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  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    I know I've seen him with my own eyeballs but are you absolutely SURE Nathaniel is only eight? It's snowing like mad here right now and not looking forward to the next "blow"--but it is supposed to warm up towards the end of the week . Warm up---that means high thirties! Just keep reminding myself about that "in like a lion" thing. My poor little Lenten rose in the back yard---probably under the snow shivering its little buds off.

    Nicki---yeah, I'm impressed. The Circle's newest picture maven. I actually posted one once and haven't been able to do it since. Macs are easy but I have to drag and drop my pics and when I do that they're so big I can't even find the resize tabs on Photobucket.

    Gotta go crochet. The Mad Crocheter strikes again----bwahaahaa!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    HELLOOOOO....wake up sisters.
    Well my my my...we are having a quiet day in the circle. Looks like I need to start tweaking some toes and wake up some napping girls.
    Yup Jeannie...he really is only eight. He's so funny and loves anything the washer, dryer, dishwasher, vacuum and now the new mop are just thrilling for him! Oh...he hates dust too! I'm sure he'll hit the lazy teenage stage someday and I'll wonder where my little helper went LOL.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Well Vickie just tweeked my toes so I thought I would wake everyone else up.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Looks like we're missing Cheri. She must be really really hung over!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Hi All, I have been working on the new afghan....I am going to read all the posts I have missed...but in the meantime....hugs to all....Madison

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Hope everyone is having an...(started to type 'Excellent', then 'wonderful', tried 'healthy' then 'great' and after reading the posts they didn't any of them seem to fit) above average day. How bout that one? Can't go wrong with it. lol

    Nicki, thanks for advice on the breast lump. My arms are sore underneath on both sides from the walker so maybe it's just sore muscles. Hey Congrats on getting away from this old dial-up. Our internet provider should be called "In-the-Sticks Dial-up". They keep saying we're going to go high speed out here but don't know when. My oh my, I told Margaret when she told me how to post pics that she was creating the "Picture Monster" and she did. So now she gave the 'power' to one more of us. It's interesting, it's fun, it's funny, it's an addiction...IT'S A DISEASE!!

    Deb, I'm so glad you got to go to your writers conference and enjoyed it so.

    Joyce, I hope you start feeling better soon. We all hate those blasted drains. Hope recovery is fast. How is Kevin?

    Shirley, you are actually going back & reading every post aren't you? You must be either feeling better & bored, or afraid you'll miss something. I say both. lol Like I said about my onc visit, they're doing remodeling. They will have the Lab much closer eventually. If I just go in to see the onc it's not that hard but if I need Lab done right now it's ugly.

    Robin, I don't know you but I am terribly sorry for your situation. What a Lily-Livered Ass it takes to brow beat a sick woman! Big man! I've read all the advice these good ladies have given you so I can't say much that hasn't been said. Except, Yes, it would be very selfish of you to just want to be with the Lord. Apparently, He's not ready for you and your kids and grandkids need you and love you. I can imagine being so sick and wanting to give up but then to have such an evil soul living in your home must be almost intolerable! Almost. Do as the ladies say and get in contact with an attorney. Honey, we are your sisters. You come to us each & every day. Lean on us and let us take care of you. We will all help you get through this. We're sending your so-called 'husband' to the Deliverance tent with Mena and she gonna put a hurtin on that bad boy!

    Mena, did you hear that? Puttin' in another order, make this one with "the works!" HAHAHA

    Jeannie, excellent advice to Robin and so sweet to look up a website for her. You're a good cookie.

    Susan, you are just the sweetest lil thing you. I'm proud to call such a caring, giving person my friend.

    Vickie, you didn't catch your death of cold yesterday skiing off that mountain did ya girl? lol That is burned into my mind. You, too, are a good cookie.

    Yesterday after Mena read my post she sent me a pm. She
    was her usual sunny self and told me, "stop touching it and checking it NOW" she was...uh..very adamant about it. So thought I'd wait & see if it's still there tomorrow when my onc is in. Thank you Meaner...uh..I mean Mena. HAHA

    NS, it was sooo good to see you posting yesterday. You know I think of you daily and with the best wishes. Everything is gonna be alright. Just think you're gonna get that nasty old Beast outta your body!

    To all those I missed, Cy, Liz, Boo, Laura, Anne, Madison, MB and the rest that I went blank on...have an above average day.

    Always, for some reason the little nickname "Jazmanian" just came to mind. Kinda cute. Although, you left off the 'Devil' part I put behind it. lol

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon girls -
    RobinTN - I am so very sorry that you are having to endure so much both physically and mentally. Some of the gals before me have given you wonderful advice. I hope you are able to use some of it. Please also talk to you doctor about something for the depression. SEnding you hugs from Denver and I will continue to keep you in my thoughts.
    Laura - I am quite worried about you. Please get an attorney also contact a victims advocate who works with domestic violence. Be sure to take care of yourself and your Catie. Let us know how us CG's can help in any way.
    Nicki - loved the pics. YOu are ahead of me - I still haven't tried posting.
    Joyce - sorry you are in so much pain from the surgery - HUGS!!!Sue - what nice news for your friend - I don't watch the show - the one time I did I was in tears and that was it for me. Candle handle shows that make me cry!!!
    Deb - so glad that you enjoyed the writers workshop. Hugs to Scott and his family. Hugs to you for being such a good friend to all your friends. YOU keep showing us what a truly special person you are. One day, I hope you will only hear good news from those you care abuot.
    Nicki - you must of looked beautiful at your surgery.
    NS- I too got to stay two days after my mastectomy. They said one and I begged to stay two and got to. Was ready to go home the second day, but not the first. I will be thinking of you on Tuesday. What time is your surgery? I see my PS that afternoon. Please be sure to take care of yourself after the surgery and give yourself the time to heal that you need. Sending hugs and kisses.
    Thinking of everyone. Sending hugs and well wishes from Denver, Karen
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Now its time to go to sleep. Good night, sleep tight. Gonna put my pj's on, climb in to bed. Sweet Dreams and see ya in the morning.

    Oh Yes, Im a picture addict now.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    OMG Deb,,

    My prayers go out to all of your friends and family. Did you know all these people before they were Dx'd or did you meet them along your journey?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    If Nicki can do it then so can I! I'm gonna play around with Margarets instructions and learn me how to post pictures!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Too many postings to catch up on, but Nicki, I hope you had a wonderful birthday. As I'm reading, I gather it didn't start out well but hope it ended up being a good day.

    Sheri, glad to hear that things are doing well so far.

    Deb, I hope you really enjoyed the workshop. You do know a lot of people who have to deal with cancer. I'll keep them in my prayers.

    Laura, I was wondering about you and how things were going. It doesn't sound like things are going well at all. I hope your new lawyer does a better job for you. I don't think you should feel bad for calling the police. When he threw the gun into the scheme of things, he bought a whole new level to the playing field.

    G, what took you to Walmart? We have one about 20 miles from me. Everyone raves about Walmart and I know the prices are cheaper, but I also think it depends on the demograhics of the area. This one by me is not great so I don't shop there. It's Target for me. I think your old friend is a little out of balance herself with a stupid comment like that.

    Ishop, don't know what's happening but saying an extra prayer for you.

    Cheri, the weather was so spring like yesterday that I had to do some weeding and planting and boy do I ache today. Talk about getting older. I hope the lump you felt has gone down today.

    Holly, you are almost done with your chemo. You can do it and we'll be right here with you.

    Nicki, you will love the cable modem. I don't think I can handle too much more - you getting rid of dial up and G going to Walmart - what's next? I just saw what was next - you did it - good job on posting pics!

    Boo/Sue, I'll Tivo Extreme Makeovers in case I can't watch it tonight.

    Robin, you are not selfish. First, can you get yourself a separate checking account and get your paycheck direct deposited into it so he can't get at that.? Then I would cancel all joint accounts and get a separate one for your phone bill, so his is in his own name. Like Tracey said, can you change the locks while he is gone? Wouldn't that surprise him. Finish your chemo, don't let him do that to you.

    Let's see, who did I miss? Jeannie, Jan, Karen, Madison, and everyone else, enjoy the rest of your day.

    Oh, before I forget, if you want to laugh, go see Wild Hogs. We saw it Friday night. For those of you who haven't seen the previews, 4 middle aged men, pretty much having mid-life crisis, take a motorcycle road trip. It's funny.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oh I missed so much in the past 24 hours. GD was here last night. Had to drive in to My Mom's today and help her out and then headed another 40 miles north to a Funeral Home. I'm home now, (duh!) and wanted to let everyone know that I'm thinking and Hugging all of you!
    Prayers for those who need them. (don't we all!)
    Thoughts also.
    God Bless all facing procedures this week.
    And forgive me, but a good Ball Crushing to the creeps in Laura B and Robins lifes. Stay safe.
    I'll read a bit and see you in the morning!
    Love and Hugs,
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Sorry, I'll delete that photo.

    I'm doing something wrong. I keep changing the size on PhotoBucket, but the posted picture keeps coming out really big. What am I doing?

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, I don't miss lunch with my girls for anything. No strain on me. Friend picked me up, dropped me off at door to restaurant, and back to my house. All I did was sit and eat pretty little sandwiches.

    Cheri, all of the above. Bored to tears actually. Doc says I can drive when I can turn without pain. So far that aint happening.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    oooo so very pretty Anne.

    Hugs and prayers to one and all.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    update on hubby. he got up from his nap and made me lunch. He's off my shit list for the day.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Trying again after some help from DH.


  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Guess I'm joining the picture club! Not that this is a current photo - it would have to have an icicle hanging off it!


  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007
    Hi Circle girls,
    My computer went kerphlooie today and I am borrowing my son's MAC. I am a work in progress with it--it's sooo different than windows! Yikes, I just figured out how to increase the font size--my son had it set super tiny so I haven't been reading too many posts.
    Thanks for the chemo encouragement. Today was a bit better--makes a lot of difference. I'm considering asking the onc to switch me to all IV anyway--I cannot stand those cytoxan pills

    Anne--Irfanview is a free download that is so simple to use to resize pictures. I've been using it for years. Just go to their website and download--they are safe. Love the rose!

    Good night lovely ladies....xoxoxoxoxo
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon dear ladies

    I have had several PM’s asking if we can talk about my little surprise packages now…well of course you may! I had such fun making the buttons and the CD. I’m just glad you are all having fun with it too.

    Music has pulled me through many a dark patches in my life and I enjoy making CDs for different phases and stages in my life. I have found that I can actually change my mood just by picking the right music to listen to.

    I have 2 button makers that are easy to use, so anytime you need a button for something, I would be happy to make them. I know, I know…I have the weirdest things….but I love my button machines! I make things for b-day parties, for the kid’s ski team, For 4-H…I’m a craft geek too. I just love little stuff like that. I made the buttons that say “No Surrender” so that Gina knows we are all behind her when she goes into surgery this week. I’m going to wear mine to remind me to say an extra little prayer for healing. I also just like it as a slogan for all of us….Never, Never NEVER surrender! Together we can accomplish so much.

    It’s funny, I was telling a friend of mine about Pinkstock and how we are planning on getting as many of the circle girls as we can together for a face to face weekend. She got this smirk on her face and said that even though people talk a good game that when it comes right down to it people won’t take the time and money to visit “internet chat friends”. I just laughed at her. She SO doesn’t get it! She kind of got mad at me for laughing and said that she bet only 2 or 3 people would show up…I told her I would show her pictures to prove her wrong.

    So…enough about me…

    Vickie – I loved the photo of the blue fairy you posted! She was beautiful. And an 8-year-old that MOPS! Can you get him cloned? I bet you could sell dozens of the little tyke LOL

    Laura- I don’t have any advice for you that you have not already heard. Please know that all of us care about you and that anything said here is said out of love. We all want you and you daughter to be safe and happy when this is all over. Keep us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Sending you lots of gentle hugs.

    Cheri – I missed your post about a lump. Call your doc and get it checked out. You will feel much better when you KNOW it is nothing. I’m sure it is fine, but it will continue to bug you until you are sure. Hugs

    Nicki- The eggs this morning were perfect . Over medium, just runny enough to dip my toast in the yolk…YUM. I’m glad you had a good b-day and worked through stuff with DH. Isn’t posting photos fun Just wait until you get high-speed hook up…

    Lynn – 55 degrees in Alberta??? NO FAIR! I want spring ***pout**

    Sue-Boo….hey that kinda rhymes I’m glad the swelling is down in you chest. Keep an eye on it. LE is nothing to mess around with. I will try and catch the extreme home makeover show…it always makes me bawl like a baby, but I love it.

    Joyce – Sorry you have a drain, but glad you are healing. Get some rest.

    Dear Robin – First of all, I echo what so many others have said….don’t stay away. We are here to help you. I can not imagine how hard it is for you right now. Please don’t think about giving up on your treatment. The Lord has enough angels right now my dear. We need you to stay right here. Now, how can we help? Do you need one of us to call you every day to check in? Please let us know…we love ya girlfriend!

    Susan – sounds like you are getting stronger every day…good to see you posting

    Jeannie – Glad to see you are out from under the bed…don’t forget to clean those martini glasses out from under there too! You are such a dear to find websites for others to help…I think being the divorce guru was probably a hard-won title my dear! I’m just happy you share your knowledge and strength with your sisters.

    Denise – I knew all of these folks before cancer. It seems so strange to me that SO many of my friends have been DX since I was. I try not to take it personally…I know, it sounds weird that I would, but I do. Not only that but ALL of the BC was stage 3…how weird is that? There are actually 4 other people fighting cancer in our little church…too many people….

    Margaret – I want to see Wild Hogs…it looks like pure fun.

    Shirley – glad DH is out of the dog house. Sorry you are bored…do you have a crochet hook nearby LOL

    Anne posts pictures too! WooHoo

    I’m sure I missed folks. I have been writing while I cook dinner and help my daughter with homework….multi tasking at its worst!

    I’ll be back later…

    Deb C
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2007

    I have been so worried about you.
    I haven't posted in weeks - couldn't keep up. But you have sparked me to action - boy that stinking mean polecat of a slime that dares to enter your house! Do you have some income without him around? if so kick the out the door and get a lawyer to change your will asap.

    A big part of depression - not all but a part - is the anger we can't get out any other way. And you have some BIG excuses to get angry. Find any legal way you can to get the Hell out of this mess.
    The good news is that your mets have gone down and the next cycle may make them all go away. And you can be there for your kids and grand kids. Now some fighting spirit to take the ogre and get him out of your life.
    Please let us know if there is some way on top of our support that we can help.
  • baldeagle
    baldeagle Member Posts: 97
    edited March 2007
    OK girls , I am not being a wallflower for a while.
    I sit and read and pray and weep. And sometimes I celebrate silently with all of you.

    I can't keep up with all of you - there is so much going on.
    Briefly - Laura, I hope that you get good legal counsel and your agony will end. It can be hard to face the reality that someone you thought you loved and was a soulmate is a skunk. But denial can't go on forever, and there is a horizon beyond those black clouds.
    Niki - belates happies. You are well thought of and loved.
    Karen(Denver), you have been thought the mill - hopefully recovery is all the way upwards now.
    NS - Gina, what can I say, except that I pray for your speedy recovery - NS is such a wonderful name and so describes your indominable spirit. We will all be on the carpet riding off to supervise your surgery.
    Cheri - a bummer to walk so much but I am glad you got out of your jammies and out of the house. Now more of that!
    I have not forgotten all of the rest of you - more latter.
    DebC - I am jealous of all the girls who have gotten your surprise. I am mileage wise lots closer than they and yet the goodies are somehow tied up in the postal system between two countries! Unreal isn't is since they have to fly that stuff over our airspace first.

    As for me - have had a very sore shoulder - mast side - that threatens to turn into a frozen shoulder. Have been to physio - an awesome lade who does craniosacral massage. and an acupuncturist (Yes Deb, I am among the converted).
    Have taken up bareback riding for pleasure and therapy and find it awesome - even manage to stay on my horse without stirrups (and he listens to me!)

    Finally - I am planning a women's gathering at my place in southern Alberta for any of you who might be interested. I had to confirm with the native Elder who will guide us on our journey. It is not a BC gathering - it will be a gathering of women who will learn about and shared native teaching, and just enjoy being together as women. Late June. The place is basic - running water (the river), state of the art toilet (we are building a new outhouse), no electricity or phone services - that includes no cell phones. So it will truly be a get way. Not meant for the motel crowd since you will have to bring your own accommodation (tent or trailer)and food - including a couple of meals to share for a communal feast. We plan to construct a sweat lodge for healing as well. Bathe in the river!
    And will have an elder to lead us.

    If interested in more details, please PM me. We are planning for a group of like-minded women.

    Guess that's it for now.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good evening ladies...
    i have been so busy with my school work that i havent been able to get in here much...
    i just finished my mid term online and i think i did ok.. well i hope i did i will be happy with 80%
    today was super nice here,, all the snow is melting and making way for spring.. i find it hard to believe its march already!
    hubby was good to me today i got off work early and came home to catch up on a little sleep... so he made dinner of a pork loin and my favorite of whipped potatoes..... mmmmmmmmmm
    my days off at work are so mixed up right now normally i am off sun, mon but this week is tues and wed as we are training a new front desk girl...personaly i think its a waste of time as she shows up late and i dont think she has great customer service skills... but i guess we will see... we have such a shortage of staff around here i guess we have to give her a chance... but hey maybe she will surprise me
    puppy is doing good... havent taken him anywhere yet still getting him accustomed to us and his new home... oh ya we named him chewy!LOL it was a hard decision with all the great names you ladies came up with.... my next choice was shooter, bruiser and deogi (dog).... ty ladies your awsome
    so i ordered pizza for our staff yesterday and our delivery guy is this older man i think he is in his 80's but i know he was dx with lung cancer two yrs ago.. so i asked him how he was doing and he told me his last checkup both of the tumors have disappeard!!!!!! well that was awsome news and so i thought i would share that with you ladies!!!!
    well i am relieved to finish my test now i should do some laundry but will be around and back forsure in the am as i am
    hugsssssss to all you ladies
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Evening CG’s

    Deb – I’m adding your friends to my prayers. It’s so hard to watch those we care for go through this. Glad you enjoyed your workshop.

    Cheri – I can’t believe that there isn’t a wheelchair accessible to you for those appointments. Shame on them. I hope you’re beginning to feel a bit less sore. Heard you had lots of fun at the party at Deb’s. I just knew I had a new lump awhile back. Saw my oncologist and told him where it was and that it hurt. He felt it and said well of course it hurts silly; you’ve been pushing on a rib. Oopss. But do get it checked for peace of mind.

    Jas – sorry someone called your fat. Phoooeeeey on them. You’re beautiful!

    Nicki – my tulips, crocus and daffodils are coming up. I’m so ready to have them blooming. I think of you when I see them as you did so much planting last year while I did none. Glad you learned to post pics. Now you need to post one of you!

    Sher – give yourself some time to heal kiddo. Good for hubby for fixing you something to eat. Glad he’s off your list now. How often should I do the DEXA? I’ve heard a variety of time lines from others on Arimidex. Just curious.

    LauraB – I sent you a pm. Just be careful dear. I know you’re doing all you can to protect Caitie. Hugs.

    NS – I personally hate Wal Mart! I love Target though. I’m glad you’ve joined us this century and purchased a few things. We’ll all be there for the surgery.

    Lynn – hope you got to enjoy some of the day. It was 61 here.

    Sue – I missed the program tonight. Darn! I’ll have to see if one of my friends recorded it. I’m beginning to wonder if I might be having some early signs of LE also. I’ve been watching it and will probably call the doc if it’s still bothering me next week.

    Joyce – Lots of comfort and care here in the medic tent. Hate those drains too. Rest and take care of yourself. Gentle hugs. They can never find a vein on me either and heaven forbid if they should listen to me when I tell them where one is.

    RobinTN – oh honey my heart is aching for you. Please, Please start preparing to leave this man. You CAN and WILL fight this disease. You WILL be okay without that person. Get all the information you can and begin to move forward. You will not be left on the street. Please let us know how you are. I do so worry about you. Hugs my friend.

    Jeannie – a great site for Robin to check out. Thank you for doing that. Yes, where is Mena when we need her. Where’s the deliverance wage? I’ll put him in it and work on him awhile until Mena shows up. I could use some distraction and work out some anger.

    Vickie – I think Nathaniel needs to come stay with me for awhile. I need someone who would make me clean house! Wanted to let you know I’ll have some more squares for you girls in a few days. Can you tell now why my house isn’t clean? LOL
    I’ve been looking at those mops. I have all hardwood floors and am so tired of doing them the old way.

    Hi to Karen, Denise, Margaret, lini, Anne, Holly, Amy, Deese, Carrie, Tracey, Amy, Jeannette and everyone else.

    Okay girls, I didn’t think my life could get any crazier with all the in-law problems. They’re actually doing fairly well. My FIL did fall and break his nose but no other bones were broke. Here’s what I’ve been dealing with since a week ago today. My 26 y/o cousin (who I helped raise off and on when she was younger) checked herself into detox. They kept her for 5 days but couldn’t keep her longer since she no longer has insurance or a job. Soooo we’ve been trying to find a state assisted facility who offers a 28 – 30 day treatment. She really wants to get better. To go to a state facility you have to be a resident of the state. Makes sense to me. The waiting period here in Oklahoma is 3 months. So that won’t work. I was blown away at the cost of what treatment runs. She found one center in Wichita Falls, TX who offers a 30 day treatment for $8400.00 with $2000 down and then they allow her to arrange payments after she’s out and found a job. So that’s what I’m doing now.

    I feel so disconnected from everyone and just want to scream let me off this merry go round. Her mom is working 2 jobs and is just about to lose it herself. Her dad is an alcoholic as well as his mom. He’s had nothing to do with her since she was 9 months old. Lots lead to all this like the wedding not happening, the fiancé abusing her, my dad’s death and my diagnosis. I am not blaming myself or anyone else except her though. This is her problem and she has to get the help she needs to fix it.

    Okay, I feel so much better talking to people who “get it” as far as stress of another worry. So many here are going through such worse things. I’m sorry I rattled on, but didn’t want you guys to think I’m ignoring you. Just haven’t had the energy to post plus I’ve been out of town. I should be home in a few days I hope.

    Hugs, Prayers and Lotsa Love
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    I will admit it, it is starting to catch up to me. I know this because my stomach is in knots and I can't focus. What I need is for this ALL to be behind me.Do you realize I have been going through this for almost two and half months?? I wonder if my PS can fill in some of my new wrinkles while he is making me breasts.

    I still haven't used the microwave yet! But I have to learn by tomorrow!

    I also watched that show about Jesus. WHAT A LOAD of HOOEY!
    event he scientists looked like they were only saying what the producers wanted them to say.

    In one show they completely discredited the gospel... all ancient teachings, and tried as hard as they could to undermine the Christian faith.

    Am I living in a cocoon or something?? Because apparently, Jesus was not only married to Mary Magdelene but they had children AND Jesus had BROTHERS! One of whom is named Jose!

    according to them- there was a Jesus. He was a family man. He was crucified, died and buried. On the FIRST day his followers moved his body from his tomb and put him in another one. So there was no resurrection, ascension into heaven... Mary Magdelene was the next of kin and the virgin Mary had plenty of other kids to keep her occupied... let's never forget little Jose.
    The only thing missing was Anna Nicole's mother asking if Jose could be moved to Texas.

    Why don't they spend all this money investigating cures for cancer?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Liz, I have my own wheelchair but I went alone this time cos I'm hard-headed and thought I'd make it just fine. Next time I'll have someone go with me. And yes, they also have wheelchairs inside but nobody there to push them. My arms arent't very strong, left one has a metal plate in it from car accident and the right one is where they romoved nodes. I'm just falling apart. lol
    So sorry to hear about all the family problems you've had lately. They can sure add alot of stress on you. You didn't rattle on we love to hear from you. Isn't this Circle a wonderful place?

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Ok was really bad and didn’t take notes lately so lest see if I can remember a few things

    Hello to Helen1, welcome

    Cheri, call your onc tomorrow if the lump is still there. It will make you feel better if nothing else but to hear from them what they think you should do. It’s been nice chatting with you too!

    Shirely a room full of men paying attention to only you and you were complaining!

    Nicki, your little guy throwing the ball reminds me of those bouncy rubber balss that bounce all over the place if you throw them to hard!
    Comcast is fantastic ! I’m so glad we went to it things are so much faster!

    Joyce praying for a speedy recovery, don’t push it to fast though

    Ok Robin, You need to find a lawyer and file for a divorce. He shouldn’t be able to take the house away from you. But you may need to be able to make the payment. They same thing goes for you that we’ve been telling Laura B, get anything that is both names closed get a separate bank account get him out of your life. You need positive energy for things to start getting you better.
    We love you and enough is enough. This abuse can not go on. You need to get better for you and your kids and grandkids! (((((((Robin))))))))))
    Have they tried what is it gezmer? Or zoleda?
    Oh and change your life insurawnce to be payable to the grand kids and make sure your will reflects that anything that is yours goes to the kids and grandkids too!
    Oh on the lawyer. They can make him pay for it usually!

    Marsha, Happy Birthdday girl!

    Laura B, I think Ray has shown he is absolutely not going to try to salvage the relationship. My sister lived in Ohio when she went through her divorce and she said you should have no problems with custody especially now that Dumbass pulled the gun out!
    It’s a law here that is 911 is called someone goes to jail in all domestic cases. No matter how trivial!. Don’t bail him out your daughter doesn’t need that. She needs her mommy to be strong for both of you. Prayers and hugs for both you and Catie

    Jeanette, so good to see you are still with us. We’ve missed you!

    Deb, you are the greatest. Love the songs you put on the cd, some I have never heard before but I love them all

    NS it will be over in just a few days and the next part of your journey will begin. The microwave shouldn't be too hard just remember it makes things really HOT! so let it sit for a few before you try to eat or drink them. Oh and do not look down into the cup of liquid when you take it out it can cause steam and even boil up shortly after removed from the mic.

    Liz hunny I'm so sorry that your family is causing you so much worry. (((((Liz))))))

    We got a call early this morning from my stepsons wife. They were coming to Seattle today did we want to spend the day with them? My stepson hasn't spoke to his dad in over 6 months! We've only seen our granddaughter once and that took a lot of talking to convince her to bring the baby over to his sisters house so we could see her. And I really think she only did it cause we had Grandma with us. But at any rate we had a very nice day with them. I posted pictures in the pic thread. I think we made a lot of progress today. i pray that they will be willing to communicate more with us. And I give my hubby props for not calling his son a bold face liar when he said something today that we know in fact was a lie. He kept his mouth shut cause he wants to be able to keep seeing his granddaughter.

    Well it's getting late and so I'll throw some logs on the fires. Sleep well.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    You know cheri, you are pretty darn nice yourself.

    NS, I have heard many people talking about that show and are upset like you are. I don't understand why people work so hard at belittling Christian faith. I actually think it's a fad. All the magic carpets will be ready for the surgery next week. Sending you prayers and hugs so that everything goes smoothly.

    Oh Liz, there is so much going on for you. I'm glad your cousin is trying to get help. It's too bad she didn't have a better family life. Bless you for trying to help her. You can certainly be a good example for her about thriving in the midst of insanity!

    Tracey, good luck with your test. And the snow is melting! already???? Chewy is a great name for a new puppy. LOL

    Jeanette, good to hear from you. I know it is hard to keep up. Just jump in and respond to what is going on at the moment. It just moves to fast. Sorry about the sore shoulder. The gathering you are planning sounds very interesting. I don't think I could do without my computer for that long.

    Deb, I bet it feels overwhelming at times to have so many close people diagnosed with CA. I'm sorry I wish there was something I could do. ooo just thought of something that might give you a smile. You are great. Just want you to know that. I would like to have a button machine. Been wanting a cancer sucks button or t-shirt for a long time. I'm planning on being at pinkstock. I wondered about taking the poster I made and turning it into post cards. I have no idea how much that would cost. more ideas are sure to bounce around here.

    Holly, I've never known anyone who took chemo in pill form. Anyway, glad you are feeling better today. When I did chemo I didn't log on for days at a time. There just wasn't anything to say except "gee this sucks" or "I feel so bad". LOL

    Anne, come on, share your icicle photos also.

    Nicki, I just love the kitty/pillow picture.

    ishop, hugs for you. let us know how you are doing, ok?

    warm hugs to madison, vickie, jeannie, jazmanian, denise, margaret, karen, sherloc, CY, Round Two, Christine, Robin, Shel, Sheri, Brenda, Tina, MB and everyone else. (some of ya'll need to check in a little more often, hear?)

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Holly taking the cytoxene was hard, I did it every day for 6 months, but sounds like it's not working for you. A lot of people have had that problem.

    Oh Amy, I know you won't get this until Monday but I wanted to send best wishes on your first day at the new job site!

    Ok I really do need to get off of here and go to bed.
    see you all tomorrow
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning all,
    Wake up sweet Nicki. I know your out there! Time to make the donuts.
    NS...I missed your posts last night (busy crocheting). Do you have someone to take you to the hospital. Can they stay the night there with you? I know that it is allowed here and it's easier than searching for a nurse when you need help with anything. Know that we will all be there for you...the whole wagon circle surrounding the hospital and all your sisters around you the entire time, keeping you safe. You won't be able to see us, but like the wind, that you can't see, you will know that we are there...sending prayers for an easy surgery, a fast recovery...sending positive energy your way. Sending you an angel to watch over you. If you need me please call!!! Love ya and you will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow.
    Goood morning and hugs to all, Cheri, Nicki, Deb, Tracey, Robin, Holly, Theresa, Amy, Colleen, Liz, Susan, Madison, Cheryl, Gus, oh...wish this chemo brain would keep track of everyone but this goes out to everyone. Nice to see you were missed. Were is Puppyfive, Carrie and Denise? Hope you are well and happy.
    Running behind...gotta get ready for work...payroll day...yuck.
    Welcome Helen1.
    Love ya all and I'll be back after payroll to take a break and catch up.