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  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Are we serious about starting a new thread for appointments and tests? I think it's a good idea. Would we start with a subject line that's the name of the month? I think then, all the next person with an appt or test that month would have to do is copy and paste for a new post adding their own appt or test info. When someone has an appt or test scheduled for the nest month, they would start a new post with the subject line for that month. Would that work? Or is it too simple? Maybe I'm leaving out something important here. What do you think? I'm having trouble remembering who's having what done on what day. Maybe after the appt or test we could go back and add results to the posting by copying, pasting, and adding info, too.

    Tell me what you think. I don't have anything coming up soon myself, thsnk God, so I wouldn't be starting the thread.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All, I should have time to post more later BUT

    I wanted to ask all of you for names of individuals who would really benefit from the afghans we are putting together......Please PM Vickie or myself with their screen name, real name and addresses....

    I know many of you go on other sites on these boards so you may know of someone who would benefit from our gifts....

    Thanks for putting your thinking caps on this morning..
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good morning CGs,

    Again, another beautiful day in the neighborhood! Sun is shining, I love it. If only all the stinking snow would melt!!
    I agree with all of your comments about the babysitter. I found out a little more about the story. Apparently, the babysitter was bringing her 11 yr. old sister along to "play" and she was the one who slapped Josh. After the story came out, they found out that she was always pushing and hitting him. I don't know why he didn't tell right away. The babysitter had also broken a few household items and said she didn't. Needless to say, they won't be back in their house around their kids!

    Vickie, you got plenty of snow!! I'm sorry you are not feeling well. It's funny, I have not gotten sick since tx. I think I got so into the routine of washing my hands constantly and using hand sanitizer, that no germ could poosibly grow on me . That was a great punishment for the babysitter. That would be a good punishment for anyone!!! I can't imagine being locked up with 20 4 yr. olds on a chocolate high. Eeeeeeeeeeek!

    Nicki, yeah that sounded like more of a "getting sick" than a simple hangover. I say you could have kicked that floozie's butt. If someone is coming on to your man, you get "Kick The B*tch Strength". No one can withstand that kind of power! My parents used to sing "You Are My Sunshine" to us and I sang it to my kids. We would all harmonize and we thought we sounded great!

    Sheri, good luck with the MRI tomorrow!

    And Madison, good luck to you too! We will be with both of you.

    Joyce, OMG, Sean was jumped? How awful. My son was jumped during Senior Week at the Jersey shore. The funny thing was, we had all gone down there so nobody would get in trouble. Ha! He got sucker punched in a bathroom, by some idiot high on cocaine. He broke his upper jaw and knocked a few teeth loose. So....I understand what you are going through. I hope he is feeling better soon.

    Cheri, I am still laughing about your "slapped off the stoop" story. Sounds like something I would have done, lol! I hope you get your GD. We have twin GDs and they are an absolute gift!!

    Shel, what a great tattoo!! I have one on my ankle, so I KNOW that baby hurt!!

    NS, I hope you are starting to feel better!

    I'll check in later!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning CG’s

    Cheri-I have had that same fog and it is eerie when you sit back and think about it. I cant imagine you without a sense of humor but it does happen, I know. Glad you were able to crawl out of the fog and find this wonderful group of women. I laughed out loud about you having dinner for your daughter and her husband and you order Sonic. I actually don’t mind cooking but sometimes take out is great. I hate the cleaning up part so take out works great for that. Not everybody has a Sonic and they are pretty good, aren’t they? Congrats on the no eyesight change. Hmmm,,no excuse for the driving then but that’s ok, I have learned to love it. Its always good to have a cowgirl driver cause I am one myself.

    Joyce-congrats on the new job and thinking of Kevin as always. He is so young to have gone through as much as he has. Oh my gosh, that’s awful about your 20 yr old son. Hope hes ok.

    Shel38-congrats on the return of the laptop. I am going to have to google minolo’s since I have no clue what they are. Going to be embarrassed if I google and find out I should know what they are. Oh well,,glad life is good! Ok read a bit further and found out they are shoes but still clueless. Excellent tattoo and I knew it hurt. I could tell by where it was that it hurt like he!! But its one of those things that is gone quickly.

    Liz-a bra 24/7???? Oh my gosh. I struggle to make it 8 hours at work and have been known to take it off in the truck while driving home. Probably TMI for my 12 year old son but I have picked him up many times and there are my boobs laying over in his seat. Believe me, he doesn’t offer to move them. I think that’s like touching your moms real boobs or something but to me they are just things.

    Karen-wow 10 girls at a bowling alley. Lots of screaming in that high pitch voice. Glad its you and not me but I am sure you will survive.

    Susan-Oh my gosh,,drinking the real thing and don’t know what to do. Now that’s funny. Just drink up my friend and enjoy.

    Nicki-glad to see I am not the only one that didn’t know what minolo’s were. You made me feel better. Still going to google and check them out though. Hmmm,,I am more of a Keen, Merrell, Simple, North Face, Salomon kind of girl. Oh and also crocs. I am sure that doesn’t surprise most of you. I didn’t know Chicago did their river green. I knew Savannah, GA did and that’s so cool. I love that song you posted. I used to sing it to my son all the time and my SO sings it to me.

    Vickie-yes got pictures yesterday of the new babies and hope to get posted on here a little later on today. They are sooooooooo cute. The buck was smelling bucky and I swear I kept smelling that smell for a while afterwards.

    Colleen-Congrats on the new car. What did you get?

    Gus-Oh my gosh that sounds like something that would happen to me on ebay. I think you are right about Nicki signing. It sure wouldn’t be me. Cant carry a tune in a bucket.

    Sherndon-Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know what those shoes were either. Your husband does laundry like I do laundry. I hate putting clothes away. Excellent idea on the calendar!

    NS-Sorry about the addition of the other drain but hopefully it will do its job for you. A drs appointment on Sunday,,WOW! Sorry about all the complications you are having and I am always thinking of you.

    Madison-congrats on the new computer. Sorry your other one crashed. We were all right here, it was you that ran away,,lol.

    Jeannie-sorry about all the trouble you all are dealing with about your sister. Sam sounds like one little special baby for sure.

    Jan-I cant believe that about the babysitter. She would quickly know from me what it felt like to be slapped if that was my child. The nerve of her!

    Lini-so how did you see Shels tattoo? Maybe when I read on I will find out cause I am dying to know what it is. Mine is on the ankle and not the easiest place with that ankle bone there but it wasn’t awful. The hip bone is awful. My SO has one there and she said that one was bad. Ok read a bit further and found the tattoo. Very nice and I bet that had some painful areas.

    Margaret-sorry about the dinner with your mom. It does sound less than pleasant.

    Kristin-Havent thought about a tattoo while on herceptin. Hmmmm,,dangit I will probably be on it forever so might have to bend the rules a bit if you cant. I don’t see why you couldn’t though.

    Ok off to get some work done but I shall return. 12 yr old son is at the beach this week with my parents (lucky him) so no running to ball practice or school or anything this week. Just work and home,,awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Got plenty to do at the farm so eager to leave here in the afternoons and get to work.

    Bye for now,,,Amy
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hidey Hoe CG’s

    I’m finally feeling somewhat human! You girls who are coming down with something – watch out! I was sick for a whole week.

    Weather here is warm and humid. They’re calling for severe weather all week. I hate this time of year. My mom freaks at the thought of bad weather.

    My “badboob” is still sore and I’m so tired of wearing a bra 24/7. If that helps though, I’ll do it. No more surgery for me!

    Sher – where are you? How was DH’s birthday? Are the grands there?

    Susan – I have some bills that need to be paid. I hate writing out checks!

    Sher and Madison – will be with you guys tomorrow for your MRI’s. My 25 y/o son had DDD in his back. He’s always hurting it seems.

    Denise – good idea about the appointments. I stay lost constantly.

    MB – I’m so glad you’re here more now. Can’t wait to get to your house! Oh – I’m officially down 10 pounds since the first of the year!

    Sue – I never ate cake or sweets before BC. Now it seems if it’s here, I gobble it down.

    Joyce – so sorry about Sean. I don’t understand kids now days. No one around here will press charges either because of the retaliation. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

    Lini – I’ve found that when I have alone time, my mind wanders also. Hugs Cool tattoo. I bet that did hurt getting it there. Nice feet also.

    Cheri – I’ve thought a lot about Mena also. I’m sure she’s just overwhelmed with having to sell the house, moving in with her mom, her son living with her ex and her treatments. I do hope she’s okay.

    Jan – Idiot babysitter. Doesn’t matter who slapped him. Hope she finds a new sitter soon.

    Colleen – how cool that Warren does all that. I’m very impressed. Good for him.

    Margaret – I’m sorry but I had to laugh at your story about your mom. Reminds me so much of my grandmother.

    CT – I’ve been checking flights also. See one I might like but then hesitate. Hope you find a good one.
    Vickie – I have a friend who swears by a product called Cold-Eze. I use Airborne. Hope you catch it before it gets out of hand.

    Nicki – I hate women who do that! My DH and I would go out and the waitresses would always be really nice and then look at me like I was a sack sitting beside him. Glad you didn’t whip anyone though. Take care of that cold!

    Kristen – not sure I could get up at that time of day anymore. Hope you don’t overdo.

    Amy – I could just picture the look on your son’s face! I’m obeying orders right now, but let me tell you it hasn’t been easy. Especially since the weather here is warm and HUMID!

    Gina – I wish I were closer to help you. This has not gone as planned has it? Gentle Hugs.

    Okay, time for me to go find something to eat. Be back later.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Liz, I'm wearing the bra 24/7 also. I do not want another surgery and if this keeps me "in place", I'll deal with it for a while.

    Amy, we have had Sonic commercials on TV for years, and I have never seen one. Is it really good? Are you gonna stalk me again today?
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    hmmmm,,me stalk? lmao! Yep guess so. Sonis is a burger joint but yeah not bad for fast food. They have chili dogs and chicken and wraps also. Not bad I suppose.

    ok didnt get the pics off of my card at lunch cause met SO and we had lunch together. Shes out of school this week for spring break, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I will get them though cause the goats are just too pickin cute.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Liz, hehehehe trying to get my house ready...I hope you all are coming to see each other, not my humble is hurridly putting the final tile in th ebathroon...and I'm crazily fixing the basement, pool table room and all...
    good to see you posting agin...
    hugs MB
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well I dont know if Im getting a cold or not. Sore throat starting coming back, took another Darvocet and right now I feel pretty good. So who knows whats going on. I did buy some Zicam thought. The pharmacist told me its the Zinc in it that helps shorten a cold. We shall see.

    Kristin: Sounds like you are getting back to a normal schedule. When I had to go back to work full time it really cut into my computer time. Chemo is done. Im still smiling about that. Now off to Rads. One step at a time.

    Colleen: I looked at all the Zicam options. Settled on a chewy thing. Its strawberry flavored and not that bad. Chew on every 3 hours for 48 hours or so the directions say.

    MargaretB: yep your mom sounds just like mine. If you told her the sky was blue, she would say "shut uppa your mouth, itsa green." She never did lose her Italian accent or stubborness.

    Peanut Girl: Too Simple? Im laughing cause it sounded like a foreign language to me, but then I am really computer challenged.

    Jan: "Kick the B Strength?


    Amy: Wow, seems like alot of us remember the "sunshine" song. And how is our sweet Mazer taking too all these new friends? She likes to be the center of attention.


    BTW we have Sonic commercials here too, and I have never seen one either.

    Liz: Its so good to hear from you and Im glad your feeling better. So did you cold start out with a sore throat? This is just weird how I feel. Oh and BTW - a big congratulations on losing 10 pounds. That deserves a special dance!


    Sherloc, Tracey, Denise, Jeannie, Boo, Shokk, Tinairene, oh my and so many more. Where the heck are you? Did you get lost? Im looking everywhere for you.


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    Sonic, one of my favorite places. You can get all sorts of yummy slushes and flavored drinks. I also absolutely love their onion rings--definitely a cholesterol fix.

    Nicki, I know how you feel about women around your dh. My dh has been a restaurant manager ever since we've been married. When we lived in CA, all the female servers were always giving him hugs and hanging all over him. For some reason, he never seemed to understand why it bugged me! Now that he's older, 46, he's become the "dad" to all of them. I guess it's a little better, but sometimes....

    Amy, can't wait to see the goat pictures. I'm sure they are adorable.

    Shel, your feet are so pretty! Seriously, I've mentioned my deformed feet with the vulcan toes. I'll have to post a picture one of these days, you will think it's a joke. I love your tattoo. I'm with Deb, I just seem to want one, I don't know why, but I'm chicken.

    Madison, are you ready for your MRI?
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007

    Nicki, I posted at the same time. I hope you feel better, you, too, Vickie. No fun to be sick.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Sheri: I love your new Avatar. Good luck with your test tomorrow. I know its gonna be just fine and we will all be there with you. And Madison too.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Amy - Go back a page and you can see Shel's tattoo and perfect feet.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon girls. Hope everyone had an above average day.

    Vickie, yes I do actually sleep but they're some strange hours. lol I hope you're not getting sick!

    Nicki, hoping you start to feel better not worse!

    Kristen, for my rads was a piece of cake after chemo. They do draw on you but it's all painless and I was so tired from chemo i don't think rads made it any worse. Good luck with it and don't worry yourself.

    Margaret, sorry your mother is such a cranky lady. I'm a Mamas baby myself. She's 85 now and just speaks her mind, come to think of it, i guess she always did. lol She is truly my hero. Just read....she's a multi-millionaire??? Geez, wish my Mother was I'd never have to worry about bills again.

    Jan, strange you said since tx you haven't been sick. I haven't either I don't think. I'm always around sick GS and I never catch it. Hmmm. Must've been some powerful drugs they pumped into me. DD isn't even pg yet but she sure wants to be. She's given birth to 3 boys, lost the one to SIDS but has a 9 yr old stepson full time. So she really wants a little girl.

    Amy, I feel like a bear that's been hibernating and just trying to get woke up. Still clearing my head (well as clear as it'll ever be) Shoot ordering Sonic for everyone the other night was $38.00! I won't do that often. Usually when they come for dinner my dd cooks. lol I can't stand on my foot very long at all so even trying to cook a whole dinner isn't possible. Besides, my dd likes to cook. When she gets my groceris for me she gets things her & the kids like, too cos they're over here so much.

    Liz, thank you so much for sending me the cd for crocheting. I sure hope it helps me. I think I'm kinda dumb with my fingers. lol

    NS, I do hope you're feeling a bit better today. I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. I was praying things would go better for you.

    Suzola, where are you today? Probably posting while I am. There's usually several posts by the time I get finished with mine. Hope you're doing well today.

    I just now talked to Mena on the phone. She's ok, I mean she's not in the hospital or anything. She is having a hard time tho. She said she'd talked to Jazmanian today too. She needs us. She's not in a very good emotional state. Which is understandable.

    Hey to Shel, MB, Colleen, Madison, Carried, Denise, Deese, Brenda, Anne, Ginny, Holly, Iris, Jule, Jeannie, and anyone I mistakenly missed. Hope your evening is nice.

    We have Birthdays the next week. Tomorrow is my GS Tristons 9th so we have to have a couple presents and a small cake for him tomorrow, he's having his actual birthday party this friday night with friends over to spend the night and open his other presents and have the big cake. He's never had a sleep over so he's pretty excited. Then my little Ethan turns 6 yrs old on the 29th but his party has to be put off a week cos it's his dads year with him on his BD. Their birthdays are always expensive, I just want em to have everything....and they already do! Hard to find toys they don't have. But I somehow manage. lol

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Okay, she not only has hot feet, but everything else, too. No fair, Shel!!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    lol at lini!

    i'm about as "unhot" as they come!

    but i will say that for turning forty in less than 2 weeks, it could be worse lmao!

    the "fake boobies" minus the nipples don't hurt either! lololol!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Shel, Is that really you???? If so, hot lady. Ssssssssttt! Your hair is kind of like mine!

    Cheri, a big Happy Birthday to Tristan!! $38.00 at Sonic???? Jeez, fast food?

    Meeeeena!! Come to the circle! We will take good care of you! That's what we're here for. ((((Mena))))

    We will be on the magic carpet for all the MRIs tomorrow! Good test results ONLY!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    careful now girls.......i might get an ego, or some self esteem or something lol!

    yup that's me ha!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Okay it's official - my son's friend (who's 25) just looked at the pic of shel and said wow! she's hot!


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I have no idea where this day went! DH didn't go to work today, and I swear that throws me out of wack! He doesn't bug me or get in my way, but I just don't get much done!(good excuse, huh!)
    Love to all and I'll catch up after work tomorrow!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    "25" year old...........hooowaaa!


    lini, you made me into a kid again!!!!
  • purplehaze66
    purplehaze66 Member Posts: 49
    edited March 2007
    Hello to all you beautiful ladies!!! I have been away for what feels like forever...... I have been trying to get into a "normal routine". I must say that I miss this place and all of you tremendously, but i had to focus on living without breast cancer. I wanted to check in to say hi and see how all of you are doing.....
    ns i checked out your blog what an awesome source of info and what a wonderful writer you are, i am sorry you having such a terrible time healing!!!!
    Katz i see your moving on also..... good luck with rads!
    Shel all i can say is WOW! you are one hot momma!!!!
    I know i have missed so much, it was very hard staying away. I think of all of you everyday.
    Deb I listen to your music each time i am at the gym, when a song comes on i can feel a smile brewing(people must think I am a little touched in the head!)
    I have been working and going to the gym.
    I have reached my goal with my weight and have lost 2 inches all over.
    baby anthony is finally coming home in 2 weeks but will need intense therapy. I am going to try and read back a few pages, if that's possible so know I am checking on you all and hope each and everyone is well.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Hi- just checking in- the derelict Circle Girl who can't keep up.

    I tried driving today- it wasn't fun. I have to start taking myself to my appointments and have to stop bumming rides from people.

    I go to the PS tomorrow and am not expecting any drains removed- I think he will put more in. But I am used to it now. I think I will have the drains forever.

    I am also seeing my onc who no longer takes my insurance. I have to find out IF he can care for me and IF not - who will. PLUS I really want to ask him just how bad this is. The path I have is only on the lobular tumor and that is not exactly encouraging. I just want an honest answer from someone.

    I was so used to tripneg IDC... it seems so harmless now compared to this new crap!

    Well hi and bye again.

    Sorry I am not around- but when I sit up at the computer and have my arms bent to type that is when the drains hurt the most and the LE is at its worst.

    I miss you!!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    gina........i lived in drainville for 6 weeks the first mast, and 5 the second mast! apparently, i leak a lot lol!

    don't apologize, it's just great to hear from you!

    the stab wounds from my drains are still the most painful and aggravating almost (and over) one year later, so i understand your frustrations!

    i have only trace LE in my rt thumb and index finger, so i get off easy on that front, but i remember the drains, oh gosh, i remember the friggin drains!!!!!

    take special care of yourself! i drive a 'stickshift' and had to trade my jeep for my mom's pt cruiser (putt putt) lol! for over 6 weeks the first time around! point being ...... do whatever it takes to get by!

    xo, shel
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    We just arrived home after five days in the Palm Springs area to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. It was hot,hot and more hot over 100 degrees. But we did have a good time and saw many of the matches at the tennis are some pictures I took of the players.
    How they played in those conditions escapes me!!
    I have to read all the stuff from five days now..
    Hugs, Lisa

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Evening girls,

    Shel – you look great! So when exactly is your birthday?

    Lisa – welcome home and I’m glad you had a good time. Happy Anniversary also.

    Nicki – yep it started out with the sore throat. Woke up the next day with a stuffy nose and eyes watering. Went downhill from there. Hey those guys dance like me. LOL

    Vickie – I see you haven’t posted tonight. I hope that means you’re busy and not sick.

    Michele – good to see you.

    Gina – Gentle hugs! Let us know how your visit goes.

    Okay kids, time for me to go crochet some more and try to get to sleep.

    Hugs to everyone.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hugs for you NS. I know I keep saying this. But it will get better. After my surgery I had drains and I couldn't move my leg at all. It's so hard I know. If I were you I'd let people keep taking me to my appts. Take help where you can get it.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    hi girls, sorry I disappeared. I'm at daughters house. Unexpected road trip. Tried saying goodbye but my stupid satelite took a nose dive and I couldn't get online. I'll tell you all about it when I get home. Which might be this weekend, might not. Hmmmmm I'm a bit wishy washy. Won't see me till I do. Daughters internet sucks more than mine. Have a great week. See ya.
    Madison and Vicki, I have squares for you but silly me left your addys at home. Oops. I'll get them out as soon as I get back. Love you all to bits. bye
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    NS, I keep saying how sorry I am but I know that doesn't help you. I wish I lived closer, I'd send my dd over to help you. lol She can walk. Otherwise I would help you. Sweetie, this has GOT to get better. I never have it easy either, there's always some kind of complication. I hate those awful drains too. Just know that I think of you often and pray you will get well soon.

    Lisa, glad you're back.

    Shirley, come hooooome! We miss you.

    Seems like there's alot of MIA's lately. Where is Jazmanian, Ginny, Holly, and others I thought of earlier and now can't remember. I hate that.

    Hey to Susan, Liz, Michele, Madison, Brenda, Carrie, Denise, Deese, and Vickie just where are you?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good evening CG's
    Well,my baby is now 9. She had a wonderful party yesterday and birthday today. she keeps telling me how much she fun she had and how she thought everyone had a good time. I'm so glad that she will have good memories of her 9th birthday and the 8th wasn't the best - we had to plan it in case I wasn't feeling good (mastectomy was 2 1/2 weeks before her b'day) and my girlfriend cut my hair that day in preparation for chemo and it falling out.
    Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with her friday morning (last day of school before spring break). I thought my son had the day off school and could take her to the bus - but he has school - and if he takes her to the bus he is late. I have to be at the hospital at 6:45 am for exchange surgery at 8:30. I am thinking of having Miriam come with Craig and I and when they take me to the OR Craig can take her to school. The hospital is only about 5 or 10 minutes from her school. The selfish part of me would like to have her with me before surgery. (Both her and Noah were at the hospital before my mastectomy). The other option is to see if she can go to her girlfriends house at 6:30am. I asked her if she wanted to stay home with Noah - have him take her to the bus and I would see if he could be late for school, but she said NO. Her DI coach offered me to bring her to her house friday morning but it is in the other directin and I don't want to go out of my way. She has an extra DI practice after school friday as the competition is coming up mid April. Well enough about me.
    I have 12 pages of posts to catch on which is way too overwhelming, so I've just been reading Nicki's morning posts as they are a good summary of what has been going on.
    Unfortunately, I did not take notes, so forgive me.
    Nicki and Vickie I hope you are feeling better and over those colds ASAP.
    Gina - I am so very sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time post surgery. Please continue to allow people to help you and to give you rides. I think of you often and wish you feel good days soon!!!!
    Whose tattoo was that on the foot - it is beautiful!!
    I would love to help make quilt squares, but right hand is still sore (although better) and at night my hands get stiff. Maybe after recon, I will get brave and try to knit again.
    Lisa - is that you who celebrated a 40th anniversary - congrats. Sounds like you had a good trip.
    Cheri, MB, Lini, MAdison, Amy, Denise,Cy, Gus, Biker, Shokk, Sue, Carrie, Shirley, Betty, Tracey, Laura, Jouyce, Alwayshope, Bayyore, and anyone I left off, I hope everyone is doing well and having feel good days. Happy first day of spring.
    Karen in denver