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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Tracey...those are really pretty pictures! Soothing...I need them for my background on my desktop!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    YAY!!! Cheri. Get some rest and visit later.

    I just made coffee at the office because my eyelids don't want to stay open...Maybe caffine will help me get through the rest of the day.

    Jan, how are you?

    Amy, Mazer and Distorted Humor have been very busy today. They may need some treats this afternoon. Mazer absolutely deserves extra hay. I think Distorted Humor liked Mazer's hat!!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007

    congratulations to madison and cheri.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    thats wonderful news to cheri and madison!!!!!!!!
    i will celebrate tonight... heheheh its my friday!!!!!

    one more pic i love this one!!!!!!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    I love hearing good news! I'm so relieved for you, Madison and Cheri.

    You both should go celebrate -- it's 5:00 somewhere!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    What fantastic pics everyone!! Glad to hear the good news Madison and Cheri..

    You easterners get a jump start every day before we west coasters are up and running.

    Gus, My husband went to Dartmouth College in NH and we are going back in June for his 45th college reunion..we love it there!! What a beautiful State, New Hampshire!!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007

    Madison and Cheri-Great news!!! I am so happy for you both.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    I am so glad to hear the tests are clear! Madison and Cheri- YAY!

    I have my wrappings off again so I am doing the forbidden typing...

    I took a look at myself today and do you know that they really did save the skin with this skin sparing mast? My scar from my first cancer is in the exact same spot it used to be. I look pretty weird and have a hard time changing these drains- they make me want to faint. Plus changing the dressings is harder than I thought it would be too!

    I am praying that the left side drains come out tomorrow when I see the ps. There is no way the right will, still draining and it is mostly blood.

    An old friend called me and said she was always jealous that I had "only a lumpectomy" when I was dx'd, because she had a bilateral at her dx. I told her that I am the one jealous of HER. Because if I had a bilateral at dx I wouldn'tbe in this mess!

    just an idea- but girls, do you think it is possible I had the spread to the nodes because of the long wait between the core and the actual surgery?

    Love you- gotta go wrap now.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Hello girls,

    Wooohooo go Cheri--Mazer behaved also the whole time. I think she was afraid I would take the hat away. Ok pics as promised...

    Mazer says its 5:00 somewhere.....Its Miller time!

    ok below is the hat pictures...Shes a cutie even if she is mine!


    Wow busy day flying about. I wonder if Mazer will ever take her "pilots" hat off?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Yoohoo Auntie Cheryl...CY...Nathaniel got your present in the mail and he is one very very happy boy! He thought it would be more squares until I showed him his name on the package!
    You are a couldn't have picked anything better for my little cowboy! He even had to go get one of his many cowboy hats to put on for the pictures. He and I both send you a great big THANK YOU!!!
    You made his day very special.
    Love and hugs from Vickie and Nathaniel (he's writing you a letter now!...he's soo funny. He says he can use it on the couch in the living room cuz it matches!!!)
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    We're always talking about listening to our gut. I found this interesting:
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Hello Everyone: It was a glorious day here in Chicago. I didnt even wear a coat. I just love it. My favorite time of the year. I hope you all had a nice day.

    NS: Its so good to see you again. Your sounding better. I hope you get those drains out tomorrow, at least one of them. I guess I was lucky, the PS saw me 6 days after the surgery, took out both drains, and took off the dressing. Man oh man that felt so good. Better to leave the drain in if its draining more than 30cc in 24 hours.

    OK - so this is JMO! No I dont think it got to the sentinel node from the core to the surgery. You said there was lobular involved and lobular is very, very sneaky. Sometimes it doesnt show up on mammogram, ultrasound, or breast exam. So I think it was there long enough to reach the sentinel node. And Im thinking the sentinel node did its job. Im hoping the rest of the nodes are negative. This is a tough wait for you. Once you get that path report, you will then really get in the fighting mode. Almost a relief I would say, cause then you will really know what your fighting. I thought about you all day today!

    MargaretB: Im not an emotional eater either. Im just like you, if I get upset Im not hungry. I do fine all day. Eat small proteins throughout the day. I think we eat dinner to early for one. And what can I say "munchies" - thats my downfall. Wakeup hungry! Im eating proteins cause of south beach. But Im consuming way too many calories at night. I really only started exercising about one week ago. Before that, I was very sedentary. I was thinking today maybe I should exercise twice. Once before work and once when I come home. But then that will take away ALL my computer time.

    Lini: If it was 90 degree's here, I would be swimming! But Im gonna savor Spring and wait before I say I cant wait till summer. My crocus just started sprouting Saturday. I have to enjoy this.

    Gus/Sue: I love your new avatar! Your hair looks just like mine. Thats sorta the hair style I just had last week. I remember reading about "asperger's" when you first talked about it, so that is really exciting about your son. That story made me smile. I have become quite good at doing the jig, Italian style. Hmmmm lets see, I started doing this with my husband 30 years ago! St. Patty's Day is a big deal in this household.

    Joyce: Out shopping with a friend on a warm Spring day. What could be better.

    Brenda: Oh Im gonna pray really hard that it's from the storm and you only have to pay the deductable. You sound tired, I hope thinks slow down a bit for you.

    Ok! My time is running out and I still have so much to say. Even took notes.

    Madison and Cheri - Im doing a happy dance too!


    Jan: Here hopig the surgery went well and you safetly tucked in bed at home now.

    T-girl: Its always good to see you. Hope your home computer gets fixed really fast.

    Jule: Played in the mud and snow, I love it.

    Colleen: Im so glad Warren's gonna see a child therapist, and I think its gonna help you too.

    Vickie, MB, Cheri, Amy, and Betty - Ill catch up with you in the morning.

    Time for dinner. Hope you all have a great evening,.


    See ya in the morning

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    That's a pretty cool blankie that Nathaniel has there.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    We're not supposed to talk good weather because PurpleMB gets jealous, BUT since you mentioned it... It is 91 beautiful degrees at 2:43 pm in sunny so Cal. I can see the mountains and it's beautiful!! Larli larli lar lar!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    um...I'm a bit jealous too...geez 91 degrees! I could take that right about now. Just imagining sitting on my porch in my hammock chairs, soaking up the sun and watching the flowers bloom. Lini is a braaaatttt...LOL...just ya girlie.
    NS...LE in both arms...oh my. Your dx is almost exactly the same as mine. I'm ok and still here!! If you have any questions pm me or call...I think you have my number and if not let me know and I'll send it to you. I have unlimited long distance so I can call you back.
    It sure is a pretty cool blanket and he's pretty thrilled! Just what he needed to take his mind of Derrick for a while...he's curled up on the couch with it now watching cartoons. First words out of his mouth when I picked him up today was "Can we go get baby Derrick yet?"...geez.
    Gotta check out Lini's link...I'll be back after dinner.
    Love and hugs to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Great article Lini and actually applies to me...gut instinct told me I had breast cancer.
    On a sad note. One of our former housekeepers died of breast cancer Saturday night. We were all shocked as no one even knew. She quit working in July of last year saying she needed to take care of her mother. Well her husband died five years ago and she discovered the cancer four years ago and decided against any treatment. She wanted to be with her husband. She was only very sad.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007
    XOXOXO To all CG'S!!!!!! NS, I Believe in You!!! very happy for all the good news for You that have received It!!! Sweet Mena, My heart breaks for You!! I will give you a call! Nicki, " You Sooo Funny!" talk about Bad Dreams glad we don't have mithels anymore!!!! Love you all!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi ladies...
    well i am throwing another log on the fire ,,, for those who are in the medic tent... snuggle up!!!!!!


    still a tad chilly here!!!!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Hi Ladies,

    Gina - so nice to hear from you. Now stop typing and go rest! :-) Seriously, do be a good circle girl and do what the docs told you to do and take it easy. They really do have our best interests at heart, even if it's tough to acknowledge for a independent lady like yourself.

    All - Adrionna asked me to post some pictures for her over on the MI Get Togethers thread. You can see them there if you'd like.

    I had my appointment with the rads onc today and am still processing the news she had for me. Hopefully I'll get my little brain wrapped around it and be back later, but I wanted to let you and Denise know I got her pictures up.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    Vickie, I'm glad Nathaniel likes the blanket. I just thought he deserved something special and when I saw that material it had his name all over it. I have some material that I hope to do a smaller one for Derrick but I have to get my grandson's done first. After I do taxes!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    Lini..I will echo how nice the weather is here in Southern California...San Diego is perfect today...
    We played tennis in shorts and still worked up quite a "glow"...
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    70 degrees here today and s'pose to be 80 tomorrow! Woo Hoo!
    Glad that Madiaon and Cheri are thru and on the other side of today. Madison, when I had a pelvic US, the tech told me, my ovaries look like a 70 yo woman's! It made me feel all shriveled up and dried out. I guess the tamox and now aromasin are doing there jobs.

    Enjoy some sunshine, time to get grillin'!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I took notes a few hours ago and I know they are outdated already!
    Did want to pop in and say "HURRAY" to Cheri and Madison!! Anybody hear from Jan yet?

    Nathaniel's Blanket is so cute..and he's a cutie little cowboy himself!

    Nicki: Fat...I did the same thing last week. Nothing worse than trying on outfit after outfit. I either look like I'm squeezing into something that looks like............forgive me, but "Camel Toe", or go bigger and look like I'm Hiding my body. (which I am!!)
    Phones ringing, I'll be back!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Ok ladies...enough already about the weather. I can't afford to move LOL! have no idea how thrilled he is!
    Anne...when are you starting the rads. It isn't nearly as bad as everything else. It seems like a long time but it goes really fast. Did you post pics somewhere? Can't seem to find them.
    Cheri and Madison...still doin the happy dance for your good news today.
    Jan...hope you are feeling ok...gentle hugs to you.
    I gotta tell you...this time change has me wiped out! Totally so I'm grabbing my crochet and heading to bed.
    Know that I love you all sweet sisters
    See you all in the morning
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007

    LOL! I spit out my drink when I read "Camel Toe"! Now I have to suck the wine out of my keyboard!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Sorry, that was my AZ son on the phone! Complaining cuz it's to hot! Gotta love em!

    Liz: I do hope your cousin continues and does well . How's your Mom doing? And you, my dear, should probably have the swelling Boob looked at. (I love it when I give advice!)

    Vickie: What a Cute little Sweet Dream Angel you posted last night! And the Happy Dance was just that! Made me laugh!

    Madison: Yea on the Komen Walk! This June will be my 4th one! So glad your test were good!!

    Susan: How's the torture team doing? Are you feeling better?

    NS: So good to hear from you! Do you still have help coming in or are you totally solo now? Don't overdue, pamper yourself!

    Nicki: Your pics are to Funny! You are the Queen of Pics, that's for sure! How'd you do with the Witchey co-worker today? Just remember the word "whatever" and what it really means!!

    Sue/Gus: I'm so glad your Son actually wanted to take the lead in the play! That's wonderful. Let us know how it went!

    Margaret: You peaked at the Crazy Pictures from Saturday?!
    Quite flattering, eh? Sphynx has me scared, as she hasn't even looked at the ones she took yet!! We did have a good time....and believe it or not, I was just drinking Ice Tea!

    I've missed many, but have to go. Love and Hugs to all!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Sorry Gus(Sue),
    I actually just learned what that meant a couple years ago! Adult Kids teach you so many nice things!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oh yea, there are pictures posted of our luncheon Saturday. If I can make one thing clear.........I think everyones camera was on the blitz. I really am quite a sophisticated Blonde!
    Okay, Maybe not to sophisticated....but I have $84.00 telling me that my blonde highlights will be alot blonder on Monday!!
    Maybe I'll post a "real" picture of me on a not so "real" body!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    hello dear friends. Oops to me. I could swear I posted a good morning note. But apparently got sidetracked somewhere along the way. Have an odd question. Has anyone had the surgical glue used for incisions? All 4 of my gb incisions plus my last lump incision got the glue and today all of them have an itchy bumpy rash around them. Looks like tiny red blisters. Very odd. Not on the scars but around them?? I swear to goodness if it's not one thing it's another. The surgeon is gonna start thinking I'm a crazy person.
    Still feeling icky from this tummy bug. Hubby has joined me in the outhouse. He is annoyed to say the least. Poor guy had to go to work today.

    Denise and Anne, can't wait to see the pics. Onward to page 303

    Vicki, sweet dreams to you too. Tho that beautiful angel was from yesterday.

    NS, hugs hugs hugs. Not much else to say. You are ever in my thoughts

    Jan, praying for you today. Hoping to see an update before I get to the end of the posts.
    Looking for update from Cheri too.

    Liz Liz Liz. you stay gone to long my friend. You crochet to keep busy???? O my gosh, when do you have a free second. Me on the other hand has barely got off the couch in two weeks. hugs to you my dear. Hang in there.

    Mena I am sorry you have to sell your house. That just sucks. Great big squishy bug hugs for you.

    Margaret, I did 20 wall push ups on saturday just for the heck of it. On sunday thought my arms were gonna fall off. Dang I need to get back to working out. MB is CRAZY if she thinks I'm doing em one armed.
    78 here in the mountains today.

    I missed something. Whats going on with Madison today?

    Tracey, someone cranked up the heat? O my gosh, hunt them down and hurt them. Hubby hiked ours up to 72 the other day. I almost killed him. Goodness gracious people, get a damn sweater. We are melting over here.

    Nicki, hahahahhahhah that woman stole my legs. Daughter and I are hatching a plan for a road trip. Thinking we might take two weeks and tour a bit before and after Pinkstock. Now just have to convince the men folk. And find someone to take care of the kidlets for two weeks.

    Amy can't wait to see Mazer in her hat. Bet she looks FABULOUS!!!
    Hubby just got an addition to one that he's been working on for a couple of years. He took pics of course so I will grab them and let you peek. Looks pretty good. I like tats on other people. The thought of a hundreds of needle pokes injecting ink into my skin gives me the willies.

    There you are Madison. U/S? Glad it went well.

    That is scary beyond words.

    Yehaw Cheri. Dancing with that goofy guy from the last page.
    O look there he is again. Guess he's better than the rubber guys.

    Awwwwww Mazer is just to pickin cute.
    So is Nathaniel. Quite the fancy blankie too.

    Nicki, put a bowl of baby carrots and some water next to your bed. That might help with the night time munchies.

    Tracey, put that darn fire out. I'm melting over here.

    Anne, anxiously waiting to hear what needs brain wrapping.

    1 hour 45 minutes and 3 potty breaks later....all done for now. Hugs to everyone not mentioned. I love you all to bits.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Okay, not rubbing it in anymore. It's kinda scary. It's 5:25pm and it's still 90 degrees, and it's only March, not even spring yet.