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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Love you to Deb and take the break you need.
    I too feel like I would rather just shut off the world...
    So very sad for Elizabeth Edwards...sad for all of us.
    Hopefully this will bring the fight to the forefront and some kind of good will come of it. (oh...that sounds awful and I don't mean it too...wouldn't wish this on anyone but she is so brave and inspirational maybe she will give new hope to others).
    ah crap...can't even express myself.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    No time to read, but I wanted to let you guys be the third ones to know (sorry but DH and bro were first and second) - got the results of my scans from earlier this week and ALL IS WELL. The nurse said that the bone scan shows no cancer, and the CT shows no change. Which means the nodes in my pelvis still look funny, but she said funny may just be normal for me.

    I am so relieved!

    THANK YOU to all you wonderful ladies for all the kind support. I'm gonna leave my spot in the center of the circle for somebody else, and try to be a hugger for a while instead of a huggee.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Anne, great news.

    I think the circle is wonderful because there are times when we need a hug....and then there are times we we give big hugs.....
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Wow, this has really been a bad week in the circle. There is way too much bad stuff going on. Elizabeth Edwards was diagnosed right after me. How sad. We really do need a great big Circle Hug.

    Anne, that is great news!!

    Vickie, I'm not sleeping, I'm at work and this is the first chance I've had to check in . I think the blue rinks are our downfall.

    Cheri, here I am!! Just for a moment, though. Have to get back to work.

    Madison, my thoughts are with your daughter. It is terrible she has lost her friend.

    Shel, I don't sleep either. It really effects my mood. I take Simply Sleep and it helps a little.

    I know I missed a lot of friends. I didn't take notes. I'll check in when I get home.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    Anne whoo get busy on the Dutch oven menu for
    PS check out the theme

    Ok time to go , must pick up dark room supplies , son practicing for this

    Hugs for all in need, and genlte pats on the back to make you feel better, andif that doesn't help, BLUE DRINKS ALL AROUND....
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls, just been busy and haven't had a chance to post. I'll try to catch up and be back later.

    Hugs to all.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hi to all,
    I think a night in the inner circle helped some of us..maybe a couple more will do the trick!

    Vickie: Hope you've got a handle on that cold. And the sleepies you were getting, LOL just kidding. I haven't heard anything about Baby Derrick lately. Any updates?

    Susan: Love the t-shirts! I still don't know if I can go to PinkStock or not, but I would still like to order a t-shirt!
    That is Crap about Elizabeth Edwards. Stuff we all go through..but we don't make the news. (Thank God) I agree, we all go through these terrible treatments, take poison drugs that I'm just sure in 10 years they are going to find out that we shouldn't have been taking them. Feel like our bodies have aged 20 years.(atleast I do.) And boom, it comes back..not to all, but to too many. Prayers to the Edwards family.

    Deb: As usual, Beautiful perspective on Elizabeth Edwards. How true, that with all the news and etc. it brings us out of denial land. It sucks. I understand you taking a few days off. Please don't stay away to long. We love you and will miss your wisdom!

    Madison: Congratulations!! 33 years! I'm thinking we are about the same age. I'll ask nicely: What year did you graduate High School?
    I pm'd you about the project and my sympathy w/h your family friend.

    Shel: 40 next Friday? I think I remember that happening to me once, also! Hope your Grammy gets feeling better. It is scary to them when they don't feel good. I've got to take my Mom to the Pulmonary Dr. tomorrow. I don't know if it will help, but a doctor gave me Phenegren to help with sleep. It's like a generic Benedryl. It seems to work for me and doesn't have SE's like sleeping pills.

    Robin: You are having one he## of a time. Hugs to you my dear.

    Cy: Hope the food poisoning is out of your system. I swear I can get sick and not eat, and I would still gain weight!

    Cheri: Are you hanging with that Bad Crowd again? What's a mother to do? I hear through the grapevine that It's the Blue Drinks that get you in to trouble! Yea on the knitting!

    Betty: New laptop, or old one fixed. Either are back! Onward year between visits!!

    I'll be back,
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls,
    I have had a a couple of days where I couldn't be online becuase of my arm. I have a couple of blood clots in the cancer arm so it is pretty painful.

    I have had two drains taken out today and he did a "fill" of th expanders to try and make that pressure push some of this excess fluid out. From the way the remaining drain is filling up I think he is on to something!

    I lost my onc. He can't take care of me. But we did meet and he wants me to start chemo right away- but I have to wait until I am healed. I also have to get a port and possibly an ooph at the same time.

    I think that my doctors think I am a cornish game hen that they can keep plucking things out of whenever they get the chance!

    I want to get the chemo OVER WITH. So I have to find a new one, get the port, get the chemo DONE and enjoy what will be left of the summer.

    I HATE CHEMO- but like a bandaid- i want it pulled off quickly no matter how much it hurts!

    One of these days I will catch up with my circle sisters.... I PROMISE!!

    I want to thank you all for ALL THE CARDS!!!! I went to the PO box for the first time today- you all are the best sisters anyone could ever ask for!!!

    Thank you so much for everything.

    Love you,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Tracey: Don't worry to much about D&C. Just look at it as spring cleaning! You know Dusting and Cleaning!!
    Aren't kids great! I remember coming early one night and there were about 6 cars in my driveway and boys were literally jumping out of the bedroom window. One hid in the closet..for atleast 2 hours till one of the others got the nerve to come back and get him. I knew most of the kids or knew of them. Spent the night calling all the parents. Trust me, if you want more stories..I've got them.

    MB: Same with you as I said to Tracey. Kids are so wonderful, aren't they?! My youngest was also fond of jail when he was a minor. We lived in a small town, and knew all the twp. police officers by first name. It started shortly after my other son died and lasted for 5 years. I really didn't think I'd live through it. Fast forward....3 years ago he had enough, moved out west, is a journeyman plumber with a local union, and is getting married in November! There is a reason Mom's never give up on their kids! Right!
    (he's not perfect..just come a long, long way!)

    Nicki: I believe what you said about the Equinox. Change of seasons is suppose to be a good thing, but it does seem to effect alot of us. Funny how the BC topic comes up when you least expect it, isn't it. I'm sure the lady at the meeting was glad she had you to talk to. By the way, I love your hair!
    You know, I didn't feel like I was going to die when I was first DX'd, or after treatments. It's now. 3 years later, I feel like crap most days...Good ole Femara, I'm sure. And I have more anxiety of it returning and dying now then when it was fresh. What's up with me?! CRAZY!

    Lisa: Our famous Amos! Very nice!

    Anne: Big YEAAAA! Scans are clear! Onward for you, too!

    Susan: I have to admit, that like you, I have no motivation. If this is the "new normal" then I don't want to be normal. I have no energy, no desire to do anything. (Except Knit Squares!), I'm older, fatter and tired of the whole shittin caboodle. I swear my body has aged 20 years. If one ache goes away, another pops up immediately. You name it! I am tired of having Canceritis. And I know I'm quilty of self diagnosing also. All I want is to feel the way I did 2 years ago. I was fine after surgery, treatment, and tamoxafen. It has been down hill since the Femara kicked in.
    Oh well.....anybody want some cheese with my Whine??

    Love and Hugs,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: You guessed it! I just finished exercising and once again sweating like a pig! Hope everyone had a good day.

    I just heard on the news that Senator Edwards wife was diagnosed with bone mets. This disease is never ending.

    MargaretB: Putting Tammy and Mark in the inner circle. Its so sad. Yes Im exercising. I hate it. I hate every minute of it - but Im doing it. Seems like it works best for me to come home after work and exercise rather than in the morning.

    Vickie: This is the weirdest cold I have ever had. Your right, its like a half cold. Not bad, but not good either. Sending some sunshine your way.


    Tgirl: Good to see you. I have never watched Lost, but I hear its supposed to be really good. Have been told ya have to watch it from the beginning. Maybe we will rent it from netflix on a lazy day.

    Tracey: OMG! How old is your daughter? I have to say I did the same thing at my moms house, just never got caught. But never left home. You must be worried sick.

    Shel: Once again we have something in common. Being a rotten kid. Geez, I got pregnant at 16 and had my son at 17. And your right, look at me today. You best take that ativan tonight. You need to sleep! If not, we are gonna send the posse there. Hope your grand mother is ok.

    Susan: I certainly can relate. Im having a difficult time with the new me. Went shopping for shoes the other day. I look at ones that are flat and the most comfortable. Well I tried on a pair of high heels - ggez I used to wear them all the time. I actually forgot how pretty I looked with high heels. But I didnt buy them - I went for comfort. Good old fashioned Mary Janes. In my pre cancer life, I was in upper management. Director of Nursing! Now I just meander through the day. Do lots of shopping inbetween hospital visits. Im fat, I have thin hair that I still havent learned to style. I weigh more now than I ever have in my lifetime. Geez!! This is the circle. Whining is allowed. Just remember. "Im beautiful, Im beautiful."

    Colleen and Betty: I see you heard the news earlier. I didnt hear about Elizabeth Edwards until I came home. Its vrey sad indeed. They are saying "not curable, but treatable." And I believe that.

    Sheri: Man oh man, I would be on the phone calling the doctor to find out the results. Sorry your having such a bad day.

    Susan: Sending you a big hug!


    Anne: Doing the happy dance for you. What a relief!


    Denise: Breast cancer will always whisper in my ears. I will never be the same and I will always worry about every little pain, cough, headache, test. I think that is the part that people dont really understand. We live with it, breath it and taste it everyday. Yesterday when I was at the board meeting, I really broke out in a sweat. My hair was all wet and it wasnt a hot flash! I thought it was from my cold, but my husband thinks it was a little anxiety attack. I still have really bad issues being out in public when its not related to work.

    DebC: Everyone needs to take a break for a while. Just dont stay away long. I tried to stay away once - couldnt do it.

    NS: Im so relieved to see you post. Dangit anyways, your dealing with a whole new cancer. Makes sense to get the ovaries out. Could easily be done with the port insertion. Being BRCA +, you dont want to have to deal with this disease for a third time. Sorry you cant keep your onc. Did you ask for recommendations? I changed oncs in the middle of treatment and ended up with a great one. We sure do miss you around here.

    OK! Time for me to go and spend some time with my husband. Hope everyone has a great evening and I will see ya in the morning.


  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Anne, I am so very happy to hear your great news!!! image
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    NS: Glad to hear from you. You still have an upbeat attitude, and that I believe is what will carry you through this unwelcomed journey. Sorry that you have to change Oncs..but totally understand how you want to get on with it.Best wishes!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    NS--If you look up "class act" in the dictionarey you will find your picture. I know this is tough but I hope that knowing we are all pulling along with you helps---at least a little bit.

    Like Deb, I think I need a few days off. Too many false alarms, too much family crap. Need to clear my head. (Not that it ever was free of cobwebs!)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good evening ladies. I hate this time zone difference. Wish we all just had the same time. I slept late today and most of you all were an hr ahead of me already.

    Betty, glad you got your laptop. Congrats on your onc visit!

    Jazmanian, now you know I wouldn't get into any real trouble without involving you! What are friends for? lol

    Margaret, your friends are in my prayers. I sleep when I HAVE to sleep. I don't like sleeping but i do like the rested feeling. lol I wish we didn't ever have to sleep so we could be awake to live every minute of our precious lives.

    Tracy, so sorry you're having so much trouble in your life. I wouldn't go back and live through my dd's teen-age yrs again for nothing! lol

    Susan, come on out this week-end and we'll laugh while we crochet. BTW, I only know how to use the rectangel Knifty Knitter. You don't have to bring yarn unless you just want to I have quite a selecton. That last sentence just brought a smile to my face...I can't imagine ME having lots of yarn. I am so not into crafts. lol

    Colleen, I heard about Elizabeth Edwards from Susan and that's terrible. But I'm like the some of the other girls, maybe with her being in the public eye it'll bring us some help.

    Sheri, do call your dr. for results of your test results.

    Deb, I'll sure miss you posting but maybe the time away will do you some good. (Although, I'm not sure you can do it)

    Denise, it's Vickie & Janny causing me to get into trouble. They just run wild and drag little, innocent me along. Don't listen to Vickie, she drinks a bit. Although, you may be right it might have a little something to do with the blue drinks so I'm gonna remedy that and....change the color of my drinks. lol

    NS, hey it's good that you got 2 drains out and doesn't sound like the last one will be in long now. Soon this will be just a bad memory.

    Tried to call Mena today but got machine. I'm sure she's alright tho.

    After reading several pages of posts today this thread seems to be under the weather for the most part. It has a cloud over it. So many having bad things happening or just feeling blah. I know it'll pull out of the funk very soon, none of us stay down very long. We are tough, strong of will, and have good hearts. We are survivors, not just of bc but of life itself. We are fighters and we do not give in. However, we're also human, so we are allowed a down time once in awhile. lol Hoping everyones day is better than average tomorrow.

    I'm on this puter so much, I've worn the "N" and "E" off the keyboard. hahaha Oh and the "R" can't even see it.

    I had an onc appt tomorrow i was sweating cos last time I saw him before the US/mammo he said something about sticking a needle in and draining. OUCH So I did what any of us concientious girls would do...I called and tried to get out of it!! And it actually worked. I talked to his nurse and she said the lump is just where the last biopsy was taken so he didn't need to see me until my next appt. I'm so relieved. That was good news.

    Hey to Vickie, Jan, Nicki, Liz, Shel, Joyce, Madison, Theresa, MB, Shokk, Lini, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Meaner, and anyone I've mistakenly missed.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2007
    ok I am now doing the warm sunshine dance ...taught to me by my DIL...who actually has some indian in her...lolol...I think she made it up to make me feel always rains when I want tp
    so all of the grey clouds should be disaapearing,,,or at least a nice warm feeling should be coming over you...
    please remember we understand and we care about each and everyone of you...the circle is big, strong and filled with love...enter often...
    hugs MB
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good evening all,

    Such a sad day in the Circle. There is just too much bad in the air . I was thinking, how do you know if you have mets?? I just had blood work done and my onc said all was well, but do we really know? The nurses in his office said that I shouldn't worry, if the cancer came back it would still be breast cancer cells and they could treat it. I now know better. This disease totally SUCKS! Sometimes when I'm feeling really down, I think I should have cashed in my IRA and had a great time, without going thru treatment. Then I get sane again and I know I made the right decision to treat my cancer. Sorry to go on about this. I should get back to happier posts.....

    Cy, this isn't a happy post but, I can't believe how long your food poisoning has lasted. You poor thing! Having a bad tummy is a terrible thing!

    Denise, I feel like you. Old before my time. Lovely, isn't it? I can't even get down on the floor to play with the grandkids . And forget about getting back up!

    Nicki, so glad to hear you are exercising. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to miss exercise. Did I say that out loud????? After I see my ps next week, I'm sure he will let me start to get back in the groove.

    Tracey, sorry you are having problems with your kids. That is really a tough thing. I wouldn't go back to those teenage years for anything! And my boys weren't too bad!

    Cheri, oh my, I can't be totally to blame. I think someone gave me one of those blue drinks and then........I can't remember! Aaaahhh, you're just a rebel at heart. Oh, maybe a biker at heart!! We need to get you a tattoo!!

    Well, it's been along day in the neighborhood! I know I missed many of you. Just know I love you all and we are all in the inner circle tonight!

    Gentle hugs,
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    ok? wtf? ..... i'm going to go out on a little bitty limb here, but wtf?

    elizabeth edwards gets a recurrence and we all start second guessing, moaning, panicking, getting depressed, departing, withdrawing etc etc!???????

    gimme a break you guys (and i'm sure to be outcast now, and accept that) but holy shit ........ gina has recurrence, mena has mets, lv2cmp has mets, i have mets, robintn has recurrence, shelliks has mets, stacey/sunshine is in end stage AND THE FLIPPING LIST GOES ON AND ON!!!!!

    does it only make this bitch of a disease real if you hit the CNN headlines???????

    WTF you guys? now i'm just plain pissed. i know i have offended most, and i am sorry for that. i'll stay away from now on, but i'm just floored at all the posts about elizabeth edwards (here and on numerous other threads)!

    i didn't realize it took CNN to really get a rise out of any of us! it almost makes these boards seem like a sham/waste of time ........ unfamous people are suffering/dying everyday ......many of whom we 'know'!

    cripes i'm so mad right now ...... i think i'll let it go at this and walk away.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    OMG Nicki you nailed it........I think that is what my problem is......its the "taste of cancer"....I can't get the frinking taste of cancer out of my senses.......out of my month, my skin, my smell, my sight.....sweetheart its in my being making everything upside down.............

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Shel, actually I agree with you. It is a terrible thing for her and I feel bad saying it, but like someone has said, since she's in the public eye maybe it will raise awareness to all those that have had reoccurence and mets. It is always sad news to hear of anyone having cancer but we do have our own here. Her mets seem to hit some of the girls hard for their own reasons, I'm sorry that she has it but I have friends that have it worse. To each his own opinion. Nobody can help how news affects them. I think it made most of the girls scared for their own mortality. I understand why some of them are upset, but I also agree with you too. I think it's been emphasized a bit much. But you need to breathe. I think the girls that said they are leaving for a few days have other reasons besides EE! They have alot of stress in their personal life, you understand about the leaving thing. Don't worry about things, we
    are all just affected differently. Isn't it nice that we're free to voice our opinions on here?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Shokk, calm down. You sound awfully upset. Sweetie this is just something we all have to deal with. Try not to dwell on it so much, spit out 'the taste of cancer'. If i taste something ugly that's what I do..I spit it out! Come to the inner Circle and sit down and talk and we can laugh at ourselves being so paranoid. Or there's always the Hooch Tent to have a real stiff drink. Pm me if you need to talk. Everything's gonna be alright.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi ladies...
    well its sure been a very eventfull freaking week!!!!!
    so my daughter finally called me at 1:00 pm today and asked if i could go pick her up... well i did as she was in the next town... she is 15 and took off last night after we found a boy in her room!!! so anyways...i am wratching my brain on how to deal with this... normally she is a good kid she even passed all her courses this semester!!i know we live so isolated,, can this be because of that??? who has a instruction booklet on 15 yr old girls????????????
    well i am going to relax for a bit as i know the kid is in her room alone........ so have a great night ladies... and hugsssss to all that are having rough times!!!! medical or emotional
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Tracey, apparently you are not 'isolated' enough. lol It's just raising teen-age girls and it's darned tough! Boys probably, too. Teenagers in general. Glad she's safe at home. She WILL grow up and be a real person. My dd and I are best!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    To me, I'm sad that Mrs. Edwards has gone to stage 4. But it seems to me that some have her already gone! Where is the hope??? There is always hope. Like her doctor said, they can treat the bone mets and there is hope that new drugs or vaccines will become available.

    People shouldn't look at someone else's cancer situation and assume it for themselves. There's no rhyme or reason to this disease. I've seen others wanting to know her stage, node status, initial treatment, etc. Even if everything was exactly the same as hers, it still wouldn't mean that is what is going to happen to you. There are just too many unknowns. You can't let these things scare you. Just have faith and hope.

    I'm probably the only one who didn't really care for the song "Live Like You Are Dying.' I think that is totally wrong, at least for me. LIVE LIKE YOU ARE LIVING! Live with the hope for new treatments, live with the hope for seeing children grown and married, live with the hope for seeing grandbabies....! But live your life fully and with hope.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Oh words tonight...just great big hugs to all...and tears for all the pain...

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Shel, I have cried for you, I have cried for Gina, I have cried for Robin. I have cried for Amy. I have cried for Mena. I cry everytime someone I know is diagnosed with mets or a reccurrance. I cry for the suffering all of you are going through and I cry because I am scared for myself.

    i am tempted to say more and I won't.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Just popped in to say good night. Alot of emotion on here tonight. I think you all covered it pretty good. I think that because it (Elizabeth Edwards) cancer is all we've heard today, that it has brought out the fear in most of us and the compassion for so many sisters with recurrance/mets.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Evening girls,

    Okay, this black cloud that is looming over the circle is now gone! We are strong, brave and determined women. We need to take a long relaxing breath in and out. Let’s all join in the middle of the circle and remember why we’re here. We are here to hold each others hands, support, cry, whine and listen.

    I learned so much from patients when I worked in oncology. I saw them go through the many stages of surviving as well as recurrence. I saw their faces when they were told there was nothing else that could be done for them. I think of these people all the time. Every time I have an ache or a pain I immediately think is it back.

    I’m not telling you this to upset anyone further. I’m telling you this because I want you to remember that irregardless of what we’re dealt we can get through it. Because we have friends who care.

    I hate hearing about anyone having a recurrence. We have so many girls here who are going through as much or more than Elizabeth Edwards. I can honestly say I have never met or loved so many people as those I have met here at

    I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone. God bless each of you. Take the time you need, if you need it. I’ll always be here for everyone I’ve met on the boards and chat.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Shel, I have cried for you, I have cried for Gina, I have cried for Robin. I have cried for Amy. I have cried for Mena. I cry everytime someone I know is diagnosed with mets or a reccurrance. I cry for the suffering all of you are going through and I cry because I am scared for myself.

    i am tempted to say more and I won't.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Now, here is the really terrible confession ladies….It makes me feel hopeful because it will bring cancer into the public eye…bring it out of the closet. Will this be what we need to get a cure? Someone like Elizabeth Edwards to fight her fight in the public eye?

    I had the very same thoughts today. Maybe NOW somebody will listen to our cries.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited March 2007
    I don't think I'm emotionally equiped to join this discussion tonight.
    Just want to send you all love, peaceful thoughts and warm hugs.