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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    CY, your granddaughter is adorable.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    OKAY! I tried to catch up and post to each of you.
    THANK YOU to all of you who are wearing the buttons! Thank you for your prayers and for just being you! Is Chloe the cutest thing or what?!

    Holly, I had all my cmf through IV. THe cytoxan caused me a lot of problems. I am so sorry it is so rough on you! big hugs going out to you!
    I hope you took some benadryl and got in to see the doc!

    Robin, what can I say? Well- I can't print it - I would be booted off the boards. Listen to the girls here who can control themselves better than me!

    Cheri, I sure hope you are better.

    Sue/Ishop, You just get a great big hug from me. You are dealing with a lot.

    Susan, how is your knee? any better? I hope and pray it is! GREAT NEWS ABOUT THE ONC!!!

    Vicki, noone is staying with me. But I will be rigging up my rope ladder to escape so they would only get in the way anyhow!!!

    Hey Nicki, are you sure you will be there tomorrow??? Now that you are a picture posting maniac can we drag you away from your PC? LOL!!! Thank you for the two images to concentrate on when I wake up. My Barinessa Sister!!

    Margaret, I love that you will be driving the carpet! Vega drivers are the best!

    Jan I will be there for you when you have yours... I will bring my escape equipment for you too!!!

    Helen, I am glad I made you laugh. Every time I hear the name Jose I think I might just crack up now myself!

    Shokk, that is so beautiful!! THANK YOU SWEET FRIEND!! Dad's bras came today- they are great!

    Madison , please bring some beignets when you come!!!

    Nicki I almost forgot! I HAVE a t-shirt that says "Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at them!"

    Shirley you are so right. I wanted to see it to see just how far they would go. WE DEFINITELY WIN!!!

    Ha ha Denise! Glad I made you laugh!!

    Susan, yes I tried to start a blog. I have no clue what I am doing though! I did set it up so there is a time delay between when you post a comment and it is published. It is a filter that prevents Viagra ads and sex sites. I can't deal with that!!

    Karen, you stayed two days? Hmmm. Well I will be playing it by ear. My surgery starts at 1 but I have to be at the PS at 10:15 so he can draw on me and then be at the hospital at 11. They better give me drugs!

    Sweet Deb, you, your family and all your friends are in my prayers... (((DEB))) And your gift has lifted my spirits so much! I LOVE MY BUTTONS! You really are the dearest thing!

    Margaret, I really wanted to go to a Wallmart. And the deal they had on cat food was AMAZING!

    Anne Nice work on the photos!!!

    Jeannette, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you again!

    Tracey, I hope you aced your test!!!

    Liz, I can see why someone would hate Wallmart- it is so confusing in there and the aisles are REALLY SMALL. But at least I can say I have been to one now! One thing- I thought they were supposed to have people meeting me at the door?? No body did! I hope things get better for you with all you are dealing with!! You have my prayers!!!

    CY, thanks for the tips on the wonderful world of microwaves! I needed them!!!

    MB- Feel better my friend!!!

    Oh yes Amy- I was living my life to make sure I NEVER got cancer. So NOW? I plan on nuking everything, eating all the bad and dangerous stuff, drinking water out of the tap!, NEVER doing yoga and am applying for a job at a nuclear power plant! THAT should keep me NED, eh???

    ((Lini)) you are such a pal. I don't know what I would do without you!

    Denise, I am so happy you liked the blog thing!!!

    Boo, THANK YOU!!!

    Vickie, THANK YOU for my angel!!!

    Deb, I better empty it! The little envelope isn't flashing so I better check. I will give dad a list of girls to call- I can't guarantee he will call all of them! Thank you for your prayers. Oh yes, God is able.

    Ok- Next time we talk all this nonsense will be over. THANK YOU FOR GETTING ME THROUGH THIS!!!!

    Love you all!
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    You get a bigger hug from me -- like you're not dealing with much now -- YEAH RIGHT!!! I'm wearing my (beautiful Deb's) pins, sending you white light and healing jibes and anything else I can think of. I truly hope the drs can get to your body tomorrow cause that OR is going to be jam packed with us girls...
    BTW, where do you live in NY?
    Love, Sue
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Hi CG's - well I caught up on all the days posts - we seem to be a chatty bunch today. I got a call from the PT's office - my insurance does cover PT - unlimited as long as medically necessary - at 80% after deductible - deductible already met this year with so much going on. Each visit will cost me $30 - first one is friday and I can't wait - hand is still swollen and sore - I wear the brace most of the day. Well enough about me.

    Dear NS - You are in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow. Please take the time to let yourself heal. I do hope that you have some help when you get home. Be kind to yourself. I will have my NS button with me tomorrow at work.
    Baldeagle - thanks
    Tacey - way to go on midterm Chewy - great name for the puppy.
    Liz - my onc rec a bone density annually. YOu have a full plate. I hope you can find the right treatment for your cousin.
    Ishop1 - congrats on finsihing Herceptin.
    Helen - welcome
    Joyce - so sorry to hear that the surgery was so hard on you.
    Cy - Cloe is just too cute!!! Glad you got to see her.
    NIcki - you are great with the pics. I just love the teddy bear - need to try to print it out. Teddy bears are my favorite. I didn't catch what happened on your b'day, but happy to hear that things are better.
    RobinTN - thanks for updating us. Hugs.
    Madison - my first PT session is friday. Thanks for asking
    Amy - HOpe you enjoyed your first day at the new position.
    It will be nice to have more time.
    Shirley - I had the BRCA multi-site 3 testing done after my mastectomy. I was neg. I still had the whole 9 yards of treatment (mastectomy, chemo, rads and ooph), but I needed to know for my 2 dd. I am the first person in my family to have BC. My paternal grandmother died in the 1950's (and she was young) of some type of cancer - my mother said it was stomach cancer, but I wonder.
    Denise - thanks
    Susan - yeah - good news
    Bayyore - please get it checked out as the other gals said.
    Margaret - the new carpet is beautiful. Please swing by and pick me up. The weather here in Denver is gorgeous - 50's and 60's this week. I am up early so I will be ready. Drive safe on your way here.
    Cheri, Susan, Vicki, Margaret, MB (wow 3 eyar appt!!!), Shokk, Biker, Cheri, Lini and everyone else - sending hugs from Denver for feel good days. I hope Mazer and ??? (omg - my mind just went blank) will behave in the waiting room tomorrow. NS - did you tell them to make room for all of us - we will all be there with hugs to surround you and make sure the doctors all take care of you.
    Karen in Denver
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    NS I just remembered another thing about liquids and microwaves. Don't put a cold spoon in the hot liqued that's waht can cause it to bubble up!. Oh and no metal in the microwave. It really doen't like that!

  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    Gina ~
    Best of luck to you on your surgery. We are here for you and love you.
    I sent you a PM.
    Ladies hope everyone is doing well. I will catch up on things tomorrow (I hope.) I think about all of you daily.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    You're not alone. I'm also gaining weight on WW. This morning I have an appt with my pcp to start a physician assisted diet plan. Maybe if I follow this new plan and still gain weight they will finally believe me. Even though there are 'some' who will still say its because we are lazy gluttonous slobs. A bad stereotype I used to think too before this happened to me. Someone told us on another thread that we needed to restrict our daily caloric intake to 1800 calories a day. I spit water all over my computer screen when I read that. This comment was obviously from an uninformed soul who holds the belief that fat people sit in front of the TV all day stuffing cake and potato chips in our mouths. Its my new pet peeve as you can see. Plus, I think 1800 calories is the intake for a man not a woman but I could be wrong. How can I consume less, exercise more and still be gaining weight and yet this uninformed soul posts to tell me to eat even less. I don't consume alot of sugar...everything I buy is sugar free, fat free. I have good portion control because I buy the Smart Ones (Weight Watcher) frozen dinners with the points and portions already set. I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that I'm not overeating or being a glutton (what a nasty word to use against people on a thread) and I exercise at the local community center at least 3 times a week. I would love to exercise more but some of us have full time jobs to deal with and can't spend our lives in those darling little workout outfits at the gym or country club. <steps away from the keyboard.....> Yeah, I'm VERY annoyed unless you couldn't tell.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thinking of you, NS! Fists up girlfriend!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007

    While I wait on the magic carpet, I wanted to tell you that I'm praying for you. You will do great. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers all day.

    CG's, ok I have a huge thermos of coffee for all of us on the carpet today.

    Big hugs to all,

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning, we are...your brightest stars. Wishing you an easy day. All will be well. We are all with you so you are not alone. The angel will protect you and we will protect you. My button is on and my thoughts are with you today ALL DAY.
    Fists up girlfriend you are so loved!
    Remember...I'm not far if you need me!!!! Please!!!
    Circle the wagons girls...magic carpet is on it's way. Margaret is driving and Betty has coffee ready. Putting Cheri in her bubble suit, I got my thermal underwear on and the fire is lit in my yard so you can see me through the blowing snow.
    Nicki...wake up dear sister...heehee...I know your up and reading already.
    Too much on my mind this morning...well actually one thing on my mind...NS NS NS NS.
    Love to you all and I'll check in later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Dang, beat again for the 1st early morning post. By 3 people no less. Jasmine, Betty and Vickie. And I thought I was up early!

    NS: Awake and ready to be picked up by Margaret. Guess we have alot of stops including the PS office. Good luck sweetie. I gave Distorted Humor one good lecture. No misbehaving allowed. And I promise you, I wont goose any of the doctors or nurses like I did for Sherloc.

    Amy: Dang once again. I missed your post last night by minutes. We must have been posting at the same time. Im glad your first day went well, and man what a difference in the drive. 15 vs 50 miles is alot. Hmmmm Mazer and Distorted ate the cake. Thats why he was smiling from ear to ear.

    Vickie: Winter is getting so old. I hate white out conditions. Its only 3 degrees here in Chicago this morning. Wish I would have got gas yesterday. Now Im gonna freeze my butt off getting gas this morning. I was just protesting what the cost of gas was and with my luck it will be higher this morning. So I will be paying more and cold at the same time.

    Denise: I would think with a diagnosis of osteopenia, that the insurance will cover a dexascan. Isnt it sad that insurance companies are really telling our doctors how to treat us? Grrrrr - a subject I could talk about for hours.

    Holly: Hope you did call the pharmacist and asked if there is something you can take. I had a bout of hives when I got taxotere and was given Atarax which really helped the itching and made the hives go away. Benadryl is good too and you dont need a prescription for it. Hope you got something to take to counter act the allergic reaction.

    Sherloc: Isnt that song "Unwritten" great? It reminds me so much of all of us. And yes, the rest is still unwritten.

    Carrie: It was so good to see you. We miss you around here. Hope things are going well with you. How is Deese?

    Karen: That sure was some interesting information about AI and joint pain. I always look forward to reading the transcripts from the San Antonio Conference. Even happier the pharamceutical company listened to you.

    Tracey: So when will you find out the results of the ultra sound? My SIL had one and showed fibroids which explained why her periods were so hard. Heavy flow and lots of cramps. Hope everything is ok. And hey, I know you passed that mid term. Just for you - TGIT. Your weekend has finially arrived.

    Jasmine, Jan, and MargaretB: Looks like we have our own little club going here with trying to diet, lose weight, and not being successful. I walk alot on my job, Im trying to follow south beach and Im exercising. I do think the older we get, our metabolism slows down. My biggest problem is wake up hungry. At least I didnt cave in and eat any of the Frango Mints. That took alot of control. I guess Im gonna have to cave in and stop drinking my pinot grigio. Theres lots of calories in 2-3 glasses. Whatever! I will come home from work today and exercise again and try not to eat after I go to sleep.

    The hospital where my cancer center is has a new exercise program. 10,000 step program. Can you believe it, just like PurpleMB told us. The first pedometer I bought already broke. Thats what happens when you buy a cheepie - and I got it a Walmart

    Jasimine: I did 1.5 miles in 31 minutes yesterday. When I was done, my face was beet red and I needed a towel to dry my hair.

    Cheri: Where are you? Now you have me worried. First you had to do all that walking and you were so sore. Then you found that lump and you were worried. Im hoping everything is ok.

    OK - gonna check out some other thread since I got up so early this morning that I have time. Even though 3 people beat me - I was up - really I was.


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    What time is Gina's surgery today?

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    GM Nicki. Yup I was up at 3 am this morning....silly dog stuck her big fat wet nose in my eyeball and woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep so got up and surfed the net.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007

    Was that the yell I heard? I love it...I'm so glad all my cat does is take up most of my side of the bed. No wet noses in the eyeball. LOL

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    That was it Betty. Scared the fool out of me. I must have been talking in my sleep again since that's usually when she does it.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Gina..if you check in this morning could you let us know what time your surgery is an how long they are expecting it to last. Just want to be "with" you the entire time.
    Hugs and love
    ewww...closing schools here as the buses won't start...windchill is 20below. This is insane...I WANT SPRING. Nathaniels school is currently on a one hour delay...I'll probably get to school and they will close. aaauuugghhh.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    20 below!! eeegads! I'll stay in the south, thank you very much!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    NS and all who are having procedures, tests or worry today.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    NS this hug is for you.

    OK everyone, NS said her surgery was scheduled for 1:00. Has to see the PS for markings then off to the hospital.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    NS, Hugs to you...1:00 your time is 12:00 noon my time...will be praying

    Everyone having tests today, magic carpet come get me....I'll be there

    Morning All, I stole a few minutes on the computer (DH doesn't share in the morning very often).
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007
    Morning all!
    Pharmacist told me to take the benedryl-no problems with chemo drugs. This morning so far I am much less itchy and the hives seem to be in less areas and less inflamed. Yes! When my onc isn't there--they ask one of the other oncs but it's all thru this particular snippy nurse who doesn't seem to listen very well. Since the hives are getting better, I'm just going to wait for my onc to get back.
    NS--thinking of you today...
    CY--What a cutie!
    Tracey--hoping you passed both tests
    Margaret--love the carpet pic--swing by and pick me up but bundle up because it's frigid here!
    Karen--glad you're going to be gettin gsome PT--I'm thinking some warm whirlpools and ultrtasound will relieve some of that swelling and pain. I know it helped me so much last March when I snapped my achilles tendon and muscles in my ankle.
    Laura--I adore Leno's headlines--usually laugh until I cry
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    It would be curious to see how many of us are held hostage by someone on the staff in the office our physicians! I love my oncologist but her secretary is the biggest snot I've ever met.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Morning CGs, Magic Carpet is on auto pilot so I have a few minutes while I'm coming to get you.

    Betty, thanks for that huge thermos of coffee. I couldn't sleep last night so needed an extra jolt.

    Always, it is so frustrating, isn't it? I could probably do better on portion control, but truly, most of the temptations are gone. I quit drinking Diet Coke and have switched to water; I almost always do reduced fat something rather than full fat versions; could do better at exercise so I guess I need to hop onto that bandwagon. Will extend my computer ban to also include 10 minutes of exercise in the am first - Comcast has fitness on demand so you can do quick workouts - I tried the hip hop cardio last night - what a sight that was - they moved too fast for me! I hope no one called you a glutton on this board. We'll do this together.

    Nicki, I noticed when I as in New Jersey that they don't allow self pumping gas. That must not be the case in Chicago . Glad you passed up the Frango Mints. Don't know what those are.

    NS, this is for you:


    When you feel that slight breeze going into the operating room doors, that's us wishing you well and waving at you. We'll be therewhen you wake up too.

    Cheri, I rather like driving the Magic Carpet. Maybe I'll practice a few loop de loops before I pick you up.

    See you soon ladies.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Thanks Girls for your good thoughts. I am coming along. Still sore but I am moving better now. The drain comes out Thursday so I will feel alot better then.
    Karen-I am so sorry you are having problems. I am sure the PT will help alot.
    Kevin went to school today. He is still recovering but insist on going to school. The doctor's say it is ok so he started back today. He went yesterday because of the pain in his arm. He is having numbness in the upper parts of his arm since surgery. The surgeon says it shouldn't be from the surgery. He went to see the spine surgeon since his spine was fused from c1-c5 2 years ago. I wanted to make sure nothing was loose! The x-rays look good but they want to do an emg and MRI so I will be on the phone making appointments today.They think it just may be a progression of his syndrome.So much is going on with him I can't even begin to tell it all. He truly inspires me to move on though. No matter how much life kicks him down he gets up,brushes himself off,puts a smile on and moves on.

    NS-Good luck today
    Take Care,
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2007
    Good morning CG's
    Joy I am glad you are feeling better! Big hugs to
    your Kevin he truly is an inspiration!

    I was checking in and was going to tell you what time
    G's surgery is. Will you all join me in sending a prayer
    and positve thoughts at 1:00 today.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007

    I dont know whats going on with the weight thing.I bet I dont eat 500 calories a day,I have to make myself eat and somedays I forget to eat and I still cant loose weight.I dont know if its the chemo or what.but I so want to get this weight off me.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Robin it could be all of our constant worrying that is suppose to raise our cortisol levels which is a hormone that allows fat to migrate to our mid section (tummy area).....not only are you fighting mets but your personal life is in turmoil (spouse,daughter, etc.........) I may be wrong probably someone else could shed some light on this subject but that is something I read somewhere........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Alwayshope seems to have a good level head about this weight loss thing.....she posts on the other thread about about the expanding girth issue..........maybe she can shed some light on this whole hormone induced wacky metabolism thing..........

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Shokk....I think its an alien conspiracy theory! ROFL! Does anyone else remember being taken to the mother ship and probed?

    All kidding aside, I just don't think its a 'simple' as eat less, exercise more as some would suggest. Not when so many of us are already doing these things and achieve little or no results.

    I know the 'skinny girl squad' would like us to believe that we are just lazy overeaters but its just not so.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Shokk and Alwayshope,

    I have read that stress does indeed cause "cortisol levels which is a hormone that allows fat to migrate to our mid section (tummy area)". I have also read that interrupted sleep can cause weight gain....let me think this out...stress-yep we all have plenty of that AND sleep disruption-yep we all have plenty of that... can't win on this one.