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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls,

    It seems like it’s been forever since I’ve posted. I think of you all daily though. Yes I guess I am a natural care giver or a natural try to fix it person. My cousin was released from detox after 5 days and of course started drinking again. I ended up with her here and arranged for her to go into a private rehab facility. She was with me until I could get her into it. Those were some rough days and nights but so far she’s doing well. I pray she continues to get better. While we were visiting yesterday, my 76 y/o mom fell off a step and landed flat on her revised reconstructed knee so now she’s stiff and sore. I’m emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted. Also for about a week, I’ve noticed some swelling and some pain around the right boob area. Guess I’ll call my PS tomorrow. Okay, I’ll stop whining now. Geez, this could be a country song I bet!

    Nicki – I can’t believe it took your card so long to get to you! I mailed it 3 days before your birthday. Glad you liked it. Love all your pics!

    Gina – it was wonderful to talk with you. You are one strong woman. Hope those drains come out soon.

    Cheri – sorry about the new lump. I’m praying for good results for you.

    Sher – sorry you’ve been sick. Hugs

    Madison – I see you did the Komen race. Ours is in October. I met a couple of girls from bco there last year. Ahhh I see you had a fancy night out also. Hope you had fun.

    Lisa – great picture! Glad you guys got to meet up and had fun.

    Denise – can’t wait to see your pictures!

    CY – I haven’t read back so I’m not sure what’s going on with your sis. I’ll add her to my prayers.

    Tracey – thinking of changing jobs I see. You’ll make the right decision for you.

    LauraB – you go girl! I knew you’d get mad eventually. It’s not easy being a single mom, but you can do it.

    Susan – hope the knee is feeling better.

    Tina – Justin Timberlake! Wow bet that was a great concert.

    DebC – You always make me smile. I’m going to make a copy of the CD for my cousin when she gets out of rehab. Thanks again.

    Vickie & Madison – If it wasn’t for the squares, I would weight about 1000 pds right now. I’m crocheting to keep myself busy. I’m also so very glad they don’t have to be perfect, because I’d probably drop dead if I had 2 squares the same size! LOL

    Jan - hope surgery goes well for you!

    Anne - rest and hope you feel better.

    I’ve missed so many I'm going to go back and try to catch up.

    Hugs, Prayers and Love
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Susan, is everything ok? Glad that your knee is feeling better.

    Laura, it's taken you awhile but I'm glad you are seeing your marriage for what it is. I would change the locks.

    Mena, I can teach you to post pictures - look at the good job I did with Nicki. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the house sells quickly. I sent you Gina's address

    Vickie, I celebrate all my cancerversaries - date of dx, date of surgery, date chemo started, date chemo ended.

    Nicki, what's important is that you are trying to do something about your weight. I actallydid pretty good this weekend; went to dinner Friday night and split a dinner with hubby; tonight I had a crab louis salad for dinner instead of dipping my crab in butter. Of course, the In&Out burger I had today with 1/2 an order of fries probably wasn't the best thing to eat.

    MB, 30 one armed sideways? Yikes. What I need is my upper body toned, back fat, arms and upper stomach. Thanks to tram, lower stomach is flat. Is Health magazine better than Shape?

    Gina, I'm so glad you let your dad help you for a few days. You are Wonder Woman - I am not one to take meds but I did take the morphine or whatever was in my pain pump for the first few days. They sent me home with vicodin and other stuff but I was done. It was Extra Strength Tylenol for me.

    Brenda, glad to see you posting.

    Cheri, Madison, and Jan, good luck tomorrow.

    Sleep tight all.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Looks like the magic carpet will be flying fast and furious tomorrow. We have Cheri, Jan & madison that need us there! Mazer will kick anyone that doesn't treat you right!
    Mena, sorry you have to sell the house. Hopefully it will be over quickly for you and you can get a place of your own soon.

    NS please take it easy and I'd make a formal complaint about that so called nurse.

    Laura B, You should get that restraining order anyhow. That way you can change the locks without saying anything to him about it after you have it.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning cg's

    guess i shouldnt of have a nap after work yesterday~
    been tossing and turning all night... and someone cranked the heat up in the house.... well still 3.5 more hours to go then i really have to get up!! so maybe i will try again!
    hahah just wanted to beat nikki and vicki to there early morning post
    well see ya all in a few hours
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Well look who the sunshine girl is this morning! Good morning Tracey. went back to bed! Oh that doesn't count LOL!
    I had a great sunshine picture to post but photobucket isn't working this morning and it's dark outside!! So you all will have to live with Tracey, Nicki and I as your sunshine.
    Don't know who's driving the magic carpet but be sure to pick me up. Where in the world is Amy?
    Nicki...tweaking your did set your clock ahead didn't you? Its Monday! yuck. happy to see you! Can't wait to see the squares. Sounds like you need a vacation!
    Hi Margaret...hmmm...great minds think alike. Any reason to celebrate is reason enough for me.
    Sending warm hugs to Jan, Madison and Cheri today...we will all be with you and it looks like I will have to sneak out and "borrow" Mazer...that should bring Amy out and about in a hurry LOL. We will be holding your hands and waiting for good results.
    Gotta get ready for work,
    Love to all and sorry to all I missed. Hope everyone has a glorious day,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    woo hoo I got it
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Niiiicccckkkkiii...tweaking your toes sunshine. I brought the sun out for ya...time to wake up! The magic carpet is on it's way.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Ahahaha Vickie: You did beat me today. I changed every clock in this house except for my wrist watch! Good thing I got up to go to the bathroom and realized it was 5am instead of 4am. I was almost ready to go back to bed. Thanks for tweaking my toes.

    Oh my goodness and Tracey beat me too! I really am a sleepy head today.

    Cheri: I cant remember who is driving the magic carpet ride, but we will all be with you today. Distorted Humor has been fed, groomed and ready to take off.

    Susan: Pinkstock is gonna be fun. My husband has committed himself to going to. We figure we will drive there and catch some sights along the way. My SIL is very jealous about us going to Niagra Falls - we may live in a big city but we really have not seen the World. World? Geez, we havent even seen most of the USA.

    Jan: Oh my I almost forgot about your surgery today. Boy that hospital is gonna be surprized when they see all of us, a horse, and a donkey!


    I just hate it the day of surgery and I cant have my early dose of caffeine. Good luck!

    Denise: It sure sounds like you had fun at your get together yesterday. I couldnt wait for pictures, so I went to the MI thread. What great pictures of all of you. And your smile is so heartwarming. My hair is so much shorter than all of you. Guess thats cause I keep getting sick and tired of the growing out mode and cut it. Anyways - great pictures. I love being able to put a face to the name.

    Liz: I was getting worried about you. Glad to see you post. I think it takes longer cause the mail goes to my work address. Once it arrives there, it is distributed to our mail boxes. So who knows how long it was sitting at work before it got to me. It really did put a smile on my face. I still have it in my briefcase and play it for alot of people. Hope the swelling in your boob is nothing serious, but I would certainly go see the PS too.

    MargaretB: Well yesterday I did pretty good. Had 2 burgers we made at home without the buns. And got a bowl of black bean soup from Panera's. Didnt have wake up hungry and if I did, couldnt find anything anyways. I ate everything in this house on Friday and Saturday night!! So I guess I will start again from yesterday. Will come home and exercise again tonight after work. Its pretty bad when you go to a big mama store and still cant find anything to wear!! Gotta get rid of those wake up munchies.

    NS and Jan: I did want to mention that I had a bad experience with a nurse when I was in the hospital after my mast. Got really bad indigestion and she wouldnt do anything about it. I thought hmmm, you dont know who you are dealing with. So I called my doctor at his office, they put him on the phone pretty quick, and I told him this nurse was being mean to me. Sure got some Prevacid and mylanta pretty fast after that. Oh and for some reason, she then seemed to bend over backwards for me! So I looked at it like a war game. Crabby nurse = 0, Italian nurse who just had surgery = 1.

    Tracey: Ahahahah. Its like the old saying "your really have been be an early bird to get the worms." I think your tossing and turning for many reasons. I call them work willies. You have lots going on in your mind. Change jobs? Dont change jobs? Then add the hot flashes - that will kill any good nights sleep. So are you off Tuesday and Wednesday again? My belief has always been if ya have to work the week-end, then you should have the Friday before or the Monday after off. Oh Im just rambling here, hope you have a great day today.

    Im sort of anxious about going to work today. Im gonna have to face that coworker who was so nasty to me on Friday. I still cant get her words outta my head. "Listen Here Missy." Hmmm - got to do some strategic planning. I love the saying "It doesnt matter who is right or wrong, its who looks good in the end." I have lots of paper work to do this morning before I start driving about and that means time in the office with her! I would prefer no interaction at all, but if she gets on me, the administrator is just one phone call away.

    This is gonna be one crazy week here. The week of St. Patricks Day is upon us. My husband is booked all week I will be going with him to some of those pubs. Doing the Irish Jig, Italian style.

    So! Let the festivities begin.


    Have a great day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007've got more hair than me and bigger boobs LOL. Love the pink slippers.
    Good morning sunshine.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Vickie: The Sunshine Girls strike again!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Don't forget to pick me up on the magic carpet. I'm up and ready.

    It's going to be so nice here today, nicer than yesterday. Should be in the 70's today.

    Denise, I'll have to go check the pictures.

    Nicki, today is weigh in at WW. Maybe you need more protein at night so you don't wake up at night wanting to eat. Our topic today at WW is emotional eating. Hmmmmm, wonder if that's where I fit in, don't think so though. If I get upset, I don't eat.

    PurpleMB, HA - I did 30 one-armed wall pushups on each side last night!

    Cheri, Jan & Madison, we're coming.

    Enjoy the day all.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Sunshine?? Did somebody say sunshine? I love sunshine!!
    It's going to 90 degrees again today plus it's opening game day for my 13 year old. Feels like summer!! Lovin' it! 'cept the beer is green!?

    Love to all,

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,

    It is going to be 55 degrees in NH today! Woohoo! I always have a terrible time during February, and I think that the warmer weather and time change should help my mood considerably.

    Just have to share a little bit of good news about my son. His kindergarten class is doing a play, and he asked his teacher if he could play one of the lead roles. It wouldn't be a big deal with most kids, but part of his asperger's is that he has extremely high levels of anxiety and that he is unwilling to try anything that isn't familiar. He told me that he's a little nervous, but he really wants to try it. I'll probably sob while I'm watching him perform.

    Sending hugs and positive thoughts to Cheri, Jan and Madison today.

    Nicki, You'll have to show me how to do the jig Italian style at Pinkstock! With a few drinks in me, my dancing always gets a bit more adventurous!

    NS, I can only imagine how frustrating it is to have all of these complications and to have developed LE in your other arm too. I'm praying for good results about your lymph nodes -- I had several nodes positive when I was diagnosed, but I know that they did their job. I just think of the nodes as a wagon circle that surrounded the cancer cells and stopped them in their tracks.

    DebC, Remind me not to make you mad...fleas of a thousand camels, huh?

    Denise and Anne, I saw the pics on the Get Togethers thread, and it looks like you guys had a great time! It makes me even more excited to see everyone at Pinkstock.

    Mena, Sorry that you have to sell the house. I just had a conversation with a friend about burying St. Joseph, but neither of us could remember whether he should be buried face up on face down.

    Susan, hope that your knee is healing well. You are such a sweetheart for going to Cheri's appointment with her! Everyone needs a friend like you!

    Sorry that I have missed many of you. I have a class at 9:00am, though, and I need to go set up my Powerpoint presentation!

    Hugs and love to all,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Good morning. Just poping in to read and catch up on all of you.I'll be waiting for the carpet ride. Good luck to all who are having procedures today.You are in my prayers.I am feeling pretty upbeat today so I am going out. I called a friend who just lost her job too and we are going shopping!It's suppose to go up to 70 by wednesday. Spring is almost here Yeah.Take care everyone and thank you all for being there when I need someone to understand what I am feeling. It is like ridding a roller coaster and you can't get off.

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited March 2007
    This time change is killing me - can't get my eyes open!!!

    Oh, Margaret, I haven't weighed in in 2 weeks. Unfortunately when I get as tired as I have from the hours I have been working - I eat. I think my body says "give me energy" I need to really get back on the program.

    Cheri, Jan, Madison - I haven't read back and I don't know what is going on with Jan or Madison but will be there with you guys - flogging anyone who isn't nice to you. My tongue has been kind of sharp - product of working to many hours.

    Yes, we have sunshine and more warm temps today too!!! Yeah. Also found out that about 2-3 weeks ago in the NC mountains they did have a very bad storm - lots of lightening. Hope that is what happened to our pump and we will only have a deductible to pay - Please Lord.

    Nicki, pictures are funny!!!!!

    Everyone, hope your Monday is a start to a good week.

    Gina, hope you rested well and today is a better day. Love ya!!!

    Ok, time to put on our sunshine faces and move forward -
    Will try to check back and see how things went for Cheri, Jan and Madison later.

    Hugs, Brenda
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All, love the sunshine and Nicki your lady looks awfully familiar (except this morning I forgot to put on perfume!!!!)

    Joyce, Brenda, Tracey, Sue, Lini, Margaret-- Good Morning.

    Don't have very much time this morning..US scheduled for 10:00.

    Where is Amy? I am worried...has anyone heard from her this weekend?

    Have a good Monday morning all CG's...I hope to be able to check back in this afternoon
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Madison, Jan & Cheri...We're in the back of the rooms with you. Rubbing your heads to sleep and taking away the pain. When we all feel your pain, that makes it less for you.

    LauraB and Robin...same for you sisters.

    Isn't this thread amazing??? Where else can sisters from around the world stay so close without evening meeting everyone!! Hopefully we will at Pinkstock.

    There isn't anything we can't do if we stay togeather.

    We have proof. Look how strong some of our sisters are getting.

    I love and need you all so much and even though (thanks to my lousy home computer)I don't post all the time. I would be lost without you all.!!!

    Love to all xoxo
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Gm all....
    HEHEHEEHe move your feet further away from the wall....keep up the great work.....
    Ok remember NO telling us if your temp is above freezing, its still cold here, yes we had sun but its still cold....
    Lini...walking in the sun...hmmm I can only
    Ok not much time but
    I must get my fix of the boards, and I even sneak in on the weekends now....
    Ive packed the foil lunches for the fire and have banana boats for dessert, oh yeah they are calorie
    so I'll see you all later...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. I had to check in cos I needed my fix. Thank you all for the encouragement and kind words. I'm a little shaky this morning but I have faith it's all going to be fine. Thank you for holding my hand Vickie. I am a big baby when it comes to the really scary stuff. lol Susan has a dr. appt. too this morning but she's going to call my cell when she's fininshed and if the timing is right and we'll have lunch. Amber's going with me so I don't have to go alone. Plus, I'll have you all there with me. That's means alot.

    Good luck to Jan & Madison today too. Hope all goes well with you.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls

    Well, home from NH (I'm getting a little tired of saying that, we only have one more weekend and I think we're both glad, as fun as it's been!)

    I have a cold, feel like crap. Wah!

    Brenda - good to see you!

    Nicki - funny and gross pictures (2 of my favorite adjectives!) LOL

    Vicki - I saw a post where you were thanking me and saying Nathaniel will be excited. I think your comment was probably meant for someone else, especially as I think it had to do with the squares, and I don't know how to do anything crafty! Anyway, just wanted to let you know that it's not me!

    Whoops! Off to my son's school for a meeting. I got an appt with a child therapist for Warren this Thursday. She sounds really nice, and I'll go with him and do the talking this first time. I'm hoping it helps both of us...

    Many thanks to you all for being there for me. Will write a longer, better, note tonight or tomorrow.

    Cheri, Vicki, (((G))), Mena (yes, you bury the statue upside down in your yard!), Nicki, Denise, Anne, Christine, Susan, Sherndon, Shirley, Madison, Robin, DebC, Lisa, PurpleMB, Tracey, every single one of you xoxoxoxo
  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    Want all of those that are having procedures done today to know that Im with you in my thoughts and heart.....

    To everyone else: you have all been sooooo busy...its hard to read and catch up!!!!!but you are a great bunch of woman and Im happy that I found you...

    It was really nice here over the weekend so loaded the 4-wheelers and took my 13 yr old nephew to the mountains to play in the mud and snow....was a blast!!!!!

    Gotta get some work done so will read and post more later.
    Hugs to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Heehee...meant CY...

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning all! I am here and my weekends are full so I don’t usually even turn on my computer. Don't worry about me not posting on the weekends,,I am building fences and hauling hay and all that kind of fun stuff.

    Wow-it sucks not to read all weekend cause then come Monday morning you feel as if you are totally behind with everyone.

    Mazer was up and raring to go this morning and I heard the magic carpet motor revving up so I knew I had to hurry and jump on or she would leave me. She felt she should be the driver today since Madison sent her very own pilots hat. I keep telling her it’s a visor but she insists on it being a pilot’s hat. I was able to snap a few pics of her this morning wearing it so as soon as I can get the time to load them on I will do so and post for all to see. She’s a cutie!

    OK it’s hot here. Upper 70's yesterday and I was sweating! YUCK! Have I ever told you all that I hate summer? Its only March and it should not be this warm. My son wore shorts to school last week and will be this week so he is enjoying that part.

    Nicki-I resemble that picture that you posted this morning except my hair doesn’t look that nice when I wake up and my feet are usually shuffling along to get into the shower.

    Deb-Congrats on the pink stock reservations! I know you are excited. I am still working in my mind about how to accomplish it. What are your dates that you have?

    Vickie-glad you mentioned baby Derrick. I have been thinking about him. I know that is hard for Nathaniel to understand.

    Shirley-Soooooooooooo,,what kind of tattoo did the hubby get? I have one and would love to have another but I dunno. I like for mine to be hidden if I want it to be so that limits me on where I can get one. It is a thought though. Sorry you still aren’t feeling well.

    Mena-woohoo-2 post from the menster!!! You go girl. Like others have said when one door closes another one opens and it will happen for you also. You are too good of a girl for it to not work out. Hopefully the right person will come along and be looking for your specific house. Thinking of you though.

    Biker-you gave me a perfect visual of you sleeping with your mouth wide open. It gave me a smile. I snore but don’t like to admit it.

    Spartan-Bearlysane-glad to see you posting. I know I wouldn’t be sane if I was a retired teacher, that’s for sure. If you ever drop back to Alabama don’t forget to look me up.

    Sherndon-speaking of looking up-Do you still have my phone number from you being here before? Maybe we can meet up in April-Speaking of where the heck is Vera? I have waved starbucks a few times and even that didn’t bring her out.

    NS-Wow happy to see you posting. Don’t over do it though ms independent one. Can’t say that I blame you though because I would be doing the same thing. I also don’t do pain meds. Can’t stand the feeling and they make me itch all over. Hopefully each day it will get a little better for you. Mazer said sorry about the chocolate fountain incident and she hopes she didn’t embarrass you too bad. I bet that nurse has a sore butt though from that swift kick she gave her.

    Shokk-have fun in Chicago. When are you going?

    Christine-you were going to San Francisco weren’t you? Are you back or when are you going? Sounds like fun.

    Tgirl-yep small world around here and the closeness is amazing.

    Margaret-At least you only have ½ of the fries and not the whole thing. Right?

    MB-Sounds like a good magazine and will have to check into it. Is it monthly?

    Oh my, I am going blank and I know there are many I have left out. Thinking of you all.

    Will get those pics of Mazer posted soon though. Promise!

    Ok did the grammar check and I wrote this on a 4th grade level. I’m a smart one!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,

    The pelvic ultrasound was done early ('cause I checked in early). This full bladder requirement was one thing I did not like... The radiologist finished the two ultrasounds and said everything looks okay. She will submit her report to my doctor, but I don't think there will be any change from what she verbally has told me.

    Jan and Cheri, good luck. Mazer can be very loud and you absolutely have to have some chocolate to keep her happy.

    Amy, HELLO!! I knew Mazer would love her hat....a pilot's hat it can be!!!
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Hi everyone,

    I'm not even going to try and catch up. I'm here at work and still don't have access at home. The guy came and did everything, but now my laptop is so slow. It took me 25 minutes to get a 1MB file downloaded. Everytime I tried to get on this site it would only load half the page.

    DH thinks I need a new laptop, but it's less than a year old. I think Comcast didn't set mine up right. So I'm getting our work IT guy to come over sometime this week and check it out.

    Meanwhile, I'm still out of commission. Hopefully, I'll be back with everyone soon.

    Big hugs to you all. I miss you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    happy dance for Madison!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls. My tests came out good! So I'm alright. Thank you all sooo much for the prayers & being there for me today. I'm exhausted so I'm going to take a little nap. I'll be back to post more later. Thanks again. Oh Happy Day!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    omg vickie rotflmao.......... hahahahahah

    well i am just seeing if this picture is working......


    and this one!!!!!!!!!

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    OMG Vicki,
    That pic is just toooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!

    Congrads Madison, happy to hear things are ok with you
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Here is the happy dance for you...I just talked to your DD Amber...tell her thanks again for sharing your good news...oh thank God