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  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Ok girls I am back again.Had my port replaced on tuesday and it was a nightmare.I was in sugery almost 4 hours,had to be intubated,the doc said I kept trying to get up and help him.So i ended up staying overnight for pain control,he had to put the tubing in the jugular vein then run it back down into the heart.He said I had so much scar tissue built up where the last one had been leading that he had to tug and pull to get it out.I know I am terribly sore.I came home yesterday and went to bed.The thing that lives here who is supposed to be a dh didnt go to the hospital with me in fact he didnt even know i was gone until the next morning when karen told him.Hows that for a dh?
    But am feeling some better today,throat is kinda sore and neck is still very sore.I know one thing I sure dont want my throat cut again .
    Thanks for all your prayers.I start chemo back next week so this is at least a good break.
    It is rain and dark and dreary here also,and my laundry is piling up but i dont feel like doing it today.
    Talk to you girls later.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon all!

    I'm back to work and doing ok. Just a little tired. I just skimmed through the posts. I'll take notes when I get home tonight.

    Deb, I loved your Alaska pics!! We really want to go there someday. It is so beautiful, I just wish it didn't get so darn cold!

    Nicki, it's a good idea to take very good care of your teeth after chemo. It is easy to get gum disease. The flossing makes all the difference.

    Shirley, Yay!!! A good night sleep!!! I'm glad the Melatonin worked for you.

    It was so warm here yesterday and today. It is going to rain pretty heavy tonight and it will turn to snow by tomorrow morning. I wasn't paying attention to the weather report at all and the girls at work told me we are supposed to get about 6". Crap!! I hope not. I have a long drive to work and there is nothing worse than driving it in the snow.

    I'll try to check in again when I go home.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Oh Robin, gentle hugs for you. You don't need anything else bad going on in your life right now. Try to take it easy and feel better. You are in the inner circle as long as you need to be there.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007

    Thank you Jan,that is the one thing that keeps me going is knowing I have all of you out there praying and thinking about me.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Robin, we were worried and are glad you posted. Hugs for you.....

    Don't worry about the house or laundry...just take care of YOU right now.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon CG's!

    Robin glad you checked in with us to let us know how you are. We were worried. Sorry your port was a huge ordeal. Your DH,,,,grrrrr, oh dont get me started. You do have us though and we are always here for you.

    LauraB-sounds like you are doing ok and that is good to hear. Glad you got the money and can get the retainer paid also.

    Vickie-rainy here also but luckily ours will not turn to snow. Its good to learn a new word everyday and yours yesterday was patootie and you have used it in a sentence already. You go girl.

    Shirley-wooohooo high five to a good nights sleep. I couldnt imagine my house without a dog although they are tons of work and the training process sucks. My mom has a dachsound and hes a big spoiled thing. I do need to get you my bras though if I kept any of them. I actually didnt mind getting rid of them. i hate wearing them so was glad to say see ya!

    Cheri-hmm dangit forgot what i was going to say. Crap! oh yeah I remember, you might be coming down with something since you are so tired but alot of times when the time changes it takes a while to adjust. I hate to wake up being tired though.

    Biker-I am sure you are partly glad to be back at work. Home can get awfully boring if you are staying inside.

    Deb-nothing wrong with a 40ish boobless woman wanting a tattoo. I say go for it if thats what you want. I loved your pictures but it just made me want to go to alaska even more.

    MB-ok now,,what tattoo are you getting? We gotta know.

    Sherndon-we all behaved yesterday at your appointment. Arent you proud. Lets just say it was a good thing that doctor was nice.

    Madison-are you getting rain down your way also? I will be glad when it passes.

    Nicki-my dogs dont like to go out when it rains either. I opened the door this morning to let them out and my chihuahua almost fell on his nose because he was so excited to get out but then he saw rain and tipped over front ways. I had to get the umbrella and walk them out and remind them that they better aim their pee'ers away from me.

    ok gotta run and get some work done but I shall return.

    Yikes taxes,,I gotta do that too.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say I AM DONE WITH CHEMO!

    I do need to go take my (last) post-infusion nap now. I'll try to come back later and read all the posts.

    Hugs to All,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Hey Anne congratulations! I remember when you started chemo... you've come a long way baby!

    This will be short because I feel like dog poo. On top of everything else I have a migraine and am not allowed to take alleve because of the bleeding... they sure have a lot of rules in reconland.

    at 11pm I got a partial path report from my bs. four of the nodes are positive and the largest tumor of the three is 2.5 cms. That one is lobular. The other two are IDC.
    He is not sure if I am stage 2 or 3.
    I want to see the ENTIRE report myself and then I will know what I am dealing with.
    Love you all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Wooo hooo the happy dance for Anne...way to go girl!!!

    NS...oh my a migraine on top of everything else sucks. Stage 2 or 3 huh. Hmmm...I had the same dx as you (as you know)and some of my paperwork says 2 and some says 3!?!? Go figure...I am praying for a solid 1 or 2 for you. Love ya...take a nap and rest. Is someone still helping you out?
    Be back later ladies
    Love to all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007 largest tumor was 5cm and IDC as were the other two that were 2 and 3 cm. This was AFTER six rounds of TAC chemo which should give you some hope!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    It's going to be another one of those busy days and no time to post.

    Christine, that was me that taught Nicki how to post. Isn't she a great student?

    Nicki, it's about 70 degrees outside....awesome weather we are having this week. Hope it stays that way, as I am so ready. Isn't the weight thing so frustrating? I think about making something like brownies and I gain weight. It's not fair!

    LauraB, you sound like you are hanging in there. Keep up being strong for Caitie. I hate that you are going through this but do it for your daughter. You want her to see you as a positive role model, not as one who let her husband, belittle her and crush her self-esteem.

    Joyce, sorry about the problems you have had with Kevin's health. I hope they figure it out soon.

    Shirley, I don't know what it's like to sleep through the night, I'm awake every 3 hours, get up to go to the bathroom, but at least I fall back asleep. What kind of toothpaste is it you have?

    Vickie, the AG has taken over your fight with Suburban? This will be interesting to see what happens.

    Robin, big hugs to you girl. Hang in there. We have got to get that man out of the house.

    Anne, congrats on being done with the chemo.

    G, thanks for the update. I haven't had a migraine in a few years - since I was diagnosed actually, but I had some good ones. Like Vickie, I'm praying for a solid 1 or 2.

    Back to work. Hugs to all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It must be a yucky day all over the country because we have damp, cold weather here too. But at least it's not flooding like Vickies.

    Susan, I use Yahoo IM too. All you have to do is go to and download the IM, it's free and great fun. It's like chat but you just talk to one person and its private. I emailed you an invitation for my IM friends. If anyone else wants my IM name just send me a pm.

    Vickie, WooHoo you got your IM fixed at home. Be careful and don't drive across what looks like shallow water over a bridge.

    Cy, thanks for the tips on the computer. When I get a funny email I want to forward I always erase the names of all the people it came from. That way our email addresses don't go to everyone, plus the email is cleaner. I've missed our IM's the last few nights cos I just get so tired I can't stay up.

    Deb, so glad your news was good. I know it's a load off your mind.

    Joyce, it's good you're doing alright after your surgery. I'm so sorry Kevin is having problems. I'll say a prayer for you both.

    LauraB, looks like things are going your way you do have the upper hand. You are in the position to maybe force him back to you. I'll bet you hadn't thought of that, had you? But then why would you want a man that didn't want you?

    Shirley, so glad you got a good nights sleep. And didn't even get up to go to the bathroom in the night?? Cool.

    Puppy, sounds like you do need to start your rehab. I wish you good luck.

    Betty, I think I would still give Comcast a call about your problem. You gotta have a computer at home. Gee, I'd be totally lost if this one broke down. Even for a little while. When we had the ice storm and lost power for 11 days I had terribel puter withdrawals. Almost had my dh convinced he should buy a generator just to run the computer on so I'd quit whining. lol

    Sheri, I had Neuropathy before I had bc. I was put on the Neurontin and had the dosages increased but I coudn't tell it did any good. Then when chemo added to the Neuropathy my Neuro put me on Lyrica which is wonderful. But I have a very high tolerance to meds. The Neurontin works for alot of people. I say give it a whirl and if it doesn't work ask your dr what he thinks about putting you on Lyrica.

    Robin, so good to hear from you. I am sooo sorry about your experience with the new port. I know that must've been terrible. Then to have to live with an ogre is just intolerable. Get him out of there.

    Jan, it's good you're feeling well enough to work but don't over due.

    Amy, it may be the time change that makes me so sleepy but you wouldn't think one hour would make that much of a difference. I think I could sleep all the time.

    Meaner, haven't heard from you in a few days. Hope everything is alright. You said you were coming back to the Circle cos you need us and you were right. And we need you too.

    Holly, where are you? Hope all is well with you.

    Hey to Madison, Nicki, Tracy, Carrie, Deese, Denise, Karen, Shokk, Shel, Donna, Michele and Brenda. Also to anybody that I mistakenly missed. Hoping all your days are going well.

    I'm finally going to the eye doctor tomorrow. I've needed to have my glasses changed since before bc and then my onc said to wait 6 months after chemo. So it's been a couple months past that. I have a problem with decisions. I mean sometimes it's a serious problem. I'm having Amber go with me or I could never pick out the frames. She finally had to pick out the new tile for our kitchen floor. Buying a new purse is a nightmare! I can never decide. I'm not really into the horoscope thing much but I fall on the cusp of a Libra/Scorpio which mean some things show me as one sign and something else will show me as another. But the Libra is the sign of the scales and I weigh everything out. My BIL has the same birthday and he said he has that decision problem too. Humm. Anyway, I'll be able to see again. I'm going to the eye doc here in town cos it's easier for me to get around. My glasses will take a week to get back but that's ok I've waited this long. I may force myself out of jammies next week and go get my hair styled. WooHoo.

    My dr.s office in Iowa called today & he wants me to have a Vascular consult before surgery. I told them to contact my ppo here in town and he'd refer me. The ball is starting to roll on my ankle/foot surgery! I just can't hardly wait. I've had sooo many ortho surgeries but this one will work...I just feel it.

    NS, hoping today finds you doing a little better. I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. But it's all going to get better.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    afternoon...quick before I go home
    NS...hugs..miss you
    Cheri hugs GF..
    Deb & Amy...oh yes and DH helped design the & vines and butterfly, where my nip used to be,,,something cover the really ugly scar...
    I'll have to show you at PINKSTOCK...lololo...
    Robin...glad you checked in
    wow so much and no time...hugs work is over..
    MB...with a hot date with DH ...whoo hoo dinner & dancing...
    Deb design one we can rrint out and take to a tattoo artist...I will
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    BTW, I always thought Leprachauns were cute little guys. Well, not so. I posted a pic of a real Leprachaun on the Cyber party thread if anybody wants to see what those "cute" little green men look like up close. It'll scare you!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hmmm Nicki, Just what is it that those 2 teeth are doing in the picture??
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hi to all,
    Just popping in to say Hi to everyone. I've got to read back and check up on everyones lifes, tests, treatments and procedures. Praying all had good news!

    I'm kind of Bummy today so I'm gonna lurk in the background for the most part and just keep my eye on you all!

    Love and Hugs,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Cheri, I told you that leprechaun scared the crap outta me!! I have a good feeling about your surgery also. You know we will all go with you. It will be an extra special magic carpet ride. Someone else will have to drive, lol!

    NS,sorry you're still not feeling up to snuff! I never really know for sure what my stage was. Some of my reports say stage 2 and others 3. My onc says stage 2B.

    Joyce, oh my, poor Kevin. I hope he's doing better really soon. He's too young to be going thru all that garbage!

    Vickie, everytime you post that happy dance, I just crack up. We are waiting for bad weather also. I really hate winter.

    Hugs all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Oh yeah Nicki, Are those teeth doing the Samba??????? Oh my!!!!!

    Anne, HAPPY DAY for you!!!!! Congratulations!!!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Well, crap I just lost a long post. Guess you all didn't need to read a long whine. I feel better having written it though no one else will read it.

    I took some notes.

    Nicki-I'm back at the Y this week. They have a new digital scales there. I forget to use it today. Oh well.

    Deb-great news on your check up.

    Jan-I like the bikini kitties.

    Anne & Jule-Two more sisters done. Yeah!!

    Liz-I hate sinus infections. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Cheri-I'm a Libra, too. So that's why purse shopping is such an ordeal.

    Hugs and healing to all who are in need.

    Do we have a tent for those of us who are just plain worn out? Yesterday was the first day since my in-laws have moved that we haven't been over there. DH and I are exhausted.

    Bye all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Well - no exercise tonight. Husband and I share the exercise/music room and he is getting ready for his big St. Patty's week-end.

    So before I go back and read everyone's posts, here is my story for the day. Sometimes - life aint so bad. I had to evaluate a 63 y/o man with early onset Alzheimers. He was diagnosed when he was 59. He had no awareness of who he is or where he is. Very sad. I looked at him and thought, hmmm - at least Im here and enjoying life. Ive been given a chance to make sure I enjoy and appreciate life. So thats why today I say, things arnt so bad.

    LaursB: I have never heard of viral bronchitis. Not that I know everything. Take the dang antibiotic - its not gonna hurt you and will probably help. This past September I had bronchitis, thought it was just a chest cold - 2 weeks later I was so darn sick. Sooooo! Take the antibiotic. They also have Robitussin Cough Syrup in a pill form now. Called Mucinex and it will loosen up all that junk in your bronchial tubes. You got your retainer? Im doing a dance for you.


    Oh poor baby Ray. He made his bed, let him lie in it for a while. Im very proud of you.

    Joyce: Big sigh! My goodness your hands are full. Poor Kevin. The partial paralysis and arm pain is scary. Makes sense something could have happened either in the position or intubation. I just wish you didnt have to wait so long for all these tests. You humble me. Make my life look pretty calm and simple.

    Sherloc: Im so glad the Melatonin worked. Bet yo forgot what it was like to get a good nights sleep.

    Puppy: I worked in Cardiac Rehab for 4 years. You are gonna love it. You will exercise under supervision, and you will make some friends too. Its gonna be a healthy thing for you.

    MB: "use boulders"


    Betty: Needing a computer is like needing a car. Get comcast out there. If its your computer, figure out a way to get a new one! We miss you alot. I would go absolutely bonkers if I couldnt come on this site every day!! You all are my friends. I talk to you about things I dont tell anyone else.

    Im joining everyone else. Im Nicki and Im a boardaholic!


    Susan: You hit it right on the head. Ya never want to be in a situation where you are having a conflict with anyone. Doesnt matter whose fault it is. You can obviously tell from my posts Im a little too emotional about her. So Im keep saying "whatever" in my mind. Administration saw issues with her long before this recent conflict and they will see more - without my help. Its the Italian in me that will get me in the end. Im a pretty nice person and will take alot, but if you cross me. Ohhhhh
    Vendeta - Vendeta - Vendeta!!


    Lini: Im finding it! Im pretty much enjoying life. 2 years ago was the beginning of my journey. And today - I'm definitely moving on. Its sort of funny you bring this subject up. Im standing in front of the mirror changing today and I looked at myself. Saw scars from my mast and PS, saw scar from lymph dissection under my arm, and saw the scar where my port was. And I said, ya know what - these dont look to bad!! Either that - or I dont care what people think. Its a good feeling.

    Sheri: I think the biggest problem is we fret over so many things. That maybe something else could be wrong besides bc. I have an RX for a cardiolyte stress test. Just sitting in my purse. Come see come si! But order a test to rule out mets - I want it yesterday. Im just hoping they get down to the bottom of the pain and then are able to treat it. The neurontin sounds encouraging.

    Robin: My friend and nurse sister. They put my port in my subclavian and threaded it to my heart. I was under general anesthesia with intubation. I so understand what you felt like. Pretty darn scary especially when you understand the anatomy, physiology, and terminology. I was so upset I had to get anesthesia to get it out. Thats when I found out about it being in the heart! I hope your feeling better now. Just get that guy outta your life. Your so better off without him. You need your energy to fight bc.

    Jan: I was so looking for a post from you. Today I havent totally blown it. Came home, no exercise and enjoying my pinto grigio. Havent had a glass of wine since last Friday. And now Im on my third. Forogt how relaxing it is. Intestesting story. My dentist was upset that my onc didnt have me go for a cleaning before I started chemo. She said that its very important to do it before. And now, for another glass of wine.

    Amy: OMG! I read your post to my husband. We ar both laughing. Almost falling on his/her nose. Thats funny. My dog "Mister" has such nerve that he steals his treat first then wont go out!!

    Anne: OMG! Done with chemo! Its a day to celebrate for sure.


    NS: Oh I dont know what to say. And I cant send you a pm cause your box is full! I have thoughts on 4 nodes. Your getting close to knowing what your dealing with and then the next stage - fighting mode - begins.


    Denise: Ahahahah quite subtle if I might say so!

    Cheri: Good luck with frames. I tried some on when they were straightening out my crooked glasses. Im so blind, I need someone to look at me and tell me if I look ok or not.

    Laura: Its just like when my hair was growing back. Im looking at my weight 3 times a day. No wonder Im not seeing improvement.

    OK! I need to go lay down and watch some TV. I have to tell yell tonight was great. For me like old times. No exercise and wine. What could be better.

    Vickie: Your pics are great. You have become quite the challenge.


    See ya in the morning


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Well I am sure glad to know that I am not the only ones that thought the teeth were up to something or down to something in that case.

    NS-sorry you are dealing with a migrane on top of everything else.

    Cheri-wow new glasses and a new haircut! You are going wild! The picture is a bit brighter to me now on the magic carpet rides with you driving,,ahem,,you didnt tell us that you couldnt see. Oh my, I am surprised we have all survived. Its just a good thing Mazer was there to help you.

    Susan-hows it going? I am sure the rom is from the meds you take. Keep up the good work.

    armynavymom-wooohoooo <passing you a green drink> Congrats!!!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Well...I'm home...whew. Long day at work and totally fed up. I have a "Staples" button that says "that was easy" when you press on it and I threw it at our executive director. Heehee. He didn't quite know what to say but told me he'd rather I throw things that are soft. I told him "no way" and he asked if I prefer things that leave bruises, contussions and blood...I said "You got it". He actually laughed. Stinkin men anyway!
    We have another storm warning here starting at 8am tomorrow morning through Saturday afternoon....6 to 10 inches. Great. I WANT SPRING! All our creeks and rivers are flooding and it's so gray and dismal. Phooey.

    Amy...those teeth were really up to or down to something...I laughed so hard when I saw that one!

    Denise...get you silly butt right back out here! We will send the posse after you! Or the firemen! Come sit by the fire and tell us all about it. It helps to get it out.

    Nicki...we deal with dementia and Alzheimers all the time. It is very sad. We are lucky in some ways.

    Robin...all I can do is send you warm hugs. Geez...enough already.

    LauraB...sounds like you are getting your act together...good for you. Come in and meet some of our sisters in need and it's bound to cheer you up. I come here and sometimes feel so very lucky to be where I am now rather than where I was.

    Peanutgirl...go to the spa tent and relax for a while and get your energy back. Hugs to you.

    Woo hoo...I got my papasan chair today...oh so comfortable! I love it. I have a comfy chair to sit in and crochet now. I also bought new boobs!!!! Yippee. I was a full B cup before chemo and mast and when I went to get my prosthesis they would only give me an A cup! I was so mad but they wouldn't listen and I was to distraught to argue. I have hated them as I look like a skinny flat chested 12 year old (well...if you don't look at the wrinkles LOL).
    Well off to cook dinner as Nathaniel is convinced he's going to do you fill up an eight year old! I swear the kid has a wooden leg!
    Love to all
  • swinn
    swinn Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2007
    Hi Robin,
    Sorry about your port nightmare. I'm glad it's over for you. Amazing what we can take. If someone would have told us we would be going through this, we'd have said...I can't handle that, but here we are and we do handle it.

    I hope you get your rest. Don't worry about the laundry. It will wait.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Vickie: I will repeat. Your pics are great. You have become quite the challenge.


    Have a good one kiddo.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    LOL at Nicki...yup...that will be me in not too many years!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oh Dear Vickie,

    I'm not really in hiding! Nothing to bad going on...Just a messed up day with clients. This sounds so mean, but sometimes I get so tired of dealing with other peoples illnesses (is that a word?). Some of these dear oldies have no one..they relie (nother new word!) totally on me for making and taking to Dr. appts., banking, household problems, and figuring out "what is this and why does it hurt." They screw their Meds up, forget if they took them..Etc. You get the picture. (actually, now that I look back, it sounds like I've just described myself!!) The State has added so much paper work and taken away so much of what we can do...that sometimes I'm afraid to even put a bandaid on someone let alone dress a bedsore!! I do love my people, but I'm beginning to think it just may be time for me to move on. Thing is, I always have atleast one client that I just "can't" leave until they do. I really would like to work part time from home. OMG, my husbands worse fear it that he's gonna come home one day and see that I've brought a couple home with me!!!!

    Anyhow, I'm fine..Mammo tomorrow morning. Then on with the weekend. I better fly over to the Cyber link and see what everyone is up to this weekend!!

    Love and Hugs,
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2007
    Hi everyone! Sorry I have not been last chemo was last week and I have been taking a break from cancer! Today I had to come back to cancer-land...had a muga scan scheduled and Monday I will have my first radiation set-up appointment. Even though I am only a week out of chemo, my spirits are so much better!!!!

    Had a good day at work today too! After that disappointment last month when I was passed over for a promotion, today I was asked to be the coordinator for a large project to roll-out a set of new software tools to the entire staff! I will have to get familiar with the tools, figure out the best way for us to utilize them for what we do, develop a roll-out plan, and design and coordinate training. So I am excited and happy about that!

    I will have to go back and read to catch up, but I wanted to say hi before I turn in for the night (yes, still going to bed before my kids....maybe someday I can work my way back to going to bed at a normal adult time! LOL)

    Hugs to you all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hey it's Kristins birthday!!! Oh my...we missed it...
    Lots of love and hugs on your birthday and many many more!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Anne and Kristin....congrats on the last chemo

    Kristin....Happy Birthday.....I hope you get to celebrate this weekend

    Check back later, DD just came in to eat dinner.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Hi Everyone,

    Yep, I’m celebrating today. It feels SO good to have the chemo phase of this behind me!

    I’ve decided that the light that I thought was the end of the tunnel is indeed the tunnel and not the train. Spent some time in my tent (thanks to Mazer for carrying my pack, Amy) getting myself back together. I listened to my visualization stuff (found some great ones on the Cancer Crusade site, and they’re FREE) and my Circle girls music, both of which helped a lot. Plus the PA at the onc’s office made a special trip to talk for a minute during my treatment. She said she looked at my chart specifically to see what the rad onc was concerned about. She said that she thought the choice of “suspicious” for what is being rechecked was a little strong. But she said that knowing my rad onc, she is a direct person and very, very careful and conservative which is why she would have chosen that phrase. Not that I distrusted what my med onc said when she called Monday night, but it was nice to get it face to face and eye to eye. Am I looking forward to the tests – Heck NO! But they need to be done. Will they show something bad, probably not, but maybe. If something bad turns up, I’m gonna beat it down. In the meantime the plan is a new med for sleep (I’ve only been sleeping an hour or two for the past couple weeks, and the consensus of my med team was that’s bad), lots of Circle Girls music therapy (Thanks yet again, Deb) and plenty of chocolate. (There’s plenty of time to join the Circle Spa when rads are done.)

    So that’s enough of me – on to the important folks, my circle sisters.

    Deb – interesting idea about the tattoo. I would tend to doubt that I’ll be getting one; just never had the urge. I will be happy to watch you get yours though! I’ve been teasing the Navy son about my rads tattoos, but now that I see them, they don’t hardly count.

    Vickie – they predicted a whole lot more rain and snow for Detroit than we actually got. Hopefully you have our system of yesterday and it’ll be lighter for you, too. I’m ready for Spring! I have been seeing robins here – that’s always a good sign.

    Sheri – I have no experience with your new med, but I will cross fingers and toes that it give you relief.

    Robin – So sorry that your port surgery didn’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped. I’ve been told I need to keep mine in until after I’m done with rads, but it’s worked like a charm through the whole 6 months of chemo. I wish I could have sent you my surgeon, he seems to have the magic touch with them. (Plus he’s a sweetie, which isn’t always the case with surgeons, from what I read.) Don’t worry about the laundry, it will be there tomorrow or the next day when you feel a little better.

    Amy – good luck with your taxes. We ended up at pretty much a wash this year, refund from the state and city where I used to work, owed the feds just a tad more than the two refunds combined. My darn tax deductions moved out on me. Hoping you get a nice fat refund!

    Gina – I, too, remember the beginning of this journey and how wonderfully supportive your posts always were and are. <<<HUG>>> Sorry you aren’t feeling good. Wish I could take your migraine for you. I could at least take something for it. I’ll be interested in the staging you get too. I thought it was pretty cut and dried based on size of the tumor and number of nodes; sounds like that isn’t quite right. Take care, friend.

    Margaret – Metro Detroit hit 70 on Tuesday – boy were we excited!!! I’ve been jealous of your temps – late winter is the only season I really don’t like here in Michigan. Today we’re back to a high temps right around freezing.

    Cheri – Want to come here and help me pick out new frames next time I go? I hate that, too. One time I found a really nice tech who gave really good feed back on how the frames looked, but this last gal wouldn’t give an opinion to save her life. Maybe I’ll take my friend who helped me pick my wig; she certainly gave good advice with that! It’s good to hear you’re going to get your hair done, but what’s wrong with wearing jammies to do it??

    Denise – Sorry you aren’t feeling good. I think it’s time for you to re-play that real hug we were able to exchange last Saturday!!! Good luck with tomorrow’s mammo!

    Laura – You are welcome in my tent to rest anytime – especially from in-laws. I go to bed early, share my sleeping meds, and don’t snore too much. I completely understand worn out. You need to take time for you, and rest so you don’t get one of those bugs that’s floating around!!

    Nicki – I think you’ve found the perfect prosthesis! Those water cooler cups would be light, wouldn’t rub much, are inexpensive, and can be used to hold green drinks!!

    That uses today’s limit of energy. But at least I know the Taxol fatigue will start letting up soon. Headed for the couch to crochet squares. Going to visit the MIL a week from tomorrow and she’s got a bunch of yarn for me! Yipee! More squares to make!
