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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Feeling better today but still having trouble finding food that is easy on the tummy.

    Shel 40 is a piece of cake!

    Madison congrats onthe anniversary!

    Tracy, don't sweat the D&C, I had one last Nov. I had an uneven uterine lining? polyps and fibroids. They removed the polyps and left the fibroids! Something about 90% of women have fibroids and most are nothing to worry about. but theat could explain why your cycles are heavy and very umcomfortable!
    Hope you were able to woek things out with the MR.

    NS Hope things are improving, I'm praying everyday that the drains can come out and you recover quickly.

    didn't take notes and did a quick skim through. I really need to get to those taxes but just havebn't had the strenght this week. maybe tomoorw will look better.

    hugs and prayers to all
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Good morning,

    I "think" I'm finally back. I got my laptop back yesterday and have been busy reloading everything. It will take a little while to get everything back up and running.

    I have loads of pages to read, but wanted to jump ahead and say I'm back and.....

    I don't have to go back to see my breast surgeon for a whole year!!! I had my appointment yesterday and got the good news. I cried all the way back to work. It was nice last month when my onc. pushed me out to 4 months from 3, but this one just seems like something big happened. I guess it's because Ken has been with me since the second day of this adventure.

    Anyway, just wanted to share, but now I have lots of reading to catch up on.

    Hugs to all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I assure you I didnt wake up at 3:00 am lol. Its 5:00 am here in Chicagoland, my usual wakeup time. That is when Im not over sleeping.

    Betty: Our other sunshine sister is back. Man did we miss you. Good news about the computer being fixed and great news about your onc appointment.

    Denise: The inner circe is always a good place to be. A respite where we can go to and just chill out. I say part of our grumpiness is once again the change of the Equinox. Spring is officially here. Seems like we all went through a similiar rough times when Fall arrived.

    My goodness!I just realized that we circle girls have been together about 7 months already!! Time sure flies by when your having fun.

    Susan: The T-shirts are awesome. I'll take the plus size, big mama one!

    Madison: Congratulations on your 33rd Anniversary. That is a whole lotta years to be with one person. Come August 1st it will be 33 years that I hadmy first date with my husband. Cant believe my life flashed right before my eyes.


    Liz: Life is so weird sometimes. I am so jealous of the curly hair. Mine used to thick and wavy. Could make curls or make it straight. Now I have to use 4 different hair products just to give it volume. This is what my hair looks like and even more funny, what I am doing with it all day long.


    MargaretB: I treasure everyday of Spring. Its my favorite time of the year. Watching all the different birds come back, my flowers grow. Appreciating a spring shower and loving the warmer sunny days.

    Cheri: Man, I would go bonkers if I didnt have a regular bedtime! In fact, Im way too much on a schedule. I need to lighten up a bit and get a life. Its like clockwork. Go to be at 7pm and get up at 5am.

    CY: Im glad your feeling better. Food poisoning sounds awful.

    Seems to have been a quiet evening here in the circle. I went to the Board of Directors meeting last night. Sorta funny, cause I mentioned earlier its sometimes good to get involved in something that isnt about breast cancer. Well, as we were sitting around the table - the topic came up!! One of the board members has a friend who was just diagnosed Stage 4 from the get go. They found mets in her hip that is from a primary bc, but they cant find the tumor! She asked me what she could do to help her friend. I started talking up a storm, and then I realized I was talking in clinical terms. Terms we all understand. Like is she er/pr positive or negative. That kind of stuff. Anyways, told her to tell her friend to come to and the best thing she could do for her was to reassure her that this is treatable. Its not a death sentence.

    I remember when I first found out, I thought I was going to die. I really did! Here I am 2 years later. Maybe Im older and fatter - but Im doing good.

    Halfway through the meeting I broke out in a totally huge sweat. Wasnt a hot flash. Think that maybe this Springtime cold just caught up with me. It was a long day and I was pushing myself way too hard.

    My husband gave me the nicest compliment when I came home. Said I should be really proud of myself for all that I have accomplished in my lifetime. That made me feel pretty darn good.

    Anyways, went to bed a whole lot later than I usually do and still had wakeup hungry. Lets see Pistachio's, 3 oatmeal raison cookies, and a piece of string cheese. Hmmm about 400 calories!

    NS: Where are you? You were gonna see your old onc a couple of days ago and we havent heard from you since. Sometimes I feel like I should avoid the topic, but we sure do miss you and want to help you through this. Sending you lots of love.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Up and at em's Thursday and almost the weekend! Actually feels like it's a bit warmer outside here this morning and I see we are under a flood watch. Not too worried about that...anything but snow!!!

    Don't have time to post to you all so I will catch up quick when I get to work since I have to be there early this morning.

    Hugs and love to everyone
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hey Nicki...good morning sunshine sister! Hmmm back to the twilight zone with us! Have a wonderful day and see you tonight after work.
    Love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Vickie: Yeppers! Its the twilight zone.


    Oops! that should say we should still be asleep lol.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    well, its 6am, and i'm wide awake yet again!

    why don't i sleep lately????? maybe it's because i'm going back to work after well over a year, or maybe it's 'old age' lol!

    i didn't keep track of my reading here, but i send all my best to everybody as usual! i have to do my taxes today (but i should be seeing a decent refund), and i have to get fitted for a 'gown' for a formal event that i'm attending at the end of april. i'm soooooo tired you guys! i don't sleep worth a damn anymore and it is really really starting to catch up with me!

    i feel like i'm running on borrowed time! the 'bags' and 'puffies' under my eyes are pitiful! one of these days i'm going to go out like a 100 watt lightbulb lol!

    i read through everything here really quickly and i just hope and pray for everybody's best interests to be met! i suck at giving hope and support 'in words', but i hope ya'll know that my heart is in it!

    i'm gonna go take a gravol and try to sleep for a couple of hours.........god help me once i get back to work next week lol!

    love and best wishes to ALL, shel (aka 'sleepy/grumpy/dopey')
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Hi Shel-I can totaly relate. This is my first week back at work in 8 months. It's been tough getting used to. I am so tired. On the plus side I am so busy I don't think about BC all day. I do think of you girls though.

    Madison-just breaks my young...a mothers worst nightmare.My prayers are w/h you all.
    Vickie-I don't remember if I posted last night and I don't have time to go back. That is really weird about the onc's office calling you. They should check on their staff. Someone has access to your numbers that shouldn't.

    I will try to check in after work. I am so busy right now I can't log in during the day.I would have to start in the peak season. The girl that was suppose to train me had a death in the family she left yesterday. I am winging it with all kinds of notes!!! LOL I deal with doctors all over the country.I set up their travel for meetings. My worst fear is chemo brain and I send the wrong doctor to the wrong city!!!

    Take Care,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All,

    Shel and Joyce...going back to work after time off is never easy...good luck. Shel, I hope you are able to get some sleep. We need to send you Mr. Sandman.

    Thanks for the happy is so HARD TO BELIEVE that it has been 33 years...seems like yesterday!!

    I am leaving in a few minutes to meet daughter at the airport.....

    be back later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Shel: The best thing I did was to go back to work. It got my mind thinking of other things. Once you get into a routine your gonna be just fine.

    I keep reading different newsletters when I stop at different hospitals throughout the day. many of them say sleep deprivation is one of the biggest issues that women have when they are dealing with bc. Hoping you were able to go to sleep and catch a few. Sweet dreams.

    Joyce: I guess one good thing is that I cant log on at work cause Im never in my office. Its good to be busy.

    Madison: Good luck with your daughter today. Its gonna be a very hard thing. Our children when they are in their 20's think they are adults, but they are still children and its hard for them to understand losing a good friend in an instant! Sending hugs your way.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    thanks nicki!

    this not sleeping thing has been going on for about a month, and i'm just wiped out! it got really bad after the zoladex injection............ i am lucky to get 1/2 hour sleep at a time!

    i have crazy dreams when i actually DO sleep, so the last few days i feel like i've had virtually no sleep! i seem to get a 'second wind' around 6pm, but my evening activities don't seem to provide me with any rest at bedtime!

    the insurance company hasn't helped, nor the divorce/mets/zoladex/my mother lololol! but man am i tired!!!!!!

    i actually look forward to my return to work, but i'm a little nervous ......... i used to be a mentor/force/trooper now i just feel like a 'new grad' and i'm hating this feeling!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Shel: Ahahahahaha Im sorry for laughing, but you are no way like a "new grad."!!!!

    You will resume your role, a good mentor! Only now you have been on the other side. A patient! So you will have lots to teach those young new nurses.

    There is so much going on in your life. No wonder your not sleeping!

    Xanax or Ativan I say! Then go to sleep.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Cheri, what do you mean 'keep your nose clean'? What have you been up to? Getting into trouble? Without me????

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited March 2007
    Morning all,

    Boy, I don't know where I was but I keep seeing more things I missed. Can I put my friends Tammy and Mark in the inner circle? Mark was dx with multiple myeloma about two years ago and went through a bone marrow transplant. Last night he told Tammy that he has to go back in for a bone marrow biopsy. She is devastated.

    CY had food poisoning, Lisa is famous.

    Hi Betty, glad you got your laptop back. Great news about your appt.

    Nicki, has it been almost 7 months for the CGs? I want to congratulate you on keeping up with your exercising.

    Vickie, with the weather we're having in San Fran (well, I live south of SF), it's hard to picture flooding right now. I'll send you some sunshine thoughts and hopefully your weather will brighten up soon.

    Madison, 33 years is a long time and unusual in this day and age. I've been with my husband for 25 years and I can remember the day we's like the Bob Seger song - chemo brain, can't think of the title but where did the time go?

    Cheri, when do you sleep?

    NS, if you're reading, we miss you and hope you are doing better.

    Will catch up later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Ok ladies...popping back in quick from work. I have so much to do today but had to post to all my sisters's therapy so it should be allowed!
    Margaret...yup I should have listened to you and everyone as it was nothing (literally). I'll listen next time before I freak out. We sure could use some sunshine here! So tired of the gray dreary days.
    Tracey...are you ok...are things better?
    Lisa...thanks for the springtime flower. Can't wait for the snow to be gone and see all my flowers popping up again.
    Madison...Happy Anniversary. Sending hugs to your DD. Such a tragedy.
    Susan...I love the t-shirts!!! I can't wait to order but have to figure out what I want first...hard to decide.
    Karen...just sending you hugs and letting you know that the magic carpet will be flyin by tomorrow to pick you up. Not sure who's driving but it should be a fun ride.
    Cheri...bein bad is fun but's your blue drinks thats gettin us in trouble missy! Bad influence is what you are LOL! Just teasin ya pal.
    Jan...wake up!
    CY...taxes aren't due up and get better then worry about the taxes.
    Betty has her computer back...yippee.
    Nicki...I think we have the same cold. Started with a sore throat that went away and now I'm just stuffy off and on...comes and goes. Almost like half a cold. Stinks
    Shel...oooo...I went months without sleeping and I know how bad it sucks. I am now sleeping really well thanks to the aid fo Xanex!
    Joyce...good morning to you...A lot of people are getting the mysterious phone calls from the oncologists office so they are trying to figure out what's going on. They were very nice about it and understanding the fact that it causes undue stress so hopefully it won't happen again!
    Ok...missing many...Mena, Shokk, Alwayshope, Liz, Deb, everyone...have a wonderful day.
    Love and hugs all around
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Morning girls, just popping in from work before the work tornado starts. Missing everyone...but computer should be up before next week.

    On another note: does anyone watch Lost?? I have never seen any thread for it and I'm now obsessed over it.
    Talking about it on the radio so that made me think of it.

    Love to all of my sisters today....xoxo
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi ladies....
    well i didnt think things could get worse!!!!!!!!!
    last night we caught a boy in the kids room.... a condom,,, empty liquour bottles... threw the kid out and my kid went with him......... now i am at work and have no idea where my kid is
    pllllllllllease let this end!!!!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    TRRACEY...great big hugs, tough love is hard....if you'd like to chat call me.PM me ..spent months visiting youngest in I can relate....(his probation Officer keeps calling so guess he's messed up again) hmmm being a mom is tough
    Ok...just a few minutes...looks like big hugs are needed by all
    Shel38...try getting a theraputic massage, you'll be suprised how many knots you may have girl is great...and trying toconvince her to come to PINKSTOCK
    Susan,,,love the shirts ordering them for my whole some coffee cups and such,can we add that stuff?
    ok work is killing me today...must rush hugs all around, I've thrown some logs on the fire and put in some chilli & corn bread for lunch....but will try to be back
    hugs MB
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    well, i'm going to 'cave in tonight' and use my ativan left over from chemo! i just can't function like this anymore!

    on a sadder note, my 88 year old 'gramma' is not well and i'm heading out to take her for some tests because she is frightened!

    worst part is, my mom, who is extremely close to my gram, is in cape coral for 2 months (far away from home).......i'm not even calling my mom about this yet! i just can't deal with her drama right now!

    so much for sleep today........yikes!

    thanks for the replies ladies!

    and tracy, i was a rotten kid.......i must have driven my parents nuts! but they never gave up, and 'here i am today' ....a little nutty myself, but a decent human being lol!
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Tracey...(((hugs))) sometimes life just stinks. Don't give up and finally life is getting better for me now that my eldest is on his own. He was my problem one and I didn't think he or I would survive. whatever you need to do to get sleep. It really messes you up if you're not 100%. xoxo

    I'm going to a dragon boat racing meeting today. Hopefully they are coming to the river in my town.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Dragon boat? sounds interesting...
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    tracey sorry about the added problems. Get drunk or take a nap! I believe in simple solutions.

    sheri have you been bugging your doc yet?

    Madison, happy anniversary.

    Betty glad you have a new puter.

    nicki, i wish i could be happy that I'm still here even though i'm old and fat. I'm just so different than how I used to be. I used to be a go getter. I was successful and made lots of money. Now I'm a fat sleepy head with thin hair. sorry for whining. I'm just really having trouble with this new normal thing. I just feel resentful about the whole thing. sorry for complaining. Well I"m pretty successful at whining. just got look at the positive. LOL

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited March 2007
    OK Girls, I need to remember I'm on page 321, I still have my notes from 2 days ago, and though I don't have time now (supposed to be working!) I am going to still post them eventually.

    Just saw on that John Edward's wife (Elizabeth) has had a recurrence. Here's the thing... I am completely non-political, don't follow stuff like that at all. I don't know that woman from Adam (I didn't even know her name!) And my reaction to this news is, bring her to the center of the circle, we will comfort and protect her.

    What an amazing "place" this is. It really is like a physcial place to me, it has that much power. I just wanted to share that with you all.

    OK, I'm wiping my tears, and I'm back to revising the job aid for pre-approving e-mails on the new e-mail system. (Say it with me girls, "yuck!") LOL
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007

    I just read the news about Edwards wife and had exactly the same feelings. Politics and stuff like that - it just don't matter. And btw, her name is Elizabeth. As far as I'm concerned she's in the middle of the circle.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited March 2007
    I'm at school and have lost 3 posts so far. I had some really good, supportive stuff to say, but that was 4 hours ago. Right now I feel like CRAP! My neck is hurting so badly I can hardly hold my head up and I feel like I'm going to cry, which is bad because I still have to finish my school day. All I want to do is lay my head down. The neurontin doesn't seem to help, in fact I feel worse than before. I haven't heard from the dr., so there probably isn't anything on the MRI that is any different than what I already knew. I want to call, but I feel so crummy I would probably start crying on the phone. The news about Elizabeth Edwards is so scary! I was feeling bad before I read about it, but it sure didn't help.

    Sorry to be such a baby, but I hate feeling so bad.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    I really recommend typing the notes in Notepad and then copy/pasting so that if bco goes poof, you still have the Notepad copy to use again.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007

    I'm sitting here crying about Elizabeth Edwards. Why do we go throught all this crap. The cancer is not supposed to come back. We damn near kill ourselves with treatment and it comes back anyway. sorry not my day today.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    When ever a public person is Dx or has a reoccurrence I go back and forth between feeling awful and feeling hopeful.

    Awful because another sister has cancer. Awful because it yanks me right out of denial land and scares me about my own future. Awful because I KNOW how they must feel.

    Now, here is the really terrible confession ladies….It makes me feel hopeful because it will bring cancer into the public eye…bring it out of the closet. Will this be what we need to get a cure? Someone like Elizabeth Edwards to fight her fight in the public eye?

    Then I feel even worse because I try and find something good in ANYONE having cancer.

    I need to turn off the TV and quit obsessing about it. All I am doing is making myself totally crazy

    May God bless Elizabeth, her family, her medical team and all of us today as we deal with this news.

    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Well, I think we need to form a big circle because we need to gather around so many having difficulties.....Big Hugs to everyone

    Picked up DD from airport....this is going to be tough for her to say goodbye to her friend.....Jay was one heck of a young man

    I will shed tears for everyone's sadness today...Let those around you know how much you love them....

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    OK ladies...I need a break from cancer. I am making myself nuts...crying about people I don't even know. I'm going to turn the damn computer off for a few days and enjoy my HEALTHY life.

    I need to put cancer in perspective for a few days. It shouldn't be the focus of my life all the time.

    I love you guys, and I won't stay gone long...I just need to live in "no cancer" world for a few days.

    Big hugs
    Deb C