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  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Vickie-You come to me anytime you want to whine. I've got all kinds of cheese to go with it. LOL!! Seriously, though, if you can't come here then where else can you go? We all have our moments and yours is valid. It's going to be a long wait until 8 am tomorrow morning. I wish I could make it go faster for you. Try to get some rest, maybe now would be a good time to take the Tylenol Sinus. Take care.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Just came on for a quick "good night."

    Madison: instant chills over your DD friend. Blessings to your daughter and to her friends family. I know, I remember, I feel....if possible, send my thoughts and prayers to the family.

    Vickie: You better start feeling better! You are not whining. A big knock on the head for your Onc. office. It will be alright, but don't they know how they scare the bajoobies out of us?!
    Take some NIGHTTIME and go to bed!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    You are all simply the very best.

    Good night


    ...see you all in the morning.
  • carolinin
    carolinin Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2007
    Hello Today is the first day of the rest of my life, or maybe a return to life. Today I told my oncol. no thanks on taxotere. I had two weeks to think it over and finally felt at peace to say no.
    How great, its the first day of spring! So, i decided it was time to leave the dec/jan help me thru chemo board and move on!
    Any suggestions welcome! Its a little scary too.
    Looking forward to getting to know you gals...
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Hi Carol-

    welcome to the wagon circle This is a great group of ladies.

    I'm glad you feel at peace with your decision. Enjoy SPRING!

    Deb C
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi Vickie,
    I dn't have time to find out everything that is going on. so sorry you are sad. and madison too and I guess there are many others. I'm trying to work for a few weeks to get money for the trip. Here's a hug for everyone who needs one. (((hug)))

    Carolin i did taxotere. Sometimes I wish I had made a different decision. We need crystal balls. Welcome.
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    I knew that was going to happen! Just wrote the longest post, was only halfway done as a matter of fact, and accidently hit a key on my keyboard and lost it.

    I'm too tired to re-type (Warren's birthday was today, and it was an OK, but kind of long day), but I have all my notes, so I'll try again in the morning.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    Dear CGs,

    I have been AWOL for quite a while and trying to keep up with reading the posts. I think I've been going through some PTSS since finishing treament on March 2 and I have a whole lot going on. My house is being painted (this is week 5 and, hopefully, the final week) and I have 'things' in boxes in the basement. My DD is due next month and I had a baby shower for her here last weekend (with about 25 people) -- this is the happy news!

    On the brighter side, I was asked by the ACS to be a Patient Navigator at one of the local hospitals in the radiology oncology department starting in April. It will be nice to 'give back' to the community. I went to my 3rd Al-Anon meeting last night (long story) and I'm really enjoying it, meeting great people and getting a lot out of it. April 1, I start at a fitness center with a personal trainer and I already started Weight Watchers.

    On the not so bright side, I have had a horrible pain going down my left leg. It hurts so much that it keeps me up at night. I have my appointment with the oncologist on Friday and we'll see.

    Gina, I hope you start feeling better soon. I know those drains are painful and annoying.

    Kristin, Compared to chemo, rads was a piece of cake. Make sure you put 100% Aloe on a couple of times a day -- it really helps.

    Michele, I'm so glad to hear about baby Anthony! My niece had a baby 2 weeks ago and Hannah, my GD, and I went to see them yesterday in W Deptford. You have to give me the name of your salon.

    Laura B, I really hope everything works out for you and your family. You have a lot more courage than I do.

    Shel, You look MARVELOUS and I'm soooo jealous and I love your tattoo! Being Jewish, I can only admire -- we're not supposed to get tattos - so I wonder about my boob tattoos. Oh well.

    Joyce, I am so sorry to hear about Sean and hope he is recovering. BTW, where in Philly do you live. I'm in Medford, NJ.

    Margaret, Trader Vic's used to be one of my mother's favorite restaurants in NYC. We used to go there a lot. She passed away 9 years ago and even though we argued a lot and she was extremely stubborn I really miss her.

    Denise, Thanks for your PM.

    For everyone else, I will catch up eventually. I hope everyone gets a good night sleep and has a happy Wednesday. I'll be playing mahjongg . . .

    Love, Sue
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Carol, welcome! This is a great group of ladies. You can rant, vent, be happy, worry, ask questions, laugh alot and just generally enjoy this wonderful circle. Glad you made a decision that you're happy with. You sound like you have a great attitude. Don't try & keep everyone straight just post whatever and whenever you want. We all take care of each other here and that's a wonderful feeling. Glad to have you.

    Susan, hi ya. How you doin? Did you give the physical terrorist heck today?

    Colleen, I hate it when i lose a post. My grandsons birthday was today, too. He turned 9. Happy Birthday to Warren.

    Jazmanian, where did you go? You were here all the time then 'poof' you were gone. Hope everything is alright with you, you know how we worry.

    Ginney, Holly, Shokk, you all alright?

    Brenda, Carrie, Deese, you guys just hardly ever post anymore and I miss you. Check in with us on occassion and let us know how you are. And then there's always Meaner, who was going to come back regularly. Alot more MIA'S. Peggy, Iris, Sue, remember that we're still here if you need us.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies
    Welcome Carol!

    Thought I'd pop in for a minute can't even try to catch up. wound up wiht food posioning Sunday night. made it to work today but just couldn't bring myself to eat. so I forced myself to eat a grilled cheese sandwich tonight and man is my stomach not liking that. I think I'm going to go take my meds and hit the sack early.

    I made my flight reservations for Pinkstock! Getting really excited to finally met some of you!

    hugs and prayers to everyone
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007
    Gus-Just noticed a birthday cake by your avatar.
    Hope I'm not too late to wish you a very...

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007

    I just noticed the Birthday cake too HAPPY BIRTHDAY Gus!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good evening CG's
    Thanks you everyone for your well wishes on Friday. Vickie - no special requests, but thanks for asking. Maybe some extra hugs. I just want it to be over with and to move on....I know I will be okay! Its just been emotional - the surgery is a reminder of what the past year has been.
    Masison - I'm so sorry to hear about your DD's friend. HUgs to DD, friend;s family too.
    Jouce - hugs to you too.
    Carol - welcome
    Laura - sorry to hear about MIL - how is she doing
    Vickie - love the sunshine - let us know what the onc's office says - waiting is so hard - I'm sure it is all good
    Sheri and Madison - how did MRI"s go - when do you get results?
    Nickie - just remind distorted humor that the day surgery center is new - maybe he can come visit my puppies afterwards.
    Cheri - happy bday to grandson. My Miriam was my mid life gift - she is truly a blessing. I am so lucky to have her in my life - her two big sibs even agree on how wonderful she is (they don't agree on much!!!).
    NS - keeping you in my thoughts - hope today is a little better than yesterday. take care of yourself and let others help you where they can.
    Till tomorrow - sending hugs and well wishes from Denver.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Hi, I'm here. Just snowed under at work but its looking good for some downtime this Thursday and Friday so I hope to be able to go back and catch up on all the posts.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning and happy first day of spring. Don't see any signs of it here yet but it's bound to come sooner or later. All my flowers are still under the snow. 10 degrees outside this morning so hope there aren't any robins out there just yet.
    Nicki...tweakin your toes...wake up sunshine sister.
    It looks like today is Gus's birthday!
    Have a great one!
    Carol...welcome to the circle...this is a great place to be. Just jump right in and you'll catch up in a hurry.
    CY...woohoo...flight reservations to Pinkstock! I'm wondering how many are coming. I am so excited. Food poisoning...ewww. Hope you are feeling better today!
    Sue...welcome back! We'll be with you on Friday. Glad to see you.
    Hugs for Karen...I have lots of those. All will be well.
    I'm with Cheri...where are all our missing girls...Shokk, Carrie, Denise, Ginney and Holly? fair makin us worry girls. Has anyone heard anything.
    Gotta get ready to go to work...calling the oncologists office at 8 so I'll let everyone know...geez I'm stressed! Praying it's something simple!
    Love to all
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Vickey-I am sending good vibes to you. Please let us know what they say.
    I am going to try to get to Pinkstock...don't know yet because of the new job but I will do my best.
    Welcome Carol..Hi Karen...and Happy Birthday to GUS!!!!
    I will check in tonight to see how you all are doing.

    Take Care,
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Sue-I live in the Busleton section of Philly. It is in the Northeast area by Hunington Valley.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    heehee...just a bit!
    Thanks Joyce...
    NICKI...yelling in your ear...wake up missy. It's Wednesday and your toothbrush is green!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone. Im awake, Im awake, just had to crawl outta bed. Seems as though this cold likes to sneak up on ya. Its officially in my chest now. Loose, congested cough. But I dont feel sick!! This is weired. Anyways, I have a refil on my antibiotics, and since I always get bronchitis I will be getting that filled today.

    Its official! Its the first day of Spring. Im just so excited. Im supposed to have a very long day today. We will see how I feel. First work and then another Board of Directors meeting for the group home at 6PM.

    So heres my take on the Zicam. It didnt stop the cold from coming, but it has made the symtoms not seem as bad.

    Vickie: I would be going bonkers if my onc called and didnt leave a message. I always tell them to use my cell phone - but they never do. Im sure everything is gonna be ok - just stupid you have to wait till this morning.

    Sue/Gus: How in the world did I miss your Birthday. Hope you had a grand day.


    LauraB: I was glad to see you post. Sounds like things are changing. Im glad you both are going to counselling, but its weird he is still staying the the OW house. Just be careful.

    Joyce: Isnt it sad how many lives are touched my Alzheimer's Disease. My FIL, God bless him, had it and he would call it Old timers disease!

    Carol: Welcome to the eagon circle. We have alot of great people here, lots of support, and lots of laughs too. Your sort of my next door neighbor since I live in the Chicago area. When it comes to making decisions, I always go with my gut instinct. Once you make that decision - run with it and dont look back.

    Susan: Im still laughing my butt off at Physical Terrorist! That is just too funny. Hope your knee is getting better everyday. I did taxotere too! It wasmuch harder for me than the A/C. Crystal Ball - wish I had one too.

    Madison: I too got chills reading your post. So sorry about your DD friend. Life is just to short!

    Colleen: I have done that. Hit the wrong button and lose a whole post. I hate when that happens. Hope Warren had a great birthday.

    Ishop/Sue: Things are sounding good. I was wondering how the baby shower went. Im so jealous that you have a personal trainer. I would just love to have one. Hoping the pain going down your leg is nothing serious.

    Karen: My exhange surgery and port removal were very emotional for me. It meant closure to this awful nightmare. I gave Distorted Humor a good talking to. Bought him new boots. So he will be quiet and not make a mess. Well that is until he sets his on on Mazer. Then all heck will break lose.

    Jazmania: Its always good to see ya. Sometimes busy it good.

    Vickie: My sunshine sister. Good morning. Its gonna be 60 degrees here but its raining pretty hard. I can hear the rain drops on my roof.


    Well looks like its time to take a shower and get ready for work. I dont know if I will last the whole day. We shall see. Probably wont check in again til tomorrow morning. So I hope everyone has a wonderful day. But then again, if I come home sick I might just see you all.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2007
    Just popping in for a minute before I start the grind to say hi and I am thinking about all of you all the time!

    I went food shopping last weekend for the first time in months. It felt so good to be able to do that again! Normally I hate food shopping, but now it is a joy to have the energy to be able to do my regular activities. I sure hope rad tx don't hose my energy level!

    Gus, happy happy burthday!

    Carol, welcome!

    I will try to catch up with all of you later. My evenings have been busy with getting all the paperwork together to apply for a variance for work we are having done on the front of our house. We are adding a front porch and the steps will be about 26 feet from the street...code says the closest anything can be is 30 feet. I am sure the township will grant the variance, but it is just a matter of paying the darn fees and doing all the paperwork.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good morning, all!!

    MIL has a dx now: urinary track infection and diverticulosis. The UTI is probably responsible for her state of confusion, and she will probably being thinking clearer as it goes away. Dehydration did a number on her kidny function, which we're told will improve as the other conditions improve. Part of the problem is that she doesn't want to trouble anyone with her aches and pains, so she won't necessarily ask for help. Yesterday I could see in her vace that she was in a lot of pain, but when the nurse come to help her, she was smiling!! Have let the hospital know that just because she's smiling doesn't mean that she's not in a lot of pain. BIL is here and is lightening our load. One plus coming out of this situation is that she's been taken off all her meds, so that the docs can re-evaluate them. That should be good.

    Hoping everyone's tests and bloodwork have good results. I'll be with you in spirit.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Happy First Day of Spring, Everyone!

    Stopping in for a quick read before I get to work. You'd think after a weekend plus 2 days off I'd be more motivated but I'm not... much rather play with you all!

    Vicki - Oooo that stinks. I hate it when the oncs office leaves a message! Hope you get through early this morning. Let us know what they say, okay?

    Nicki - If all Zicam does is make the cold symptoms not seem as bad, why is it better than blue drinks??

    Laura - I wouldn't presume to give advice on your marriage, but if you don't mind I will say prayer that all works out as it should for the happiness of you and your whole family. Sending hugs too.

    Carol - Welcome to the Circle. You won't find a greater group than the ladies here. Be sure you check out the Pinkstock thread - we're gathering in New York in early August and we'd love to have you join us!

    CY - Food poisoning is so awful. You poor thing. Keep drinking lots of clear liquids so you don't get dehydrated. Sending hugs to you too.

    Gus - <Singing at the top of my lungs> Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear SUE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! (Okay, y'all can take your fingers out of your ears now. )

    Gotta get to work now.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007

    Hey CG'S, Thank You All so much for your prayers and support!!! I DID IT, i went to rehab on monday, cried the first 10 min. the PT, was so nice she talked me through it, and i started my rehab.I have to go 3 times a week, i am on my way now, getting a little nervous thats why i had to come to visit to get my Love and help, from my Sisters! Love all of you,praying for everyone! Gods Speed, NS! Puppy

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Morning all, so much to catch up on. I also volunteer for an organization that benefits underprivileged kids in my county and we have a Cinco De Mayo Fiesta fundraiser coming up so I have no time for anything right now.

    Shel, what can I say but wow.

    Anne, I hope today will be a better day.

    Denise, I have always had a strained relationship with my mother. One time I didn't talk to her for 8 months because of something she said and did. She is difficult to deal with and it gets harder as she gets older. Glad your relationship with your mom is better. Your ring sounds beautiful.

    Cheri, thanks for the update on Mena.

    Lisa, 40 years - wow.

    Karen, glad your daughter had a good birthday.

    Gus/Sue, hope today is better for your son.

    MB, love the avatar.

    Vickie, I hope you hear soon so it alleviates your worries. I'm sure it's nothing. Don't you hate when they don't reach you at the right number? That's why I give them my cell number - it's always in my pocket.

    Carol, welcome to the circle. As far as moving on, take it one day at a time.

    Madison, I have to go back and read what I missed but it sounds like a hug is in order.

    Ishop/Sue, sounds like there is quite a bit of positive going on right now. Glad the shower went well.

    Laura, glad MIL has dx. Much easier on everyone when you know what is wrong.

    Shower time. Everyone have a good day.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited March 2007
    Hi Girls,

    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!! Nicki, I'm a complete Disney nut, so Mickey was a perfect choice!

    I'm off to a meeting with the elementary school that my son will be attending in the fall. Wish me luck -- I've got my boxing gloves on and I'm ready to fight for what he needs.

    I'll be back later!! Thanks again -- you guys always make me feel better!

    Much love,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Ok...all is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Geez...worry all night for nothing. I talked to my nurse at the oncologist office (and she is totally in charge of me and my records) and she said that no one from there had called me at all. They said that this has been happening a lot lately and they aren't sure what's going on. I made them double check and gave them strict instructions to always call my work number first as they will not be able to reach me at home.
    whew...huge sigh of relief.
    Geez..I posted a great birthday pic for Gus and it says "bandwidth exceeded"...what the heck does that mean? It's happened a couple of times now.
    Puppy...OH it is so good to see you. I told you you could do it. Big hugs from me to you.
    CY...are you feeling better this morning?
    Kristin..I felt the same way about grocery shopping after I finished chemo (it didn't last..I hate it again LOL). Rads might make you a bit tired but nothing like chemo. Hugs to you. sunshine sister. It's 13 degrees here now but supposed to warm up to 40. I need spring! can IM me when you wake up sweet sister.
    Anne...hugs and good morning!
    Gotta get to work...darn...I too would rather hang out here with all of you. My name is Vickie and I'm a boardaholic!
    Love to all and hope everyones day is wonderful in one way or another
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Wow Vickie....that is just freaky! Someone calling you claiming to be your onc's office. Sounds like someone got ahold of their patient records!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning!

    Vickie, you took Tylenol Sinus PM???? ROTFLMAO . No wonder you were so dragged out! I hope you are starting to feel better! We have had robins here for a couple of weeks, so spring can't be far away. Hoping for good news from the onc.

    Madison, I am so sorry about your DD's friend. How tragic. It is so tough when a young person dies. That is one of the few things I have a real hard time dealing with.

    Carol, welcome to the Circle! In retrospect, I wonder if I would have blown off Taxotere if I had known all the SE I would suffer. I went through the A/C with no problems and the Taxotere absolutely kicked my butt. I got every SE known to mankind . I have permanent nerve damage in my fingers and toes. Onc just shrugs his shoulders when I ask him about it. Oh well.

    Colleen, a big Happy Birthday to Warren!

    Ishop/Sue, my BIL lives in Voorhees. We live just south of Bethlehem, PA.

    Gus/Sue, Happy Birthday to you, too!!

    Nicki, so sorry about your cold. I hate when it moves to your chest. There is nothing like that rattly cough to put a damper on the day.

    Laura, it's funny. Some older people complain constantly, while others don't say a word. My parents were like that. It was like pulling teeth to find out if they were suffering. It's like it's a bad thing for anyone to know they are not feeling well.

    LauraB, please tread carefully!! He is not going to change overnight and there has been a lot of damage done. Keep going to your counseling. If you don't deal with all the issues now, believe me, it will come back to haunt you years down the road! I hope everything works out for you, if that is what you both want.

    Joyce, I work in Hatboro, which is not too far from the Bustleton area. My mom worked at a senior center at Bustleton and Magee. I live in the Bethlehem area. DH grew up in the Oxford Circle area.

    Not much going an here today. The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day, although cold. My air pillow in my pool deflated and I hope it's ok since it's still pretty cold. I'm not quite sure what the pillow is supposed to do. Just know I have to put it in every winter. I guess we shall see.

    I hope everyone I missed is doing well. We will all be on the magic carpet to go to Karen's surgery on Friday. Mazer better have her pilot's hat on cause you know she flies better with it. And Distorted Humor has brand new boots! Hopefully they will behave themselves and not make a mess!! Cheri, are you driving or being co-pilot? I'm wrapping myself up good in bubble wrap !
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning,

    Our high today will be 80 degrees (don't hate the messenger). We will soon be miserably hot…. So I do wish for a colder climate

    We booked airline flights for DD and she is flying in for the wake and funeral…I may not be on the boards for the next few days…..The young man was only 21 and had just finished 4 years in the Air Force….He was instrumental in leading my DD into the Air Force..sad, sad, sad
    Very, very busy at work
    Vickie, a night of worry for a “fathom” phone call, glad everything is a-okay!!!
    Happy Birthday Gus!!!! Good luck with your school visit
    Karen, surgery on Friday…we’ll be there
    CY, food poisoning…. Oh my are you okay?
    Nicki, hope the cold gets better!!
    Hi to all I missed, sorry - can’t concentrate right now…
    I’ll be back, Madison
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Hmm, several posts while I was posting!

    Puppy, good for you!! Now that you have started, the worst part is over!!

    Gus/Sue, You need a good pair of boxing gloves when you are trying to find the right school situation for your son. It's tough when you have a special needs child. Good luck!! Remember, we are all in your corner!

    Vicki, how the heck did someone get your phone number???? And WHY would they call you? I'll bet you are hugely relieved!! Boy, if someone was playing a joke, that was really down and dirty.