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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    tracey, call your doc or get better yet get yourself to an ER. Pain and throwing up was the first symptom of my appendicitis. Don't wait for it to get worse.

    Hmmm but then again Jans idea of an ovarian cysts would make sense too. Had one of those years ago that burst. Horrid horrid pain. and since your gyn wants to talk about your vag u/s results that may be the issue?.....CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!

    Jan, hugs to you hon. Not only will Mazer be there but all of the rest of too. We have to keep her out of the chocolate fountain.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Oh yes, definately Shirley. We can't let Mazer get near the chocolate fountain. If she does a good job protecting me, I'll give her one of Deb's giant cinnamon buns! She loves those (me too!).

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Jan, I sent Mazer her own towel so she could wipe the chocolate and cinnamon off her little chin....Mazer may just try to hide the fact that she was in the choclate fountain!! She can be sneaky!!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    Nicki---We have the same "anniversary"! My mast was June 2, 2005. The day I got rid of cancer. I was going to say, "a day that shall live in infamy", like Pearl Harbor, but that's not really true. That was the day I started getting well again. And what's the dip with the fool you share an office with? Forget the Italian finger---hell hath no furry once I get my German up!

    Anne---You are feeling something each of us ahead of you in treatment has felt. After all of that attention and aggressive treatment it's hard to imagine that doing nothing (by comparison) isn't risking your health. I'd sit on the couch and just KNOW it was crunching away somewhere in my body. After 2 years of tests and tests of tests, and everything coming back clean, I know we're (my docs and me) on the wellness road. It gets better---slowly---but it gets better.

    Deb---cancer of the hair, huh? That's one even I haven't self diagnosed yet! Just remember what your Dad says---when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras. I will get around to calling you soon---every time it pops into my brain it's some unworkable time for someone 5 hours behind me or I know you're at a ski meet, etc. We have to talk soon since I need to book airline flights and want to have some idea of how many days we will be on the Peninsula. I read in one of my books that Soldotna sometimes has to inport snow for your winter festival because you frequently don't have enough? Please---take some of ours! It was -12 here yesterday morning and I had to drive across town for the bone scan in blizzard conditions---more lake effect white out stupidness.

    Jan---it does seem never ending sometimes but just think how much better you will feel after it's done.

    Puppy---glad to see you back too. I know I go thru spells where I just read along because I'm feeling kinda down but have learned this is the best place to come for reassurance---so don't go 'way now.

    Forgot who asked what spondylolisthesis is---short explanation---it's when the sections of your vertebrae don't line up correctly vertically. One tips slightly or leans out over the one underneath it and it creates funky nerve stuff. Also made one of my legs shorter than the other by 1 1/2:.

    gotta run---sis is here.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi Jeannie...isn't this weather just wonderful. Actually today has been really good compared to what we've had.
    Oh I am sooo mad. I work at an Assisted Care facility for seniors. We have independent apartments...and assisted care apartments. Well we have one women in assisted care who has MRSA but not blood borne MRSA it is in her nose and throat and highly contagious. The majority of our residents now have the flu and today at the end of the day we found out that our maintenance man (who has been in the hospital for a couple of days) has hepatitis A.'s just a friggin hotbed of germs! Seriously thinking I need to find a new job! Our director is calling the health department to see what action we need to take and I guess I already have to go get the vaccine. Fine by me.
    Gonna go hang out in the cyber party thread and have myself some blue drinks...and I'm keepin my clothes on!!!
    Love to you all
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Oh Vickie, Hep A is awful! My sister contracted it at a local restaurant (yuk!) and became seriously ill a few days before her wedding. She went through with the ceremony, but her photographer had to Photoshop her pictures to take out the jaundice in her eyes and her skin. I felt awful for her! She had been quite the bridezilla during the wedding preparations, but I wouldn't have wished that on anyone!

    Gotta go back a few pages and catch up.

    Hugs and love to all,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Vickie, my dad had MRSA...took forever to clear up....take care of yourself....Hubby took Hep vacine cause he was in the water in New Orleans after the hurricane....didn't make him sick...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    I got both the Hep A and Hep B series of immunizations..the Hep A took but the Hep B didn't. I am now doing that one for the second time..
    Take care of yourself Vickie..
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    PurpleMB: Congrats on your 3 years!! I'm 3 years and 4 months. Got a lot of mixed feelings right now. I'm trying not to think about them, (ya, right!) My mamm is next Friday and it is the first time that they let me go a year. Should make me happy....but just the opposite, now I'm scared something has been growing for a year!!!! Will we ever have normal thoughts again?
  • csp
    csp Member Posts: 119
    edited March 2007
    Hi CG'S,
    I just heard from G and she said she misses all of you alot.
    She can not post because she is having some complications and is unable to type or even sit at her computer she is under her doctors careful care. She really would love to hear some words of encouragement so if you leave your message for her I will make sure she gets them . I will copy your words you have already left for her if it is okay?

    Hugs ,

    Love and hugs Carrie
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for the update on Gina, Carrie. I'm so glad she is doing okay....and pray the complications aren't serious. Please send my words on to her. I'll post them next.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for the update. Just let her know that she continues to be in my prayers. I hope that she'll be able to post soon. Miss her lots, but want her to take her time and heal.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Dear Gina,
    Please know that I am thinking of you and hoping for a "speedy" recovery. I'm thankful your surgery went well and so sorry you are having some complications. Be good to yourself and let people pamper you, you deserve it.
    I'll never forget how positive of an attitude you had through this latest adventure! And yes, you are Beautiful, Dammit!

    Get well soon,
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Anybody know when Shel gets back from FL? Missing her.

    Robin-It's good to see you posting again.

    Love to all!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Dear sweet Gina...the circle isn't the same without you here but you take care of you and know that we are all pulling for you constantly. Wearing my NOSURRENDER pin every single day till you are back on your feet. If you need me CALL! My dx was almost identical to yours so if you have questions I am always here. Take care and know that we love you sweet sister of ours.
    Love and hugs
    Carrie...thank you so much for taking the time to do this. You are so very special.
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2007

    NS, we hold you in great awe and respect. I picture you as Sigourney Weaver in Aliens wearing her robo-power suit and beating the holy crap out of that monster. Even if you are dirty, sweaty, banged up and having a total bad hair day, you are a completely kick-ass WOMAN. It is so utterly obvious. Nobody better mess with you or us. -- Donna in VA

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Carrie thank you so much for the update.

    This is for you NS - from all of us

    We sure do miss you.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Dear Gina ~

    I just want you to know that you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. This circle you started is strong and is here to support you. Today we hit the 100,000 views mark and are at almost 9,000 posts. Isn't that awesome? All these women, all this love...lean on it now.

    Sending gentle hugs
    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Gina, as you lay near the fires of our hearts, know that we are with your every step of the way. it's been 6 months since I first posted on this thread. You did a wonderful thing when you started these awesome ladies circleing the wagons. Please let your Dad and other take care of you so you can heal that much faster.
    You are always in our prayers.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007

    Gina...thinking about you alot...holding your hand from one coast to the other..hugs, SoCal

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Gina, I sure do miss you. I pray that you get better soon so you can come back to us. You are a very lucky woman to have so many people love you and think of you as highly as we do. Know that my thoughts are with you. Thank you for starting this wonderful thread that has grown so much. Hope to talk to you soon.


    Thank you Carrie, for doing this for us all.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007

    I think about you and pray for you every day. I've attached my NS button to my purse, so you have become quite the celebrity among my students. They are amazed that by simply posting a thread on a message board, you have helped to create a powerful circle of support and friendship. Please come back and visit when you feel up to it. A circle can't be broken, and we are all here for you.

    Love and hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Yes Im up with the farmers once again! We move the clocks ahead tonight here in Chicago so it will be interesting to see what time I wake up tomorrow morning.

    Well I was going so crazy with pictures yesterday, I thought I would clean some of them out of my folder. Well that doesnt work too well. The picture then disappears from where I posted it. So if you see just a blank - thats one I deleted. Im hitting myself on the side of the head. How stupid could I be? Man, I had some funnny pictures and now I cant even remember how I got them. SAVE SAVE SAVE - dont delete.

    Jan: Man egges with salsa and cheese on top sounds really good. Im gonna try that this morning. As far as the coworker? Well she chose to strike out at the wrong person. She has been on probabtion for the last 6 months. She had the nerve to call me on my cell phone Thursday and say she just needed to vent. And stupid me listened to her complain about how she is not being treated well. I know I made my point to her. The administrator went right up to talk to her and the corporate marketing director assured me I did nothing wrong and she was gonna address it in a telephone conference with her. So I guess she got caught with her pants down! And deserved it. As far a dieting, well when I woke up this morning I saw a bad of cheese popcorn and a bowl with pistachios that are half gone. I must of had those crazy wake up hungries. Sad thing is I dont remember a thing. I need a lock on my refrigerator and cabinets at night. Hopefully I will burn off whatever I ate last night when I exercise today. I cant believe your having so many problems with your implants. Are they saline or silicone? Anyways, good luck with your surgery on Monday. You know we will all be with you.

    Tracey: Hmmmm telephone interview sounds like they are desperate to fill this position. I like a face to face interview. Gives you a chance to look the person in the eye and get a feel for them and the job. My best friend wanted me to be Director of Nursing for the nursing home she had. We still sat down over dinner and talked about the position. Im laughing at the what is your weakness question. Im sitting here trying to think of an answer and my weakness is not thinking I have any weaknesses.

    Im hoping the stomach pain you were having has gone away. If not, you better get it checked out.

    Jeannie: It is a small world. Cant believe we had our surgery on the same day. I always think of my 2 years anniversary from the day I was diagnosed. My onc considers it from the day of surgery. So I like the saying "the day I became cancer free."

    Vickie: I worked at an assisted living facility for 6 years and things can spread very quickly in that environment. The MRSA in the nares, I wouldnt fret about that too much. If you swabbed everyone of your residents at least 1/2 of them would show up positive. I hope they are treating it. At the nursing home I work at we have to get 3 clear cultures before we take someone out of isolation. But its so different in assisted living. Hard to isolate someone in their apartment. The stomach flu is everywhere. But for the elderly, it can be very difficult. Bet you see lots go into the hospital cause of dehydration. Hepatitis A is a viral infection, used to be called infectious hepatitis. It is shed through fecal material and can be easily spread by contaminated water, food - especiallly fruit. Its the one kind of hepatitis you can get from restaurants, so it could be worse, your cook could have it! Anyways, get the vaccine, it will protect you. The health department will probably have their nose in a snit about this one.

    NS: We miss you alot around here and

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Gina- Thinking about you. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night (it's 3:40am) and think about all my sisters have endured and will endure. It makes me sad, but then I come here and see so much strength and hope. I'm praying that your complications clear up and that you are not pushing yourself too hard. Take time to take care of yourself. You are a giver, but right now it is time to be a taker so that you will have yourself to share with others later when you are better.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Gina, I am also thinking of you...praying for you...We miss you sweet friend, but please know that you are in our hearts always.
    You are so special, Madison
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    G, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers , I know you can feel the warmth sent by all of us , hurry back to the circle we miss you
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Oh No! PurpleMB up early and posting on a Saturday. Get ready for those wall pushups everyone.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    heheheh feel like denise....and yes I am the exercise queen and I do think people hide from me...
    MArgB...yes wall push ups will help tone your muscles , they are great things...try them you'll like them...
    Anne, well I like Deb's idea of chocolate but I dont like chocolate, so Ichoose wine and a hot relieve the anxiety...come on down...
    Debc once again you know just what to say...and yes spiritual is what I mean..., we sure do miss you and we do have a big fluffy chair by the fire and lots of people to wait on you...don't stay away
    Nicki...yes ink son the chef would forget his pens in his coats...the first thing is , do you wantt to take it to the dry cleaner, its easier, just make sure you don't wash it....but to do it at home, soak the spot with hair spray, towel under it...then rub, reapply and rub, a tooth brush works too...
    CSP,,,thanks so much for keeping us updated,,,you are a true CG friend
    ...ok soccer game today and I'm now working on the exercise room, gonna move the tread mill, get the basement ready for this summer, pool table up and all...
    Thnakyou on alll the good wishes for 3 yrs, it still seems like yesterday....
    whoo hoo I have almost found all of my porch stairs, still only 2 missing the snow is finally melting....
    take care all and be back
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Gentle healing hugs to you!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Four pages! Wow!! My online connection was messed up for only a couple of hours yesterday. Got it fixed, but was gone for most of the day. Was too tired to read everything when I got home at 10 last night. Finally got through them all this morning. Took a few notes. Here goes.

    Wall push ups are also great for your pecs. If you turn your hands so that your fingers are almost pointing towards each other, you'll work a little harder. That's assuming you really want to work harder.

    DebC, great advice for Anne.

    Anne, we've all been there.

    Anne & Denise, wish I could come to the MI gals luncheon today. I'd really like to meet everyone face to face. I guess I'll just have to be there in spirit.

    Vickie, ooh, MRSA. my cousin is in a wheelchair and on a ventilator, because he had MRSA in his spine. A contaminated cortisone shot, we think. A lawsuit is in the future over it. Be careful!!

    Won't be at the cyber party today. Too bad, I've never been to California. Just get me an extra long straw for the chocolate fountain, I'll be needing it today. My MIL and FIL moved into an assisted living facility yesterday. This move has been in the works since before Christmas, and it's really worn us out. My dh has one brother who lives two and a half hours away. In MI with lake effect conditions, that's just too, far. So most of the burden has fallen on my dh. My FIL was just dx'd with altzheimers, and has been resisting the move. He's 90, and said that he's not ready to move out of his home. MIL is as sharp (she's 87) as ever, but is having some physical limitations. My SIL's mother had altzhemers, was in her 90's and died last summer. SIL has been saying call if it gets too much for you and we'll come. Well, dh thinks that he's handling it well, but I can see the strain it's putting on him. He just won't admit it.

    Today is another day at the facillity, helping them get settled in. BIL and SIL are here to help. FIL's younger brother (he's 85) is setting up all their computer and audio visual equipment. So, if I'm not quite with it, it's the fatigue talking. When asked what he was planning on doing at their new apt FIL said "Nothing". And this from a man who played in as many brass bands as would have him. He didn't even want to take his trumpet with him. He didn't help at all with any packing. SIL says it's a symtom of the disease. I think it might also be some passive aggressive behavior. He's generally a nice man to be around, but he's used to getting his own way.

    Sorry for the long rant. I just needed to get some of my frustrations out. I'm just so worn out from the stress of all this business.

    My prayers for all the CG who are healing. Rest if you need it. You know who you are.
