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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Karen, I'm glad your hand is doing well. I'm sure it's going to be a while before you are feeling back to "normal". Enjoy your weekend!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Hi CG's
    Wow 4 pages since I posted last night! Can't keep up. Hope everyone is doing well.
    I have a question to ask and wonder if anyone can help. Can you get lymphadema on your chest wall even if you don't have any arm swelling?
    Little history- I had a rt mast in July. No reconstruction. Complete axillary disection - 5+ nodes. Had typical chemo. Finished 25 rads in Jan. Axilla was included in the rads.
    Anyway the last couple of days my bra has been kind of bothering me. Didn't think much about it. Last night when getting undressed it seemed like my chest wall and axilla on the surg side may be a little swollen. Seems better today but not 100%. No pain but maybe a little stiff. Hard to tell since I still have a lot of numbness.
    Funny thing is I have an appt. with PT on monday to teach me exercises etc. to help avoid lymphadema. So am I nuts? Is this just on my poor chemo injured mind because I have this appt? Can it be edema of just the chest wall and axilla? Yikes.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Theresa and Jeannie and Sue ALL have good news????


    I was turning blue from holding my breath and my fingers have been crossed so long they may never be the same again. I am SO SO SOOOOOO glad!

    NS- Glad you look beautiful and glad you gave that little chippie an earful! What a brat. Sending you a hug….

    Boo-Sue- Unfortunately I believe you can get LE in the chest and auxiliary area without your arm being affected. I have LE in both and have had flare-ups in my chest area without my arm swelling and visa-versa. Have you changed bras? I have one that made my chest swell really bad…had to throw it away. It didn’t feel tight, but it must block something. I hope it feels better soon. Get it checked out if it doesn’t go totally away.

    I have to go make some potato soup for my sick kids. I’ll be back later

    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Theresa, Jeannie and Sue, Whoooohooooo.....this has the makings of a great weekend! Alot of good news floating around these boards!

    I'm beautiful dammit.....that really has to become our new saying.

    Love to all,
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Yea!! for Jeannie and Sue. It is so great that we are getting so many good reports the last couple days!

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2007
    Hey Girls,

    Just checking in as I am working this weekend (12 hr days). So much GOOD news. YEAH Jeannie, Sue and Theresa, also Amy and Madison for staying safe. Those pictures are horrifying. Makes me glad I live in the'almost as frozen north as Deb'!!!

    I love the new saying! Let anyone try to deny it. The girls on this board ARE beautiful DAMMIT!

    Nicki, is it your birthday tomorrow?? My daughter's 25th tomorrow too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Not going to make it to the party tonight since I have to work, and since I am allergic to alcohol , you girls have a few for me!

    Before I forget, someone was having probs with AIs and thinking of switching. My onc has me on Tamoxifen and says that even if I go through menopause or have a hyster he won't change it to AI because the studies aren't thorough enough for him. I only have occasional hot flushes after 6 months on.

    Great weekend to all.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    This is so exciting to see all this GOOD NEWS!!!!! Circle Power- I am tellin ya!

    Without notes...yes you can get LE in the chest. I had it. I went up three shirt sizes because of it. But eventually it went away and then three years later moved to my arm!

    Jas- I am glad to see i am not the only one who is a late bloomer when it comes to microwaves!!

    yes girls- I really take this pioneer lifestyle seriously!

    For all who gained weight or are still gaining on chemo-
    I gained 18 pounds from chemo and lost it ALL. So it isn't forever!

    I pray that this is IT with all our storms this winter!!
    Stay safe everybody!!!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    This is way OT- but has anyone else seen the promo for that "special" about Jesus's coffin? I just heard it on TV. What in the world? They are saying they "found" where he was buried with his "wife" and "child"?????
    What the heck is going on in the world today!
    Sorry- I just heard it and am in shock.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Didn't you hear??? They found Elvis in the tomb too...along with Jimmy Hoffa's body!!!! ROFL

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    hey you guys...........i am beyond being able to catch up, but wanted to say hi!

    i got the greatest card from susan today, and i laughed and laughed (for a change)..........susan, i went to london ontarioo lol! about 2 hours from my town! and i don't have a "lawsuit" (yet), but i've had to involve lawyers because the LTD company is treating me so poorly! ......... either way, thank you susan, your card really spunked me up today, thank you for your thoughtfulness!

    i'm outta here tomorrow for a while, but i'll be thinking of you all as usual!

    everyone take good care of each other as always!

    xo, shel
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Who is doing this "special"?? Geraldo???
    I'm sorry but they really shouldn't allow things like that to be announced when a kid can hear it - especially if he doesn't have someone to set him straight.
    I guess it is a good thing I am not a mother- I would worry myself to death.


    SUSAN!! I got my worms today!!! LOVE YOU!!!! You made me crack up! Especially because I had a boxer too!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    NS, God is an awesome God. He is the creator of the universe so I have great faith that He can overcome any silly stories the world tries to throw out there. Not to worry....just have faith.

    Its actually James Cameron, a hollywood producer, who claims to have found this great discovery. Isn't it incredible that scholars and archeologists have studied the Holy Land for hundreds of years and a hollywood producer is the one who found the tomb? <big wink>
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Jas, you know what I always think of when stuff like this comes up?
    People are quick to watch "Law and Order" and "CSI" and all those other crime shows and know that they always keep the "suspects" in separate rooms in hopes that one will rat out the other one.

    Well, there were TWELVE apostles scattered all over the world and they were tortured and killed and not ONE ever said what they witnessed didn't happen. NONE of them did.

    I suppose to James Cameron they were all lying and he has finally broken them.

    Of course, I never read the Davinci Code either. I think I am the only one! Do you think now that I have a microwave I have to catch up with the rest of the world???
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Nah, just enjoy being able to boil water in seconds now instead of minutes on the stove. You can also get a 'steamer' for the microwave to steam vegetables. Very healthy!

    Are you going to have someone staying with you the first few days at home?
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    I was going to say evening all but I think it's more like nite all!

    Wow we really do have a lot of good news in the circle today! Congrats to all.
    NS I think they are getting you primed for good news too!

    Is James Cameron, Kirk Cmaeron's dad? If so Kirk must be disowning him. Kirk did the Left Behind movie and several other religous movies. By the way if you haven't read the Left Behind series they are good and tought provoking.

    Glad Amy and Madison are both safe. we were very concerned.

    going to pop into the party thread and see if there still anyone there
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I don't think James Cameron or Kirk Cameron are related. Just a coincidence in the last names.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Evening ladies. Yes, it's still night time here. I came home and couldn't believe that I was just gone one afternoon and there were 113 posts on this forum! It was about half in the Wagon Circle and the other half in the Cyber Circle Party. I'll try & catch up here.

    Vickie,neat wheelchair we could have some real races using ones like that.

    Holly, so glad you enjoyed your conference and even happier that your husband seemed to enjoy it. Maybe you'll start seeing some gradual changes for the better in him.

    Deb, I listened to your CD for the first time today in the car. You did really great by including a variety of music to please everyone. You are a gem.

    Jan, not even one little meazly Girl Scout cookie? Sounds like you might be 'suffering' some wine withdrawls. lol

    Nicki, you enjoy your dinner out on Sunday. I hope you have a great day tomorrow since it's your birthday.

    Susan, where's your evening post? And you missed the Cyber party which is not like you.

    Mena, you said you were going to start posting again. Tsk Tsk

    Congrats to Theresa, Jeannie, Anne and anyone else who got good results on tests. I'm so happy for you all.

    When I started reading through the posts this evening I was so flattered at all that mentioned my onc appt. and wished they could help. I was touched. I appreciate that very much.

    I went by and visited my Mother after the dr. We had a nice long visit. It was so good to feel her arms around me. I'll be glad when I can walk again so I can start going up there on a regular basis. Sometimes I wish I could just crawl up on her lap and let her tell me everythings all gonna be alright. Can you tell I'm the baby of 8? lol

    What a day. Dang, I hate this crippled stuff! Valet parking? Surely you jest. Normally Amber goes with me and I drive right up to the door and then she goes to park the car. But the timing was wrong & she had to be here when the boys got out of school. So I went alone. They're remodeling the Cancer Center and so right now the lab is in an attached building but you have to walk outside & go around to get in. Plus, they've changed things since last I was there. So anyway, parked, got my walker out of the trunk and walked to the building where the lab USED to be and up the elevator. I was sooo confused. It was missing. Hmm. I asked for directions only to find out it was a very long outside walk or I could've gone back to the car & drove down but then I would've had to do the same when I came out. So here I am, disgusted by now, hobbling along on a walker to the Lab then backtracked up to my onc's office. I bet I put well over a mile on this broken ankle in all today. My arms, thighs, knees, ankle, lower back, are all sore. Even my butt is sore! I'm an inch and a half shorter on the bad side so I walk lopsided anyway. It was just really an ordeal. I knew it was gonna be a pain but I didn't know they had everything all spread out like that. Next time if Amber can't go I'll have one of my sisters meet me there.

    So the onc visit. Actually, I didn't see him I saw his NP. My bad breast has been heavier and tender to the touch ever since my lumpectomy in Nov,05. It's really sore at the side of the breast and under my arm. But I also had a reduction done and I've had it drained twice when I had an infection, plus that's where they took nodes out too. And whoever sewed me up the last time needed a Home-ech class to learn to sew a straight line. She examined me and thinks I have some fluid in there & wants me back in 3 months to see if its gotten any larger. My onc said last time it was scar tissue. Hmm. It hasn't grown in 16 months. She said it wasn't hurting anything but I would probably want it drained if it was still there. Like it's gonna be gone in 3 months? Bloodwork was good. Liver enzymes up a bit but they always are. Low on Potassium. They don't do markers. So actually it all looked good. For the depression. Since I cant afford the Cymbalta and have tried so many anti-depressants she told me to go back on the Paxil that I took for 7 years and was the only one that has really worked. So I go back on it and she gave me a rx for an increase in dosage up to 40mg daily. She asked if I wanted to try increasing the Lexapro and I told her not only did it not work for the better it made me really grouchy. I don't like me grouchy. Neither does anyone else. All in all, the visit wasn't any stranger than other visits. He's an idiot and I'm thinking she isn't much smarter. The parking is better than my Orthopedic's office. They have 6 handicapped parking spaces. 6--it's an ortho's office for crying out loud...everybody has a handicap sticker!! I am so glad the day is over.

    The hospital I'm going to have my ankle surgery has valet parking. It's an amazing thing. They have guys waiting for you with wheelchairs right at the front drive. It's a wonderful place. Here when you have any tests ran or anything you must park a very long way from the door, but if you stand there long enough they have a little open cart that will pick you up and haul you to the door. But thats just one building, not my onc office.

    OK, enough of the griping and sarcasm. I think I'm just worn out. Sorry about the venting and babbling. At least it's over with for 6 weeks until I have my port flushed again. I just have to go to one building for that.

    I love you girls. you are the best.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    Just a thought, but my insurance would pay to have home health come to flush my port and/or draw blood. I never used the service, but it is available...have you checked to see if they will do anything like that?

    Sorry you had such a bad day
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Oh Cheri, I'm sorry the day was so misrable. And just how low was the potassuim? that's not a good thing!
    I hope you put that leg up to reduce any swelling today might have caused and just try to relax.

    Oh it's Nicki's Birthday, Happey Birthday girlie. Have a wonderful day!

    I have a Myspace site too! it's KELELAKOKA but I've no clue how to add someone on. my sis or the kids have to show me again!
    OK now I really do have to get to bed

    Having all the family over tomorrow so I need to get some sleep!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Good grief, Cheri. That is just plum ridiculous you having to do all that walking. I would take a cell phone next time and ask someone from the oncs office to meet you with a wheelchair.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Thanks Deb. I've used Home health before but I can get out now on my own. I only have it flushed every 6 weeks and only have blood drawn when I see the dr. so I'd have to be up there then anyway. Everybody has a bad day every once in awhile. Better days are acomin'.
    What are you still doing up? It's way past your bedtime. Oh wait a minute you're behind our time. I don't know how far, maybe 3 hours? Its 1:09 here. One great thing about the day was it made it really nice getting home and into my jammies. lol I guess we have to take the bad with the good.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    It's early (5:30 am) here and I'm typing very softly. There are a lot of very sleepy and quite possibly hung over CGs snoring away in their wagons. That is if they found their way back. What a party Deb throws. I was just sitting back sipping my merlot and watching.

    So very softly I'll say

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NICKI!!!!!!! Hope it's a wonderful day. You deserve all the best.

    Now back to my coffee and catching up. Have a great day everyone. DH is taking me out to breakfast. Yippee.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007


    Have a wonderful day!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited August 2008
    Good Morning Everyone: I cant tell you how nice it is coming to the circle this morning and seeing Happy Birthday flashing in front of me. You all are the greatest.

    I gotta tell ya, Im not too sure how I feel this morning. Husband came home from playing at a Pub and I woke up - hearing him sobbing! Finially got out of him what was the matter. Its not good! Cant talk about it cause Im dazed and confused. Now I have to pull myself together emotionally to go to this group home meeting this morning. Dont know if I can - at this point I just want to crawl in bed, pull my covers over my head and go into denial land.

    Liz: Im so glad you popped in. I sure do miss you when your not here.

    Jeannie, Theresa, and Sue - great news. So nice to see so many come with good news. Big sigh of relief for all of you.

    Karen: It did feel good that my PCP can look beyond BC even if I cant. There is no reason why the insurance should cover the hand therapy. That is part of rehabilitation after surgery. The only thing I can think of would be they will only cover therapy at certain places, but I sure hope thats not the case. So Im keeping my fingers crossed.

    Boo/Sue: Ya know I have been a nurse for a very long time. It continues to amaze me how little I knew or know about BC. I would never have thought about LE in the chest area. But it makes sense, it can happen. I think its great that you have an appointment with a physical therapist. And I hope its something that resolves.

    Lynn: So your daughter is a Pisces. Hope she has a wonderful day filled with lots of Joy, Cake, and presents.

    NS: I heard all about that Jesus stuff on the radio while I was driving about yesterday. This is such a crock. They say they have DNA to prove it. DNA from where? 2000 years ago? They are saying that Mary Magdaline was his wife. It always amazes with all the crazy stuff they come up with and it seems its usually this time of the year. Always around Easter. Gotta blame the media. They will do anything for a story. Oh and I just read its a Hollywood Producer? Geez! They will do anything to make a buck. I did watch the DaVinci Code. Thought the story was so outlandish. Actually fell asleep during it. It was that boring.

    Cheri: Oh you must be exhausted. And actually shame on that Cancer Center. How many women are getting chemo with low blood counts and fatigue. Or like you with a disability. I was lucky, they did my labs right at the oncs office. That sure was alot of walking to do and I bet your muscles are sore. Glad the ordeal is over and your back home safe and warm. Its nice to have someone to just hug you. I realized today, that without my husband, I really dont have anyone that is besides all of you.

    Betty: Im with you. I need to go read what happened at the party last night. I crashed early!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning sweet sister,
    talking softly so sweet Nicki can sleep in on her birthday.
    Oh Cheri...what a lousy day...but its all behind you now and I'm sending you a hug.
    NS...geez...went to bed early and missed talking to you. You sound good...thinking of you daily and you know you can call me if you need anything at ya and empty your pm box!
    Good morning Betty!
    I haven't read the DaVinci Code either and don't intend to. This new movie has me appalled. I imagine it is going to create quite a stir. My son is young enough that I can tell him what a fairy tale they are spinning and hope for the best. It may be in discussion at church tomorrow which could be interesting as we have some pretty vocal people.
    pm me your email if you have a myspace account and I will send a friend request and all you have to do is select yes and you will see my page.
    Hugs to Jeannie, karen,Lynn, Alwayshope, Theresa, Deb, Susan, Gus, Anne, Denise, Shel...what happened to Vicky2?
    Really gotta run...SIL on her way to get groceries with me and I'm not even showered yet!!!
    Love to all and I'll be back
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hey Nicki....

    cyber cake with no nobody blows out the candles till Nicki gets up!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Vickie. Hope you have a grand day. Im awake. Did my usual morning post right before yours.

    NS: I tried to send you a pm, but your site is full. You need to delete some of them lol.

    Talk to you all sooner than later.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Happy birthday Nicki! Happy birthday to you! Happy happy birthday dear Nickie! Happy birthday to you!

    Oh my...did I wake all the party girls? bad! <big cheesy grin>
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday Nicki. I'm sorry bad things are happening. I have a good listening ear. Share when you feel like it.

    NS, I love your hair story. I dyed mine red the night before my mastectomy. Same reason, I was going to lose it anyway. My surgeon thought it was great. He thinks I'm kind of crazy anyway.

    Vickie, I have a MYspace account. My name is Sheri if you want to look me up. Let me know yours. I use it to keep in touch with my brothers and sisters who are all over the country.

    Cheri, what an ordeal. Glad your blood work was ok.

    Everyone, have a wonderful day. My dd is home again. Had a dr appt to get antidepressants. She's been doing really well, though. Son had a good week, so things are pretty good on this end of the circle.