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  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2007
    Nicki...I've used hairspray as bugspray when I had no other choice...there's nothing like a well coiffed insect in your home...

    Btw, love the new quote...xo
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Mena! I knew ya just couldn't stay away from us. I've missed ya girl! Hang on tight cos we gonna get down at the Cycer Par-Tay at Sherlocs. Now you know I only have a delicate sip of wine on occassion but..ahem...Vickie's been gettin liquored up enuf to ski naked off a mountain! So you're back we're gonna have fun again. You stay with us now we'll all wade through all this quagmire together!
    Welcome Home!

    BTW, You're Beautiful Dammit!

    banter buddy
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2007
    Good evenin' all....just checking back before Caitie's bath/bed routine.

    Saw therapist today and I'm much stronger...won't go back until 3/20 but she can tell a difference. We talked about gut feelings (my marriage is done, he'll wake up one day going "what did I do?!", and the OW kicking him out). The therapist said hypothetically what would I do if he came groveling back? I would NOT let him in! Tuff love, baby!
    The therapist asked my permission to corner Ray on his drinking; she knows it could open up a whole new (bad) situation but it needs addressed and I highly doubt he'll do a thing until his pre trial on April 9th is over (if he tries ANYTHING, I call the cops and he's in jail for a LONG time!) She'll be having him do an alcohol assessment test---if he answers honestly (I did one online and answered as he should) he has a severe alcohol dependency....AND IT'S IMPACTING EVERY ASPECT OF HIS LIFE.

    The social worker was very nice and patient...with both Caitie and me. She couldn't say much about her meeting with Ray on Tuesday, but she did tell me one thing she told him---the reason why they continued to keep the case open is CAITIE talking about his drinking, and the fact that he brought the gun out into the open (Caitie doesn't know about that). When the worker was interviewing Caitie today about Daddy drinking ("yes he drinks everyday but I don't know how much or why"), "Mommy doesn't drink at all unless it's a special occasion", "Daddy took me to the Hall to see Sandy and her son Eddie...Eddie likes orange pop like me"....I was so proud of her! All in all the worker is satisfied Caitie and I are safe and Caitie hasn't suffered any abuse or neglect due to this one-time instance. The next step? The worker will go back and file her report and close the case; I should have it in writing by the end of next week. If anything else happens, they'll re-open the case and be prepared to have records subpoenaed for custody issue and possible court-ordered substance abuse counseling. She then alluded to the fact that she told Ray his drinking and gun-issue may have cost him chance at anything other than visitation. I'm sad for Caitie's sake and Ray's in a way), but he's had to hit rock-bottom knowing what HE did (not me) and what it's dearly costing him with his future with Caitie.

    I emailed Ray 2x about how his appt. went and he deleted both without I know why. He heard from an unbiased 3rd party what his own daughter thought! That will teach him for not listening to me, not giving Caitie enough credit...and hopefully realize THIS IS HIS FAULT!

    Well tomorrow's another day, and I'm getting stronger and stronger. I'm no longer obsessing, and plan on living up to the SURVIVOR more ways than one!

    Will keep you posted! Thank you ALL for your support and prayers!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi ladies...
    i am sorry i havent been on to much lately... well posting i am trying to keep up with the reading...
    so i was at work this morning and this lady that stays with us on a reg basis she is a regional manager for a saan store which is a clothing and other goods store... well she told me the manager of this store quit and was wondering if i might be interested in applying for the position... i really like my job but i am working all weekends right now and some of the promises the company i am with does not seem to be panning out!!! but then the saan store seems to go through employees so i dont know what to do.... i am thinking of putting in my resume and see what they have to say...should i tell my boss i am looking at a new job??? any suggestions would be great ladies as i am just confused in what i should be doing....i am taking this management course to be able to manage one day.... well maybe she will look at my resume and find i dont have what they want
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hi Ladies,
    Vickie: I totally know what you mean about your necklace. I have a little gold angel on a gold chain..I got it right after losing my son. It never comes off. I had to take it off for my surgeries, not happy. My DH put it back on me right after the surgeries. Actually, my sister(who also lost her son), my Mom, Daughter and niece all have the same necklace. Get yours fixed, you will feel much better once it is back on your neck.
    I'm glad you had your vein checked and your bloodwork done. Now, try not to worry about the vein!!(easier said than done!)
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Okay, I did some reading.
    Cheri: Ooh, the lumpy, bumpy thing wasn't suppose to be anything. We're still going with the cyst. The US/Mammo will just clarify things. And don't let them make you wait for 2 weeks for results. Where I go for Mammo's, because of history, the Radioligist (can't spell anymore!) reads everything right then and lets me know.

    Susan: That is so sweet of you to go with Cheri. You're a special person!

    Joyce: Yea on the Drain coming out! Be sure and let us know what they say when you tell them about the jerk in surgery.

    Madison: How'd the Check Down go? Funny, I'm 52 years old and after all I've been through.....the knees still lock together when the feet are in Stirrups!

    Nicki: I love the Kitty doing push ups!!!!!!!!I love it when someone makes me laugh involuntary!! I'm glad you got your hair done. It always gives a lift. I have an appointment for the 19th to have my "natural" Blonde Highlights Brightened!!

    Anne: Good for you! Chemo almost done! I will get to see and meet you Saturday at the Michigan Luncheon!

    Amy: Don't those exercise Machines make wonderful spare closets?

    LauraB: Glad to hear you are okay and that you are talking to a Therapist. You mentioned a Criminal Case coming up for HIM. I don't recall reading about that. Is it because of drinking or something else?

    Cheri: I have 4 of the lambs from Dress Barn. I love them!
    One of them stays on my HeadBoard all the time!

    Tracey: I'd look into the other job, but I don't think I'd mention it to my boss yet....make sure it's something you want first. Sending a resume surely can't hurt! Good Luck!

    Mena: Don't know you to well yet. But good luck with the Ex, selling the house and the Son. Been there done that, many years ago!

    Hugs and Love to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Mena: Im so glad to see you. You shouldnt stay away, cause we really do miss you. You are so strong. I would be devastated if I had to lose my hair again. Wishing you good luck with your scans and hoping the results are good. You asked about really getting looped? Well Im on pinot grigio, glass #2. And its not even party night. I just love ya so much and its good to hear from you. Oh and hair spray. Im from an era of beehives and back combing your hair so its really puffy. Then spray, spray, spray to keep every hair in place.

    LauraB: It sounds like things went well with the social worker. Ray is really digging his own grave. And ETOH abuse is a big part of this. But like I said earlier. Screw him. You are so strong, so pretty. You fought cancer so you can fight anything. Dont stay away. And I want to hear about the mipples and tatoo's. How was it? Im rethinking myself what Im gonna do.

    Tracy: Well first of all I had a big pout cause I didnt see a post from you all day so Im glad you checked in. First of all never tell your employer your looking for another job. Im a manager and if someone told me that, I would let them go. Period! Its always good to explore whats out there. So I would put together your resume. It doesnt hurt to just see whats out there. If this new job has a big turn over, you gotta take that into consideration. But having to work week-ends, well that really stinks. Finish you management course cause it will look good on your resume and just explore whats out there. And dont tell your current employer anything.

    Jan: I think there is more to our weight gain. South Beach really worked for me last time. I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I guess my biggest problem is the wine. But I still refuse to give it up. Guess I have to exercise more.

    OK everyone, its time for me to go. Hope everyone has a great evening and Ill see ya in the morning.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    NS: This is Nicki. I thought about you all day. I cant tell you how touched I am that your dad came to be with you. Its tough right now. All the surgery and stuff, and then hearing sentinel node was positive so they had to do a lymph dissection. Just remember, we all are dealt a different card. Once we know what our hand is, we move forward. Im thinking about you and wish I could talk to you. Wish I could be one of your nurses. We all love you and well, we all love you.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,
    The drain is out YEAH!!! He said it was too soon to take the stiches out so I have to go back next Thursday.I told him about what the anesthesiologist said and he was furius. He wants me to write a letter to the chief of surgery about what he said. He said no one should have to go through what I have went through and deal with an a** hole like him. I love my PS...I will start my letter tomorrow. I am pretty good at letter writing. Last year I wrote a letter to my pastor about how they did not come to the hospital when I told them Kevin needed him. Father ended up coming to my house to apologize and gave the sacrament of the sick to him.Priest never admitt when they are wrong so I was pretty proud of that. I am going to say goodnight girls. I have been so tired this week. I have no energy at all. I am hoping I will feel better tomorrow.I will catch up on everyone's post then.

    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Evening ladies....'s really bothering me for the strangest reasons. You'd think I'd have far more things to worry about than that LOL.
    Tracey...that's a tough one. Probably wouldn't hurt to put in a resume and see what they have to offer when it's all said and done. Telling your boss...don't know. On one hand he might give you more leeway and pay to keep you but on the other hand he might just post an ad to replace you in case you leave. Hard call.
    Thanks Nicki...I am going to get it repaired ASAP. You got your hair done...woohoo...good for you! Mine is at a weird between short and long and hard to do anything with it without lookin like your green guy! Ewww..on the spider and the ummm...balls! looky here missy. Planned on hang gliding naked but you've gone and told everybody and I'll probably end up on the front page of our local paper! Geez. LOL. It's a cyst...nothing else!
    Mena...oh my is so good to see you here. You simply have to come to the cyber party at Shirley's...gotta keep Cheri away from the blue drinks though. She tends to get into trouble.
    Amy...yup...I have to agree with you and Nicki...boys are stupid, throw rocks at them. I have some other things I'd like to throw at them from time to time...knives, baseball bats, cars, trucks, you get the idea. will be nice to see you "back in business" with a computer!
    Theresa...ripping up floors and polishing and...oh my. I thought painting my living room was a huge job! I'll bet it will be beautiful when it's done.
    Deb...I am NOT going to you neighbors to get my big girl panties...I think they have pictures of me and are planning some sort of blackmail! Can you please take this cold weather back where you are. Supposed to get down to zero again tonight.
    Hi Jule and welcome back.
    Hi to Peanuts girl!
    Madison...hope the gyno thing went ok. I know I know...gonna go crochet in a bit! I've become addicted! My bedroom looks like a yarn store blew up.
    Shirley...sounds like your feeling well. We are starting the party early. It's been a stressful week for many so we are on our way!
    Anne...the big boss is gone till Tuesday...whew. Hopefully he will come back in a better mood. Can't really say much bad about him as he really stood by me throughout all of my treatments, surgeries, tests, etc. He gets moody every now and then and we are working on building a nursing home so he's under an incredible amount of stress. If he fired me they would be in soooo much trouble. There is no way anyone could walk into my office and take over without LOTS of training! Job security! LOL.
    Joyce...hugs to you and Kevin. Are you feeling better? must be almost done with treatments...when is the party?
    Carrie...thank you so much for the updates on NS...I am so glad her dad is with her. I hated the thoughts of her being alone. Hope she's feeling well and if you talk to her send her our love.
    Missing a bunch of you but I had to come in and talk to you all instead of whining about just me! Sorry bout that. It was a rough morning but I usually include all of you in my posts...just couldn't manage today. Pretty self centered wasn't I!!! HEEEHEEE.
    Where is Puppyfive, Shel (oh...I'll bet she's basking in the sun in Florida without me!), hi to Margaret, awww geez...chemo brain strikes again...hi to everyone.
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    hmmm...we are posting together....
    Joyce...good for you!!! glad the drain is out!
    Tracey...I agree with the girls above...don't say anything to your boss but it never hurts to explore other options.
    Off to crochet...
    Love and hugs
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    The doc says I'll live. Gallbladder was completey yucky. Is that a medical term? No stones tho. hmmmmmmm? Also said the tummy issue is most likely just this bug thats going around.

    Vicki, I'm sorry about your necklace. I hope it can be fixed.

    Betty, so there is method in the madness. You are a smart woman.

    Cheri, I hear Vicki is gonna try nekkid base jumping. That should be quite the site.

    Never heard of Vernors. Must not have it here.

    Mena, so good to see you. Bet you look fabulous with hoop earrings.
    Mena, have you ever hairsprayed a spider then set it on fire?

    aaaaa Nicki found my killer spider. quick somebody squish it. Thanks for the tip on the ambien and melatonin. The ambien used to give me a good nights sleep. Now I think I take it out of habit. Will have to talk to doc about something new next time I see him. For now 4 hours is better than no hours.

    Tracey, a pickle indeed. You'll make the right decision.

    Joyce, yehaw on the drains. Glad you told your doc.

    Vicki, hang gliding in yosemite is not a good idea. To many hard things to run into.

    See you all at the party.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Hi All,

    Today was a beautiful spring day - I am sooooo ready for better weather.

    MB, what does wall pushups do? Do they really work?

    Jan, that's great that you are losing weight. Our WW meeting next week will be on emotional eating......

    Nicki, loved the pushup kitty. How did your hair come out? Cheri told me I'd be unleashing a monster once I taught her to post pictures but I see you are giving her a run for the money. By the way, my hubby got the spider bite, yep, right there.

    Amy, the worst part was trying to find the source of his pain....need I say more. When the swelling finally went down days later, you could see the pincer marks or whatever they were.

    LauraB, glad to see you are mad. That will help you. I just don't want to see something happen like the dad who didn't want the mother to have the daughter so he crashed the plane into his ex-MIL's house.

    Vickie, didn't hear what happened to your necklace but a jeweler should be able to fix it. I have a little crystal angel that my son bought me that sits by my bed. Skiing naked huh?

    Mena, welcome back. I thought I was the only one that sprayed bugs' wings together when I wanted to get rid of them.

    Tracey, don't say anything about the other job but certainly look at the other job.

    I just got off the phone with G. She had a setback with a drain last night and had to go to the doctor today. Her dad is still with her and she's letting him take care of her! She's still in pain so hasn't been on the computer; she's going to try tomorrow.

    More after dinner.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Evening ladies. Hope everyone is well.

    Tracey, I agree with the others. I'd put in a resume but would not tell my boss. They find out you're looking around you may not have a job at all. Good luck to you tho with landing a manager position.

    Denise, thank you for thinking of me I appreciate it.

    Nicki, so glad you got your hair done. Mine is almost long enough. Well, I guess it's long enough for a trim and I could use one. L'Oreal and I have our own little party goin on. lol

    Joyce, so glad that you got your drain out and also that you have a nice PS.

    Vickie, you need to get your rest now because I'm going to need your help this week-end. You know Mena's supposed to party with us and since you & I don't drink much we're going to have to look after her because of her...uh...problem. (She drinks a bit ya know)

    Shirley, so glad you have stomach flu??? Hmmmm. I mean so glad that you only have stomach flu??? Gee. Hey I'm really glad that your surgery didn't cause your problems with your stomach. Yeah, that's what I meant.

    Margaret, thank you for the update on Gina. I'm so glad she's letting her dad help her. If you talk with her again give her our best.

    You all enjoy your evening.

  • DragonladyTina
    DragonladyTina Member Posts: 58
    edited March 2007
    Hi circle chicks,

    I am bummed, we have an outbreak of C-Difficile at our hospital, specifically my floor. (Nicki, you'll get this)
    We have had 2 deaths related to this....anyhow, our manager decided to bleach the entire floor over the last 2 days, actually evenings which is the shift I am currently on. I have been working the last 2 evenings with the bleaching going on....anyhow long story shortened somewhat, I have been exposed to toxic amounts of bleach vapors and have developed chemical induced pleurisy and severe eye and mucous membrane irritation. I have to take a steroid inhaler, prednisone and eye drops. I feel like shit.

    Hope you are all doing ok.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Madison - yuck on the gyno. I hate those appointments

    Nicki - why are you torturing that poor kitty?

    Anne - healthy junk food! About doggone time! I read that they are going to start adding vitamins to soda like coca cola. Won't that be weird.

    Laurab - I'm so glad to see you posting and getting all your ducks in a row. You sound strong and that's the example you want your daughter to see. Teach her to be fierce when she needs to be. What a dope your hubby is to wave a gun around. Obviously, below your gene pool level. When this is all said and done, remember to date 'up' not 'down'. I hope that doesn't offend you, it wasn't meant to. You deserve so much better than what you have right now. Did you get those locks changed yet? Now that he's moved out of his own free will it seems like you could legally do that now, especially after the gun incident. But better check with your attorney.

    Betty - you are one of my favorite posters so I hope you get your own internet connection back soon.

    Jule - work and read at the same time! ROFL! I can relate.

    Sherloc - maybe its me but I've never considered sticking a finger down your throat a good idea. But to each his own.

    Biker54 - keep working on that diet. One of these days we're going to lose the weight.

    Theresa - at least between reading in your chair and playing on the computer in the basement, you'll get lots of exercise walking up and down the stairs.

    Cheri - love your spirit. I think you might be channeling NS. Fists up...its going to be just fine.

    Denise - howdy. Come play with us some more

    Mena - OMG! Mena where you bena? I'm so sorry to hear about your house. Where are you going to be staying? I've got lots of big rocks to throw at the ex. As Nicki says 'boys are stupid throw rocks at them.' Being bald sucks but if the chemo works for you it will be worth it and don't forget....YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL DARN IT! Okay, so I paraphrased a bit. Get those scans done. Oh, and this cow's for you:


    Nicki - can't you get hubby to take a pic for us of your new doo and post if for us! I'd love to see it. Don't you feel gorgeous now? I have the hardest time find someone to cut my hair. I get so frustrated that I take the scissors and do it myself. Just the front though.

    Tracey - can't tell you what you should do but I've seen people let go when boss's found out they were looking. In my field, we usually look for new jobs 'discreetly.' The best time to see if your current boss wants to keep you bad enough is after you get a bonafide job offer IN WRITING and then negotiate. Always, make sure you have a plan B or escape avenue.

    Joyce - so glad you told your doctor about the rude guy. Imagine how many other people he's probably been rude to.

    Sherloc - actually I think I saw the medical term 'yucky' in an office edition of The Physician's Desk Reference while I was perusing the other day. Sorry you have a stomach bug.

    Margaret - thanks for the update on Gina. I'm sad to hear that she is in so much pain. I hope they sent her home with some good pain meds and that she's not too stubborn to take them when she needs them.
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Thought everyone could use a little reminder. As someone has said we all are and we have to believe it first!

    I'm Beauiful
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    CY thank you for the lovely is so nice to know that my sisters out there care about me and i am not alone.I feel much better knowing I have all of you rooting for me.I am getting ready to do something with this situation.I am going to go see an attorney as soon as i can get in and find out what my rights are.The dh came home tonite came upstairs turned around and went back downstains to his pc and never even spoke to me.I like it that way.

    Susan:what can I say you are such a great friend.I dont know what I would do without all of you.
    I will keep you posted.
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Robin and LauraB (and shel, if you're out there)
    This one is for you. Sometimes we have to realize, we are better off on our own than in a toxic relationship- Know that we are all here for you.

    You Are Not Alone

    Now, Michael J may be toxic, but his song has great meaning!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007

    thanks christine,I am going to forge ahead and lean on you gals for support as I know you wont let me down.I have got to do something for my own sanity.You can cut the tension in my house with a knife,I cant wait until he is gone.We will have a party tent and party all night long.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Robin, good for you for taking some positive steps to putting an end to your situation.

    Tina, how awful about the bleach! I'm so sorry.

    Jazmanian, thanks for the compliment.

    Christine, my dd was here and I was telling her about Bette's song on our CD. Then there you were with it posted so she got to listen to it...and liked it.

    NS, hope you're all tucked in as comfy as possible.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Yea- I am dancing and sing my way to bed...
    "I'm Beautiful..."
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    Holy toledo Nicki that spiker is FREAKY!!!

    Mena, I use hairspray to stop bugs in their tracks all the time! Then I put a cup over them and wait for someone who isn't a scaredy cat like me to dispose of them for me. Yup, cancer, surgery, chemo, radiation - no problem! A moth sends me into spasms though. Go figure... Sorry about the hair, that sucks.

    Tracey - hard call on the boss, I think you would have to really really trust him/her, and know that he/she has your best interests at heart. I had one boss like that, and let her know when I was looking, and she actually helped me. But that was one, out of 10 or so...

    Didn't take notes, and it's late. Got home a little bit ago from the Making Strides Boston thank you event for the Pacesetters. Warren did the walk for the first time when I was dx (Oct 2005) and raised $2850, making him the youngest Pacesetter in the history of the Boston Making Strides walk. This past October, Warren and I spoke (a mother and son survivor and pacesetter team) at the kick-off breakfast, spoke on the Hatch Shell the day of the walk, and he once again is a Pacesetter, raising almost $4000. I'm just a little bit proud of him as you can imagine, and we have become very close with the Making Strides folks. Anyway, there is a beautiful dinner/dance on the Spirit of Boston (a ship that cruises around Boston Harbor) and there were raffles. Well guess what? Warren won a raffle and the prize was 2 tickets to anywhere in the US on JetBlue!! Can you believe it? He was SO excited! It was a really happy night, but what a big fat loser I am that it was tainted for me because I was thinking, Tim is supposed to be here. He was at the breakfast and walk with us of course, and in my survivor speech I referred to him as "my wonderful fiance Tim" (we had just gotten engaged a few months before the breakfast) and everyone was congratulating me etc. At least I had the presence of mind to e-mail the Making Strides folks to tell them what happened so that no one asked about him. Anyway, I'm rambling I know, and I realize it's completely ridiculous and stupid for me to have any of the joy of tonight taken away due to a LILY LIVERED A%&!! but I'm only human...

    OK sorry for the vent! Love you girls!!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    So Collen does that mean you're coming to pinkstock?

    Tina I have a major problem with bleach. Mom always made sure I was not coming over when she did laundry cause I would open the door and have problems breathing so would have to stay outside until the air cleared.

    Vickie, tell Nathaniel to watch the mail starting Monday and by Wed. he should have a package!

    Tracy, Just remember that being a manager means long hours and more often than not weekends too! especially for new managers. I wouldn't say anything to the boss just yet. I would also get more info on the other position.

    Mena so very glad to see you hun. We really have missed you. Sorry things don't look good on the ex and son front. But hopefully it will take some of the stress off of you. You need your strength so you can get better.

    Robin I'm glad you are going to talk with a lawyer. Keep your chin up and things will get better.

    Laura B. My sis said that Ray may have to do visiataion with a third party for awhile because of his stunt with the gun. It's not a bad thing. My ex's had to have a third party present if they wanted to see the girls. Made the girls feel more comfortable too.
    Can I suggest that you stop emailing Ray or trying to call him. Just let him make his own bed. It's so very easy to say or do something that can be used against you with out you even knowing you've done it. Just go about taking care of Catie and you. That's all that matters is the two of you.

    Cheri hun how are you doing tonight? Do they have the digatial mammogram where you get it done? Even if they don't ask to see the film they will usually let you. That's what I do so then I can see what they are looking at too! They will usually show you where the clips are and all that stuff.

    Oh and NS can't take most pain meds, I think she's allergic to them! Hope there is something she can take and it's a relief to know her Dad is with her.

    Going to make the rounds and throw some logs on the fires!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    I started my work out tonight. 45 mins. on the treadmill. I will add something new every couple of days. don't want to move too fast cause thats how I get hurt moving too fast. I want to get my endurance back up before I worry about trying to slim down.
    I must say it felt good to be walking and looking outside and watching it pour and thinking "glad I'm not walking out in that"
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Tina, that sounds awful. How long will it take to go away. Can you file for workman's compensation. Sounds to me like this should be worth at least a months pay with out having to work. Seriously though, I hope you don't have to work while you recover. If I was around that much bleach I would probably be the same way. ((hugs))

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Ah Ha! I only had to get up with the farmers to make the first ealry morning post!

    Hoping everyone had a great evening and TGIF! Although today is gonna be a busy day for me. I blew off the whole afternoon yesterday on me - so Im gonna have to make up for it today.

    So yesterday the snow melted enough for me to see where all my perennials are that I planted last year. They all look dead. But then so does my peony bush and somehow it always comes to life and looks beautifal. Can you tell Im really really looking for Spring?

    Joyce: I was so glad to read that your drain came out. Your PS sounds really great. Definitely write that letter. That anesthesiologist has problem done the same thing to others but no one complained. He needs to be reported. Like I said earlier, that is verbal abuse - not allowed in healthcare.

    Sherloc: Glad your appointment went well. Can even imagine getting the stomach flu right after surgery. I hope you are feeling better today. Some doctors say sludge is worse than stones. Yucky gallbladder indeed.

    MargaretB: Oh when I read your post I could almost smell Spring. And you talked to our sweet G. Thank you so much for the update. Ya know, all joking aside, spider bites are really nasty. I had one once on my face. It looked like the ugliest zit I ever had. It was huge and painful. So I cant imagine you poor DH. What a place to get a spider bite. My hair this morning looks - well - a little wild. I have so many hot flashes at night and my hair gets totally wet from sweating. I looked in the mirror and laughed cause its sticking up all over the place. Yet, I saw a different person in the mirror. Made me smile.

    Cheri: When I woke up this morning and turned the news on it said "News Flash - breast cancer survivor caught skiing naked in Alaska." Now did you tell Vickie you took pictures of her and send them to the newspapers?

    Tina: My goodness! They should have closed the unit to clean it with bleach. It is such an irritant. Seems to me someone made a pretty goofy choice. Chemical induced pleuracy sounds awful. Even as I write this my eyes are watering and my throat hurts, just thinking about the bleach. With the C-Diff thing. Either you have alot of people getting alot of antibiotics or someone wasnt following isolation precautions. Either way - it stinks. I hope your feeling better soon.

    Jazmania: I want the trainer that had that kitty doing all those push ups! If the kitty can do it so can I. Well, at least I can do wall push ups. Im laughing my arse off because of "below your gene level" statement. That was very good my friend. Im getting closer to learn how to post pictures of me. Maybe G didnt have a microwave, but I dont have a camera! Can you beleive it in this day and age. So as soon as I get one, I will take pictures. Then I will freak out cause you will all see how old and fat I really am. My face is still puffy - looks like Im still on steroids.

    Robin: Im so glad you are moving forward. You husband sounds like such a jerk. YOu are so strong, so very strong! Seems like life would be so much easier for you if he was elsewhere. I sure am glad you are back here with us.

    Christine: Great video songs from youtube. For the first time I got to see them right away. When I had dial up it took almost 1/2 hour to upload the song. So sad about Michael Jackson cause I used to be a big fan of his.

    Colleen: Man you should be so proud of Warren. He sounds like a great kid. We have the Spirit of Chicago here so I could really picture you at the event you were at. And tell Warren congrats on winning those tickets. That was great. As far as memories? Well - they dont just go away. Your gonna have moments and to be honest I think that is actually healthy. Gives you a chance to move on and get stronger.

    LauraB: I agree, stop sending Ray emails. He is probably saving them. Anything in writing can be used against you.

    CY: Good job on the treadmill. I do the same. Right now just working up to a good speed. Best way to burn calories.

    Cheri: Im up early enough. Think we need to have a special breakfast for you. Got some French Toast cooking. Covered with homemade strawberry sauce and sprinkled with power sugar. Bacon is cooking - the aroma is penetrating the wagon circle. But alas, breakfast for me will be a hard boiled egg and a piece of string cheese.

    Liz: where the heck are you. Hope all is going well.

    Helen1: Looking all over for you. Are you hiding behind a bush?

    OK - gotta go. Hope everyone has a great day. I will check in later.


  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Gonna gloat (just a touch), gotta vent, then I have a question.

    First - I'm up first!! <hee hee hee> One good thing about the not-sleeping-because-of-the-stupid-steroids. (the gloat) ***And when I actually look back, I was beaten by 4 minues. :-P *****

    This is gonna be a long day. Been wide awake since 2:00 AM, have to go to work today, since there is a meeting that they won't have if I'm not there. Then I have a dinner thingie for the church council I feel like I have to go to. The tickets were very expensive and I'll be darned if I'm gonna just blow them off. I suppose I could send the DH with some other lady. That would start talk, both for the other woman, and the fact that I'm the one on council. (that's the vent)

    <Here's the question.> The closer I get to being done with my treatments, and this sort of feels like its both the chemo and the rads, (After 30 weeks of weekly chemo visits, 6 weeks for rads doesn't sound like much.) the more I'm obsessing about having cancer again. I can't think about anything else, I keep pulling out my path reports and reading them again. I worry about how I'll know if it comes back, and what will I do when it does. Even considered, briefly, not doing the rads in a moment of "what difference does it make anyway". Anybody else gone through this? How does one tell if one needs to consider medication to help, or maybe a therapist? Or am I just being whiny when I get this way? <whining now> "Make it STO-OP!" Don't like feeling like this.

    Wish me luck, gonna go start caffine and sugar loading to make it through the day.

    Hope everyone has good ones. ITS FRIDAY!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning all,
    Nicki...I'm actually up on time this morning and its FRIDAY!! Finally...what a long week it has been. Time to make the donuts so I'm tweakin your toes.
    Tina...oh my that is simply awful. That is a workers compensation case! I don't know where you live but in NY if your out of week more than a week you get paid out of workers comp and they have to pay your medical bills too. Plueresy (sp?) hurts!!! Been there once and still remmember. Hope you feel better soon. are a doll. Nathaniel will be so excited! I'll take pics and post them and thank you! He loves getting the squares in the mail and he has to open them and check them out whenever they come so he'll be really surprised to get something for himself.
    Margaret...getting my necklace fixed is top priority right now!! Oh my...silly thing to get so very upset about but oh well. Hugs to you.
    Madison...I have to still post the picture of the afghan but having camera issues or computer issues...not sure which so I'm going to see if I can get the pics off my camera onto a computer at work. Geez...gonna have to mail my camera around so everyone can see. I put the memory card in and the pics show up and for some reason I haven't been able to save them to the computer?!?!?
    Cheri...good morning...yup I am getting rested up. Went to bed early last night. Didn't sleep all that well. It's bitter cold here (again) and between the hot flashes and being cold it was a long night. Below zero right now and supposed to warm up to 20 degrees today...hmmm...might feel warm enough to wear shorts to work NOT.
    Robin...sending you a hug. I know all about tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Glad you got a lawyer...stess isn't good for you.
    Laura...I agree with...hmmm...can't remember who said it but anyway...I would think you would have every right to change the locks. I'm surprised that he would even be allowed anywhere near you or your daughter after the gun incident. Jerk that he is doesn't deserve to be.
    Whew...gotta get ready to go to work.
    I missed a bunch of you and I'll check in at lunchtime.
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hee Hee..Anne and me are posting at the same time. You bet me! Good morning and I know how you feel. Always stressing. I have a post about moving beyond here somewhere and I'll see if I can find it later and post the link for you. Sending you hugs.
    I was wrong its 1 degree and going up to, get this, 34 degrees today!!!! Woohoo...heat wave.
    love and hugs again