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  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Good grief. Maybe I need some anxiety to get a clean house. Just kidding. Lini, hope you feel better soon. You too Vickie.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Madison, I haven't booked my trip yet either cause daughter and I are thinking about a road trip. Two weeks on the road with my kid. Yikes, we might kill each other. Naaaaa not really. We get along great. Her hubby has already given approval. Mine might be another story. Waiting till after his birthday to ask. He is a worrywart. Can't handle the thought of his wittle wifey being stranded somewhere. Not to sure how daughter would do away from her kids for two weeks either.
    I have soooo much to do today and here I sit. Gotta get off my behind eventually or I'm gonna be feeding my guests stale chips and old brocolli.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Lets all hope and pray that NS gets her drains out today. I would hate to have her wait until next week. Send postive thoughts ladies.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    wow lini, your on a roll. Wanna come run my errands for me?

    Morning Jas.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Lini and Vickie-
    Oh I just HATE sneak-attack panic! I have had that happen too, and it makes it worse when I can’t find the source of my anxiety.

    One thing that I am beginning to wonder is if they are somehow caused by physical things. Two of the last times I had this happen, I ended up getting sick the next day. I wonder if my body now tells my brain “Oh CRAP…here we go again!...I’m getting sick…PANIC TIME”.

    All that being said, I have no great answers for you. I take a half a valium and try and get some exercise. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not.

    I’m just stopping by to tell you that I understand and hope that this is short-lived. Be kind to yourself and do whatever you need to to get through this. You will be fine. We are here if you need us.

    Deb C
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Sneaking time from work to post a little bit. Can't stay focused, but I think that might be the AmbienCR I took for the first time last night. It works much better than the Lunesta did - I got 8 solid hours last night, but felt kinda wobbly and dizzy this morning. DH drove me to work and we'll see how things go this weekend. Maybe it was because I had so much sleep to catch up on since I've only been getting an hour or 2 for the past 2 weeks.

    Kristin - Happy Birthday a little late. Hope it was a happy one! Also Happy Last Chemo! Feels great doesn't it!

    Sue - sorry about your hip. That's too bad. Hop into that hot tub and enjoy though. Sounds like a good reason for a long soak to me. Maybe the next Cyber Par-tay will be in your hot tub with you!

    Laura and Cheri - I am so sorry for your losses. I can't imagine what it must be like for you. You are both in my prayers.

    Susan - I had a nice celebration. My clinical trials nurse brought a beautiful cake (wish I'd had my camera!) which I was able to share with the nurses some of the other patients and even took a piece home for DH. The onc nurses had a certificate, confetti, and an angel pin with a nice poem. I'll try to copy the poem later when I get home. It was very nice. Plus lots and lots of hugs. I will really miss those ladies – they are a special, special group.

    Joyce – Yea! for the job offer. Nerves are okay. Heck I was nervous starting this job and I’ve known my boss for 10 years! You’ll be fine – you are strong and you are a Circle Girl! I will keep Kevin (and you) in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they can figure out a good plan that relieves his symptom for him. He’s a great kid. I’m sending a gentle punch in the shoulder, because I know from my experience with boys that age, they think that’s better than a hug. Those make them go eewww!

    A.Hope – Oops. Those darn picky cops. Couldn’t you have just blamed it on the chemo? Oh, well, we love you anyway. We’ll bake the cake with the file in it when ever you want. And the solution for the bright license tag --- find a big ol’ mud puddle! That’ll cover it up!

    Tracey – Possible new job, and a boss that is hinting he doesn’t want to loose you…. That puts you in the driver’s seat, girl! When the firm offer from the new company comes, tell them you need a day to think about it. Then go into your old boss and tell him that you have this offer and you don’t know what to do; That they have better ______ (pay, beni’s, hours, title – what ever is better) but that his company has _____ (again fill in the blank with something you don’t want to leave). Then you say, “Can you help me make the decision?” If he wants you to stay he’ll better in his company some of the things the other company is doing better. If he doesn’t then you move on to the new job with your head high and confidence in place. If he’s talking about bonuses for you, you might be surprised what he’ll do to keep you. Good luck, and my prayers for you that it all works out as it’s supposed to.

    Lini and Vicki – I’ve had those days, too. I bought some guided imagery discs that really helped, but then I found some on the Cancer Crusade sight that I like even better. And you can down load them for free! And I’m thinking once I can drink again, a glass of wine with 10 minuets of positive thinking will work even better. Thinking of you two ladies though, and hoping your dark cloud floats away, leaving cheerful sunny days for the weekend.

    Speaking of drinking, I was told it was preferred that I not drink during chemo, but don’t remember what/if anything was said about drinking during rads. What is the wisdom of the Circle??

    Better get back to work.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Anne, my rad onc gave me the okay to drink during rads...

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    ty anne thats great advise

    also i drank during chemo.... knew my limits... and hey i am just about a 4 yr survivor

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Yup, TracEy. We started about the same time. 3 down....number 4 coming up!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Morning all..Sneaking in during this lovely storm before I go out on the road. I hate this time of year for work because the 2 companies overlap and you're so stressed. One day beautiful and worring about plants and the next snow and dealing with ice. Yukkkk

    Laura (((kisses))) Thinking of you and nice that you keep the baby's memory in your heart. xoxo bat hehe. I may be inclined to get something, been playing with it for years and keep chickening out.
    Could you imagine if we all got tattoos with the weekend, got in a major fight, dont' speak and we all have this tattoo on our bodies!!! LOL (never happen but funny to think about)

    Niki...I'm so impressed with how you've grown with this computer picture thing.

    Puppy....You just can't catch a break can you....xoxo

    Shirley...dancing naked...wouldn't that be a site for a camera and posting here.

    NS...G I feel so bad for your pain, you also cant' just move foward...(((smack)))

    Madison...Come early and we can pooch around shopping. Rick (dh) and I are going up Thursday and leaving Monday.

    Anne....funny story...after I finished chemo, my onc told me to go get drunk and have fun. When I went back for my 3 month checkup, he said my liver levels were up. I told him " you told me to drink" His response was "I didn't tell you to become an alcoholic" So now I've calmed down. I think we hit a wall after everything has finished where we don't want to live in our bodies and that was my way of coping. Now drinking is becoming harder to do.

    To all of my IRISH sisters....much love at this special time.

    another funny story. We are a very Irish family and my brother married a Jewish girl. When their children each had their Torah reading and the announcements went out, it was funny to see such Irish names associated with the special Jewish day. Love to all xoxo
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Anne, my oncologist said a drink or two never hurt anybody and it was good for your heart and nerves. She also told me that there was studies that showed that people that drank had less sickness. It didnt take much convincing to me so I took her up on it. Cant help you with rads as I did not have rads. Sometimes you just have to go with what feels best to you.

    Lini-sorry about the anxiety. I have dealt with that on occasion and its not a good thing. I never remember wanting to clean though but then again I never want to do that anyway.

    Nicki-picture monster. have fun at the parties this weekend and have a drink for me. I'm not picky.

    Vickie-I dont see how you all get up so early. I couldnt survive throughout the day but then again I am up at 11 or so at night. Been after midnight 2 days this week.

    Madison-geesh, Mazer promised to stay out of the fountain this time. Kids, you can never trust them.

    Those of you talking about tattoos, to me the needles are not the same as getting shots or anything like that. I am not experienced though as I only have 1 on my ankle but I'm a wus for needles and it wasnt bad. I would do another one but its gotta be something I really want bad. I have considered doing something pertaining to the farm since I love it.

    Magic carpet ride was nice this morning. Its a cooler day here in the south so I dressed appropriately. Mazer had her hat on and was raring to go early.

    Deb-just a reminder that I love the cd.

    Shirley-sorry you didnt get 2 nights of sleep. Good luck with the party tonight and hope the hubby likes the ipod. I cant imagine him not liking it.

    Farm update: Getting more goats. I had met somebody that has nigerian dwarfs and I wanted to breed my nubians with her male this spring. Well, she calls yesterday and is dispersing her herd which is a buck and doe and the doe has 2 off springs, a wether and a little doe. Anyway, she got a job offer in North Carolina and will I please buy her goats from her so she knows they will be taken care of. Well, I was wanting to purchases nigerians and just not got there yet so it is what I am wanting. Wooohoo,, more goatees on the farm. cute little things too. I will have to take some pictures because I am going to see them this weekend and she wants to keep them a little while till she leaves because she loves them too but I am ready when she is. Going to get a stinky buck but I need one anyway. See, its not just human boys that stink!

    NS-hoping you get those stinking drains out today. That will help you mentally and physically to be rid of those.

    ok gotta run get some work done but I shall return.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Afternoon CG'S,

    Thank you all for being with me today at Mammo. I swear this crap has turned me into a wimp. To think I had 3 kids with NO medication....what the he## was I thinking. The thing to do in the mid and late 70's!
    The Mammo went fine!!!! Some thickening on Miss Bad Boob, but they are sure it's scar tissue. Nothing Suspicious looking and they will see me in a year! The only problem I had was to keep from chuckling everytime the tech told me to hold still and hold my breath. I don't know which one of you kept goosing me....but it was quite funny!
    Love you all for pulling me through another one!
    Hugs and Love,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Sorry denise, it might have been Mazer. Shes a total cut up and loves to see everyone smile. She wants to see if somebody can smile as big as she can.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Helloooooo everyone!

    What a nasty day in the neighborhood!!! Snow, sleet and freezing rain . I went to work this morning, but left around 11:00. The roads were getting too slick. I can't believe it was 79 degrees two days ago.

    Laura & Cheri, I can't even imagine your pain. My mom lost a full term baby when I was about 6 yrs. old. No one ever spoke of the baby again. The only thing I know was that it was a girl and she died from premature separation of the placenta. The same thing happened to my mom when I was born, but I was ok (yeah, go ahead and say it. So that's what's wrong with you!). Seriously, you have my deepest condolences.

    Cheri, oh yeah, paint is the worst. Trying to pick out flooring is a close second. When we built our house, I was almost in tears at the flooring store. I could not choose!

    Robin, lean on us!! And get that mean old bastard out of the house!! There is a special place in hell for people like him. What goes around, comes around! Hope your port feels better soon. I didn't need one, thankfully, so I can only imagine what you are going through.

    Vickie, Thanks! When I went back and looked at it, I thought that the @ was the problem. I think 130 lbs. sounds just fine. That's what I weighed in my twenties and I wasn't too thin.

    Joyce, take the new job. It's only a little scary in the beginning! I hope Kevin's MRI goes well.

    Lini, boy do I feel for you! I had terrible anxiety attacks when I was in my twenties and thirties. It was so bad I could hardly leave the house. Eventually I got over them (no easy feat). It may be the weather setting you off. I found that I am sensitive to barometric changes and for seemingly no reason, I can get really tense and upset. Try to take some slow, deep breaths and talk yourself through it. I used to tell my self that nothing bad was going to happen, nobody was going to die, and just let it runs its course. If nothing else works, have a green drink!

    Shirley, I was told that you need to take Melatonin for at least a week to get it into your system. Don't give up yet. You had a good night 2 nights ago, maybe you need to give yourself a little more time.

    Anne, my onc didn't want me drinking during chemo, but during rads was fine. And, the Ambien made me very fuzzy in the brain. It lasted all morning the next day.

    Well, it's time to take off for our castle in Ireland! I'm going by Leprechaun Express if anyone needs a lift
    Erin Go Braugh!!!!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Thanks for all your kind words and prayers.

    Must go and put feet up. The in-laws need me in about an hour. This move has been hard on them. They are very sweet people, but a bit overwhelmed by all the decisions that need to be made. FIL is 90, and MIL is 87. They'll be celebrating their 69th anniversary this July.

    Thanks again for all your support. I hope DH and I will be hunting out a good fish fry tonight.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I hope I don't miss to many of you!

    Tattoo's huh! I wanted to get a little angel on my shoulder or chest after my Son died, but I never had the nerve to do it. Maybe now (at 52!), I could get a little angel holding a pink ribbon! That would have double meaning.

    Vickie: Anxiety sucks. Take your Xanax and remember TGIF! What is a Papasan Chair? It isn't one of those things that hang from the ceiling is it?!

    Nicki: I had a Cardiolyte Stress in November. Once they got the IV in, no problem. The Nurse tried to talk me into having it done on right arm. Sorry, NO...That arm is protected from all jabs!
    You're right, I do work with the Elders. Homehealth and Hospice. I don't coordinate ALL of the clients lifes, but the longer you are with someone, the more that falls in your lap. Normally, I love what I do, well, like it is more like it right now.

    Cheri: I can take vacation, but we don't get any paid days. Homecare has gotten quite ridiculous. It is definitely a job of the heart and not the billfold! No OT pay, No holiday pay, No paid Vacations, No Paid Sick Days. Why did I say I do this job?!?! Actually we are trying to get out of here sometime in April. Probably head to AZ to see my Son.

    Vickie: Forgot to tell you, The happy dance makes me laugh everytime I see it!

    Deb: So glad your appt. went good! YaHoo! My CD got me to and from my appt today!

    Jan: I see you are back to work. Feeling okay? Don't overdue.

    Nicki: I don't know if I'd get bored staying home or not. DH still works, but you are right...can't quite imagine being with anyone 24/7!!!!

    Anne: NO MORE CHEMO!!!! Thanks, I did replay the hugs from last Saturday. What a wonderful day that was!

    Phobia is back..I will return!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Oooooohhh Amy, goats!! I love goats. If we ever decide to get some animals, I want sheep, goats, donkeys and chickens. I'd also love another horse just for me.

    You wanted to get a farm tattoo? I know. Why don't you get a little tattoo of Mazer on your butt? You know, an ass on your ass! Teehee, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it!

    I keep forgetting to tell you my funny donkey story. When we were out in Sturgis last summer, the Budweiser Clydesdales were there. I don't know if you ever saw the commercial with the little donkey that wanted to be a Clydesdale, but he was with them. We went to their stable area to take pics one morning and all the horse are in their stalls. I tried to get a good picture of the horses, but every last one of them had their you know whats hanging out. Can't take a picture of that!!! All of a sudden that little donkey started to bray at the top of his lungs! I thought DH would have a heart attack. And guess what? All those horses pulled their you know whats back where they belonged and I got some great pics ! We laughed till we cried. DH had never heard a donkey bray before and he couldn't believe how LOUD it was. And that's my story .
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Thought for sure I'd lose that post!!

    Susan: The ride wasn't to bad today! I think Cheri did well without seeing where she was going!! I hope your knee is cooperating!

    Nicki: I keep adding to you! Well said about the Alzheimers patient you eval. yesterday. I've always thought it a extremely cruel disease, as so many are perfectly healthy, except their minds.
    Also, I love the Hippo. Throw some blonde hair on it and it can be my new avator!!

    Kristen: So glad your Chemo is done and I so hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

    Lini: I think we all feel like a ticking time bomb at sometime or another. (with me it's most of the time!) Hope the ativan worked and that you DROVE SAFELY!

    AlwaysHope: Dang, the cops don't mess around in your town! If they give you a choice, go for vertical stripes....very slimming. And of course black, not orange!!

    Lini: Oh Crap, you just reminded me that I had clothes in the washer and clean dishes in dishwasher. UGH!

    Puppy: I'm sure thinking of you. Don't know the whole story, but you take care of yourself.

    NS: I hope you got your drains out today. Feel better and lets get this behind you. You remind me of the Helen Reddy song: "You are Woman, Hear me Roar." (or something like that!

    Madison: Thanks for being with me today! I was thinking. If they can take a regular (or not regular!) boob and flatten it out to a pancake. Why can't we stick other body parts in the machine and have them flattened too! Like a stomach, butt, hips, maybe a thigh! Just a thought!

    MB: A tattoo where Nip was? That sounds painful! But the design sounds pretty! I wrote about my "wanting tattoo" days in the last post!

    Betty: Don't mess with my Computer! I have to have access to my Boardaholic Friends.

    To be cont'd....Sorry
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    afternoon ladies...well it's storming pretty hard here now so I'm heading out at 2:30 and slooooowly making my way home. Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't live so far away and it's mostly back roads all the way. angel with a ribbon...I love that idea. I did my chemo and surgery etc for my kids. I was thinking of a girl and a boy angel holding a ribbon! I'm the Xanex girl today and gonna have a glass of wine and crochet when I get home in my new comfy chair. A papasan chair is like a bowl...round and adjustable with a really nice thick cushion. Here's a happy dance just for you
    Jan...yup...happy with 130 lbs...I may post a pic later and see what you all think as everyone seems to think I need to gain more and I feel just fine. sister has boar goats...they have been having babies left and right and make me want to get one so bad! I love goats.
    Ok...gotta rush to get things finished up here and head out into the gloom. Aren't I the cheery one today!
    Love ya all though
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Boy I'm sure hopscotching around today. Sorry.

    Cheri: Ooh, a vascular consult before your foot/ankle surgery? Are you having problems or are they being cautious?

    Joyce: Of course I'll keep Kevin in my prayers. Poor guy has been through so much. Please let us know how the MRI goes tomorrow.

    Shirley: I have a note to Congratulate you on a good nights sleep, then I read somemore and see it didn't work the next night. I've been fortunate that I can usually sleep. I do take Phenegran which is like Benedryl..they give it to me for sleep. Don't know if that is why I sleep pretty good or not.

    Cheri, Laura, Jan: All Libra's hey! I'm a Gemini....Now, really, can you imagine me having a twin!!

    NS: I hope you get your Path reports back soon. They are confusing, but I like having the real deal in my own hands. Good luck!

    Robin: 4 hour surgery, so sorry dear. I hope you are feeling better. Don't let the Idiot that shares your home bring you down anymore. I'm sure most of us can relate to knowing a idiot of some sort. My Ex is known only as "idiot", I'd have to write a book to explain him. We've been divorced for somethng like 23 years. Good Riddins Idiot!

    Margaret: Thought about getting my DH to try Ambien. He's reluctant, but he isn't sleeping well at all.

    Sheri: I sure hope the treatment works on you ddd. Do you think it's from the "wonder drugs" we take?

    Tracey & Always Hope: We are at about the same place. 3 1/2 years for me!!

    Theresa: To Funny about your Liver Levels!!

    Better go, before the boardaholic police come and get me..atleast I'd be with Alwayshope!

    Love and Hugs to all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Jan: Love it, an ass for your ass!!

    Vickie: Thanks for the Happy Dance!! DRIVE CAREFULLY, I c
    an't believe the storm you are getting!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Denise...couldn't find a picute of the papasan chair but here's a link so you can see what they look like...Pier1 has them on sale online right now.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    oops longer on sale! Still the best price.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    I love papsan chairs. You just sink right into them! Uuummmmmmm!! Enjoy it, Vickie!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Madison, Tracey, Jan, and Theresa - thanks for the input on drinking. I am looking forward to it after all these weeks!

    Jan-my onc's feeling is that we put our livers through an awful lot with the chemo, why add to it if you don't need to. And since I wasn't have nausea problems, decided not to run the risk of starting them.

    Theresa - I loved the story about your onc. Made me laugh right out loud. My boss (who's office is next door to mine) is probably wondering what I'm up to. But it's my lunch and I'll laugh if I want to!!

    Amy - yea for goats! They are one of my favorite parts of the petting area of the zoo.

    Denise - great news about your mamo!! Sending big hugs for ya!

    Lunch times up, see ya later, All.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Denise, 52 is not too old for a tattoo. I got my first when I turned 50 and now I have 4, lol! I'm getting one or two more at some point! Go for it girl!! Just make sure it is something you can live with FOREVER!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oh Vickie, I love those chairs! Just didn't know the name of them. Is it going in you "new" living room?

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Biker you better watch your language on here before you get the smack down again. lol! I think I was 35 when I got my tattoo and I so want another one but afraid I couldnt handle one big enough to cover what Biker said.

    also I love the donkey story and I do remember the commercial. Donkeys are loud no doubt about it and Mazer is kinda squeaky with her nose. This morning she was attempting to let out her donkey noise but it was a big squeak so I rubbed her head and said good job squeaky,,keep trying.


  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Afternoon all,

    Well ANXIETY PLUS today....rats, double rats, DD had a car accident today...she is okay, other person okay, car is so-so.....Just when you think you can stick you head out from under the covers.....knew I shoulda stayed in bed....

    Saw ortho doc a few minutes ago and will do MRI on Tuesday to check the disc in my neck...

    I didn't go back to the office...I think I'll have a blue, green, yellow, purple, red, drink....


    Sorry to ramble....
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Amy, goats are cute...had 3 when I was growing up. A mamma goat and daddy goat and they had the cutest baby....I liked them better than my siblings!!!! Siblings were a pain in the neck 'cause I was the baby of the family and they sure did tease!!!!!