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  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    For those of you looking for Gyms, contact your local school, ours has a fitness room open to the public...and it doesn't cost anything? just a thought...
    Deb you are our spiritual leader you alwys lift my spirits...thank you...(ps my neighbor called to make sure you are still can't wait)
    Ok off to lunch, more cold pills then try to work productively....
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    LOL I laughed so hard...spiritual leader???ME!! Oh my, I hope you are not disapointed when you meet me. I am floundering around in the dark trying to live my life I'm glad I lift your spirits though

    This place has lifted me to good places

    Hugs everyone
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Deb, you are as good as gold! Thank you. I think I was a hug low so that helped.

    Jule, welcome. We're not a club or anything feel free to post every day & we'll get acquainted, it doesn't take long! You just have to jump on in that's what I did and was welcomed with open arms. Don't be a lurker come on in!

    My dh had to leave on the road early this morning so he just called to check on me and told me to call him right after my appt. I sure hope this thing is nothing.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Welcome to the circle Jule.

    Cheri, maybe you need to use a marker to mark the lump to be sure when you get there.

    I do feel better after using the treadmill at the community center the past week. I notice it most in the mornings when I get up and my hip doesn't ache like it used to upon first moving in the morning. I did try the elliptical trainer once but thought I was going to have a heart attack. Who knew those things were so darn I'm going to have to work up to using that machine. Maybe in a month or two.

    Howdy Laura, MB and all the rest.

    Do we have any updates on Gina this morning yet?
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Welcome Jule,
    hers what i do with my home gym...i invited a friend...we workout together, then have tea and a healthy snack...its nice to have company. i bought a little trampoline thingy for running on and while one is treadmilling, one can either jog-o-line or I have a kicking bag a really great work out....
    good luck...
    Mb the exercise "queen"
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007

    just a spider bite. Good news!!! and another reason to hate spiders. I'll be there!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    OK the magic carpet is full enough I can't see who is driving us to Cheri's appointment. I have a hockey goalie facemask and pads on. I'm ready for a loop-de-loop! Who has the coffee??

    Deb C
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Welcome Jule. Pull up a chair and stay a while.

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    I'll bring the coffee!!!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome....
    Im at work right now so cant write much but I will do a better job of introducing myself when I get the chance.

    MB, I never thought of a community center...I live in a rural town but there is a Y at the town I go to shop in, maybe check there....
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    WOW...wrap that coffee pot in bubble wrap Quick! I don't want to lose it on a loop-de-loop!

    Nice to meet you Jule...this is a great bunch of ladies!
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    Your not going to make me air sick are you .....all those loop-de-loops!!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice to me you too....
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Laura can say "joy stick" but I can't say "penis".......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007 I hear more snickering..............

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    uhoh...Shokk said the p word again!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    good morning ladies. feeling very nauseous this morning. geez I hope I'm not getting this stomach thing. Dear me I so don't do vomit. Think another day of laying on the couch is in order. I'll catch up later. Just wanted to pop in and say hi.

    Jas, that is soooo pretty.

    Jule one hello makes you part of the "community" Welcome, tho I'm sure I've seen you here before haven't I?

    Cheri, I'm sure your lumpy/bumpy/thingy is just a cyst. I got a spider bite a couple of years ago in my throat of all places. Got sick as a dog. Just thinking about the fact that there was a spider in my mouth while I was asleep gives me the willies. YIKES!!! This killer spider lives somewhere in my bedroom. He comes out of hiding every so often and reminds me that he is still there. Have searched and searched for him but can't find him. The damn thing never bites hubby.

    Ugh I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Back to the couch.
    See ya.
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    Yes, I started posting here awhile back but then turned into a lurker for some reason....decided it was time to come out a play ....

    I hope your not getting the flu that has been going around here...its a really nasty far Ive been able to avoid it and am hoping that it goes on its merry way before I catch it....
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Looks like Sherl is going to need a window seat on the carpet today. Sherl, sweetie, could you lean out the window to puke please! So sorry you are feeling bad. What did you have to eat today? I think you might ought to check in with your docs and make sure you aren't having some left over symptoms from your surgery maybe.

    Howdy Vickie...come out and play.

    Shokk, I'm totally shokked!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Hi Jule, Jpann

    Alwayshope, thanks for the coffee...I actually am drinking a cup of coffee at my desk (but no blue stuff to put in it...and today I could really use the blue stuff)

    Shirley, please don't do vomit....I hope you are okay...

    Shokk, you know how our Vickie gets when she hears the "P" word!!!

    Joy Stick is good 'cause is doesn't have "P" in it....
  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2007
    Good Afternoon Girls,

    So glad to hear that G did as well as we all hoped and expected. Keeping her in the middle for healing.

    Deb, that was a beautiful prayer that you wrote yesterday. Thank you. You are a beautiful person and I thank you for including me in your special surprise. It made my day to be remembered by you. I enjoy all the songs, but I think the last one by Melissa Ethridge touched me the most. It almost had me in tears while I was driving and I really don't cry that easily!

    Yesterday I picked up the passport for my son so that he can go to Midland, Michigan for the speed skating meet. Everything is slowly coming together. Finally, I hope, have confirmation that he is travelling with someone because he has to change planes & terminals at Chicago!!!! He's 14 and never travelled by himself anywhere! I think I will be white haired by the time this is done, but I won't hold him back because of my nervousness. He leaves on the 15 and comes home on the 19. He's quite excited.

    Welcome Jule. These girls are the greatest. Just jump in anytime.

    I have been sick with a rotten cold for two weeks, can't shake the cough, so I will be with Cheri in spirit but not gonna risk the loop the loops on the carpet! I hate puking worse than anything! ((((((Cheri))))))) I am sure the lump will be nothing to worry further on.

    Sherl, sorry you're having a rough time with recuperating. Keep the bucket and the bell handy (that's for ringing for your manservant to attend you properly LOL). Hugs And a spider bite in your throat?? EEWWWWWW.

    Joyce, I can't believe that anaesthetist. You should definitely write him up! He shouldn't be allowed to get away with comments like that. That is Harassment and most hospitals have a zero tolerance (supposedly) to that. Hugs.

    Hugs and prayers to all who need them. Gotta go do laundry.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies!

    I have not had one minute to check the boards and I can't believe all I've missed. Thank God that Gina's surgery went well. She was on my mind all day yesterday. Thank you for the update, Carrie!
    It's friggin' snowing again today . I am SO ready for Spring!!! I had so much to get done today and that darn snow just throws a monkey wrench in everything.
    I'm still hanging in there with the South Beach diet. I've lost about 3 lbs. in 1 1/2 weeks. I can't believe the small amount I am eating. I think I'm having a hard time because this is the way I've eaten for years. We eat whole grains, lean meats, chicken, not a lot of sweets. The only thing left to do was to cut out the carbs and eat next to nothing. In the book they tell you that you can lose about 12 lbs or so over the first 2 weeks. Huh???? Not in my universe!

    Margaret, the weight really is frustrating isn't it? I don't know what else to do. If I cut out much more, my body will go into starvation mode and I for sure won't lose!

    Cheri, I'm sure it's just a cyst. Do see your onc though, just to be sure and give you some peace of mind.

    Nicki, I took Decadron with my chemo. Boy, doesn't that pack on the pounds!!! BTW, I love your new avatar! And, I bet you love your Comcast!! Quite a difference from dial-up.

    Sue, I have slight LE in my non-dominant arm. I wear a compression sleeve when I exercise and whenever I know I will be lifting stuff. Just be aware of what you are doing.

    Joyce, that guy in surgery was a real sh@t!! I would for sure make a complaint. Was he insinuating that you were a long time addict??? Jerk! Was he the anesthesiologist? Sometimes they can be a pain to deal with.

    Shokk, 70 degrees today??? Trade ya!

    Amy, what's up girl? How's the new job working out?

    We have been so busy at work, I can't even check in. We are changing our hours, so all the scheduled patients have to be called and their appt. times changed. Ugh! Hopefully when I go in tomorrow, that will be about done.
    I will try to check in to see how our dear NS is doing. I hope she doesn't push too hard to go home.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,

    My computer is back among the living! Ok, so I'm going to try to catch up.

    I'm so relieved to hear that NS' surgery went well. I was so worried about her, but I knew in my heart that it would be ok. A lot of my students asked about my NS button yesterday, so I took the chance to tell them about the strength and courage I've witnessed in the past three years and about the amazing power of friendship.

    Deb, I could have written your post about the ski meet. My daughter is a competitive dancer, and every time we go to a competition, I watch her on stage and begin to sob. I went to every dance competition during treatment, no matter how sick I was, and I would cry because I was afraid that I wouldn't get many chances to see her dance again. Now I cry because I feel so blessed to be here to watch her.

    Shokk, you said the "p" word again?!! Man, I always miss the good stuff!

    Shirley, I hope you feel better. This stomach flu is nasty, and I hope that you haven't caught it!

    Colleen, Hope you and Warren are feeling better too!

    Jule, Welcome to the Circle! I lurked here too before I felt comfortable posting. It really is a great group of women, and they've made me feel very welcome.

    Cheri, Hugs to you and good luck with your appointment. We're all with you (all we'll try to behave!)

    Joyce, So sorry about your experience at the hospital! I've had the same trouble with IV's and I have found that doctors are often not concerned about how much it hurts when they are digging around for a vein. When I had my glalbladder surgery last summer, a doctor attempted to run the IV in my thumb, and I nearly came up off of the bed and sucker-punched him!

    Nicki, I'm getting a kick out of seeing all the pitcures that you are posting!

    Alwayshope, I'm always ready for coffee...and I wouldn't mind a little blue stuff in it either!

    MB, Will there be exercising at Pinkstock? Just make sure that someone stands next to me on the treadmill with a cell phone that has 9-1-1 already dailed so that they can just hit SEND.

    Madison, I love to scrapbook so I'll show how scrapbooking techniques at Pinkstock if you show me some advanced crotcheting.

    Sheri, Congrats on the first haircut! It truly is a milestone. When I went for my first cut after chemo, my hairdresser charged me for a child's haircut because I had so little hair to work with! LOL

    Hugs to all I've missed! I've been without a computer so I need to go get my on-line shopping fix. The UPS guy is at my house so much, he knows the dog's name and brings him treats!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007 cell signal...but I will tell son to bring the ambulance....NO EXERCISES AT PINKSTOCK unless you want to walk the trails...
    MB...working hard can't you tell
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Lynn, lots of luck to your son. He will survive the trip! Us moms are the ones who get gray hair from it all .

    Jule, a big CG welcome to you. Just jump in any old time you feel like it. There is always room by the fire for one more!

    Shirley, ooooh, I hope you don't have the dreaded stomach bug. Try and take it easy!!

    My dryer timer just went off. Time to fold the laundry .
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon all!

    Jules-glad you jumped right in. Everybody is welcome and always will be. Feel free to post anything.

    Shokk-the p word again? You just cant be trusted can you? Geesh, now we have to watch newvickie get all worked up over the p word and we all know how that can be. Bless her heart, I think we need to get her a a a a,,yeah one of those things.

    Biker-new job is going well and it sounds like you have been pretty busy yourself. You are doing my favorite chore,,,NOT. I dont mind the washing, drying and folding but I hate putting them away. I dont need closets or drawers, I just need a bigger utility room cause thats where everything ends up.

    Shirley-gosh the stomach virus things seems to be running wild in Alabama. I am wondering if you caught it on the magic carpet ride when you all swooped down to get me. Hope it passes soon.

    Cheri-ok girl, you arent "acting" right. I know you are worried about the lumpy bumpy thing and that is effecting you. I can hear it in your voice. Hang in there girl and we will be there with you getting it checked out. It cant be anything because you are the designated magic carpet ride driver with all the loop de loops.

    Thanks for giving us the info about NS. I so agree with her wanting out of the hospital. I came home the next day. The nurse walked in and said we will get you up shortly and let you walk and depending on how you do you might get to go home. Thats all it took. I was up with my clothes on and standing at the nurses desk. She looked up and said to my SO, we will be in there shortly to help her get up and help her start walking. I just laughed and said, I'm up and how many laps do I have to do to prove I can go home. I even stopped on the way home from the hospital and had dinner out. Not looking the best I can assure you but I just wanted to do something normal. I refused to be treated like I was sick.

    Nicki-Dont let distorted humor fool you. He was upset that he couldnt fit in the fountain but he certainly enjoyed helping Mazer lick all the chocolate off of herself. Gotta watch that boy, I'm telling you.

    Lynn-best of luck to your son. He will have a great time and you will worry until he gets back no doubt. Its just a mom thing.

    Deb-glad you got to enjoy yourself more this year for the ski meets. I think we can all understand where you are coming from because we all get "it". You always have the perfect words though.

    Madison-yep 70 degrees here today and we will be wishing for that Northeast weather this summer. Rolls will be reversed and instead of them saying they hate winter we will be saying we hate summer.

    Bigs hugs Cheri and cant wait to hear "its nothing" so we have another reason to celebrate.,,like we need one or something.

    ok gotta run but will be back. I like my new office but its busier.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Amy, yup I folded it,'s still sittin' on the bed. I only put it away when I have to move it to get into bed LOL!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Amy good to hear you like the new job...
    Ok off tomarrow and won't be working friday so I'll try to steal son's puter to keep up...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Now thats an idea if I fold them on the bed I would have to put them up,,right? Nawww,,I could always just pick them up and move them over to the chest or something. Nice thought though. I hate putting laundry away.

  • Lisa40
    Lisa40 Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2007

    Just curious if anyone has Gina's address so I could send her a card. You can PM if you do. Thanks.Lisa

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh my goodness what a day.
    That was some magic carpet ride. No more blue drinks for Cheri till the weekend. My stomach is still doing loop di loo's. Cheri dear...Mazer kept me distracted and I missed the news...where are you?
    Executive Director was a bear today and my goodness what a bear he was! We have a procedure we follow when he is going to be out of town for a few days and I filled it out today for him to sign and suddenly he had a memory lapse that this is something we ALWAYS have done...for eight years! Had a bit of a hissy fit and said if it went against what the auditors would like he would fire me and the controller both without notice...out the door we would go. Wow...we just had our audit and came out A OK all the way. Thought about slipping him a xanex and decided not to waste them on him LOL! He's a good guy just stresses about the little things.
    I have blood work again tomorrow...geez I'm sick of this. 45 minutes to the hospital and then an hour and 15 minutes back to work on top of getting stuck!! whine whine whine. Somebody hand me some cheese. I am going to ask them about the collapsed vein so I can hopefully quit stressing over that!
    Gotta do the dinner thing and take notes...too busy to type today at work...
    Love ya all