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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007

    It sounds like your plate is full. I don't know much about alanon, but it sounds like it has been a good outlet for you. I say, if it is helping, keep it up I hope that everything looks up for you soon Hugs....

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited March 2007
    We had a 7 year old girl in our small town that died from Influenza last week.You always know in the back of your mind that the flu can kill but when it hits home it smacks you right in the face.In these days,it's dangerous to send your kids to school for the fear they will catch something.I will be praying for John as well as you and the kids that it won't effect you.We have enough to deal with already.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. Actually, this clock is an hr. ahead of mine. I'm Central time. I'm going to bed after I type this. Seems like I posted today but not really sure.

    Margaret, it's great to look forward to a new knitter on the afghans. I knew if I just kept chipping away at you I'd finally wear you down. lol

    Vickie, Yea, what you said. Keep on ranting my friend.

    Ishop, congrats on the Patient Navigator position. After reading your post I imagine'll do just fine at calming folks down.

    CY, so glad that your daddy made it through his heart surgery alright. Praying he does well.

    Deb, I agree with whoever said take the anti-biotics anyway before any of you get sick.

    Meaner than me, I'm so sorry about your scan results. Praying the new tx will make you better. Soooo, you're coming back to the Circle again. Well, I won't scoot over quite yet. So I basically wasted my breath with all those pep talks, wasted my time with the pm's and phone calls. I never even thought of jewelry as the bait you needed.

    Jazmanian, love the picture of me that you posted. It's so, so,

    Shellybeans, enjoy your upcoming vacation...again. Geez, I'm so jealous.

    Joyce, praying for Kevin and all of your family.

    Odalys, hope your eye gets better. Sounds painful.

    Robin, again, I'm so sorry about your situation.

    Suzola, gee I appreciate you dragging my tired old behind out of bed today. I might've accidentally gotten a couple hours sleep! lol We can't have that. I enjoyed our visit and also the rest of our little party that so many are curious about. All I said was that we drank some wine, went to the bar and got picked up by a couple of hunky men and that's all. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

    Amy, I'm sorry when your blue. I am happy for you tho about being able to get your tx so much closer to home.

    Sparky, at least you'll see a dr today. I know you don't need a pep talk on what you should say, I figure you pretty much have a talk in mind. lol I didn't ever hear anybody say this was going to be easy, but it shouldn't have been this difficult either. Please get well soon.

    Denise, your job sounds very stressful and emotionally draining. Maybe that's why you like to knit so you can unwind and relax. You don't talk to yourself while you knit, do you?

    So far our 4 day old puppies are making it. One is male and one is female. Since we're going to keep the both of them if they make it, Me, my dd and dh discussed names the other night. We tossed out several, I liked Sonny & Cher, then there was Donny & Marie, The three of us finally agreed on Mork & Mindy. So they're named if they can survive. I'll post another pic of them when they get old enough to be cute. The ones I posted showed them as freshly birthed little piglet looking things. The little girl has a red spot that looks like the hide is off right around the side of her eye. I started wondering if my new little pup had been trying to play and scrathched her with her paw and that's when she met her dismise.

    Hey to Nicki, Laura, Christine, Karen, Kristen, Michele, Betty, Anne, Theresa, Carrie, Puppy, Deese, Brenda, Ginney, Holly, Shokk, Lini, and anyone I might've missed. May you all have a restful night and wake up with a light heart.

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Good morning everyone. Phone woke us early. DH is back to sleep, but now my mind is up and can't shut down for more sleep, even though I could use it.

    Hugs and healing to all the other night owls and early birds out there.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007

    Time to rise and shine...Vickie...Nicki...where are you...everyone ...come on ...get up sleepy heads

    What a day yesterday. Our server was supposed to be moved and ungraded. Well, in the words of our tech "the worst possible thing happened." We still aren't sure what that thing was, but the server went for a ride to get emergency surgury. It might be back today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, we have to work the old fashioned way. I actually got some work done yesterday.

    Bee sting toe is much better. Thanks everyone.

    Now about these kids you gals are trying to give away. I said I skipped the whole child rearing thing for a reason. Being grandmother or aunt is so much more fun.

    Amy, to the offer of your 13 year old, I say the freezer is ready. LOL We have friends in PA who we were very close to when their young son was turning 13. I offered my one piece of child rearing advice I had heard somewhere. That was when a child turns 13, put them in a freezer and don't let them out until they are 18. Mom and Dad thought it was good advice. Dan (the 13 year old) didn't have such a postive opinion. He's in his 30's now, a fine upstanding gentleman. The freezer worked nicely. Just kidding.

    I've been fortunate that in my previous jobs, I've worked with kids, So even though they are grown with kids of their own now, I know they remember Miss Betty. That's a good feeling.

    Didn't take notes, so I'll just tell you all thta your are in my heart.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Well good morning Betty and thanks for the sunshine! Glad you toe is feeling better.
    I soooo wanted to stay in bed. Sleepy eyed this morning and not ready to start the day yet.
    Nicki...I know your out there. Are you still wearing the skirt that your hubby thinks makes you look need to grab a few more of those!
    Mork and Mindy...LOL...I had forgot all about them!
    Laura...oh my...another sunshine girl! Lots of night owls here and I have to go back and catch up when I get to work.
    Time to hit the shower.
    Gina...sending you all the best. Hope that you get this stinkin drain resolved today...we are with you...
    Love and hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Sunshine Sisters! Drats Beat by Laura, Betty, and Vickie!

    Susan: You are one of the strongest persons I have met here on these Boards. Ive told you before, this place is not the same without seeing your smiling face.

    Anne: Man, I hate having car problems. Once it starts, it seems like it never ends. Maybe think about taking that extra $$$ and using it for a down payment on a new car? Prices for new cars are pretty good out there right now with low or 0% financing.

    Amy: Lexapro was my best friend. I went on it way before bc to help me with menopause symptoms. I didnt have any side effects to it. I recently changed to Celexa, but only cause my insurance would not cover it. I was scared at first, but the Celexa is doing a fine job. I know I need antidepressants. It has made such a difference in my life.

    Jan: Your so funny. Just about when you were posting those pics, I was excising! The only thing that makes me do it everyday is I have finially lost 4 pounds. Looked in the mirror and I still have this big fat jelly belly, but Im starting to see a wasteline again. But I still hate every minute of it.

    Mena: Wow, I missed you yesterday by minutes. It was good to see you post and Im glad your back in the circle. Im sorry about the results of your scans. Im just hoping the new regimen kicks bc in the butt.


    Vickie: You can rant whenever you want. I think this past week has been very unsettling with Elizabeth Edwards and now Tony Snow. Its all around us, everyday! If I were you I would get the eye thing checked out. Hoping your feeling better today.

    Laura: Man, good news about the inflammation being nothing to worry about. MIL still confused? A person doesnt develop dementia over night. Sounds like she is having delerium because of her being sick. Its not unusual. They have to fix the problem and then hopefully her thoughts will be more clear.

    Robin: As a nurse, if you came to me with this story, I would have to file an abuse report and send it to the state for review! When they saw you were not sedated enough, the anesthesiologist should have given your more! Thats plain and simple. "I had to get a little rough with her?" That statement makes my blood boil. Things like this just should not happen. Of course now, they know you want your medical records. Its giving them enough time to fix them up! Charging 75 cents a sheet is outrageous. By law, those are you records.

    Denise: Yep, 40 years old this coming October! Man just saying that makes me old. Im 57 going on 27! Talk about difficult patients? Can you imagine me, a nurse for 36 years, being a patient? My PCP sometimes just looks at me and shakes his head. Nothing gets by me. The only doctor that had any control over me was my PS. I was like a wimp with him. Still am. Dont know if its cause I really dont know anything about reconstruction, or that he is just so cute.

    Karen: Its always so good to hear from you. Put your husband to work I say!

    MargaretB: Putting that peanut butter powder in your cooking sounds really good! The hardest thing for me was to start exercising. Now that I have started, I still hate it but Im doing it almost everyday. I love your idea about a penny in a jar. Think I will do a quarter. Then turn the money in to buy a new outfit when Im thinner! Ha! Grandiose Ideation!! Have a great time in Vegas. I just love going there and I agree, hearing the sound of the coins is just so much fun.

    Sue: Being a patient navigator? That sounds like fun. I might check something out like that at my cancer center.

    CY: It was good to hear your dad got through the heart surgery. 4 bypass is pretty big surgery.

    Lisa: Just saying Hi! good to see you.

    Cheri: Those puppies sound so darn cute. Makes me want one, but then all I have to do is think about my monster dog and can easily talk myself out of it.

    Well, the sun is rising, the birds are singing, Spring is slowly sneaking into our lives and I love every minute of it. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Hi everyone!
    Finally,there is some light at end of this tunnel. What a week! I thought I was so smart w/pics of my TV. LOL! I needed the serial # from the back or TV box. I have learned so much that I should write a book on how not to....Love the new alarm and sensor lights,new locks,etc. Thanks to all of you as I way behind on posting and reading.

    Karen--thanks for your kind words;I feel "aged"this week,too. Grateful that the week is ending and ins paperwork is coming slowly.

    Tracey--neat angel w/the teddy bear;I collect both things.

    Nicki--that was me in those purple rollers! How did you get such a great close-up of my green face? Everytime I think that you have my fav pic,here comes another one that I laugh right outloud. Your 4 lbs were found on my body in Raleigh. Good you lost them!

    Margaret--thanks for the info on saving messages,I'll try it.

    Always Hope--thanks for the tip abt fraud protection. I called last wk and did that,too. One more thing...loved your song and could see Bette Middler sings boogie woogie.

    Shirley--you are lucky not to have the crime issues there. We are real "twisted" here,too. I'd like to twist a few bodies right now. Ha!

    Purple mb--I walk abt 8 miles a day and love aerobic exercise;lost 33 lbs since my surgery and still got another 10 or more. I read your tips all the time.

    Madison--you're right abt these people knowing "their stuff". It is like no conscience prevails w/some folks.

    Deb--always heard Alaska was safe;sorry abt the young teen.
    Hope that soon your town will feel safer;one more unneeded stressor.

    Amy--glad you have closer med facilities. Where are you going now? Father was on Lexapro and I thought it helped.

    Jan--love the turtle!

    To everyone else,hello and have a great weekend! It is sunny and lovely here in NC.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Nicki...bout time you got up LOL!
    Good morning Iris...glad your feeling safer.
    Off to work with me...see ya all later.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Hey Vickie! Congrats w/Nathaniel's award! As a retired teacher,I can tell you that speaks highly of him and of you! I love your pic of the little girl(I think it was--brain is fuzzy now). Have a great day!

    Cheri--been meaning to say to you that we did not chat exactly. It was through the discussion section as I was admiring your craft abilities early Sat morning,I think. I slept 2hrs that night as my door lock was screwy. You were so caring abt the little puppy and you are such a neat person. I just laugh out loud when I read those comments you and Vickie and the others write(cyber girls,is it?)

    Got to start a letter abt what has happened this wk and deal w/new keys. Have to say that I have met some of the nicest and kindest people this wk. Makes your heart feel good that they would care abt an old crazy,retired teacher,like me!

    Take care, everyone! Will be checking back to find out how you all are. Happy April Fool's Day!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Kidding about the CDC? Not me...I was serious. Something that moves this fast and is super infectious like this sounded needs state or federal disease people involved to contain it.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Well, it's court date. Gotta be there in a few hours. I just hope they have those prison jump suits in lavendar. It really brings out my eyes.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Jasmine: Good luck at court today. Hope you dont come back wearing black and white stripes.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thanks Nicki! Me really makes me look washed out! LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    Jasmine...A COURT DATE...PRISON SUITS...I missed something!!! Don't worry...we'll come break you out if they lock you the chemo brain card!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thanks Vickie...can you still play the chemobrain card three years out from chemo??? I have to go to court for not having proof of insurance when I got rear ended two weeks ago. my town you can be given a mandatory court date for murder, robbery, rape, assault, and failing to have proof of insurance. You gotta laugh!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    whew...had me worried there girlie. the chemo card...what the heck LOL. Sounds like you could have an interesting day at court...who knows who you might run into!
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I’m still not happy about DH’s van, but we’ve got it back. (Still hoping all works out to return the 2-month-old fuel pump that went bad. We’ll think twice about the relative-of-a-friend doing work. He did a good job, at a great price, but if you need a warranty… Live and learn I guess.)

    However, there was a silver lining as our mechanic really is doing his absolute best to take care of us from the financial end. Kind of restores your faith in humanity.

    Mena – Sorry to hear that you got stinky news, but I’m glad you’re in fighting mode now. I think it’s good that you decided on a sugar binge, but sorry it made you sick. Hang in there, we’re praying for you!

    Vickie – A broken blood vessel in your eye? How’d you do that? I know what you mean about every little pain making you think “cancer”. I do that too, all the time. I think you ought to build something that you can beat, electrocute, stomp, and burn at PinkStock. Very therapeutic. The healing service sounds very calming.

    Laura – Good news about your bone. Isn’t it nice when our oncs take the time to teach us and don’t laugh or get mad. Crossed finger for you MIL and enjoy your trip.

    Robin – Hang in there! It’s got to get better!

    Denise – I’m sorry your job has you a little down, but you are doing something that’s very important. Here’s a hug, I’m hoping you get your groove back.

    Gina – I’m sure it’s difficult to have to change oncs at this stage of the game, and totally agree it’s wrong that the insurance industry dictates so many aspects of our treatment and care. I am crossing my fingers that you’ll like the new one even more and they’ll take even better care of you than the old one. Still stinks though…

    Deb –Thanks for the update. I was wondering how you and your family were feeling. You better at least post Hi each day for a while, or we’ll all be on your doorstep!!

    Sue – that’s cool about the ACS support group. Seems to me that sometimes when we have to be strong for someone else, we find ourselves stronger in the end.

    CY – Glad to hear that your Dad is doing well. I’m continuing to pray for him, and you too!

    Jasmine – Ask for vertical stripes – they are more slimming. Seriously, hope all goes well.

    Time to head to work.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Good morning ladies. I’m back today after a long exhausting day yesterday. Goodness this is my week off and I have spent most of it already sitting and waiting at doctor’s office. Thanks for the encouraging words, you guys are the greatest! I figured I make the best of it so I ordered very hip rimless glasses with all the bells and whistles. I can’t start my new administrative job with ugly glasses….right?

    BTW- the eye doctor I saw yesterday is an advocate of supplements and nutrition and recommends Fish Oil, Flax Seed Oil, and Lynsing (sp?). According to him, they are rich on OMEGA 3 which helps lubricate our bodies; something we need after all the chemo and rads. He thinks my eye condition was triggered by dry eyes. All part of the bc treatments.

    Deb – toast covered with mold...yuck. I know what you mean about being fully awake when preparing breakfast. One day I started to eat my cereal only to realize it was covered with dead ants. Yuck…I rather get my protein some other way. What can I say…I was very sleepy and did not have my glasses on.

    Vickie – give Nathaniel a big hug for me. He is great. Congratulations on his award and good job to you mom! I wish Nathaniel could meet my Steven. Steven just turned 9 and he is bright, sweet, and very caring too. Here he is: image

    Shirley – glad you were able to recoup all your files. Computers can be so tempermental.

    Shokk – no need to apologize for posting a lot. I know how exciting it is to come out of the chemo fog. I smiled reading your story about your ex he must be related to my ex. But, give yourself credit, put things in perspective, always remember…that is why he is your ex!

    Boo – ulcer…yikes. I hope you can find some relief soon.

    Jan – This is the only place we talk about massaging boobies and not get censured. Don’t massage that booby too much now.

    Robin – glad to hear from you again. Sorry, about all you are going through. Please hang in there and keep fighting. There are so many people that love you and need you. I hope you start to feel better and things turn around for you real soon.

    Shirley – salsa dancing? I love salsa dancing. BTW – are you watching DWTS this season?

    Madison – I can’t begin to think about this years hurricane season. All that mess and chaos!

    Mena – I missed you! Sorry about all you are going through. I really hope the new drugs will kick cancer’s butt. I got your PM late last night and have not been able to reply but will do so today.

    Got to go now, Maggie (1 ½ year old Beagle) has been patiently waiting for me to get off the computer so we can take our morning walk. I better hurry before it gets too hot outside. Talk with you all later.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Just popping in to say Hi. Back later

    Jas, if they make you wear stripes ask for verticals. They are thinning.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Odalys...thanks for the compliment to Nathaniel. Your Steven looks like Nathaniel!!! Don't those big brown eyes just "get to you". Nathaniel is little. He is the smallest in his class but I think he's going through a growth spurt...noticed his jeans are just touching the top of his sneakers this morning. Good thing summer is almost here LOL.
    Anne...dont know what I did to my eye but it is so irritating! I love the idea of a "cancer beast" at Pinkstock that we can torture during our stay and burn in the bonfire! Anyone have a scary mask...we could use that and make it like a scarecrow.
    Back to work...end of the month and too much to do!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Okay...back....10 days in jail to be served within the next 56 days. Just kidding! I was sitting beside a shoplifter. Boy, did I hold onto my purse tight. LOL

    The ticket/charge was dismissed when I showed the proof of insurance. Too funny!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Oh man.....I was hoping to party was going to be in the jail house this weekend.......the cg's rockin at the pokey....

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Jailhouse rock.... I like it!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Back, silly husband forgot his work cell. Had to deliver it. Update on my monkey child. She has grown into a lovely young woman with 4 of her own now.

    Shock, I love that movie. One of my all time favorites.

    Deb, biting into moldy bread is nasty. Hate it when that happens. Praying for your family and all that are getting sick. Is Strep B airborne? Couch Dancing? Hmmmmm. I have the memory foam mattress pad. Treated myself to it and very very expensive sheets during rads. Annoyed hubby to no end and only delayed the inevitable mattress replacement. He's known it's been coming for a few years now. Geez the man can be sooo stubborn. Our last (and only other) was one we got from his parents when we got married. I think it was probably 20 years old when they gave it to us. He loved that mattress almost more than me. Put up a major fight when I wanted a new one. Took a long time to convince him then too. As I said yesterday. I will win. I always win. I'm holding out for a Temperpedic.

    Amy, I'm glad you are going to be getting your treatments locally. I would have whined like a baby if I had to drive somewhere for them.

    NS, don't worry about catching up. Just pop in and say HI everyday. 30 seconds on the puter is all it takes.
    I got a letter from my insurance a year or so ago telling me my onc was no longer accepting my insurance. I called and raised hell. He's the only one in this two bit town. I would have to drive two hours to find another good one. Doubt it was because of me, but he rethinked his position. Gotta give the guy credit tho. In 3 years I have never received a bill from him. Nor has any of his other patients I know. He accepts what insurance pays him. Gotta admire that in a doc.

    Jan, hahahahhaahhahah

    Tracey, hope you enjoyed your day off. I have spent way to many days plopped on my couch watching the tv. I hate when I do that. Did you hear Season 3 of Greys Anatomy will be out soon? Yehaw!!

    Shokk, my standard answer to the Where is it question.....Gee honey, I don't know. Haven't seen that in ages. Me thinks he knows I take his crap to the thrift store on a regular basis.

    Mena Mena Mena, it's not nice to pick other peoples noses. Haven't talked with Poon in ages and ages. How is she?

    Vicki, I'm with you. I HATE CANCER!!!!!

    Denise, thats what I said....or more correctly "WTF!!, where the hell are my bookmarks" Stupid computer. Working fine now. Daughter didn't leave the house at night. It was light out tho very very early. Sometime around 5am I think. She only gave me hell during her childhood. Was actually a great teenager. Except for the mouth part. Hugs for you and your patient.
    Of course I want your bras. I want all that anyone wants to send me. Takes a lot of bras to make a quilt.

    Karen, I say let him move out and see that the real world isn't so kind. But then I am a meannnnnnn mom. My 21 yo gave us fits too. Turned 18 before his senior year. Quit school. Joined the Navy, got kicked out. Now back at home and being a royal pain in the ass. Had to give him lecture #97 yesterday. Either you live here or you don't. Participate in this household or find another one. That got his bathroom cleaned. We'll see how long it lasts.

    Margaret, once again, have a grand time.

    Sue, hugs and hugs.

    yikes look at the time. Have to go. Going to Modesto for shopping and lunch with the girls today. Have to shower and pretty up. See you later. Have a great day. Will finish when I get back.

    Jas, glad you didn't get the stripes. They so clash with the bars.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Oh nice one Jasmine!!! I about fell out of my chair when I read the first part of your post. Geez. I knew you'd run into some shady characters there LOL...did you see Cheri? She seems to be missing and I think she was into the blue drinks last night...maybe we need to break her out of jail.
    hmmm...I have "Get out of Jail" free cards here somewhere....
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    It was a learning experience. The people who were really getting a 10 day jail sentence were told to bring their own food. Apparently they only have to be in jail for 10 days from 8 am to 5 pm and they have to bring their own lunch.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    LOL Jasmine!
    Our library has people come in and work off hours of community service that have been asigned as punishment for small crimes. When they are there they wear a little button that says "community volunteer". I can never help wonder what they did! One of the guys was my daughters TEACHER and I looked it up in the court records to make sure he was not caught doing something to kids.....he was a shoplifter! That was SOOoooooo weird!

    Glad you hung on to the purse around the bad guys and that you didn't get thrown in the pokey!

    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Thanks Deb. Are they trying to find the source of the strep B illness? Was the teenager the sentinel case? If so, where did she get it from? An animal maybe?