think of you!

    Jeannie and Shirley- from what I can see you are both ok??? I hope so!

    I have 156 posts to still read in this thread!

    But I wanted to give you all an update and to tell you something that I did that was inspired by our dear Deb.

    I met with the PS and the BS today and everything is all set. They have nixed the immediate implants- too much rad damage from the first time so I will have expanders. BUT I have got them almost convinced to spring me by THE NEXT DAY!

    I asked the PS how long before I can drive? and he said- WELL I usually tell my patients they can drive when they stop the narcotic pain meds. SO I said! Oh! So i can drive myself home from the hospital since I can't take any!! LOL! He said the hospital wouldn't let me - but he looked at me like I am a nut case.

    Everyone is telling me I will need chemo again. So you know what I did? This is the part where Deb comes in.

    I made an appointment and got a FULL head of highlights! It cost a FORTUNE! But I wanted to look really good for this operation for some reason. The receptionist at this place is really snippy. She said "Do you want to make another appointment?" I said uuuh- no. And she was all pissy about it and said WHY NOT?? And I told her I may not have hair in May!
    She looked at me in shock. I told her I have cancer and will probably be in chemo then. SO she ACTUALLY SAID " Then WHY did you have your hair done now if you are going to lose it?"

    And here is the Deb part-

    I looked at her and said " Because I am beautiful, dammit" and walked out.


    I am still stocking up and getting things ready. Even bought myself a microwave! I am finally catching up to the 20th century eh??

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    NS, that's what I did too. The microwave part. I stocked up on stouffer's frozen dinners. The good ones not those cheap little one dish thingies.

    You might also want to make sure you have a case of gingerale stocked just in case you have some post surgery nausea once you get home.

    Get plastic plates, dinnerware, etc. so you can just toss the dishes away instead of worrying about loading them in the dishwasher or having them sit in the sink or on counters.

    Have a scarf handy for the drains for when you want to shower, just tie the scarf around your neck and pin the drains to them.

    Have everything you might need afterwards out of cabinets and at arms reach level so you won't have to strain to get something down.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    NS, you didn't own a Microwave? How have you been living? You use real PANS to heat things? How do you make popcorn? Melt cheese? Oh my poor Sparky! You know, I just knew those Roy Rogers cabinet door handles were gonna be trouble. They made you feel like you were living in that era didn't they? Yep, I was afraid of that. Betcha got nice hair, though.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007

    NS- I LOVE that song and more than that I love your attitude. I often wish I would have gone Platinum Blonde, before I lost my hair. It would have been "fun" to see how I look with that color and not have to live with it for very long. You are awesome!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Evening all, I'm checking the perimeter and seeing how everyone is doing.

    Boo/Sue, your avatar worked.

    Amy, hope you're ok and out of the line of fire of the tornados.

    Denise, want me to send you the directions for your avatar or did I already?

    G, good for you for telling the receptionist that. I can't believe what an insensitive clod she was. No microwave????

    Cheri, I'm getting kind of used to the loop de loops. Just remind me not to eat first and I think I'll be ok. Are you driving us next week for G's surgery? I took the day off so I'll be ready.

    I'm tired so I'll catch up with everyone later.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    Hi computer is still at the repair place.. I only have a moment every once in a while to get online, so I don't have time to read all the posts or write much.
    I just wanted to say welcome home to sherloc..glad you had that wretched gall bladder out!!!
    My mammo went well today. The PA in the oncologists said she had felt something in my remaining breast, but the radiologist cannot see any changes at all. Sooo the jury is still out, but ..................
    I do feel better.

    Glad to see the afghans are coming along..I have some more squares to mail..

    I hope to be back sooner rather than later, but with computer repairmen, who knows..

    Hugs, Lisa
  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2007
    Hi CG's...hope all is going as well as possible for all of you...there's no way I'm going to catch up with everyone all at once, but I'm glad to see that NS just got a microwave?

    G, and all this time I thought my bc came from mine hahahah...I'm happy to see you looking beautiful and ready for surgery. (These were among my first questions...). When is the day? And where?

    Oh, and I do believe I'm the only chemo patient on Gemzar who has lost her hair! Geez, I've never won anything in my life, but here I am that damn 1% listed under "rare side effects"'s a nasty job, but somebody's got to do it; onc said something about testing my thyroid. Anyone hear of this?

    AND DEBC: I brought my mail in today after about 4 days and WOW! Aren't you quite the crafty, creative multitasker of the Circle! I was on my way to chemo when I opened my package. How awesome! What a selfless, thoughtful, generous thing to do. And how happy you made me. I didn't even know who the package was from...(like, duh, who do I know in Alaska named Deb?) I was just thrilled to be opening something hand addressed, oddly shaped and obviously not a bill! Thank you for starting my day off on a wonderful note, and for making me feel stronger and smilier on my way to chemo. I will cherish (and wear) my buttons and have my CD in the car always.

    OK, I have to go read up on Pinkstock...have no idea what it is...but it sounds cool...

    I have been hiding out in the fruitcake tent daily and the hoochie tent at nights. Someone has to keep Cheri company...well, chaperone her is more like it...

    How are Carrie and Denise? Puppy? LauraB? Liz? MB's husband? So many...I better get my act together...

    Prayers to all of you undergoing chemo/rads/surgery/recurs/mets/and every other sucky thing life throws atcha...Mena...xo
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Meeeennnaaa Glad to see you! Check out pinkstock and let us know what you think. I am on the fench, because I'll probablhy be going alone and only for a 4 day trip.
    Hope you are well. You are missed. Check in w/ sunsanmcm, if you have not she was asking about you.
    Hugs!! to all!!
    Wondering about Susan and Cheri and the T-storms and tornados that blew there way. Everyone OK? Somehow they turn at I-70 and usually miss metro StL.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,
    just checking in. don't have time to read everything. we had no tornado problems.

    Christine, you are welcome to go with us. It would just mean it's would be a longer trip. We would probably leave on wednesday or so.

    Cheri or Liz if you want a ride to pinkstock let me know. I'm excited.

    Hi Mena, good to seeyou

    Lisa, hope your computer is fixed soon. I hate it when my computer breaks.

    Great advice, AlwaysHope. I haven't had a mastectomy but I bet you definitely don't want to reach for things.

    NS, I bet they are gonna be talking about you at your hospital for a long time.

    Jeannie, praying for your results. Shirley, hope you are recovering quickly.

    i'm going to bed. love you all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Hi ya girls. Christine, I just talked to Susan a few hours ago and she made it through the storms alright too. How come all that yucky stuff we get, you miss? But at least we don't have to worry about you as much.

    Mena. It's so good to talk to you and see a real post from you! Keep coming back. BTW, I think that may be the other way around in the Hooch tent. I don't know how many times I've had to tell you to get off those 3-legged tables when your dancing! You're gonna fall & hurt yourself...not that you would feel it. HAHAHAHA

    I hate it that I'm gonna miss all the early Cyber party posting. But only in the afternoon. I have my onc checkup tomorrow. I dread getting out of the house doing all that walking using a walker. But things could be so much worse so I'll try & not complain too much.

    Oh and my daughter had her husband pick up my meds today. She can be such a little snot, but at least I did get them.

    I'll be back to walk the perimeter once more before I have to make myself go to bed. Sleeping is such a waste of time to me. I love the night life...I like to boogie.(old song)

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Hope all in the path of this bad weather are safe and sound. my prayers are with you all.

    NS my hubby said he thought it was awesome that you went and got your hair done! Just what I did too! You're a beautiful woman and you deserve to treat yourself! That witch at the salon was a big clod!

    Shirley, you should have the package tomorrow! Don't forget to chek to PO Box!

    Ladies the bras can just go in an envelop for shipping so it's real easy and if you send it priority mail it's just over $4 less if you send reg mail

    Cheri, I use one of my nicknames as there are two Cheryl's in the weagon circle and well my other nicknames, Cher and Cat are kinda taken too! So Cy it is!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    Hey Mena we missed you girl, thought we were going to have to send out the search dogs!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    Well I've made the rounds, slounds like everyone is sleeping so they can be wide awake fore the party at Alaska Debs tomorrow night. I will be late since I have to have dinner with the family before I can party. So ya all take care and I'll see ya then