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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Hey Jeannie-

    I wondered if you were on baby duty Don't kiss all the cute off that baby!

    I'm sorry your sis has caused such stress. Hopefully this too shall pass and all the hallmark happy-slappy stuff. I wish I had better advice, but I'm all out

    Wally-world has the twin sized memory foam pads cheap. I would run out and get yourself one. Your bones will thank you:)

    I hope we thaw out the state before you get here this summer. It was -16 degrees when I got up this morning...I want to see some of this global warming I keep hearing about!

    Hang in there girlfriend

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls. I guess I really need to do something about this night owl thing I do. It's like a baby with their days & nights mixed up. I just really enjoy the evenings.

    Margaret, I didnt know the background on your son paying for your housekeeper. lol I thought he was grown, living on his own and just being sweet to his mama. It's hard for me to keep all the girls straight on here, much less their families.

    Sheri, I actually have a deformed foot. I know I can never wear the pretty shoes again. Walking would be good enough for me.

    Nicki, what a cool pic of your river. I know you're worn out by now.

    Puppy, you haven't heard from Mena either? I meant to call her today but I slept late and then by the time I thought of it again it was too late tonight. She hasn't sent any pm's or answered any in a few days. I'll make it a point to check on her tomorrow. Wish it wasn't so late tonight.

    Denise, enjoy the leisure today. I'm not busy like some of the other girls either. So I have alot of time to crochet...triangles. lol

    NS, I am soo sorry you're having trouble. I wish there was something I could do. I'm glad your friends dh is driving you to the dr tomorrow. I know you'll be so happy to get those other drains out.

    Boo, that's cool that you're going to walk in the Relay for Life. I want to do that someday.

    Madison, glad your computer is up and running again. I know how bad those board withdrawals can be.

    Colleen, so happy that you had a nice day. You deserve it.

    Tracy, bad day?

    Vickie, darned hateful weather you're having. It can't last much longer tho. Ours was cold and nasty but no snow. And not nearly as cold.

    Suzola, do you still want mini M&M's now that you know where they come from?? lol

    Hey to Deb, Joyce, MB, Jeannie, Jazmanian, Carrie, Denise, Brenda, Lini, Holly, Ginney, Shel, Anne and anyone else I mistakenly missed.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    HA! i beat both of the morning girls to it this AM!

    i'm only up because my beautiful new tattoo is throbbing and i needed some motrin lol!

    i hope everyone is ok and that st. paddy's celebrations aren't punishing anyone lol!

    gina ........ just try to keep your chin up ....... i know it's not easy, believe me, but it DOES get better!

    i have a silly question ....... do any of you have problems with swelling around your eyes since treatment/tamoxifen/zoladex or whatever? my right eye is constantly all puffed up. when i get up each morning there is this little sack underneath it that is quite puffy and i can see it on my cheek bone when i look down. it is made worse if i cry (which i've done a lot of lately) or if i lie on my right side. if i ice it the swelling goes down, but it never really goes away.

    i look like the loser in a prize fight!

    on a different note, my tattoo is absolutely gorgeous!!! i can't wait for "barefoot season" to arrive!

    love to all, shel
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Shel, you absolutely beat everyone up this morning.

    I am going to read, take notes and be back later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Well look who the sunshine girls are this morning!! Good morning Shel, Cheri and Madison!'s impossible to kiss the cute off a baby. I so love babies and I'm glad you checked in. Sit yourself in the center and we'll make you a good stiff drink.
    Nicki...wake up...tweaking your toes this morning.
    Deb...I'm wondering where the global warming is another 8 inches of snow last night...grand! Just what I didn't want. When I went to bed last night it looked like a blizzard outside. Thrilled the kids but not me! ya sister.
    Mena...hmmm...where are you? want I'll be back to check on everyone. I am a bit behind!
    Love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Dragged myself outta bed. Hoping this coffee wakes me up.

    Morning Everyone: Hiya Shel, Madison, Cheri, and Vickie. Glad your awake and a part of the early morning sunshine girls. Especially today. No sunshine here. Everything looks green to me.


    Shel: One of the reason I dont wear contacts is that both of my eyes are puffy. Try cold compresses. When I went to a spa in Florida, they had cold slices of cucumbers. You put a slice on each eye and listen to soothing music. Hope its only that and not a reaction to the medication.

    But alas, I do suspect your puffiness is from all your tears.

    Denise: All I can say is that I am officially all partied out. I didnt have an anxiety attack - whew! but I almost took one ladies head off who was being, well lets say, a little to friendly with my husband. But that even seems to be a blurr this morning.

    NS: Sorry about the LE! Thing is who knows what normal is? I had 2 draines and they came out the first week of surgery. But I had this puffiness under my arms that didnt go away for a month. I think I was finially able to drive 3 weeks after surgery, but that was in the summer and not having to batted snow covered roads.

    Cheri: Great tea cup story!

    Boo: Congrats on taking part in the walk. I bet it will be fun. Seems like from now til fall, there are alot of different walks going on. The Illinios girls are gonna walk together in September. That should be fun.


    Madison: Your computer crashed? OMG! That would cause a panic attack. Glad you got a new one and in the process of getting connected again.

    Tracey: Yes Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them. Maybe you can tell us why yours boys are so stupid.


    Colleen: It sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday. You and Warren deserved it.

    Jeannie: Sounds like your whole family is in shock over your sisters whimsical decision. Bet everyone is having a pretty hard time over it. Have fun being a grand ma!


    Well Everyone, there is only one cure for how I feel.


    See ya all later.

    For those of you I missed, ya know I still love ya. My eyes are just too blurry to do anything more, but sleep.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh eyes did that during treatment but they cleared up and my oncologist said that it could be a blocked tear duct...get it checked as I believe its an easy fix...
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    thanks vickie and nicki!

    i am going crazy with ths puffy eye thing! i look like i got beat up everday! it started about 2 months ago and now it is worse than ever ...... i suspect the constant crying isn't helping, but i only started that a few days ago lol! i'm just so tired of looking so tired and "old" .... ice works for a little while, but then my eyes swell up again, especially the right one! i will have my tear ducts checked asap because this is pissing me off big time!

    but then again, everything pisses me off lately lol!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Shel: Cucumbers I say! Chilled in ice water. Then put on your eyes for 15 minutes. Pretend your at a spa.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    hmmm...forgot all about the cucumber treatment! Spa time for you Shel.
    Quit your cryin sweety...we luvs ya here!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. Hope all slept well.

    Nicki, ya feelin a little icky this morning? teehee Some of us from the party thread remember about the..uh...girl in the bar. lol I do believe you fried her bacon!

    Shel, I'd see a dr. bout that eye.

    Vickie, I've "crocheted" and "de-crocheted" all night. Got one going now that looks pretty dang good, all 2' of it. lol My fingers are sore from having this crochet needle in my hands so much this past few weeks. I keep making triangles. Sorry about your snow. I hate winter.

    Sparky, I do hope your dr. appt. goes well today.

    MeeeeNaaaa, better let me know you're alright or I'll continue to bug you.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    morning girls!

    hope everyone slept well, I'm off to the "good bagel store" to get bagels for Warren and his friend that slept over, but just wanted to stop in quickly before I left.

    Shel - wow! what is the tattoo of (I probably missed) it, and it's on your foot? ankle? I'm jealous!

    Jeannine - hope things calm down for your family quickly

    Cheri - I have the night owl thing too, every so often I need to take an ativan to get me back on the right track!

    Have a great day ladies! My goal is to accomplish things today, bills, organizing, cleaning, that kind of stuff. It's very likely that I will only accomplish sitting and snuggling though. I'm a slug!!!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Aw, the morning after, and all is quiet in my house....hubby collapsed on the bed at 9:30 last night from a little too much partying.

    cheri, beautiful story. No, my son is the baby, he'll be 21 this month (we're going to Vegas to celebrate); my girls are both out of the house. My son is the reason we need a housekeeper - no matter where he is, it looks like a tornado hit. A friend of his has lived with us for about 4 years and he's moving out this month. Both boys split the cost of the housekeeper so Ryan heard Andrew was moving out and wanted to know if he could save the cost of the housekeeper and do the cleaning himself - yeah, right. I told him no, we'd been down this road before, so now he has to foot the entire bill.

    Madison, welcome back to the world of cyberland.

    Jeannie, isn't being a grandma the best? When I was a kid, thinking ofa grandma, I pictured that I'm there, I don't feel that way at all. Love my grandkids.

    Deb, -16 degrees....don't know if I could handle that kind of weather. Yesterday wasn't nearly as nice as it has been this week, about 65 or so, depending on where you were. Rain coming tomorrow.

    Shel, I don't really have any eye problems and I'm not sure what yours would be. Do you have sinus problems? I'd see a dr. What does your tattoo look like?

    Nicki, I bet my hubby feels like your picture this morning. I'll know when he wakes up. I let him sleep on the bed in his clothes last night; I slept on the couch, he smelled like cigars and booze...yuck.

    NS, glad to hear a drain came out. Sorry you are having such a tough time. I couldn't drive for three weeks, and I can't imagine driving in the snow like that.

    Colleen, hope those boys enjoyed the bagels. Yum.

    Have a good day all, will check back later.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Nicki, you've done it again! I saw the kitty picture you posted, and it is like looking in a mirror this morning! I need to remember that alcohol is a poison and should be treated as one!

    So, I'm hung over and I'm having my family over today to celebrate my Dad's birthday. I'm trying to clean the house, but the vacuum cleaner seems extra loud today....

    I'll be back later to check in with everyone. Just wanted to tip my hat to Nicki again for her fabulous picture finding skills!

    I hope you all have a great day!!

    Love to everyone,
  • CherylG
    CherylG Member Posts: 85
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning girls
    I am still laptopless ... and having severe circle withdrawals
    Snuck in to check on everyone on our old PC which is sooooo slow. So no time to catch up on all the posts.
    MADISON ... sorry you had computer problems too. It sucks. I get my new laptop at the end of the month ... can't wait!
    NS.... so sorry you are having such problems, Thinking of you all the time. Glad to hear you have a friend to help you out.
    Gotta run now... hugs and prayers to all who need it.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Well the doctor today did not pull any of the drains. INSTEAD HE PUT ANOTHER ONE IN!
    We are going in the wrong direction- we are supposed to be subtracting NOT adding.
    He also started me on a new antibiotic. And those of you who know my history with C-diff can only imagine how thrilling that is for me.

    I thought the swelling I had wasn't kosher and I was right. He said I have to put up with the pain and drains for a bit longer... which also means no sleep.

    The LE is making this all worse he said and the real culprit is the radiated skin from my first cancer and where the thick scar is that is from when they had to remove the infection the radiation did to my left breast five years ago.

    Other than that things are just ducky!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Hello all!

    The sun is out and shining on the 8" of snow we got. The snow really is pretty, as long as you don't have to move it!

    Dh rented a movie last night that I must warn all of you not to see. But only if you have a fear of being in real tight places. We watched a horror movie called The Descent. These crazy women went down into a cave. Already my hands are over my eyes! I won't say anymore, but it was one of the scariest movies I have ever seen. I had to take 2 Simply Sleep and a glass of wine to get to sleep!!

    Sweet NS, I am so sorry you are having problems. Like Shel said, it will get better! Those drains are a royal pain in the butt! Hopefully, they will all be out soon.

    Jeannie, wow your Sis is causing quite the uproar in your house! cannot physically kiss a baby too much! It is immpossible! There are just layers upon layers of cute .

    Cheri, I can't wear pretty shoes either. My feet aren't deformed, they are just too darn uncomfortable. I live in sneakers, Merrell mocs and flip flops, lol!

    Madison, If my puter had crashed, my life would have flashed before my eyes! Arrrgghh!!! Glad you able to get all your info into the new one!

    Shel, when are we gonna see that new tattoo?? Is it on your foot? Ouch! I have one on my ankle and that was bad enough.

    Vickie, what's happening with baby Derrick? Do you think you will still get him?

    Nicki, don't you absolutely hate when women make a play for your DH?? This morning at the supermarket, DH was ahead of me in the check out line. There was a young cashier and she sees him and says,Good Morning, all friendly, and then she sees that I am with him. Not so nice to me. I hate that! I have that puffy thing under my arm. I asked my PS what is was and he said, F.A.T. Humpf!!! The nerve!!

    We are going to my sisters for dinner tonight. She's having Italian. Yummy! I just talked to my DIL, who informed me that their babysitter slapped my GS across the face! WTF!!!! Now she has no one to watch the kids and my son won't let her get someone else. I live too far to babysit, and besides I work also. Jeez, it's always something!

    I didn't take notes and I know I missed lots of you, but you are in my thoughts today. Everyone take care!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    OMG, G, we were posting at the same time! How awful for you!! You are really going through the wringer!! I am SO sorry. Hang in there. I know it must be very disheartening right now, but you will eventually be able to put all this behind you.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Oh, NS, I'm so sorry you are having such a tough time. Putting in another drain? That sounds painful. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things start going in the right direction soon.

    Madison, how awful to lose a computer, but nice to get a new one. I can't imagine what we will do if our computer breaks down. No way we could get a new one right now. Glad you are still here.

    Nicki, I love the picture of the green river. Seriously thought you were kidding. I hope you get some rest after all your partying.

    Susan, I LOVE M&M's, especially the dark chocolate ones. Hope you find some.

    Shel, congrats on the tattoo. Sorry about the puffy eyes. Some have given great advice, but definitely get them checked out and baby them.

    Jeannie, when I visit my parents in Alabama I sleep on a futon. After the first few times, they bought an iflatable mattress to put on top. It makes a HUGE difference! Now I actually enjoy sleeping there!

    Cheri, I love the tea cup story. It is a great reminder. Yes, he really said I have deformed feet. I have no arch, which isn't so unusual, but my toes are permanently doing the vulcan thing. When I saw the neurologist this week and he was checking my reflexes he also noticed my feet. It's just the way my bones go, I guess, but looks really weird.

    I actually took notes today--wow! Usually I just wing it and miss so many. To everyone I missed--sorry, I'll get better, I promise.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls,
    Just braved the snow and cold and went to church and got groceries. It is freezing out there and we actually got 12 inches of snow! Driveway isn't plowed yet but we managed to push our way in and out...way to long to shovel!! Hope it gets plowed soon!! Poor puppy jumped off the porch this morning to go potty and completely disappeared! Hilarious! He was more than a little shocked...wish I'd had my camera. Snow snow go away!!!

    NS...I'm so sorry. That stinks as I was really hoping they would get rid of your drains. Do you have a recliner to sleep in. I just bought a papasan chair (lots cheaper than a recliner)and I can easily sleep in that. The LE problems on top of everything else sucks. Wish I were closer as I'd be beating on your door and forcing you to let me help. Are you alone or is your dad still with you? Sending you love and hugs and prayers for easier days ahead.
    Jeannnie...I think I have one of the "egg carton" things you want me to look and I can take it to work and you can pick it up when you come down again? Someone (chemo brained me) said they had an inflatable mattress so I'll ask around...I think it was someone at work.

    Shel...did you try the cucumbers? What is your tattoo...inquiring minds want to know. Sounds like we all want a tattoo! word on baby Derrick...I am calling DSS to check on him Monday. I have tried to call her but she won't answer and won't return my calls.

    Sue...happy birthday to your dad..hope you have a great day and lose the hangover. You should come to our cyber hangovers!!

    Cheri...well that was quite a party last night! When is your surgery...I can't remember anything! I think we need a thread that everyone can post their appointments, surgeries, etc on so we can keep track of everyone. I'll have to think about this one...don't know how to figure it out! are hungry again...I feel like a waitress LOL.
    Hugs to Sheri, Colleen, Mena, Puppy, Madison, Denise...everyone!
    Love to all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Maybe we should have a weekly calendar where we could put all those important appointments, surgeries, procedures. Have no idea how to do it, though.

    I have an MRI Tues evening. Didn't someone else have one that day, too? I'm a little nervous. The last one didn't show any "lesions", but that was 4 months ago. This one should rule out any cancer in my neck, which means we will be treating ddd. I really want to know for sure.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Yes there is St. Josehs Day. You wear red and have a huge table of great Italian Food. Jan - hope you have fun.

    To everyone else - this is the kind of hangover thats gonna last all day long.

    See ya later
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    G - So sorry, was hoping you'd have better news today. Hang in there (like you have a choice!) and know that I'm thinking of you.

    Fight like a Girl!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    G, so Vickie said - we all wish we were closer to you and could be there to help...we are all thinking about you...great big hugs

    Sheri, I have an MRI for Tuesday to check the progression of the DDD in my neck....

    Nicki, glad you had a good time for St. Patrick's Day. St. Joseph's Altar is a big celebration in our area...feast day for St. Joseph is March 19th...

    Vickie, DH and I came to an agreement...he won't cut the grass and I won't clean the house...I want to crochet and he wants to play on the new computer!! I have started the construction on another afghan today. I know you are also working on one. Be careful in the snow and ice!!

    DH wants back on the computer....gotta go

    Hugs to Jan, Colleen, Mena, Puppy, Shel, SHIRLEY, Denise and everyone.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    NS: We have you in the middle of the circle. Just hoping each day your feeling better. We are standing hand in hand sending you healing light.


    Vickie: I've recovered from my hangover. Sorry about all the snow you got. This is for my sunshine sister.

    Jan: Im not a strong person. Couldnt hurt a soul. But my SIL really did have to pull me away. Made me step outside and have a cig to cool down. Good thing she did pull me away, cause this girl would have hurt me. I fight like a little girl.

    For everyone having computer problems, I hope they get fixed real soon.



  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Awww..thanks Nicki...shhh...the sun is actually shining. being vewwwy qwiet though so it doesn't hid again. I love that song...I used to sing it to my daughter all the time and I send it to her from youtube whenever I find it makes her made me smile.

    Madison...sometimes there are perks to being single LOL. I get to do anything I well...almost. We do seem to watch an awful lot of Boomerang television around here...never thought I'd get sick of The Pink Panther.

    Sheri and Madison...what is DDD? We will be with you. Gonna see if I can come up with an online calender we can use. I hate it when I forget someone had tests or procedures and I left them out.

    Jan...the babysitter slapped your grandson across the face!!! WTF exactly...that's child abuse plain and simple! Nathaniel came home with a black eye when he was four from the babysitters and she flat out said she hit him because he was eating to slow. Well...mama bear reared her ugly head and guess who no longer babysits for anyones kids! Nobody will ever hit one of mine without me raising a huge stink. Do whatever you want to me but never to my kids. Oh that makes me so my soapbox now. (where does she live??...send her to the deliverance tent tied up with about 20 four year olds high on chocolate LOL)

    Love to all...I'll be back!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    That baby sitter should be reported to the police for abuse. It would certainly teach her a lesson.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Madison-Glad to see you are back.
    Denise- Thanks for asking Kevin is doing ok. We find out tomorrow what the MRI shows if anything.It's got to be something but hopefully it is only muscles.
    Thank you all for keeping him in the circle.
    We had an exciting St Patty's day! My 20 year old Sean was jumped at a party. Beer muscles,they kicked his face and he spent 5 hours in emergency room. He will remember this St Patty's day.He has to see a plastic surgeon tomorrow to get it stitched up.
    I start back at work tomorrow so I will let you all know how I make out. My ass will be dragging,I'm sure.
    NS-Sorry you are having so much trouble. I hope they can take the rest of the drains out soon. I hate drains!
    Take Care,
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    G, I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. Unfortunately, the drains are a necessary evil. Pretty soon you will be able to put this part behind you. Is there something we can do to make it easier for you? Can I send you some See's?

    Cheryl, I couldn't stand being without a computer. We have 3 computers in use and an extra one not being used....almost as bad as with our TVs. Glad you are getting a new one soon.

    Jan, no one had better touch my grandkids, let alone slap them in the face. We rented Borat and Babel this weekend. W e gave Borat a try - can you say stupid - my husband, who loved Jackass and Jackass 2 couldn't even watch more than 10 minutes or it and everyone told us how bad Babel was we never watched it. I don't do scary movies.

    Susan, do you know you can custom order your M&Ms?

    Sheri, my husband has such high arches his toes almost curl backward - makes it very difficult to buy shoes.

    vickie, we can do a thread by month of important dates to remember. That's what we did on another board I am on.

    Joyce, sorry to hear about Sean. I've had that happen to my son and here the police are called. We couldn't report it because of retaliation; my son knows who did it. As far as Kevin, hopefully it is muscles.

    Have to go get ready, am taking my mom to dinner tonight. Back later
