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  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    One of the MIAs checking in. It's late. I'm alone, and can't sleep. Serious complications with MIL. Admitted to the hospital tonight, and DH is with her. FIL has Altzheimers, and can't be left at the hospital without supervision. MIL had the flu (we think), and got dehydrated. She's on IV fluids and her meds are being re-evaluated. She's 87, and whatever is going on is affecting her mentally. She's very confused about where she is. Thinks she's in hospice. That's not exactly a good sign.

    DH does not want her to be alone, and I agree. BIL and wife live two hours away. Don't know when they'll get here. Haven't heard from them lately. It's an anxious time for us.

    Prayers and hugs go out to all the CGs tonight.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies,
    Sunshine sisters...wake up I missed ya all last night! Felt like I'd been run over by a truck. Fixed dinner and hit the couch. Gotta Nate off to bed and took some more Airborne and was out like a light by 8. The sore throat is gone this morning and I'm a little stuffy but that's all so hopefully I can kick this nasty germ before it gets worse.
    Shel...I will join the chorus of wow's! You look amazing...I'm jealous!!
    Laura...we have several residents with the flu and some that we have sent to the hospital but they are recovering. You need to rest yourself! Sending hugs and prayers your way.
    Karen...Happy birthday to your daughter! Gee I remember when Sarah was nine...miss my little girl. Nathaniel just turned eight in December and it seems like time is going way to fast.
    Shirley...welcome home...we missed you. I still need to send you a bra...maybe today. careful about overdoing it. I remember wearing the surgical masks during chemo. Nathaniel got strep throat every time I had chemo last year. It was awful cuz he's my little snuggle bug and it was so hard to avoid the germs so the doc's loaded me up with the masks, sanitizer and gloves and said "snuggle away". I was so happy.
    Jan...we got more snow again last night then freezing rain for a while...don't have a clue what it's like outside right now as I haven't even bothered to look. It was a wild ride home from work though.
    Nicki and Lisa...loving the pictures!
    Denise...I don't know where yesterday went either...I was in a fog. Not a good thing when your doing payroll and sales tax!
    Hello Michele...good to see you. Join in a cyber party sometime...they are loads of fun but you gotta watch out for Cheri...she swipes drinks no matter what color they are!
    Good morning Lini...I think your four hours behind us so maybe we'll see you later.
    and last but certainly not least.
    NS...I'm so hoping and praying you get feeling better and very soon. LE in both arms is the worst and I too remember those disqusting hateful drains. Think to the future (if you can and I know it's hard)and imagine yourself well and back to "normal"...whatever that is. Sending you a big warm careful hug. Love ya.
    Quick good morning to Madison, Susan, Liz, aww mind isn't awake yet so EVERYONE.
    love ya all and I'll be back later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    For all of you
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Laura-I am so sorry you are going through this hard time. I will pray for your MIL and FIL. It's so hard when parents get sick. My FIL has Altzheimers too and my MIL is slipping. Both are in their mid 80's. My dad is 84 and lives with my brother 100 miles away. I talk to him everyday but I feel guilty that I am not there to help.
    I will try to catch up on the post later. Hopefully I will not fall asleep at 8:30.LOL..I am so tired but it is a good tired. I didn't think about BC for 8 hours!
    Sean had to have 15 stitches in his face. The plastic surgeon did a good job though. It looks like it will be a thin scar. Boys..always something. He says the cops came when he was leaving. I hope the ones that beat him up where arrested. I am sure not all of them were 21.
    The doctor called last night and talked to my DH. Seems Kevin has a narrowing in his spine. I thought that is what they fixed when they did the fusion 2 years ago??? He has to bring him in on Thursday to see the doctor.My DH says they didn't seem concerned???WTF? Men!!! I'll let you know later.

    Looks like I am joing the sunshine club! I beat Nicki and Vicki! Wow!
    Have a Good Day CG'S!!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007

    Alright I almost beat Vicki!!LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Ahaha I see Joyce has joined the early morning sunshine girls. Well I dont know what going on with this cold thingy. I dont feel to bad, still have a sore throat. Now I have yellow junk from my nose. Is that descriptive enough? lol But my body doesnt feel sick if ya know what I mean.

    Sheri and Madison: Good luck with your MRI's today. Im moving a little slow this morning, but I will be there. I will be the one with a mask on so no one else gets whatever this is that I have.

    Cheri and Jan: Man oh man I wish I was like the 2 of you. Ever since surgery and chemo, my resistance has been lowered. Seems like I catch everything. Im around sick people all day long - so I do wash my hands alot. Have alcohol gel in my car too. Im thinking maybe I picked something up at one of the events my husband was playing at this past week-end. Did alot of hand shaking! Drats - another cold will make me very unhappy.

    Michelle: It was so good to hear from you. Im glad things are going well. I feel like I have pretty much moved beyond breast cancer, but not beyond all of my friends here. I just cant stay away. Have to come here at least once a day. Ok, Ok Im a boardaholic!

    NS: I cant believe your driving while you still have the drains in. Not a bad idea to consult with your onc and Im hoping he can figure a way to treat you with your insurance. We sure do miss you around here. Good luck with your appointments. I guess I was really one of the lucky ones. I had 2 drains that were removed one week after surgery. I dont know how I would have stayed sane having 4 drains for 2 weeks!!

    She: You do look great. Man oh man - Im just one big old fat lady! If I wore an outfit like that, you would all think I was 9 months pregnant! Heres a picture of me exercising. If the hair was black it would be a spitting image of me.


    Lisa: 40 years? Now thats a milestone. Hope you both had a great time.


    Liz: Well this is day 2 1/2 with a sore throat. Nose is a little stuffy but I dont have that sick feeling. I hope it doesnt get any worse than this!! Im chewing my Zicam every 3 hours and Darvocet seems to make me feel better. Sore throat and headache goes away.

    Sherloc: So glad you checked in, I was getting worried. So an unexpected road trip! Hoping everything is ok.

    Cheri: There sure are alot of missing in action. Hope everyone is ok and doing well.

    Karen: Gosh, it seems like only yesterday they did the hand surgery and now the exchange surgery is here! You are gonna be so happy afterwards. They are so unbelievably soft. Dont worry about Friday, we will be with ya. Distorted Humor is feeling a little frisky!

    Laura: Taking care of older relatives is very difficult. Your MIL sounds like she might have a little delerium, which isnt that unusual. Dehydration and infection will cause that. 2 biggest reasons for delerium are pneumonia or urinary tract infection - coupled with dehydration. Your poor husband must be going out of his mind. And you too. Hoping things get better soon.

    WEll - daylight is finially approaching. It has been dark here in the mornings since the time change. And for the first time Im hearing those beautiful sounds of Spring birds singing their tunes.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    OK Shel38, did I tell you that no one that looks that good can come to'll have to send all the "wilderness " men away ....
    G...hugs ..wish we were closer
    Michele...glad your back...we miss everyone that doesn't check in
    Lini, SO how warm is it? I plow another 12" out of the yard...hmmm? 100 thats way to hot for me...but glad you had a great time...
    Liz, so glad you are posting more...
    Oh yeah.. Supreme Court not in seesion this week...whoo hooo so no Jury Duty for another 4 years...lololo..I am so relieved..I had way too much to do to be botthered by to make sure all the Ceilings are painted and the rooms are finished...hmmm..shouldn't build your own house its never finished...that leaves me time this spring to get the yard ready....
    To the ladies moving on...I wish I could leave this site , BUT I have found that the warmth and kindness here is so important to me everyday that I can't move pass this site, It doesn't mean I haven't moved past my BC, but I try to remember & check in on all my sisters.9everyday, once or twice or more, hehehe) Don't be gone so long...
    Ok off to read some more and maybe work, since I finished everything yesterday cuz I wasn't supposed to be here today...whoo hoo lots of board
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2007
    Good morning! I am running late today but wanted to stop in for a quick check on how everyone is doing!

    Had my mapping appointment for rads yesterday. Why did I want to cry when it was over? I don’t understand. I was in a great mood when I got there. Well, no matter, I feel better today.

    NS, hang in there! I am thinking of you every day.

    I will try to check in again later and take notes this time!!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Gina – I feel your pain with the drains. They are SO annoying!! Sending healing thoughts so you can get them out soon. Soon, but only when you’re healed enough. Gentle Hugs!

    Lisa – Welcome back! And Happy Anniversary. 100 degrees sounds good. I’m getting all excited because we’re supposed to be in the mid 50’s on Saturday.

    Karen – Logistics are always such a annoyance. Wish I were close enough to get your daughter to school for you.

    Laura – Hugs to you and prayers for your MIL. One thing I’ve learned in my first aid training over the years – dehydration can cause confusion all by itself. Hopefully when they get her hydrated, her confusion will improve. Elderly parents are a blessing and a worry. All the best to you and your DH.

    MB – Yeah! No jury duty!

    Kristin – I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one whose moods change for no real reason. Sunday afternoon my DH had a concert and so I had the house to myself. Usually that’s a fine thing, Sunday I cried. Weird. When do you think you’ll start your rads?

    This seems to be one of those weeks. Went for the bone scan yesterday and was very proud of myself that I didn’t cry laying there in the machine with nothing to do but worry. But there was some confusion with my paperwork-they had the cancer in my left breast and it was actually in the right. Which made my parinoid self start thinking, "Is this why they wanted the additional scans??" Then I realize that I'm being stupid, because I had the bilat. Felt really dumb at that point. Then this morning I got up and was paying bills, and there’s a charge on my Verizon bill that I don’t recognize. But they've changed their security system, and my husband has to "authorize" me to get account information. I suggested that since I pay the bill I should be authorized, and she figured out a way to answer my questions. Next, the electric bill showed that I was past due – figured that out as my fault (they changed my account number but I forgot to change it in my on-line bill payment thingie), so that was a pain to straighten out. Was all set to renew my license plates by mail, when I realized I have to go in to get my license renewed - with a new picture… Poop! I don’t want to have my picture on my license in my wig, but I don’t want to have it with my buzz-fuzz hair. Have to choose, but I don’t want either. I repeat. Poop! Lastly, today is the stupid CT scan and I hate that stuff you have to drink because of the terrible things it does to my digestive tract. Don’t want to do that either. Plus then there’s the waiting for results after…

    Sorry, once again, I’m doing nothing but whining. I’m sorry to do that to you guys. (Looking forward to April 5 when I can wine instead of whine!) I hope I’ll be in a better mood by Thursday or Friday when I have the results and find out my med onc was right and it’s all nothing, and the rad onc is just a careful lady… I hope.

    Off to the Secretary of States office, I guess.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Anne...hugs...can't wait tillwe can all sit by the fire and hold each others hands....keep your head up and stay how's the camping food list coming?...hmmm take you mind off things...and I need the help too...lolol..hugs
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Mornin' all!

    I can't exercise yet, so it gives me a little more time on the computer, lol! It seems like everyone had drains but me. I did have drains after my node dissection, but not my mast. I didn't get drains last week either and I do have some swelling. I call it the big, giant scary boob. My PS doesn't like to use them, because it leaves the body open to infection. The fluid does get re-absorbed into the body eventually.

    Michelle, I'm so glad that baby Anthony is finally coming home. What a long haul for the poor thing and your family. You are all in my prayers.

    NS, gentle hugs for you. I'm not so sure you should be driving with those drains in. The LE must be just miserable! I had a drain after my node dissection. Less than a week later, we were out on the motorcycle, with friends. We had stopped at a local bar and when we went to leave, DH almost dropped the bike! All I could think of was how mad my BS would be if he found out I was in a motorcycle accident. The heck with getting hurt .
    You take care of yourself!!

    Lisa, welcome back from the tennis tournament. It sounds like you had a great time!

    Karen, I'm glad your DD had such a nice birthday. Good luck with your exchange on Friday. You know we will all be with you, of course!!

    Laura, it is so hard when our parents get old and start getting sick. My dad had Alzheimers. It is a terrible disease! His mom and sister had it also, so I guess I am doomed . It was so sad for all of us when we would visit him. You have my sympathy.

    Kristin, I got upset during the mapping phase of rads. I think it was because I just wanted to get going and get all of the tx behind me, and the prep time before rads actually started seemed to take forever! You will feel better soon.

    Anne, I hope the bone scan and CT turn out ok. I hate to drink that gunk also. I had to drink that plus get the dye injected. Bleah!!! That barium hardens like concrete in the guts!

    Vickie and Nicki, I hope you are both starting to feel better. I hate having a cold. Do Zicam and Airborne really work?

    I don't know if I will have time to check in later. I have to work until 8:00 tonight and all I want to do is get into comfy clothes and watch the boob tube when I get home.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Jan aka biker-I think we are on the same schedule because we always seem to be posting at the same time. Either that or I am stalking you,,lmao. Your motorcycle almost accident sounds like something I would do. I was on the 4 wheeler when my oncologist had told me my pelvic bone was broken from the mets and to not do anything out of the ordinary and to be very careful. Well atv riding is normal for me so I figured why not? The pelvic bone hurt regardless what I was doing so why not have fun?!? When my oncologist kept stressing that fact to me, my SO kept saying but you dont know what her normal activity is. Oh well, it made me happy and the bone has healed so poop on that!

    Vickie-not to rub it in but we are mid 70's today and nice and sunny. Hope your cold gets better. I hate having colds.

    Nicki-I seem to get sick more often now also. I used to never catch things that went around but now it seems like I always do.

    Sherndon & Madison-magic carpet was up and moving early this morning. Mazer has her "pilots" hat on and was up front with Cheri. Cheri does keep those weird sleeping hours so she might be dozing at the wheel but have no fear,,,Mazer is here!

    As far as how she is doing with the new goats, I dont have them yet. I will get them in about 2 weeks. I just went over Sunday to see them and take some pictures. Mazer will be excited though because she likes to think she is taking care of them. Thats her job so glad she enjoys it. Woohoo, got 8 fresh eggs yesterday so going to have to get with my mom and dad and sisters and start seeing who needs eggs. I dont eat that many eggs so they need to go to somebody that will. Nothing like fresh farm eggs.

    Shirley-sure glad you checked in, I was getting worried about you. Hurry back.

    Cheri-Thanks for the mena update. do you have her address? I would love to drop her something in the mail.

    Susan-hope you are doing well and healing like you should.

    NS-glad you popped in to give us an update. I will be thinking of you and we will all be there with you to talk with the Onc. Mazer said she will behave but only if the Onc. agrees to find you somebody good that takes your ins, if not she makes no promises.

    Shel-ok no more posting of pictures missy. I think its a law that you cant look that hot. You wouldnt want to see me in that outfit. You couldnt even see the tops of my shorts if I wore that top. I'm only jealous, you look great!

    Lisa-welcome back and wow 100 degrees. I am glad you two enjoyed yourselves. 40 years is something to be very proud of. Congrats!

    Kristin-sometimes our emotions just takes over and we cant explain them. It happens to all of us.

    Anne-sounds like you are having one of those days where you just want to go back to bed and say what else can happen! Bone scans are never fun because you are lying there scared to death and what they might find. Crossing my fingers for great results.

    MB-congrats on the no jury duty. I know what you mean about building and its never completed. Believe me, its always something.

    Joyce-yep men,,hope Kevin is ok and I know you cant wait to get the results yourself.

    Laura-missed you. Thinking of you as you deal with aging in laws.

    Karen-glad you survived the birthday party and that your daughter enjoyed it. I know that makes you happy to have it behind you.

    ok gotta run get some work done. I shall return no doubt cause I cant seem to stay away.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh geez...send me up to the dementia ward ladies. I have been so completely exhaused for the past two days that I have been barely keeping my eyes open at my desk, had all I could do to drive home yesterday and was in bed at 8 last night. Well the sore throat is gone but I'm really stuffy so I decided it was time for another dose of the Tylenol Sinus...hmm...guess what. I pulled it out and low and behold there is a moon on the front of the box...put my glasses on and you guessed it! I've been taking the nightime Tylenol for the past two days! Duh.
    Oh well...guess it's better than brushing your teeth with Preperation H!!
    When I recover from this self induced exhaustion I will post to all of you.
    I need a babysitter!
    Love ya all
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Vickie - You crack me up!! I can't get up 'cause the sun doesn't want to shine 'til 3 pm. Told you June Gloom would get me, but it's March?!

    My darn pecs have been contracting for the past two days with the damper weather. Anybody else have this issue?

    Oh and I hope you all enjoyed the pic of Shel. I sure ain't crying no tears for her anymore. I never looked that good in a bathing suit. LOL!!!

    g - NO DRIVING!!! My PS would not let me drive for 3 weeks after bilat, for 3 weeks after expander, and again he won't let me after exchange. One bad move, a muscle rips and then you have to reconstruct the reconstruction. It happened to the OR nurse on duty at my exchange surgery. She said that it set her back months and months. Please find somebody to drive you. Plus, your drains will be in longer if you're doing stuff that you shouldn't be doing. Mine were in 3 weeks and then I still had to go in and be drained for weeks after they were out. Slow down, g-friend!!

    Love to all out there in the circle,

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,
    just stopping in before I go to physical terrorism. I hope you all are having good days. You all are the best.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hi to all,
    Got some time as second client (affectionally called "looney lady") canceled her call today. You don't even want to know why! Wouldn't want to waste that extra time being productive around the house..So here I am!

    Gotta try to catch up with all. Haven't read alot, but I'm getting there!

    Kristen: Set up for rads is draining. Glad you are feeling better about it today. You'll do fine with the treatments.

    Sheri: Hope your MRI went well..let us know!

    Madison: Same for you..let us know how the MRI went!

    Shel: Nice tattoo!! However, I believe you took Deb's words "I'm beautiful, dammit" to seriously!

    Margaret: Why is it that parents can be so diffcult when they get older. My Mom is doing better now....long story... but there was about 6 or so years that we clashed constantly. Couldn't say anything right, do anything right, etc. Demanding. Only to me, not to my sisters. I often thought that she was angry at me after my son died. Another long story. Much better now, but it was alot of work. She now realizes how hard I worked (along with my sisters) to get the proper DX for her, and the "little white pill" she takes in the morning has helped her intensely!

    Jan: Son's.....Gotta love them! Been there with the broken jaw..I don't know if I ever did or will here the whole TRUE story on that one!

    Liz: I hate severe weather too. Glad you're feeling better but wishing Bad Boob would straighten up.

    Nicki: You and the Owl found me! Sorry, didn't mean to be MIA. Hope your throat didn't lead into the cold. Have a hot tottie (?). I have no idea what it is, but my Dad used to have one when he'd get a cold! Of course he died 27 years ago....hmmm...better stick to the Zicam!

    Cheri: Thanks for letting us know you talked to Mena. Let her know we are here for her, please. You have fun with all the little ones birthdays! I only have one GD, and she'll be 3 next month!! I love the little critter!

    NS: I hope you don't need anymore drains. I wish you wouldn't drive yet..I'm sure people don't think you're "bumming rides." You are so caring that I am just sure you have helped numerous people yourself. Insurance companies are really ticking me off..good luck.

    As you know by now, I'll be right back!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I'm baaaacccckkk!

    Lisa: Congrats on the 40th.! I've been married 5 1/2 years after being a single Mom for 19 years! I told my DH that at our ages every year counted for 5 years! So for our 5th. (or 25th.) he gave me a beautiful Past, Present and Future Ring!!

    Susan: Physical Terrorism..ouch. But I am glad you are starting to feel better.

    Shirley: Thanks for letting us Mother Hens know where you are. We'll hear from you when you get home!

    Karen: Glad your DD had a good Birthday! And glad that you are feeling so much better than a year ago! Good luck with your exchange surgery Friday. We'll all be there!

    Laura: Feelings are out to you and your Husband. MIL feeling any better? Alzheimers....very cruel disease. I work with dementia/alzheimers alot.

    Joyce: Blessings to you, also. Your FIL has Alzheimers. (geez, I use that word daily, and I can't even spell it today!) Is there anything they can do for Kevins narrowing of the spine? I think you said they Fused a few years back?

    Nicki: I can't live without my "germ away!" It's in my car, pockets, purse, countertops..and at everyone of my clients houses!
    I am blonde and that is a perfect picture of me.....NOT EXERCISING!

    MB: 12 inches of Snow?! I thought Michigan was bad!

    Anne: You are not whining... I'm glad the bone scan is out of the way, and hopefully by now so is the CT. Good vibes for you and let us know the results.
    Verizon did the same thing to me a couple years ago. Couldn't (wouldn't) give me some tiny bit of info without my dh getting on the phone and giving permission. OH YEA!

    Amy: Mid 70's today! Can we have about 15 of those degrees expressed to MI please!

    Vickie: I can see the Headlines: Nighttime Tylenol during the day leads to Dementia!! You are to Funny! Like we taught my GD....Moon means it's bedtime and Sun means it's wake up time!! As you know, I work alot with Dementia (actually I mean that I have clients that have Dementia!) As long as you're not relying on Depends full time I'd be glad to come Babysit You!!

    Love to all, and I hope I didn't forget to many.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,

    Just checking in quickly. My son had another horrible day at school, and I got called to come pick him up because he couldn't hold it together today. I'm so worried about him, and I am obsessively reading about autism to try to figure out what I can do to help him. Oh well, it keeps me from obsessing about BC!

    Anyway, I need to spend some time with my little guy and give him some TLC, but I wanted to drop in to say hi! I hope you are all having a good day, and I'll check back in later.

    Love to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It's a good thing I post a couple times a day that way I don't have quite as many to catch up on.

    Karen, your daughter turned 9 yesterday? My grandson turns 9 today. We gave him a couple of little presents today cos his party is on friday evening with a sleep over.

    Laura, hope you were able to get at least some rest last night.

    Joyce, prayers for Kevin and you.

    Nicki, sure hope you start feeling better. Take heart...maybe you gave that woman at the pub your cold. haha

    MB, I agree with what you said about moving on.

    Kristen, you'll do fine with rads. It's just the getting started.

    Anne, I believe your test results will be fine. I hate bill paying. I used to really be on top of that stuff but anymore I just stack them in the corner cos I hate dealing with them but I HAVE to stop doing that cos we got a shut-off notice from the elec. just cos I didn't take the time to pay it. Geez.

    Janny, well at least you have an excuse not to exercise.

    Amy, I will pm you with Menas address. I know she'd like to hear from you.

    Vickie, you know when you take medicine maybe you should at least glance a the bottle that you're taking it from. Girl, you so silly.

    Lini, you have pecs? I think mine went somewhere else.

    Suzola, take it easy on the Physical Terroist. You need to work that thang girl. Been there done that

    Denise, glad you got a littl break today from the'Looney Lady'.

    NS, i sure hope today is a little better for you. Thinking of you.

    Mena, the girls love you here. We miss you.

    I guess since I know how to use the Knifty Knitter my dd and I will be doing alot of it today. So need to get started on them so I can actually send some out.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone: Yes I just finished exercising and this picture explains just how I feel right now.

    Well I felt pretty good today. No sore throat - so who knows whats going on. Maybe it was allergies, maybe it was too much partying, maybe the Zicam is working.

    PurpleMB: I love your new avatar. Kewl!!

    Kristin: Of course you felt like crying. Your done with one big part of your treatment and onward to another. Yet unknown to you. So I bet it was really scary. Hang in there.

    Anne: Sure sounds like a draining couple of days. Bone scans and CT scans. Hope they come out ok. I guess in a way Im lucky, I make the money, my husband pays the bills. One worry Im greatful I dont have.

    Jan: I had 2 drains after my bil mast, but the PS took them out a week later. Didnt have drains with my exchange surgery. Cant imagine having 4 drains!! This is the first time I have tried Zicam. My Pharmacist says Zicam or cold eeze work really well. He said its the zinc in them. All I know, is I have only vague symptoms of a cold. Coincidence? It could be. Or maybe this stuff does work.

    Well, I dont have anymore time. Saying hello to Amy, Denise, Vickie, Cheri, and Lini. I did take notes, but dinner is done!

    Gus/Sue: I'm just wondering if anything changed to trigger the emotions your son is going through right now. I know its Asperger's but it sounds like some days are better than others and I was just wondering if there was any connections. Im hoping you are getting some counselling from a Social Working or therapist who is familiar with Asperger's. Kind of hard learning what to do day by day.

    OK! See ya in the morning

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited March 2007
    Hello and good afternoon to all,

    Cheri-ok so now you are really showing me up with the knifty knitter talk! Bet you had fun with the grandson opening presents.

    Gus-giving you a big ol hug because I have watched my aunt go through days like you are having. My SO is a teacher and has 2 autistic children in her class so I really do understand. Is the autism walk going on in your area?

    Adriona-I will gladly send you about 15 degrees. That way we would both be happy. 15 degrees cooler here would make it perfect.

    Susan-hoping you survived the PT today.

    lini-pecs? you gotta be kidding me,,lol.

    Vickie-oh my gosh girlfriend. We were worried about Cheri's eyes and we should have been worried about yours. Geesh! Might better let Nate be in charge of all the meds at your house,,lol. He seems to be very responsible.

    purplemb-love the new look! Quiet the creative one arent you?

    ok off to finish up a few more things here at work and then heck, its 5:00 and we all know what that means,,oops,,wrong thread.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Good going Nicki! I still haven't done mine today. In fact, I'm still in my PJ's. I rarely have PJ days. Glad that you're feeling better.

    MB-Only 62 degrees and gloomy, hence the pj day. Yuck-O!

    Cheri - Yep, got pecs with big ol' rocks shoved under them. The damp weather makes them hurt. Sometimes they just start moving by themselves. Quite a strange phenomenon.

    g- I hope you don't think that I was nagging or butting into your business, but I love you and just want you back with no more setbacks, 'kay? Take care of yourself, don't push too hard.

    Gus- Sorry about your boy. It's hard enough being a parent to "normal" (if there is such a thing) kids. I can't imagine how exhausting, frustrating, and hard it must be to parent a special needs childs.

    Have a great rest of the day everybody else!! I'm going to go and get the jammies off now before my son comes home from school. He needs to see a "happy" mom when he gets home, or he'll think I'm sick or something.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    ok...gotta vent.
    Got home from work (after 5) and my voice mail doesn't work so I check my caller ID to see if my daughter has called and I see my oncologist office has called. aauugghh. I hate that! No way to get a hold of them until tomorrow and no idea what is going on. I have repeatedly given them my work number to call and they never do. I had blood work on the eighth so I would think if something were wrong they would have called by now...right? I called there just hoping someone would still be in the such luck...stress out till tomorrow morning!
    Gonna take a xanex and be back later.
    Sorry's been a long week already.
    love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Vickie, awww I hate that. I've had a similar thing happen. It just causes stress and worry, and most often it's something silly. Try hard not to stress, they would've had your blood work the same day or the next. If there was anything wrong with it they would've reached you by now. It's gonna be alright.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Vickie- like cheri and de three birds said: "everyting gonna be aw-right"

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Vickie, first song on Deb's CD...Don't worry 'bout a thing...everythings gonna be aw-right!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Oh my, I have been reading the many need GREAT BIG HUGS!!!!!

    Had MRI today, won't know results until Friday (I am taking some strong pain it is helping some)

    Check back in later (DD just called crying to say one of her friends was killed in a car accident - so sad!!!)
  • LauraB
    LauraB Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2007
    I've been AWOL, I much going on, but it's looking all good!

    Ray's been going to counseling and it's already making a difference. We've had some heavy-duty heart-to-hearts without arguing, yelling, or interrupting (crying on both parts, yes). Just when I thought we were moving on...we're working on reconciling!

    He's learned the grass ain't greener at her place (oh, contrare--quite the opposite he's learned). I let him know what I've been told about the OW, and he's no longer defending her. He actually offers up things he doesn't like.

    I spoke with the prosecutor on Monday...Ray will NOT get any jail time, and the charges will be reduced to disorderly conduct. Counseling will be part of his "sentence" and the prosecutor's happy Ray's already started; an alcohol assessment may be ordered, but Ray's therapist (mine, also) has already started that.

    We both had our separate counseling sessions today---he volunteered to the therapist that HE'S willing to try reconciling. We have the option of continuing our separate sessions, or go as a couple, or both...and he's willing to continue!

    There's no doubt I need to take accountability for my part in the marriage not being up to his does he. But, we're willing to work together to keep this family together, and to start anew.

    I'm sure I'll hear some "what are you thinking?", and that's fine. My heart is in a better place right now, and I'm falling in love all over again. I know it sounds corny, and I've got alot (i.e. her) to overcome, but we've already agreed she will not be discussed (she doesn't deserve the energy!)

    What is tough on me, Caitie, and him is him not being home...even the prosecutor said it was a good idea he not come home until the pre-trial on April 9th. Ray also knows I'm NOT happy about him continuing to stay at her house, but I'm sure once he breaks the news to her about reconciling, he may be out sooner than he knows. I asked him "what if she's not willing to give you up?" and he said "I have a feeling she'll be more than willing...she knows how important family is." Well...personally I don't believe anything that skank says, so the sooner he's out the better!

    Oh what a Peyton Place this has been! I'm so looking forward to starting over!

    Thanks for everyone's support, love, and occasional kick-in-the-butt! I will keep you posted!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Vickie-((())) I hate it when they do that! I am sure you are fine.
    Denise-Yes my FIL does have Altzheimers. He was on arosat(sp?) for a couple years and it did help. Now He only answers in one word no sentences. He also says the same line all day. He follows my MIL around and gets very nervous if she isn't there.
    I am not sure what they are thinking about doing for Kevin now. They want to see what the emg says and then on April 2 we see the doctor.
    Sue-I didn't know your son had autism. Are there any support groups in your area? One of my friends son has autism. Kevin use to go to Kencrest child development center with him. I know they offer alot of support to both the family and child.He is in high school now and doing wonderful. He is in regular classes w/h support.
    Hi to Nicki,Mena,Cheri,Margaret,DebC, Susan and everyone else I missed.This working is wearing me out,LOL. I am going to get comfy and go to bed early.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Madison...oh my goodness...please give you DD a hug from me. That is simply so very sad.
    Thanks Cheri, Lini and Madison. I apologize for the whining. I come here to see how everyone else is doing and be supportive to everyone else but appointments, tests, and mysterious phone calls throw me for a loop every time. Sayin prayers and sing to "evertings gonna be aw-right" and don't worry 'bout a thing! I'm gonna yell at them tomorrow and tell them to change my number!!! Geez...
    Lini...isn't it tough sometimes to put on that happy face so our kids don't worry. I worry more about causing them worry than anything else. Sometimes I don't think they notice but I'm never sure so I tend to go out of my way to be upbeat. I hate this friggin disease! And you have pecs! I have to be jealous of you and Shel!

    Shirley...come out of hiding...are you buried under the bra's again. We will round up a posse if we have too.

    MB...nice avatar! I can't wait and I haven't even worked out the details yet LOL. I get lost in Newark Valley for crying out loud so I might be late showing up!

    Laura...sending you hugs. I know how hard it is.

    Kristin...believe it or not you are at the easy part now. You'll get through the rads before you know it and we will all be here to help you through it. sorry about your rough day! Can't offer any help but can send you a hug.

    Susan...physical terrorist...I laugh ever time I read is it going?

    Silvergirl...we miss you want me to look for the "egg carton" bed thing for when you come down again?

    Karen...get ready for your magic carpet ride on Friday...we'll bring lots of fun supplies...any special requests?

    Amy...70 degrees...look out cuz I'm moving in with you. I'll stay in the barn. Anything to get away from this snow and cold. 27 degrees today and the sun was shining but it was freezing outside! Isn't today the first day of spring...I see no sign of it anywhere! I have heard a couple of people say they have seen robins but I think they are having hallucinations.'ve had a rough couple of weeks girl. Take a break and head to the spa. Sending you hugs.

    Lisa...happy anniversary!

    Joyce...You almost beat me this morning. Sending prayers for Kevin (and I finally got the surprise on it's way).

    Ok...missing a bunch of you but need to eat something and destress (if there is such a thing!). Maybe some alcohol but I'm staying away from the Tylenol Sinus PM...geez...that was a dumb move LOL. Reading labels closer now!

    Hugs and love to all and sorry to all I missed...still tired!