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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    ARRGGHHH!! Big huge long post, took notes and everything, and poof! My form is no longer valid. Boo on that!

    Not enough time to recreate, off to PTO meeting...

    Joyce - can't read notes, looks like "OK nun" (I'm pretty sure that's not it!)

    Sheri - congrats on the haircut

    Shokk - great story!

    Cheri - thanks goodness, a spider, go figure!

    Jule - welcome

    Shirley - yuck and double yuck, feel better!

    Lynn - great news re son, stay strong! I'd be a wreck too, but mine is only 10, and a very distracted and naive 10 at that!

    Gus - Welcome back! And thanks for asking about Warren and me. We're hanging in there, but I think it's going to be a long road toward healing. I'm still kind of walking around in a denial daze!

    Nicki - you made me cry, thank you!! xoxo

    Vickie - hey there, hope you are well

    Deb C - my goodness, you are so good with words, images, music, food, crafts - just so creative and warm and such a loving spirit, I'm still LOVING my CD!!

    Carrie - thanks so much for letting us know about G

    G - I'm thinking about you girl - NO SURRENDER!!
    Everyone else, gotta run now sorry, Jan, Laura, LauraB, MB, Susan, ((RobinTN)), AlwaysHope, Madison, Amy, Lini, yikes, forgetting lots I know, sorry!! Good night, and sweet dreams!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hello to all!

    You know, I always try to type fast so my post doesn't disappear into "no longer valid" land. It just reminded of when my Boys were young..They didn't like taking their shoes off to come in after being out playing in whatever, cuz they would be going right back out. SO they use to say, "If I go fast can I leave shoes on?" I guess mud only comes off if you "GO slow!"

    Vickie: I was wondering today about your yarnly veins. Make sure and tell the bloodsuckers about it.

    Madison: Gotta love those Gyn Check Downs! I've got one coming up soon, also!

    Shirley: Hit the couch, drink Vernors (do you know what that is?), and get feeling better.

    Laura: Oh ya! I'm with you on the Michigan snow. So tired of it! Are you meeting us in Brighton on Saturday?

    PurpleMB: Are you the Exercise Police???? You girls are starting to scare me by getting so active! I have a treadmill that doubles as a "catch all." A exercise bike that looks quite nice if you look at it in the right light. And I bought the "Bean" which is a kick off of the exercise ball.....which also has been kicked out of here and found its way back to the store. Oh help me, there's got to be a easy, quick, no sweating, jumping, running, tumbling way to get going.

    Shirley/MB: I saw something on the news this week, talking about "when to call the doctor on kids..facts and Myths." I was surprised to hear that Green Stuff is normal if you have a cold. I always thought it meant infection, but this Dr. said it just means you have a cold.

    Betty: Computer up and running! Comcast is what we have too. Out here we have no other choice!

    Sheri: Congratulations! I can imagine it felt weird but good to get a hair cut. And bra shopping too..weird but good! Hugs

    Post Zapper makes me nervous, so I'll be right back!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Don't you just hate when your post goes Poof???

    Vickie, Jeez oh man! Sounds like your boss had a total meltdown! He was threatening your job?? Huummff!! Let him try to make it without you.

    I'm going to say an early good night to all. We have to catch up on TV shows that we taped, cause we old farts just can't stay awake long enough to finish watching them!
    Hugs, CGs!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    <looks at stop watch as she waits for Denise.....tick tock tick tock tick....>

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Bayyore: I hope you are feeling better. Have you talked to any Dr's yet? No more swelling or hives?

    Tracey: YEA! Great on the exam!

    Joyce: What a Pig Headed Lily Livered A**. To talk to someone like that as they are going under for surgery. I do hope that when you did so in his face. I hope you are feeling better now. And I'm glad to hear that Kevin is doing better. You guys have had your hands full.

    Shokk: What a nice daughter you have. My daughter and I have always had a very close relationship. Can talk about just about anything.
    How could I possibly forget what you said about a Joy Stick????

    Cheri: Was it today that you had your lumpy, bumpy thingy checked? Let us know how it went, Please! You signed off on your post because you didn't want to depress us! Oh, my dear....That's the beauty of this place. Most of us are already there! Reservations for the Funny Farm anyone? We all vent, get depressed and two minutes later are laughing at someone else's post!

    Jule: Welcome, glad you found us!

    AlwaysHope: I love the tea set!!

    Lynn: I hear ya with the cold and cough. Cold is manageable, but the dry, hacking cough that only seems to come during sleeping hours is a bite. Nothing will stop it until it is ready to stop on it's own.
    Your son will have a good time in this grand state. You will certainly have a few gray hairs before he gets back, but I'm sure he will be fine. If it would make you feel better, you can pm me and I will give you my contact info. and he can take it with him, just in case. I'm probably about 1 1/2 hours from Midland.

    I'll be back!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Cont'd: I really don't mean to irritate you girls. I've just lost to many posts and I can't get the hang of copy and paste yet!

    Gus: Computer up and working! I know very little about computers, but being a "boardaholic" I need my daily fix!

    Nicki: Love the Pics you find to post! How bout finding me an "exercise police" to send to PurpleMB!!

    Colleen: you hang in there Dear. It's hard..and you and Warren are in my thoughts.

    I, too would like NS address if anyone would pass it on. I understand if you don't feel right doing that..but I would like to send her a card.

    I know I forgot lots. But I will check in later on.

    Love and Hugs,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I found it very entertaining Denise...not in the least bit irritating.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Hello to all,
    I have been reading and trying to catch up from the ten days of missed posts. It has made for such a pleasant day and sorry that I have not read all of the happenings yet. Thanks for the welcome and I will not try to list all the names as I prob will leave out too many.

    Glad to hear that your surgery went well,ns.

    I will be checking back and seeing how everyone is. Thanks for allowing me to ride near the outer circle as I can see everyone and keep a good lookout. Since radiation,I am not sure that sleeping through a night ever will be the same--even with sleeping meds.

    All the best to everyone,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    AlwaysHope: Did I beat my record on time?? Tick Tock, Tick Tock!!

    Lova and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oops, A new friend jumped in on me!

    Welcome Iris! Jump in and feel welcome, we are a friendly lot here!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Thanks AlwaysHope!

    Night and Hugs,
  • Deese
    Deese Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2007
    Awesome news about NS! Speedy painfree recovery prayers for you sweetie!

    CG's...I'm watching you! You better get well and stay well if you know what's good for you!

    Love, Deese
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2007
    Hi sweet CG's
    I JUST HEARD FROM G !! She is home her Dad is with her.
    She said the surgeon said she did very well and her recon went very well.They sent her home because there is a flu epidemic going around and also she would rest better at home. The centinal node was positive and they did
    a full axillary disectional (sp) . Her throat was really sore so she could not talk long but wanted to let us know she is home. She will check back in as soon as she is feeling better.

    Love & Hugs,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    No throwing up but still feeling pretty yucky.
    So guess what I did today besides whine about feeling yucky? I went to Walmart. Couldn't stand being in this house for one more minute. Got myself a whole load of pretty yarn and a new tooth brush.

    Sheri, yehaw on the haircut. We want pictures.

    Joyce, Glad Kevin is back at school. Bet he's glad to be back to.
    please file a complaint with the hospital about that doctor. Shame on him.
    Girls sure fire way to get the numby stuff without argument is to have yourself a good old fashioned anxiety attack when they try to start the IV. Sure it's an extra poke but so much better then feeling them digging around under your skin with a knitting needle. My file at the hospital has in big bold letters.....SEVERE IV ANXIETY
    The nurses don't even try anymore.

    Shokk, good for your daughter. Sounds like you raised her right.

    Joy Stick? ahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahha

    Jas, didn't call doc. I have follow up tomorrow. I'll whine then. I'm sure I just have a bug.

    Madison, coffee sounds great....I'll be right back.
    ummmmmmm I love coffee.
    Are you having a bad day? Why do you need the blue drink?

    Lynn, hugs to you. He'll be ok. Contrary to what you might have heard we really aren't a third world country. We having running water and indoor toilets in the vast majority of places now.
    I know how you feel hon. Sent my daughter to Australia for a cheerleading competition when she was in high school.
    Spider bite in my throat....ewwwww indeed. Thats what the doc at prompt care said too. Then he said I'd kill that thing if I were you.

    Jan, not that I would know but I've always heard two pounds a week is a healthy weight loss.

    Sue I hope I haven't too. So far so good, no puking. Just the icky tummy.
    In your thumb. O my! They tried to get one in my foot when I had my HIDA scan. No success either. Finally called in the radiologist and he found one that worked.

    Amy, you are WOMAN hear you roar. I stopped for lunch when I came home after my first surgery. Promptly threw it all up when I got home but it was worth it.

    Denise, whats Vernors?

    Iris, sleeping thru the night? whats that?

    hi Deese
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    thanks for the update Carrie. Rest well NS!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Vernors is a GREAT gingerale, made in Michigan I believe. It is the best thing for an icky tummy.

    GREAT news on G. Glad she is home.

    Deb C
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2007
    I am sorry I have a PS to add..
    G said when she was waiting to go back to surgery she pictured you all with her she said Mazer was eating the paper towels. She said it really made her feel calmer thinging of you all with her. She sends her love ~

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    wow ty so much deb i just got your package in the mail!!!
    that was very sweet of you!!!!
    also to madison i just got your card to ty... and hugssssssssssss

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good evening ladies. Wishing you a nice evening.

    Jazmanian, thanks for the tip on using a marker but it's plenty big enuf to feel.

    Shirley, hope you're feeling better. I think everyone's had that yucky stuff.

    Jule, didn't I tell ya everyone is very welcoming? You must come to one of our cyber parties this week-end, they're alot of fun.

    Iris, come on into the Cirlcle it's alot better in here than staying at the perimeters. You'll like it. Great bunch of ladies.

    Deb, I listened to your cd again on the way home from the onc today. Thank you so much.

    Amy, gee am I that transparent or do you have ESP or is that ESPN? I get so confused.

    Vickie, do you want me to call and talk to your ass of a boss now or wait til I've had a couple blue drinks?

    Deese!! Where ya been, who'd ya see, what'd ya talk about? Gee, it's so good to see a post from you. Come home.

    Carrie, so glad you heard from Gina and she is doing well. You also need to come home now. Thanks for keeping us posted on Gina.

    Ginney, where are you?
    Brenda, where are you?
    Mena, where are you?

    Hey to Nicki, CY, Lynn, Madison, Jan, Gus, Colleen, Betty, Holly, Tracey, Shel, Denise, Lini, Anne, MB, and anyone I might've mistakenly missed. Thanks to all of you that rode the magic carpet today to be with me.

    I went to the Onc. today about this lump. And it is a lump. Susan met me there. I was late cos I took a nap before I went and my elec went off while I was sleeping so she had quite a wait. I almost canceled it cos I really thought it was nothing and thats what he was going to say. I guess I'm glad I didn't. My onc thought it warranted an ultra sound/mammo & he set it up for monday morning. Said if the results merited it then we'd do a biopsy. Easy for him to say! I also had a slight fever which is not like me. When I walked back out to reception I had my appt. paper in my hand and the first thing Susan said was, "What's that paper for?" LOL She knew that was a bad sign. They made me an appt back at the onc.s office for the 23rd to discuss the results. There's no way in hell I'm waiting 2 weeks for results! They'll let me know something on monday. Or else. I know it's probably nothing. But to be honest, yes I'm scared. Who wouldn't be?
    I don't have time for Cancer I have to fix my ankle/foot in May! BC kept me from getting surgery on it last year. I know, I know, I shouldn't worry about it. OK I won't. lol

    But the main thing is "I'm beautiful dammit!"

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Carrie, thank you for the update. Does anyone have G's home address? If so, can I get the address through a PM? Pretty please...thank you...

    Cheri, sorry you are worried....I agree with you,don't wait 2 weeks for any results..we'll be there on the magic carpet Monday...

    Tracey, you are welcome.

    Shirley, yeppers I sure coulda used a blue drink today...just a hectic day at the ole office...a gazillion hot flash day due to the stress......You bought some pretty yarn and a tooth brush....just remember to send Vickie and I only the squares....and not your tooth brush...'cause we are the mad crochet women and would probably crochet your tooth brush in an

    Hi Iris, pull up a wagon and sit a spell....great group here

    Who has a spider bite? bit by a brown recluse once...not fun

    Amy, Mazer is eatting paper towels.....

    Have a great night everyone....hubby just came in from work and I need to see about dinner....
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Cheri, I'll meet you at St. Johns at 10:30 and then leave and go to my OS office. Deep breaths and get some blue rinks.

    You are beautiful damn it. In fact. We are all beautiful damn it.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    well crap Cheri, thats not what we wanted to hear. Call him back and tell him you want a do over and to get it right this time.
    Hugs hon
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Hey All- I have been catching up on this thread for almost an hour!
    You all make me laugh and cry and often feel warm all over, like a reunion of lost friends.
    Susan, I posted a message to you in the Pinkstock thread.

    Please, Robin- so glad to see you posting, but don't let him walk all over you anymore! From now on it is about you and kids- ONLY!

    Deb and other Bette fans, funny story, right after my divorce, when my self-esteem was lowest, I went to a friends bday party, her husband had a Tarot card reader there, who told me to buy that Bette Milder CD and listen to track 2, every day. Funny how she knew I needed that, and still rely on her to remind me, "I'm Beautiful, Dammit" almost everyday!
    I only took notes from about 2 days ago, so sorry, it is all old news, but...
    Deb, I loved your prayer, I copied it and will repeat as needed!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Evening girls,

    Shokk, you should be proud of your daughters, particularly your oldest.

    Cheri, your onc is being proactive and it's better that it be checked now. I hope you are feeling better tonight.

    Hi Jule and Iris. You'll get to know us in no time. There truly is a sisterhood. I feel like these ladies are my best friends. By the way, if you miss a day or two, don't try to go back and read. There are usually too many posts, just pick a place and start reading.

    Lynn, get rid of that cold soon.

    Always,I remember the dys when I would do an hour straight on the stairmaster, and it wasn't all that long ago. Now I doubt I could do 10 minutes.

    Shirley, I hope you are feeling better. The spider got my husband once right on his b*lls. He didn't realize it at first and the swelling was so bad he had to go to the doctor. Was not fun for him.

    Hi to Madison, Amy, MB, Colleen, Christine and everyone else I missed.

    Someone fill me in on who said what to Joyce. I missed it but it sounds like he overstepped some boundaries.

    Jan, did you hear the news last night about South Beach and how it was the diet that worked the best for women. It might not be how you are eating, because I eat the same way for the most part. I'm eating so much fiber I can't stand it. I quit drinking diet coke and now drink only water, for the most part. I switched to whole wheat pasta and bread, yada yada yada so it's either better portion control or get my butt moving.

    Sue, welcome back to computerland. I have so many scrapbook things I started and have just never finished.

    Denise, type your notes in Notepad or Word and then copy and paste it where you would normally type; if it doesn't accept your post at least you haven't lost it. PM me if you need help with it.

    Carrie, glad G's dad is with her. PM me if you need her address; I'm sure she would love a card from everyone.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Hey Deese great pic in your avatar! you look fantastic. hope you're feeling great too!

    Lini, are you going to try to take Christine to Olivera Street!. I always loved going there! Sure hope you can meet up with each other.

    Well I decided to check out the community center for a gym room after getting prices from $19 to $79 a month plus membership fees and contracts and I can go to the community center for $4 a day or $27 a month without a contract. So I think I'm going to try it tomorrow night and see how I do.

    Cheri hun, keep thinking those positive thoughts and we will all be with you until we get the anwer you want to hear. Praying it is only a cyst and nothing more.

    NS, Glad your Dad is with you. take care and don't push it to fast. We love you girl!

    Carrie, glad to see you on here we've missed you.

    well I need to go take some meds and try to sleep so I can stay awake during my meetings tomorrow.
    Sleep well.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Don't jump to conclusions because it could just be a fluid filled cyst that came up. I wonder how the person you saw last week missed it? Thinking good thoughts for you. Waiting is the hardest part.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Thanks Jazmanian. I'll be fine. I think it's just a cyst too. Hard not to worry a little though. I think most people would. I saw the NP on friday and found the lump on saturday & she swears it wasn't there. She just missed it.
    Whatcha doin up so danged early?

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    I just keep waking up at around 3 am and can't go back to sleep so I come here. It will pass in a few days and I'll start sleeping normal again. Also, I sleep better during spring and summer for some reason and its just around the corner. Thank goodness!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Is the coffee done yet? I had a very long and hectic day yesterday. Didnt end up getting home till 6:45pm. Ate dinner and went straight to bed. I hope everyone had a grand day yesterday.

    Today is gonna be a nicer day for me. Im getting my hair styled and colored. I have been trying let it grow long, but its looks so awful. Actually right now, my hair looks just like the green little guy in my picture only longer over the ears, so I looked a little like crusty the clown. So I will probably get it cut. Who knows what I will do. This is a new hair stylist for me - hoping she is a good one.

    Madison: I reaching down and grabbing a cup of coffee from you. I see you and Jasmine are up early and posting already. Yummmmmm! Thanks for the coffee.

    Liz: OMG! I got your card yesterday. Was funny cause Im sitting in morning report with about 12 Department Heads. I sit down and say, oh I love surprises. Opened up your card in the meeting and when it started playing music to American Bandstand, we all laughed so hard. Couldnt stop laughing. And it made me smile all day long.

    Well I see there are 3 pages to read. Sooooooo here we go!

    Jasmine: I just love Comcast. I dont know how in the world I lasted so long with Dial up. What a big difference. Its like having a new toy.

    Laura: Congratulations on finished your scrapbook. Scrapbooking can be so much fun. I see all kinds of stuff in the craft stores for it.

    PurpleMB: Green Goo? Hmmm very descriptive. Me thinks you need an antibiotic. Yellow and green goo are signs of infection. Hope your feeling better soon. I havent checked out the exercise thread. Usually dont have much time to go anywhere else on the boards besides the wagon circle. But Im gonna check it out. Im up to 35 wall push ups!

    Betty: One more day and you will have your internet back. They did hook up comcast to my laptop also. We have comcast for our phones, broadband and tv. Love the new package.

    Joyce: Oh my blood boiled when I read your post. What the heck did he mean by years of abuse? He is probably an anesthesiologist cause he just can deal with talking to people what a jerk. Serously, he was being verbally abusive to you. Thats reportable and if I were you I would contact the hospital administrator and report him. It also sounds like a good newspaper article. I might even call your local papers. This guy does not deserve a license. In fact report him to the AMA also! Give me his address, Distorted Humor has a big package of poop he would like to leave right outside his office door. I hope he slips and falls in it.

    Shokk: Oh the story about your daughter brought tears to my eyes. She sounds like one special person.

    Sheri: I hope you like your new haircut. Sort of fun, getting away from that chemo head look. Bra's? Oh thats a touchy subject here. Guess in a way Im lucky, cause I didnt really wear pretty bras before. My biggest problem is finding the right size. Since my reconstruction, my cup size is quite smaller. In fact, I dont know what my cup size is. I would find bra shopping very depressing.

    Cheri: Man, Im so relieved to hear it was just a spider bite! Thank goodness. Your probably having back pain cause your muscles are still sore from doing all that walking last week. Could has strained something. Im glad your getting that cyst taken out.

    Julie: I have exercise equipment. Sometimes my husband says "For sale, one slightly used treadmill." But I do like having the equipment here rather than going to a club. But Im Pisces - I still want to swim. Hmmmm Im thinking, maybe my local park district has an inside pool I can use. I think Im gonna check that out.

    DebC: I agree with others. You always have a positive thing to say. To make others feel better.

    Shokk: Ahahahaha Im giggling cause you said the "P" word again. Sometimes joy sticks can turn into wet noodles!!

    Sherloc: Im with Jasmine, Im wondering if your still having some side effects to the anesthesia. They say it can take up to 4 weeks to be totally out of your system. I hope your feeling better.

    Jules: Im so glad you came out to play.

    Lynn: OMG - he has to change planes in Chicago? Chicago? I live here and dont like O'hare. Im sure he is gonna be fine though. I bet he is pretty excited. Coughing for 2 weeks? I hade that same problem with a cold about 2 months ago. Finially went away after I got an antibiotic.

    Jan: Congratulations. You lost 3 pounds. That is great. Im still on South Beach and Im afraid to get on the scale. So far I havent lost one pound! When I was on South Beach last time, man oh man did I lose the weight. It seemed to melt off of me. I need someone to put a lock on my mouth at night. Always wake up with the munchies and thats my downfall.

    Gus/Sue: Im having so much fun with posting pictures. Im turning into a real monster!

    PurpleMB: NO CELL SIGNAL? Oh my goodness - I need my phone!

    Amy: So now I understand why Distorted Humor was so buzzed. He got his fair share of sugar from all that chocolate.

    Vickie: Man, Im sorry, but Upper management - they are supposed to be role models. I say pfffttt on your Executive Director. Stressed or not, he should be threatening to fire anyone. Its like that old saying, it doesnt matter who is right or wrong, its who looks best in the end. And he looked like a real jerk!! Bad, bad management style.

    Colleen: Oh I hope they were good tears.

    Holly: Hope you get to talk to your onc today about your hives.

    Iris: Hiya and hello. Insomnia seems to be my middle name.

    Deese: Oh I just jumpted for joy when I saw you post. I hope all is going well.

    Carrie: Thanks for the update on NS. Im praying that the sentinel node did its job and all the other nodes will be negative.

    Well, Im running outta time so I have to be quick.

    Tracey: Glad to see you, hope all is well.

    Cheri: Darn, darn, darn on the lump thing. Hoping its just a cyst, but none of need that additional worry and stress.

    Madison: I had hot flashes all day yesterday. I just kept breaking out in a sweat. Was quite embarrassing.

    Christine: So good to see you

    A special hello to MargaretB and CY - I gotta go get ready for work.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
