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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Laura: That is sure a big move for your inlaws. Once they get settled, you and your husband will have some peace of mind. Good luck today - I sure understand how stressful this can be.

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2007
    Good morning circle girls,
    I can't wait to get my laptop back--I have to either use my son's mac or the family desktop and neither make me happy! Yesterday, I logged in and posted on the CMF thread and then somehow I was logged out and couldn't log back in.

    Gina, thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers your way...!

    Hugs, Holly
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited March 2007
    Thanks so much Carrie..
    NS ... feel the love and healing warmth of this circle you created. We all miss you ever so much and look forward to seeing you post again. Take the time you need to heal properly and know that we are here for you.
    Love, prayers and gentle hugs my dear G...
    Thinking of you constantly and wearing my pin daily and praying for you each time I touch it until you return to the Circle
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    NS- Hope you are doing better today. We are all praying for you. I am wearing my pin everyday and keeping you in my thoughts.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    To our dearest Gina........there is a hole in our circle as well in our hearts........we are all so worried and praying hard....the beast is not only trying to defeat you phyiscally but mentally as well.....I really do believe that he thinks you are a true appoinent worthy of his wrath......yes I do think the beast is male (he's a tittie man)and he is so messing with you Gina....please girl do not let him get away with are a true warrior as we all are and you simpley cannot let him win........remember not only how much you are loved here at but here in the circle that you created for all of us we need you your special spot could never be filled......there is a hole in our circle and we need our Gina back............................

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning ladies....
    i feel better.... hmmmm thinking its a ovarian cyst or edrometritis (sp) yikes did you know thats cysts can be cancerous???????
    ok did i miss something on ns.... i scrolled back a few pages... is ns not doing well?????? someone plz tell me whats going on!!!!!!

    hey nikki i would prefer to do the interview over the phone omg i am soooooo not good at interviews... i have been looking up things and looking at the company online... so i have a bit of history and a idea
    the reason the interview would be on the phone is the district manager is 3 hours away... i can live with but i am really wondering what this is going to entail am i going to be working 60 hour work weeks???????? lol there is staff there.... wondering if i would get a day off a week????? i would work some weekends of course but being the boss i should be able to get some weekends off.... my boss here takes his weekends off and i get to work them............
    well i am at work so i will be around
    good day ladies
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    I will add my voice to the many who miss you. You are the guiding light in the Circle and we all are looking forward to your posts returning. I hope the pain is manageable and diminishing some every day and that whatever complications you are experiencing are minor. You are strong and an inspiration to many of us---that strength will carry you through this too.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Gina: This is fromall of us.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Tracey: How about this for part of your interview.

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    The real trick to that question is to make a negative sound like a positive.. I'm too organized sometimes---or, I dont always recognize I've reached my limit and work beyond that. You get the drift....
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Dear Gina,

    You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Just do what the docs tell you and let your Dad help you. I am wrapping my arms around you and giving you the biggest, gentle hug ever!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, I don't know what gives with my boob. My body makes a lot of serous (sp?) fluid and I get a lot of swelling on that side. I call it the big, giant, scary boob. I'm hoping he can fix it for good this time.
    Yeah, the eggs with salsa is really good. I'm just sick and tired of eggs. Last night, after drinking too much, I ate tortilla chips and salsa and a cup of ice cream. I do remember . I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough. I tend to skip the snacks and sometimes meals if I'm busy. That's not good for the metabolism! Oh well, today's a new day!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    MB congratulations for 3 years. does it get easier?

    Laura you have a lot on your hands dealing with MIL and FIL. It must be hard to hear that you have alzheimers and are going to be a burden. I would be in denial too. Take care of yourself and your husband.

    Gina, you are our warrior. Sorry the beast is working extra hard to hurt you. We are with you

    Jan, what is going on with your boob. Capsulotomy?? Hope they figure it out. I think it must be hard to perform surgery on the breast and control the outcome. Good luck!!! I will take care of Mazer during the surgery.

    Vicki, how awful to work in such a germy invironment. Start drinking, maybe he alcohol will kill the germs.

    Denise, 3 years for you too. I do not get another mammogram for a year. I make sure I get in to see my onc every 3 months or so. She only schedules me for every 6 months but I always have something pop up.

    HI CARRIE. I hoe you are doing well with the new job. We all miss Gina so much. Praying for her all the time.

    Colleen, I hope you and Warren are doing well. You mentioned he won a trip. I must have missed that. Congratulations.

    Deb, wonderful story. You described it so well. It's been a whole week since the last time I got ready to die from cancer (when I had my onc check the lump.) I"ll keep track of the next time I get the fever. You gave Anne great advice.

    Jeannie, arthritis all over your body. I hope they find something to take away some of the pain. I have arthritis also. However, glad it'd ONLY arthritis.

    PUPPY, PUPPY, PUPPY, you are supposed to call one of your friends when you feel like that. We are here for you!!!!!

    Nicki, I love your pictures. Where do you find them????

    well, better check out th party
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Good Afternoon all CGs,
    I have enjoyed reading abt what everyone is doing. It is so very interesting reading and the circle keeps growing which is fantastic. I think abt Deb's beautiful gifts and feel part of the group. Since I look after my elderly parents,I check-in when I can and always come here as it feel like"home". I am a retired teacher and been coming here abt a yr and a half(posted in summer for first time ever).

    Amy, you are so right that I was spartan72 and changed that as it sounded like a CA football team rather than my univ name.I collect bears and have never been very sane esp after retiring from elem schl. Thanks so much for noticing that as it was a real brightener to my day! Hope that Mazer is doing all those Alab stories!!! Met another Iris(on this site) from AL,too. Small world!

    Puppy...good to hear from you remember you from last summer when the computer was annoying and could relate to that annoyance. Hope that things go well in WVa. your pictures! They get me in a good mood every time I see that cat doing push-ups and the dogs! LOL

    Susan... you have such talents and thanks for my star! It is just so unbelievable w/all the technology and creativity that is everywhere. Hope you are feeling better;we met last summer when the house/mortg ins was a pain. I could relate abt the real est pains.
    Sherloc...the play was interesting and always glad to see how things go w/you and at school. I rememb when you went to AL to meet w/Amy and Vera. I think it was in Gadsden at a mall(near where I grew up).
    Jan..,love your alive and kickin';food stories,too.

    Tina...your nursing stories are always neat.I could relate to dressing up and others not;I love the holidays.

    Margaret..loved those pics of your family! Very nice and thanks for the kind words.

    PurpleMB... love reading abt your NY area. It sounds so very beautiful and your aerobic exercises are great. glad to see you;posted on another thread to you.

    Deb...thanks,again,for the super gifts. It was a wonderful surprise to receive your gifts.

    Anne...I was born in Anniston(near Ft McLellan). LOL --remembered that you said you lived there at one time. Amy lives not far from there,too.

    Colleen...hope that your weekend goes well. Your pic of you and Warren at Christmas was so great. I know he is thrilled to have won the tickets and hope you go to a super place. computer crashed two wks ago...can relate to the BestBuy experience. This time,I just re-did it myself and re-installed all the software. Like you said,I always get an extended warranty on the computers,too.
    bayyore...glad to see you as I wrote to last yr when you were asking abt DCIS;remember that you had an I-pod w/you and what a great idea if I have a long procedure again.

    And to everyone else that I have missed--thanks for sharing.
    Shirley,Tracey(love your avatar),Liz,Helen1,Always Hope,Vickie,Laura B,shokk,Cheryl,Madison,Cheri,Cy, and Jeannie. I only read the last couple of days.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Hope all are having an above average day.

    Jeannie, glad your scans showed no bone mets.

    Puppy, stick around it'll do your heart & mind good.

    Sheri, be a good girl and take your medicine.

    Shirley, happy that you're feeling better from the yucky stomach. Glad it's nothing serious.

    Lisa, good that you got your computer fixed and back home. You should be picking up new glasses so you'll be set. Enjoy your lunch today with the girls.

    Margaret, congrats on the anniversary.

    Nicki, sorry your co-worker acted nasty. It did give you a reason to walk by the lake and I'll bet that waa nice.

    Janny, will be with you in spirit for your surgery monday. All will go well. Enjoy your biker thingy tonight.

    Tracy, don't forget that an interview goes both ways. You want to ask them questions too. Find out all you can. Sounds like you've been researching and that's good. I wish you luck.

    Vickie, perhaps you might think about seeking other employment. Lots of nassy germs there and your boss is an ass. I wouldn't work for a tyrant. I have before but only long enough to find other employment. Life's too short to dislike your boss. Get your immunizations. Where are you today?

    Denise, will say a prayer that all is well on your first year mammogram on friday. I'm sure all will be fine.

    Lini, good to see you posting.

    NS, i do hope you're better today. Thinking of you.

    Meaner, I thought you said you were "back." Doesn't look like it. One post a week doesn't count my dear friend. I miss you banter buddy. There. You'll not catch me getting mushy with you again. So you better copy that comment! lol

    Hey to CY, Jazmanian, Anne, Holly, Gus, Boo, Liz, CherylG, Carrie, Denise, MB, Christine, Susan, Jule, Iris, and anyone else I've missed. Hoping you all are well.

    Ginney, Brenda, where are you girls? Are you together & trying to have fun without me? I'm beginning to worry about the both of you. If you're down this is the place to be and we'll make you feel better or at least try.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    NS, I walked in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure annual event in my city this morning...I had my NS button on my shirt...and your name on my racing were with me today....with all of us today
    Love, Madison
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    yooohooo Ladies
    I am here! Just a busy day. Have cleaned and crocheted all morning then took Nathaniel to a birthday party. Hmmm...8 screaming eight year olds with balloons...aaauuggghhh. They had a newborn baby there and Nathaniel spent the entire time holding the baby. Uh oh. guessed it, he wants one. Sooo...I told him about baby Derrick. Oh my. That was a tough conversation! He wants to go get him and right away! He is begging and pleading, can't understand why he can't have his little brother with him, why is she keeping Derrick cuz she didn't keep him...etc. I told him that we would have to wait and see and if God decides that baby Derrick should be with us it would happen. That has him satisfied for the moment but I know him...he's thinking. Says he'll do everything and even change his diapers! geez.
    Madison...good for you! I so want to do one of the walks but most of them are so far away.
    Susan...hmm..maybe alcohol would do the trick. Maybe I can drink at work! Imagine that.
    I am getting the immunization. It has been reported to the health department so I'm sure next week will be an interesting one to say the least.
    Nicki...a late good morning to you LOL.
    Yeah for mets! Arthritis stinks but better than the alternative. Sadly enough.
    Puppy...come out come out...this is where you need to be right now!
    Laura...I work at an assisted care facility...they will settle in quicker than you think. Hugs to you.
    Starving and going to start dinner...hugs to Shokk, Tracey, MB, Holly, NS (miss you dear), Liz, Joyce, Anne...oh everybody!
    Love ya all
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007

    I can't type well so I have to keep this short. I love you all so much. Thank you so much for everything you have done, your prayers your vibes and I even saw all of you in my presurgical room.

    I have LE in both hands and it really hurts to sit up in this positition because I am having some problems with my drains. So I can't read or post much.

    I had 8 hours of surgery and didn't get out of recovery until 1 am.

    I am home now. I hope things will get better. I miss you all so much.

    Will chack back in when I can tolerate this a little better. Doing this on only tylenol sux.

    Love you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    NS this is for you.

    Im so glad you checked in. Hoping each day starts to get better.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Iris/Spartan: I can tell you how good it is to see ya. Welcome back sweet friend.

    Susan: I think of things as I read your posts and type in that thought and I get all different things to choose from. This is actually alot of fun. Yuor post made me smile, so I clicked happy face and came up with this:


    Im having way too much fun with these pictures I will tell you that.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Gina its so good to hear from made my night....the lady I went to San Antoinio with told me that I could take 3 advil and 2 tylenol and it would work just like a pain pill....I don't like pain medication either and I have chemo induced sounds like everyone is having a good weekend....Jan I was cruzing through the "put a face to a name thread" and the picture of you and your husband and grandkids was great..........."i'll be right back"

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Cheri its good you check in with the cg's I know you "multi task" between us and chat......Vickie, Vickie, Vickie....8 yr old birthday can any one mom have more fun.....maybe a root canal????? I must amitt that I soooo want you to get custody of apear to be such a good mom.....Nicki I really don't even know what days I will be in Chicago but you could very well be working but I do have a few questions for you.....I would love to know where I could get really good Chicago style pizza and any thing else you could think of we should visit while we are there that is maybe not so turisity (sp).....any suggestions would greatly be appreciated..............

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Just a quick hi to all, I did the walk this morning and then finished an afghan and started on a new one...

    Nicki, you make me smile with all your postings....too cute

    Cheri and all...behave yourself at the par-ty (I have to attend a formal function tonight...but I so want one of our blue drinks instead).

    Vickie, I posted a pic on the other thread...we may need to crochet you some ear muffs....8 year old parties...

    NS, so very good to hear from you...please feel our love and I am so sorry you are hurting....

    Hi to everyone.....Madison
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Bearlysane-good to hear from you, too. That day at the Gadsden Mall was so much fun. I'm planning another trip to Gadsden the first week in April, Spring break, if anyone wants to try to get together.

    Cheri-You are right, I need to take my medicine. I just need a little kick in the behind. Keep kicking, because now I have to call my onc and get a refill.

    Vickie, 8 year old birthdays are SUCH fun. Micah gets invited to some parties, but so far not as many as my others did. In CA, birthday parties were EVENTS! Here it's a little more casual.

    NS, Big prayers that your pain and LE are relieved. You have gone through so much, but you have done so much in bringing us all together.

    Tracey, management is such a big thing. My dh is a restaurant manager and sometimes I just want him to QUIT! I get so tired of being alone and when he is home is really tired. I call it being a paid slave. I'm sure if you get the job you will do well. If you can get weekends off, take them.

    Just a lazy day today. Watching mega doses of 24 and knitting squares. My kind of Saturday.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Afternoon girls. Have spent another day on the couch. In between trips to the potty that is. This tummy thing is just plain nasty. I feel like crap. Hubby and the kid just left to go to Sacramento. Hubby is getting a new tattoo this evening. I wanted to go watch but decided two hours in the car was not a good idea. Shucks I'm tired of being stuck in the house.

    NS, it is so good to see your words. I am praying for you every day. I am very sorry you are having to deal with pain and swelling. Let your Daddy take care of you. Thats what Daddys are for.

    Hi to everyone else. Don't feel like sitting here and reading right now. I'll catch up later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    Sheri, I do the TV marathons too. Whoever thought up the idea of TV shows on dvd was a marketing genius.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Sheri: You just described my day:
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007

    Great picture!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Madison: I hope you sparkle at the formal affair your going to tonight.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Spartan/Iris: Its so good to have you back!