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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Its already friday morning!!! Well I survived thursday - unless I thought about the date (double mastectomy was 3/1/06), I didn't even think about one year ago. I can't believe how stressed I was at the one year from diagnosis and this was just another day!!! Maybe I am moving on.
    I see the hand doc again tomorrow. Hand is still swollen and sore. Don't know if this is normal 4 weeks post CT surgery. I have been wearing the brace during the day and to sleep. It seems that weather changes makes my knees and hands more sore.
    Thank you everyone on your feedback about calling Astra Zeneca. I can't believe how empowering it was for me. Silvergirl - I will send you a PM with the number. I called the Cancer support network #.
    Gus - all the best at BS appt friday.
    Nicki - how was visit with PCP? How mean of that gal to tell you that - since when did BC become a competition!!!
    MB - jury duty - I've been summoned only 3 or 4 times in all the years that i have been eligible to vote, but never had to serve - the last time I didn't even have to go - when I checked the night before, my number wasn't one of the people who had to report.
    Alwasy hope- hope all is well with bone density. I had my first in August - will have them annually.
    Kristin - its almost time to celebrate. Maybe we can have a cyber party for you. Hey - Vickie - can you plan one?
    Cheri - sorry dd was so "pi**y" to you today - but glad to read later that she did get your Rx for you.
    Laura - My hair was long before BC, but now is only about 2" (but thick and full) 8 months after chemo. I am not ready to cut it - haven't really decided what I want to do, but who says I have too!! Enjoy your cute doo!!!
    Shirley - thanks for the update. Rest and take care of yourself.
    Joyce - thoughts will be with you tomorrow at #2 recon. What type recon did you do? MY stage 2 is in 3 weeks (get implants and get rid of these darn expanders). Glad to hear Kevin got his drains out.
    Vickie - glad you are on the mend. Those cute docs sure must of helped.
    Denise - I plan to call the companies that make the other 2 AI's before I switch from Arimidex to one of them (or should I say if I switch). Today has been a really sore knee and hand day.
    NS - you go girl!!! YOu are so beautiful!!! I just love what you said the the gal at the hair place. Enjoy your highlights. No microwave till now!!! I mostly use mine to heat up/reheat and defrost. Don't really do any cooking in it, but could not imagine not having it. Glad you could treat yourself. Your deserve it.
    Nicki - I know your birthday is coming up. Any special plans? Birthdays are so special, even more so now. I hope your day will be everything you want it to be.

    A little update on my dad. I spoke with the PT at the rehab place. He is making progress, but nowhere near ready to walk (and don't know if he will walk). She is working on core strength with him. It is nerve damage but they don't know if it is permenant. Nicki gave me some wonderful questions to ask and I also passed them on to mom. PT suggested that dad have an MRI and/or nerve conduction test. Shared this info with mom as well as telling her to get his records from doc who did surgery and hospital, plus to ask for a 2nd opinion with a neurologist/neurosurgeon. Mom seems to be handling things better this week. dad has an doctor appt next tuesday, but I'm not sure who the doc is, couldn't tell in mom's message. Ive been playing phone tag with the SW at the rehab. When I called yesterday, my folks were just going into her office. Now I need to call surgeons office. Thanks everyone for listening. It is scary knowing that this back surgery could now be so life altering. Will keep you posted.
    Good luck to everyone having procedures on friday. Well wishes to everyone else. Hope all the sisters are safe and out of harms way with the crazy weather. sleep tight and feel good.
    Karen in denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Well girls I have once again stayed up way past what I should. I won't have any time in the morning for the boards. I walked the perimeter and everyone is safely tucked in, hope you're all sleeping.

    BTW, I just sent Mena directions on how to post pics. lol Ya think I became the Picture Monster I can just well imagine what she'll come up with! But won't it be fun! TeeHee

    Jan, where are you? Either I missed your post or you haven't posted in a couple of days. You know tomorrow night is the big party at Debs, you gotta be there.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    HI girls,
    I am waiting for my ride on the carpet today. Wish me luck!
    Cheri-Can you send me the directions to post pictures.

    I hope everyone is safe from the storms.

    Take Care,
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Started reading and making notes about 4:00 am, when the steroids won the battle with the Lunesta. But I can start with good news. Got an unofficial read on the MRI from the clinical trials nurse and she said that everything was just fine. So the good news is no new tumor or mets or something like that; the minor bad news is I will probably be dealing with the vision issues for at least 3 more weeks til I finish the Taxol. But I think I can handle that.

    Kristin – Oh Boy, one more. You must be excited. I’m down to 2 more, and have to make my appointment with the rads onc. Wish they’d let me skip the CT; the stuff you drink makes me so sick, but we’ll see I guess.

    Shokk – I think everyone had wild weather yesterday. We got a touch of freezing ran, which changed to about an inch of snow in and hour. Then it started raining – really pouring from about 10 am to the time I went to bed. Glad all that wasn’t snow, too! Today looks better because we sent all that yuckiness to Canada.

    Laura – Good news for your friend! I too had long hair, and now wear it really short (well, I did before chemo. Now it’s really, really short!) . I just realized how much easier it is to take care of short. Can’t say it’s the most flattering style there ever was, but I’ve never had any fashion sense at all, so easy works.

    Always Hope – beautiful picture. I think I have a new desktop photo! Thank you!

    Shirley – so glad you’re home from your surgery. Sending gentle hugs and hopes for quick healing!

    Joyce – Good luck with today’s surgery. Hey, everybody – is the carpet going to Phillie? So happy for Kevin, too. That is such a terrific step, you just feel so much better. But now more troubles? Sending healing hugs to both of you…

    Amy – will you ride roller coasters with me? I love ‘em but know very few who haven’t outgrown them.

    Jeannie – bet there are mixed feelings with your sister in her own place. Musta been fun to spend time together, but nice to get back to normal too. When you’re done decorating at her house, wanna come give me some ideas for mine? I watch Design on a Dime sometimes, but they still have more dimes than I do. And as I said earlier – I was definitely born with out the fashion gene.

    Madison – Glad your daughter was just able to look at the tornados. We lived in Tornado Alley in Alabama for 3 years. I was always watching the sky.

    Vickie – So happy you are feeling better!

    Sue – I like the new avatar. I had trouble getting mine to change last time, and am afraid to fool with it…

    Denise – We did have the whole gamut of weather choices here in Michigan yesterday, didn’t we? I was happy to send it on to Canada.

    Cheri – Maybe there’s something else going on with DD? That sounded kinda out of character for her from what you’ve said. As an alternative, some pharmacies will deliver; could that be an option?

    G – That was PERFECT! She had no business asking such a tacky question. I’d have never thought up such a snappy answer in time to use it. I love it!!

    Lisa – Glad you found a computer to join us for a little. Happy about your mamo being done. Crossing fingers about the results.

    Karen – glad you got through that anniversary. I’m getting to the point where mine will start. Hope I handle them as well as you.

    Time to hit the shower and start getting ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day. I’m sure I’ll be checking in on the work computer, and I’ll probably see all y’all at the party at Deb’s.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning sweet sister,
    Raining here...not sure what the temp is so it could be a tricky ride to work...I NEED SPRING!
    NS...oh so good to see you! What a snotty little b*tch at the hair salon..oh...wish I were there with you, hormone deprived post flu girl could have really put her in her place! Love ya and keeping you in my prayers.
    Mena...well it's about time, Cheri really needs a chaperone...whatever you do, don't let her near any blue drinks!
    Cheri...are we heading out early for the party (shhh...don't tell anyone what time cuz we are gonna be first)...we'll pick up Mena on the way but no pushing and shoving, don't want either one of you to fall off the magic carpet...and YES I have a GPS so no way are we gonna get lost. good to hear from you and Happy Anniversary! It will get better and better.
    Joyce...on our way with the magic carpet...we will all be with you today, holding your hand.
    Hugs to everyone I missed...gotta get ready for work and see what the rain is doing....hopefully its just wet and not frozen!
    Love you all and I'll be back
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    popping back in quick
    Tristin...oh yes...we will most certainly have party for you! Great idea. happy you had good scans!
    Deb...I read and read your post yesterday and felt like I was there. It was beautiful and I kept the "sieze the day" in my mind all day. You are so sweet, kind and wonderful.
    Tweaking Nicki's toes...I know your up missy! Will this wierd vein in my arm go away eventually...should I be doing anything? It's just a bit stressful. Blood clots scare the bejeezes out of me but the nurse at work told me if I had a blood clot I would definetely know it was there as it would swell, hurt and get red and that usually happens more in the leg.
    aauugghh...sick of stress.
    My sister is checking in on baby Derrick today and I am calling DSS to make sure they are checking on him also.
    Love ya all and so sorry to all I missed.
    Vickie's just rain...yipppee!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Yes, sleepy head has arrived for her early morning howdies. I almost did it again. Woke up at 4:30 and thought it was 5:30AM. But I was smarter today, I got up and went to the bathroom and looked closer at my watch. So I went back to bed and fell asleep. The only problem with that, is now I feel more tired. Waiting for my coffee - definitely need a caffeine kick today.

    Did I mention I hate Winter? I hate Winter. Yesterday it rained, flood warnings - today we have snow again. That means Im gonna be driving about in it. Whats that saying about March? Comes in like a Lion? Well its sure roaring its head here in the Chicago end of the circle.

    I havent even begun to read everyones posts yet. But Im concerned about our friends who live in Louisiana, Alabama. Heard you all had some pretty rough weather with tornadoes touching down. Hope all of you and your loved ones are safe.

    Vickie: I know you were tweeking my toes. Didnt you not hear me saying "leaveme alone" in my sleep? Must have been having one really good dream. Im glad the flu is over. Sure sounds yucky. Happier that the onc reassured you about that vein. Sometimes they go away, sometimes they dont. I hope you in the go away side.

    Madison: Glad you and your daughters are ok. That was some weather yesterday. I have real fears about tornados. Macon Gerogia? Now I can actually say I have been there. 32 years ago when I first met my husband we drove to Georgia and slept overnight in Macon!

    Laura: I think a pixie is really cute. Im trying to let my hair grow a little longer. And Im in that in between stage where is looks just goofy. I want to get it to the point where is covers my ears. We will see how patient I can be with this.

    Sherloc: So glad your home from surgery. You sound great. And with all those males - well hey, I was awake and when they were done with surgery I gave them a little goose. Funny cause they didnt know where it came from. Couldnt see me.

    Joyce: Sounds to me like you have a situation when this company is discriminating against you cause of the bc. No thats a big no no. And to actually admit they want to see your attendence in the next 3 months. This whole thing is related to bc and I think its against the law according to the disability act! But is that a battle you even want? Good luck with your surgery today. Distorted Humor and I are starting to fancy all the people we are meeting. Hope there are some good looking docs for me to goose.

    Amy: My ranting is over. Yes, I was in a rare mood yesterday morning. Now Im back to normal. Im laughing at Mazer making her donkey noise and Distorted Humor is smiling so wide you can see his teeth.

    Jeannie: Glad your sis finialy is in her new apartment. I have some cherry flavored sugarless xanax lollipops.

    Denise: Michigan weather - Chicago weather. We certainly havent had the best winter. Snow again this morning. I dont have an avatar either. Too computer illiterate.

    Shelley511: Hi, hello, how are ya.

    Boo/Sue: I love your new avatar and Im jealous.

    Tracey: Chewy is a great name for your puppy. I just love it.

    NS: Oh I bet your hair looks beautiful. Highlights? Im thinking about getting them myself. Hoping you have that oncotype test done before chemo. And yes I do love it. "Im beautiful dammit."

    MargaretB: How is your diet going. I saw my PCP yesterday and Im the only person that is "dieting" and "exercising" who would gain 5 pounds in 1 month. Yep, I gain 5 pounds from my last visit with my PCP. Im so disgusted with myself.

    Lisa: Hoping you get your computer fixed real soon.

    Mena: It was so good to hear from you. One of the signs of Hypothyroidism is hair loss, fatigue, no energy, wt. gain. Pretty hard to determine whats going on since chemo does the same thing. Just sending you a big hug.

    Anne: I finially understand what decommissioned means. I watched the movie "Flags of Our Fathers" last night and it surely gave me a bigger picture of what battleships are thats for sure. Pretty darn good movie too. Taxol is hard. I thought it was much harder than A/C - so Im glad your almost finished with it. And cheers for the MRI being good.

    Kristin: One more chemo? Yeehaw. Man it seems like only yesterday when we were talking about you just starting.

    I had a great visit with my PCP yesterday. Once again his focus in on my heart, cholesterol, and depression. That always makes me feel good - like I am really moving on. I never did complain to him about his office staff. I just like the guy too much. All talk, no action. But I did get an RX with all of my meds with 5 refills. So Im happy.

    Heres my story for the day, not bc related, but sorta funny. I think you all know my younger brother has bad schizophrenia and is living at a nursing home. Well thats the same home I do consulting for. So when I went there the other day, I walked in, and there was a Dietician I have known for along time. She was really happy to see me and said, can I pick your brain for a moment. She said what would you do with a patient who keeps gaining wt, is diabetic and just bought 6 cans of pop with sugar in it? I looked at her and said, well - patients have rights and you cant take the pop away. You need to educate. Then I looked at her in a joking way and said, yeah - its probabably my brother. And guess what? IT was. 135 patients and he was the guilty one. Of course I ran after him and grabbed the pop and said you turn that in right now for sugarfree. He says, why, my insulin will take care of it. I could feel my blood boil - just looked at him again and said, well your one disappointment today. He went and exchanged the pop for sugarless. On my way home, I thought about it - and I thought who am I to tell him what to do. Geez, I had cancer and I still smoke. Guess life is all about choices.

    Anyways, gotta go. Have a great day. See ya this evening for the big party at Debs


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All,

    Good Morning Nicki, I was worried when I didn't see you awake this morning.

    Vickie, I was crocheting in my sleep and think I have a yarn mark on my face (lol). Take care of your arm. I'll have an afghan finished this weekend.

    Anne, steroids usually win the battle. They always kept me awake.

    Joyce, we are coming.

    Louisiana didn't have any tornados. I spoke to DD in Alabama-she was okay. They closed the Vet Hospital at 2:30 p.m. yesterday.

    The DD in Georgia was about 2 blocks from where the tornado hit in Macon....she is okay, just amazed at what Mother Nature can do.

    I hope Amy is okay.

    Please swing by here with the magic carpet....

    Have good morning EVERYONE...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Okay, my new goal for the month is to beat Nicki in making the first post of the day! Just kidding. You gals sure are perky so early in the morning.

    Nicki, I'm one of those who is dieting and exercising and still gaining weight. So, last week I called my primary care clinic to request the thyroid function test. I thought easy peasy lemon squeasy, just let them draw some blood and see what I get but they made me see the doc. I felt so stupid. And to make it worse, when I told him why I wanted the test (NO, I didn't tell him I ate a whole tub of ice cream, do I look stupid to you???!) he told me that if the tests come back normal that he will start me on a physician assisted diet plan. STUPID Thyroid...came back normal and now I'm on a physician assisted diet plan.

    So, now I'm doing my food diary for the week. Moral of the story, find a testing site over the internet next time!
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning, ladies--finally feeling more human today now that I caught up on some sleep. The BC conference was fantastic---being around so many sisters...people who have experienced the same things I have...well it was an amazing feeling. I didn't feel alone for a change. It was intensely emotional, funny, heartbreaking and inspirational. The author of SPinning straw into gold is my new hero...I want to grow up and be like her. SHe gave her speeches 'off the cuff' based on questions thrown at her and she would take the question and answer it in such a clear way that everyone could relate to and she did it with a wealth of humor and empathy. ANother speaker was the author of Breast Cancer husband went to his workhop and was very impressed by him. Eveidently his wife just had another cancer scare a few days before the conference. My husband was only one of 20 guys at the conference(850 women) and boy did the ladies heap praise on him and boy did he eat it all up with a spoon! I can't say yet that he's changed in any significant ways but I have hopes something will sink in. I became friends with a 26 year IBC survivor. SHe credits her avoidance of bad fats with her continued good health. The sex toy party was wild and hilarious-! I participated in a BC study--had to give them a DNA sample(saliva) and got a lot of fun freebies like a squishy red blood cell that helps relieve stress, water bottles, umbrellas, lots of pmphlets and also bought a couple of t-shirts. Food was not that great and I just heard the hotel was shut down with an outbreak of the norvovirus...might be why I've been wiped out all week, huh?? ANyway, it was emotional saying goodbye to newfound friends but once home, I saw a package had arrived from Alaska Deb and it was just what I needed to feel better--brought a huge smile to my face. Thanks Deb~~I love the music--great choices!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Waiting for the carpet for Joyce.

    Lisa, good to see you.

    Mena, how are you? Thanks for stopping by.

    G, I'm listening to the news as I type this. More earthquakes around here but they were northeast of me so I didn't feel them.

    Cheri, good luck tomorrow and getting out of the house. I must have missed the story with your daughter and your meds. I must have taught you the art of posting pictures well huh - you sent Mena instructions and I see that Joyce wants them. Let's see what you let loose!

    Karen, glad your dad is progressing.

    Nicki, you know muscle is heavier than fat so if you've been exercising, that explains the weight gain. Are your clothes fitting looser? I've been watching what I'm eating fairly closely and I think I've lost about 7 lbs. since the beginning of the year, slow, but I'm not depriving myself so I can't complain and I think my clothes are bigger. I have a brand new pair of jeans in the closet that still have the tags on it so that's my goal - to get into those jeans.

    Anyone hear from Amy?

    Ok, time to shower. Back later.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning cg's

    another day at work and i guess i will work the entire weekend..well i dont have a whole lot so i guess everyone have a great day!!!
    just thought i would poke my head in...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good morning CG's! Everything in my part of Alabama is good. Wow those were some storms yesterday. Schools were let out at noon but luckily we just got tons of rain and wind and nothing else. Enterprise was and is just awful. The pictures are awful and i am sure it is so much worse in person. That is south Alabama and I am in the northeast section. I work for a utility company (electric) and we sent guys down to help out. I am sure they will come back with lots of stories. Thank you to everyone that asked about me,,nice to see so many that care.

    Madison-glad you are safe and sound this morning and that your daughters are also.

    Anne-Just tell me when and we can ride any roller coaster that you have in mind. We have to hold our hands up though and scream like teenagers. I went to Six Flags last year and enjoyed every one of the rides.

    NS-I love your comment and I must say she deserved it. I bet her mouth dropped open as you were walking out. I hope she thought about that all night long and feels guilty for saying what she did. Congrats on the microwave, you are really stepping into the future arent you? I have one but really dont use it alot. I defrost in it and heat things up and its great for a quick popcorn treat but thats about it. I am sure if I didnt have one I would certainly miss it. I love your spunk! I'm still smiling about your comment.

    mena-is that really you or just my imagination? Glad to see you posting here and stick around cause somebody has to keep Cheri out of trouble. She has been well,,uhhh, needing a little supervision as of late.

    Margaret-wooohooo I knew the magic carpet loop de loops would catch on with ya. I saw you laughing and having a good time.

    Vickie-glad you have gotten over the nasty flu and hoping that nathaniel doesnt get it from you.

    Karen-glad to see that your dad is improving. Thanks for the update.

    lisa-good luck with your computer problems.

    Shirley-hoping you are feeling ok this morning and able to post us with an update.

    bayyore-glad you had a good time at the conference. I am sure it was nice to get away also.

    Susan-glad the tornados missed you. I thought of you yesterday when I heard it on the news.

    denise-sounds like you are dealing with crazy weather also.

    Joyce-not really sure where i stand on the job situation. It does sound like they want to watch and see how you are doing now. I personally would go for a new job I think and then nobody has to know anything about your past.

    Sue-congrats on the avatar. Good job.

    Tracey-Chewey is a cute name and he does look like the Star Wars character. He sure is cute.

    ok gotta run-Job bought me a cake today cause its my last day in this office. gotta go eat with them and I will be back.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    So glad you are safe. The news footage of Enterprise is simply mind boggling. Those poor kids!

    Is anyone watching the footage of the bus crash? So many young people taken this week.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Yeah I saw the news footage on the bus wreck also.

    Enterprise is about 4 hours from me south just to give everyone and idea.

    Atlanta is 2 hours from me.

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007

    I made an appointment and got a FULL head of highlights! It cost a FORTUNE! But I wanted to look really good for this operation for some reason. The receptionist at this place is really snippy. She said "Do you want to make another appointment?" I said uuuh- no. And she was all pissy about it and said WHY NOT?? And I told her I may not have hair in May!
    She looked at me in shock. I told her I have cancer and will probably be in chemo then. SO she ACTUALLY SAID " Then WHY did you have your hair done now if you are going to lose it?"

    And here is the Deb part-

    I looked at her and said " Because I am beautiful, dammit" and walked out.


    NS--I LOVE this story! GREAT! for you to say and do that! And awww, sorry no immediate implants but I'm sure you'll be happier going the longer route with the rad damage.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    *whining* I don't want to get dressed, drive 35 miles in this wind, walk a 1/2 mile with a walker to the Lab where they'll poke around until they finally find a vein, then another 1/2 mile on a walker to sit in the onc office waiting for my turn. *really whining now* I just want to stay home with you girls. I don't like my onc. I'll be worn out when I get home, foot swelled to where I can barely get my shoe off. The only up-side is getting to listen to Debs CD in the car on the trip.

    Haven't read any posts yet but scanned a few. Yes Joyce, when I get home I'll be glad to send you instructions for posting pics, Margaret taught me how & I just ran wild with it. OOPS, look at the time, I must go.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Jumping in for a second..heard back from onc and all tests were NEGATIVE!!!!
    So now I need a shrink.xoxo
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    That is great news on you tests, Theresa! Congrats

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Great news Theresa! Wooohooooooooooooooooo

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Yeah Theresa...way to go!!! Come join the weekend party and celebrate!
    Cheri pal...I'm sorry...If I were there I'd come take you...hugs
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Cheri I would take you too and let you ride in a fancy wheel chair and we could do wheelies all the way around and have people look at us funny and think we were really "special".

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    A super charged wheelchair...we will all have one of these one day and have wheelchair races in the nursing homes!! Can you picture this group with these wheelchairs!!! Skid marks in the hallways!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Great news Theresa!!!

    WOW, Cheri in a "super-charged" wheelchair...hold on come Cheri
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay, am I the only one who thinks its hilarious that the super charged wheelchair has 'curb feelers'? That is a riot!!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Oh, Cheri, I so wish I be there to help you. <HUGS> For what it's worth, I'd rather stay home with you guys everyday, too!

    Yippee Theresa!! Cheers for good results! (It's a good thing my office door is closed for my lunch. Other wise my co-workers would be thinking I'm even odder than they do most of the time!)

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    WooHoo Theresa! We LOVE good news!!!

    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Shouts out to all with good reports and hugs to those still waiting!
    Anne: I'm so glad the MRI went well. Now let's get that vision fixed!
    Alwayshope: I've always thought I had a sluggish thyroid too. The damn test always comes back "within" range. I still think the range is on the low side, but whatever! A physician assisted diet. YUCK!
    Nicki: Hats off to you! You handled your Brother "nicely!"
    Has he had the disability all his life or more recently?
    Margaret: I think you might have given me directions on Avator postings, or maybe posting pics. I've got to check my pm's and practice!

    NS: You go girl! You actually paid that kind of Money to be insulted by a arrogant young ass?! I think it is wonderful that you think enough about yourself to look and feel your best before you decend on the Hospital! I had to go to E.R. a few months ago and on the way home the next day I had my husband stop at the salon cuz I had an appointment to get my Eyebrows Waxed! I will never forget the look on his face! Priceless!

    Karen: Even though he has aways to go, I am glad to hear your Dad is improving.

    Amy: Glad to hear that you are safe and sound!! I hate Tornadoes!


    Cheri: Hugs to you my Dear. Wish I could give you a real one!

    Guess I had go back and read somemore so I can see what you all are up to!

    Love and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Vickie: I've been meaning to ask you about Baby Derrick. Have you heard anymore? I think We are all equally worried about the little guy. Keep us posted.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Ai yi yi!!!
    I have been so busy at work and home, that I haven't had a minute to post. I started to take notes the other night, but ran out of time.

    Susan, glad you made it through the storms ok!

    Amy, I was so worried when I watched the news. All those big red areas moving through Alabama, OMG! I'm so glad you and Mazer are ok. Tornados scare the crap out of me. Everytime we get a really bad storm, I start looking for the funnel cloud (and we hardly ever get tornados here). It's just an irrational fear of mine .

    NS, Yay!!! Way to go!!! I'm sure you are absolutely gorgeous with your new highlights. That girl had some nerve.

    AlwaysHope, Congrats on your good results from your bone density test. I am way overdue getting mine.

    Joyce, I'm sure Kevin is quite happy to get his drains out!

    Karen, it sounds like your Dad is starting to do better. It is going to be a long haul for him.

    Anne, great news on the MRI results!

    Shirley, I'm glad the surgery went well. Just try and relax and let the family take care of you.

    Vickie, shoo, shoo, flu!! It's great that you have finally stopped vomiting! That is a great wheel chair for Cheri. Hmmm..I'd like it myself, especially after my Pilates DVD. I still can't tense up my stomach. Ouch!!

    Nicki, I' glad you had a good visit with your PCP. That sucks about the 5 lbs though. That's what always happens to me. My sister has diabetes and she has an insulin pump. She thinks that gives her free rein to eat whatever and now she is obsese. She drinks white zinfindel by the gallon . I can't talk to her. And..I am miserable on the diet. I sat at the table last night and cried like a baby cause I wanted a Girl Scout cookie. I will commit to at least the 2 weeks. And, I'm not drinking anything, not even my beloved wine (whine).

    Bayyore, it sounds like you had a blast at the conference!

    Cheri, I'm with you. I hate my onc. I hope your appt. went well today.

    Theresa, good for you!! Tests negative!!!

    Gotta go now!