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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Sorry everyone... I just don't know how to re-size...I made the page big....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Hello Everyone: Well its getting later and later - soon I wont have any evening computer time. Got home a little later than usual and still exercised!

    So the Big Corporate Boss came to our marketing meeting today. After the meeting she sat with me and the co-worker who wasnt so nice to me. Pretty much told us both to act professional and "stop this." Well - neither of us said anything but "ok, ok." Dang, I hate when corporate has to get involved in little office squabbles.

    Well, Ive been reading everyone's posts! 3 pages!! And now I gotta go - time for dinner. So I will catch up with you all in the morning.

    Some really great pictures. Made me laugh. I knew once I started exercising I would not have time, and like Sue, Im a boardaholic.


    This is my happy dance for everyone. Have a great evening.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    I'll take each and every dance partner provided. They are all better than a mop. But the floors are clean, the laundry is done and piled on my bed. Folded up the ironing board so I HAVE to put it away before bedtime. Dusted/vacumed my bedroom, both bathrooms clean. Off to clean the linen cabinet. If I don't sleep well tonight I am lost forever.

    Gina, I'll meet you in the cranky tent as soon as I'm done with the sheets. Bringing all my dance partners. We'll have a grand old time.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Evening girls.

    Vickie, you will always find the perfect picture for any situaton.

    Denise, we'll be there friday for your mammo that's going to turn out just fine. I think it's normal to be scared.

    Shirley, you've been awfully busy today, don't over do. Thanks for the happy dance. And everyone has found you so many partners!

    NS, so sorry that you haven't been sleeping. It looks like they should come up with something you can take to ease your pain. There's a bunch of us in the Cranky Tent with you, Vickie, me, Jan, Madison, Amy, Tracy, and Liz. That's just so far. lol We can't stay cranky long. Somebody is bound to say something funny then we'll all end up in the Hooch Tent.

    Nicki, corporate boss? Yikes. You better join us in the cranky tent. Don't worry we won't stay cranky long.

    I am sooo tired. I went to bed early last night and then laid down after I posted this afternoon and napped. Now I'm sitting here barely able to keep my eyes open. Maybe I was so stressed that when I found out I was ok I just totally relaxed, don't know. But I could lay down right now and sleep all night but fighting it. I'm just plain sleepy. I never sleep like this.

    Mena, hey you need to join us in the Cranky tent. We'll schooch over cos there's always room for one more.

    Ginny, Holly, where are you girls?

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Madison, That was beautiful! How wonderful that you could run for Gina!

    I've had my first glass of vino since my surgery, so who can I drag to the hoochie tent? Come on NS, tickle, tickle......heehee....can't stay cranky forever. Maybe a nice glass of wine will help you sleep. Or, you could dance a few rounds with Shirley's dance partners. I'm sure she wouldn't mind!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Nicki, now THAT'S a happy dance.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Hey girls-

    I don't have time for a long post...I have to get dinner made and go to an open house for my daughter's high school she will be attending next year. My baby will be in 9th grade! YIKES!

    I an all in a dither because I have my 3 month check-ups with the onc and the rad doc tomorrow. I'm driving up to Anchorage at 7am tomorrow...anyone want to come? I'm stopping at my favorite coffee shop on the way and I am ordering the FULL FAT yummy carmel latte. I figure I will need the energy LOL

    I have a book on tape for the drive and I am actually pretty calm about the apointments....we'll see if I'm still calm tomorrow is a weird one for you...I have 2 of the worst bug bites I have ever had on my foot! It has been below zero forever...what the hell kind of super-bug would be alive to bite me in the depth of winter? Wait a minute...maybe I don't want to know! I keep thinking about the spider bite in the mouth post from a few days ago EWWWWW! I'm just glad it's my foot!

    I' off to find some cream for my bug bites and make dinner...The menu is salmon patties, fresh green beans sauted in sesame oil and spinach grapefruit salad. Desert is fresh strawberries with vanilla sugar.

    Hugs to everyone in the cranky a drink for Meeeeeee!

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    aauuugghhh...fighting with my computer so I'm typing fast before it shuts down again.
    Madisonl...what a great tribute to NS doctor will usually phone prescriptions in for me if I'm sick instead of making me drive so far. Hope your feeling better soon.
    Cheri...I'm going to reformat my hard drive and hopefully my computer will be up and running again.
    Deb...get ready for a magic carpet ride...we will all be with you.
    Nicki...hopefully I'll see you in the morning.
    Hugs and love to all before this machine crashes yet again!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Deb, I'll go!!!! Does a donut come with that carmel latte? Yummy! I'm sure all will be fine. You know we all tend to freak when it is time for checkups! Your baby is in 9th grade? I feel so OLD. My baby is 31 yrs. old with two kids!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Oh, who's driving tomorrow? If it's Cheri, I need to get me some bubble wrap and bungee cord,LOL!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Ok girls. Time to bubble wrap & buckle up. We'll be leaving for Debs appt. early so ya all be ready. Hang onto to your hats!

  • Naniam
    Naniam Member Posts: 586
    edited March 2007
    Madison, just wanted to tell you how beautiful I thought your post was to NS.

    Good luck tomorrow Deb!!

    Ok, I'm like someone else in an earlier post - I am NOT feeling well. Hope it is only a sinus infection. Just came in from helping close tonight and I'm going to bed. I hope I can rest/sleep as I feel miserable.

    Hello to everyone else!!! Brenda
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Okay, Cheri, swing by the South to get me...then we'll head East, North, West, then over to get Deb....
    Deb, Hugs...we'll all be there...
    Amy, get Mazer's pilot's hat ready.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    hi all,
    I'm for the cranky tent also. I'm trying to get off my pain meds and it's hard. My orthopedic surgeon is not happy with the way my recovery is going. I can't sleep at night. I hurt all over. Sometimes I think it won't get any better. I think the Arimidex is a big contibutor to my problems.

    Is there a depression tent? You go in there and everyone agrees "yes the glass IS half empty".

    Anne, hope your test results are good. NS, so sorry about your pain. I am praying for you.

    Ya'll have fun, hear. I'll check in when I'm feeling better.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    I'm pretty sure Mazer has the keys and she's not giving them up.

    Madison thats a fabulous tribute to our fearless leader.

    Cheri, I kicked ass today. Spring cleaning bug bit hard. Still have a mile long list. Not over doing I promise.
    I think all the stress of the last week wore you out and maybe you are now coming down with something.'s not a bad thing.

    All you sick dears. I hear they are serving Green Drinks in the Party Tent. A little Irish Green is always good for what ails you.

    off to bond, see you tomorrow.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good evening CG's - just a quick post. Saw BS for 6 month visit yesterday. Said all looked good, but she could still see differences in skin from radiation and she felt a lymph node on the left side. Had me worried,but she said it was nothing (so why tell me). I see her again in 6 months. Called my onc today. Stopping the Arimidex and starting Femara. I am just so worn out from all the aches and pains. Now my knees hurt all the time. Knees, knuckles, hands, carpel tunnel - DH is so angry that the Arimidex has caused all these problems. Nurse at onc office said to note when I stop the Arimidex and I said today was it - then I got home and saw I forgot to take it this morning!!! Of course I also forgot my Nexium and now heartburn is really rearing its ugly head. I just hope the side effects are better with the Femara. I'm too young to feel so old!!!
    Cy, Nicki, Vickie, Gus, Amy, Madison thanks for all your hugs and support.
    NS - sending hugs - hope you are able to get some sleep.
    Deb - good luck tomorrow - I'm sure all will be well. Enjoy your afghan.
    Karen in denver
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    We are gonna have puppies!! Rover should be due around the first part of April. Puppies, I love em. Course we don't know how many dead beat dads there are because, after all, she was gang raped. We raised her right so she wasn't just out floozing around. Puppies, little fuzzy, furry itty bitty puppies. We're gonna keep one and have to give the others away. That'll be tough. Ethan gets to pick out the one we keep so I hope he does a good job. Grandma will sway him.

    Susan, when you feel better just come on back. You know we're here for you. Take your time.

    I am actually going to bed now, at 10:00. Go figure. I don't understand why I'm so tired I feel like i could sleep for days.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Cheri, sleep if that is what your boady wants to do. You have to remember that all the stress strains the boady and it needs to recoup.

    Karen, The node is probably a little swollen because you are still healing from the CT surgery.

    I didn't sleep well last night and woke up so totally chilled this morning. and with a splitting headache. I didn't drink very much yesterday and it caught up with me. Must remember to drink even if I'm not thristy!
    Haven't had caffine for a few days either so maybe that is part of the headache too.

    Deb we will all be there with you tomorrow.
    Denise we will be with you on Friday.

    NS glad one drin is out the other will be soon. then you will be able to get more comfortable.

    Shirley. the ER Doc. said that sometimes when they pull the skin too tight it can get those little blisters. I have never done the glue though.
    Are you buried in bras yet? I have a few more to send to you if I can remeber where I put them.

    Had to go find some gently used cloths for my granddaughter. she's outgrown everything she has. And with Jerri having a boy this time had to find some boy clothes. So I spent about $200 at the second hand store on kids cloths, so hopefully that will last them a while.

    Oatmeal rasin cookies coming out of the oven so must go check them
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Vickie-That ball o' bras cracked me up!!

    Madison-Dry, dry beautiful clear heat. Lovin' it. Though a bit cooler today only hit 87 degrees. Sorry MB

    Deb- With you tomorrow. I love my CD. I can't pick my favorite song. They are all perfect. I have to hear it every day!! Thank you, thank you!!

    Jan- Size 12 is a good size. Not too skinny, not too fat. PERFECT!!! You rock girl!!

    Gina- I haven't slept comfortably in over a year. It sucks big time doesn't it. Talk about cranky!!

    Everyone else - LOVE YA!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Jan, welcome back. Glad your surgery went well.

    Tracey, glad you were able to do some evaluating about the job. I have to admit that I like the second picture better than the first one.

    Vickie, you have done a wonderful job with Nathaniel. You have reason to be proud of him. Where do you find your pics - a ball of bras!

    Theresa, I'd be getting a new computer....I couldn't deal with being booted off every 30 seconds.

    Shokk, oh my, you were so lucky you were home; glad nothing worse happened.

    Boo/Sue, sorry to hear about the dental problems. The crown is no big deal, it is the periodontal issue that would scare me. I have to have a graft done in my mouth and I'm not looking forward to it.

    Denise, we'l be with you Friday. I worry about every doctor visit.

    G, I like the idea of the cranky tent and Vickie was right, we need a bigger one. I hated thse drains - my last one didn't come out for almost 3 weeks. It was heaven to get that last one out.

    Liz, hope you're feeling better soon.

    Madison, what a nice tribute to G.

    Deb, good luck tomorrow; we're there with you. What time? Dinner sounded wonderful.

    Cheri, don't forget me.

    Hugs to you Karen; hi CY. Hugs to everyone.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    Hey Nicki, I was listening to the news tonight and they said that they are using a drug called Tykub for those with HER2+. They say it's easier to take than Herceptin casue it's a pill and it has less side affects. I thought of you when I heard it. didn't you say you were HER2+?

  • RoundTwoinCA
    RoundTwoinCA Member Posts: 74
    edited March 2007
    I'm here! I've been taking a break - lots going on right now - supporting my friend with Hepatitis, had another friend over for the weekend, working on work and taxes, and working on myself - meditation, yoga and relaxation - all good stuff.

    Not certain about PinkStock - forgot about a trip I have in May for my nephew's graduation - so I'll have to play it by ear.

    Other than that - I'm feeling great - everything where the Dr. wants it and we're staying the course.

    Way too many pages to catch up - posted on Gina's other thread yesterday quickly - hope everyone is doing well...

    love you all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Yes, Im up earlier than usual! I hate it when I wake up at 4:30am. Too early to get up, duh! and too late to go back to sleep. So here I am.

    Vickie: Im waiting for my early morning sunshine partner.

    I cant remember who it was, but I just want to say in disgust that my husband lost 10 - count them 10 pounds! So I know we are eating right, cause he is eating what I am. Man he looks so good. Now I weigh 20 more pounds than him. And Im shorter! Now tell me there isnt more to this wt gain/problem losing that what we are eating.

    When I finished exercising yesterday evening - he said to me "good work out. I could hear you grunting!" So Im sticking to my signature!


    Ginney: Man its good to see you post. We have been missing you. Im glad things are doing well.

    CY: Im so upset I missed that show on Tykerb. One of the guest speakers was someone right here from - I missed it by 1/2 hour. I am her2+ - and couldnt take Herceptin. Had 12 rounds of it and developed heart issues so I had to stop. The most exciting thing about Tykerb is that is crosses the brain barrier - unlike herceptin. I think the most exciting thing is that they are finding newer and newer things to treat breast cancer. Of all types and all stages!

    Sherloc: Your so funny. Dancing with a broom. I remember when I was a teenager. I actually danced with a broom, pretending it was some gorgeous guy.

    Cheri: Oh my Im so jealous. Puppies! I love little puppies.

    Karen: I actually have been reading very good things about Femara. Hope its kinder to you than the Armidex. Just remember lymph nodes become swollen for many reasons besides breast cancer. But I know its easy for me to say, when its not me.

    Susan - Susan - Susan: Why are you trying to wean off your pain medicine while you are still having pain? Rehabilitation after knee surgery is very hard and it takes time. How in the world can you do your exercises without taking pain pills? So why is the ortho doc not pleased with your progress? I hpe your feeling better today. I had surgery on a "finger" - screws put in when someone broke it pretty bad. Man - the painlasted almost 3 months. I would go to occupational therapy and cry through the whole session. So Pfffffft! Take the pain pills until you dont need them anymore.

    DebC: Good luck at your appointments tomorrow. You know of course we all will be with you. Sure sounds like spider bites to me. Keep a watch on them, cause they could get infected.

    Jan: Its a relief to hear from you so soon after surgery. You sound so good! Hopefully this will be the last one. I didnt cave in last night even though I wanted to. I didnt have any wine, and I didnt have any wake up hungry. I think I was able to pull it through because it is so disgusting to think I way more than my husband!

    Maon oh man, Im trying so hard to catch up. See, this is why I hate losing my evening computer time. I feel like Im gonna miss one of your posts along the way.

    Laura: How is the exercising at the Y going? Im finding now, Im looking forward to exercising. Even if I grunt through it all.

    Gus/Sue: Im also a boardaholic. Just cant stay away.

    Brenda and Margaret: I always weigh myself after a shower. I dont know why, just call it habit. I take a shower, dry my hair, and then weigh myself before I get dressed. Im still fat even when I weigh myself naked lol.

    Tracey: Sounds like your making a good decision not taking that job offer. If your gonna change jobs, look for the right one that is the right fit. That managers position sounded like it was gonna be stressful.

    Vickie: You must be so exciting that Nathaniel is gonna be in the Hall of Fame and I bet he's proud of himself too.

    T-girl: I believe in this day and age, I will always have 3 things I pay for monthly. A car, my house, and a computer that works. So I say go get a new one!

    Shokk: That sure was a scary story about your monitor being on fire. Glad it didnt burn out your hard drive. Good to see you again too.

    Boo: Sorry your still having to deal with trunkal LE. Sounds uncomfortable. I have a dentist appointment myself today. For a cleaning. Ever since chemo they have put me on cleaning every 4 months cause chemo did a number to my gums also. But the frequent cleanings has been helping. Im ok at the dentist as long as they numb me up real good. I have several crowns.

    Madison: Verbally ugly is a good description of my coworker - and I have to share my office with her! Im gonna be professional cause corporate told me I have to make amends. But inside - I dont like her anymore. Once I get to that point, its hard for me to change. So when I smile at her, I will picture myself throwing rotten apples at her.

    Sheri: Cant imagine having everyone in the house on a nice day. The temps are gonna go down and its gonna be a bit colder. 40's! Wasnt it only 2 weeks ago I was talking about subzero weather? I will take the 40's anytime, but today is gonna be another Springlike day and Im gonna enjoy every minute of it.

    Denise: Sending hugs back atcha!


    Well I have already been up 1 1/2 hours. My coffee pot is empty and Im almost considering making another pot!

    Tracey: That video was really funny.

    NS: I remember my first month after surgery, I slept laying on my back like a frog. It was the only way I could get somewhat comfortable. Im a side sleeper and thought I would never be able to lay on my side again!

    This is for everyone who is spending time in the cranky tent.


    And look who I found trying to sneak in some beer!


    OK! Its time for me to go. Today is gonna be another crazy day - then off to the dentist at 3pm. So there is a high probability I wont see any of ya until tomorrow morning.

    Amy: Look who has been walking around Distorted Humors stall again. I think they both have Spring fever.


    Have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hey sunshine sister. You swiped the pic I was gonna post. Great minds think alike LOL! I have this eerie feeling your out there reading and will continue your post as I'm typing.
    Good morning all,
    Its supposed to be a glorious 60 degrees here today!! tempted to wear shorts to work LOL. It's supposed to go back down in the 30's this weekend though...hoping they are wrong.'s so good to see you. I'm imagining Shirley with a ball that big! are you feeling...your up and posting so thats a good sign.
    Margaret...Nathaniel truly is a great kid, I've been so blessed with both of my kids...never a problem. Thank you. There is a carnival at his school Friday night and he's so excited cuz we are going to get to go this year. I couldn't go last year...blood counts to low. Life almost normal Yippee! I find most of my pics on photobucket. You don't have to save can go there and find what you want and copy and paste them. I just figured that out!!
    Karen...sending you all the hugs you need. I hope you get feeling better soon. Can't believe they would even bother mentioning a swollen lymph node and then say its nothing! Doctors don't get it. If it's nothing...shut up!
    Susan...come to the cranky tent's more fun!
    Ginney...sending you hugs. Take good care of yourself too.
    Cheri...PUPPIES...oh I love puppies. My boss says I'm a sucker for puppies and kids and would take them all if he didn't keep track of me LOL! I will download IM tonight when I get home. Sleep is GOOD!
    Brenda, Madison, CY...everyone...sending big hugs...gotta get in the shower and get off to work.
    Its only Wednesday...whine whine.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All,
    Yes, it is only Wednesday...I wanna stay home and not go to work....
    Deb, WE ARE READY FOR THE MAGIC CARPET RIDE...we will be there for your appointment.
    Vickie, glad your computer is up and running this morning.
    Nickie, I gained weight through menopause and dear hubby lost weight....I was not happy either.
    Susan, if you are hurting, please don't stop your pain meds. You need to be somewhat pain free for PT.
    Karen, sorry you are hurting from the hormone therapy. I am on HT and walk like I am a 90 year old in the morning.
    Cheri, I have told my Dr. Vet daughter that I will work in her clinic for free if I get to play with puppies and kittens....I love little ones, human or animal (except for snakes....)
    Margaret, the race was an emotional one for first one (not a year out yet)
    Lini, I still think we have have to find Shirley in that ball of bras one day.
    Ginny, glad to see you post....the posse was gonna go round you up if we didn't hear from you soon
    Oh my, hello to all I missed... time to get ready for work. They are predicting bad weather for our area...and traffic is HORRIBLE when it is a sunshiny day so you can image how bad the traffic gets in rain...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Vickie and Madison: Yes the 3 of us are posting at the same time. I feel like Im in the twilight zone.


    See ya all later.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Deb, hope your appt goes well, same to you Denise. I have an appt. today with a neurologist. I'm really not very excited. I've been having this neck pain for so long and NOBODY can help, so this is my last try. My surgeon set it up for me, but I'm not very optimistic. I just want some relief from the pain! nice for you. Seriously, it would be cool to have puppies, but then you have to find homes and I'm not that good at it. Sorry all you animal lovers, I'm an animal tolerator.

    Rain today, the kids can stay in.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    We need to get the magic carpet ready for Deb, Denise and Sheri....bubble wrap ready 'cause Cheri is driving

    Sheri, I hope you get some answers from the neuro...pain sucks!!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Morning girls

    Sheri, have you tried a chiropracter? I hope the neurosurgeon can help you.

    Ginney, welcome back. Glad you are doing well.

    Nicki, that was me whose hubby loses weight just by thinking about it. I saw a blurb on Tykerb last night on the national news. Here's the link:

    I'm so tired in the mornings - I have to win the lottery so I don't have to get up to go to work.....oh well, I can dream can't I?

    Those that aren't on the carpet with us, have a great day. Who is driving - Cheri? I'll be on my porch waiting.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Ok...Standing on my roof waiting for the magic carpet. Feeling reckless today so I'm goin without the bubble wrap LOL.
    With you all today as you go through your tests, procedures, ect. We are holding you hands.