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  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Hello all my friends.Since it has been a few days I wanted to let all of you know what has been going on in my life and boy is it a doozie this time.I will start with the best thing first.My poodle had to be put to sleep last year due to chf and i still grieve for her,i wasnt going to get another dog because i am getting to old to handle grieif.But i thought about and and well.I got a puppie.A minature dashund he is 6 weeks old and cute as can be and I got him for free.I was quick on the draw found him on a local sales internet.His name is Max.He is just so adorable and makes me so happy to feel him curled up around my neck and of course he has taken over the bed.But such is a dogs life.
    I told all of you about the complications with having my port replaced last week right? well there is more,the news keeps getting worse. my shoulder has been killing me since last saturday night when i turned over in bed and heard it pop since then it hurts to raise it up or anything.cant even put on a shirt or pull up my pants.
    So I go to mark my onc on monday and he orders and xray they scare the crap out of me at the hospital told me to sit down while they got the doctor well you know what i was thinking ca right? Well they come back 30 minutes later and tell me my shoulder has a nondisplaced fracture.They send me back to mark's and he tells me I have to wear a immoblizer/sling kinda thing for 6 weeks.Now jasmines baby is due in 3 weeks.I tell you I cant take much more.My shoulders are strong but now I only have one that can carry the load.SO i get to t hinking and talking to mark and this is just not right,this just dosent happen,you dont go in for surgery and get a fx when you come out.Then I remembed things that both karen and mark told me after i got back to my room after sugery.
    .The sugeron that did my port called in my room and talked to karen and told her than he had a hard time with me because i kept trying to get up and he had to be a little "rough" with me.Well he tells mark my onc that they literally had to hold me down until they could sedate me which they should have done to start with.Bingo broken shoulder.Mark kinda tried to push it off as it has been hurting all winter,keep in mind that he and the sugeron are friends,so I can kinda understand but I AM HIS PATIENT NOT THE SUGERON.So when he"Mark" calls the radiologist and I am sitting there still,The radiologist says I had a chest xray feb 21 which was normal,had one the morning of the port replacement and it was 6 days after sugery it shows a nondisplaced fracture of the condodrial (SP)process but its the bone under the shoulder "blade".And he said that you only see this bone fractured from a fall or a car accident.Boy am I ever upset.I am going to call a malpractice attorney today and get the ball rolling.This is just rediculous.If I dont have a suite with this no one should have.My shoulder is killing me,I cant move i cant do anything,my whole arm is swollen.And I still dont have my immoblilzer.CIGNA insurance is terrible.They have to call an number to get another number to call to get the equipment that is needed then they have to come to my house and measure my arm.I told them to meet me tomorrow at marks office as I have to go for chemo,maybe.Dont know if I can have it or not,he is going to check with the drug rep as one of the side effects is delayed wound healing and he wants to make sure it dosent include fracture.
    Can you believe this crap?.I still cant believe it.But i know one thing they will think the next time they use force to hold someone down who should have been sedated to begin with.This is like a bad nightmare that I cant wake up from.I cant sleep due to the pain.
    The DH when he found out about it has talked more to me in the last 2 days than he has in the last 5 years.he smells money and he sure as heck aint gonna get any.I am going to take care of that today also.He would not have know anyhing about if he hadnt overheard me and karen talking.Well thats enough for now.I am just so angry I could bite a bullett.
    talk to you soon.
    Love Robin
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday Gus.
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    I love your tatoo.Got me in the fever now.But trying to wait until at least I have boobs.Hope you are doing well.
    Drop me a pm sometime and let me know how things are ok?
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007

    NS:I have been meaning to drop you a line but,have a lot going on here also.I am so glad you are doing good enough to drive.You sound like me,but dont be like me and push yourself to hard as I always have done.Take care and know that I am thinking and praying for you.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007

    Madison:its going to be 75 here today.and all week in fact.Before long I will be complaining about it being to hot.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Hi Robin - Good to hear from you!! Darn, if it isn't one thing it's another. Can't believe they messed up your shoulder. Hoping that it's fixed quick.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Robin, we sent you a package and I have confirmation that delivery was attempted on 3/19...Can you have your daughter see if she can find the package???....
    The confirmation number is 0300 1290 0005 2918 5764....It was sent to your post office box.....
    Hugs to you, Madison
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited March 2007
    Dear Robin,

    I can so relate to 'shoulder' pain. I had a BAD fall on 7/27/05 and seriously tore my left shoulder rotator cuff. The tear is so bad that 2 surgeons told me that they don't know whether or not it can be fixed with surgery. So I've been going to PT 2/3 times a week. There is very little I can do with my left arm because of the tear and, suddenly, I started having pain in my right shoulder. Of course, I immediately had myself dx with mets, didn't walk, but ran to my onc, who ordered an MRI and due to overuse of my left arm, I now have 2 tears in my right shoulder. So, I really do understand what you're going through.

    I have 3 granddaughters under the age of 3 and even though I shouldn't, I pick them up (OUCH) and play with them. And, my daughter is also due next month and I'll be staying with her and helping her for a week or 2. She lives in CT and I live in NJ.

    Here's to some pain relief for all that need it and a happy, sunny day to the rest of us.

    Love, Sue
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    I am going to the post office today they left a card on monday that said it was to big to fit in my box,I had no idea what it was.So will go get it today.
    You didnt have to do that,that is so nice and kind of you.People like you make me feel like I do have something to live for.
    Well let you know when I get back from the po today.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning ladies....

    well spring has sprung forsure around here...
    well i have been away from the computer for a few days ... lots going on:(:(
    hubby and I had a really big battle on saturday... and i was going to move him out... it was our 12th yr since we met and he was spose to meet me at home when i got off of work... instead i sat there waiting for two hours and i finally called him and told him i was very upset and where does he want his stuff.... well on top of everything he was drunked up and it wasnt even 6 pm.....i stressed out most of that night and didnt get much sleep so first time i ever called in sick ....
    well i confronted hubby (when he sobered up) and he thought i wanted him to leave..... i have been feeling very confused for a while now... seems like he has no pride in his life and i dont like living like that!!!!!!!
    on monday i went to see ty gyn about my test results and he wants to do a d&c to get a biopsy and also cant remember the name but to put a camera in there to find out more whats going on.... so surgery is scheduled for april or early may!!!!! i have been so depressed and confussed.....
    well i am back at work today so mabye that will help me shake this depression....
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Robin, Holy Crap!!! I cannot believe what is going on with you! You are definately in the inner circle for as long as you need. You have certainly had one whopper of a run of bad luck! Try to stay strong!

    I had surgery on my jaw several yrs. ago. Afterwards, I had bruises shaped like thumbprints on my arms. I had a vague recollection of fighting when the breathing tube was taken out. I mentioned it to the doc and he said it was all in my mind. Yeah, I imagined the bruises also .
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Aww Tracey, you are in the inner circle too! It's bad enough to have stuff going on with your health right now, let alone problems with DH! Hang in there, girlfriend!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    (((Robin)))and (((Tracey))) the inner circle with both of goodness. Enough is enough already. Sending you both hugs.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Howdy everyone......thank you Nicki and Cheri asking about who is awol ya'll are so sweet....I sometimes feel that if it weren't for the cg's I would absolutely have nothing to look forward to on a daily basis. I have been reading just not heart breaks for so many of you that not only have to deal with the beast but kids, husbands, mil and fil, seems that so many of the wonderful women in our circle are so brave and so strong it is just amazing...I really never thought I would be in this horrible situation of having bc but the friends ( and I mean true friends)that have become a part of my soul is just wonderful....every pain, every doctor's appointment, every surgery, every problem with husbands, kids, and other people that are in all of our lives we can bring here and share and get true support and understanding that really no one else truly gets.....thank you everyone for the sisterhood and love....we are an united force........

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Wow, Vickie, that is really weird and creepy. But I'm really happy that the news was good. Now I hope the onc figures out who's making those calls. At the risk of sounding paranoid - be a little careful in case somebody got more than your phone number. Thanks for posting so I can concentrate on work now.

    Robin - That is too strange. I hope you get the answers you need and if the surgical folks caused the shoulder (and it seems like it), you go get 'em. Mistakes happen (heck even doctors are human), but when they don't own up, then the legal system should remind them about ethics.

    Aw, Tracey, don't know what to say, but sending hugs.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    GM all..
    WHOO HOO the sun..
    ok I took notes..heheh not busy at work....
    Nicki thanks for the kudso onthe new tattoo idea....hehehe trying to get DH to have one too...he nixed the idea of a pink ribbon on his
    Lini...Boo hoo only 62...hmmpft but its nice to know in Aug I;'ll be outside enjoying nice sweat
    Vicki...hugs GF wish people wouldn't leave me messages at home either...having to wait till the next day stinks
    GUS...HBday...sorry you have to fight so hard for your son, I NY it isnt any son had trouble in 2nd grade it took till his Senior year to get him tested...keep on fighting...
    Laurab, thanks for keeping us updated, just remember keep up the counseling and be sure things have changed
    Madison, hugs to your DD...such a sad thing to loose one so young
    Carol...welcome, some days we get a little crazy but this is a great place to be
    Colleen, gald warrens Bday was fun, now rest...take it easy if yu can
    Ishop...personal trainer....hmmm that puts youo, Nicki and Liz on the bikini parade for
    Cy, so sorry about the Food poision ing just keep up the fluids to flush away the Crap
    Anne....ok I'll start taking blue drinks for my colds...hmmm 4 times a day right....who's driving me home from work?...but I like the
    Puppy.....I knew you could do it you are so strong...
    Margb....thanks for liking the new thought spring is a good time to chamge...
    Kristin...whoo hoo...springtime and a new feeling thats just great, but enjoy shopping now while you still like it...i too only shop once a month....and the cupboards get

    Lots of stuff happening at work and a litttle down time too, learning new programs, ha that don't work...and all that good stuff, the house id getting ready for the summer and plans to get the yard ready for everyones visit...hehehehe...DH asked that we post pictures so no one get the wrong is very excited to meet everyone and GD is making lots of plans for being the tour guide thru the woods...
    so the sun is out and shining and I think I'll take a walk light in the bathroom...hmmm...need to change that
    Love MB
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Ok girls so a few more comments....Vickie last week when my phone at home got zap in our thunder storm when I charged the new phone the first call I received was from the onc's office (I'm not scheduled till next month for my 3 month marker/lab test). My daughter was sitting right by the phone (she's 14) and she said mom its Texas Onc. I actually felt week in the knees. I ran (sort of) to the phone and it was her receptionist just rescheduling my apppointment for next month because my onc was going to be out of the office the day of my scheduled appointment....geezzzzzzzzz....I thought I was going to have a heart attack......anyway Robin and Tracey ya'll are both moving to the top of my prayer list....MB your energy is remarkable....I think you said earlier in the month that you are 4 yrs out from dx......I hope that I feel as good as you do its going to be a goal of mine. Went to my regular doctor yesterday for check up and she just called and said everything is good except blood pressure and cholostrol (sp).....MB I used to love to cook and since I started treatment I just lost interest....I have been living on fast food and if I don't do something about it it is going to kill me before the cancer you have any favorite web sites for easy healthy recipes that you can recommend?????????Thanks

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Shokk, not that I have a lot of energy just a really big list, I am the queen of exercises but I am the LORD of one or two
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Gus Happy Birthday. I'm a disney nut too.

    Robin, I think we all need to show up on your doctors doorstep. I'm angry. It's not bad enough that we have to deal with cancer but we have to deal with ineffective doctors also. Get seen by another doctor if you want to file a lawsuit. You have had way more than your share to deal with. I wish I could take some of your burden. God Bless.

    Tracey, sorry about the dh problems. Tell him to stop drinking. hugs to you. let us know how you are.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Its alittle slow today at work....but anyway I know there is the healthy recipe thread but I have always checked it out and even though the recipes may be healthy I'm not so sure that they are low fat and or low calorie....if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.....I am now back to work full time....I finished radiation on Sept 29th .....when I get home at night I am totally spent....the fatigue just seems overwhelming.........I walk my dogs everynight for about 45 minutes....of course my older daughter says when you are walking a 50 minute mile that really doesn't count....but anyway I know I need to step up my excercising....I can tell that Nicki is really getting into it and she seems to be having a burst of energy lately.....but if I don't stop eating fast food with all the sodium and presevatives etc......I'm not going to truly get well......................

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    when I make a new post my number never changes it stays at 910 have any of you had this problem.Know what I can do to fix it?
    Thank you for your prayers and warm thoughts.I truly need them.I am constantly in severe pain.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007

    must be fix now it changes..oh well.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007 hug for everyone!!!


    Just as an aside check out Newsweek magazine this week..the online link is

    excercise and breast may know someone in the first paragraph from Bonita, CA
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Lisa, whoo hoo your famous....great article...thanks...
    Robin...great big hug...take care of yourself and be careful...DH broke his collar bone...hmmm took forever to feel better sorry...I think about 8 weeks
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Lisa - Can I have your autograph?????

    I have an idea. We need to tell all our oncologists that they need two kinds of numbers. One where the caller ID says "Dr. So-and-So (Worry)" and one that says, "Dr. So-and-So (Don't worry)". It would save us all a long of perfectly good fussing!! Now all we need to do is get them (and the phone company) to buy in.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007

    Wow, a celebrity in our midst!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    So much going on--Laurab I really pray things work out for you. We are here whenever you need to talk.

    Tracey--I'm so sorry you had such a tough time. Hang in there!

    Robin--Yikes, what a story. You have been through so much. Please know you are in my prayers.

    My MRI was interesting. They did the first part (about 20 minutes) and then the tech went to do an iv to put in the contrast. I had some blood work done right before, and have only ONE decent vein in my left (good) arm. He couldn't get the iv in, so he had to call over to the emergency room and get a nurse to come and do it. It was a male nurse who was very gentle and was able to get it done, but my arm is all bruised up today. I couldn't see the nurse because I had this cage thing all over my face, but I couldn't believe how nice he was! Not sure when I'll get the results because my appt isn't until next week. I asked the tech if he could see anything, even though I knew he couldn't say. He just said I wouldn't want him to say because he might be wrong anyway. Ok, that didn't sound good. Then my imagination goes wild, maybe the nurse was so nice because they could tell the mri was showing something bad, wasn't it longer than it was supposed to be...I've got to stop it!!!!! I may call the dr office tomorrow and start asking for the results.

    My son has tendinitis is his bowling wrist. We've been dealing with that for a week now. Yesterday, I called the dr to tell him Joe was in so much pain he couldn't sleep and thus missed school. This was at 10:30. I finally got an answer from the nurse at 4:30 pm! This was after numerous calls by me to find out what they wanted me to do. All they could say was bring him in this morning. A whole day wasted because the dr was so busy. I was so frustrated! Now he is starting physical therapy tomorrow. I know they get tied up, but a 15 year old kid can't just sit around waiting. He needs to be in school. We've had school issues all year anyway, so it made me particularly angry. I lost it to the nurse on the phone. Then it was right after that I had my mri. It was not a fun day.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007 sounds like a stressfull day all over the circle....BIG hugs to everyone.

    Sheri, I havean old fashion treatment for tendonitis you might want to try. Get a bottle of castor oil and soak a small cotton rag with the oil. Wrap it around his wrist and then wrap with plastic wrap so it doesn't make a mess. If he can use heat right now, cover with a warm heating pad. Leave it on for at least an hour, overnight if he can sleep with it and then take it off. There is something in the oil that helps with all types of swelling and inflamation. If it doesn't do anything else, he will have soft skin

    Hugs to everyone
    Be back later
    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Sheri, don't let your imagination run wild over the MRI. They really can't tell you anything. Call your doc.
    That's awful about your son. I can't believe the doc's office took so long to call you back! They don't have 2 minutes to make a call?? (((Sheri)))
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    I got the package today and it brought tears to my eyes.I cant thank you and the other afghan circle girls for this.It is wonderful.I dont knit so this is the first thing I have ever had knitted.I love it.I am going to take it to Mark's (onc)office tomorrow to show it off.Thank you thank you.I think I will stay in the inner circle for awhile.I need prayers bad,seems like every time I get a plan in order something like this shoulder think knocks me down.
    But I always get back up.
    The DA was downstairs as usual on the pc,oh did I tell you he now works 2nd shift? Yup.most days he is up and gone before I get up but not today.SO anyway the mail man comes up the drive and i ask him to bring me my package.Well it was 2 packages.The lovely afghan and another item karen had gotten me from ebay.He sits them down and walks off.Then later he comes back and asks about my should,he looks at me now and sees $$$$$ well thats all he is gonna see he sure aint gonna get.anyway in the middle he says "i wish I could order stuff and no one say anything to me about it.boy did i go off.I let him know that one box was from the only people that care about me,my only friends.and i just went on and on and on.I tell you that man can mess up a wet dream.
    I am sorry to unload again but i needed to get it off my shoulders.
    But again many thanks to all of you who painstakenly made each square with love and the one who put it together.And Madison thank you for the lovely note you sent also.
    I just love it.I will think of you all each time I use it as I do the bc quilt.You girls are my hero's.
    I love you all