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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008 you have a community center that has equipment? That's what I do. I go to the local community center here, its $30 a month. I know that sounds like alot too but the good thing is that I didn't have to sign a contract for a whole year. I can pay as I go, so if I get lazy next month then I'm not still paying for something I'm not using. I figure that is $1 a day which is what I was spending on soda when you think about it.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    I'm glad the packages seem to be finding their way to all the Canadian girls I was worried they got lost somewhere.

    Thanks for the update on NS. I'm glad she came through everything so well.

    it's only Tuesday, and I am ready for the weekend! I have a lot on my plate right now...most of it good stuff, but I'm finding it challenging to multi-task like I used to. I am bound and determined to get my old energy level back!

    I need to go do some dishes and then figure out how to design some raffle tickets for my Relay team.

    Big Love to everyone tonight.
    Sleep well circle girls
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    Always, I thought about the community center. a couple of the gals from work do that. (don't get along enough with one to work out with her), but I'm looking into one that has a pool too. We'll see what the one I look at tomorrow brings. other wise I did find a small gym for about $20 a month close by.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Hey ladies- I got my chores done and wanted to tell you about my night. We went to the girl's cross-country ski dinner. We had a blast and visited with a bunch of folks we don't get to see very often.

    Last year during ski season I was so sick. I was right in the middle of chemo. I drug myself to every meet just because I was bound and determined not to let chemo keep me from my kids events...anyway...

    This year I made it to all the meets and had fun. I didn't really think much about last year until the coaches played a video they made of the kids skiing. They had it all set to music...Oh my Lord, I cried like a baby. I actually had to go into the kitchen and get control of myself.

    Last year i didn't know if I would be here this fact, most days I was sure I was going to die. What a difference a year makes. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I want to be here for ALL my kids shining moments.

    Watching my girls grow into women is such a joy it almost hurts....

    I don't really know what I'm trying to say...I guess I'm just glad to be alive and hopeful that i will stay that way LOL

    Sneding sleepy hugs
    Deb C
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    So glad to hear about G. Didn't expect to really see much at this hour - makes it all the better!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Hi Everyone: I am so relieved to hear that the surgery for NS went well. Im doing a little dance to celebrate. Little does she knpw that she didnt get officially admitted until late last night - so she wont be in the hospital "officially" for a day until tonight at 10pm. So my guess is that as stubborn as she is, she wont be going home til tomorrow.

    Vickie: Darling, sweety - I know you were up late waiting to hear news about NS butits time to WAKE UP! Oops! Did I shout that in your ear?

    I cant believe homw many are having problems with their computer crashing. Lisa, CheryG, Betty, and now Gus/Sue. Hope its an easy fix.

    CherlyG: Man, where have you been. I forgot about how much I was missing you.

    Tracey: Im so excited. I knew your were gonna pass your midterm. Now you are halfway through your course. You go girl!

    Carrie: Thank you so much for updating us on NS. We were all pretty darn worried. I hope your new job is going well, but we sure miss you around here. How is Deese? Im hoping all is well and despite having less computer time, you must come see us once in a while or we will worry.

    Denise: There have been many times that my hsuband and I have had computer competition. And I would think how dare he Now that we have comcast we can both be on the computer at the same time. He can use my laptop!

    Boo/Sue: Darn it anyways. I was so hoping it would be something else instead of trunkal LE. Did they say how they will treat it?

    MargaretB: Oh my gosh, I forgot all about starvation mode. And you were so right. If we starve ourselves, our body gets the wrong signal and starts storing more fat in the belly.

    Lynn: The "Circle of Friends" song is so pretty.

    Karen: Wow, getting close. First the hand surgery and now getting ready for your exchange surgery. Ya know, to this day, I dont know what size my implants are! Im sure you are gonna look beautiful. The Rheumatologist is an excellent idea. And yes, just add one more to the never ending lists of doctors we have.

    Colleen: Man Im so glad to see you. I was worried about you and Warren. The last thing the 2 of you needed was to get sick with the stomach flu. Im ok. Dont worry about me. My husband had a typical mens brain fart! When all was said and done, it was related much more to all of his feelings and emotions he kept in over the last 2 years while I was going through treatment. What I did learn about myself is that I could easily kick his butt out the door and we have been together for 32 years! Before breast cancer, I was never that strong. So I guess fighting one of the biggest battle of our lives does give us a different kind of strength. I do think about you everyday - just wondering how you and Warren are coping. So I was glad to see you.

    Cheri: Geez! Family comes over, people telling you to change your hours. I miss you when your not posting, but hoping you having a good time. Glad your daughter chose to do what she did last night. It was praying on my mind and she made the best choice. Hoping all is well and its something simple.

    Amy: I know your job is new and all, but geez - I miss your posts. It was pretty funny seeing Mazer covered in chocolate. Distorted Humor was so jealous she fit in the fountain and he didnt.

    Joyce: Im glad that both you and Kevin are getting better each day. Whew this sure has been one heck of a month.

    Lini, Judy, Anne: Hi and hello. Hope you all have a great day.

    Tina: Man its good to see you. Im blasting the CD also. Even exercising to it. Hoping all is going well with you. You are another person that I miss so much when I dont see a post from you.

    CY: You are so right. The cost to join a club is so expensive. I have a treadmill, abdoer, light weights and exercise ball right at home. So I dont have an excuse not to exercise. But Im Pisces, and I like to swim, so Im gonna try and go to a club and use it pay as I go. I need to start swimming laps again. Laps ahahaha thats a joke, probably could only make it 1/4 of the way cause Im so outta shape.

    Debc: I sure understand how you were feeling. Experienced something similiar last night. After the comcast guys left, I opened one of my drawers in my desk. Found a a characture of me. Its dated 3/06! Went to a party last year and someone drew the picture. I looked and stared at it for a bit. I had a newsboy cap on and I was totally bald. It made me realize how far I have come in the past year. I cried like a baby. Cause Im with you. Last year, I didnt know if I would be here this year! Sending you a big hug.

    Today is gonna be a busy day for me. Gotta go to work, then go to my friends nursing home to audit charts. My body doesnt like having to be so busy. Hope you all have a grand day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh my...thanks for the wakeup Nicki! Overslept and want to get to work early to make up a little for yesterday. Hate to take time off as I missed so much time last year that I feel guilty every day that I'm either not there or only there part of the day due to school closures, bad weather or appointments.
    Get the magic carpet ready...Cheri will be needing a ride today...I think she may have a blue drink beforehand to calm her nerves so wear your bubble wrap.
    Karen and Boo...sending you hugs.
    Carrie...thank you for sharing the news about NS...was so very anxious yesterday that I cleaned my whole house and crocheted! Will probably fall asleep at my desk today so somebody wake me up!
    Ahh...we can bask in the good news today and hope that sweet Gina will stay put for at least another day and let the nurses take care of her. Glad that her dad is with her.
    Bitter cold here again...4 degrees this morning and snowing...who said it can't snow when its too cold...uh...come to NY!!!
    ok...sorry to all I missed but gotta run
    Love you all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Mornin Vickie: Can you remember way back when we were talking about what a mild Winter we were having? Hmmmm! Im eating those words now. For petes sake, its March 7th! I want Spring and I want it now.

    Gonna have snow here today. I swear, I think its never gonna stop snowing. Snow then cold! Hope you have a good day at work.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning Vickie, Nicki, Anne...

    Stay warm today...I do see on the weather reports that those artic blasts keep going you way.

    Vickie, we need to be careful with Cheri and those blue drinks.....we definitely need the bubble wrap today....come get me for the magic carpet ride.

    I have the "dreaded" gyn check-up (or should I say "check-down") tomorrow...don't like those appointments, nope not at all.

    Need to get ready for work...I will check in on everyone later.

    Take care today, Madison
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Morning all,
    Carrie - Thank you for the update on NS. So glad to hear everything went well.
    Karen, Nicki, and Vicki - Thanks for the kind words about my LE. I am pretty upset about it. So far there is no evidence of fluid build up in my arm thank goodness because it is my dominant arm. I have 2 more appts with PT for drainage and to learn how to deal with it on my own. Was in tears on and off all day yesterday because of it. (whine)I have just started to feel pretty good post chemo and rads the past couple weeks and now another set back.
    OK will put my big girl panties on and start to deal with it.
    Hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Sue: I best you were in tears on and off. We get so sick and tired of the disappointments. Like climbin a mountain and always falling back down. But I do believe, this too shall pass.

    Madison: Good morning to you. Good morning to you. I bet your wearing flipflops while we are hunkering down here with all the snow and cold weather.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Girls,
    I had to do a quick check in before I left for work. Checking on Gina. I "knew" she would be okay, but I had to know for sure! Thank God all went well.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for the hugs Nicki. I like that you can post pics now!
    Got to run to work. Have a great day everyone
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Campers! Nickie, where do you get all those great pics to post and how could you not know how to post them before. Have you just been storing them all up on your computer?

    Cheri, good luck on your doc appt today.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Mornin Jasmine! Oh once MargaretB taught me how to post pictures, I have become quite addicted. I cant stop!!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    So, how do you like your blazing speed internet?? You and hubby, were you guys the Slowski's on that comcast commercial they have? I love the one where they are trying to drag the laptop across the yard and bickering, too funny!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning CG.

    It's 12 degrees here and snowing. Yuck. I'm in the center of the state, so only a couple of inches of the white stuff. But for crying out loud, it's March 7th. So glad we don't get the lake effect stuff.

    Well, I've done it. I'm on the last page of my first scrapbook. I started during treatment 2 years ago. The photos are from a trip we took on our 30th to Nova Scotia in 2000. Fourteen rolls of film. We both get carried away with cameras. All those pics, and not one of us together! I'm surprised that we actually took pictures of eachother. It took 35 sheets, 70 pages counting each side. I just have some finishing touches.

    I'm happy for the good news for NS. Hope she can stay put a bit and let the hoapital staff take care of her.

    Everyone else take care. I didn't take any notes. Haven't quite got the habit, yet. Today is my quilting group. Must get ready to go and eat, too. Still in my pjs. Like the other Northerners here, I can't wait for spring.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Goooooood Morning....shhhh back at work and lots to do but I need my CG fix.....
    My cold is still here and i seem to have green gooo coming from all I hate colds....
    OK those trying to lose weight ,...remember not to stave yourself, your body will retain fat to protect you...more small meals if you dont feel hungry all at once...please be careful...don't forget to take a look at the exercises I leave once a week some are very relaxiing too...
    Nicki...good job...on the exercie your doing great...
    ok wow Helen1 I haven't seen you in ages welcome back...
    and everyone else who keeps popping in....hehehe I knew I was ahead of my time 10,000 steps...queen of the exercise know you are in our thoughts and prayers but...take it easy...or I'll have to come over and kick some B*tt...
    ok too much work and had a "Freeze" day off yesterday so twice as much work to do...(kind of like a snow day, but our crews work outside)
    take care all and be strong...
    PS Nicki...need Nathaniel to come over to help with the preparations for the just finished the guest/foosball
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning everyone,

    So glad to hear that Gina is doing well. I pity those doctors and nurses that have to deal with her wanting to come home today. Gina, you go, girl.

    This not haveing internet at home is the pits. We'll get a new router on Friday and the Comcast guy will make sure the laptops and everything is hooked up. We have Vonage and they said that that is very rough on a router. The Concast lady said she doesn't even recommend their VoiP to people. Also a router's life is about 3 years. Our's is over 5 so I guess it was time. So we're getting rid of Vonage. We had it so that Tony's students could reach him if his cell was down. Guess I'll be emergency number for them.We'll be back to cell only. Doesn't matter to me. I think I used the vonage service twice since had it. And I can find some use for that extra $38 bucks a month.

    Better get to work. My boss just walked past.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    So much to catch up on! I'm so glad G's surgery went well. I've been following all the prayers and good wishes. Deb, your prayer made me cry, it was wonderful.

    Robin, so glad to see you again. Keep in touch. I'm praying for you, too.

    My son wore my "Cancer Sucks" button. He felt it applied to him as much as to me. I love my CD. It's a great collection of songs. My daughter and I especially like "I'm beautiful". I tell her that every day now.

    Yesterday was a milestone for me. I got my first haircut since I had my head shaved during chemo. It was just a trim, but it was weird. Then, we went shopping and I bought my first bra since someone gave me a mastectomy bra. It was falling apart, so I really needed a new one. Trying on bras was very depressing, but I got through it. I remember the days when I could wear the pretty ones.

    Hopefully, I'll be around to see if there is anymore news on G. All the rest of you who have tests, procedures, etc, my thoughts and prayers are with you, too. You are such a wonderful group of women and I'm truly blessed to have you in my life.
  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007

    Just checking in to hear how NS did and to wish everyone a good morning. It's snowing and cold here in NJ.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Gus...Hugs to you

    Sheri, I think you need some hugs also

    MB, fearless Pinkstock Leader...get thee to a doctor 'cause I don't think green stuff should be part of a cold....

    Laura, congrats on finishing the scrapbook....I think we will all want to make a scrapbook for will have to teach us how!!!!

    Tracey, I forgot to wish you congratulations on you exam...go Tracey!!

    Bayyore, ALwayshope, Denise and Betty - good morning to you!! Good morning to all!!

    Sorry for the cold weather you are all having....It was in the 30's this morning but will warm up a good 30 degrees today....

    Time to work!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    I am so glad NS is doing good. I know she wants out of the hospital. I don't blame her!

    Kevin went back for his second day today. Everything went fine yesterday. I got a call from 2 of the nurses. They were nervous and kept checking his vitals during the day. I am glad they are staying on top of things. My DH is taking him tonight for his MRI.
    I am still sore but I am moving better. Can't wait to get the drain out.
    Did I tell you girls what I went threw in the OR? They couldn't find a vein. Tried for 45 minutes. The head guy said in front of about 20 people.This is what happens when there is years of abuse.WTF??? I called him a moron. I think he purposely did something. My throat was sore for 4 days.One of the nurses finally got the vein and I thanked her.He was even mad that I had a port because it ruined the vein in my neck. I said how else would I get the chemo?? He says,you wouldn't have lasted through a treatment.Some people should just not have access to sick people. I am telling my surgeon about him. Oh yeah. I told them I get sick from anesthesia and they were suppose to give me something. I threw up anyway.

    It is snowing and bitter cold here in Philly! I hate winter!!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Any news on NS this morning? Just wondering how she did overnight.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning sweet is a beautiful day here in North Texas...when I came into work this morning it was 50degrees and today's high is suppose to be 70.......sorry my wonderful yankee ladies but this summer when it is 110 degrees for l5 straight days ya'll will be enjoying those 70 and 80 degree days with great big smiles on your faces.....Joyce what a complete is that kinda of comment that I wish that we could get away with a good smack............I am glad the NS is doing well....of course I don't think any of us believed that she would have problems...she is so strong....we all know she is going to be just fine........DebC I know exactly how you feel about your girls.....I have two the 14 yr old (plays the oboe) and then my beautiful 19 yr old that is a freshman in college in WI of all places......last year when I was dx January 30th 06....its funny I can remember the exact dates of dx, starting chemo, having surgery, and then radation....but I can't remember the exact date of my was Alyson's last semester of high school, she had worked her a$$ off in school.......she took me to every treatment (the school told her if she missed more than 6 days she would have lost of credit) had 8 treatments and she went to the principal herself and told her that she would be taking me to treatment and if she had a problem with that then she would go to the adminstration and if they had a problem she would go to the local tv station and ask what they thought about a school that would not alow a student to take care of her mom while undergoing treatment for bc.........anyway the shool allowed her to miss the 2 extra days of four years of school she had been sick 3 times........(sorry I'll be right back)

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Sorry (the actually expect me to work)anyway she had just missed 3 actually days of school in 4 yrs........all of this is happening her very last semester of high school, she had diners, going to six flags as a class, prom, etc....anyway she missed going to six flags because of course that fell on a day of treatment...I told her to go I didn't mind going by myself but she wouldn't do it.....but the very worse part was the night of her was a Saturday in April, I had just finished doing the a/c and had had my first treatment of taxol the Thursday before.....I was soooooooo hour before she was ready to leave she called her friends and told them she was not going.....I started crying and I could not stop.....I felt so guilty.......she started crying and my youngest daughter was looking at both of us like we had lost our minds.....anyway I said to her "you are suppose to be out with your friends getting drunk and having sex for the first time" and she looked at me and said "the first time??????" we both just burst out laughing but I will never ever forget the love for that child I could not even put into words.........

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Joyce, I'm so sorry about that idiot at the hospital. Maybe he should have a mammo on his joy stick. My veins are hard to access, too. Glad you're home now and away from idiots like him. Write lots of letters about him. He should be repremanded big time. I hope you got his name.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good morning girls. I hate mornings. I'm a night person. I've been up a little over an hour and would go back to bed but my lower back hurts too bad.

    I didn't take notes today but I read the posts. Wishing all of you an above average day.

    I got up this morning and felt and thought my lump was gone. It isn't but I do think it's smaller so it shouldn't amount to anything. I sure wish I didn't have to make the trip up there. But I suppose I'd better just in case. I'm thinking it's one of those Fibroid-thingys. Cos I do think it's smaller or maybe not...I just dont know.

    My dd has a red spot on her breast and of course bc was the first thing that came to mind but it turned out to be a spider bite. I told God that if he'd make her alright then I'd take the bc. She's alright. So a deals a deal.

    I'm sorry, I'm just not in a very good mood today didn't sleep well last night. So I'm gonna end my post before I depress everyone.

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning all....

    I lurk here most days just reading what a close knit little community you all have created here.....

    Cy, I have checked into a few gyms too....very expensive...I have a friend that works a Sears and gets a pretty good size employee discount so I ended up purchasing some equipment for use at home....I did pretty good with it at first, then as most things do it went by the wayside...since my bc dx in Nov 06 I have found that I use it more and feel really great afterwards.....

    To all you others, I hope over time we will get to know each other and this circle will continue for many, many years.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Hey Cheri-

    Sending you A hug. Your daughter is ok, and you will be too. God doesn't work that way hon....I know you would give anything for your daughter, but He's not going tohold you to that one.

    I hope you have a WAY above average day hon

    Deb C