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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Laurab, this songs for you

    I am Woman

    (Helen Reddy and Ray Burton)

    I am woman, hear me roar

    In numbers too big to ignore

    And I know too much to go back an' pretend

    'Cause I've heard it all before

    And I've been down there on the floor

    No one's ever gonna keep me down again

    Oh yes, I am wise

    But it's wisdom born of pain

    Yes, I've paid the price

    But look how much I gained

    If I have to

    I can do anything

    I am strong (strong)

    I am invincible (invincible)

    I am woman

    You can bend but never break me

    'Cause it only serves to make me

    More determined to achieve my final goal

    And I come back even stronger

    Not a novice any longer

    'Cause you've deepened the conviction in my soul

    Oh, yes, I am wise

    But it's wisdom born of pain

    Yes, I've paid the price

    But look how much I gained

    If I have to

    I can face anything

    I am strong (strong)

    I am invincible (invincible)

    I am woman

    I am woman watch me grow

    See me standing toe to toe

    As I spread my lovin' arms across the land

    But I'm still an embryo

    With a long, long way to go

    Until I make my brother understand

    Oh, yes, I am wise

    But it's wisdom born of pain

    Yes, I've paid the price

    But look how much I gained

    If I have to

    I can face anything

    I am strong (strong)

    I am invincible (invincible)

    I am woman

    Oh, I am woman

    I am invincible

    I am strong

    I am woman

    I am invincible

    I am strong

    I am woman
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for the support, all! Luckily we don't have any joint credit cards (there was one that I found on my credit report...a balance transfer from Citicard joint to a Bank of America card last fall--he called them early Oct. to cancel my card, but didn't know to also take me off as authorized user ...had him call BofA this week and get me off.)

    He showed up about 10 min. pick up Caitie for some time together. I've already told her to be sure Daddy calls me before they come home; he's not planning on letting me know ("either you're home, or you're not home"). I had told Caitie before he got here to have fun with Daddy and does she remember the 2 places she's not to go? Yep...she remembers: The Hall and Sandy's What a smart girl!

    I'm off to do some errands...may check in later!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi Mena...put that statue in your front yard...hey you never know! Baking cookies before an open house is a good idea too. Make the house feel homey. I don't know how to do the post thing either but I have figured out pictures! You missed the party!
    I see LauraB checked in and is about done with DH...wish that Robin could feel the way she does. Poor Robin can't seem to get rid of hers and so totally needs and wants to. Laura...maybe you could pm Robin and lift her spirits a bit and give her some hope and advice.
    Well I thought our warm spell yesterday was here to such's cold out there! Bout froze to death getting gas and was going to wash my poor salt covered car...nope. Came home and light the fireplace. Gonnna sit on my butt and crochet!
    Love to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Well shoot. You'd think by now the days of losing my post would be over. They are not. That is very annoying. So, in short, wishing all of you a wonderful day.

    Meaner, glad to see you back. We'll put you in the middle of the circle close to the Fruitcake Tent. That's a pretty hoppin place these days. lol

    NS, hope you're feeling better.

    Vickie, glad your headache is gone.

    your pal
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    well h e double hockey sticks.
    I guess I missed my cancerversary. Just read that the American Cancer Society considers you anniversary date to be the date you were dx'd. I was dx'd officially Dec 16, 2005. My sister wants to celebrate one year as of the day I finished chemo...April 19...I said the day of my bilateral mast...May 22. I figured that was a better day as it was the day they removed the beast from my body.
    Hmmm...maybe I'll celebrate it all...end of chemo...mast day...end of rads day! Always up for a celebration but don't think I want to celebrate my dx date...rather forget that day forever.
    It's about time you got up Cheri girl!
    Love to all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning cg's

    well here i am at work again........... lol..... hmmmmm
    it feels and smells like spring outside this morning as its raining.....raining to wash the snow away!!!!lol sure is muddy though and our new puppy smells bad... from all the mud i am sure!!!

    mena nice to see you posting.... i see you are very busy in your life..... i am sorry you have to sell your home!!!! but remember when one door closes another one will open for you my friend!!!
    nikki.... lol yep your the picture monster forsure!!!!! but i love it!!!! whohoooooo your excersising you go girl!!!!
    ns thinking of you... hope your feeling better today... you are sure missed around here!!!

    deb thats awsome your going to pinkstock.... i envy you!!!! you go and have a heck of a good time and plzzzzz plzzzzzzzz have a blue drink for me to!!!!!!!!!

    laura... your on the right road there girl....i am sorry this has to be so will turn out for the best in the end.... and when he comes begging for show him how well your doing!!!

    got to run just at work
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Mena, I sent you a PM concerning St. Joseph. If you want additional information, please let me know

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, you bring a smile to my heart when I see the pictures you are posting...

    Yes indeed, you and Vickie are the sunshine sisters

    LauraB...keep fighting for what is right..

    Deb, I posted on the Pinkstock site...What days are you going to be at Pinkstock? I want to book my plane ticket tomorrow.....I think we will all get better prices on our tickets if we book early.

    Cheri, yes my friend, I could not find one blue drink at the party last night.. I just know that you and Vickie were there and drank it all....

    Okay, need to go crochet...I have hubby cooking today.

    Hello to all...have a great day...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Well its official. Im fat. Decided to go out and do some retail therapy. We are having a nice Spring like day here in Chicago. Had some money to spend on a new outfit. Well I tried all kinds of things on - came home with nothing.

    Vickie: I love it. Denial seems to be my second language. I count from the day I was diagnosed, but my onc counts from the day I had surgery. I say, forget those anniversaries and just go out and have fun. Enjoy sitting by the fire and crocheting.


    Mena: It's so good to see you again. Im sorry you have to sell your house. That had to be a hard decision. Just wanted to send you hugs.


    LauraB: After the gun and getting physical thing. I dont think he should be allowed to come unannounced. Something is very wrong with that picture.

    Madison and Tracey: I sure am having fun with these pictures. I hope it makes you smile and warms your hearts.


    Cheri and everyone else. Im off to the fruitcake tent. Gotta do something with this day.



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    Mena..a hint I used for selling the house was to stick a cheap frozen apple pie in the oven so the smell would linger....worked for me!!
    Sending hugs...Lisa
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Pretty quiet day here on the boards and at home.


    Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.

    NS: Thinking about you

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    wow I miss so much on the weekends...
    NS so glad you posted...thanks we miss you, hugs and warm thoughts ans prayers

    MENA...hugs, so sorry but I believe everything happens for a reason...some times not for a good reason that I can think of but for a reason anyway....hugs and keep your head up we care...
    MArgB...whooo hooo..30 wall push ups....evily do 30 one armed time you won't be so fast to tell me that you exercised I can always think of something harder to do...I went and bought one of those exercise balls...what a riot...everyone must get
    Nicki...hmmm...those pics are really slowing me down at know slowski dial
    LAura good to see things are moving forward, stay strong...
    Hugs to is very hard to move on...
    OK now I must run, moving computer to make room for the new execise corner...
    ok I hope to see you at PINKSTOCK, my DH can;t wait to meet all the DH, & SO that put up with is beginning to know I'm crazy...
    PS if you haven't gotten the Magazine HEALTH try it...I love it full of good stuff...
    take care all and be back on my bosses time...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Nicki has become the picture queen!! Loving it! You are so funny. I don't know where your finding all this stuff but it's great.
    LauraB...I am with Nicki...I would really be checking with my lawyer if I were you. With the alcohol abuse and the gun situation I am really surprised that they are allowing Ray to be anywhere near you or Caitie until a court date has been set. Just wanting you to be very careful as I have heard of too many cases where the mother ended up being accused of neglect for allowing their child around someone who may not be stable regardless if the mother has the childs best interests in mind. I know Ray hasn't been abusive to Caitie but the gun incident still has me worried about just where his mind is at! Be safe! And I am NOT saying that you don't have her best interests in mind...just make sure that the law says it's all AOK!
    Mena...I sent you a pm with Gina's address. I hope all goes well for you with the sale of your house and a move. Keeping you in my prayers.
    Where is Jeannie? Haven't seen you dear. Is the snow melting away up there in Syracuse? It's melting here and Nathaniel is out trying to build his first snowman of the year. First no snow at all and warm, then bitterly it's March and he's finally getting to go outside and play in the snow! They haven't even been able to go outside at school this winter as it has either been bitter cold or storming.
    Took a nap...wasn't going to but I hate this time change and was up really early. Now I probably won't be able to sleep.
    Cheri...where are you?
    Robin, Shel, Tgirl...oh so many others...we are missing you.
    Hugs to all and I'll be back.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Hello sweet girls,
    I just took my first shower so my arms are not wrapped and I am sneaking in a little typing.
    This has been a bitch!

    Everyone kept telling me there was no way you can do this on just tylenol ... and you know what? THey were right! But I don't have a choice. I had these bad complications with my drains and that i think is causing most of my problems.

    I had the WORST NURSE when I was wheeled into my room at 1 AM after recovery. She was TERRIBLE! I kept thinking- I am sisters with some of the sweetest nurses in the world- WHY DID I GET YOU!?

    She messed up my ONQ pump when she had to "inspect it" because she said she had to check I wasn't bringing in anything contraband... FROM THE RECOVERY ROOM AFTER 8 HOURS OF SURGERY?? Then she yanked my foley so hard I almost screamed and finally demanded it be removed. I had to get her to call the surgical resident to get her to do it. And the worst part was she didn't give me my first tylenol until 5:30 AM. I was supposed to get it at 2.

    Anyway, I got released the next day. My dad has been great. He took care of me the first couple of days and i really needed it.

    I am a little nervous about this sentinel node being positive- because just how fast is this cancer growing??? But I will deal with that next week.

    I have to stop now, my hands are really swelling.

    Love you all,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Oh G, you poor thing! I am sending bad juju rays to the evil nurse! May the fleas of a thousand camels nest in her pubic hair! I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.

    Rest! Heal...we will all help you worry about the nodes and crap later. Right now you need to relax.

    Deb C
  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited March 2007
    Cheri and Nicki - had a little time and thought I would say hello. Thanks for remembering me!!

    There is no way I can catch up on all these pages. LauraB sounds like you have decided Ray is a total jerk and you are moving forward without him. YEAH for YOU!!!

    Cheri, had your surgery yet? Vicki, do you have the baby? Mena, sorry to see that your house is up for sale - I'll say a prayer that it sells quickly. I hope everyone else is doing OK. NS, as always, love ya.

    I have trained a new teenager for 3 weeks and I feel like I have totally wasted my time - unless she changes THIS week she is history. I've invested enough - she gets slower and slower. I also start training another new teenager tomorrow night. I haven't been around as I have worked lunches and nights and I was tired before trying this for 3 weeks. I have been beyond tired - exhausted. This week, March 7th, marked being out of all treatment for one year - that marked the end of my rads!!! April is my 6 month mammo and lab test - and I get to see my oncologist that suggested I see a shrink because they didn't find my gallbladder problems with standard test. I'm still ticked at him over that.

    Sounds like Pinkstock is coming along - don't think I will make it as looks as if we are going to have to have a new pump.


    It is such a spring day here -is around 70 and has been for several days. The trees are budding and I am so happy to see signs of spring. Around here though it could be a high of 30 tomorrow and we have had some of our biggest snow/ice storms in March so not out of the woods yet.

    Take care everyone. Hopefully, I won't have to stay 3 weeks with this new teenager and can check in more frequently.

    Missed ya. Blessings, Brenda
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Sparky, glad to see you posting but so sorry that you're having a rough time of it. You're tougher than a boot to be going through all this with Tylenol as your only pain med! I don't believe I'm that tough. So I gather your dad is gone now? Is there anyone staying with you, little Miss Independence or are you trying to do it all on your own? There's time to worry about nodes later right now you just concentrate on getting better. My prayers are with you. I'm so sorry about the LE but as difficult as all this is you will get through it. Each day should get a little easeier. Know that we are with you.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    NS: I cant tell you how happy I am to see you post. You are feeling a little better. I can tell by your words. Im so sorry this has been so hard for you. Me personally, I dont know what I would have done without my Darvocet. So getting through with plain tylenol had to be so hard.

    I know your nervous about the sentinel node. I just finished reading your blog - which by the way is just beautiful. I remember reading you writing that you knew 2 things. The first thing was that you knew the cancer didnt spread anywhere. You had every test possible and they all came up CLEAR! So, seems to me like the sentinel node has done its job.

    We each have different situations. We are dealt our cards and once we get the full hand, we know what we are dealing with and then can proceed to fight.

    As far as the really mean nurse? She sounds like she was a real witch. Doesnt belong working in healthcare thats for sure.

    Right now, this happens to be my favorite picture. Know that we all stand strong together. We are here for you. We are sending our love and hugs - gently.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    NS...sending you very gentle warm hugs. So very much hope you are feeling better soon and praying for good results on the sentinel node.
    Love ya
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Brenda! It's sooo good to see a post from you. I was getting worried you were back in the Medic tent again. Glad you're just exhausted. lol Crack that whip on those young uns to get em to learn properly. Sounds like you could use a rest. If you're talking about my ankle/foot surgery it's the 18th of May. If you're talking about any other kind of surgery...bite your tongue! I go tomorrow for the ultra sound/mammogram on this new lump in my breast. Praying it's just a cyst.
    Don't stay away so long. It just takes a minute to write a short post letting us know you're alright. Take care.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Brenda: Sounds like you are working way too hard. It was so good to hear from you.

    Cheri: Dont you worry, we will be with ya for the US/mammogram. Hope you arnt too nervous.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Brenda, hello, it IS good to hear from you.

    NS, oh my, we all wish we were there with you. Are you alone now? Gosh, I hope not...(((HUGS))))

    Cheri, what time is your US/Mammogram tomorrow? I haven't seen Amy posting, but we had better get Mazer ready to be with us tomorrow.

    I have to go have a pelvic ultrasound tomorrow...but I'd much rather be on the magic carpet...

    Nicki, thank you for the "hug picture"..

    I will check in later....I have become a "couch crocheter" dog even caught some yarn in the bow on top of her hair....we absolutely had to follow the yarn trail to find her....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies, is so good to see you! And everyone is right...don't stay away so long. We worry about all our sisters here.
    Cheri...We will have the magic carpet ready for you tomorrow and all will be well. We will be holding your hand and makin sure the docs don't mess anything up!
    NS...I had the same kind of nurse after my bilateral. She pretty much ignored me the entire night and complained that she was running behind and didn't have time to bring me my meds. Spent the entire night in tears. Maybe we need to start bring Tazers to the hospital with us and let them get a taste of pain and suffering. I will say though that my oncology nurses were the very best. Loving and caring all the way and they still are. Hugs to you.
    Madison...couch crocheter here too. Your puppy has a bow...heehee so does mine! He's a little shitzhu and cute as a button. We will have the magic carpet ready for you too and holding your hand as well.
    Where is Amy? Hmmm...curled up with her new afghan or unloading hay again! Aaaammmmyyyyy.
    Quiet day overall...missing a bunch of you so come out, come out wherever you are. Shirley...Jan...Shel...Tgirl...Boo...Colleen...
    chemo brain won't let me come up with more names but you know who you are....hugs to all.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    okay, I'll quit yelling! I was looking for the pics that I sent you and the pics that you took. I already told Kats and SEI that I have a bounty out on them for posting a couple really bad pictures!!!!!!!!!
    Love and Hugs,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Just a quick hello. I just got home and want to check up on you girls. Gotta do some reading! Thinking of all of you, and will try to get back tonight.
    Love and Hugs,
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Hi All!

    Had a very busy weekend (I was in-person partying with Denise! yipee! plus a bunch of other stuff at church) but this afternoon I am paying big-time.

    Denise - I got your pics and will download my camera and get them up soon. Too tired and achy today. Sorry.

    Hugs to all, heading back to the couch now.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Well it's almost 8:00 and would you believe I am making my way with my crochet hook in hand off to bed.
    I know it's gonna take me a week or two to catch up with this time come losing one hours feels like you've lost four!!! GEEZ.
    Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers
    See you in the morning...
    Love and hugs all around
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    hi all,
    mena and brenda. so glad you checked in. too bad you have to sell your house, Mena. Move half your furniture and stuff out into storage, bake cookies and keep everything spotless. It's a lot of work. I wish we were there to help. I did all that right after finishing treatment. There are companies you can hire to move stuff around for you and you pay them by the hour. I did that. Just pack stuff up and put it into storage. It took us a month to get the house ready. It looked so nice when we were done, I didn't want to sell it. LOL I will be praying for you.

    Brenda, I hope you find some help that you can count on. Take care of yourself. Hugs and prayers coming your way.

    NS, hugs. I'm praying for you. Sorry this is so hard. We miss you. Without you here, who's gonna kick my butt when I need it.

    For all the rest, big hugs!! BTW DH and I are going to PINKSTOCK. I'm getting T-Shirts made and MB is making posters and Deb is making buttons. woohoo. See ya all there.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good evening all,

    I just skimmed through the posts! Oh my, chatty we are!

    NS, so happy to hear from you. Sorry you are having such a hard time. LE is never fun. Just try to take it easy (I know it's hard). I can't believe that nurse!! My nurses have always been angels. I don't know what I'd do if I had one who treated me that badly. Maybe you should file a complaint. Please take care of yourself!

    Lisa, I loved your great pic!!

    Tracey, I am ROFLMAO over your piano story!! Too funny!

    Susan, I have been laughing all weekend about your "physical terrorist". I could never think up anything that witty!

    Nicki, you are not fat, you are beautiful, DAMMIT! Always enjoying your pics. You have become the picture monster for sure !

    Well, we took our old bed to my son's house today and saw the two grandsons. They are cute as buttons! Pretty much tied up the whole afternoon. Now I'm trying to calm down and get ready for surgery tomorrow. I hope I can get somewhat of a good night sleep. Nothing to eat of drink after 12:00! I sleep with my mouth gaping wide open and I get up several times during the night to get a drink. Aaarrrggghhhh! I have to be at the hospital at 8:15 although I would have preferred 6:00 like last time. No time to get a headache from lack of caffeine!
    I'll check in after I get home. Good night CGs. Hugs and kisses to all!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Anne: Feel better soon. I hope yesterday wasn't to much on you.
