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  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Thinking of you Deb, Denise and Sheri as you go to your appointments today. I'm waiting for the magic carpet as we speak.

    Carpet Girls, if you can't find me when you get to my house, look under the pile of laundry! I'm afraid there might be an avalanche...

    Love and hugs to you all,
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Morning from work sisters!

    DMD...wait for me...I overslept and missed the carpet. I'll be quiet when I sneak into the back of the room.xoxo

    NS...I think I hated the drains probably more than any other part of my surgeries! You don't feel human with them just hanging around. Pretty soon that part will be behind you and you can complain about something else (like we all do)xoxo

    Karen...I'm on a very weak pain killer for the pain and yes everyone, I'm finally off of the strong stuff!!!'s not fun trying to wean off, I really feel for you girl.xoxo

    Shirley...just put wheels on that ball and ride it to Pinkstock!, love puppies with their smell and happy bumbling bodies all over the place. My first dog(mutt)also was a wh**e(Lent) and gave birth to 11 puppies!! Luckily got rid of all of them to good families. But OMG where to put them all!! Good luck

    On my computer issues....IT guy at work told me to give it to him and he'll crash it and clean it totally out. I do (or try to) a lot of work at home and have been falling behind because of it.

    So that being said...BACK TO WORK. Love to all.xoxo
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Good morning happy campers.

    Keeping Debi, Sheri and Denise in good thoughts today for their tests.

    Theresa, have you considered that it could be one of those virus's that reboots your machine without warning? I got one of those and it drove me crazy.

    Shokk, wow on the computer monitor fire. You've also made me a believer in turning everything off from now on. I usually just put my computer in 'standby' mode.

    Nicki, that's what I've been saying. Until the 'ice cream incident', I was following the WW diet to the letter but STILL gaining weight while everyone else was losing. It makes no sense.

    Cheri, maybe it is the time change that has your circadian rythm out of wack. Rest when you need to.

    Sherloc, WOW! That's all I can say. You sure know how to thoroughly clean a house. It so inspires me to get up and clean mine....but I have to play on the computer and crochet some squares first and, of course, there's all the new TV shows to watch and.....

    Cheri, I adore puppies. I'm a dog person. I love dogs...all kinds. Hearing about your puppies makes me want to go get one.

    Anne, I'm with you on the worrying about the other shoe dropping. It will get better once you are out of treatment and you get back to a more normal life.

    Mena, hang in there. You are stronger than you think you are.

    Laurab, hope things are going well for you.

    Well, gotta run. The tracker nazis finally approved my tickets so I have to go and make some more work for them.

    Big hugs to everyone in the circle.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning All,

    I'm still feeling pretty good for 2 days post op. Just a little pain in my ribs where my ps lowered my boob a bit. It's not bad enough to take anything though. I am going to try to go back to work tomorrow. Doc says it is ok, I just need to take it easy. Hah!! It's a 34 mile drive there and I get precious little help from co-workers. I work the front desk at a dental office and it's really hard to get coverage when I'm out. When the hygienists take off, they just mark themselves off in the book and go. I have to rearrange all their patients, most of the time. Me, I can't leave the desk unattended! The other girl who shares my job is reluctant to cover for me. She happens to be the bosses' wife's best friend . We know how that goes. Oh well, I'm sure everything will be fine. If I need help, the other girls in the office will give me a hand. My boss is real nice too, and he tries to help me as much as he can.

    Karen, I hope you have less side effects with the other drug (Femara?). Arimidex can be a real b*tch. Between the body aches and the weight gain, hmmmfff!

    Cheri, you thought Rover might get preggers! I LOVE puppies!! I wonder who the poppa is? It should be very interesting. Don't forget to pick me up with the magic carpet!! I put extra bubble wrap around the bad boob

    Lini, it's not my size that bothers me. It's the weight. I weigh 170 lbs. and that is tough on my knee. I can't believe the nurse at the hospital asked me how much I weighed right in front of my DH. I never speak about how much I weigh!! I couldn't even look at him.

    Margaret, the gum graft is not so bad. You may have a little discomfort where they take the graft from. Good luck!

    Nicki, my DH loses weight as easily as yours. It absolutely sucks!!! He is still a size 34 just like in high school. It's disgusting. I'm glad you didn't have the wake up hungries. I try not to eat much after dinner, although my weakness is tortilla chips, cheese and salsa.
    I love that you throw rotten apples in your mind. That's the best place to keep that thought. Anything more will get you fired .

    Vickie, you can copy and paste without saving to your album? Hmmm.. didn't know that. I couldn't even get into Photobucket last night. I'm glad you are able to go to the school fair (?) with Nathanial this year. It sucks to have to miss stuff because of tx.

    Susan, don't stop those pain meds!! I have heard that you need to take them to get through rehab. VERY important!!

    Sheri, good luck with the neurologist. Neck pain is tough. Have you tried a chiropractor or massage therapist?

    I'll talk to everyone later! Oh, I'll see you all at the appts. we are going to today. We will try to be very quiet and well behaved!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Shirley, I am so impressed with your cleaning list. Are you available for hire??? Where did you get the energy to do all that?? How was the sleep last night? Great I bet.

    Deb, I had to laugh at the super-bug alive to bite in the depth of winter. We just moved to Missouri and they told us the reason the bugs were so bad last summer was because we didn't have a good freeze the winter before. I hope the super-bug does not procreate very well and I really hope he doesn't have a map to Missouri. Good luck with your appointment.

    Vickie, reformat your hard drive. wheeeee. then you have to re-install all your software. aie carumba.

    Cheri actually what time is it here when it is 7 am in alaska. I'm gonna have to figure that out. Ok we need Circle girl Time. And all time is relative to that. Of course it might also be relative to how many blue rinks we've had.

    Brenda, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope it gets better real soon.

    As for me, I wanted to get off the percoset. I was having these horrible night sweats and tossed and turned all night. I think I am through the worst of it. I really miss the total absence of pain (all my arimidex aches are back) but I have vicodin and advil and I just feel I am better able to cope not being asleep all the time.

    I tried to get in the cranky tent but it was full. I found a couple of cases of blue drinks hidden outside so I'm happy.

    more to come.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Here is a hug for all who need one


    I love puppies, but I love kittens even more. Awwww! Who am I kiddin'? I love a baby anything!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Come on Susan, there is always room in the cranky tent. I'm glad you found those extra blue drinks we hid. We keep those for friends who need them..... or a rainy day, whichever comes first! Help yourself!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Susan, didn't mean to leave you off the list. I'm horrible at this note taking thing and tried to wing it from memory. I hope things improve for you soon. Why does the ortho surgeon think you are not making good progress?

    Don't let them kid you about the 'freeze' killing off the bugs. I've lived in the south all my life and its just a myth. We'll have skeeters every year no matter how bad the winter was. And get ready.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    It's going to be so warm today, 60, we need to break out the bikinis

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    I feel sooooo good today ....

    I wanted to share with you ladies that this is my LAST boost treatment, rad dr. says I wont see him again for 3 months:)

    I know its just a small hurdle but thats two (lumpectomy) that Ive cleared with leaps and bounds so it is exciting for me ....

    Hope everyone is well today....

    Am at work so cant be here too long...will try to read some to catch up.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Morning CG's

    Ok everybody in the cranky tent suck it up a bit more because we have to make room for Susan. She is outside drinking all the blue drinks so this is important! Shirley seems to be taking up alot of room because she is all spread out sleeping from all that work she did yesterday. I dare not move her though because anybody that can get that much work done deserves to sleep.

    sooooooo,,Shirley-when are you coming to Alabama to do my spring cleaning? I always have laundry to do. Its a never ending business at my house.

    Vickie-reformat your hard drive? i would hate to have to do that and reload everything back up but sometimes it does have to be done. Maybe defrag and see if that helps you.

    Nicki-Wow you were up with the birdies this morning! Not me! I couldnt pull my self out of bed this morning. It was after 12 when I went to sleep because we (we being my son) was working on his science project and doing all the finishing touches. I hope I get a good grade on my 7th grade project though,,lol. Just kidding. He did all the work but I did the arranging on the board cause he sucks at that. He built a rocket using a 2 litre bottle, a spring, straws and a pencil to show aerodynamics of lighter material compared to one built out of the heavier stuff. It also took into consideration how you can take trash and turn it into something interesting and fun. Not exactly the words we used on the projects but you get the jest of it. It did look nice though if I say so myself.

    Madison-Mazer is up and reporting for duty. She is enjoying the morning air and she came running up through the pasture this morning all excited that it was hay time. When she arrived at the barn she did a swift kick to the side then opened her mouth with a big smile as if to say, hey mom, did you see that? she got her normal morning hug and a big kiss on the nose and was happy as a lark.

    Move over Cheri, Mazer likes to pretend she is driving! If you are nice she might let you borrow her "pilots" hat. Awwwww puppies, I'm a sucker and couldnt get rid of them as you all know. Poor little girl though being gang raped, she might need counseling.

    Sheri-we will leave alaska and head your way to be there for your appointment. Hopefully something will work for the pain, if not maybe a stiff blue drink will take care of it.

    NS-hope you are healing well and those drains really suck. I felt 100% better just knowing I was rid of those when they finally got pulled out. Thinking of you!

    karen-hope you are feeling better today.

    tgirl-computer problems suck. I dont know what I would do without mine.

    Susan-you sound like you are doing very well on the rehab. They always want more! keep up the good work.

    Gus-your house sounds like mine with the laundry.

    Deb-we will be there with you today. After the appointment we can fly around and check out the sights around Alaska. Mark my word, one day I am going to Alaska!

    Menaaaaaaaaaaaaa---I am dropping some cheesecake crumbs so that you can find your way back to the circle. Better hurry though, cause Mazer might decide she likes cheesecake.

    Margaret-good luck on winning the lottery and please remember all of us poor working girls when you are rich.

    ginney-welcome back. Missed you!

    Jule-Woohooo now thats a reason to celebrate!

    ok hugs to all I didnt individually get to but know you are all in my thoughts.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Jule, that is a big deal!'ve earned your "Junior Glow in the Dark" badge!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    part 2

    Brenda, so good to see you around. I miss your posts.

    Nicki, isn't that the way it always goes. Someone starts and fight and just because you defend yourself, you get included with them as a "troublemaker". Hopefully the corporate honcho knows the true story. It's UNFAIR I say!!!

    Madison, someday I hope to walk in Susan G. Komen. (the 3 day) that would be so grand. So far I've made it through the relay for life survivor lap in a wheel chair. I got no where to go but up. Good for you. that must have been fun.

    Karen, I hope the change from Arimidex to Femara works for you. It's different for everybody. I've been on Arimidex for almost a year and I'm back to sore hands and walking like I'm 80. I really hate taking this. I'm tempted to take a holiday. ( with or without my onc's approval) Hang in there and I hope it gets better. I know exactly what you are going through.

    CY hope you slept better last night. I was getting those night sweats and waking up soaked. How was shopping for grand kid clothes. I bet it was fun if you spent 200. We just need to get out and shop don't we. It's good for the soul.

    Lini, you haven't slept good for a year. My goodness, how do you keep going? And you don't seem all that cranky. How do you manage it?

    Ginny how nice to hear from you. Glad things are going so well. Except you'll miss the rest of us, we are all in the Cranky tent. LOL Sounds like you life is full and happy. You go girl. You reminded me of income taxes. aaargh

    Cheri can I come and play with the puppies.

    Sheri, I hope the doctor can help you. It's so hard to live with pain. gentle hugs.

    Sue, I've been meaning to tell you. I like your avitar. You are very pretty.

    Always hope, good morning to you too. Nope I'm believin' there are less bugs this year. There just have to be a few less. If not they will take over the town!!

    Jan, I hope things go good at work. Don't do too much, ok? that is such a sweet picture. awwww. Just saw the second one. oh no! hahahahahhahahahahha

    jpann, good news when you are almost done.

    the doctor is unhappy cause I can not straighten my leg to 0 degrees and flex it to 120 degrees. He says at 6 weeks 9 out of 10 of his patients can do that. well phooey, I can't! I'm sure the arimidex is complicating the picture but I didn't want to bring that up to him. He's always so cranky.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Good one, Alwayshope! Jule, I second that! It's a big deal getting through rads. Hopefully your skin survived without too much burning. My underarm actually got crisp! But, it all healed up nicely and now the skin is just a little tanned where I got rads! You are Done, Done, Done!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning everyone......NS and Shirley....ya'll are in my prayers, really do hope the pain goes away.....congrats Jule on finishing rads.....Jan great pic of the cats sunning themselves.....Amy ohhhh science youngest is in the 8th gr and starting high school in the fall........ok ladies North Texas has been in a drought going on three years now our lakes are at all time lows..etc...anyway we are getting some much needed rain the last couple of days....well last night we had a fast moving cell move thru and lighting and sure enough I turned off and unplugged everything except my phone....well guess phone got zapped and now I have to go to Wally World and buy a new phone........but no fires....yea.....Well my oldest daughter is flying home tomorrow night for spring break...I can hardley stand myself...I haven't seen her since Jan. 2 and she gets to stay 10 days!!!!!!!!Her sister and her should be fighting real good by the time she leaves......I hope everyone has a good hump day and Nicki does Chicago have a Farmers Market or outdoor market???????I would like to visit there....thanks.....

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007
    Thank you everyone!!!!!!

    AlwaysHope......thank you for the junior badge, but Im not settling for that!!!!! this is Senior level for me

    La, la, la, happy girl today
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    OH NO! Jule, senior level is reserved for the ladies who have to get them for stage 4. You want to be junior level, trust me.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Susan - I'm a side sleeper and have been sleeping on my back. OUCH!! It's those times when I don't post that I'm cranky. It's best to just stay away, just ask my DH. LOL!! The sun has been out and it's warm, so the crankiness loses out.

    Hoping that your knee starts moving soon so doc will be less cranky.

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited March 2007

    Oh, I didnt think about that before I posted that...Im sorry

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Gm all, quickie I hate when work interrupts my board time and I am soooo addicted...actually need to check on the worlds best friends frequently....

    Jule whooo hooo.congrats and the senior badge will be coming soon,

    who's cleaning ,,,I want you at my house Fridays at 7:00 ok boys fight after a few minutes of being with each't imagine girls...enjoy the time

    Gus oh yes your picture is beautiful...

    Jas, well I am still having trouble losing anything, and my DH hasn't worked up a sweat in months and has lost 5 lbs...i hate this ....but I do know it will come off if I keep working....

    Susan, remeber to work at your own pace, we are all different not statistics...maybe your the ONE doing it right, while the other 9 are'll tell you keep up the good work...cuz I see you leading the trail hikes this summer...hugs

    AMy...opps I didn't know those cheesecake bites were for Mena,,running out to put new ones bout choc cheesecake ones?...we do miss her...PS love Mazer's hat...

    MargB...try push ups off the counter or
    I told you not to tell me you were progressing I'd think of new ones...

    Its raining here and the snow is finally melting....I have been lucky enough to go home to cook dinner for my DIL and the 2 grand daughters the last few nights, and get to do it tonight again...I do so love being a grandma....the youngest (she's 4)told me before she left "thankyou for playing with me gramma, can I live with you?" which I would love ...but remember we need ME

    Ok now off to work...boss will be back, and yes I chat more than I work some

    Please know you are all in my thoughts and prayers...
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    It's been nice here, also. I take a book and go outside and fall asleep in the sun. feels great. Makes me less cranky also. I'm a side sleeper too. Been waking up on my back with my jammies and sheets soaked. really icky.

    MB that's my goal. the one thing I asked the Dr. for was whether I could hike again oh I guess two things and go to Disneyland and walk around all day.

    do ya'll forget how to spell sometimes while you are writing these posts. I do.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Susan, I forget more than just how to spell,lol! I think my brain has become a sieve!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for coming with me this afternoon. My appt is after school. Yes, I've been seeing a Chiropractor since before Christmas. I've been doing stretching exercises. Nothing seems to help. The MRI showed degenerating disc disease, but nothing surgical. My surgeon finally said last month that I shouldn't have to live with the pain, but no one seems to have an answer. This is my last attempt. The only thing left is another scan. I try to ignore it the best I can, but it really is annoying.

    Jule, congrats on finishing rads. I have certificate they gave me at our place. I still have it posted.

    Really have lots of papers to grade, but don't feel like it, I'd rather be here.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Thought I'd take a break from doing nothing and talk to the CG'S! Actually I am cleaning at the pace of a turtle! Hint: Buying 800 Thread Count Sheets for a King Size bed is not a good idea! I have to wash the top and fitted seperate or they get all tangled up and take hours to dry!

    Susan: I have no idea what happened to my spelling abilities. Sometimes I actually feel illiterate! As far as the ortho not being happy with your recovery...9 out of 10 patients doing 120* is just an average. As we all know, there isn't much average about any of us!

    Madison: I love the shirt you posted. How kind to walk for Gina!

    Liz: Sinus infections are no fun. Take some down time. Let us know what the Onc said about the Boob.

    Jan: Glad you are feeling better from your surgery. But, don't push to get back to work to soon. They (the office) might not think so, but they will survive without you for a while.
    I kinda feel old too. My baby is 28! And I'll be dam# if I'm not still carrying around my post baby fat!

    Nicki: Your pics crack me up! Always a good morning eye opener! Corporate Boss, Professional acting.....Poof..remember "WHATEVER!"
    Thanks for the Big Hug this morning!!

    Tracey: Love the cranky tent! I think we may need to add a screened in porch. It tends to get a bit crowded sometimes. Thank God none of us stay to long!!!!

    I'll be back!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    afternoon... GF daughter has finally found relief wit a nuerologist after a year and half of level 9 pain, she was dropped on her head during cheerleading..So I hope they can help you too...
    Liz, gentle hugs dear friend...did you find the big red target someone put on my backside last year?....I hope you will feel better soon, stress is such a detriment to our health..
    Jan ..I know that feeling no one else in my office does my job..hmmm...wonder what they are gonna do whilst I'm on Jury
    Tracey...I have just put up the addition to the cranky tent...lots of soft pillows and soothing music...and oh yeah a punching bag, just in case you need to take the cranky out on something...hugs
    take care all ...back to work for my boss...
    Yes Susan I do spend a lot of his time
    Ok I have blue slushy drinks for the cranky tent, green apple wine ones for the spa tent and red ones for the deliverance tent...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Susan: I wonder if the "magic" in Arimidex might be a factor in recovery?

    Karen: Hugs to you. I hope that Femara is kinder to you than Arimidex. Everyone is different and I'm not wanting to discourage you, but Femara has kicked my butt. My Onc offered to change me to Arimidex last month, but I decided to hold out for awhile. I think Maybe I'm getting used to this Femara feeling after 10 months. I also have had tendenitis, cortosone shots, hand and knee aches, lower back and the list is endless. I am so tired of complaining, and so tired of feeling 90. I know, join the club, I am not alone!!

    Shirley: Geez Girl, come on over! I've got Half of my tub cleaned (the walls) and decided to let the Scouring powder sit on the bottom for awhile. I think it's been there about 3 hours now! I'll have to chisel it off!

    Deb: Anxiously waiting to hear how your Onc and Rad appt. went today. Bug Bites, gross but my GD had a couple on her feet last week, they would go away and then she'd get one on her chin, then her forehead, one on her arm. They only lasted about a day each. So when my DD took her to the Dr. of course she had none. The Dr. was guessing that they might be "spider Mite bites." Now she has none.(sounds like a nursery she has none!)

    Cheri: I love puppies! I hope the creep that did this to your precious one steps forward and pays puppy support!

    Sheri: Let us know what the Neurologist says about your neck. Thinking of you.

    Margaret: I'm with you. I don't want to work anymore! I only work part time now, and make very little money. Spend more in gas then I bring home! I think I need to find something else to do.

    Jule: Congratulations on finishing treatment! See how long you glow in the dark! Great news!

    To everyone, thanks for the Hugs and kind words about my upcoming mammo. I'll be fine.......or I won't be. There is no in between in this game! You'll be with me, I know!!!!

    Love and Hugs,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Sheri, I have DDD also...C4-C5-C6-C7 are all deteriorating AND L4-L5-L5S1 are also deteriorating. I also have arthritis and spurs....I feel for you!!! It hurts to get out of the bed every morning. The neck deterioration is manifesting itself in my right arm…with constant pain and numbness in 3 fingers. The numbness comes and goes…. The back hurts and radiates down both legs...

    Good luck with your appointment…..Let me know if the neuro can help. I am always interested in treatments available. Have you tried epidural injections? Sometimes these injections ease the irritation on the nerve, which gives the nerve a chance to heal.

    I did have the cervical epidural injections in 1993 and it DID help.

    Good luck....
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. So much for sleeping after working hard. Started taking my tamox again and back to sleepless tossing and turning. Took my ambien at 10 last night, was still wide awake at midnight so stupid me decided to take another one. Finally fell asleep around 2 and woke up with a mind numbing headache. UGH!!!! But the good news is I don't hurt like I thought I would after my wild hair yesterday and the rash around my incisions is a little better this morning. I'm guessing it is just a reaction to the glue. Which makes me very happy cause I really didn't want to have to call the surgeon again. Today the kid and I start on the basement. Gonna make him work extra hard today cause his butt fell asleep on the couch again. Hate it when he does that. Bad enough to have stinky boy smell seeping thru his bedroom door. Don't want it on my couch.

    Deb, spiders live quite happily in ones house in the winter. No matter the temp outside.
    That was me with the bite in the mouth. It was not a happy event for me either.

    Susan, hugs to you hon. Putz on your doctor. I don't get why these dumb docs don't seem to take the blasted drugs into consideration. Take your pain pills. Not doing so is only gonna delay your progress.

    Deb, missed the magic carpet. Putting wheels on the bra ball as someone? suggested and pedaling the crazy to be there in time. All will be well.

    Hot Toddy for Brenda

    Karen, when I switched from arimidex back to tamox I gave myself a month to get over the SE before starting up again. Shhhhh don't tell my onc. He doesn't know I stop taking tamox a week before surgeries either. Pissed him off to no end when rad onc told me to stop taking it during rads. Now I figure what he doesn't know won't hurt him, and saves me a lecture. Anywhos it took a full month of no meds before all the pain went away.

    Cheri, oooooo I love puppies. As long as they are at your house.

    Hot Toddy for CY too. $200 at the thrift store! Wow, thats a lot of baby clothes.
    I react badly to the tape. I think thats why they have used the glue my last three surgeries. Haven't reacted to it until now. Who knows?

    Hi Ginney, you've been busy. Hope your able to make both the graduation and Pinkstock.

    Nicki, I have bunny slippers just like that. My hubby loses weight just thinking about it. Wish he would think about it more often. Right now he is ??? whats the term? morbidly obese??? anywhos very very unhealthy.
    Did you use a brush as a microphone. I did that too.
    Get the good drugs at the dentist today.

    Vicki, I used to love school carnivals. Sometimes I miss not having little ones at home anymore. All I have is one stinky 21 year old. He is good for lifting the heavy stuff tho.

    Madison by the weekend I'm gonna be buried under bras and fabric. Heading to the basement today to dig out the bins.

    Sheri, hoping the neurologist has some good thoughts for you. Living in pain sucks.
    I'm a tolerator too. Love em when they live with someone else. Unless it's a yorkie. I so want a yorkie.

    Sue, my laundry is washed, dried, folded, and put away. It's a grand feeling.

    Theresa, thanks for the wheel tip. Excellent idea. 11 puppies yowsers.

    Jas, I'm pretty impressed with myself too.

    Jan your going back to work? Yikes, take it slow.

    Susan, sorry not for hire. My list is wayyyy to long. Inspiration.....Sunshine and no pain. First time in over a year I have not had pain in my belly. It's a good feeling. No good sleep last night. Blaming it on tamox. Gotta get used to it again after not taking it for two weeks. Shhhh don't tell onc.

    Awww those kitties are to pickin cute. The huggers not the sunbathers....that ones just wrong.

    Jule, yehaw on ending rads. That was party day for me. I think I'm the only one who has never had follow up with rad onc. Hmmmm wonder if I should....naaaa don't want to. One less doc is good for me.

    Amy, thanks for not moving me. I was in a drugged stupor. Paying for it this morning. Shame on me. I know better than that.
    Ummmm sorry not coming to your house either. But I'll send good cleaning vibes your way. Today I start in the basement. That will probably take several days. Also have to round up the yard. We have a 100ft clearance law that is strictly enforced. Gotta kill the weeds before the rain comes and they get to tall and start hiding rattlers. Don't want to have another weedwacking experience like last year. Give Mazer a smooch from me. I missed the carpet this morning.
    I remember the days of science projects and book fairs.

    Shokk, your monitor caught fire? I missed that. Wowsers. Glad it didn't fry your puter, or your house. O my.
    I saw an episode of The Take Home Chef once. He was in Chicago at a Outdoor Market.

    MB, awwwwww grands are better than sliced toast. Talked to mine this morning. My favorite four year old said "Gramma I miss you, can I come visit" Sniff sniff. Two year old is a hoot....I am mommom, her mommy is MOM. It is to pickin funny to hear a two year old saying Yes Mom, No Mom, and so on. 6 year old actually talked to me this morning. We discussed grandpas birthday cupcakes. Choc with strawberries on top and red and white candles. And of course we can't write happy birthday in pencil. Have to use frosting for that. I ADORE MY GRANDS.
    Sorry, no can do at 7. Only thing I'm doing then is downing coffee.

    Sheri, I have degenerating disks too. Constant pain. Only thing the docs can offer is cortisone in my spine. UH no thanks. I get a massage every other week. It helps.

    Denise, soak it off. Thats my solution to everything. On a cool note. I cleaned my new fancy schmancy oven yesterday. The self clean button really does work. I am soooo impressed with it. Have never had a self clean oven before.

    Off to the mines for me. Have to run amok today trying to find an IPod in this two bit town. Only thing I can think of to give hubby for his birthday. Daughter is annoyed I'm not having a party.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    Hi madison

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Hi Shirley, I'm still worried about your being buried under all our bras.....give a holler if you need to find you way out!!!!!