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  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Yep I was the baby also and got plenty of teasing.

    Sorry about your daughters car wreck but at least she isnt hurt. Enjoy the drink, you deserve it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Have been celebrating St. Patty's Day all day. Man its a long week-end when it falls on a Saturday. Husband just finished one party. Now we have a break until about 7pm. I am so out of shape. Dont need to exercise today. Did the Irish Jig for 2 hours! With many breaks I might add.

    Joyce: Oh Im so excited for you. Ya see, things always do work out for the best. Congratulations on the job offer.

    Jasmania: Well the neon green sticker works for this week-end. Man oh man, I bet your aggravated. So you are officially a criminal.


    Lini: I am the queen of panic attacks. Ever since my diagnosis. I have real issues at any social gatherings. Its weird, cause my PCP changed me from Lexapro to Celexa. I havent had a panic attack since. I dont know if its from the Celexa or that Im just moving onto a different, unknown path in this journey.


    I hope you and Vickie are feeling better. Xanax is my best friend.

    Tracey: Couldnt ya just kill your husband. Unfair he gets to party half the night!! It sounds like your leaning towards this new job. Just remember, you dont have to make a move. If your gonna change jobs - look for something better. Better hours, better pay, less stress, better benefits.

    Sherloc: I hope your DH has a wonderful Birthday. Gosh, the day before St. Patricks days. And running around town looking for strange cheese?


    Madison and Sherloc: My husband and I are talking about driving. Actually my SIL who was my main support is thinking about coming too. We are discussing renting an RV and making a real road trip out of it. None of us have been to the Falls and we were talking about staying there overnight. But - it would be awesome to get a picture of all of us in front of the Falls!

    Just contemplating what its gonna be like to meet all of you. And at Niagra Falls. That would be a blast.


    Jasmine and Tracey: Respect I say. Respect with a smile. 4 year survivors. Now thats special.

    Tgirl: I thought it was bad for me pure Italian - parents born in Italy to marry someone who is half Irish - half Italian. Jewish and Irish!


    Amy: On St. Patty's Day there are only 2 things I drink. A glass of Irish Mist with a toast. "Here's to health to your enemies, enemies." And of course, have to have a shot of Jameson's. The Irish sometimes call it "mothers milk." Last year I was bald and had an Irish news boy cap. When we toasted to with the Jamesons, I took off my hat - bald with fuzz. That moment actually makes me smile. When I was a little girl. We had a farm we would go to on the week-ends. I almost got bucked by a billy goat. Its true - its true.


    Denise: You were goosed? Ahahahaha that had to be Distored Humor. He fancies females and he's really good at goosing people.

    Denise: Homecare and Hospice. Great job because it can be so rewarding. Tough request. This is all I could find.


    Well! I have finially relaxed. Need to check out the cyber party thread. 3 glasses of wine. Guse what. Im blowing off the pub tonight. Will have all day tomorrow to celebrate.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2007
    Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes! I am so happy this week...had a great birthday, chemo is over, and my work situation is improving! Although I really can't complain about work, at least as far as my coworkers go. On Wednesday they had a party for me....a combo birthday/end of chemo celebration. They really are very good to me! They raised enough money to provide me with catered food from last October to now, and I think there are still 2 more deliveries to come! It has been such a blessing to not have to worry about feeding my family over the last 6 months!

    I have seen talk of tattoos as I skimmed through some of the posts...when I am all done with radiation, I am going to go out and get a kick-ass tattoo. I have always wanted to get one, but was too chicken. Guess what? After being diagnosed with BC and getting this far through treatment, I don’t think that much is going to frighten me anymore! I am thinking I will get a sunflower, but I am not sure where. Ankle? On the back of my shoulder? Or maybe my hip? I cannot decide!!!

    And I wish I could come to Pinkstock, but it is not looking too good. I have missed quite a bit of work so far this year and I want to be able to take the kids to Disney in November. Gosh, you girls are going to have so much fun!

    I am still going back to read all the posts I missed so I can catch up, but you are all in my prayers....Laura, Robin, Cheri, Madison, Michele, Theresa, Vickie, Cy, Tracey, Shel38, Nicki, Deb, Gina, Sherloc, Lini, Jasmine, Joyce, Denise, Amy, Carrie, Puppy, Shirley, Sue, AlwaysHope, MB, Anne, Sheri, Karen, Holly, Donna, Jan… I know I missed some...I need to start taking better notes!

    Love to you all!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Jasmine, that is so sad about the ticket. I guess I had better make sure I have my insurance card. I may have thrown it away, too.

    Madison, glad your dd is ok. What a scare!

    Amy, Mazer was very good at the dr. It's been a busy week and was probably tired out.

    Nicki, my dh is Irish and his birthday is March 18. He missed being born on St. Patrick's day by 1 hour. His mother never forgave him. His name is Sean Darcy Herndon, how's that for Irish? He always used to celebrate by going out for a green beer. They don't do that much here in Danville, Kentucky. I did buy him a six pack of Guinness, though. One of our favorite bands was the Fenians, in Orange County, CA. We would go and dance the whole time. I miss it.

    Robin, we're here! You can do what you have to to get your husband out, you've been through so much and deserve some happiness!

    Hoping to get some knitting time in this weekend, but still have lots to do.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hi CG’s,

    I’m crawling my way out of the medic tent. I sure hope I didn’t expose anyone to this mess. I have felt horrid! I saw my PS and she feels my sore boob is either the beginning of capsular contracture or an inflamed pec muscle. Have to wear the bra 24/7 for awhile and will see her in a month. Have to massage etc. also.

    I’ve missed so much I can see. Will have to go back and read 4 pages I think.

    Hugs and prayers to all. Will be back after I catch up.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007

    Hi gals - Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy St. Patricks's day. My Miriam's b'day party is on Sunday (bowling with 10 other little girls - then ice cream and cake at home) and she turns 9 on Monday 3/19 so it will be a busy weekend. She is so excited. Last year, her b'day was a couple weeks after my mastectomy, so this year she is glad that mom is not post surgery (but pre-surgery!!!) Count down to recon - one week from today. Feeling cranky and tired of all this BC stuff. I've been on the Femara for 3 days now and not sure how I like I how feel. May need to take it at night instead of the morning - its messing with my stomach (which is still not the best, tired and legs are achy plus still side effects from the Arimidex. I will wait it out the 4 weeks till I see my onc. Hand therapy is going well. Need to go back an read 8 pages of posts. How is NS? and anyone else who recently had procedures - I hope you are recovering nicely. I think of you all - all the time, but having trouble spending time here for very long. Probably won't be able to get back on till sunday night or monday. DH wants me to get the taxes ready for him to do before my surgery. Have a drink for me. Karen in Denver

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Hey Nicki, Get your rest while you can, but enjoy St Patrick's Day!!

    I don't know what kind of tattoo I want??? something to commemorate my fight with the beast! Maybe a pink orchid on my ankle??

    I have to go to the party thread now. No can type!!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007

    I always pictured some kind of butterfly with a pink ribbon intertwined somehow. Any artists out there?

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    I know an artist who would probably design something for me. It's tough, because you better love it for life!! I have 4 tattoos and I am really giving a lot of thought to this BC one. I want to make it good!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls!

    Well, it's been a crazy week, don't think I've been able to post since Monday night!

    Hope everyone in the northeast is safe and warm with all this snow! I got my new car yesterday (had to buy a new car as I have been driving ex-fiance, better known as lily-livered a##, old company car for the past 2 years)and thank goodness it has all wheel drive. It was nice to be able to pick Warren up from school and not worry about getting stuck in the driveway!

    Speaking of Warren, we had our appt with the child therapist yesterday afternoon. She was absolutely wonderful, Warren felt very comfortable talking to her, and I think it's going to be a really good thing (for both of us) to meet with her.

    Lots of tattoo talk, it's funny, I'm not big on tattoos, but have been thinking about getting one myself. Something small, that represents "survivor", but I don't know what? Maybe we could design a Circle Girl/Moving On tattoo - how cool would that be!?!?!

    OK, took some notes, but skipped a bunch of pages so I apologize for missing lots....

    Susan - Yes, Warren won 2 tickets to anywhere in the US on JetBlue. I'm letting him pick where we go, and I think we're going to try to have it be our summer vacation. We need something fun to look forward to!

    BearlySane/Spartan - Uummm... can't read my note! Hi!

    Madison - way to go on Race for the Cure! And I'm glad your DD is OK!!

    Sue(Gus) - So great about your son being in the play. You must be so proud of him. Let us know how he does. It's very brave of him to try to do something that is difficult for him.

    Cheri and Madison - congrats on the test results!

    Anne - yikes, so sorry! Sounds like you had a better conversation with your onc though.

    Michelle - glad you had fun in Florida

    Laura, Cheri and Denise - I'm so sorry, it's just so wrong to lose a child, no matter how old.

    Robin - Hang in there! You're strong and beautiful, and you have a huge cyber sisterhood behind you!

    Kristin - congrats on finishing chemo!!!!!!

    AlwaysHope - the same thing happened to me years ago! It was so ridiculous, I had the insurance, but didn't know I needed to put that tiny little sticker on my license plate. I was young and it was my first car. I had to go to court, and they made me feel like I was a hardened criminal. I remember thinking I was on candid camera or something. Had to pay a $100 fine and the judge yelled at me about not having insurance. When I tried to say I had insurance, I just didn't have the sticker, he freaked out! It was bizarre!

    Lini - Hope you're feeling better today. I hate panic attacks. And yes, I do feel like a ticking time bomb more often than I'd like.

    Shirley - Hope hubby's 50th was fun

    Amy - baby goats!!!

    Denise - congrats on clear mammo

    Karen - hope your daughter's birthday party is fun, glad for her that it's a less stressful time this year!

    Nicki - hope you survive the St Patty's day festivities!!

    NS - I with the majority here, don't believe the SN was pos due to anything you, or the docs, have done since dx. Hope you're feeling better each day, and that you got the drains out today.

    Scared I'm going to lose this, so I'm posting.

    A big hug to everyone I missed....
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    How about a wagon wheel with a pink ribbon for a tattoo? Might even be cute on a reconstructed foobey, instead of a nipple. It's round and has something pink on it.

    Okay, gotta go get ready for Bunco. Listened to my Circle Girls CD and that did help w/the anxiety.

    Evening girls!!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007

    thanks deb, for the package ..... what a great surprise yesterday!

    howdy everybody, i got my first (and last lol) zoladex injection yesterday .......YIKES!!!!! i have a hematoma the size of a fist on my belly, and it hurts like hell! not to mention the reappearance of the hot flashes as well as the uncontrollable teary eyed sessions. i cried at lunch today because this little old man was eating all alone and he looked "sad", i cried because i forgot my atm card, i cried because i got a snag in my tights, i cried "because, because, because, because, because!" (lmao through the tears!)

    on the tattoo topic ......... i'm getting one tomorrow (was supposed to today, but missed my appointment).....and you guessed it.......i cried lololol!

    i'll try to post a picture, and if i can't i'll get one of you guys to walk me through it.

    gina........special thoughts for you lady........hang in there!

    ttyl girls........i'm going "internet shopping"........there is a pair of minolo's on ebay that i'm fighting for!

    xo, shel
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007

    ok girls, i have been drinking. the real thing. so I don't know what to do. Liz sorry to hear about your owie. Jasmine, how did you get a ticket. Madison glad your dd is ok. sorry about the car, though.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hi everyone, let’s see if I’ve caught up. LOL

    Kristin – congrats on your last chemo and Happy Belated Birthday to you!

    Anne – congrats to you also!

    Cheri – I hate picking out frames also. I think that’s why I wear contacts! I do have a pair of glasses I bought pre-chemo and had to wear them during chemo but I don’t like them much.

    Margaret – weather has been pretty nice here. They’re calling for possible severe weather next week. Ugh!

    Laura – dealing with the in-law move is tiring I’m sure. Be sure to take care of you.

    Puppy – so good to see you. Once you get started on your cardiac rehab I bet you get to feeling a bit better each time. Hugs

    Gina – I so hope you got your drains out. You are an amazing woman doing this without meds. I wish I were there to take care of you.

    Sue – love your new avatar. You look great! I had my hair highlighted awhile back. I like it.

    Denise – hope you’re feeling a bit better. I had a job where I didn’t have any paid time off.

    Laura – I can’t imagine experiencing what you have. My biggest fear is losing my son. Hugs to you.

    Robin – sorry your new port placement caused you pain. As for you “husband” I can’t type what I think. You know I’m here for you. PM me your phone number. I had it but can’t find it.

    Susan – how’s the knee? Hopefully things are improving for you. Don’t drink and take pain meds kiddo.

    Vickie – I love the pictures of Nathaniel. He is so cute!!!! I could snuggle with him. Give him a big hug for me please. I could use him to do the floors also. LOL I looked at the papasan chairs the other day! I love them.

    Nicki – you are doing great with the pictures! I hope you had fun today and get rested up for tomorrow’s festivities. My PS told me to take 800 units of vitamin E for the rest of my life to help prevent capsular contracture. Also she said it’s still out but I might want to take an antibiotic before any dental work. Ever heard either one of those?

    Joyce – congrats on the job. Keeping Kevin in my thoughts and prayers
    Sher – never had the glue but I bet I’d have a reaction to it. Hope you didn’t have too much itching and found your cheese today. Happy B-day to hubby. A road trip with DD huh? Want to come through OK and pick me up? LOL My son takes 5HTP and he says it helps him sleep. I sleepwalk on Ambien. I still use the Ativan. I’m not sure what I’ll do when I can’t get anymore.

    Jas – oh my! Here we get a ticket and then it’s dismissed when we go show proof of insurance. Hope you get things taken care of. I’d hide my car also. Hugs

    Lini – I have days where I think I will explode! Hope things are better for you now.

    Tracey – hmmmm. You will know what the right move will be. Weigh all your options etc.

    Madison – sorry about your daughter’s accident. That’s scary no matter how old our kids are. Glad she wasn’t hurt.

    Deb – you always make me smile. Hugs

    Theresa – hope work slows down for you a bit. You guys are having crazy weather that’s for sure.

    Amy – I have a friend who has pet goats. They are her babies. I have another friend who has the goats that faint. They are so funny.

    Jan – sounds like you’re doing well. Glad you got to leave early from work. I hate slick roads.

    Sheri – happy birthday to your hubby. How are things with you?

    Karen – hope Miriam has a great birthday party. Hopefully things will improve once the Arimidex gets out of your system.

    Colleen – glad you got your car. How cool that Warren won those tickets. Glad the therapist is working out for you guys. I can think of something else to call the jerk who left but don’t want to get banned.

    Shel – oh hugs honey. I’m glad to see you’re back.

    If I’ve missed anyone, it’s not intentional. Think of you girls daily.

    Hugs, Love and Prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Evening ladies. My gosh there's alot of posts. I usually post several times a day so I can keep up but was busy today. I had my dd & her family over for dinner tonight. I ordered from Sonic. HAHAHA

    Susan, my birthday is the 23rd of Oct. Do you have trouble making decisions like Jan & I do?

    Nicki, sounds like St Pattys day is going to be a busy one for you. Enjoy.

    Joyce, congrats on the new job it'll do you good. Prayers for Kevin.

    Jazmanian, you have to go to court?? Well at least they didn't take you to jail.

    Lini, seems like you're feeling a bit better as the day went on. Hopefully in the morning you'll be doing good.

    Tracy, so sorry you've had a rough week. You've under alot of stress. Hoping things get straightened out for you and you can decide about your job.

    Thank you all for the kind words.

    Shirley, enjoy your dinner party. You spent your day looking for cheese with a funny name? Hummm. Happy 50th to your dh. I am turning the big 50 this fall....but right now i'm still in my 40's. lol

    Madison, thanks for the encouraging words on my foot surgery. I feel good about it. I wanna walk again!

    Amy, congrats on your goats. (I don't think I've ever said that to anybody before)

    Denise, I think i already told you congrats on your mammo results if not, congrats on your mammmo. lol My new Ortho just wants me to have a vascular consult as a precautionary. I think there'll be more tests to come he's very thorough. Which is good.

    Jan, talk about choosing. Shoulda been at the eye dr. with me today. The lady was glad when we left.

    Laura, enjoy your fish fry.

    Denise, my 85yr old Mother has Home Health. She has the same lady all the time and she's very attached to her. She went through some before she found one that clicked with her and she loves that girl. I am always glad when she's there with Mother.

    Madison, so sorry about your dd accident but at least she's alright. That's what you have to remember.

    Kristen, so glad your life is looking good for you. I figure it's about time. Now if things would go on the upswing for the rest of us. Enjoy. Life is good.

    Liz, so sorry you've been feeling bad. Hoping you will start feeling better soon. You're a nice lady.

    Hey to Anne, Deb, Theresa, Karen in Denver, Shel, Ginny, Boo, Brenda, Carrie, Deese, Robin, Donna, Jule, Sue, Holly and anyone I've mistakenly missed.

    Meaner, I'm beginning to worry about you. It's time to surface. Haven't had a pm or call for awhile. i sent you a pm.

    Sparky, I do so hope you are feeling better. I hate it that you have to go through this without pain meds. It must be reallly hard. Praying you'll feel better.

    I went to the eye dr. today and I'll tell you something vision hasn't gotten any worse and it's been 4 yrs since they were checked! So all those trips on the magic carpet nobody can blame on my eyesight! That means that's just the way I drive! HAHAHA. I'm still getting new ones though. Had these same frames forever. Getting the Transition lenses that darken. I remember when lenses like that first came out and they still stayed smoky inside. Ugly. But these are good ones. Amber & the lady there had to pick out my frames, they went with square. I'm not sure I like them that well, but I couldn't decide which other pair I liked any better. They're smaller than the ones I have now so thats good.

    I had a funny experience while on my way to the eye appt. I was just driving along the same streets I used to but I felt like I was waking up from a long sleep. Things seemed 'real' instead of foggy. I went thru all last year in a daze. I shut down. I started waking up when I began posting here. I got a little bit of a sense of humor back. It's like I've been asleep for a long time. It's weird. Kinda eerie.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Ok, again, too many posts to go back and read so I'll try to pick up.

    Laura and Cheri, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you have concerning the kids. It is unnatural for kids to go before parents. I'm so sorry for your loss. A girlfriend of mine had to be induced to deliver her daughter who had gotten the umbilical cord twisted around her neck and that was over 20 years ago; she goes to her grave often.

    Shirley, if I got tats to cover my mast scars, I would have to incorporate creeping vines or something - not a pretty site.

    I think I'm going to have to go back and find those teeth.

    I'm sorry ladies but I can't bring myself to clean my house; my son pays for the housekeeper. At least my house is clean at the same time and if there is laundry in the washer or dryer, she does it.

    Deb, I suffer from anxiety attacks and mine are strictly mental, not physical.

    Kristin, I hope you had a great birthday and you are still celebratings.

    Joyce, congrats on the new job. Hope things are going ok with Kevin.

    Thanks for picking me up this morning. You girls in the east sure have had some bad weather; glad I dressed warm; weather on the west was 80 degrees today.

    Madison, glad your daughter is ok.

    It took two pitchers of margaritas between my hubby, sister, and me, but it's doing its job helping me relax.

    Liz, I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Lini, you play bunco? I've played with the same group of 12 every month for about 8 years. We have so much fun.

    Karen, hope you are feeling better soon.

    Got to go lay down for awhile. Love you guys.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    i got my minolo's !!!!!!!! for the bargain price of $323 US dollars! yay me!

    they are eerily close to the colour of the friggin bruise on my stomach lol!

    now i need to get an outfit to match!

    can ya'll tell i'm giddy to have my computer back?

    multiple posts in one night "life is good"
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Margaret, thank you for the kind words. He was my grandchild. My daughters baby. Wow, your son pays for you a housekeeper! My daughter comes over and messes mine up and then goes home to a spotless house! That's good of your son to do.

    Shel, wow. You are quite the bargain hunter. I sure hope the label shows on them. You do sound like your enjoying your life. That's a good thing.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    ha ha cheri!

    they were $900 dollar shoes, and i am a self proclaimed shoe/jacket/purse/trip/addict!

    how's your "rink?"
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Top Of The Morning To Ya: Im pretty sleepy eyed this morning. Gonna have a big day, so I thought - just go back to sleep you crazy girl. My next thought was - saying godd morning to everyone, so here I am. Coffee is brewing and I cant wait for it to be done.

    Kristin: I was where you are one year ago. So I sure do understand about taking off too many days. Im actualy shocked that my employers didnt let me go. I was diagnosed with bc 3 months after starting a new job. Thank goodness they were supportive.

    Sheri: Wow, St. Patty's Day is such a big deal here in Chicago. Everyone is Irish for the day. They even color the Chicago River green. Big parades, lots of parties. We actually have 2 parades. One for the North side Irish and one for the South side Irish.

    Liz: Hope your feeling better soon. Capsular contracture? Man if its not one thing, its another. I would hate having to wear a bra 24/7. I have never heard about taking vitamin E or about taking antibiotics before going to the dentist to prevent capsular contracture. Ya know, I dont think I really know what capsular contracture is. Im gonna have to look that one up.

    Karen: Hey, it was good to see you post. We have missed you around these parts. One week to reconstruction. Finially! Glad that your doing good with the hand therapy. And Happy Birthday to your daughter, although I cant imagine myself hosting that many children at a bowling alley!


    The above is a tatoo I have always thought about getting. A tiny shamrock on my ankle. But - tatoos scare me. I dont like needles very much.

    Colleen: Oh my, nothing is more fun than having a new car. Glad that you and Warren so the counsellor. I agree, I think its gonna help both of you.

    Jan: I didnt go to the pub last night. I was just too tired. Today we need to be there at 1:00pm. Its always fun, but usually very crowded!! Crazy me - dont like social gatherings and here I will be in a room with wall to wall people.

    Susan: I cracked up when I read you were drinking the real thing and didnt know what to do! Bet you slept good last night.


    Cheri: Your new glasses sound cool! I have had these frames so long they were in style, went outta style, and now they are back in style again! A new look would be kind of nice.

    MargaretB: A tatoo over my mast scars? Yep, I would need vines too!

    Shel: What the heck is a Minolo? Glad to see you back. We have missed you. Ok I should have read further before I asked. Those are pretty darn expensive shoes!


    Hmmmm I looking for Vickie, my sunshine sister. Me thinks she may have partied too much and is sleeping in. Hope everyone has a grand day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. Happy St. Patricks Day!! Be back later in the day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    You just can't see it throught the clouds and snow. Looks like we are snowbound today. Had enough of bad roads getting home yesterday so have to put off grocerie shopping till tomorrow.
    Good morning sunshine sister...I was up at 4am, went back to bed, woke up at 5:30 and just layed there. Lazy lazy lazy.
    Shel..your back! It's about time. You were so missed. Can't believe you went off to Florida without me. I actually dreamed I was going to Florida last night. Need a DD fix pretty bad right about now. (sunshine and ocean wouldn't hurt either). I have a "thing" for shoes and purses! My daughter would always drag me away from those area's in the stores!! glasses...good for you. I got new glasses a few months back and still can't see anything. I need to go to a regular eye doctor...went to one of the "cheapy" places and got bifocals that in my opinion are worthless. I did get the kind that darken and lighten and thats the only good thing I can say about them. IM'd you last night but you were MIA...silly girl out drinking blue drinks!
    Rearranged my bedroom last night and put my papasan chair in there to relax and crochet in at night. Nathaniel loves it. We tend to go to my bedroom some nights and watch silly stuff on tv and have cuddle time before bed so now we have a chair to do it in. and the kids will love Disney! I went in September last year just two weeks after finishing rads. It was the most wonderful vacation I have ever had.
    Liz...soo glad to see you crawling out of the medic tent. Hope that boob heals and behave itself soon! Nathaniel would snuggle with you for hours AND do your floors!
    Karen...sending you hugs and well wishes. I will be so glad when you are done and feeling like yourself again.
    Lini...the black cloud of anxiety is driving me batty. Feeling like I'm made of glass and ready to break into a million pieces at just about anything. I swear had my boss had a fit one more time this week I would have come completely undone. Glad it's the weekend just wish it were longer! we get pictures of your new addition?
    Jasmine has to go to court? Missed that somewhere...oh my...I figured it would be me, Nicki, Cheri and Madison that would get caught for our antics first.
    Madison...if I can get out of my driveway (which is waaayyy too long to shovel) I may try to get to the post office and mail our next package today...if not then it will be Monday.
    Colleen...congrats on the new car. Hope you and Warren are doing well. Hugs to you both.
    Ok...chemo brain has me stumped this morning so I'll be back and read some more in a bit.
    Love ya all and Happy St. Patricks Day
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    One more quick question....
    NS...did the drains come out yesterday...praying they did!
    Hugs and love
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Mornin Vickie!

    They say beware of the "Ides of March" - I cant believe you are having a snow storm. Old man Winter is making one last effort. The good news is that hopefully it will warm up and melt all that stuff away.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Morning Nicki...I sure will be glad to see April! It actually isn't snowing now so I'm hoping they get the roads cleaned up so I can get out and get groceries. Makes it tough when you live so far from everywhere (although I wouldn't move for any reason...Love it here).
    Have a grand day
    Love ya
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    NS: Where are you? Ya know we get worried when we dont hear from you. I keep looking and looking and cant seem to find you.

    I looked in every wagon and under every bush. Sure hope your doing ok.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All, Up early to drive to visit parents careful in that wicked weather I see in the northeast.
    It is a 2 hour drive, so I need to get going!!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    GM...ha...happy weekend...
    OK I am in need of the words to "Do you knw the way to San Jose"...our theme song for PINKSTOCK...then I will need some one to sing it...and it won;t be''t hold all you downloading diva's see what you can the weekend and no puter tiem for me...
    MB..Ps vicki i want to send more
    pic..some of the falls...
    Nicki...hmm DJ son wants to know if special speakers are needed so that Dh can playfor us...
    check back late when I have more time but all i could think about was themem oh yea and its snowing so hard i can't go into to twon...
    love mb
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Do you know the way to San Jose?
    I've been away so long
    I may go wrong and lose my way
    Do you know the way to San Jose
    I'm going back to find some piece of mind San Jose -a
    L. A. is a great big freeway
    Put a hundred down a by a car
    In a week - or maybe two - they'll make you a star
    Weeks turn into years and quickly pass
    And all the stars there never were a parkin' cars and pumpin' gas
    I've got lots of friends in San Jose
    Wo oh oh oh
    Can't wait to get back to San Jose
    Wo oh oh oh
    Do You know the way to San Jose?

    Is this the one your looking for?
    Would love more fall pictures!
    Hugs and love
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    MB: Drats - now Im gonna be singing that song all day long. Husband is asleep, but Ill ask about the speakers? He is alrady thinking of songs to sing to all of us!
