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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Well gosh darn. On my days off I wake up early and now that it's Monday - I oversleep. Still very cold in the Chicago end of the circle. But, I think maybe, just maybe we wont have any snow today.

    Denise: You can do it if I did. You just need some time to figure it out. For me the light bulb went on when I signed up for photobucket and then realized I have "My Picutres" on my computer. The ticket is clicking on the IMGcode and learning to right click copy, right click paste. But surely Im a photo monster now.

    MargaraetB: The Birthday did start out on a bad note, but that got resolved pretty fast and I really enjoyed the rest of the week-end.

    Anne: That was a beautiful picture of your rose. Next step for me is to learn how to download my own pictures. Then maybe you all will get to see what I really look like. Ahahahahah Im figuring I will look fat and old.

    Sherloc: My goodness its nice you meet with your friends. I blew off everything this week-end. Didnt go to the group home and didnt go to dinner yesterday. All talk here and no action.

    DebC: The CD is great. Very motivating and very inspirational. Had some new songs I have never heard and had some songs that I just love. One of my favorites is "Unwritten," I feel like its a song for all women, all ages. Young and old. I downloaded the CD of her singing it from youbet and its a pretty good video also. Im wearing my No surrender button everyday this week. My husband is playing at a Pub on St. Patrick's Day. It his biggest day of the year. He is putting the "Cancer sucks" button on his top hat

    Joyce: Im hoping your feeling better today.

    Robin: I hope you keep coming back here. Your situation is awful with you husband. You need a healing environment. Mental cruelty is a terrible kind of abuse, dont cave in.

    Holly: It always amazes me, being a nurse, how little I know about breast cancer. I never knew you could take cytoxin in pill form. I got mine IV and then they did the Adriamycin IV push. Although many fear Adriamycin, my onc told me it is the cytoxin that causes most of the side effects. You are so close to finishing. The last countdowns are near. So hang in there.

    Jeanette: We have been missing you so much. I think about you almost everyday and wonder where you have been. I was so happy to see you post. Riding your horse does sound like so much fun. Hope your shoulder is better really soon.

    Tracey: I was gonna say TGIM just for you until I read your post. Off on Tuesday and Wednesday is stinky. Somehow ya wanna feel you at least have part of the week-end off. The dinner your husband made sounded so good. My husband hates pork, and I love it - so ususally the only time I get it is when I go out. I know you did great on the midterm. and Ahahahahahaha, I love the name chewy. Its chewy lewie.

    Liz: You are a natural born caregiver. No doubt about it. If my perennials are coming up, I cant see them cause they are covered with at least a foot of snow!!

    NS: We do think alike. It was only yesterday that I was thinking, wow - the surgery is almost here. All the testing, finding doctors, get more tests approved, biopsies probably made you feel like you were in limbo land. You know we will be with you the whole way. And when you wake up I hope you think of 2 things. 1) its gone - the cancer is gone. 2) you will see all of us standing around your bed smiling at you knowing we are with you. I have my No Surrender button and Im wearing it to work all week.

    Cheri: Girl! You an I are on oppostie hours. When Im sleeping, you awake - and when Im awake your sleeping. Hoping your not too sore from your ordeal and the cancer center, and if you still feel that lump - get it checked out. If for anything else, piece of mind.

    CY: Im so glad you had a nice time with your family. I havent seen my son since before my surgery which was 2 years ago. Have 4 grandchildren and I havent seen them either. But - hey life goes on. Why? Cause Im beautiful dammit.

    Susan: I just cant tell you how much I love your Avatar. Your smiling face always makes me feel so good. The kitty looks just like my cat Leslie. A spitting image. She even sits the same way. You all better watch out, I have turned into a picture posting maniac.

    Vicke: Good morning, good morning. Monday mornings are always so hard. Hope you have a great day at work.

    Madison: where are you? Ive been missing you.

    PurpleMB: Where are you, I hate it when you dont come here on the week-ends.

    Amy: Same goes for you. I sure do miss you on the week-ends. We had a visitor here all week-end just hanging around Distorted Humors stall. Good think I had some cinammon treats.


    OK everyone, my earlier morning post is done. Time to pull myself outta this chair and go to work. Hope everyone has a great day and I will catch up with you all later.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Morn...just jumping in for a moment at work.
    Robin....IMHO this man should be arrested for attempted murder. He is so trying to wear you down so you can't keep up the fight. Please get help from local agency's from womens support group. We are here for you.

    Laura B...Same goes for you. We are women, hear us roar. We are so much stronger than men. We just let them think the other...xoxo

    DMD...the cd was perfect. My hub is sick of hearing it now. xoxo
    To all of my other sisters...I think my computer is behaving at home so I'll check in tonight.

    Love to all.xoxo
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Liz, you have a lot on your plate with the family. Take care of yourself.

    Cheri, that was quite an adventure to take by yourself. I hope the soreness is gone now.

    CY, glad you were able to see the your stepson and granddaughter. Sometimes it's not worth it arguing; I'd rather see your granddaughter than be right.

    Ok, since Cheri has some sore muscles, I'll pull up my big girl panties and drive tomorrow so we can be with NS. Since I'm on the West Coast, I have to get up extra early so hope everyone is ready. All you West Coast gals, be ready.

    Amy, enjoy the new job site. How great that you get to be so much closer to home.

    Nicki, I'm sorry you haven't seen your grandkids in two years. We had a family argument and didn't see ours for 8 months; the kids are the ones who lose out. Fortunately, we are past that now.

    Many I'm missing right now but it's time to get in the shower. Take care all and have a good day. Will catch up later.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Nicki...bad cold...and med & I don't make a nice couple...DH even calls me the B word...
    so I'll read but too much work and bad fuzzy head today.... My 3 yr appt this week so I must make up the work so I can take the day off...thurs...
    take care all...
    Amy,,, Dh was using the back hoe for all sorts of things this weekend...he can't believe we never thought of it neighbor, was visiting this weekend...he happened to have his tour ALASKA book...and can't wait to dream trip..hugs all...MB
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    thank you so much girls for your kind words I am overwhelmed at the response I got.I am honored to meet all you new ladies.Would someone tell me what is going on with laura b?I guess I can read back and find out.
    I am going to go see an attorney and put her on retainer I found out that can be done for 50.00.I want to get her before the dh does.
    Who ever mention attempted murder I have thought the same thing myself he is trying to kill me and has been since I have been on chemo.
    The only income I have now is from disablity social security and I can get by with that thank God I have been a nurse all my life.He has my ins right now but medicare starts in may and I qualified for the medicare drug coverage free which will save me 250.00 ,per mo in co pays.The money he gives me does help but I had rather live in a cave and have a piece of mind.i keep hoping he just wont come home one day but that never happens.when he is home i never see him he is on the pc in the basement that is where he lives and he sleeps on the couch,he dosent speak to anyone except the baby.
    My youngest daughters baby is due next month.
    I am taking something for depression actually effexor and paxil which really helps somedays i cant help but feel sorry for myself though.
    I so thought this ca would be over by now and i would have breasts be rid of the slime ball and back to work somewhere by now but no,I have to have a relapse.
    I will try and post everyday you girls mean the world to me.and I love all of you.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    First of all I want to wish Nicki a belated birthday, it sounds like you ended up having a pleasant day......I really do enjoy getting my cup of coffee in the morning and sitting down at the computer and seeing who posts first Nicki or Vickie..................its these small things in life that seem so much more important to me now then they use to............LauraB please take care of yourself.....things can so get out of hand so have survived bc you must survive Ray........Robin I remember you at the time you were posting back in the summer and having problems with your husband, I felt so sorry for you that you not only were having to deel with mets but you seemed so heart broken about finding out about your husband's extra activities....I to found out about my ex and the internet before we divorced....the main difference was our marriage was already broken and I knew that it was coming to an end..but it still hurt that he was replacing my so quickly...we had been married close to 30yrs.........when I read over the weekend that you had taken the tax return and bought yourself a was thank go girl...good for you........I will keep you in my prayers and I know how much you mean to all the woman here...everyone has been so concerned about you...........

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good morning CGs!

    First of all, Robin, I am speechless! Your husband (if that's what you call him) is a scum-sucking pig! In his case, the DH definately stands for something else . Please see a lawyer and take care of yourself first and foremost! It blows my mind how cruel some men can be when their wives are going thru cancer treatment. I am mad enough to spit nails!! Please come here as often as you can so we can try to help you. At least you have us to talk to. ((((((Robin))))))

    Well, there were so many posts that I kind of skimmed thru and didn't read everything.

    Nicki, Way to go!! You have officially surpassed Cheri as the Picture Monster . Isn't it fun when it finally clicks and you can do it? I have been so good on the diet, except for the weekend when I did have a couple of drinks. I lost 2 1/2 lbs. last week, and put 1 1/2 back on yesterday. WTF!!!! I didn't eat hardly anything. I'll stick with it this week again, but if I don't lose, I'm done. As DH says, I have to learn to love myself. And..what's up with the new signature ? Waht did I miss?
    Liz, it's just not fair how many women on this site seem to have so much extra to deal with. It's not enough that you've had to fight the beast, but now you have so much more on your plate. (((Liz)))

    NS, good luck with your surgery. If there is a magic carpet ride going with you, I'm there! At least I'll be with you in spirit. Mine is scheduled for next Monday, so I know all about the freaking out stuff. I actually forgot about it until DH mentioned it at breakfast this morning. Now my stomach is in a knot. Anyhoo, you'll be just fine.

    Amy, I hope your first day at your new job goes well! Are you close enough to home so you could go home and eat lunch with Mazer?

    Well, time to go. I have a cable TV repairman coming today and there is stuff to do.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Robin-So sorry you are going through this.I can't imagine not having my dh to lean on.(((())))
    Nicki-Happy belated birthday.

    I tried reading through but I am just not up to posting alot.This second reconstruction was harder on my body then I thought it would be. The stomach is the worse. I just feel really weak so I will catch up w/h you all when I can.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    Dear CG friends,

    Thank you so much for all your prayers and kind thoughts. Compared to what's going on with Laura B and Robin, my issues are nothing in comparison. The short version: my DH has an addictive personality - he has 5 brothers and a sister - and they all have addiction issues. He 'finally' told me that when we were in Atlantic City in January and in Las Vegas (he had his annual company meeting) in February, he took out some serious markers. There are some other issues we're dealing with, but nothing life threatening, just very stressful. In every other way, he is a wonderful husband, however, these are serious concerns.

    I had my last Herceptin treatment on Friday and I am finally done, except for the Aromosin. HOORAY!

    Other than that, we are having our house painted. I can't tell you what a mess this is and I'm having a baby shower for my daughter here on Saturday. I must have been having a brain freeze when I planned all this!

    Laura and Robin -- please call your local abuse centers and get the help you need and deserve. You do not need to be going through this horrible ordeal alone -- there are agencies out there to help you. Additionally, it will benefit you to verify and confirm what is going on when you get to court.

    I will try to catch up with everyone else later today. The painter is banging away on the other side of my office and I am getting a bad headache!

    Love, Sue
  • Helen1
    Helen1 Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2007
    I am being bad right now, I am at work and don't feel like working. Feel incredibly tired. I started back on the xeloda last Saturday which is probably contributing to the fatigue.
    Liz I have been wondering about you. Glad its starting to slow down for you.
    NS- I loved your description of the Jesus show. Nearly fell out of my chair laughing. About a year ago, I read a romance novel that had that same basic plot line of finding Jesus' tomb as well as wife and children, right down to the names. It was written by the author of the books the TV show Bones is based on. When Camerson's 'big' discovery was announced, I wondered if he had read the same book

    Duty Calls later
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    This is dedicated to our sweet NS.......... first of all girl what a great blog you have created....I know you must be beside yourself today and/or you are extremely calm but whatever the case you are so in my prayers and will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow........I do hope that microwave and you can become friends...also I hope that you have started to create a "bar" in reference to what your mom told you hehehehe sorry but mom's can say the strangest things...and strange things parents say how are those bra's working out your dad got for you?????????????Anyway I agree with whoever said about leaving the hospital too soon take your have beat the beast once you can do it again....I know he's watching you but it is not a sign of weakness to accept the kindness of others as Blance would say or did she say the "kindness of strangers" anyway you are just going to be stronger and more determined (are you not?) to wip the beast and send him back to hell where he belongs.....we love you........

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Joyce, I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I hope you start feeling better real soon.
    Robin, take care of yourself, you are PRIORITY NUMBER ONE!!!. It is okay to feel sorry for yourself. Everyone is here to help.
    NS, it will be mighty crowded at that hospital…..we will all be there
    Nicki, love the pictures you are posting. You know what they say….A picture is worth a thousand words
    Vickie, I know we both received packages of squares for the afghans Saturday…it is so much fun to put these afghans together.
    Susan, I saw the Pinkstock poster… it. You are so talented.
    LauraB….be careful and remember there is a small child who depends on Mom for safety
    Jeannie, “Mad Crocheter strikes again” heehee…my hubby has to weave through yarn to find me in the house…I tell him to just follow the yarn trail
    Cheri, hummmm you had a PM from Mena…keeping her all to yourself….you know ya supposed ta share
    Karen, thinking of you…hope you hand is getting better and better every day. When do you start PT?
    Deb, keeping Scott, Linda, Erica, Connie, Jane, Dan and Aunt Rosemary in my prayers. Oh Deb, so many, so sad…
    Deb, true story…yesterday I was getting ready for church and NOTHING I did looked right-hair-make-up,-clothes, etc. Told DH I was not happy and he leaned over and kissed the top of my head and said “don’t worry, you are beautiful”. I laughed and almost said….No I am beautiful dam*&*……thought of you and your wonderful CD and wonderful words…..Thank you again
    Alwayshope…you are beautiful…..yes you are.
    Lisa, I don’t remember if I told you GREAT on you news. I hate the “watch and wait”. They are doing that on 2 areas on my RB…next month is 1 year…so testing begins again.
    Shirley, a tea party with some friends…nice, I’m glad you were able to enjoy yourself... How are ya today?
    Helen1, Hello….sorry you are tired today.. just visit and we will help
    CY, the pictures of your granddaughter are precious…I know you enjoyed your visit with everyone.
    Theresa, I hope you get your computer at home fixed because you know you are a board-alcoholic
    Sue, congrats on the last treatment
    Jan….did you party too much this weekend? AND you know what they say about cable TV repair men (heehee-just kidding)
    Shokk – hello
    Liz, hello and hugs to you
    MB, hope your cold is better
    Denise, having fun with the squares…..every afghan is so unique
    Lynn, hello
    Bayyore, are you?
    Margaret, pick me up tomorrow ‘cause I see you are driving the magic carpet
    Oh, who did I miss…I am sorry…please everyone have a good day.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Ladies.
    Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!!!
    Thats my new moto.
    Me thinks dear hubby was feeling guilty last night. Got him to do a store run at 8pm for smokes. He NEVER buys my smokes.
    So they told me at the hospital I'm gonna have to start making adjustments to my diet. Discovered this morning that raisin bran is on the unedible list. BooHoo!! I'm gonna miss my raisin bran in the morning. Probably TMI but hey what are friends for.

    Jeannie, divorce guru indeed. You have good advice. Keep on posting it. Never been there myself so have no advice. But I'm with you on the NO BULLS**T.

    Vicki, 24 below...thats just wrong.
    You better clone Nathaniel before he gets to the lazy teenager stage.

    Madison, I now have 8 squares done. I'm crocheting my little fingers off. Made the istake of getting a really really big skein of yarn at wally world. Thought it was so pretty and was disguted that the smaller ones were only making a couple of squares. But now I am sooooo bored with the colors and thinking I should have stuck with the little ones.

    Cheri, hugs to you hon. Get that new bump checked out. I've been told tumors don't show up over night. But cysts and lipomas do. No worries till you have to. It only causes wrinkles.
    A funny story...I've always had lots of cyst issues in my breast too. Once a couple of years before bc I was doing my monthly check, squeezed my nipple and the prettiest nasty stuff came out. I kid you not, it was turquoise. Of course I freaked out and made a doctors appt. And continued to squeeze till I was bruised. When I got to the docs and told him what I was doing the man looked me straight in the eye and say "well stop doing that then". Turquoise is apparently a "normal" color for discharge. He did stick a needle in there tho and popped/drained the cyst that was causing the issue.
    I see you had another blue drink weekend. I am sad you all had so much fun while I was bored to tears laying on the couch. Next party is at my house. Lets go to Yosemite.

    Margaret, hubby wants to go see Wild Hogs tonight. Not sure I'm up to sitting in a theater chair for two hours. We'll see.
    Hubby is on midlife crisis #58....I think his started about 25.

    Anne, I liked the big picture. It was sooo pretty. The little one doesn't do that gorgeous flower justice.
    I wanna see icicles too.

    Bayyore, computers going kerpluey seems to be the norm these days.

    Deb, I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the CD and buttons. Got the buttons stuck on my purse so they go everywhere with me.
    John Mayer is my current all time favorite. Glad he made the cut.
    I'm praying for you and your friends.

    Jeanette, bare back riding? wow. I don't think I could stay on a horse if I was tied to it.
    Your gathering sounds awesome. And that coming from a noncamper, no outhouse person.

    Tracey, fingers and toes crossed for a great score. I'm sure you did well.

    Liz, I'm taking it easy. I promise. If you are taking an AI my onc says you should have DEXA every year.
    I say insist on one if you are taking tamox and are premenopausal as well. I was one of the lucky 1% who had major bone loss while on tamox. They tell me it's not harming my bones now that I have no estrogen to compete with it.
    Good to hear your inlaws are doing better. Ouch on the broken nose. How on earth did he do that?
    I'll be praying for your cousin. She has taken the first step in seeking help. That is a good thing but she still has a long road ahead of her.

    NS, I don't watch those silly shows. But I can just imagine what they had to say.
    Satan has dominion over this world. He can not destroy the gospel so instead trys to discredit it.
    Butttttt WE (and he) know the end of the story.
    WE WIN!!

    CY, men in a room paying attention to me while I'm knocked out....hmmm I guess it could have been worse.
    Helen was here? Where? I missed her! HI HELEN!!!
    I am so glad you got to see your grandbaby. Children keeping their children away from grammies and grampies is just wrong. I don't care what issues they have.
    Nicki, same for you hon. Hugs. Give me your son's #. I'll call him and give him a good dose of mother guilt. Shame on him.

    Donuts? who has donuts?

    Nicki, good friends are hard to come by. Gotta stick with the ones who stick by you.
    I had never heard Unwritten before. Awsome song.

    Margaret, I've got my drugs and bubble wrap all ready. I'll be waiting on the porch.

    Jan, praying for your upcoming surgery.

    Joyce, rest rest rest.

    Sue, yehaw on the last treatment. Prayers for your situation.
    Open the window. Can't have you getting a paint headache.

    Helen, there you are. good to see you my friend. I missed you in chat the other day. Or did I? I'm drugged and my memory sucks.

    Back to the couch for me. I am seriously sick of watching movies. Just wish I could try on a mind numbing tv show. But alas hubby has not yet hooked up the satellite.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    No Madison, what doooooo they say about cable repair men?LOL! Nah, no party at all this weekend, except for a short time at the Cyber party at Deb's on Friday. I'm still waiting for the repairman. I live in the sticks and they always save me for last. At least I have cable. We are right on the border for not having DSL connection. The other end of my road can only get dial up.

    Ishop1/Sue, Yay!!!! How wonderful to be done treatment!! It feels real good, doesn't it?
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Shirley, we are going to Yosemite this weekend? I know you have bears that are hibernating and we get really loud..still okay if we come?

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Hellooooo Shirley, I'm glad you are feeling a little better. It's day by day, ya know? What's wrong with Raisin Bran? I had my gall bladder out and it never bothered me. I also had cysts, back in the day of real boobs. I had them aspirated several times and was always stunned at the yucky color! When I first saw that, I thought I was dying for sure, but my doc assured me it was normal. UGH! Just try to take it easy and get rest. You don't want to overdo. I don't think I'd want to go to the movies tonight. That's a long time to be sitting in the theater.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    BTW, Shirley, I do have my bras packed up and as soon as I get my lazy ass to the post office, you will get them.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Madison, the bears are probably just waking up and very hungry. We'll make sure we have lots and lots of treats for them. We will not give them hockey sticks or blue drinks. That would seriously tick off the rangers.

    Jan, the raisin bran did not like me this morning. In at 6, out at 6:15, it wasn't pretty. I'll try it again. I love my raisin bran.
    Anxiously awaiting the bras.

    Just got a very interesting call from Stanford Medical Center. Onc sent them my file and they think I should have brca test done. UGH!!! What to do. I am soooo on the fence on this one ladies. I figure, I had bc, don't have ovaries, I get checked regularly so whats difference does it make....buttttt then theres my daughter and sister and neice??? Do I do it just cause it could possibly affect them? Hmmmmmmmmm
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Shirley, if it was me, I think I would get the test done. Especially since you have a daughter. If it came back positive, she could be on the look out a lot sooner. I know it's scary, but if it were me, that's what I would do.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    I had the BRCA testing done--not for me but for my sis, daughter and niece. Mom had BC, I had multicentric BC (which is why they recommended testing). Was already menopausal but figured it was important for them to know and would have had my ovaries removed just to be on the safe side. Came back neg.

    It's a simple test, just a blood draw. Getting the family history together was the hard part--my Dad had 7 sibs.

    Make the decision that is best for you. Did you ask why they recommend it?

    Why no raisin bran? They never told me to avoid anything after they took my GB out. And I have certainly complied. I don't avoid ANYTHING and the scale and my butt show it!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Made some notes, but didn't make it all the way back yet. Nicki: Our new Picture lady! I too have "my pictures" on computer..don't know if I still need "photobucket" or not.
    MARGARET: Where are you?? you know that answer!!!!

    Cheri: I hope you called your onc about the lump you found. We all know that it is NOTHING, but let the Dr. tell you that! We are all so good at giving advice....but not so good on following it!

    Shirley: Glad that you are feeling better! I was going to mail your DH a bone if he was still in the Dog House! Glad he redeemed himself and made lunch yesterday!
    Turquoise Discharge? Interesting! BRCA testing, It wouldn't hurt. Isn't that something they do to more or less get a history for future "candidates" like daughters, granddaughters and etc?
    NS: We will all be there tomorrow! Your wisdom and spirit have carried you so far. And will continue after this surgery tomorrow!! Computer wasn't to happy with me when I spit Ice Tea on it.....I was reading your comments on the Movie and loved the last sentence! That's when the tea flew out of my mouth!!

    Robin and Laura: Hope you are safe and doing the right things to protect yourselfs and your Children.

    Colleen: How are you and Warren doing?

    Amy: Get them Girl.....New job today!!

    Shokk: Nice words for NS!

    Be right back!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Shirley: I am going to call and hassle with the Ins. Co. about another Bone Density. 2 years ago (maybe a bit longer) It showed Osteopenia. That was before the wonder drug Femara was introduced to my Estrogen deprived body! My Mother has severe Osteoporosis. I quit taking Fosamax in Sept. (I think) becausse of Side Effects. Onc wants me back on it and I'm sure I will try it again. I don't know anything about the infusions..let me know, I just might have to talk to him about that.

    Holly: Hang in there. You are almost done. We are with you!

    Boo/Sue: Home Makeover was really good last night. What a nice family. I'm glad the swelling has gone down in your chest, but I would have it checked. (actually, as I said above, I'm good at giving advice, not so good at taking it!)

    Joyce: Take care of yourself. Hugs and Drugs being sent your way! How is Kevin doing?

    Deb: Prayers are still going out for your friends. You are dealing with a overload right now. You're always so good with giving us words of wisdom and courage. I'm sending some back to you and remember we Love you!

    Let's all remember to wear our NO SURRENDER buttons tomorrow!

    I know this is annoying, but I will be right back!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Liz: We do get it! You are dealing with a lot right now. Is your FIL okay? Hooray for your cousin wanting help. Boo, to the system that makes it so hard for people to get the help they need. They don't get it. If someone is asking for help and needs help, you can not tell them to come back in 30 days. So Maddening! Hang in there and we'll hope and pray for her.

    Cheri: Back to lump. I didn't have lump, but my bad boob was really hurting a few weeks ago. It felt like a sore muscle. (A Sharp, bad sore muscle!) My onc check up was coming up so I mentioned it to them. They weren't concerned. Felt nothing, all bloodwork was fine. She did say something about even after 3 years, some of the Nerves that had been cut could be re-connecting and instead of feeling the numbness I could be feeling some pain. More than that was said but that was the basis of it!

    Jan: Cable Man, eh?

    Karen: I hope your hand feels better soon. Another bonus of these meds..CP or Tendenitis.

    Silvergirl: I'm with you. GallBladder gone, I eat. And my Scale and Butt definitely Show it!

    NS: Yoga could have prevented BC? Maybe we should patent the idea and make a fortune! Ya right.

    Madison: I'm following the yarn trail till I find you! What a wonderful thing your husband said to you! You are Beautiful!!

    Cy: I haven't seen the picture link yet. I've got to take a look at these Grandchildren! I'm glad you got to visit with them.

    Sue: I'm going to pm you!

    Vickie: Hello my dear! Do I have to follow the yarn trail to find you also!!

    Love to all, and If I missed you please know that I am thinking of you!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Denise. oh yeah, the cable guy just left. Actually, he was kind of cute. Of course they want us to upgrade to digital . He wasn't THAT cute!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    I'm leaning in that testing direction ladies. Why couldn't they do this stuff 3 years ago? I'm supposed to be moving on darn it. O well

    Who knows whats up with the raisin bran. They told me at the hospital that I might have a problem with fatty and spicey foods. Raisin bran isn't either. But it DID NOT like me this morning. Can't blame it on anything else. I'm regular as clock work and had already had my morning constitutional. So the raisin bran had to be the culprit.

    Denise, definately check about another dexa. Onc is only suggesting the infusions for me cause I have very advanced osteo. My bones are disintergrating. However that is spelled.
    You had side effects from fosomax? bummer....there are others you can take you know. I've been told that boniva is milder and Evista has the added benefit of small protection against bc

    Jeannie, at my last onc visit I had the very simple question....when should my daughter start her mammograms? Oncs response....You have a daughter? Didn't your mother have breast cancer?
    Well duh doc, haven't you been reading my file for 3 years?
    Anywhos asked me about a gazillion questions and determined I had enough history to send my file to Standford for evaluation. They apparently think there is enough history for the test????
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,
    I went to the onc this morning and she gave me the all clear. She told me whan you find a lump and you press on it, if it feels like a rubber band, that's good. If it feels like a pebble that's bad.

    NS has a blog? Where is it? I'd love to read it. Who is driving the magic carpet tomorrow? Pick me up.

    You all have a great day. I'm gonna take a nap.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    The genetic counselor I saw wasn't as concerned with my Mom's post meno BC as she was with the flock of tumors I developed. Every case is different. I'm not sorry I did it---makes all of us feel better altho my dtr will have to be more vigilent even tho it came back neg.

    Onc just called. Scheduled for both a bone density and bone scan the next few weeks---just trying to make sure the joint pain (especially in my hip) is really just middle aged creakiness as I keep on insisting. See if I tell them anything ever again! Here we go again! Denise, that just doesn't sound logical in your situation. Have you dble checked with the insurance company?

    Robin--glad to hear you found an attorney and are going to retain his/her services. NO ONE can force you to stay married to them. Just check with the attorney on vacating the premises if you decide that's an option. In some states DH would be able to charge you with abandoning the marriage and the marital home and you would lose all claim to that asset.

    Laura---what's up pussycat?

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Susan, good news!!! All clear is a very good thing!

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007
    Hey gals...I am wiped. Last night was not fun--my belly became so bloated, I looked 8 months pregnant & felt horrible with it, broke out in hives last night and today. The bloating was unspeakably uncomfortable. My onc is away until Thursday so I'm stopping my cytoxan pills until I can talk to him. I'm worn out. The hives now & my throat swelling almost shut after my last infusion has me freaked out. CY--I hate feeling like I'm copping out going to all infusion(if that's even possible after these allergic reactions) I'm in my 4th month with 'only' 2 more to go, darn it. But you're right it is not working well for me.

    Laura and Robin--please take care of yourselves. I cringe hearing your stories knowing all the stress and sadness you are feeling.

    Shirley--My husband just had his GB out this past September and he was told he could have anything he wanted. The only thing he's noticed is that everything goes thru him much faster. I would do the bRca test if you think it will make a difference in your life or your relatives lives

    NS-is tomorrow our surgery?? Wish we could give you a bon voyage boobie party like I wanted for myself. I'll wear my NS button tomorrow to honor you sweetie. your hubby story

    Hugs to everyone xoxox
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Susan that is wonderful news,I am so glad for you.
    My onc is changing my chem to a new drug called abraxane,supposed to work better than taxol alone actually it is taxol surrounded by molicules so up to a 50% higher dosage can be given without side effects.Supposed to that is.I will let you know.Now I have to have this port replaced before I can start it though.Yes,this one is now leaking,this is my second one soon to be third.Man this just aint my life.So gonna try and have that done this week.My youngest daughter who is pregnant her boyfriend and his mother is giving her such a hard time it is killing feelings are getting so hurt by this all I have done today is if i dont have enough on me allready.

    Susan:give me a call when you get a chance.