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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Holly, you are freaking me out. Do you think you should go to the ER if you have hives??? Isn't there anyone else in your oncs office you can speak to?

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Holly I agree with Jan, at least call the oncs office. There has to be a doctor on call.

    Jeannie, my mom supposedly had ovarian cancer in her 20's. At least that is what she told us. But the only treatment she had was hysterectomy so I don't think it was ovarian cancer. But then again, who knows what they did for it in the 60's? I think that is what put up the red flag. Who knows. I guess I can at least go talk with the genetics counselor.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good evening Everyone: Got home from work a little while ago, but I had to exercise before I could come to the computer. I still hate it - but today I exercised to Deb's CD and that made it a little more fun. In my exercise room, one wall is all mirrors, so I had a blast dancing in front of the mirrors singing "Im beautiful dammit."

    March 5th and its going into the single digits tonight. Im so sick of Winter. And all of a sudden the gasoline prices here is Chicago are really getting high again. Hmmmm elections are over!!

    I got a box of Frango Mints today when I went to work this morning. A birthday present from some of my co-workers. They were "Pink" for bc. So I thought that was pretty nice. I looked at this beautiful box of candy with mints that are out of this world. I didnt one. Not even one! What will happen tonight I dont know. But I gave them to my husband since they are his favorite.

    Holly: If you are breaking out in hives and they are in your throat, you should go to the emergency room. Thats a pretty serious allergic reaction. They need to give you some medication to counter act the allergy. I dont blame you for stopping the cytoxin pills. I would too if I were breaking out in hives. And if you dont go to ER at least take some benadryl. But geez, hives in your throat is serious.

    Helen1: Ahahahaha you just gave me the biggest smile. My goodness it was just about 2 years ago we first met on the chat. We spent hours there and I miss you so much. I hope you keep coming back here, cause we do have alot of fun. On a serious note, I have to tell ya, you are one strong person. Someone I admire actually. For most of the time we have talked, you have always been on some sort of chemo. 2 years - geez, thats along time. And oh, by the way, what was for lunch? Ladies, when it comes to meals, our dear sweet Helen1 is indeed the expert.

    Tgirl: Man, its always good to see you. Im glad your home computer is on the mend. I sure do miss it when you dont post. And now that football is over - well - I hardly ever see you.

    MargaretB: YOUR DRIVING? OMG! Just remember, I dont like roller coasters! Maybe I should sprinkle somemore tinker bell dust on Distorted Humor. See if I can get him to fly.

    PurpleMB: Oh man, Im sorry your sick. Nothing worse than a cold.

    Robin: You know I have a special place in my heart for you. Just feel connected. Just like Helen!, you are so strong. You dont see it in yourself. Look in the mirror. You have been on chemo for months. Don't let anyone take that strength away from you. I have heard and read such wonderful things about Abraxane. Im glad you found a lawyer. You need to use your energy to fight this disease, not for someone who is so pathetic he has affairs over the internet. Please dont go away again.

    Shokk: It is funny, who makes the early morning post. Pretty soon we will be getting up before some of you go to bed. 30 years! Man - thats along time, but I did learn something about myself this week-end. Im strong, Im a survivor, and I can move on if I need too. Very enlightening.

    Jan: "Scum sucking pig?" Ahahahaha thats as good as "Lily LIver Ass." Where do we get these descriptions? My new signatuve is sticking for a bit. My son, my grandchildren, and what my husband did this past week-end on my Birthday? Well thats a whole different lenghty post. So lets just say, he back on my good side, but he better watch out. And what surgery are you having. I forget. As far as the diet, well I did good today. Really good with eating and exercising. But now Im on my third glass of wine so - there goes all the calories I burnt while exercising. Life is too short. I gotta have some fun too.

    Ishop: "Addictive personality?" Yes I can relate. DH loves the horses. Im sure we could share some very interesting, yet frustrating stories. PM me anytime!

    Madison: Mad Crocheter! OMG, Im laughing so hard I cant stop.

    Sherloc: Where do I begin with you today. I had BRCA testing. My 47 y/o sister passed from ca ovary 12 years ago. No genetic testing was available then. My mom had post menopausal bc. Paternal grand mother passed at 49 from ca ovary. So they determined I was high risk from the get go. I came back BRCA2 positive mutation and Im being studied at Mayo Clinic. 3 months after me, my older sister got bc. She tested positive also. I vote you get the testing. I know that brca2 puts you at risk for cancer of the ovary, breast, pancreas, and prostate! So its not just for our female relatives. Oh and guess what. The genetic counselling showed I got it from my dad's side, not my moms He breast cancer was considered "incidental."

    So is the party this week-end at Yosemite?

    Jeannie: Good luck with you bone scan. More testing is yucky.

    Joyce: I hope your feeling better soon.

    As you can see Im typing faster cause dinner is almost done.

    Denise: Photobucket is the ticket. Thats what allows you to post your pictures from "my pictures." Play with them both for a while.

    Colleen. Lynn, Karen, and Boo: Where are you. I hope you all are ok

    Amy: Hope your new job went well, but dang it, I get so excited to read you posts when I come home and I didint see one from you.

    Vickie: Where the heck are you my dearest friend?

    Susan: Such good news about your doctors appointment. Got to see your smiling face twice today.

    OK - I gotta go. I have so much more I want to talk about and so many I want to talk too, but alas, dinner is done and I have to go.

    NS: All I want to say is that I love you dearest friend. We are strong in spirit and will be with you.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon CG's

    Just wanted to jump on here real quick and make sure I dont miss out on the magic carpet ride for tomorrow. Will be dressed and ready and Mazer is all excited about another trip.

    Thanks to all of you that remembered today was the transfer to a new office. So far so good and the day is almost over. Been busy today getting situated so havent checked in but once I get all set up here I will be checking in at my normal time.

    LauraB-wow! I must say you have had way too much go on. Glad you got a kick butt attorney because he needs to do some royal butt kicking on the DH and that "ain't" dear husband. This is serious girl and your husband has lost it so please be careful.

    Robin-grrrrrrrrrrrr---men! Can we shoot them? I feel so sorry for you and your situation. Why wait to get rid of him? No better time than the present and it will help you mentally if you do and thats alot of the fight. I know its tough and there will never be a good time but you have us to support you.

    Biker-I am not close enough to go eat lunch with Mazer but I am much closer. I drove 15 miles to work and I normally drive 50 so it was a nice change. I could go home but by the time I got there it would be time to go back so not worth the trip.

    Deb-hope you enjoyed your conference.

    NS-first a microwave and then WalMart? What is this world coming to? All along I thought my microwave gave me BC but now I find out you didnt have one so couldnt be it so it just might be the yoga. Hmmmm,,nawww doubt it. Best of luck to you tomorrow and you are beautiful dammit!!!! mazer said she will behave in the waiting room so we will see.

    Nicki-sorry you work up to sobs the other day and hopefully things are going well for you. I missed your birthday but I sure hope you had a grand day. Mazer and distorted humor made you a cake but decided they would "test" it first so you know what that means. oh well, they looked cute with icing all over their faces and ever so discreetly licking it off of each other.

    Shirley-glad to see you recuping ok. Hope everything is healing like it should.

    well just scrolled up and noticed Robin has an attorney. Thats great news! First step is always the hardest. Hang in there and we are with you for every step of the way.

    ok gotta run,,busy day here but will check in tomorrow.

    Hello to all I missed.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Holly - I'm another vote for going to emergency. I was on oral Cytoxan, too, and those are symptoms that I was told warrant no messing around. I know it's after 5:00 EST, but I'm worried!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Amy and Anne Hello, I think I missed you earlier.

    Holly, I'm also worried..please, please call a doctor.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I'm with the other ladies. Please call your Onc's office or go to Emergency. I don't think you should wait with symptoms like that. I'm sure it's a allergic reaction, but they will give you a Rx to counteract it. Please, Please go.
    Love and Hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    WELL...the artic blast followed some of us home from Deb's house. Needless to say it was a hairy drive home. It's quite pretty but snowing really hard, wind is fierce, whiteout conditions. Some areas have the roads closed...gee...maybe I'll get another snow day tomorrow! your doctor...especially if you are having trouble with your throat...NOT something to wait on.
    Madison...all you have to do is follow the yarn to find me...I'm always around LOL.
    Robin...sounds like you need an antidepressant. I have been on Xanex and Lexapro and it has made a world of difference. Have you considered it. I hate to think of you crying all the time...sending you hugs. is the weather in Syracuse...not fun here!
    Amy...good to see you. Wow...50 minutes to 15 minutes. Over a years time that gives you so much more time at home and that's great.
    I see Margaret has offered to drive the magic carpet tomorrow...I'll be outside in the blowing snow waiting to be picked up...I'll build a fire so you can see me through the whiteouts! I lost the GPS system in Alaska...I'll see if I can "borrow" another one!
    Shirley...sending you very gentle hugs.
    Jan...laughing about your cable guy!
    Hi to MB, Tgirl and Shokk!
    Susan...good news for you today! That's great. All clear for you!
    Denise...pain from nerves reconnecting after three that it would all go away sooner than that!
    Boo...I watched Home Makeover last night. What a wonderful story. I used to watch it all the time but it always made me cry and I couldn't deal with crying so I stopped. Last nights episode made me happy. What a wonderful thing they do. Wonder if they'd come give me a home makeover LOL.
    Ishop...sending you a warm hug.
    Hi again to Helen1...wouldn't it be funny if he took the idea from the book and got hit for plagerism (sp?).
    Joyce...warm careful hugs to you too. Lots of sore ladies this week. Hope it feels better soon.
    Missing many and i'll be back but Mr. little man thinks we should have dinner...he's in the kitchen and I'm not quite sure what he's up to...knowing him he's making friggin lasagne or something. Way to independent for 8 years old. Maybe I should clone him LOL.
    Love to all and all I missed
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Evening Ladies,

    Cheri: I love your cute picture! And you are right, this weather sucks! I am soooo tired of Winter. Sub Zero again tonight and 3 to 5 inches of snow tomorrow I guess.

    Jeannie and Shirley: I am getting ahold of Insurance Co. and finding out why they have a one time limit on Bone Density. I have never had trouble with them before, but this is ridiculous. It's like a Mammogram....the first one is a baseline, follow-ups need something to be compared with. Now that I do have the Dx of Osteopenia, I hope they won't hassle me much. I can get really Crappy (but in a nice way!) when people give me to much sh**!

    Robin: Hold on my Friend. Your health is most important right now. Don't let the ******* get to you. You've contacted a lawyer, do what you have to to get him out and then concentrate on YOU. I don't know where you live, but I bet there are a few BC Sisters near you that would be with you in a heartbeat if you need them.

    Susan: Isn't a all clear from the Onc the best feeling?!

    NS: I'm coming tomorrow too. I forget who is driving, but we will be there! You're Beautiful Dammit!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    It's time to Circle the Wagons Girls!!!

    Everyone that was lucky enough to get an NO Surrender button, please put it on and wear it to show your support for Gina. I know that several of us have been wearing ours and it will be there until she's all better.


    Prayers, healing light, good vibes, all the good thoughts coming your way, Gina!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    NS: I just went to your web page/blog. Absolutely beautiful! You brought me to tears, but they were "good tears!" God bless you my friend. We will be with you tomorrow, with our "NO SURRENDER" pins on.
    Love and Hugs,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    can someone post the link to NS's web page/blog.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007
    No hives in throat--at least I don't think so--but everywhere else. Don't worry I'm breathing fine and gonna try to get lots of liquids down. I cslled today and told them about the hives. They didn't seem very worried and they already knew about the night my throat closed up. There's no one of any use when my onc is away so I'll blast him with my complaints when he returns on Thursday. I am sure I will be fine having stopped the drugs. Thank you and hugs for taking care of me. I would like to take bendryl but didn't think I could take it with the chemo drugs. I'll call my pharmacist and ask because that would be great to stop the darn itching.

    NS--sending pink healing light your way tomorrow
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Stopping in to say NS will be thinking and praying for you tommorrow. I've got my no surrender button on my lab coat for all to see.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Thank you sweet Lini for posting the link. What a beautiful site.
    Holly...glad you called the doctors.
    Well ladies...really tired and it's gonna be a long day tomorrow. Got my No Surrender pin on and the magic carpet is picking us all up to surround our dear NS. Saying extra prayers for her tonight and sending her an angel to watch over her.
    Sleep well sweet sister...know that you are loved.
    Sweet dreams to all and see you in the morning.
    Love and hugs
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    NS pin is firmly attached to my robe. No one but me is gonna see it but it will remind me to be praying all day.
    Love you bunches NS. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL DAMMIT!!!
    The rest is still UNWRITTEN!!!
    my new favorite song.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    NS, we will be thinking about you tomorrow...NS pin will be worn just above my heart 'cause we all love you..
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2007
    G ,
    I am just stoping in to say my love and prayers are with
    you I have my NS pin on my coat will be waiting with the
    Circle girls in the waitng room testing out the chocolate fountain.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi ladies...
    ns i will be thinking about you tomorrow!! hugsss girlfriend!!!! i checked out your blog and its wonderful... good job!!!!

    bayyore... eeks only two more to go hoping you can handle it.... sorry your having a reaction!!!

    well i did my transvaginal thing about a week ago and i guess the results are in.... hmmmmmmm doctor has called me back to discuss the test results... so i wonder whats up???
    i know i have been getting so sick with my periods lately and i am on tamoxafin.... ugh just another thing to stress about!!!!
    I am still waiting to see if i passed my midterm... i hate waiting and waiting and waiting!!!!

    puppy is doing good.... just having some issues with him chasing the cats but i guess thats normal i am hoping i can stop him from doing this tho!!! poor cats!!!
    he is so full of it.... lol he just come running in and hopped up on me and he is soaking wet!!!!!!!!! lol

    i am so tired out thinking of going to bed really soon and darn it its my day off tomorrow.... but the wine coolers just are not going down great.... maybe to much stress!!!!

    well ladies have a great night and thinking of all of you!!!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Dear NS-

    tried to PM you but your box was full...must be all the folks that love you are filling it with good wishes. I noticed that you seemed to side-step the question of if you have help when you get home...I hope you are letting folks help! Maybe you could put someone in charge of coming and letting us know how you are doing and feeling?? Just a thought since you know I'm a worry wart of the first degree!

    I have my button on and you will be the object of fervent prayer tomorrow.

    God is Able….

    Deb C
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    NS-I have my button on too. I will be praying for you tomorrow.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    NS - hugs and prayers. We'll all be with you tomorrow.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    NS-You'll be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

    Love and hugs to all.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    To my sweet sisters, my cowgirls, my partners in crime, my dearest friends....

    I don't know how to thank you.
    But I can show you how you make me feel.
    This is for you.

    I love you all,
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    CG's - I want to share this info with you - especially for all my friends who are ER+ and on an AI.
    I just signed on and now need to go read all of the posts from today, but wanted to get this out first. To those that are to bed early, sweet dreams and feel good.

    A friend sent my husband an article on AI's that is in an Rheumatology journal. The info is from a study that was presented at the San Antonio BC conference in January. It says that treatment related joint symptoms are more prevalent and more severe than originally seen in clinical trials. Patients reported joint tenderness, knees and fingers were the most commonly affected joints. Most common complaints were early morning stiffness and hand/wrist pain, carpel tunnel and trigger finger. Nnnsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents and/or exercise as well as accupuncture were help in teatment of the side effects. As I mentioned in another posting, Astra-Zeneca will now be including Carpel Tunnel as a side effect in its insert with Arimidex starting the end of this month or in April. If anyone would like the info on the journal article please feel free to PM me and I will send it to you. This is really intersting to me as I developed CTS about 6 momths after starting Arimidex and it came on almost over night. All the docs said it was not related. Now we know its not so. I did relay the info from AZ to my hand doc last week. Now I can't wait to tell my oncologist - I may also send the article to the neurologist who did my EMG test. Karen in Denver
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Good luck my dear NS.You are very special to me.

    Hello my dear friend Lini how I have missed you.Where is Janis?
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    NS - Cloe says Gowgirl UP! We are here for you!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good night, Circle Girls. I'm just checking in on you all before I head off to bed. It's Monday night and time for Leno's headlines. Everytime I watch it I'm reminded of my Dad. Whenever he read the paper, he would always point out anything studpidly funny that was written in it. He died 5 years ago in April. I really miss him, but I'm kinda glad he didn't see me go throught my dx and tx. It would have been so hard on him.

    I'll not be back after headlines, cause I have an early morning class at the Y. I intend to be good about exercise this week.

    Sweet dreams, all.


    PS--Tracey--remember "Happiness is a warm puppy."--Schultz
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Robin, now that you've come back, make sure you stay with us for the support you need. We will help you thru this.

    Jan, I am so disgusted with myself. I am so much more aware of what I am eating and I thought I was eating well and I'm the only one I know that is GAINING weight on Weight Watchers. I know so much of all the right things and I can't follow my own advice. So tonight I decided no computer time until I exercise at least 10 minutes - have to start somewhere. That way, I can exercise before I start cooking dinner - my son is usually in the kitchen cuz he can't wait for me to start dinner so he's in my way and I get mad. So I'll exercise and let him finish in the kitchen. So I exercised and then we walked to 7-11 to get our lottery tickets, so that's an extra hour of exercise today.

    Sue/Ishop, good to see you posting. Congrats on finishing your last Herceptin treatment.

    Joyce, I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Shirley, my husband doesn't have mid-life crises because he never grew up, he's always been the kid with all the toys. If you end up having any testing done at Stanford, let me know so we can hook up. That was where I did all my treatments. The onc. tell my sister to have her daughters start mammos 10 years before the age she was when she was diagnosed, so 28 is when they are supposed to have theirs.

    Jeannie, if I can't have blood draws, will they draw blood from my feet for the BRCA test?

    Denise, don't know the answer, I just load them all on Photobucket.

    Susan, great on the all clear.

    Holly, call the oncs office; there should be someone available there 24/7.

    Nicki, gas here is $2.91 a gallon, at least that's what I paid at Costco yesterday. I got the carpet all ready to go, even vacuumed it today. Picked up an extra one too because I figured there were so many going didn't know if we'd all fit in one.

    G, hope you're sleeping tight. By this time tomorrow night, it will be behind you.

    Many I'm missing. Remember, I'm revving up the carpet early so those on the West Coast, be ready, it will be a long day fr us. I'll have a fresh pot of coffee for those who need it and it will be a warm ride.

    Love to you all.
