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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Everyone: Yes it is Sunday, and yes Im awake at 5am! The snow has finially stopped. It is supposed to be sunny and cold. We are so close to Spring I can taste it. Im hoping by the end of this month I can see some of my perennials coming up. I planted a bunch of new ones last year. I just want to start working on my flower garden. It always makes me feel good.

    JasmineL Well the person that called you fat was pretty insensitive. I agree, I dont think people really understand how hard it is to lose weight. I know I didnt. When I was a teenager, I weighed all but 100 pounds. Yes, I looked anorexic. Could eat anything I wanted then. I remember looking at my mother who had this huge belly. I would think to myself "she is so fat, why doesnt she do something about it." Guess what, now I look just like my mom. Even if I lost 20 pounds I would look good. After today, Im gonna start a strict diet and exercise program. No cheating. My hardest time is at night. I have wake up hungry. 2-3 times I find my self raiding the cubbords for food while Im half asleep. I probably consume another 800 calories just from wake up hungry! So somehow I have to fix that.

    Lisa: Hoping your computer gets fixed really soon. We miss you around here. The pictures you post are always the greatest.

    Sherloc: Dang, you are one strong person. I cant believe you were going out of the house at all after the surgery. Hoping you are feeling better today.

    Cheri Darling: I loved the igloo on the other thread. But to come here and see a picture of my Distorted Humor as an adult and then as a baby colt - that really made me cry. He is such a beautiful horse. And a good stud too

    Ishop: I dont know whats going on, but I keep reading you are going through some difficult times. We are here for you. Only sending you good wishes and big hugs.

    NS: You mentioned "no makeup." Is that for the day of your surgery? I wore makeup, pink lipstick and had my finger and toenails done with a French Manicure. And then I had them paint a pink flower on both of my big toes. My toes were quite the conversation amongst doctors, nurses, and other staff that came into my hospital room the day after surgery. While I was in the hospital I wore a pink visor and always had pink lipstick on - the entire time - day and night. Pink pajamas, pink robe and pink slippers. I was gonna make a point - you betcha. I sure do hope you clear your pm box. I keep trying to send you a pm and cant cause it keeps saying its full. And listen here missy, I have a bone to pick with you too. OK OK - Im in the summer of my life, feeling hot hot hot. Dont talk the doctors into sending you home early. I spent 2 days at the hospital and thought that was quick. Had surgery on a Thursday and came home on Saturday.

    As I go back and read all of your posts, it amazes me what some people say to us. YOGA would have prevented bc? There are still some people out there that think we did something wrong to get bc and that always makes me crazy. People come up with the goofiest things.

    MargaretB: That picture to NS was pretty funny. After today, Im gonna get real strict with my food consumption. Got some great new CD's to exercise to. I keep looking back at the instructions you sent me on how to post pictures. Still sounds like another language, but Im getting closer. At least I figured out how to post an Avatar.

    Holly: I sure do understand the feeling about wanting to stop your chemo. When I had 3 more rounds, I thought I couldnt take it anymore. Actually told my onc I wanted to stop. He convinced me to continue. Then the countdown began. After 3, there were only 2 more, then one more, then done. The accumulative effects just hit ya sometimes. Make sure you are well hydrated. I knew some women who were getting chemo at the same time as me who had some real issues with nausea. The onc gave them a one liter IV before and after the chemo. They said it helped with the nausea. You can do it! We will be with you each step till its over.

    Denise: Oh that was one scary story you told about the women found in a garage. Hope you had a good nights sleep.

    Helen1: It was so good to see you post. I wish you would come here to the circle more often cause I miss talking to you so very much. I was so excited when I read how much your tumor markers went down. That is GOOD news. Its amazaing. We are both reaching our 2 year anniversary of getting to know each other. Remember back in those days spending hours on the chat with you. All I can say is you are one strong lady.

    Laura: Moving to an Assisted Living facility is gonna be so great. But thats a tough move. 60 years at one location, thats alot of stuff to go through and decide what to keep and what to give away. Living in Chicago, I can surely appreciate what is happening in Michigan. This Winter has turned into one big rotten apple.

    DebC: Its sad to read how many people who have touched your life have cancer. Its all around us. Im praying for your friend with the Melanoma. I never realized how hard it is to treat. Was hoping there would be some chemo to keep it at bay.

    Cheri: Somehow I missed your post about the new lump you felt. About one month after my exchange surgery I found a lump in the same place where my cancer was. It really freaked me out. Thought for sure I had a reoccurance. Went to my surgeon and although he didnt feel it was anything, he did an US and there is was a 1cm smooth lump. He told me to wait one month and if it didnt go away, they would remove it. My PS assured me it was nothing but made me follow up with him to check it out. I got lucky, it went away and was told it was fat necrosis. I could feel my cancer lump. It wasnt painful. But I do believe any lump should be checked out, if anything else, for piece of mind. Oh and of course you are sore. You have been in you house and deconditioned. Your poor body was put into shock having to do all that walking. Dont go to an appointment alone again!

    LauraB: Im so glad you came back to post. We miss you and worry about you when your not here. I just sent you a pm.

    OK - its Sunday and breakfast is on. Right now I have bacon, sausage, and breakfast ham cooking. The aroma is penetrating the wagon circle. Even those of you who parties a little to much last night, wont be able to resist. Im making eggs over medium. Learning how to flip them in a pan without breaking the yolk. And as always, a big bowl of fruit. Strawberries are on sale here, so its fresh strawberries, mango, pineapple, and blueberries all in one big bowl.

    Im very excited. Come Tuesday we will be getting comcast. No more dial up for this little girl.

    Have a great morning

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning dear sisters,
    Ah really were up early. Nathaniel was up at the same time as you but I lazed in bed for a while. Hope you had a good birthday.
    Holly...sending you a warm hug. I know how hard it is. I had six rounds of TAC and at the fourth one I cried and told my oncologist that I just couldn't do it. He felt sooo bad and apologized for how they were making me feel and told me that I could do it and it would be done before I knew it. He was right. I was amazed that the last chemo came so fast. Hang in there and we'll help carry you through.
    Deb...keeping all your friends in my prayers. time to write to all but sending hugs to Cheri, Madison, Colleen, Margaret, MB, Shel, and everyone! sign of spring here! Just checked the weather forecast and we have an artic front coming through Monday and Tuesday with wind chills of 15 to 24 below!!! This sucks.
    Love and hugs to all
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, yum breakfast sounds good. Save some ham and bacon for me. I'm picky about sausage. My cousins make the absolute best homemade sausage. Fix me some fruit without the strawberries and pineapple. I'm allegic. I'll get some pancakes going on this side of the Lake.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Well, lets see if I was able to do this.

    Oh MargaretB: Thank you so much. I did it. By George I did it. I dont know if I can do it again, but I did it.

    This is how I feel today. "Bad Hair Day."


  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Girls

    It's a beautiful windy day here, at least it will be when the sun comes up. Going to about 55 F today! And I gotta work, darn.

    Nicki, hope you had a good day yesterday after it's rough start. OHOH, you're posting pics too, look out everyone! I like your new avatar too.

    LauraB, I don't know what to say to you. It sounds scary and you have to do what is safest for you and your daughter. I will keep you in my prayers.

    DebC, keeping you and all your friends in my prayers too. It sounds like you have a very full plate. Glad you had a good time at the writers conference and play.

    NS, you are so sweet. Walmart AND a microwave. Welcome to the 21st century, lol. You sound like you will be ready come surgery time. I hope you are as lucky as I when I had my single mast, there was (almost literally) no pain. I took T3's a couple of times because I kept expecting some but it never occurred! Is Tuesday the big day?

    Gotta go to work. Everyone have a good day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    To all of my friends, who made my Birthday very special.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    gonna try to catch up. May take me a few hours. Good Morning girls.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    LauraB and Colleen: This is for you

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Morning CG's
    Nicki - Hope you had a great birthday. I'll take some of that breakfast please.
    Deb- Your friends are all in my prayers.
    Vickie - Below zero again! Oh my stay warm

    Well I think the swelling on my chest wall and in my axilla has pretty much gone away. I am very pleased but now worried about having LE problems. I have an appt. with PT tomorrow so will get some info.

    If anyone watches extreeme home makeover the episode on tonight is about the Tate family. They are my neighbors and friends. Their middle boy Tommy and my son have been friends since kindergarden. The plane hit ther house shortly after I was Diagnosed with BC. With all that they were going through Cynthia was still there for me! Unfortunately I was unable to help with the rebuilding of there home. I was still in treatment and my docs would have had a cow if I was helping on a construction site.

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007

    You're boys are stupid picture has me laughing so hard I have tears running down my face !
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2007
    I love the pic, too! And, as Caitie always says: "Girls rule, boys drool!"

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Had to go back ten pages. Gee we are a gabby lot.

    NS, son is over the disappointment of the Enterprise. I personally think it's very cool. But he wanted to go to San Diego. His bad really. He originally thought he was going to get to stay in South Carolina so he didn't put in his request till to late. What's that saying? Don't count your chickens before they hatch?
    Hope you are feeling better.
    HAHAHAHHAHHAHH can't pick our parents now can we.

    Susan, lovely carpet. Whose driving?

    Vicki, hugs to your daughter.

    Hi Liz and Denise

    Colleen, hugs to you and Warren.

    Margaret, I am very very happy no alcohol was involved. The kid just got laid off on thursday. He is having a very bad week.

    CY, picked up the package yesterday. Thanks so much again. Still in the planning stages. I am so excited to get it started.

    Nicki, I've been up at 4:30 for the last few days. Thats when the pain meds stop working. UGH!!
    It wasn't the boat but the place son wanted. Enterprise is in Virginia. He wanted to be in California. My baby is a sun bunny. The Enterprise is the oldest ship in the fleet. Going to be decommissioned in 2010 I believe.

    Jas, todays country music is on par with the pop music from our day. No more twangy banjos.

    Cheri, your daughter and grands have been thru the ringer with this crud. Prayers for them the antibi's work this round.

    Anne, whats Hack?

    Vicki, this is page 274, I sure hope your feeling better by page 284
    I'm with you. I would rather be doubled over in pain than throwing up.

    Susan, I agree. How on earth is Captain Kirk going to save the universe without the Enterprise. I bet there is a E2 in the works.

    Amy cool suits. I'm sure they kept everyone warm on the carpet. I think son is going to Norfolk Virginia, but don't quote me on that.

    Peggy, love your new avatar but I'll miss prancing boy. O to be able to bend like that.

    Shokk, cheri is not two timing. She's multi tasking.

    on to page 276.

    how come none of my doctors look like that?

    Denise, yes it was me. Gallbladder now residing in a jar.

    Deb, well said my dear. Everything you say is well said. You inspire me.

    CY thanks for the promo.

    to be continued......
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, hope you gave your doc an earful. Shame on them.

    Nicki, I'm with you. It's a crap shoot. I get so annoyed with the comparisons. There is way to much of it in chat sometimes. It's cancer, it sucks, no matter what the stats.
    But then again, most girls believe they are helping someone else when they are quoting stats.

    I am officially pissed off now. My darling husband actually had the nerve to ask me if I was making breakfast. GRRRRR. I of course got snotty and he said he was joking, but was he really? The man brought home pizza for dinner last night. Holy crap I just had my pickin gallbladder out, I can't stand up straight, the pain meds aren't working well and he feeds me pizza?????
    Off to the deliverance tent for him. A few good lashings should do.

    Jas, a Shoot Howdy just for you.
    My onc told me at my check up last week that he wants me to do aredia infusions cause he doesn't think the fosomax is going to do me any good. Anxious for my dexa in april to see if he is right. Then will have to battle the endo cause she doesn't like that idea. Even tho she said the same thing about the fosomax. What the heck am I taking it for if it's not gonna do any good? O crap, it's sunday isn't it. Dang forgot the stupid pill again. Have to admit, quarterly infusions will be much easier to remember than a pill once a week.
    Let me know how your dexa goes. I'm always interested in others scores.

    Yikes cheri, sounds like daughter was having a bad day. Would make sense with all the illness she's been dealing with. My kids get snappy with me I am quick on the trigger to remind them just who MOM is.

    Laura so happy to hear Jan's good news. Yippee

    Thanks for the flowers Jas. Beautimus. I am sooo ready for spring. Daffodils are blooming now so it can't be far away.

    Joyce, putz on that company. Get a new job where your med history isn't used in judgement...and baloney if they say it isn't.
    Yehaw for Kevin. I know he feels so much better without the drains.

    Cheri, hahahahhahahhahahahha really truly, doc actually said that to me.

    Amy, Mazer and Distorted humor may have misbehaved but I sure didn't hear it.
    Funny story....I'm laying on the OR table, just starting to get woozy, look around the room and realize that EVERY SINGLE PICKIN ONE IN THERE IS A MAN....I say "am I the only girl in here?", nurse/man says "yes maam" last thought before slumber was Holy Crap, I'm laying naked on a table in a room full of men.

    Jeannie, your boob sounds very pretty. 6 more pages to go. Hope you have results in there somewhere.

    Vicki, what a time we would have had. Glad your feeling better.

    Denise, Lifetime limit? I missed that and can't find it....WTF????? and I never ever use that word. Dexa scan is recommended for anyone past meno every two years, annually if you have issues. I would most definately look into that one. I think someone is feeding you a line. But then again I wouldn't put it past some stupid insurance company.

    NS, you go girlfriend. Good for you. Now call the shop manager and inform them of their snippy little receptionist.
    A microwave. I am impressed. And I think I read further on that you went to Wally World for the first time too.....WOW!! You are the adventureous one.

    Socal, hope your puter is back from the doctor soon. Yehaw on the mammo. Does that mean I can stop chewing my nails?

    Hi Mena, you so have to come to PinkStock. Please Please Pretty Please!!!!

    on to page 279
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Sherloc: Make breakfast? Hmmmm this ones for your husband.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,
    I am in the medic tent for the weekend. The surgery went well once they found a vein. I am in alot of pain from the hernia repair but I am taking lots of percosets.I have a drain now...hate drains! I will catch up when I can sit straight.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Anne, yehaw on good news.

    Nicki, you goosed them? hahahhahaha no wonder they all looked so funny when I opened my eyes.

    Bayyore, glad you had a good time.

    Cheri, your docs office doesn't have wheel chairs. Where the hell is the complaint dept....I'm writing a memo. That is absurd.

    Been sitting here since 5. Think it's time for a break. On to page 280 after a nap.
    Peace and Love girls.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Joyce: Sorry your not feeling well. We will put you in the middle of the circle. Hope your feeling better real soon.

    Ladies: We have created a monster now that I know how to post pictures.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls
    I am sorry for going awol again.My ct results last month were not as we hoped.No worse no better but then again i have 3-5 spots in my liver pretty good compared to the 10-12 and 2 months to live in aug.My onc is going to change my chemo this week to another brand new one i cant remember the name of it though but will this week.
    My problem has been pure depression,my situation here is only getting worse,the dh is so mean to me,he only speaks to me n ow when he has criticism or curses me.I have got to get out of this somehow i know others have,i was just trying to tolerate it until i was at least ned.but it is so unbearable i have honestly been considering stopping all treatment.and then he would win like he always does.he is only hanging around waiting for me to die,so he can sell the house and pocket the insurance and have a great life with his women.boy are they in for a suprise.i know i am so tired of being miserable.i am sorry to dump this on you girls i know you are probably sick of hearing me whine by now and so many of you have so worse problems than me.But i am to the point dear sisters where I had really just go be with the Lord.Is that selfish of me?
    I dont know what to do first.I am afraid he will take the house away and my and my kids and grandkids will be on the street.he would love to see that.I dont have any family to turn to.I have asked and asked him to leave i have told him I hate him and i wanted a divorce and he just looks at me and says ok and comes back the next day for a whole new round.yesterday i heard the garage door open around 4 which is early for him and i thought it was him and I bursed out into tears.but it wasnt him.that is how bad I despise him.Now he has ran up another 250.00 cell phone bill with his women calling him and I will be darned if I pay it.We got our income taxs last week and i knew what he would do so i went to the bank early and got the most of it out,so i could buy a minivan,and boy around 12 did i ever get cursed he needed this and this and this and couldnt get any extra money.he keeps 450.00 each month out of his checks and does who knows what with them w hile I do without.If i get anything my kids buy it for me.he has nothing at the end of the month to show for it.when i first got ca i found out he was sending money to women overseas.while i was working 2 jobs to have things we wanted.
    well thats enough for now.thank you for listening so much.I will be waiting your responses.I just need to know there are folks out there who care about me and I am not alone.I so wish I had a sister or something that i could turn to for just a little while so i could get out of this.
    those of you who have great dh please thank God every night for him.
    Love you all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Jas, todays country music is on par with the pop music from our day. No more twangy banjos.

    Huh????? I never said anything about country music or twangy banjos, did I? I'm confused!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi robin,,
    its very nice to see you posting again..
    i have never been in your situation so i dont know what i can say... but i can offer you hugssssssssss and a ear!!!
    dont think your whining.... i so feel for you.. your in a awful mess... is there a way you can change the locks on the door while he is at work???
    i think the mental abuse is just as bad as physical if not worse... pls hang in there keep your treatments up sounds like the chemo is doing its job!!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Robin, I am so happy to hear from you. I'm sorry things are so bad. You have a rotten horrible husband and have so much to bear. I understand about the depression. You certainly have a right to feel that way. You are not alone, dear. Never. We think about you all the time. I believe in you dear. You will get through this. Don't give up on your treatments. Your husband is weak and stupid and mean. Talk to a lawyer, see what you have to do to get him out of the house and take care of yourself. Please, if it's a money thing, I'll help you pay for it. I'm in tears thinking about everything you are going through. I will pm you later.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Ah so sorry Robin. What a lowlife to be so abusive.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Oh Robin I am so sorry you are going through all this. I wish I had a solution for you. Can you get a lawer or social services to advise or help you? I am so sad you sound like you are in so much pain. Sending gentile hugs. I am praying for you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Robin: Its so good to hear from you. Sorry about the whole situation with your husband. Just sending you lots of love and dont stay away so long.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    No Jas, I was just making the comparison. Todays pop music is sooooooooo BAD. Pop music of our time is very comparable to country music today. Or so I think anywhos.

    hugs to you Robin.

    back to reading
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    Robin---Although I'm glad to see you post after such a long time, I'm very disturbed by what is going on in your life. I did a little Google search (Tennessee divorce law) and found this website---you may want to check it out.

    They have info on legal aid, divorce law (you have grounds) and Tennessee is a marital property state, meaning all assets acquired during your marriage are half yours, even if they are not titled in your name (house, car, etc.).

    I know dealing with your treatment is consuming just about all of your energy but no one deserves to live the way you are living. Your hubby is emotionally and psychologically abusive and should be taken out to the back forty and dealt with appropriately. Where is Mena and the deliverance wagon?

    Please do something about this creep---you deserve to live a peaceful and fulfilling life. There is a way out---the longest and most difficult journey starts with the first step. That's what you have done with your CA treatments, now apply what you have learned about your strength and hang-in-there skills and apply them to what he deserves---which is definitely NOT you!

    I'm beginning to feel like the Divorce Guru on this thread but, as you all can tell, I have absolutely NO tolerance for this bulls**t. Been there, done that and lived to tell a happy tale. Finally.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007

    Wait a minute---he's sending money to women overseas?!? Not only is he abusive, but he's dumber than a box of rocks!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh Robin...we have certainly missed you here. You need to come here...every day if you possibly can! We have worried and wondered how you are. Put yourself right smack in the center of the circle and let us help you and show you that you are loved and cared about.
    As for your husband...follow the advice of the other girls...get a lawyer or call social services and get him OUT, he is abusive, cruel and downright stupid. He doesn't deserve you. He deserves no more than a carboard box in an alley somewhere.
    You fight this beast and stay here with us so we can help you fight's what the circle is all about.
    How are you doing health wise? I know that the treatments were working the last time I remember you posting. at least every other day and read what we have to say and don't be a stranger! Many here do care.
    Love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007 are you? Looks like really nasty weather heading our way for Monday afternoon till sometime Tuesday...wind chills to 24 below zero. I am NOT looking forward to this. If it gets that cold I have to worry about my pipes and don't know if my car will even start much less warm up enough to drive! it's good to see you up and posting.
    Nicki has become the picture guru!! Loving it!
    oh geez...Nathaniel is bored and needs computer time. I owe him...he mopped the kitchen floor. (new fancy Bissell Flip Ease Vacuum/Mop so he just had to try it out LOL.)
    I'll be back in a bit
    Love and hugs to everyone