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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    oh sunshine sister is lost in the twilight zone!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning Nickie, we are going to have to tweak Nickie's toes.

    I'll be back after I read last nights posts....Yay, Deb…so glad everything was okay. I posted a few suggestions on your “idea needed” thread.

    Susan, I have thought about taking a vacation from the HT. I am in a clinical trial and don’t know which HT I am taking. I also go from the bed to a very hot bathtub and stay there until I can move. I take Ultram, which is not a strong pain med.

    Amy, my youngest will be 21 in July, but I still remember SCIENCE PROJECTS…good luck

    Cy, if we clean up the cookies around our computer, can we eat those with milk….good thing DH knows about computers…..’cause I would order chocolate chip cookies and milk!!

    Vickie and Nickie, it is raining here also….strange.

    Oh well, I woke up early to finish an afghan, but the arm and hand are “going to sleep”…I’ll try later.

    THURSDAY – the day before TFIG…..I don’t care if it is just Thursday, I wanna go to the party thread and start…(I know it is only 5:20 a.m. here but I rather party than go to work).

    NS, how are you?

    If you are driving in the rain today, be careful please.

    Morning to all of you….

    Morning Nickie, I see you are awake. My cat will walk across my chest in the morning if I don't wake up and put food in her dish.....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Rats! Beat by my sunshine sister again! Whats a girl to do! I wake up, my female cat is yelling at me cause her bowl of food is ALMSOT empty! Then I come to sit down at the computer and my dog takes his nose and hits my arm. So I let him out, come back to the computer, and he barks to come in. The poor baby didnt want to stay out cause its raining. Baby that he is, he didnt want to get wet! Then I had to wipe his paws! Im late this morning. These animals rule this house.

    Vickie: They are talking about snow here this morning too. Not any accumulation, just enough to burst our Spring bubbles.

    Christine: I am indeed the picture monster. Im having so much fun with it. Dont save pics ahead of time though. A thought comes to me when I read a post and then I go search for a pic that will sorta match.

    Amy: Stay up til midnight? OMG! By that time, I have had 4 hours of sleep. Im still in the going bed to early mode. Thats why Im up so early. Its crazy, I could sleep 2 more hours and then get ready for work. But that would mean giving up my morning computer time. Then I wouldnt see any of you except for the week-ends.

    Sheri and Madison: Degenerative Disch Disease is very painful. I hope you both find something that will relieve the pain. You might consider going to a pain clinic if you have no other options. Sometimes they will come up with the right combination.

    My goodness, Im trying to go back and read everyones posts and Im so lost! See what happens when ya dont have time to come on here in the evening!

    Jan: My mouth does feel clean and tingly. Before breast cancer, I never really took care of my teeth. My dental appointments were always when there was an emergency. Usually a tooth ache. My dentist was very upset with me and put me on every 4 month cleanings!! And said you better floss or else. So I listened to her lol. This is the first cleaning I have had, where I didnt get yelled at for not flossing good. This was me 2 years ago!!

    Susan: This is what really is UNFAIR! Im due for my evaluation, so Im sure now, there will be something said about me getting along with people! Not getting so upset! Sometimes I cant help myself. Its the Italian in me. And no one says "Listen here Missy" without repucussions. I dont lose it very often, but when I do - watch out. My feeling is I have to get along with everyone, even if I dont like them. But I dont have to take verbal abuse. Next time Im just gonna go to Human Resources and file a complaint. That is if she is still around. You all would laugh if you saw her. She is 65, wears the styles that our teenagers are wearing - ya know Juniors, hair is teezed and sticking up all over, her lips look like she has put on 3 different shades of lipstick and she outines her lips - to make them look bigger. Actually when I think about it, she looks pretty pathetic!! Oh well "whatever".

    Betty: We really miss you too. I hope they fix your computer. You should not be having the problems you are having with comcast! I would give them a call and raise heck. You are one of the sunshine girls! Always coming on with the first early morning post - and I miss the smiles you bring.


    Sherloc: Ive taken Melatonin before. My doctor actually recommended it a few years back. I hope it works for you. Nothing worse than not getting a good nights sleep.

    DebC: Great pictures! Its sorta weird. At my cancer treatment center, my onc has different rooms for those not getting treatment. When I go there it reminds me of chemo! I look around at other people in the waiting room and just want to shout - everything will be ok. Im glad your visit went well.

    OK, the count is growing. MargaretB, Jasmania, MB, and Jan. Whats up with our husbands losing weight so easily? My husband can eat brownies, cookies, and cake - still loses weight. I look at them and I gain. I did have wake up hungry last night. Had pistachios, a slim jim, and I stole one, just one of those Frango mints. No wine for 5 days! So talk about being cranky?

    I know I have missed many. For some reason, its been hard for me to go back as my thinking is quite disorganized this morning. For those who I didnt mention, you know I still love ya. Maybe tonight I will get home from work early enough to exercise and still have some computer time.

    Gus/Sue: Boardaholic? Oh yes!


    Time to leave the circle and tackle the real world. See ya all later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    For all of us who wish it were Friday...Drink up it's Thirsty Thursday and that should make us all feel better!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Oh my goodness Vickie, you have the "blue" just may be a good Thursday after all...

    I don't wanna go to work!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    I don't wanna go to work either!!! I have the afghan almost done but my hands were killing me last night too..must be the weather!?!? I have to finish it tonight to get it in the mail.
    Oh my...almost time to head out into the dreary world.
    Good mornin sunshine sister...thought we were gonna have to round up a posse to come drag you out of bed! I'd have found a good looking bunch to do it LOL.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Madison and Vickie: So the 3 of us were on at the same time and just wondering....

  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2007
    Morning, CGs! Just touching base....stayed home sick today (either bacterial or viral bronchitis...have a scrip for antibiotics if fever gets higher---must be from the STRESS!)

    Not much new...Ray was boo-hooing (in email) yesterday; when I told him I wasn't feeling well, he offered to pickup Caitie from school ("If I'm allowed in the house" which I didn't reply to). When I told him I was fine, he then emailed "If I can help with ANYTHING, let me know"--I just said OK and he responds "Thanks ". I know he really misses Caitie but he should've thought of that LONG ago!

    He stopped by for his mail yesterday (I missed him by 5 minutes); he must've waited here until it came (beer can in garbage, of course). After he was done talking with Caitie last night, he asked to talk to me...asked what the doc said, how was I feeling, if I needed help with Caitie, and oh, something came in the mail from my 401k company: "must've been a statement". I didn't say anything other than "I saw it".'s my loan check, so now I have the money for the $2K retainer

    God, I hate having to do this!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    I am sorry Laura that you are going through this. You sound so much stronger now though. Catie will help pull you through the tough times.

    Sorry girls I haven't posted lately. I am doing ok from the surgery. I am going to get the stitches out today and then I don't see him till 6 weeks. I have two appointments next month with onc and BS that I am already thinking about.
    We have to take Kevin for his MRI on Saturday. They can't do it unless a doctor is present. Did I tell you the latest?He has been having pains in his arms since surgery. The surgeon said it was not from his surgery. Since Kev has his neck fused I took him back to the orthopedic surgeon.After he discussed Kevin's case w/h the genesis they think something may have happened w/h the positioning of him or when they put the tube down his throat.Geeze,,,when will it end.They keep saying we don't want to point any fingers at anyone yet. Neither do we but I want to know what is causing my son constant pain and partial paralysis in his arm. Is it permanet or temporary.I have been in the zone out tent.We are sheduled for an emg on 3/27. Hopefully they can figure it out. I am suppose to be scheduling the heart surgery too.I'm not until I find out what is happening to him. Sorry to rattle on. Seems it is all I do.I depress myself!My BFF is trying to be supportive but I think I am wearing her friendship out! Kev is her godson so between the both of us we have been pretty needy. Poor DH, he has been our rock.
    Love to all of you...I have been reading and I am praying and thinking of all of you. I just can't seem to focus right now. I could use a trip to denial land....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh Joyce...don't worry about not being able to focus on taking care of anyone but yourself and your son. You are one of the circle sister that we know is thinking and praying for us so very much need a break. Come sit in the center with Kevin and we will give you hugs and hot chocolate till you feel better. Sending prayers your way.

    Where is RobinTN...with all her awful problems getting her hubby out I'm getting worried....ROOBBIINN...Check in with us!

    Cheri...come on missy...up and at um!

    LauraB...sounds like your one of the luckier ones...DH out of the house and things looking up. Maybe you could pm RobinTN and give her a lift...she could sure use one with the monster she has for a husband that refuses to go away!

    My goal for the day...CLEAR OFF MY DESK...somebody have a blue drink ready for me later LOL...probably by lunchtime I'll be needing one.
    Love and hugs
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Well Praise the Lord and pass the pills. The melatonin worked. Either that or I was just so tired it didn't matter anymore? Whichever I slept thru the night. Yehaw!!! Didn't even wake up to pee. Have appt with surgeon today to look at rash around my incisions. Thought it was getting better but it was just teasing me. Have to go shopping for hubbys birthday dinner. We're having Fondue and cupcakes. Just what every man wants for his 50th birthday.

    Susan, yes please send me your bras. Shhhhh I won't tell your onc about your vacation. Tylenol PM has the benadryl stuff in it. Makes me bounce off the walls.

    Deb, yehaw for a good appt. Off to look at your pics when I'm done here. I hope you killed the mutant spider too. They are mean vicious little creatures that deserve nothing less.

    Hi Christine, have a great day.

    You too CY

    Yikes Vicki, be careful. Directions for cleaning off your desk.
    Find large cylindrical object with solid bottom.
    Pass arm across desk, making sure to be in contact with desk surface.
    Watch objects and paper float gently into cylinder.
    Take cylinder outside, place at curb.
    Desk now clean.

    Madison, we'll just call it Tequila Thursday and be done with it.

    Nicki, I love bubbles. The nerve of animals to expect to be fed. Hubby came home yesterday and told me he ALMOST bought a mini doxie puppy. The man had a temporary brain lapse and then regained his sanity. We had to have our pooch put down a couple of years ago. First time in 25 years we have not had a pet. Tho I miss her dearly it is soooooo nice not having the responsibility anymore.
    My last dentist visit they gave me some fancy schmancy tooth paste. Well not really gave. The stuff cost me $8 bucks. Anywhos it my teeth have that just cleaned feeling every time I brush now. It fabulous.
    Only took half a pill last night and slept thru. Feel pretty good this morning except for a slight headache. Which could just be the weather change. 80+ yesterday and flippin cold out there now. My nose is tingling so were probably gonna have a rainy weekend. You be safe driving around in the rain today.

    Hi Laura

    Hugs Joyce. You can take momentary trips to Denial Land. It's ok. Kevin is in my prayers.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007

    Hi CG'S, just checking in and have been reading some posts, just still have a hard time with posting!! I have got to go to the cardiac rehab monday, can't put it off any longer, i told them i could not come due to bad weather! but they said i have to get started because the viral infection in my heart has already caused dammage to the lower left part of the heart, and to keep more from getting dammaged i have to get my heart beating faster, they said the virus causes scar tissue as it hels, and if i can make the heart work right the dammage will be spread out and not in a big area!! the .05 zanax is not working, so please pray i have the courage to do this sisters, thank you, and God Bless all of You!! NS, hope things are a little better today, my prayers are with you all!!! Puppy ( ps. when i come on the wagon, i have a red eye that says privacy report, any body else have this and what does it mean????)

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi Debbie, so good to hear from you. Good luck with your rehab. You are a very strong lady. You can do it. I'll be there with you. Prayers and hugs coming your way. Also, how did your other tests turn out. Didn't you have a mammo etc. God Bless you.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    PUPPPPPPYYYYYYY so good to see you, just a hello is enough to make us happy..hugs...btw...take care of your heart...I will pray for yu and hope that whilst my DH works out (very unwillingly every night) you do too and become stronger every day...
    Deb...spiders...hmmm...3 new bites for me, i really must tame them ...we heat with wood and that's where they come from...
    Laurab thanks fr keeping us posted...hugs and stay strong...
    Joyce...take care of yourself and Kev don't worry about anything else...hugs
    Shirley so glad you slept last night...maybe the thought of the Bra ball coming for you is too't find any cool bra's in this little town..sorry...must be everyone jsut burns having DH build a ceremonial pit for such things at
    NS...thinking of you...hugs...
    MEna...I'm with Cheri...posting 2 times a month doesn't help us take care of you...hugs
    Vickie...what kind of stuff doe Nathaniel like to do...trying to get things ready for Pinkstock and would like to do something special...GD wants a blow up pool with a slide ...hmmm...we do have a bouncy house...
    Lot sofCg missing...Jeannie, Jeannete too...where did Vickie2 (M&M) go? sorry i callled her many least check in with a hello...
    Ok off to lunch and then back to work....I too want to win the lottery...
    to all in need of gentle hugs know I'm sending warm fuzzy ones..and you are all in my thoughts and prayes my best friends...
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    PS Nicki..i think yu should change you saying to
    boys are stupid throw rocks ; and men are even dumber use boulders...MB
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    I should be working, but I'm taking some needed CG time. My computer at home still won't stay connected. I'm thinking now that when I do get on it's through someone else's signal. It comes and goes and can't be trusted. We were going to call Comcast back out, but Tony thinks they will say it's our equipment and not something they did. Besides, he's so busy right now he doesn't know if he could be there for the appointment. We're trying to get the husband of a co-worker who works for the comapny that services the work computers to come look at it. But they are so busy setting up fore the Bristol NASCAR race next week that it probably won't happen soon.

    So I brought my iPod to work and listen to my CG power songs daily. I feel a little closer to all you. But it stinks not being able to read all the post.

    Hugs to all and prayers to all, especially those having treatments, etc.

    Better get back to work.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi MB...Nathaniel likes anything...truly. He will probably be doing a lot of lap sitting as he's a snuggle bug but I do know that he will LOVE the bouncy house. I've got to get over to your thread and see what's going on and being planned...what to bring...what you need...etc. Just a little behind. I love your new saying for Nicki!!
    Hi Betty...I so hope you are able to figure out your computer problems soon...I am such a boardaholic I don't know what I'd do!
    Puppy...I sent you a pm.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Boardaholic...who me...hmmm....yup i should be
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Goal for today - get tax crap done so I can see the tax lady tomorrow for my scheduled appt. Yucko!!! Talk to you girls later.

    MB - Found the new normal. Just noticed that. Is it a weird feeling? I'm not sure that I'll recognize it. How did you know? How long did it take?
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Lini...( just describes me..)well its been almost 3 years since DX...and was wondering when it appeared..but DH said sometime last summer...when I went out in public without a proth...and wasn't "ashamed " of the new me...(sad to think I was ashamed of the new me..not something I choose to be) but I like (love) me now.cuz I'm beautiful damnit....and will be sporting a new tattoo for PINKSTOCK...
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Christine, I've been watching the replay of the NLCS on FSMW. Isn't it great. I can't wait till they show game 7 against the Mets. I'm gonna tape it.

    Deb, your pictures are beautiful. I'm gonna show them to my dh. I've always wanted to visit Alaska. I glad you got good news and I know what you mean about stressing every time before you go. That's why we all went with you.

    Cy, I was signed up on Trillian back in California. I wonder if my account is still there. I had IM on several vendors. I used it at work. Hmmmph. My poor brain doesn't remember much from 2003 (pre BC) I'll see what I can dig up.

    Vickie hope you made it work ok? What is it you do again? Brain dead. I think you have a job beating the crap out of Suburban Oil, right??

    Madison I don't think it makes any difference which HT you are on. they all make you hurt. With Femara (for me) the pains came more quickly than with Arimidex. I shouldn't be so pessimistic. I understand lots of women take these and have no side effects. My onc also says that it gets better if you keep going. What is it that we say here "time to put on my big girl panties and get over it" LOL or something like that.

    Nicki when you are working with a cranky co-worker there is almost nothing you can do except "be professional" read: grin and bear it. I used to work in HR. HR is so tied up in rules and regulations, the squeaky wheel will get the grease and the person trying to defend herself (you) will be lumped in as a trouble maker. The best thing you can do is paste a smile on your face, and don't let her draw you in. She really wants someone to do battle with. I know you are feisty when provoked (that's the natural reaction) just don't let her trap you like that. She's trying to pull you into her game. Refuse to play. She will go find someone else to fight with.

    LauraB you are doing great. I know it's hard. We all feel for you.

    Shirley got some sleep. Doesn't that feel great. I've been going through the same thing lately. Woohoo for you. I'll get working on sending those bras.

    Joyce I am praying for you and Kevin. This is so much for you to try and take care of. You are simply amazing. Can you arrange for an afternoon off in denial land? It would be good.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007

    Oh shoot someone else mentioned the tax stuff. I've got to get started. glad I have all of you to remind me.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    I'm quite weird, too, and wouldn't be anything else but weird.

    That's so cool that you found it!! It's only been a year for me, but hopefully I'll get there too. Congratulations!!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Sorry, to ruin your day Susan. It sure ruins mine. Started sorting through papers yesterday and will get it together, hopefully by 2 today. Okay, off the computer now. I am a boardaholic!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Lini...I know its hard to believe but the new normal will come, somedays it goes away but a new day a new me... should try to do them in NY...must be a foreign language good luck
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    OMG MB...are ytou really getting a tattoo??? I have use to be totally needle-phobic. At least cancer treatment cured me of that. I have this overwheming desire to do something to honor my treatment and i keep coming back to a tattoo? How weird is that when i use to need a valium for a blood draw??

    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Oh! I have an idea!!! I wonder if we could get a tattoo artist to design a Pinkstock tattoo...something little for us tattoo newbees...and get them done while we are there??

    How cool would that be? Or am I the only 40ish boobless woman that is feeling a bit crazy and wanting a tattoo?????

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    heehee Deb...nope your not the only 40ish boobless women desiring a tattoo. Hey...I've got no butt (well that is actually coming back LOL) hormones so why not!
    Hi Susan...I work as a bookkeeper at an Assisted Care Facility. Made it to work ok this morning and the rain turned to ice which turned to snow. We know have at least two inches more on the ground and they are predicting 7 to 12 inches for tomorrow! yeesh.
    Love ya's
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Oh...I'm still fighting Suburban! The attorney general's office has taken over though thanks to our wonderful sister NS.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Thanks to all of you going with me to my appt yesterday. I could really tell a difference. I didn't have much hope, but this dr. seems to really want to help me. We are going to start with neurontin for the pain and work up the dose gradually. He's also going to check my blood for ana and rhuemotoid factor. I had some trouble with that before bc, so maybe that's acting up again. He's also having me have another MRI next week, since it's been a few months just to rule out any mets, AND I'm having a nerve test to check for carpal tunnel. How's that for starters? If the MRI still shows just the ddd (not that that isn't enough, but I don't need any more cancer on top of that), then it will all be non-cancer stuff. What a change. I know some of you have used neurontin before. Any help with it?

    Deb, so glad your appt went well. I know how you feel about going into the onc office. I still see my onc every 3 months, but his office is next door to the treatment center. Every month I have to get my blood work checked at the treatment center. That always feels strange to me.

    Cold, rainy weather here again. I wore a short sleeved spring dress to work and didn't bring a sweater! I'm freezing.

    Thanks again for coming with me yesterday.