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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Evenin' All!

    Laura and Cheri, WooHoo, I'm a Libra too!! Any kind of shopping is an ordeal for me. Can't make up my flippin' mind!! I always end up buying something I'm not crazy about!

    Puppy, please just do your cardiac rehab. You will feel so much better!

    Nicki, I don't mind my scars either. For a long time I would scare myself when I walked into the bathroom and saw my nipless boobs in the mirror. Now I say, who cares! I'm beautiful, Dammit!! I did get my teeth cleaned right before chemo. My boss made me do it. You were talking about Alzheimers. My Dad had it, and his Mom, and his sister. I think I am doomed . Sometime I think it would be better to be blissfully unaware. No stress!!
    I'm with you tonight with the diet. DH radioed me on my way home and asked if I wanted a Martini. Of course. And a glass of wine with dinner. You know what? I have come to the conclusion that tomorrow is always another day. If we slip up, who cares. We will do better tomorrow. And if I don't lose some serious weight soon, it!!!
    Why do our curses get highlighted now??? Or is it just me?
    Vickie, enjoy your new B cups!! You will enjoy looking like a girl again! Just get what makes you happy!

    Bye for now!
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday Kristin! Woo Hoo! Hope it was spent surrounded by those you love
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    I need thank you girls for making me smile every day. When I woke up this morning, it was rainy and dreary, and I was ready to take my place as Queen of the Pissy Tent. Then I came here and saw Nicki’s picture of the teeth going at it, and I couldn’t stop grinning.

    Deb, I’ve considered getting a tattoo. I was thinking about getting a little butterfly on my stomach, but I’m afraid that if I gain any more weight, the butterfly will end up looking like a bat!

    Vickie, Happy Tequilla Thursday to you! I’ve been thinking about a margarita all day!

    Joyce, Big hugs to you. I’m so sorry that you have so much going on right now.

    Shirley, I’m so glad that you slept last night. I’ve had a terrible time with insomnia, and once I was able to break my crazy sleep cycle, the world was a much better place.

    Puppy, I’m keeping you in my prayers.

    Robin, You’ve been through so much. I literally sit and shake my head when I read your stories about your husband. I just don’t know how anyone could be that cruel. (((Robin)))

    Sheri, I hope you get some relief from the new medicine!

    Anne, Yippee!! I’m so happy to hear that your chemo is done!!!!

    Gina, I’m a Stage IIIA girl, and I remember feeling like I had been punched in the gut when I heard that news. I know it is scary waiting for the path report, and I hope that you can feel all the love that we are sending your way. Hope the migraine gets better too.

    Cheri, I just got contacts and I’m having my hair colored next week. I can’t decide on a color, but something needs to be done to this mane.

    Kristin, Happy, happy birthday!!!!

    I’ve missed many of you, but I need to go jump in my hot tub. My arthritis in my hip is really bugging me today, so I need a good soak.

    Love to all of you!! Nicki, I can’t wait to see the pictures you post tomorrow morning!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Denise, it sounds like you need a little break. Maybe not a change so much as just getting away from your job. Do you have any pto or vacation time coming? I believe now would be a good time to take it. BTW, your mammo is going to be just fine.

    Kristen, glad you're finished with your chemo. Sounds like your job is going very well. Happy Birthday!!

    Anne, you know it really is hard to pick out eye glass frames by yourself cuz you can't see what you look like without your glasses. That's like trying to look for lost contact lenses, can't see them! Hey, congrats on your last chemo!

    Jan, a Libra too? I think one of the hardest decisions to make is what color to paint a room in my house. OMG! Somebody has to finally end up making a choice. I did finally pick the "Violet Hush" for our bedroom. I'm not sure I like it though lol

    NS, oh i hope you get sleep tonight I know that would make you feel better if you could just rest. I think of you so many times a day. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    Meaner, looking for your post and can't find it. Gee, I must've overlooked it cos you said you were coming back to the Circle so I believe you...just can't find your post.

    Hey to Vickie, Madison, Nicki, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Ginny, Christiny, Jazmanian, Shirley, Shokk, Laura, Karen in Denver, Jule, Tracy, and anyone I've mistakenly missed.

    Tomorrow is Friday so you all know what that means...Cyber Par-Tay! Going to a big castle in Ireland.

    Vickie, hey.

    Susan, hey.

    Holly, where are you?

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Feeling a little low tonight. Today is the day that I'm reminded that bc is not the worst thing that ever happened in my life. Thirty years ago today our son, Matthew was born 2 months early. He only lived six hours. DH and I went to the cemetery when he got home. Seeing all those little graves so close together is just so sad, all those families who lost precious little ones. At the time it was hard for my friends to talk about it. Most of them were having babies at the same time, too. They knew that it could have just as easily have happened to them.

    It occurs to me that the situation is similar to bc. Some of our friends just don't want to talk about bc. They're probably afraid, both for us and for themselves. I think that they'd like it to just go away. If we don't talk about it, then it doesn't exist. Maybe the danger doesn't exist either. I have a standard answer when someone asks me how I'm doing. I just say, "As far as we know, good, but we never know for sure." Sometimes that isn't what they want to hear. We all know that most people think that once you've successfully completed your tx's, then you're going to be okay. I guess I answer that way to raise awareness. Maybe it's too subtle.

    Tomorrow I won't think as much about Matthew, as I did today. He's in my thoughts a lot in March, but it doesn't hurt as much as it used to.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Laura, so sorry about your baby. I hate to think that it still bothers a mother 30 yrs later. You see, my daughter lost a precious one month old son to SIDS last year and she was devastated. She still is. She & Gavin were sleeping and she woke up...and he didn't. Ever. They were living with us & she just fell apart and I was on the phone with 911 and trying to resusitate him. It was just too late. The funeral was a blur, a nightmare. He's buried less than a 1/4 of a mile up the road from us. My dh put little solar night lights on each side of his headstone. Just yesterday she went up & planted flowers on his grave. I don't know how to help her. She & I both have unwarranted guilt, i think with SIDS people always do. He was such a good little baby. It makes me sad to think that you still go thru the pain after that many years because my daughter will too. I'm just so sorry.
    I agree with what you said about a death being like bc. Nobody knows what to say except for the ones that just blurt out something totally inappropiate. It's not their fault I think they mean well they just don't know how to deal with anything so major. You get some rest and tomorrow will be a better day.
    You said it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. I'm praying time will heal my daughters wounds. And mine.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007

    Cheri and Laura- I am thinking of you both at this sad time for. How do we get by with our day to day lives, when we've suffered such loss? It comes back and reminds us of the empty spots in our hearts, but somehow we laugh and smile again, in time. Our loved ones help us thru as they never really leave us.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    thank you girls for your kind words.I am working on getting him out of the house thats for sure the only way I am gonna beat this ca,he acts like he is just waiting around for me to die.But i have a secret for him i am gonna outlive him just for spite if nothing else.
    I am sorry there are others here who are having hard times you are always in my heart and in my prayer.
    Nicki:It is very scary knowing what we know.SOmetimes less is more.I know this was the worse intubation i have ever had my throat is killing me.I canged the dressing today and feel a little better.although my neck hurts bad.It only has 3 stitches in it but I guess it was tugged and pulled on so much.
    Goodnite all my friends.I am counting on you to get me thru the months ahead.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Robin, your beautiful dammit! You have a good attitude. Although, it does remind me of Mena. She swears she's gonna stay around just to outlive her ass of an ex! And I believe you both can do it. Certainly gives you incentive to get well. I really feel for you on the port surgery. Yikes, I'm sure you are sore. Maybe you'll feel a bit stronger tomorrow. You can do this, ya know. If anything, get well out of spite that'll show the dhead! Talk to some attorneys and see what you can do to get him out so you can concentrate on you. That man has a black soul.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    oh denise, that's right. your mammogram is tomorrow. Woooo! who's driving? Probably Cheri without her glasses.

    Oh Cheri, my birthday is Oct. 20. Do great minds think alike or what?

    Anne, super congratulations to you. Did they give you an award.

    So Vickie now you want to be skinny AND have big boobs. I am so jealous. LOL

    No tatoos for me Deb. Well, I did get permanent makeup on my eyes. And that worked out great. Happy I did it. That's about the same thing as a tatoo, huh. So go for it!

    Kristin, last chemo. woohoo!!! Your new project sounds like fun.

    oh I just ran out of steam. gotta go to sleep cause my brain quit working. finish tomorrow.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Just dropping by with a quick good-night to all...I am beat today.

    Hang in ther and sleep tight
    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Couldn't find a better picture this morning and this one is a bit sunshine here...winter storm warnings! Come on Nicki...sunshine sister, I need some real sunshine!
    I'm up early as my SIL rides to work with me and called at 5am to see if we were going to go. aauugghh...I'll be ready for a nap by lunchtime.
    LOL...that's what happened last night...layed down for just a minute...zonked out.
    Cheri and Laura...warm hugs to you. What an awful heartache. One that I cannot imagine and would be my worst nightmare. I am so very sorry for your losses. Our nurse at work just lost her son (he was 9...I think...chemo brain)and she will come sit on the couch in my office and just let it out. All I can do is hug words will make it better and no words can even convey what you truly want to say.
    Deb...come to Ireland ths weekend! Big party goin on and no blue drinks!
    Break out the magic carpet for Denise...I'll be standing in the yard if you can see me through the snow. Wearin my bubble wrap today though cuz rumor has it Cheri and Mazer are driving again. made me laugh. I'm actually at 130 pounds now!! Everyone keeps telling me I'm too skinny still but I don't care anymore, I'm comfortable with my weight and it's much better than 110.
    Sue...glad you found you way away from the pissy tent...Nicki has become our picture queen!
    Jan...your curse is only highlighted cuz you put an @ in it so the internet thinks it a link.
    Anne...sending you hugs. Water cooler cups as prosthesis and drink holders roflmbo!!!
    Missed a bunch of you ... hugs to Robin, Mena, Shel, Madison, EVERYONE!!!
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Drats once again beat by my sunshine sister. I woke up at 4:15 and thought hey, that is way too early. So I went back to sleep. Had one of those goofy dreams. Now Im more tired than I was earlier. So just waiting unpatiently for my coffee.

    The next 2 days are gonna be busy. No rest for the wicked this week-end.

    Denise: What kind of work do you do? I forget! Sounds like you work with the older population - and they can certainly be a challenge. Especially if you have to coordinate all their care. I have the best of both worlds with my job. If I worked from home - I would go out of my mind. I learned from my last surgery being home all day with my husband for 4 days? I was ready to scratch his eyes out.

    Kristin: Well I missed to special events. Your Birthday and your last chemo! I remember when you first came to the wagon circle. You were gonna start your first chemo and now look at you, your done with it. I just wnat to hug you, but instead, Ill do a little dance for you to celebrate.


    Anne: Cherish the feeling. Its so good to wake up and think "chemo is done." All of my dates and anniversaries are becoming one big blurr now. But there are 2 dates I remember very clearly. The day of my surgery and the day of my last chemo.

    Jan: I must say I really enjoyed my wine last night. I slept pretty darn good. I noticed our curses are getting highlighted too. I know its against the rules of conduct to even use symbols instead of the words. Maybe there are reminding us. I have become way too obsessed with this wt. loss thing. Which should be good to get met motivated, but watching my husband lose weight without any effort - well its just depressing. Well I take evreything back. I just clicked on your word and I got an instant message. So I think using @ makes it look like an email addy.

    Gus/Sue: Well those teeth going at it. Thats how I feel when I have a toothache! It is pretty funny though. Hmmmm, gotta find a funny pic for you.


    Cheri: Make sure someone helps you pick out your glasses. Im blind as a bat and I could look like this if someone wasnt with me.


    Laura: Im sorry you had a difficult day yesterday. Hoping today brings some sunshine. Its never right. For a child to pass on before the parent.

    Robin: I thought the port insertion hurt more than my bil. mast! In the jugular is tough, cause everytime you move your head it hurts. I agree, seems like life would be so much easier for you without the jerky guy around you. Just kick him in the butt and tell him to be on his way.


    Susan and Debc: My days have been pretty busy and it seems like Im running out of steam all the time. Hope you wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed.

    OK! Thats my early morning post. Its gonna be a wild day. Im going to work, then meeting my husband at a NH where he is doing his Irish act from 2:30 til 4:00pm. Then we come home and head out to the Irish Mill for his day before St. Patty's Day act. Onward to tomorrow which will be his BIG day. Hope I can stand the crowds. The last 2 St. Patty's Day have been one big blurr.

    This will be me for the next 2 days.


    Hope I see ya a little bit later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007 sunshine sister is up! Missed ya lady. Send some sunshine this way!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Some sunshine for Vickie:

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh thanks Nicki...the sunshine and the ocean!!! My two favorite sights. Your the best.
    Love ya
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Mornng Sunshine sisters!!!

    Thanks for the pictures...even though my eyes aren't open all the way....

    I'll post from work this morning...
    Have a great morning
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Kristin--No more chemo!!! Woohoo!!!!

    Good Morning all. I keep waking up early, but I'm usually too groggy to post.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning!

    Just time for a Good Morning Girls. I'm so happy for everyone that has had good news. And a big Hurray for FINISHING treatment. I'll write more to you ladies later today.

    Had to take a minute for Laura(peanutgirl) and Cheri. I know how you feel, wish I didn't, but I do. We must carry our heavy hearts well as I just met Laura last Saturday. I'll keep this short, but I totally believe the pain you feel after 30 years. Whether it's at birth, When they are very young, or teenagers (as mine was), or adults....children are not suppose to die before their parents.
    Love and Hugs,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Laura and Cheri-(((hugs))) I am so sorry for your loss. I loss a sister and a brother when I was a kid. I've always felt the loss. It gets less but never goes away. With a chronically ill son,I live w/h the fear of it happening to me...children are not suppose to die before their parents. It makes me question my faith all the time.
    I finally have some good news to report. The company that did not have a spot for me called and offered me a job. They even offered me a raise to start on Monday. I am both happy and a little nervous. I guess that is normal right? I think it will be a good outlet for me. I need to get on with my life.
    Please keep Kevin in your prayers this weekend. We go tomorrow for the MRI.
    Take Care,
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Laura and Cheri, I'm so sorry for your losses.

    Joy, that is fantabulous news!!!! Yahoo.

    On another note, I am now a criminal. Its official! While driving home from the community center last night, I got rear ended by another car. Dummy me...forgot to tear off the little proof of insurance card and stick it in my wallet the last time my renewal came and I got a ticket for 'no proof of insurance' and now I have a MANDATORY COURT APPEARANCE. Yup, can't just pay a fine...I have to go to court and plead guilty or not guilty. Plus, they confiscated my car tags and gave me a bright neon green sticker on the back of my car. Thank goodness I have a garage. I slunk home and parked my car and closed the garage door so my neighbors couldn't see my shame. LOL!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Morning CGs,

    My anxiety level is way up today. Up a little yesterday, but for some reason way up today. Feel like I'm going to break down and have a full-blown anxiety attack. Have a tax appt. later this PM, but don't think it's that. Maybe I'll take 1/2 of an Ativan, it should be out of my system in time to drive later. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Love to all.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning cg's

    well its been a busy week for me.. and a bit stressfull...
    the other night dh had a friend over and they partied half the night kept me and the kids up... was totally ticked off as i had to be up for 6 am for work and kids had school... plus i had that job interview i said i wasnt taking... yes i did the job interview and it went very well... it does look kind of good for someone starting out in management.... but i dont know...i think my boss knows somethings up as he is making strange comments to me.. like remember we give bonuses and your about due for another one... just weired comments... ugh!!!!!!!
    we had a bus come into the hotel last night as i though it was all the shareholders but from with our night audit says most of these kids are like 15 yrs old.... rich parents.... now i wonder if this is going to be a babysitting job...
    ok i am sorry to rant and rave.... been a crappy week...

    kristen... congrats on finishing chemo..... see there is light at the end of the tunnel:):)
    also happy birthday... hope you had a nice day!!!!!!!

    anne also congrats on the end of chemo:):)

    laura i am so sorry about matthew, i couldnt imagine... hugssssssssss.....

    hahahahahah.... vickie and nikki you two make me rotflmao!!!!!!!!!!!

    to all i have missed, deb, cheri, mena, christine, tgirl,denise, joyce,susan,betty,madison,gus and robin... and all my other sweet sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    I'm with you anxiety levels are way up today for some reason...the weather, lack of hormones, tired, who knows. Gonna wait an hour and take another half a Xanex here too.
    Hi Tracey...what a tough decision.
    Magic carpet is picking up Kevin for his MRI today too so lets give him a good ride!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Do you sometimes feel like a ticking timebomb ready to explode? It's unnerving.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    That describes me exactly today. Just so overwhelmed I feel like the top of my head could just blow off. Very unnerving. I don't get it.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Day two of melatonin didn't work. I think I'm hopeless. Today is hubbies 50th birthday. Having a little dinner party tonight. Went to see doc yesterday about rash. He says "reaction to the glue, use cortizone cream" I said gee you could have told me that over the phone. I'm gonna be dragging my itchy tired behind all over this two bit town today looking for cheeses with strange names. Don't have time for tired or itchy. At least the house is clean.

    Puppy, virus in your heart? wow that sounds scary.

    MB, are we gonna dance naked around the pit?
    boulders!! hahahahahaha
    A tattoo, you are braver than I. I have the occasional passing tattoo thought. Then remember the process involves a needle and say uhhhhhhh no thanks.
    There is a lady in chat named Martha who got tats to cover her mast scars. They are beautiful.

    Denise, I wasn't gonna say a word about those teeth. So thats what they do when were asleep. Hope your feeling better today.

    Laura, take a nap. you have earned it.

    Nicki, that little blue laughing doggy? is to cute.

    Vicki, throwing things at ones boss is never a good idea.
    New boobs, o la la.

    Kristin, yehaw on your last chemo. Doing the happy dance for you too.
    Happy Birthday

    Sue, hope you had a good soak. Contacts freak me out. Can't imagine having to stick my fingers in my eyes. I've got an appt for cut and color next week. I've put it off for way to long and I look like a shaggy mop.

    Laura and Cheri, great huge hugs for you both. I can not even begin to imagine the pain of losing a child.

    Nicki, I had glasses like that in the 80's.

    Good Morning Madison.

    Joyce, praying for Kevin. Woo Hoo on the job offer. They figured out they needed you.

    Jas, uhoh!!!!! Your DMV isn't hooked up to police computers? Bummer. Here all they have to do is call in the plate # or something and it tells them if you have insurance or not. I never remember to put the proof paper in my car.

    Hugs lini and Vicki, anxiety stinks.

    Tracey, glad the interview went well. You will make the best decision for you.

    Have a million things to do today. Won't be at the party tonight. Hope everyone has a green time. Love you all to bits.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Thanks for the magic carpet ride…I know Denise is saying shhhhhh, they hear you. Mazer already has one foot in the chocolate fountain. Cheri brought plenty of bubble wrap
    NS, so sorry you are having so much pain. Wish we were all there to take care of you. Tylenol is not a great pain reliever. I hope the migraine is gone this morning.
    Lini, the magic carpet may have to stop and visit you…anxiety attacks are real!!! Take care
    Nicki and Vickie – love your pictures…helps me wake up this morning. I saw Laura was also awake early this morning.
    Puppy, glad to see you, but sad you are having a hard time.
    Joyce, great news on the job…a door has been opened for you… prayers are continuing for Kevin.
    Cheri and Laura and Denise, no words can express how sorry I am that this has happened to you
    Alwayshope, St. Patrick’s day is tomorrow…your green tag will look great!!!! I remember an accident I had a decade ago where I had left my insurance card at the windshield repair place to confirm insurance (I had an appointment in ½ hour to get a new windshield)…yep, had an accident- but someone that knew me stopped and went to the windshield repair place to pick-up my card. She was my angel appearing at the perfect time to help that day.
    Deb, a tattoo, wow, my 3 DD would think their mom is finally in the 21st Century!!!
    Shirley, good morning!!
    Robin, I hope you are feeling better today and not in as much pain. Big hugs to you.
    MB, I haven’t booked my plane ticket yet because I don’t know if I want to go in a day early for the falls trip? Decisions-decisions
    Anne and Kristin - I hope you are still celebrating the end of chemo.
    Kristin, hope you had a great birthday celebration.
    Sheri, it sounds like your docs have a good plan in trying to find where the problem is…think positive. I actually put a call into my ortho today…crying uncle on the arm pain!!!
    Jan- I see you are back to work….rain, turning into snow…you must still be getting cold weather.
    Amy, I have 2 dogs that will not go outside when it is raining. I have to get the umbrella and MAKE them go outside. They give me some mean looks when I make them go outside.
    Susan, tax stuff –not my favorite thing to think about. I have a tax baby…born April 15. My DH’s secretary had to bring the tax forms in the labor room so I could sign….and she could mail. My poor child wonders why I never smile on her birthday…TAXES!!!
    Cheri, YES your ortho surgery will work….we will all be there to MAKE SURE!! I have not heard of Lyrica for pain…hummmm will have to look up some information.
    Tracey, Carrie, Deese, Karen, Donna, Michele, Holly and Brenda, some I missed - where are you?
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Tracey, I just saw your post...sorry you are having a rotten week.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    I guess anxiety has some good points. I'm trying to stay busy. It's only a little after 8 am and I've already changed out two beds, done 4 loads of laundry(they're even put away), wiped down the kitchen, helped the kid with homework, had breakfast, chatted with you all, and now I think I'll head for a walk. Most I've done all week. LOL!!