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  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Joyce, wow-sorry that happened to your son...I HATE when bad things like that happen to innocent people....
    Let us know how Kevin’s MRI goes tomorrow
    Also, what is Kevin’s favorite sports team? Does he have a favorite football team, basketball team, hockey team, etc……Yep; we have something up our sleeve for Kevin, but are still in the planning stages!!!!!!
    Jan, I agree with all the has been said about that babysitter...she should be banned from EVER being around children.....grrrrrr Hope you enjoy your dinner tonight
    Jeannie, enjoy that grandbaby
    Shel, when are we going to see that tattoo?
    Cheri, I do want you to mail your triangle crochet squares to me!!!!
    Margaret, how is hubby’s hangover?
    Sue, you must have had some of Cheri’s blue ‘rinks last night…I hear they are pretty potent
    Vickie, DDD is degenerative disc disease – everyone has disc degeneration (with age), just some people have more severe deterioration (and at a earlier age) than others. I think the disc space has narrowed and is pressing on a nerve....
    Susan, I missed the story about the M&M’s…..I need to go back a ways and see if I can find the story.
    Nicki, I bet you would have won the fight with the other woman….after all you have the power of the wagon circle behind you!!!!

    This new computer is super fast…..I’m liking it!!!!

    Hi to all I missed….

    G, still thinking about you!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies.

    Jan, she SLAPPED your grandson??? OOOOh, I'm with Vickie on that one. I got a funny story. When I was 17 I was visiting my older sister in KC. She lived in a large apt. complex and had 3 kids. One of the neighbor women slapped her 5 yr old son. She was livid! She marched down the street and this woman was sitting outside on the stoop and my sister asked her if she'd slapped him and she arrogantly said she did, my sister reached out and slapped her off the stoop! Then a few choice words and she marched home. In just a few minutes her oldest son told her the
    woman was a teenager. Under age. So sis and I both had long dark hair wore the same size and I was under age too so we switched clothes! In case she called the police. I spent a few hours watching out the window. But ya know, that girl never slapped another child!

    NS, so sorry about the new drain. You poor little thing I know you're miserable and I can't do a thing to help you. I pray tho.

    CherylG, lol your old pc is probably as fast as mine that I bought back in Sept. I live in the country and we have "In The Sticks Dial-Up" takes forever. Hope you get yours fixed.

    Sue, shoulda Cyber Par-Tayed, you would've felt better. lol

    CY, where are you? No posting and no IM's.

    Margaret, I am crazy about my grandsons too. Who would've ever thought being a grandma would be this enjoyable. I would like to have a gd tho, and my dd would like to give me one. She's started a pink baby blanket on my Knifty Knitter. I told her she wasn't even pregnant yet. She said, "If I build it they will come." I don't know where she gets that kinda stuff.

    Sheri, glad you enjoyed the Tea Cup story. It touched me when I read it so I wanted to share with friends.

    Vickie, great party last night. I sure hate that your weather is so bad. My foot surgery is May 18th and pre-op the 17th. It's too bad none of my circle friends live in Iowa City. I won't have any family there except dh. But I'm a big girl and this is one surgery I've been looking forward to.

    Madison, glad you're up and running. Sounds like a good deal you made with dh.

    Joyce, my gosh girl, when it rains it pours! Sorry about your son getting beat up. Saying a prayer for good results on Kevins test.

    My dd & her family are spending the night. Again. i don't know why they ever moved out. They have their own house so they pay rent and elec/water but are here almost all the time. Which is fine. I woke up today and heard Ethans voice, he goes to his dads every week-end and comes back at noon on Sundays. I miss him. He came in & we wooled around a little and he said I really shouldn't have gray hair that i should have black hair like before. I laughed and asked why. He said only men were supposed to have gray hair. It just so happened I had already bought some L'Oreal so I washed that gray outta my hair. I have to admit it does look better. It won't color as dark as before but it does get brown. Now this week I'm going to take a big step and go have it trimmed up and I get my new glasses. Now if I could just lose this 150 extra lbs. That's like being the size of 2 people. Geez,*hangs head in shame*

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,
    NS, I feel for you so much. You remind me of myself. We just don't do things the easy way. I love you and I'll put a card in the mail to you tomorrow. Something to look forward to. Wish I could do more. It will get better.

    Nicki you were funny last night. Glad you didn't get beat up.

    Colleen glad you and Warren had so much fun. Just love days like that.

    Cheri do you ever sleep???

    I know there is more I need to say, but I'm in the middle of paying bills right now. aarrrgh!! see ya later.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007

    Madison, how weird that we are having similar MRIs the same day! What time is yours? Mine is 6:00 pm EDT.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hi All,
    I hate writing a generic post, but this day has really gotten away from me! For no apparent reason, I certainly wasn't cleaning, exercising or doing any other unpleasant task!!

    I like the idea of a thread with appt. on it. Not that we're a bunch of hypocondriacs!! (okay, I've spelled it a dozen different ways and it's still wrong!) But, I do lose track of who is having what done and I like to know so I can wish my best and catch the magic carpet!
    Hope all have recovered from the weekend, Joyce I hope your son is okay...If it isn't the younger it's the oldest! Been there done that!
    Hugs to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good evening ladies.
    Crummy buttons I've got a sore throat. This sucks! I took some Airborne and am hoping that it will be gone by morning. I am NOT going to get sick...I flat out simply refuse!
    DDD sounds painful...hope you both get relief and soon.
    Cheri...thanks for the update on your surgery...I can't remember anything!
    Too tired to even post...geez...gotta post the pic of the afghan I'm sending tomorrow. Lousy picture but my favorite afghan so far!
    Love and hugs to all,
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    evening ladies....hmm first time I ever said that...
    just hooked up old bessie down stairs so I can be on line and not in anyones way...
    NS gentle hugs my know we are with you in spirit...
    MArgB...remember no mentioning See's...lololol..sounds like your son needs to find a friend to help with th ecleaning lady $$$...or learn to be a whole lot neater...lololol...
    Vickie...don't you just heate when it snows about 8" ...and duhh our snow plow guys took the plows off...what were they thinking...
    Deb...I hope the snows goes away by Aug too...just remember to bring a sweat shirt...
    Nicki...I didn't even expect to see you this know St. Pattys day and all...hope you recover nicely...
    Cheri, NEVER hang you head in shame..your beautiful DAmn it...and we love you thick or thin...
    MAdison so enveous of the new computer...mine is just barely runing 98....and the dial up out here is unbelievable....slowski mode...
    But this is where I will be in the evenings starting next week...remember I have Jury Duty and Monday I have an high school intern so no chatting ...bummer...
    take care all and I hope everyone St. Patty day celebratiosn are finally wearing off..
    hugs MB
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,

    My family is gone, so I finally have time to read and post. My daughter, my dad and I all have March birthdays, so there is way too much cake crossing my lips lately. I'm gonna need MB to whip me into shape!

    Margaret, I have great empathy for your hubby! My head has been pounding all day!

    Cheri, Yep, I should have cyber-partayed instead. I saw a picture of Ethan on the picture thread, and he is adorable! He reminds me of my little guy -- they both have the cute freckles across the bridge of the nose.

    Joyce, I'm so sorry about what happened to your son. I hope everything goes well at your job tomorrow.

    Sheri and Madison, Good luck with your MRI's!

    NS, (((Hugs))) I'm so sorry that you are having so many problems with the drains. I wish that I could do something for you.

    Jan, I'm so glad you are coming to Pinkstock!

    Nicki, I can't believe the stripper even considered messing with an Italian woman doing an Irish jig...I would have made sure that one of my dance steps kicked her into next week.

    Vickie, Feel better!

    Susan, Thanks for reminding me that I need to pay some bills! I actually had to set up automatic monthly payments for some of my bills because I couldn't keep track of them. Chemo brain...the gift that keeps on giving!

    Colleen, I'm glad to hear that you and Warren had a good day. Last week, I got together with some of the ladies from my Making Strides team and I told them about what Warren did for your Making Strides event. We were all a little misty and very impressed!

    Good night to anyone that I missed! Much love to all of you!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    NS- I am so sorry you have to have another drain put in. That must be painful.I hope it won't be too much longer for you.
    Madison-How sweet of you girls to think of Kevin. His favorite team is the Phillies. He also likes Flyers and Eagles but the phillies are his favorite.
    Jan- I can imagine how angry you are that she hit your grandson. I had a problem w/h a nun who hit my son Tommy when he was in second grade. I was 9 months pregnant at the time and a school crossing guard. I went right up to the convent after her. Kind of funny now that I remember it. I was going to knock her out I was so mad.She wasn't teaching in the school the next year though.
    Sean is resting on the couch. He is pretty beat up.The same thing here Margaret,he knows who did it but he won't press charges.My husband is a policeman too so he is upset with him.You would think it gets easier when they get older but it doesn't. Just different problems. Ok girls,I am not a morning person so I will check in tomorrow night and give my report for the day.I know you all will be with me in spirit.

    Take Care,
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Good Evening Circle Girls,

    Saw Shel's tattoo and it's really cool!

    g - GEE WHIZ, girl!!! It's gotta get better fast for you. Enough crap is enough!!

    Vickie - how's the anxiety today. I hope better. Mine's better. Figured out I need more interaction. Was really busy this week, but no interaction with others. Had too much alone with myself time. Not a good thing. Mind wanders off too much. I hope that you're doing better and have lost that "want to explode" feeling, 'cause it's no good.

    Hoping everyone had a great weekend and has an even better week!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Is there anyone that has heard from my little friend Mena? Or maybe have heard anything about her in the last couple of weeks. Even maybe have talked to her? I haven't heard from her in at least two weeks. That's not like her. I've left messages on her home phone, pm'd and last night I got the ecard back I sent as undeliverable to her email address. That's whats peaked my worry. I've always used her email. Her home phone is still hooked up because I get her machine but I don't have her cell#. Anyway, I didn't know what else to do but post and ask if anyone else knew anything.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    Evening Ladies!

    Wow, twice in one day - I'm on a roll!

    Jan - agree with all the comments about that babysitter of course. My child is 11 years old on Tuesday, and I have never once hit him. Now, I'm not saying I haven't felt the urge LOL, but I just don't get that. Especially someone else's child. And to slap a child across the face?!?!? No way!

    Joyce - sorry to hear about Sean, hope the appt goes well and that he mends quickly

    Margaret - hope dinner with your mom was fun!

    Madison - lightning fast computer - woo hoo!

    Cheri sweetie - "perfect, just as she is" OK, sorry, I caught part of Bridget Jones's Diary this weekend, but I loved that line. And you are! Glad to hear Eathan is giving you styling tips (my son has been doing that since he was about 3, he actually picked out a beautiful pair of red shoes for me when he was 5 or 6!) I'll bet your hair looks great!

    Vickie - hope you're feeling better. I've started using Zicam instead of Airborne. You spray it right in your mouth. It's kind of gross, but I swear it really works!

    purpleMB - hope jury duty is OK!

    Sue (Gus) - I know, even though he was more "fund collecting" than fundraising, what he's accomplished as far as being involved with Making Strides is amazing. He's spoken at the kick-off breakfast, at the Hatch Shell on the day of the walk, and at Catholic Memorial HS about what is was like to have a mom with breast cancer, and what Making Strides means to him.

    Lini - I'm jealous you got to see Shel's tattoo!

    Susan - hope you got those bills paid, I never did get to that today!

    Goodnight to everyone I missed - Nicki, DebC, Tracey, Denise, Sheri, Shirley, ArmyNavyMom...
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Here's Shel's gorgeous tattoo. With her permission, of course. image

    Shel - You have perfect feet. They're so pretty.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Shel, great tatoo and I don't usually like them but that really is nice, classy. BTW, you do have nice feet.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007

    I figured out that what I'm going to do is check in several times a day and keep a running notepad going until my last post of the day; hopefully, that way I will be able to stay on top of the posts.

    Went to dinner with mom tonight. She is at the stage where there is nothing to buy for her so for Christmas we bought her some small things and a gift card for $150 for a restaurant she's wanted to try - Trader Vics. My sister and I went to dinner with her. We picked her up and I ask her if she has the gift card; she shoves it in my face (well, almost) and tells me not to treat her like a moron - where did that come from? We have dinner and she's fine through dinner until I go to the bathroom. Then she tells my sister how her dinner wasn't good, the wonton soup at another restaurant is much better, the beef in her dinner was tough (it wasn't), etc. Then, the coup de gras was the waiter comes back and tells us there is only $8.72 remaining on the card???? My sister got that straightened out because the manager remembered her buying the gift card. My sister and I couldn't wait to drop her off. Is it just me?

    Madison, thanks for asking. He has alcohol poisoning I guess. He hasn't moved from the bed since 9:30 last night except to throw up. He's finally eaten some scrambled eggs and may not go to work tomorrow.

    Cheri, I love my grandson but you should see my granddaughter. She is so cute and so personable. I want to take them on vacation this year, I think they would love it - Hawaii maybe? New woman coming with the hair trim and glasses.

    MB, son is talking of moving out next year - wonder how clean he'll be then?

    Colleen, are you sure Warren isn't 20 something?

    Shel, nice tattoo!

    Night all.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007

    you two are cracking me up ........i'm so vain that i had acrylic put on my toenails so it would look like i had normal toenails went with the chemo, and never came back normal again lol! i may have got the tattoo out of spite at chemo and my screwed up feet lol!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007'/s official...I have Tattoo envy! That is just GAWGUS Shell. Some day I will get brave and get one. If you knew how bad my neede phobia was before cancer, you would be laughing your butt off....but somehow, I have a weird yen for a tattoo....can't explain it

    And I too think you have beautiful feet

    Deb C
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies,
    I've been extremely obsessed with getting the best cost on flights to Pinkstock and a Hotel with the falls view for our anniversary. Got the car booked but thats as far as I've got so far.
    Had the two older grandkids over this weekend and am I worn out.
    Also had to clean my MIL appartment, the caregivers "can't move anything" so the edges and all under the chairs and tables were discusting! I'm going to really have to look at moving her to an assisted living place.

    I haven't even been able to get the taxes started so I probably won't be on much until I get them done.

    On a good note I have finally made a mile in less than 20 minutes! was wiped after but I did it! Don't think I can keep that pace up but at least I know I can do it without dying!

    got a splitting headache casue the hubby used bleach to clean with so I think I'm off to bed.

    Take care and know you are all in my prayers
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies...well you ever sleep!! I too am wondering about Mena. Did she move and maybe that's why no one has heard anything? I'll be online at work off and on today.
    Nicki...blowin the trumpet...your toothbrush is green and it's Monday. Wake up sunshine.
    Joyce...hugs to need a break. A getaway vacation.
    Shel...I love the tattoo! And even if they are acrylic nails you have beautiful feet. Did it hurt cuz that looks like a pretty sensitive area?
    Deb...getting tattoo envy here too LOL.
    Margaret...I think I'd be more than a little peeved if I were you. Geez.
    Colleen...I didn't get my bills paid yesterday either...maybe we should send them to Susan LOL. Gonna go grab some Zicam. I don't feel any worse but no better either. Just my throat so far. They have closed a couple of schools here in the past week due to strep throat but usually Nathaniel gets it before me.
    Madison...glad you like your new computer.
    CY...hope the headache is better. Taxes...ewww. That was such a big job for me this year. Got it done though and now working on my daughters but her dear hubby (NOT)won't give us his wage statement. I swear I'm gonna fly to Florida and slap that boy and bring her home!
    Ok...sending hugs to everyone.
    Do we have anyone who needs a magic carpet ride today?
    Love and hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well, seems like I might be catching another cold. Have a really bad sore throat this morning. I was just around too many peoeple this week-end and shook too many hands.

    Cheri: I would have had to wake up at 3:30am to beat you for the first early morning post. Now thats still the middle of the night for me

    Vickie: You tto with a sore throat? Oh my - Dont have any zicam here or I would take some. I actually felt this coming on yesterday, but thought it was just from all the festivities. Right now its a sore throat and I have a sinus headache.

    Joyce: Wow, sorry to hear about you son. Whats the point of beating someone up and kicking them in the head/face? Thats just pure meanness. I hope the police were called adn these guys got into trouble, cause it seems like something they will do again to someone else.

    MargaretB: We rented Borat too and had the very same reaction. Finially turned it off cause it was too stupid and not very funny.

    Madison: I sort of laughed when you said your new computer is so fast. It has been jsut about 2 weeks that we changed to comcast - no more dial up - and Im loving it too.

    Cheri: New hair color, new glasses, hair trimmed - a nw you!! Nothing makes me feel better than to do stuff like this.

    Susan: Its been years that someone has upset me like this woman who was in the pub the other day. But truelly, Im such a wimp - and she would have hurt me!! And the biggest insult I could think of was "dirty mouth" ahahahah - silly me.

    Sheri: Hoping your MRI goes well tomorrow.

    Denise: Im with you, I lose track of who is having what tests, surgeries, etc. Seems like all these tests and procedures are a normal part of our lives now.

    PurpleMP: Jury duty and a high school intern. Now that would make me want to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head. But hey, what am I talking about - I want to do that this morning anyways. Sore throat, sinus headache, and just feel yucky. Wish I didnt have to work today.

    Gus/Sue: Well now Im rethinking the hangover thing. I wondering if what I felt yesterday was the beginning of this cold coming on. Or even worse a combination of hang over and cold! Its funny, cause I do kick my leg up when doing the Irish Jig and high enough to have kicked her in the butt while she was sitting on that bar stool - but my SIL intervened. This is my theory. Women like to flirt with musicians. It happens all the time. But when Im there and you know who I am, dont shove it down my throat. She looked anorexic and like she had a dirty mouth! At least give me some respect when Im there!

    Joyce: Oh I cant believe your son wont press charges. Next time these guys do this, they might kill someone. And there will be a next time. Why? Cause they like it. When you start kicking in the head and face - you mean business and you mean to hurt someone.

    Lini: I think the anxiety feeling is normal. The underlying cause of anxiety is depression and we sure have been through alot. Hoping this week is kinder to you.

    Cheri: I havent heard from Mena. I hope she is ok, but this is how I feel. After I ask and ask about someone, and hear nothing - I will eventually stop asking about them.

    Colleen: OK thats it! When I leave for work Im gonna run out and buy some Zicam! I cant deal with another cold. I still have a lingering cough from the last cold I had. Unfair I say. Its just unfair!!

    MargaretB: Im sitting here laughing. My mom has passed on, but yor story sure reminded me of her. She would never be happy with anything. Whether it was food, clothing, household items - there was always something wrong with it. And then gosh forbid if we gave her money. She would say "what, you dont care enough to buy me something and instead give me money." Mothers!!

    Shel: The tatoo is very pretty. I sometimes think about getting a tatoo, but then always chicken out. I dont even have my ears pierced!

    CY: Im up to 1.5 miles in 30 minutes. Sweat like crazy. Keep up the good work.

    Well, my fix it up drug is always Darvocet! Took one a while ago. Sore throat feels better, headache is almost gone, but I just have that "Im getting sick feeling." Dang it anyways.


    I wish I didnt have to go to work. I might just go in, punch in, do my paper work and come right back home.

    Hoping everyone has a great day. I will check back with you all later.

    Tracey: How are your darlin? Somehow I missed seeing a post from you.

    NS: Hoping today is a better day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    oh no two sunshine sisters with a sore throat! I never got sick before bc...whine whine!
    Hugs to you Nicki...
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    ya know you guys????? thank you so much!!!!!!

    i've had issues about my feet for months since finishing chemo, and have been ridiculously self conscious about them!

    believe it or not, ya'll have bolstered my self confidence immensely!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007 tattoo envy here too...that just beautiful..and your feet wow , wish mine looked half as good...
    Nicki...Call me next time , I'll go to the Bar with you,, or I;'ll teach you a few things at pinkstock...i am a black belt you know...ok ...self defense class Sat...and how to throw someone across the
    Colleen so glad you and Warren are having a great time...still hoping he uses his fly coupon to visit us at
    Ok all those with sore throats come on aver I want out of Jry Duty...hoping when I call in they settled out of court...(yeah I'm not that lucky)
    Gus...thanks for the card and I will have special cake dissolving exercises for will post it tonight when I get make sure you check in...
    Joyce, yup I tell my friends with little ones, It doesn't get better just care and keep your head up...
    Ok intern coming soon and I should get ready...ha.. I will try to sneak back today...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    PurpleMB: Yes, having a black belt would have come in handy. I havent been that angry in years! But hey, ya better leave my man alone.


    Im gonna be moving slow at work today thats for sure.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007

    to answer the burning question ........ YES that tattoo hurt like hell!!!!!!!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2007
    Good morning, girls!
    I am trying to slowly get back to my regular schedule at work, which was 4 days/week 6:00- 4:30. I like getting in early because no one is here and I can check the boards quickly and chat with you all before I start my day! During chemo, I changed my start time to 7:30 so I could get more sleep, but it severely cut into my Circle time! I decided to start slow and this week I am coming in at 7:00, next week I will do 6:30, etc. Hopefully rads won’t throw a wrench into my whole plan and make me so tired that I can’t keep up with my regular schedule!

    Speaking of rads, I have my first set-up appointment this afternoon. I am preparing to come home with my chest looking like some sort of map! I read on the rads board that they draw all over you while trying to get everything figured out.

    NS, sorry to hear that you are having complications. Stay in the center of the circle and let us take care of you!

    Sheri and Madison, hope you MRIs go quickly and smoothly and that your results come FAST. There is nothing worse than waiting!

    Vickie, I hope you nipped your cold in the bud and it doesn’t progress! Everyone around me is sick. Both my boys have colds. I feel like walking around the house with a surgical mask on to keep the germs away!!

    Shel, I love your tattoo! I never thought about getting one on my foot. I will have to add that to my list of potential locations! Does anyone know if I can get a tattoo while on herceptin? I don’t want to have to wait until 2008!

    Margaret, wow, sounds like dinner with your mother was an ordeal. Is she always like that or is something going on to make her especially cranky? I know sometimes my mother and I get along great, and then other times everything she says gets on my nerves.

    Yikes, Nicki, sorry to hear you are getting a cold too! I think March is one of the toughest months for colds and strep throat….it seems like even people who made it through the winter without getting sick seem to finally be succumbing to the germs now!

    OK, I gotta get some work done now! Have a great day everyone!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Kristin...good to see you ...just remember to listen to your body, don't over do...
    Its nice to know I'm not the only one who is at work when everyone else is just waking thats when I try to check in too..
    Take it easy band keep your head are the boys doing with their Karate?...what form do they do? I practice Shotokan
    have a good day
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    Wow Shel, the tattoo is so pretty, and yes, you have very nice feet! What my friend calls "beach feet" meaning you can go barefoot and look good.

    Wow, lots of colds still making the rounds. I do think the Zicam does help. All of the options are gross (spray it in your mouth, stick it up your nose, etc.) but better than having a cold for days.

    Need to get my chick-a-dee off to school, back later!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Morning ladies.

    Vickie, that pic is me this morning. I slept on the couch again last night cuz hubby was still not feeling well, my room smelled with him in it since Sat. night. I'm exhausted. He went to work this morning so it's time to change the sheets and get some Febreeze out.

    Collen, Zicam is better than airborne?

    Nicki, last night she told us to give her money and she explained that she needed some Estee Lauder product. When I had given her a Macy's gift card before she said she didn't like gift cards because that meant you had to go to that place. Watch, if I give her a $100 bill, she would complain because it would be too hard to cash one - see what I mean? Never happy.

    Shel, there is nothing wrong with your feet. I wished mine looked as long and elegant. That would probably mean I would be taller. I would imagine that tattoo hurt; I get IVs in my feet so I can imagine tattooing my feet!

    Kristin, mom is always like that. The funny thing is she is a multi-millionaire - and nothing makes her happy. I could tell you stories....hope your rads appointment today goes well. I didn't have rads so don't know the entire process.

    Cheri, how are you doing today?

    Time to get moving. Have a good day all.
