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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    HOLY I feel like a slouch...Nicki snuck in on me to!!! Good mornin! I am sooo ready for spring!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Oh I am laughing so hard. So Anne, Vickie - we were all posting at the same time. I went back to read what happened yesterday evening after I went to bed and there both of you are.

    Morning Anne: I would say you are "Norma." Many studies have shown that one of the hardest times for us survivors is right after treatment. The fear sneaks up on you. You get so used to going to appointments, chemo, etc that it almost becomes part of your life. And then everything stops. The fear does creep in. I was very obsessed right towards the end of treatment. I was in such a fighting mode and then when treatments were over. Good luck with your meeting today.

    Morning Vickie: When I read your post I had a flashback. Can you imagine your furnace problems occurring now when its been so cold? Man - the first part of winter we were all saying how mild it was. Im gonna eat every word. 35 degrees is gonna feel really warm. Hope you have a great day at work. BTW: I stil have all my squares just waiting to be mailed. Im truelly am a procrastinator. Guess I need to find some envelopes and get these out to you.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007

    GM, at home, going back to read up...FYI...AOK at DR...3 years and counting...MB

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Morning PurpleMB. What a treat to see you post so early. I actually get to talk to you before work, instead of catching up when I get home. Glad you doctors appointment went well. Congrats on the 3 years. That is surely a milestone.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning cg's.....I have had a really busy last couple of days but I have been reading the posts daily.......Anne I just want to say I think ending treatment was almost as hard as starting treatment maybe even harder.....being triple neg the night that I finish rad (Sept 29) I had a dream that I was on one of those old boats with the big sails and that these two big women threw me overboard and I was doggie paddling in the water and the beast (looked like the creature from the black lagoon) kept slowly rising his head a few feet from me smiling and slowing going back down in the water......I woke up in I was completely soak in sweat.......that October I gained 9 pds from stress eating......but it has gotten easier....not really better but easier......all I can say is pray, keep posting and do your best to try and start doing a few things you used to enjoy before your dx.............maybe playing one of your instruments.........Vicki if that was you skiing naked down that mountain you can send me your butt, you can have Anne's butt and I'm not sure what Anne is going to do.............

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007
    Cheri I think you need to go to the inner circle this week-end so you can enjoy the some heat from the know because of "your history" they have to look at everything closely....I get so tired of that statement "because of your history shokk" we are going to do a sonigram of your liver....."because of your history" we are going to have to .......(fill in the blank) anyway Cheri I think everyone's feelings are correct on this one.......Nicki, Nicki, are such a sweetheart....your hair sounds great...I am going to color my hair this weekend it just is not quite long enough to cut know the first week of June I am dring through Chicago to pick up my daughter in Appleton, WI.....I'm not suggesting anything....just want you to know..............
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    whew...finally, we can sure post...and yes I am a boardaholic....Ok I took sketchy notes but here it goes...
    ANNE...I spent way toomuch time yesterday in the mammo waiting room with women at all stages, even one at 8yrs...she still doesn't sleep the night before...but we did agree that it gets better, which the newbie was glad to keep your chin up...
    MArg. B...yes wall push ups really work, they build up your muscles so you can do florr push ups increase the workout move your feet further away from wall...
    Nicki...whooo hoo,,,new hair use the hair spry for 1. keeping your bikini from riding up in a beauty pagent...2. getting ink out of your clothing...3. as a flame thrower ...
    Iris so good to see you...
    Collen, well with warren winnig tickets we will see you in AUg...lots for him to do around here...
    Tracey...send the beginning are scarey but worth it..
    Robing ...stay strong and we are here for you
    LauraB...glad to hear you are getting help...hugs and be strong we miss you...see you at PINKSTOCK... the exercising...keep up the good work...
    Cheri...hugs and doesns't the Dr know you aren't a good

    Ok had my check up and don't go back for a year..maybe...It was like a factory yesterday...waiting in the hall, newbies lost and left alone...I hated the whole was so tell them about issues and they say no problem you only had DCIS , don't worry, 100% it won't spread ...this from a DR who hasn't seen me in 2 yrs ...oh well I'm fine and just needed to whine a bit, I hate mammo's they still hurt...oh and by the way..i forget who asked but one sided mammos cost just as much as 2 sided ones...hmmm go figure they should be half price...
    have a good one
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    MB congrats on three really do have something to celebrate this weekend....and you are so sweet to keep posting exercises we can do........I think its a little like trying to get a bunch of hard headed wayward teenagers (yes I am refering to the cg's)in gym class to participate (sp) ..... Ms. Mb we have the cramps. Ms. Mb my boyfriend broke up with me, Ms. Mb my friends don't like me anymore....hahahaha....excuses, excuses, excuses..........

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Robin, glad you are taking the steps to do something about your hubby. He has put you through enough.

    Colleen, you must be so proud of Warren. How exciting that he won the trip - so where are you going? I don't want to get started on the lily livered a%& but don't let him ruin it for you. Those feelings are part of the grieving process and you will have them.

    CY, congrats on the 45 min on the treadmill. Keep it up.

    Tina, I wouldn't be able to work in the bleach either. Hope they are done with that procedure.

    Nicki, your post made me laugh. Yes, spring is almost here and it's well overdue. Since I am not a gardener, I'm still surprised that my flowers and plants are still alive - I didn't get into planting until I was home recovering from my surgery. Tomorrow will be my 2 year anniversary for my bilateral.

    Anne, my onc warned me about crashing after finishing treatment. I do worry about it coming back but I don't let it rule my life. If it does, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Hugs to you.

    MB, congrats on the 3 years. Will the wall pushups tone up my arms?

    Time to shower. Everyone have a better than average warm day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All,

    Just a quick hi because it will be a busy Friday at the office….have a great one…-hugs to all who need one today (and I see that many need to be in the circle for special care today).....Tina take care of yourself...
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning ladies!!!

    well i put in my resume with a cover letter last night!! so we will see what happens with the job..

    so last night i had dinner and not even a few min afterwards i got this awful pain in my abdomen almost like i was ovalating but 100 times worse i have never had this kind of pain before.... i even threw up.... still not feeling to well today as the tummy is still hurting.... if i cough omg i am just about doubled over in pain.....
    does anyone know what the heck could this be??????? i dont know if its the flu but omg!!! thinking when boss gets here i might go home:(:(
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    What did you have for dinner? Something high fat? Gall bladder attacks can make you upchuck and hurt like holy hell. Tummy can still be tender after the attack too.

    So many here have GB issues---can't keep straight who still has theirs and who doesnt.

    amy---so glad you liked your present. You're one of the shining lights on thos thread---I always look for you and Mazer when I don't have much time to read all the posts (which happens a lot lately, with this bunch of chatty friends).

    Tracy---you don't know what is out there until you do some investigating but I wouldn't tell your boss unless they make a concrete offer and you are interested. At least you will find out what your "value" is on the open market, so to speak.

    Laura---Glad to see you are getting stronger. Goood advice from others about no communicating but save all of his messages, e-mail, etc. I certainly wouldn't want him around me or my child given the gun episode!

    Colleen---every day, in every way, you are getting stronger and stronger. Those flashback moments are inevitable. Been divorced from Prince Charmless for 12 years and still had a few when Sam and Caroline were born.

    good news yesterday---bone scan shows arthritis "all over my body", as Jonathon Winters used to say, but no bone mets. Hips still hurt like crazy so have a bone density to go. Wondering if it is more related to the spondylolisthesis I was dx with about 5 years ago. Sacrum is either out of line or has a crack in it, can't remember which. Pain is right in the joint---sitting or laying on my back for any length of time is not fun.

    Know I've missed lots but gotta go buy groceries. Sister due here for dinner tonite---she is on an adrenalin high and everyone else is struggling. As the Big Sister, I'd like to slap her upside the head but can't reach that far----she's much taller than I am!

    Nicki---I love your posts with the pictures! Eventually I will take the time to figure it out but having a Mac means the instructions on the threads don't work for me. How could we not smile when your puppies popped up this am?

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    Hey Tracey---Do you still have your gal bladder? That sounds like it could be a GB attack! I would call the doc, just to be sure you are ok. Get some rest hon.

    Anne- You poor thing! I hated that fear near the end of the treatment. I was a total mess when my chemo ended. I was sure that every little pain and twitch was cancer coming back to kill me. I had cancer of the elbow, cancer of the foot....I think I even had cancer of the hair! When my hair first started to grow I had weird pains on my scalp and was sure it was cancer. I’ll tell you a funny story....

    I got up one morning about 2 weeks before my chemo was done and had awful vertigo. The whole world was spinning like a drunk on a bender. I was sure that overnight I had developed brain mets. I got on the internet and started searching for vertigo and cancer, and of course it can be a sign of cancer of the brain stem. I TOTALLY flipped out. I kept stumbling from my bedroom to the bathroom to look in the mirror at my pupils to see if one was dilated (A BAD sign, or so said the internet)...After about 3 hours of hysteria I called my dad. He is a pharmacist and I call him Doctor Dad. I wanted to know which chemo I needed to ask for since I now had mets to the brain.

    "Don't you have a bad head cold?" He asked.
    "Well, yeah I do, but what does that have to do with my brain cancer?"
    "Honey," he said patiently...he gets bonus points for NOT laughing at me..."If your Eustachian tubes are blocked you could get vertigo"
    "But what does that have to do with my brain cancer/" I wailed.
    "Honey, go take a Sudafed and a Claritin and go to bed,"...once again HUGE bonus points for not either laughing or hanging up on my silly ass.

    So I took the drugs, looked in the mirror about 4 more times, printed out the list of my favorite songs for my funeral, looked in the mirror again, ate some ice cream because I was dieing and who cares if I got skinny NOW. I finally went to bed. 3 hours later I woke up and low and behold...who knew that Sudafed and Claritin cured brain cancer?

    I am laughing about it now. I can look back on it now and laugh, but I kid you not, I was SURE I not only had cancer again, but that I would be dead as a doornail by in 3 days or less. I am laughing at it but I DID all of those things.

    Anne- It is so normal for you to be feeling like this. It probably doesn’t help you much…it didn’t help me. In fact it pissed me off that I was some kind of a stereotype…”Oh yes little woman…(Doctor patting my hand) You are just letting your imagination get away with you...want some valium?”

    Here is my theory…get through it however you can. If you have not tried some Valium or an anti anexity drug like lexapro, by all means…think about it. If a glass of wine at the end of the day does the trick…pour away! If laughing helps, find ways to laugh. Do something simple you love and really focus on it….eat some really good chocolate and BREATH! I can also suggest you try and avoid the things that make you feel worse….I know, easy to say…virtually impossible to do…but when you find yourself rehashing old ground, reading your path report, things you know will make you feel worse….kindly make yourself stop. Consciously CHOOSE to not continue. Go do something that makes you feel normal. Plan a hiking or camping trip for this summer…anything that you love to do. If you work at it you can slow down or stop the behaviors that make you feel worse….now having said that, I sucked at DOING it. When I did, it helped, but it was hard.

    One thing to know, it DOES get better. I have gone weeks now without having cancer of some random body part. I have not planned my funeral in several months.

    I know I blabbed on and on, and I can’t really solve your problem Anne, but I HATED this stage and I want you to know you are not alone and that it will get better. Hang in there, it does get better.

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh just know how to hit the nail on the just described me to a tee. You should start a newspaper column girl!
    sittin here crying as everything you said is so very true and I feel so much better knowing it's not just ME!
    love ya
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. Hope all of you have a better than average day.

    Colleen, Congrats to Warren. I bet you're so proud of him. He sounds like a good boy. You'll get over that Lily-Livered Ass and it's good that you found out what he's made of now than after you married him.

    CY, thank you for the advice and I'll do that. I missed our IM conversation last night. You're a good cookie.

    Nickie, wow thanks for a delicious breakfast. I love waffles and bacon...pretty much food in general. lol So Vickie made the news. We do like to leave an impression when we have a Cyber Par-Tay. Thanks for the positive thoughts. I'm trying not to think about uglies.

    Anne, I wish I could give you a hug. I understand exactly how you feel. We're watched over so closely through our treatment then all of a sudden we're on our own working without a net. I just finished rads last Oct. and they say it gets easier with time but I bet it's never easy. I think we all just have to work on our mind set and keep the most positive attitudes that we can have. Sometimes that's really hard. We just have to stick together and pray for the best.

    Vickie, get geared up the week-end is on our doorstep!

    MB, congrats on the 3 years!

    Shokk, thank you for putting me in the inner Circle. I hate the 'history' too. I also have family history. My dad passed away from stomach cancer, brother with lung cancer, various aunts, uncles, cousins and 2 survivor bc sisters.

    Tracey, so sorry that you're feeling sick today. Hope you feel better soon.

    Mena, so good to have you back. You must attend our party. I need your help with Vickie. You & I don't drink much but she has her little...uh...problem.

    NS, hope this finds you feeling as well as possible today. I think of you often and wish you the best.

    Hey to Margaret, Madison, Susan, Jazmanian, Amy, Christine, Jan, Boo, Gus, Jule, Iris, and to any that I've mistakenly missed.

    Ginney, Holly, Brenda, where are you girls?

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Thanks, Deb and all of the rest of you. You don't know (or actually you probably do know) how much it means to know that I'm normal and not alone in how I'm feeling right now. It seems completely backwards that the worst fear comes at the end and not the beginning.

    Deb, the story about your Dad had me sitting here at my desk crying, then one of my co-workers wanted to know why I was upset. Do you know how impossible it is to exlain why that story touched me so to some one who doesn't "get it?"

    You guys are all the greatest!!!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007

    Hey CG'S, It's me Puppy, AHHHH Remember Me??I have been reading and checking on all of You for sometime now! what a wonderful time to stop by, and let you know why i have not been posting! Feeling Sorry for myself!!! Just know I have Cancer again!!!! Anxiety so bad I don't leave my house nor do I talk on the phone!!!!! Got so bad I could not come and talk to all of You because I felt scared!!!!! looks like other sisters have some of the same Issues as I do!!! I love you guy's and Miss you Dearly, I don't know when I will come back, But I have been feeling so bad not talking to any of My CG'S!!! doctors have me on Lexapro 20 mgs. and zannax .05 once a day and it is really helping!! So who knows maybe I can come to life once again soon and join my Sisters!! I have spoke to NS and have been keeping a close eye on her, and praying daily for all of you!! God Bless and take care of yourselves!!! Puppy

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    Don't you dare take off because you feel sad! We love ya! If things stink, come and tell us. We DO understand. I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time...this stuff just isn't fair. You are always in my prayers and I miss you and worry when you don't stop by.

    Sending you hugs and prayers
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    hmmm...I do believe we need to round up a posse and grab puppy by the tail and drag her into the center of the circle and give her a talkin to...along with some hugs and love. Maybe if we could get Cheri to share some of her blue drinks Puppy would forget all her troubles!
    Cheri...look here sweetie...your just ruining my reputation! sheesh. Nice sweet girl like me...see what's happened since I started hanging around with you...drinkin, naked sports, obsessing of the "p" word, reefer...LOL.
    Mena...better be at this weekend party!
    Anne...I was just like you after reading Deb's post...she is so good with words. Warmed my heart.
    ok...back to work so I can pay for my addictions!
    Love ya all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Vickie is right Puppy....To the center of the circle with you! i have a soft chair, a fluffly blanket and a cat that loves to be petted all waiting for you.

    Love Ya
    Deb C
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Hey, Puppy, good to hear from you again. Don't stay away! We need you and you need us, that's what a circle is all about (so let's do the hokey pokey, sorry, but it seemed to fit)

    Anne, so many have answered you, but i'll add my 2 cents. I got depressed a few months after all my treatments. I didn't have all my path reports at the time, hadn't thought to do it. I went back and got everything and studied it like there might be something the drs had missed. I am Miss Paranoia about mets. It is normal, I promise! I still, 2 years out, ask my docs how they will know if it comes back. I think I'm finally getting used to being out of treatment. I do have a nasty secret, though. I'm er/pr pos and have been forgetting to refill my arimidex. It's been a couple of months. Yikes! In some ways, I almost don't want to. If I take it, then I am admitting I'm still a cancer patient. Pretty sick, I know.

    I've been doing pretty well, lately, I'm so glad. I was in the dumps for so long! However, the last couple of days I've had to have my car jump-started after work. I drove it to the service center today, and they can't find anything wrong with it! They are "super charging" it this afternoon, so hopefully that will help. I hate car trouble.

    Glad NS is doing well. Cheri, we'll be with you! Hoping for good results.

    Cancer Sucks.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007
    I LOVE YOU CG'S!!!! Puppy ( Deb, You are such a Loving , Wonderful Inspiration to us All!!!! )Gods Speed Cg's
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    good morning ladies. Hope everyone was up in time for work after the celebration last night. Tummy still rumbly but I'm feeling better than yesterday.

    Margaret, wall push ups strengthen your back muscles. Probably does more than that but they are what the orthopedist told me to do when I sprained my back last year.

    Cheri, hahahahhahhahah I get it.

    Christine, I love that song. Do you think he would be such a goof if he wasn't so famous? I feel very sorry for people whose faces are splashed all over the tabloids every day. What a sad way to live your life.
    We are B U T FUL DAMMIT!!

    Tina, o my gosh thats awful. Were the patients moved during the scrubbing? Speedy recovery hon.

    Jas, I was just kidding. I would never do that either...but when your tummy is doing sommersaults it can sound like a good idea at the time. Cute cow.

    Colleen, proud you should be. Thats some kid you have there. I would keep him if I were you. Does he do floors like Vickis boy?

    CY, very good point about managers working weekends. And in retail it's a given.

    Nicki, awwww cute puppies. I used to have a doxie. I loved that pooch. This tummy bug whatever it is stinks. At least I'm not throwing up.
    Path report said gallbladder was empty. No sludge either. Dx was Chronic Acalculus Cholecystitis, whatever the heck that means. Doc said the cystic duct was completely blocked.

    Anne, ahhahahhahahahha 4 whole minutes huh? you'll win tomorrow. Nicki sleeps in on saturdays.
    I think coming to the end of treatment puts everyone in stress mode. You are normal. It does get better, I promise.

    Vicki, TGIF!!! Tomorrow your jumping off El Capitan nekked. Don't forget.

    MB, congrats on 3 years. I'm coming up on 3 in June. Does hairspray really work for getting ink out? Gonna have to try that. Daughter bought me the cutest little jacket after my lump last month. Got ink on the sleeve the first time I wore it. Very bummed. Cream jacket, blue ink. Not good.

    Shokk, I think I'm the only one who doesn't hear "because of your history"....I have to whine like hell to get anything checked. Sometimes it's annoying, most of the time it's a blessing.
    Gym class, hahahhaha. I had the best deal in gym in high school. Had a letch for a teacher. All the girls had to do was wear shorts and we got a B. In Florida no less. Of course we all wore shorts. Don't have a memory of actually ever doing anything in gym but watching the boys play.

    Margaret, hugs for your anniversary.

    Hugs right back at ya Madison

    Tracey, gentle hugs to you too. Hope it passes quickly.

    Jeannie, I've had those reports. Minimal uptake in this or that joint indictative of arthritis. Getting old sucks beans. Whats spondy???? can't remember how you spelled it.

    Deb, your dad is a gem. Your words and advice are always soooooo PERFECT!!

    Puppy hugs to you. We're here when your ready.

    Love you all to bits, gonna go call my daddy now.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007

    I just got home after picking up my hopefully fixed computer at Best Buy..I was in never never land without my window to the world!! It turned out the LCD on the laptop broke..but luckily I had an extended warranty(which I never buy except for computers) and it was no actually would have been $400..
    Now I have to wait to pick up my glasses tomorrow (which broke the same day) I can read all I have missed for the past two weeks..

    Tomorrow a bco San Diego group will all have lunch in Del Mar..sounds like fun!!

    Take care everyone!!

    Hugs, Lisa
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Puppy, now that you are in the circle, THERE IS NO LEAVING US!!! Vickie is really good at rounding up that posse if we can't find you again!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: I hope you all had a wonderful day. Im home from work and getting ready to just enjoy the week-end.

    My day started out so frustrating. The person I share my office with, walked in and said "Listen here Missy." Well first of all, I get angry just typing that little phrase. She is in trouble with our administrator and corportate marketing director and I guess she decided to take things out on me. Needless to say, I became very angry. Told her I didnt have to listen to her. I shutdown my computer and was getting ready to leave. And she wouldnt let up. I told her again, Im not going to talk to her, I dont deserve to be spoken this way, and I left. Went to the Administrator and told her what happened. Called the corporate marketing director and told her what happened. Then I was off doing evaluations all day.

    I saw Lake Michigan. Actually pulled over into my favorite beach spot. It was gorgeous. Ive lived here all my life but never saw Lake Michigan frozen. And it was 64 degrees, so I walked along the shore. That was grand and also helped get my blood pressure down from the earlier incident.

    Shokk: You have to let me know when you will be driving through Chicago. Maybe we could meet up for lunch.

    Margaret: 2 year anniversary from bil. mast? Thats a biggy. What a difference 2 years makes eh? I wasnt into planting either until after I had my surgery. My 2 year mark is June second. Oh my that first summer after my surgery I was planting perennials. Planted a big patch of "forget me nots." I was sure I wasnt gonna be here and I wanted something to be remembered for. Whats better than perennials that come back and bloom every year. Now, I cant help it, Im really into planting. I have BIG plans for this year.

    Tracey: Where is the pain in your tummy? No pain should be that bad. Make sure its not your appendix. Rt lower quadrant of your abdomen. If you still are having the pain you should go to the emergency room to get it checked out. Hope everything is ok.

    Jeannie: This is for you!

    I know, I know - how could I be so happy with having arthritis. But whew! A relief after all that worry and Im so happy for you.

    Cheri: I putting my hand through the computer right now. I have a linen napkin and Im wiping all that strawberry sauce off your face. I hoping tonight, I can stay awake long enough to party hearty.

    Puppy, puppy puppy: You almost made me cry seeing you post again.


    You cannot stay away. When times are the hardest, you should come here. Thats the main reason we are all here. We known each other a very long time. Almost one year from Mithel. Ahahahah remember that. I read someting in your post. Were you saying you are dealing with cancer again? Please tell us what is going on.

    Oh Sheri: There is nothing worse than car trouble. Not the battery? Not the alternator? Its nice to know your feeling better. I could feel the good feeling right from your post and it made me feel better too.

    Sherloc: Ya just had to challengy my nursing judgement. I had to look up Acalculus Cholecystitis, cause I didnt know what it was. "itis" means inflammation. So your gall bladder was inflamed. But this part is really interesting. Only 15% of those with an inflammed gall bladder have acalculus cholecystitis. 85% is caused by stones or sludge. And you had neither. You really had to be different - didnt ya?



    I sure am glad your computer is fixed. We missed you around here. And broken glasses too? Im blind without mine. I finially went and got my crooked glasses cleaned and straighted out today. Now I dont have to draw one eye brow higher than the other.

    Vickie, Madison, DebC and Anne: I gotta go, Im hungry so hello and talk to ya later.


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Hey everyone!

    Ok, I tried to catch up, took a few notes, so here goes. Joyce, I'm so glad your drain is out. I hate those things!

    Shirley, I had sludge in my gallbladder. EEEWWWW! Glad yours was empty and just yucky . Take care of that stomach. We're comin' to your house this weekend. There will be no par-tay poopers!!!

    Tina, OMG! Bleach in the unit?? We use bleach in our office to clean the x-ray processor and every time it gives me such a headache!! Boy, I really feel for you!

    Nicki, fat & old???? Puleeeaaase! We are beautiful, Dammit!! I've got the same sticking up hair as you in the morning. DH says I look like a cockatoo LOL. My mouth was watering all over my lap reading about that french toast, with strawberry sauce. Aaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!! I too had eggs, with a little cheese a salsa on top. BTW, I am lovin' all your pics!

    Anne, I got real jumpy toward the end and beyond. I think we get ourselves all big and strong to fight the beast, and when it's done we keep waiting for it to come back. It takes a while for the brain to accept that the battle has been won. Believe me, it will get better. You do whatever you have to do to get through it.

    MB, Yay!!! 3 years is great!! This month is my 3 year anniversary also. Feels good, doesn't it?

    Shokk, I know all about "your history". I just had it said to me today. I'm having surgery on Mon., and I called my ps office to check if everything was ok with my insurance. They said, "With your history, there is no problem". Go figure.

    Tracey, don't say anything to your boss until you have an offer. You don't want to stuck with no job!

    Puppy, you need to be in the inner circle!!

    Sheri, aaaahhh, fill your Arimidex script!!!!

    SoCal, welcome back!!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    afternoon ladies......

    lol nikki i sure look forward to your little animated pictures...
    still not feeling to great... i dont think its gall bladder cause its quite low where the pain is... hmmmm this sucks

    well i am going to have a interview over the phone as the district manager told me she got my resume via email and she says since she already knows me we can do it just over the phone........ is this a good thing????
    i am going over questions she may ask and i am stuck on the what is my weakness thing... my answer to that may be this.... trying to balance my career with my family or i could say sensitivity.... ugh i hate that question......
    well i am off in 45 mins so i am getting ready to leave so i will be back later.........

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Thanks, we all love to be beautiful, Dammit!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Tracey, I wonder if it might be an ovarian cyst. I had one of those and it hurt like hell. If it keeps up, I'd see the gyn.

    Nicki, I'm with you. Last time I did this silly diet, I lost about 12 lbs. the first two weeks. This time 3, and I'm not drinking. Well, I will be drinking tonight! I'm going to have a martini in about 1/2 hour. And some wine. Pllllffftt!! to Dr. Agaston! And what's up with the "Listen here Missy"? She would have been talking out the other side of her mouth! I hope she loses her job.

    Well, I've been kind of bummed this week. I'm having surgery on the right boob on Monday. PS is doing a Capsulotomy. After getting them redone in Oct., the right one got all hard again . I'm waiting for the hospital to call and let me know what time I have to report. I hope it's early. I am SO sick of this crap. Can I take Mazer with me? If my anesthesiologist treats me bad like Joyce's, Mazer can kick him!

    I'll check in later at the par-tay!!!
    Hugs to all of you!