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  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Cheri and Madison--yeah!!!! I must have missed, did NS get her pathology report? I'm a little confused.

    Anne, you are in the center of our circle, feel our hugs and prayers.

    Only a minute here, so have a wonderful day.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Deb - I don't know how to knit, so I didn't knit a square in that afghan either, but I'm so happy that you have it. You are so inspirational, and I know that all the hard work that those lovely ladies put into that afghan will cover you with love. I must listen to your CD at least once daily. I don't feel quite right if I don't get my Power songs in. It truly empowers me, gives me hope, and links me to a wonderful circle of women. Thank you again.

    Shel's back!!! Never the same without you. Glad things are going well.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Dear CGs!
    I'm sorry I didn't post last night, but I hit the sack early! Anyhoo, the surgery went very well, no problems with anesthesia, etc. My nurses were great, as always. I need to send NS my nurses from St. Lukes Hospital in Bethlehem PA. They are the BEST!

    My ps thought that I had fluid around the implant, like before, but it turned out to be scar tissue. He cut it away, lowered the pocket a little (they were lop-sided) and injected some cortisone in the pocket to help prevent mmore scarring. He told me that the cotisone would probably delay healing by about 2 weeks and raise my risk of infection. He put me on Duracef for 2 weeks to prevent that. I feel unbelievably good today. I got a script for Vicodin, but never needed it. Not much swelling either. I must tell you a weird story. My DIL just got certified in Reiki. We were over there the day before surgery and she offered to give me healing energy. I said ok, since I'll try anything once . You know what they say, It only seems kinky the first time! Anyway, at the end I felt really relaxed, like I could go take a nap. But yesterday, I woke right up from the anesthesia and never took anymore meds after I got home. Only a couple of Advil in case I got sore at night. I woke up today almost painfree. Like I said, weird!

    Thank all of you for being with me yesterday. I knew you were there because my blood pressure was normal and I felt your calming influence! I hope Mazer and Distorted Humor didn't fight over the cinnamon rolls I gave them. They both get extra carrots! Mazer's hat is adorable! Nobody was mean to me after taking one look at those two. Fists up!!

    I'm going to continue this on the next post, so I don't lose this one......
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Glad things went well for you Jan. I always say weird is good, anything else is boring.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Ok, continuation....

    Tried to catch up a little and took illegible notes, so here goes.

    Cheri, hurray for good test results!!! That is fabulous news!

    Nicki, good job with the crabby nurse. Some people just need a good tattlin'. I'm sure you look better in the end. My DH always tells me to be the better person, although on the inside, I'm a screamin' mimmie! Thanks for letting Distorted Humor come visit me. He and Mazer were very well behaved.

    Amy, I love the pics of Mazer in her new hat!! How cute. She was so good yesterday. She didn't even get near the chocolate fountain. You must have given her a good talkin' to . You have a tattoo? I have 4 and I want to get at least 2 more. I want to do something to celebrate my survival, but not a pink ribbon. I was thinking more like a pink flower. I'll know it when I see it. Ha! What good is a biker with no tattoos????

    Madison, I hope you get good results from your US. I never had one of those. People have told me about the full bladder thing, and I just can't imagine how uncomfortable that is. Ugh!!

    Vicki, that happy dance was one of the funniest things I have ever seen ! How cute is Nathanial with his new hat and blanket?

    NS, glad you are posting, but remember to get your rest! I don't think your cancer spead because you waited. It wasn't that long! You will be fine.

    Denise, thank God I wasn't drinking something when I saw your post! Camel Toe!!! Pffffftttt!!!

    Shirley, I just got the surgical glue for the first time yesterday. So far so good. My skin reacts big time to tape and steri strips. I guess we will see how it goes. Hope you are feeling better!

    Deb, how wonderful that you got an afgan!!! I, like some others, can't crochet, but I am with them in spirit. You really deserve it. You are a loving, giving person, who brings great joy to this site!

    Anne, suspicious spots?? If nobody said anything to you before, I would try not to worry. It is probably arthritis. Unfortunately, it happens to the best of us .

    Shel,, good to have you back from the Keys! Are you stil planning on moving there? It is beautiful there.

    Sue/Gus, love the new avatar! You are a beautiful woman, dammit!

    Brenda, I'm always afraid to weigh myself after a shower. I always think the water will be absorbed into my skin and make me heavier. I weigh myself when I get up, after I pee of course.

    Sorry for those I missed. Like I said, I took lousy notes. Thank you for all of your good wishes and healing vibes yesterday. Love to all, Susan, Colleen, Tracey, Lisa, Lini, Margaret, Jeannie, Laura, RobinTN, Joyce, LauraB, Theresa, Tina, Liz and anyone else I missed.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Lini, Thanks! I second that. You have to keep an open mind. Although mine is usually open to all the wacky things! Hey, it makes life interesting .
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning dear CG's

    Anne-sorry you are having to do the waiting game. We all hate waiting. A scan will show everything though and that is why some doctors dont do scans as often because of the false things that come up. I panicked not long ago when mine came up with something on my lungs but further testing showed absolutely nothing. I understand you wanting to go to the woods. That is my favorite place. Just sit back, relax and listen to the sounds of nature. Awwwww, peaceful.

    Nicki-Good job on the exercising. I did wall push ups yesterday also believe it or not. I agree with you on the secret of losing weight also I just cant figure it out. Heck, I am active, very active but the pounds just keep climbing on me. I am journaling this week though and writing down everything that passes my lips. Shirley gave you a great idea with the carrots but I dont have wake up hunger at all. I sleep soundly.

    Shirley-I have had the glue stuff and no problems but it would make sense that your skin could react to it. Gosh, its always something isnt it? You have had surgery so dont beat yourself up that you have been laying around missy. You deserve to be.

    Margaret-congrats on the weight loss. 1.6 is good. Men always lose faster than women so dont let that get to you. Men can just think about losing and drop 10.

    Lini-glad to see you posting along and that things are going well for you.

    Brenda-I like to weigh after my shower also. Not that I sleep dirty or anything but for some reason it makes me feel lighter to weigh then. Crazy, huh?

    Biker-glad things went well for you yesterday and that you didnt have any anethesia problems. Hope you heal speediley. (new word)

    newvickie-nathaniel is a cutie. Better watch him when he gets older. cute, cleans, thoughtful. Everybody will be after him.

    Deb-isnt the blankets wonderful?!? I love mine and cuddled up with it last night with my windows open and the 60 degree breeze blowing in. Not to mention it was upper 70's yesterday.

    NS-hope you are relaxing and letting things heal like they should. Dont over do it missy or the posse will be after you.

    Gus-Sue-love the new pic of you.

    Karen-share with us when you feel ready but sending a big hug to Denver for you.

    Shel-welcome back. we missed you!

    Sherndon-hope your school day is going well today. Noticed you dropped in for a quick second.

    Oh geesh, I am going blank. I really need to make a list with everybodies name on it.

    Gotta run but I shall return.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning cg's

    well its finally a beautiful spring day here!!!...... only muddy... holycow we are going to have huge run off this year!
    well i think i am going to turn the other job down!!!!.... i have talked with this girl that used to be the manager there and its not so pretty!!! i think it would be a huge mistake for my career!!!
    well i feel so good today finally a good day!!!!
    thinking of going for a walk in the forest... anyone care to join me???? here is what we will see.....


    have a great day ladies.......... bbl

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Ok sound like you feel great so here is the happy dance just for you!

    Amy...the girls are already after him and he's only eight!! It's his big brown eyes too.
    OT...I got a letter from school and Nathaniel is going to be in the Hall of Fame!! woohoo (brag brag)...I don't know what for and won't know until the ceremony so I'll have to let you know. He's been in every year so far. In kindergarten it was for being a good bus rider, first grade for being caring and compassionate and another for excellance in reading, and now another one! I'm sooo proud.
    Love and hug all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Wow vickie thats something to be excited about.


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Tracey that probably a good decision. Just concentrate on finishing your studies right now. The job that's right for you will be there when you finish. By the way, that's not a waterfall that's a raging torrent!

    Woohoo Vickie. That is great about Nathaniel. How lucky he is to have you. Kudos on the high marks in reading....I've always believed that being able to read and comprehend well is the key.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Good day girls...
    Anne...This "condition" as my onc calls it is just so annoying and very cold to hear this news. are kicking a** with your new pictures!

    Mena...Just call and I'll coming running up.

    Puppy...great to hear from you. Been missing your posts.

    NS...Life just keeps kicking us in the pants doesn't it?
    I had one side mast and really wish I had done both to get it out of my head for the future. If I have to do the other one, I don't think my family will survive.

    Vicki...Nathan looks so adorable in his new getup!! He's an UN offical member of the wagon girls. Matthew Mc is my offical cabin boy.

    Shel I can't sleep with all of your partying with Buffet and everyone from the keys you've brought!!

    I think I'm going to have to step it up and buy a new tower and software for my home. It's just way, way too contaminated with junk and so slow. Boots me out every 30 seconds.

    Love to all today and may our days bring NO more new rain only sunshine. xoxo
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Ooooohhh Vickie, thank you for my very own happy dance!!!!

    You will have to watch out for Nathanial and all those girls who for sure will be after him! He is absolutely adorable. Add in the "chore boy" factor and we have a winner!! You are raising him right. He will make a wonderful husband for some lucky girl someday! You should be very proud.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning "sunshine girls" I am so relieved that Madison, Cheri, and Jan everything turned out so well.....Anne I am so sorry you are so scared right now...when I think of the beast now I feel like we have terrioist cells living in our bodies and we never know when one is going to blow himself are still undergoing treatment being triple neg if and I say if there was anything else going on the chemo will more than likely take care of it......triple neg hates chemo its very fast growing but not very everyone has said it probably is arthruitis....NS don't let the beast mess with your stayed on top of your health like no one I have ever seen.......there was nothing that you could have done even bi-lat to begin with the first time....remember there is no way to get all your breast tissue even with a full mass. You did and are continuing to do everything you can to send the beast to hell.....once you get your game plan and start treatment you will feel better and stronger...........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Ladies. I'll be back.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    whew Tracey..that picture made me so dizzy I d#mn near fell out of my chair! Don't think I'd dare take a walk with you there as Cheri would probably push me in LOL!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Ok girls well Satuarday night my daughter and I were in my bedroom and I heard a couple of "popping noises" I figured it was one of the dogs trying to get the cat's food (the cats hate that)and I realized that both dogs were laying right beside me on the floor....anyway I smelled something burning and I jumped up and ran (waddled because my knees kill me damn neulestra shots) and my monitor is on FIRE oh my gosh!!!!!!!! I flip off the power strip, the living room is filled with smoke my daughter is right behide me or I probably would have just burst into tears, I was trying to stay calm....I grap the fire extr. that was in the kitchen and put out the small fire out and I 'm thinking it probably has fired my whole computer....... I don't even have the money to buy a new computer...anyway yesterday I went to wally world and bought a new monitor and set it up last night praying that the computer would work and sure enough it really scared the (excuse my language) holy crap out if me.......later when my daughter went to bed I did start is one of the few times in the last couple of yrs that I miss my ex......I had been married so long and to tell you ladies the truth I have been loving not having anyone telling me what to do..........but in emergency situations geezzzzzzzz.....anyway I am back......I missed ya'll the last couple of days...............

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Hummm.....Where'd ya go Shirley? To the outhouse???
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Oh Shokk, Thank God you and your DD were not hurt!!! How scary! My DH always turns off and unplugs the computer when we are done. I always thought he was being anal, but after your story......Jeez!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Jan as "God is my witness" I will never leave the computer on when I'm not using it..........

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    yes jas i agree with you on that....thanks for being supportive

    here is a littler waterfall for jasmine and vickie..... hehehehehe


    there thats better eh???

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    Sorry I've been MIA for awhile. Life is interfering with my board time! Haven't read back but just skimmed through a bit.
    Anne - Many hugs to you. I am so sorry you are dealing with this scare. It's going to be ok. Sneak into the middle of the circle where it is warm, not out into the cold woods.
    NS - Hope each day is getting a little better for you. Be gentle with yourself and please smash the "what ifs".
    Vickie - that happy dance guy is just scary.

    Well I'm pissy today. I've been dealing with truncal LE the last couple weeks and it isn't resolving. Then yesterday I went to the dentist - always fun. I was there in June just before my DX and no problems. Just some mild gum disease. Yesterday I hear I need a crown on one tooth and I now have severe periodontal disease with bone loss! Have to go see a periodontist. So I guess chemo did a number on my mouth along with my joints and nerves. BC SUCKS.
    OK I'll stop screaming now.
    Hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    ah...much better Tracey...cept now I gotta pee LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh Sue...hugs to you. Scream, rant and whine all you have every right. It all sucks. never turn my computer off at work or home. I think I will be now though. Glad you were ok. my dad used to say "looks like Shirley went to feed the pigs and the hogs ate her"...dont ask what the h*ll that means...just something he always told us if we were looking for mom!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Sue, I work for a dentist, and thank God had no problems with my teeth or gums after chemo. But, we have seen several people who got dry mouth after tx and that can play havoc on your teeth and gums. I have dry mouth, but not real bad. There are several rinses on the market for dry mouth. If that's your problem, ask your dentist if you should try one of them. Good luck!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Vickie, sounds like your Dad is quite a character! My Dad always had witty little sayings he used to dump on us. At every last dinner, everyday, for my whole life, he would say , "Now this is a snack that many a man would call a meal" And the ever popular, "This a joyous occasion" talking like he was drunk off his a**. We would all groan, but now that he's gone, I find myself saying the same thing when the family is all together LOL. And they all still groan!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Jan---great news!!! Don’t you just love Vickie’s happy dance. We will have to try the dance at Pinkstock.

    Vickie, you deserve to be proud of Nathaniel...he is a cutie.

    Tracey, go with your instinct….stay where you are. When the time is right, you will find the perfect position for your talents.

    Deb, I sent you a suggestion for your fund raiser. Hope you are snug in your afghan!!

    Nicki, we have an obnoxious co-worker and we haven’t said a word to each other in months. I told her if she could not speak to me in a civil tone, then DON’T….so it seems that she can only be nasty and verbally ugly!!!

    Denise, let us know when you post pictures of the luncheon.

    Shirley, did you call your doc concerning your reaction to the glue. First they used sutures, then staples, then steri-stips and now GLUE. What will they think of next!

    Cheri, how are you today? Did you get some well needed rest?

    Karen, I am sorry you having a tough time. Now is the time you need to visit so we can give you great big hugs.

    Lini, I thought we had it hot in my state…but your temp was much higher yesterday. Is it a dry heat?

    Christinek, when are you going to L.A? Sounds like you are going to have fun.

    Anne, I like MB’s suggestion of working on some really great things for us to do at Pinkstock….we are going to have to get you a whistle so you can keep us from getting lost in the woods…

    Margaret, I think men lose weight faster than women. I really think we have a harder time because of our hormone levels (or lack thereof). I gained weight during menopause…dear hubby lost weight. Grrrr

    Cy, I had the CT where they injected the junk…and I had to drink the yucky stuff…..

    Denise, you got up at 3:00 this morning…we are going to have to let you take a nap in the circle this afternoon!! Yep, there is a Mazer and isn’t he cute!!

    Michelle, we want to hear all about your vacation!! Sounds like you had fun, fun, fun

    Laura, where have you been?
    We haven’t seen Ginny either.

    Oh my, Sue is a board alcoholic, we are all co-dependants and enablers!!!!

    Brenda, this is really strange…but I also weigh myself only AFTER I shower. I think like you do….some ounces are being washed away!! Goodness, I remember On top of Spaghetti, all covered with snow!! Yes, I agree, the version has to be at the correct tempo.

    Sheri, I don’t think NS has gotten her full path report. She has an appointment with her PS today. We will have to put NS in the middle of the circle and give her big hugs today.

    Amy, yep it sure is starting to warm up. We had some bad thunderstorms yesterday (had 3 inches of rain in less than an hour) and I sure hope they aren’t headed your way.

    Shokk, thank goodness you and your daughter are okay and were able to put out the fire. my oh my, that is so scary

    Boo46 (Sue) great big hugs to you…life can really kick us in the butt sometimes…..we will kick back for ya.

    Tracey, you posted that picture while I was typing…Great Picture….but yep, I am with Vickie, need to find the potty!!!

    Also I need to work.. Hugs to all I missed.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Hmm, I'm wondering if somebody pushed Shirley into that waterfall,,,

    Where'd ya go Shirley?????????????

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Amy, I was kinda wondering the same thing myself. YooooHooo! Shirley, where are yoooooooooouuuuu?

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Amy, I don't think I still have your number. You could pm me if you want. I'm going to be there the first week in April, so let's see what we can do. I haven't seen Vera around, either. Veraaaaaaaa.....

    Deb, I'm so glad you got an afghan. You really deserve it, especially after all the work you put into our little "surprises". Enjoy.

    I lose track of everything because I don't take notes, and then when I try to look back I lose my post, and I'm just rambling and making excuses here.

    Big hugs, NS, I know we are all waiting to hear what you find out. I hope you get some of your drains out. I remember how excited I was. I only had one drain for a mast. Are there more because of reconstruction? I thought one was bad enough.

    Our weather has been so nice the last few days. I know the kids at school have spring fever. It's going to be hard to bring them in after break. It's tempting to let them play just a little longer....

    My dd is home for spring break this week. She's being very lazy, but I'm glad. She was sick the last few weeks. She bought a used lap top from her roommates' boyfriend for a VERY reasonable price. So yesterday my 15 year old didn't have school (professional development), my oldest son was on his laptop, dd on hers and the other one on the family computer all day. Very sad, they just stayed in the house. Poor Micah (6) wanted someone to go out and play with him and no one wanted to. I did for awhile, but I poop out way too fast. DH is off today, so I told him he has to play with Micah after school. I feel sorry for him, it's hard for him to just be a kid.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day.