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  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    I know about thinking how great it is to bring EE and others into the public, but I also have friends going through tx w/ lung cancer, pancreatic and colon cancer, can I just say all CANCER SUCKS! Some of those with other cancers feel bc gets all the attention and $$$, that is a whole other debate. If EE's recurrance brings bc back into focus, it is OK by me. I am sorry for her and her family, although not as sorry as I am for all the metsters and sisters here fighting the beast for the second or third time. When I heard about EE, I said, Well, I know alot of people, just like her, they are fighting too.
    We never know and have to live each day, just livin'. We will deal with the future when it is here.
    Sweet hugs to all that are feeling bad over this. We are a team, maybe Elizabeth should join us, I am sure she needs as much support as we all get here.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good Evening CG-
    Shel - you words were very powerful. I think we are all scared for us and for all the sisters who have a new diagnosis or mets.
    I cry anymore when I hear of anyone with a new diagnosis of cancer (breast or elsewhere) or when there is a re-occurance. I am scared to death of the beast coming back. In my personal life I have too many friends being diagnosed with cancer. Just this week a friend who had a tumor removed from his neck last week was told it was cancer. Another friend was diagnosed with prostrate cancer earlier this year. A co-worker's husband has been battling colon cancer for 1 1/2 years and my best girlfriend her DH has had leukemia twice. He goes back for a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow. The last one two months ago had cancer cells. He had a stem cell transplant 6/06. He needs to beat this! My girlfriend is so strong, but her plate is overloaded - her dad just died last week and she is so worried about the results of the bone marrow biopsy. Please keep them in your thoughts/prayers.
    Tracey - hugs to you - glad your dd called you today.
    Vickie - I'll be waiting for the magic carpet - we will be up early - taking Miriam to her girlfriend's house at 6:30 on the way to the hospital. The mom is so very sweet - they are not early morning people and she is getting up early for us.
    Deb - don't stay away for too long, but take the time you need. I always appreciate your words of wisdom.
    Ann - love hearing good news.
    NS - thanks for updating us. I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time.
    Cheri, Nicki, Madison, Ann, Amy and everyone else. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. Hope to be able to check in sometime over the weekend - after saturday night. Sending everyone hugs. Karen in Denver
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    well dear ladies. I'm not sure what exactly is going on here today. So I'll just say I love you all to bits.
    Realized my last post read a bit off. Ooops missed a sentence. I think it said something to the effect that I'll explain about ????? when I get back? Well duh!!! Should have said....hubbies party was great. I'll tell you all about it when I get home.
    Can't read much cause everytime I try to turn the page this damn internet connection craps out. Shhhhh daughter is stealing it from one of her neighbors till hers gets hooked up. Hopefully sometime this coming week. Anywhos....daughter is going back to Sacramento to be at a friends delivery tomorrow. Guess who gets to keep 4 kids? For two days. Yikes.
    I think hubby is coming to get me on Sunday. If not I'm a prisoner until daughter gets around to bringing me home.

    Smiles, squishy hugs, and bug kisses for everyone. See you later.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited March 2007
    Tracy, I know it's hard but at the age your daughter is. she probably has a failry good idea what she thinks she wants. That being said the optimum word is THINKS. I've raised 3 girls and with each one of them I sat them down and told them if they ever felt they were women enough to have sex then they were women enough to go through the physical to get on the pill and they damn well better take it and use a condom too! I didn't want my girls being as stupid as I was. I was thirteen the first time and was pregnat by 14. miscarried but it scared the living crap out of me that I might have to talk with my parents about it. Try to be open but firm with what you expect from your daughter and what is her responiability to respect herself. You'll do fine. it's not easy though!

    Feeling better today. I actually was able to eat something solid tonight. Getting tired of bannasa, soup and jello!

    Had a tough day at work, the others in my department don't like change and between managament and me we are making them change. so they take it out on me cause it's wasier than management!. So I had a long, hour long talk with the boss about it and then went and did some retail therapy. Trying to find the perfect material & patterns to make some Victorian Dresses. I'm thinking Pink and Lavendar. (it's for a Red Hat function and since I'm still under 50 I get to wear lavendar & Pink). I found a nice lavendar sheer material to us now just need to find something to go with it.

    Gentle HUgs and prayers to all of you I'm so proud to be able to call you Friends!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Shirley, you are a very brave woman to watch 4 kids for 2 days, or shall I say, very long days! I adore my grandsons but there's times when little 2 yr old Kevin lives up to the 'terrible two's'. I've gotten so used to them being around all the time though that I really don't think much about it.My 6yr old gs Ethan, goes to his dads every thurs. night and comes home on sun at noon. He'd been out playing today and my dd called him in and told him to wash his face & hands. He did, then she told him to wash the dirt off his knees, and he said he couldn't cause that meant the beginning of fun if you had dirty knees! Apparently he'd had fun playing with neighborhood kids. Will be glad when you get home. Take care.

    We sure have a great place here in the Circle. This is where I come when I'm stressed, worried, scared, happy, silly....just all the time. There's alot of different personalities here, as in life. It certainly makes it an interesting place! Praying all of you awake in the morning feeling well and lighthearted, and keep that feeling throughout the day. Lets make it a day that when we have a negative thought we just shoo it away and replace it with a positive one. It'll take effort for those having a particulary hard time but lets all take a vacation day from stress and worry. We can do it. Just plain refuse to worry, I'm going to try it. I think I can do it. So can you.

    Goodnight My Friends,
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    i'm really sorry i upset everybody!

    it's not that i don't feel for EE, but i guess i'm just so sick of media hype when it's somebody 'of importance'. i feel like BC has been "done to death" in the media and yet we have no cure.

    i never, ever take for granted that you all (and myself included) have shed many tears for all of us! i guess today just got to me and i came here to purge. i totally understand taking board breaks/cancer breaks etc.!

    maybe i've been in the middle of a cancer break myself and i just got mad at "IT" for rearing it's ugly head on my otherwise cancer free day!

    i never meant to negate anyone else's feeling or beliefs, and i apologize for my very strongly worded and opinionated post! i let cancer/mets get to me today, and i regret that immensely.........seems i can only hang out in "denialville" for a limited length of time!

    i hope you all can forgive me.........i'm having a really bad day for the first time in a while.

    please believe me when i say that i'm sorry for stepping on toes and belittling others feelings........that truly was not my intention with my poorly thought out rant!

    all i can say in my defense is that i feel overwhelmed with BC awareness, and yet it's doubtful that i'll ever meet my own grandchildren or even see my spectacular child graduate from university.

    i have raised 1000's of dollars personally for "the cause", and we are inundated with komen ads, races for the cure, pink ribbon bullshit, celebrities with a message etc.etc. ......and yet there is not even close to a cure! where the hell is all this money going??????

    i'm just really mad at cancer today, and i hope that my misdirected anger at you all will be forgiven!

    i'm sorry for having a bad day here! usually i just keep to myself when i feel 'icky'.........i will endeavour to do the same in the future because now i feel even 'ickier' for upsetting my only friends.

    i'm truly sorry you guys, please forgive me!

    btw? what the heck time is it anyhow? i've got almost 4 am here, but the boards say only 2 am(ish).........maybe i'm in the twilight zone......that'll be my new excuse around here lol!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All....FRIDAY!!!!!!
    Be back later, Madison
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Today is going to be another busy day. Have to go to work and then go to a "Grand Opening" for the group homes Im involved in. Another day til 8PM - this is killing me.

    Karen: My dear friend, look how many of us are awake and ready to be with you. Hoping the surgergy goes well. I will be thinking about you all day today. If ya get scared, hoping you visualize all of us being there with you.

    Before I read all of your posts, I do want to say something. We need to remember why NS started this Forum. It was a way to be supportive to so many sisters who were dealing with mets and reoccurances. I am hoping that philosophy hasnt gotten lost somewhere along the way.

    I ask myself, why do I come here everyday? Why am I drawn to this site, from the minute I wake up? Why do I get upset when I cant come on in the evening? Mostly its because of all the friendships I have made with all of you.

    When I first found, I was just diagnosed. I was frantically looking up things on the internet and found this site by accident. Somehow I made it into the chat. I dont know how, cause Im not very computer savy. But I made it into the chat and I remember being welcomed. Then I remember being asked if I had breast cancer, and I vividly remember writing "yes I was just diagnosed with breast cancer." The tears rolling down my face. I think I was actually sobbing. And then I remember the hope everyone gave me. It was like they all jumped on the band wagon. Reassured me this was not a death sentence (thats what I though). All those chatters made me feel so good. And they carried me through my all my surgery and chemo. The support was unbelievable.

    I thought to myself, that somehow, someway - I would give back what was given to me. Hope, Love, and Support. So thats why I come here. I dont let myself become overwhelmed. When Im feeling chipper, I want to support someone who is not. When Im scared, I want my friends to reassure me. When I want to laugh, I cant count on my friends here for a good chuckle.

    I would never have believed Moving Beyond was so difficult. But it is. And only those with bc understand what Im trying to say. You all just get it, like no one else does.

    So many have said they need to take a break. I feel sad for all of you that feel this way. Sad because this disease is getting to you emotionally. But is that not why we come here? To talk about and learn how to deal with these emotions? I have learned to befriend and love everyone of you. So I hope, you wont leave my life, my thoughts, my feelings. If you need to stay away, I understand, but I will worry about you. I will miss you. I will cry cause you are not here.

    Shel: I just read your post and believe it or not, you made me smile. My old shelly is back! I say Bravo!

    Shokk: Im so glad you understood what I was trying to say. I have learned to live with it, but its there - all the time. Its not a distant memory cause treatment is over. I will carry it with me for the rest of my life. As a Survivor, of course

    Tracey: I am so glad you heard from your daughter and she is home safe. I know you will handle this situation. It will come natural. Just make sure its not like my Italian mom. Hmmm lets see - she chased me around the house with a wooden spoon trying to whack me as I was running. She never did touch me cause I was just too fast, broke the wooden spoon on a table with one of her whacks.

    Jasmania: I so agree with you. "Live like you are living." Last night was a real eye opener for me. I learned for the first time that at 57 I am old! I thought hey, I look in the mirror and see a young chick. But to so many on these boards - Im old! And I do think EE looks pretty darn good for "being so old."

    Liz: Great post and I so agree with you. I also remember that you, purplemb, and tracey were one of those chat people I was talking about. We hung strong together then, and we are hanging strong together now.

    Boo: Emotionally equipped or not, you made me smile when I sas a post from you. Have been missing you.

    Christine: When I was talking to my husband last night he was shocked when I told him about so many women I know and talk to on these boards who are dealing with mets, reoccurances and new diagnosis. If I were diagnosed with a different kind of cancer, I would probably be on that band wagon. But I was diagnosed with BC! I read that now its 1 out of 6 women will be diagnosed with bc. I dont think there are any other cancers out there that have those stats. Thats the scary part.

    Sherloc: Im so glad to see you post. I need my daily fix from Shirley Larson. Cant wait til you get back home.

    Shel: You have absolutely no reason to apologize. I think I enjoy these boards most when we have thought provoking conversations. You have every right to be angry at bc!

    Talk about media hype? I was listening to "Whoopie in the morning" on the radio the other day while I was driving to work. She had the Comedian Kathy Griffin on as a guest. She was talking about doing some show on television where whatever she won - the money would go to breast cancer research. She lost at the end. And on the radio she actually had the nerve to say "hmmm sorry I lost the money, hows your lump." I became livid! Still am! My lump was cancerous and I would like to rub it in Kathy Griffins comedian face. Now thats media hype!!

    Amy: Last night I was looking and looking for your post as I love reading them. As I was reading about EE on another thread, I realized you too needed to take a break. Please dont stay away long. Distorted Humor is already fretting about not seeing Mazer.

    Well, I am sure there is gonna be alot of talk today on these boards and Im upset cause I will be gone all day and all evening. I just want to thank all of you for being here for me. Everyday. Making my day brighter. We are strong, we are survivors!

    This is truelly a circle of love.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning sisters,
    Only have a minute as I have to be to work early again.
    FRIDAY...YIPPPEEEE....OH I AM SOO TIRED! And no I haven't mixed up my meds LOL.

    Shel...I read your post first thing this morning and you know what...I laughed! You are so very right. I felt the same way...why can't we ALL make headlines! I too cry for everyone here and sometimes think I shouldn't come here any more as it is so heart wrenching. My biggest thought with Elizabeth Edwards is that she is on the front pages...she put herself there and I believe she put herself there for all of us. I was shocked to see the news as I felt like "OMG...she would have had the very best treatment and it came back." Silly I know as I do believe that I too had the very best treatment as we all probably have. I think she and her husband will (just my opinion) use the media to bring our fight up front. I may be wrong but it is my wish that this will happen. Don't EVER feel bad about voicing your opinion! We all love you here...and we cry for you too. Just as we know you cry for all of us. Not very good at expressing myself as its too early in the morning but you get my jist I hope. Hmm...need NS to be my mouth this morning...really miss her. Anyho...hugs to you.
    Karen...get ready for your wonderful magic carpet ride! I'll be standing on the roof above the water line so somebody pick me up. We will all be holding your hand today. Just keep that in mind.
    Nickiroo...where are you? Tweakin your toes sunshine girl. Thanks for the sunshine...we are still under flood warnings here but hopefully it will clear up soon. A lot of the snow melted yesterday and I'm seeing some of my flowers popping through the snow.
    I will catch up at work....
    I love you all...each and every one of you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    HEY NICKI AND CHERI...yippee two sunshine sisters up and beating me!!!
    GOOD MORNING! sendin love and to the shower and I'll be back.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Again,

    The song You are My Sunshine is the Louisiana State Song (originally sung by Jimmy Davis of Louisiana).

    We have a bridge named after Davis and named The Sunshine Bridge....Yesterday on my way to the airport I looked over and saw the most beautiful sunrise and the Sunshine Bridge....

    Thought I would share this with you...

    Remember - You make me happy when skies are gray
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    You are my sunshine
    My only sunshine
    You make me happy
    When skies are grey
    You'll never know dears
    How much I love you
    Please don't take
    My sunshine away...

    Thanks all are my sunshine and that's always been the song I sing to my daughter so my singing it too all of you says a lot!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    One more thing...LOL...gonna be late to work since I'm a boardaholic.
    I got my new boobs yesterday!!!
    I look like a women again!!! wow what a difference.
    I am actually excited about this new look.
    Silly but oh well
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning sunshine sisters. Cheri, Vickie and Madison!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Well, my computer clock says 7:21 and the last post was from Vicki at 4:37. What's going on? I know that can't be right. Lots of CGs are on board by this time of the morning.

    MIL will be released today for rehab at a local nursing home. Her kidneys are doing their job again. I have a long to do list for her today. BIL left last night. He has durable power of attorney for medical decisions. He got here on Tuesday, and a lot was accomplished. There are still many decisions to be made.

    I understand how many are feeling about EE. Don't apologize for your feelings. They are what they are. Cancer is such a roller coaster ride. When you think you've finally gotten off, the ride starts up again.

    I might be back on the ride again. Found a swelling on my breast bone yesterday. Seems to have come out of nowhere. I know it wasn't there earlier in the week. With all that's been going on in our lives, it's almost too much to think about. I'll be calling my onc this morning. Her office will be open soon. I may have done something in exercise class to strain something there. Who knows?

    Hugs and Healing to all CG girls in need today.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters....thanks Cheri for the pep talk...if you don't mind I think you need to slap me like Cher does to Nick Cage in Moonstruck.....Shokk "snap out of it"....Nicki I have to admit I really like very first love was an "Italian from Chicago"......but you did nail the way I feel right now about cancer....NS it sounds like maybe you have turned a asked about wigs on line on your other thread....I ordered mine from they are out of Dallas but they have page after page of wigs to choose from and of course delivered right to your front door........I love you former triple neg.........Shel I hope you don't take this the wrong way but if we could use you as the "face of breast cancer" I think we could get all kinds of are absolutely beautiful......Tracey I want you to remember one are not your stay on top of that kid you tell her you are NOT her friend you are her love her too much to let her behave in a way that she is going to disrespect herself......Tracey you are doing alot better job in this child rearing stuff.....hang tuff....Anne congrats on the good back later guys.......
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    This is bizaar. When shokk first posted the time on her posting read 7:45. Now it says 5:45. What's going on here?

    Onc's office isn't open yet. I guess I have too much time on my hands. Nervous energy I guess.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    You are my sunshine
    My only sunshine
    You make me happy
    When skies are grey
    You'll never know dears
    How much I love you
    Please don't take
    My sunshine away...

    I've always sung this to my kids, too. But for some reason (maybe my voice), my youngest (he's my cuddly one) never liked it. He says it makes him sad because he never wants to go away. I still like it and find it very appropriate today, as you always bring sunshine here.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Campers. Its a bright warm Friday morning in the Circle today. The skies are clear and bright blue and today is going to be a great day!

    On the time thing, I wonder if bco didn't update their servers to the new daylight savings time schedule.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Vickie you haven't posted a picture of yourself in a long time....would love to see a new picture with your new boobs and the extra weight you struggled to put and your kids have those beautiful "doe eyes" that people just get lost in.....congrat kid on the "new you"

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited March 2007

    Yes, yes.... We want to see the "new" newvickie!!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Have an onc sppt for Wednesday morning. Going to let them check out the swelling on my breast bone.

    Starting to feel anxious. Even though I know it's probably nothing to worry about.

    Hugs and Healing to all.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    I hope everyone is feeling better today!!!!
    Shel- you are right. And this is how I would like to put it,
    what if EE was a member of BCO and posted that she had bone mets? What would we do? We would tell her what we KNOW- we know that bone mets is treatable and NED-able. We would tell her the meds are doable. We would tell her that she won't have to quit her job if she doesn't want to. We would encourage her to be hopeful and to fight like hell. She is one of us and we would be there for her.

    But because she is on TV and the media is mixing everything up the perception is that she is done, finished, over- no more green bananas for Elizabeth.


    We all may hear those words and some of us HAVE- and we keep on going! We don't suddenly become non-persons and disappear into the atmosphere- we fight like hell and find Stable and Ned and fall in love with the wrong men and bounce a few checks, find great deals on shoes, lose weight, gain weight, color our hair and keep on living.

    Jaz- I HATE that song too!!! There is NO WAY a cancer patient wrote that!

    You don't know if EE reads this board- but if she did- treat her like we treat all our other sisters- tell her to FIGHT! and that we are behind her... and that WE KNOW what she is going through and are going through it too.

    EE is no different that all of us. She may have media attention but we have each other- and there are a LOT of us here.

    So Elizabeth- you can do this! WE will show you how if you need to come into the circle and be among those who know the difference between bone cancer and mets, diabetes and BC, and we can even give you tips on how to cope with the meds you have to take.

    No one has the same DNA or same type of cancer so just because EE has this doesn't mean you will get mets. Live life and don't look back... look forward with hope for the future. And if something bad happens- you can make it. YOU HAVE US!

    I know- because you all have shown ME what it is like to have YOU to fall back on- it is AWESOME.

    Circle Girls 4 ever.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Big Hugs, Laura. I'm sure the ladies will be firing up the carpet for you.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Laura take it one step at a time. BREATHE!
    You don't know WHAT you have right now so don't worry until you KNOW what to worry about.
    Come hang out with me in the inner circle!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    "You are my sunshine" is mine and Ethans special song. I always tell him how he's my sunshine. He just snuggles close and I sing it real low in his ear. I adore that little boy. He turns 6 yrs old the 29th of this month. Where has the time gone?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007 say it all so well. I needed to hear from you this morning sweet sister of ours. Just saying I love you!! Your the greatest sister we could ever ask for. We are all so very greatful for you. Sending you comfort and hugs and still many prayers. bring sunshine to me every time you post!
    Shokk and Lini...oh my a new picture of me. got it. I will have Nate take some pics tonight and will post them for all to see. I have reached my goal weight of 130 pounds.
    Laura...take a deep breath and try not to worry...we are all with you holding your hand.
    Sheri...I intended to post to you yesterday and didn't get the chance and I hope you are feeling better today. Putting you in the center of the circle for extra attention.
    Cheri...I wondered the same thing when Sarah turned 25 and Nathaniel turned 8...time flies far to fast.
    Love to all
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    She's backkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!NS god we have missed you just awful.......I think part of this dark cloud that has been hanging around here for awhile has been the absence of our best cheerleader.......ok girl let's go and get you well again....first you found yourself a new onc....I know you wanted your old team but girl sometimes things work out for a are in the best city in the world....the right doc is out there......get that port in and uterus out and lets rock and roll.......I really don't know why cancer thinks it can mess with you......gee I feel better already........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Opps.....when I reread that last sentence it sounded selfish....what I ment to say was NS because you are feeling better it makes me feel better....its been rough around here for a couple of days....thank God for Nicki, Cheri, Vickie, and DebC and so many others that have kept the rest of us in line or at least tried too..........