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  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2007
    Just popping in to say hi. I'm not ready for our early departure tomorrow. I am excited though. I got a 4 pack of squirt guns last week to take along. We're gonna have a blast. GS loves water.

    MIL is still confused as of last report. BIL came in to stay a couple of days. The rest of the family is being really great in helping out while we're gone. They don't want us to miss this opportunity be be with daughter #2 in VA. SIL told us to go, that we needed this time. Said that we'd done so much already, and not to worry.

    We are blessed with great support system. Haven't seen GS since Christmas. He'll be two and a half next week. They grow so fast and change so much at his age.

    Hug and healing to everyone in need, and hugs to those who think they don't need it.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Hey there,Nicki!
    Came home exhausted from dealing w/people trying to get new keys,ins papers,estimates,etc. and my joints are killing me from the meds I take. Anyway,almost in tears as I got up way too,there was my pic from you w/my cute litte tush!
    It just lifted me up! Thanks as I needed it---hard week as lots of people have as well. I know it will pass as it always does. Met the nicest lady at the bank who helped w/my info--never ends!

    Amy--good to know abt Birmingham as I think that city has terrific med facilities and drs from what I hear. My cousin's baby is going to a specialist(not sure exactly which one)but in B'ham. I am glad the meds are helping. Dealing w/the bc is enough w/out the crappy emotional roller-coaster ride. Going to take one of my tranqs tonight as I need to relax and sleep. Take care,Amy! Hope that your son's team is in the J'ville paper sometime. We get that at my parents' house. Loved reading abt The Rocket! LOL!

    To everyone else,have a pleasant evening!

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007

    Hi Vickie and Odalys-
    Here's my Stephen (nephew) He is the sweetest kid. His aunt, my SIL's sister was in tears today. She is going thru chemo for colon cancer and he calls and prays for her every day. Poor guy, two aunts w/ cancer and lost his paternal grandma (lung cancer) and grandpa. His is so serious with his prayers and knows they are answered, because of me and he got a new baby sister after praying very hard for yrs (9yrs younger than him-oops)
    Bless these sweet boys who have to endure so much at a young age.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Evening and hugs to all....
    Just finished an afghan and must go package it for mailing
    take care, Madison
  • lke
    lke Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2007

    This is lke.
    I thought I was doing fine, until it was time to do the 2nd 6 mo. checkups. Then I did not want to go and have them done. I was afraid of what the doc would find. Silly, I know. If the cancer is back, we need to know so we can start another campain, but ... Well I finally went. More to do, but so far so good.

    Bad news. My mother (78) was just diagnosed with Hodgkin's. She first had blood clots in her left arm. (I had a blood clot in the left arm with the staff after the last chemo.) It is all so genetic sounding to me. My mom has had her first chemo and is waiting for the hair to go. I was able to give her some tips on chemo and explain the funny feeling over her breastbone. (Yes I told her that she must still tell the doc's and NOT to assume that it is the neulasta or proquid. But that they could cause it. In adults blood is manufactured in the breastbone so they work on it and cause pain.)

    In a way this makes it harder for me. I can just see that cancer is going to have a major role in my life from now on. It was bad enough that I worry about the breast cancer coming back, but now I will worry about this damn Hodgkin's happening to my bothers, sister and myself.

    Everyone said that I was so brave with the BC, but it was somehow easier when I was in chemo and doing rads. Now it is like a dark cloud that is just out of view, waiting to spread more fear. I am not afraid of death, but I am terrified of living in pain, of being depending on others to care for me.

    Thanks for providing a place where I can tell this. I am not sure that others would understand.


    PS: Have been worried because the hair is thin and growing so very very slowly in front. Well turns out it is a side effect of the Armidex. So, I guess I will learn to live with it.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Tracey that made me laugh out loud. That guy is definately having a bad day.
    I had a lovely day with the girls. Did some shopping, had lunch at Mimi's Cafe. Yummy if anyone has one close. It's a chain but I don't know if they are only in California.
    Isn't strep what cause Scarlet Fever? My sister had that when we were kids. I have a picture in my brain of my dad standing at our bedroom window just staring out while sis was lying in bed. His brother died of scarlet fever when he was a child. Think he was pretty freaked out about sis having it.

    8-5 and bring your own food? hmmmmm I like susans idea of ordering out.

    Deb, I got called for jury duty once a few years ago. Defendant was being tried for drunk driving. He was a teacher at my boys high school. Needless to say, I was excused from that jury.

    Susan, hunky men and hooking party?? I think I missed something.

    Madison, prayers for your daughter.

    Jan hope you took time to eat something for lunch.

    Tracey, nights and weekends. Bummer, I'm sorry.

    Woo Hoo Anne, pictures please. Bet your cute topless.

    Robin, you have 3 daughters with the same middle name? wow

    Amy, the game is grand fun. Been playing it for 27 years.
    Work is over rated. Except for the paycheck part. I do miss those.

    Nicki, you are SEXY in your nurses cap. Scabies....ewwwww
    How come the song makes you think of me?
    Enterprise is due to be decommissioned in 2010, or is it 08? I can't remember. Whatever it's still a working ship.

    Liz, hope and pray rehab works for your cousin. Whats a Reach for Recovery Rep?
    Sinus CT for what?
    So far I've only watched the exercise DVD. I let you know if I break a hip when I try it.

    Sheri, I freak when my blood work fluctuates. I keep a running graph. How phsyco is that?

    Sue hugs to you.

    Vicki, could you have Pink Eye. I had that once. Sounds like what you are describing.

    Off to go play in chat for a bit. See you all tomorrow.

    Well shoot howdy another page.
    Christine he's a cutie.
    hi Iris, Laura, BooSue, and Jan.
    Denise, I thought it was funny.
    See ya
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007

    Hi Linda, welcome to the circle. Hugs hon. I'm sorry to hear about your mom.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Linda, welcome, you came to the right place...Hugs

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    This is my 2yr.old GS, Kevin, who is actually starting to like his "Gong" (grandma) somewhat. He is sitting on my lap! He's been on my lap a few times now. I can't get the pic to resize. I'm trying to make it smaller so it doesn't mess up the whole page. Well, I can't fix it. Sorry.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Yes, I posted a pic with myself in it, go figure. I'm trying to get my avatar changed and I have another shot of me but I can't remember how I did it before. I've changed it twice but I'll be darned if I can get it now.

    Iris, thanks for the compliment. I remember talking to you on the discussion boards. I thought you meant chatting in 'chat'. Come on over to the Cyber Party thread, we get pretty silly but we have alot of fun.

    Jazmanian, glad you didn't land in the slammer. You might've run into Meaner than me. Oh no, I forgot she's out on parole. OOPS, did I 'accidentally' say too much? hahaha

    Tracy, sorry you were in a bad mood today. I don't blame you. Maybe you'll feel better tomorrow. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

    Anne, good for you going topless! I wore ball caps cos it was summer and wigs were so hot.

    Vickie, you're eye any better? I'll participate in your journal for you. C'mon you girls, Vickie doesn't ask for anything and this is important to her. I can take the time to write a couple of pages about my experience, couldn't some of the rest of you? C'mon now, you can do it. I know you can. Won't take long.

    Liz, my goodness I appreciate the CD but why didn't you keep it? I assumed you knew all about crocheting. Silly girl.

    Gus/Sue, anytime you can't sleep in the middle of the night I am probably still up. If you feel like talking to someone pm me, I'm a good listener.

    NS, hope you're doing better today. I'm so sorry there's nothing I can do to help. Is there anyone staying with you to help out?

    Meaner, hey. Hope you're doing alright.

    Whoever asked about the pups, little Mork & Mindy both seem to be fine.

    Susan, thanks for coming over yesterday. I hope nobody ever finds out what really happened. It was just too much fun!

    Hey to Nicki, Janny, MB, Margaret, Laura, Christine, Denise, Karen in Denver, Colleen, Shel, Joyce, Betty, Odalys, Michele, Theresa, Robin, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Puppy, Ginney, Holly, Jule, CY, Jeannie, Shirley, Cheryl, and there's somebody I'm missing and I just can't think who, wishing you all a good nights sleep and that you wake up with a light heart and a feeling of peace that lasts the whole day. Tomorrow is friday, you know.

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited March 2007
    Hey Cheri, nice to finally "meet" you, if only by pic. From another MO gal, you know we say, "Show-Me"
    BTW, darling grandson. These lil boys, I believe will be better men and husbands, because of what they have learned from our trials, sad to say.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Cheri - what a beautiful picture of grandma and Kevin. He is a doll.
    Madison - TB - what the f***! I sure hope DD is okay.
    Biker - thanks - today is the first day off the antibiotics and I can't believe how much better I feel.
    Anne - topless - yeah - atfirst I was thinking shirtless - now where is my brain. I much preferred being "naked" to wearing my wig or hat. It was fun for people to watch the hair grow back.
    Robin - hugs
    Sheri - hugs - so sorry that you had to have the Aranesp shot.
    Christine - great pic - what a handsome guy
    Betty - I like the freezer idea - but my DS is almost 18, so I guess its too late for him.
    Cheri - you stay up later than me. Glad to hear pups are doing well. Mork and Mindy - I loved that show - Robin Williams is such a crazy guy.
    Cy- thanks for the update on your dad - glad to hear that he came through the surgery well.
    Sue - congrats on being chosen to be a patient navigator through the ACS.
    Margaret - I will add probiotics to my list of meds. when I was on chemo they wouldn't let me take them, and then I forgot about them.
    NS - did you get that darn drain out today? How are you coming along. It has been a rough few weeks for you. Sending hugs your way and hoping you turn the corner poste haste.
    Well today was the "unveiling". It was all I could do last night to not cut off the darn "steel corset". I can't believe how much better I feel today - both without the antibiotics and without the surgical bra and tape. I forgot what it feels like to wear a bra after not wearing one for a year. I am pretty happy with the outcome. Of course the prophy side looks better than the BC side (mostly due to the rads), but I can't complain. It is so much better than the expanders. And I am symmetrical. I think the prophy side is a little bigger than the BC side and the BC side looks a little deformed, but in a bra you really can't tell. I have one of my old bras on and it fits. so I am pretty much the same size as I was before which is what I wanted. DH even said that he thinks I look pretty much the same in a bra as before BC (from what he could remember). He gave me a hug and it was nice to not have the rock expanders between us. I never expected the implants to look normal, so I am quite pleased with the outcome. I see the PS nurse in 4 weeks and she will teach me how to massage the implants - especially the radiated side. I was massaging it before the exchange, but I will leave it be till the follow up next month. PS nurse also said I wouldn't have to wear a bra after that if I didn't want to. But to be honest, at almost 51, I think I am too old not to wear either a bra or cami under my clothes. for the past year, I've worn little girl camis. Maybe its time to look for some big girl camis (like big girl panties!!!) Well now its time for this ole body to heal.
    Sexy Nicki, Vickie, Denise, Mena, Deb, MB, Amy, Anne and all the other girls, thanks so much for being here. The CG's are the best!!! KAren in Denver
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    yo, yo, yo!!!!! lol!

    i am having about the absolute shittiest days of my life lately (if you can believe it)

    so i figured other than saying "hi", i'll just avoid this place till i get back from the keys, and avoid the insurance company, and my completely crappy employer for a while!!!

    sooooooo....... "hi guys", i do not have the presence of mind to respond to anything right now, but i love ya'll, and i'll get back on track when i get home and get this insurance bullshit straightened out!...........what a frigging nightmare lol!

    if i thought cancer was a nightmare, then i met the "manulife financial bitch"......... "no comparison"!!!!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited March 2007
    holy shit.........i'm officially forty!

    man oh man, i've been so busy "fighting city hall" that i forgot lololol!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Happy birthday
    remember...You're beautiful damn it!
    Do we need to gang up on your insurance natzi?
    Don't avoid us because times are rough. Is there something we can do to help?

    Have a great time in the keys
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: TGIF! Man, I couldnt wait to say that. It has been a long week.

    So I found out yesterday our entire NH is going to some sort of uniforms. Colors for each department. Since I dont really belong to any department, they a getting me lab coats. The owners voted for pastel pink ones! It was an attempt to make me happy about the change, and it worked. Now I have another reason to go out and buy some outfits that will match pastel pink!

    LKE/Linda: OMG I was so excited to see you post. We are old friends! Old chat buddies. Just seeing you brightened my day. These sleepy eyes popped wide open when I say your name. Moving Beyond isnt as easy as we thought it might be and this thread is a wonderful place to visit. Sorry to hear about your mom. Man, I cant imagine going through chemo at 78, it was hard enough at 55. So I hope she does ok and gets through this. I used to always call you ike on the chat. Anyways a big warm welcome to an old friend from Nutty Nicki Nurse.


    Robin: What a wonderful trip down memory lane. "Summer Breeze" is such a good song. I could actualy picture myself in a different world, young again, and free spirited. Great minds think and feel alike

    Amy: Lexapro is newer. Its the grandbaby of Celexa. Newer and improved. It would have cost me $40.00/month vs Celexa being $10.00. I was scared to change at first, but its working just fine. And I dont think its your imagination. It puts back balance when our endorphins and seratonin levels are outta whack. They can try to take some medications away from me, but will get a punch in the nose if they try to take my celexa and xanax away. Im just a nasty old person without them.

    Liz: Despite everything going on in your life, you sound chipper. Hard to keep that smile when you are wearing the "caregiver" hat all the time.

    Sue/Gus: My heart is heavy knowing you have all this stuff to deal with everyday. It has to be draining. My BS has a son with autism. He has all kinds of stuff in his office educating people about it. I know if it were me, my nerves would be frazzled. But dont you stay away, we will miss you around here.

    Denise: I can so relate to the "parrot talk" since more of the people I evaluate have some form of dementia, in addition to new medical problems. Always have a soft spot in my heart for the geriatric population.

    Boo/Sue: In my younger days I would work 12 hour shifts. There is no way now I could work 9 1/2 hours. It would kill me and my spirit. Im blessed that I dont have a time clock. I go out, do my evaluations and come home. Average day is about 6 hours and getting paid full time. I think that is the major reason I wouldnt change jobs. Where would I have it easier than this?

    Laura: Hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Its gonna be good to just get away.

    Iris: Glad you like the pic. Actually that one made me laugh out loud when I found it.

    Sherloc: You hit it right on the nose. Strep is the cause of scarlett fever. Before we had a wide range of antibiotics it was pretty serious. Caused heart damage. Maybe I have you mixed up with someone else. But the song unwritten is on Debc tape and I thought you mentioned you liked it. Geez, to think Im thinking of you everyday and its not ever your song. Now thats chemo brain.

    Karen: My proph side is bigger than the bc side. What amazes me most is how soft they are. Glad your happy with the outcome.

    Well, the last day of the work week begins for me NOW! Gotta go take a shower. Hoping everyone has a great day.

    Cheri: The picture of you and your grandson is awesome.

    Oh, just one more thing. So a couple of days ago my DH says I look sexy. Yesterday he was counting my trips to the kitchen - you got it - wake up hungry again. So he says, well the only way your gonna lose weight is to not eat for 2 dyas at a time. I looked at him and said - you are crazy nutcase.


    Have a grand day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    I am soooo tired...geez.
    Good morning sunshine sisters.
    Not time to read back...I'll be back later. Hope the time clock police don't catch me. Oh wait...I'm the time clock police LOL!
    I love ya all...each and every one and I'll catch up later.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited March 2007
    Oh Nicki, you gave me hair!!! That's exactly what I look like with my empty coffee cup.

    Good morning everyone. It's TGIF. Today we get our server back and I'm so happy. We have spent the last two days in meetings (5 people office!) and rearranging the office. Why is it when a new boss come they think they know what will work in a small space when they have only been there two months. Yesterday, we moved boxes back into a room that we have previously moved out. We have some shelves to put up today so the contents of the boxes will have a home. It did imspire me to move some things around in my office. I like the arrangement much better. At least this boss doesn't dictate what we do with "our" space.

    DH bought me a great pair of headphones yesterday for my ipod. I hate ear buds, but that was all I had. I have my Circle Girls songs on it and listen at work. Our walls are so thin I can hear my neighbor's phone conversations and radio. This little baby that DH bought (one for him too) wraps around your head and has hooks that go over your ears and the ear piece actually stays in your ear.

    I haven't checked out the cyper party yet, so I don't know what's up for the weekend. Something good, I'm sure. We're hanging around here. I was hoping to do some yard work, but don't you know winter returned. It's in the 40s here right now. Well, I have plenty of inside work to do. Next weekend we are taking off on Fri for a little overnight in South Carolina. I can't wait. Then we'll have Easter dinner with friends. This is the same friend that asks the rude questions about our finances. But she also includes all her local friends in family get togethers. She throws a great party at Christmas. So it's kinda like a love hate thing. Actually, it's no hate. I do love her. She just irritates the fire out of me sometimes. And when it gets personal, I can't chalk it up to "Well, that's just her."

    I love all the pics of the kids.

    Better run an fill up that coffee cups. Even with short hair, I'm starting to resemble that picture again. LOL

    Hugs to all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Well its about time Betty and Vickie. I was wondering where my sunshine buddies were!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Morning All,

    Just afghan an packaged and its ready to go....

    Have PT this morning (YULK)

    Have a good morning.

    Be back later.

    Shel, Happy Birthday.....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. Stormy weather all night here and I believe it's calling for rain all week-end. Oh well, at least it's not freezing and making Ice!

    Christine, it's nice to "meet" you, too.! I worked on that silly pic for an hr. and couldn't get the resized one to post, I really didn't want it to post that big. You have a cute nephew.

    Karen, thank you for the compliment on my little Kevin. Ya see, he's never been close to me like his big brother always has been. In fact, he..uh...really hasn't liked me much. But he's warming up so I had to post a pic on my lap because it's a bit unusual.

    I can't remember how to post my avatar! Can anyone help me out? I've got the pic resized on Photobucket but can't get my home page here to take it but I coudln't recall how to do it. *Pulling out the Chemo-Brain Card*

    Betty, nice that your dh got you headphones for your IPOd. Come on over to the Cyber Par-Tay since you're gonna be home this week-end, we usually have some sort of nonsense goin on. lol

    Mornin Vickieroo and Nickster. TGIF for you happy campers!

    Liz, if memory serves me (hahaha) I think you're from Tulsa or somewhere there in OK. You got tornados and storms? We had quite a thunder storm last night. Seems like whatever you get(or whoever it is I'm thinking of) then it heads right to us! Quit doing that if the weather is ugly, would ya? lol

    Meaner? Are you hangin round?

    Hey to Susan, Janny, Shel, Jazmanian, Amy, Brenda, Carrie, Deese, Denise, Joyce, Theresa, Robin, Margaret, MB, Laura, Colleen, Odalys, Iris, Jule, Sue, Boo, Kristen, Michele and anyone else that I may have mistakenly forgotten. Wishing you each and every one a wonderful day. It's still early enough that nothing too bad has ruined anyones day yet i hope. Take care and be safe today.

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007

    I miss you guys!

    I STILL have the drain. It is because of the radiation damage from my first cancer.... I don't know- I may be reaching Shel's drain record!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I just posted a Happy Birthday to Shel..Where did it go? I don't know if I pushed the wrong key or if it is floating somewhere out in cyberland! Here we are again..

    HAPPY 40th. SHEL!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    NS, Yikes!! I was so hoping you would be drain-free today. Great big hugs.

    Carrie, Happy Birthday.
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    NS, So sorry about your drains. I keep hoping you'll be able to get them out.

    Gentle Hugs,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good Friday morning ladies......NS I have been alittle amazed at the long term side effects of radiation.....the last meeting I had with my Rad dx she told me because of the size of my breast that the radiation is increased and my side effects would probably last at least 2 yrs and some effects may never go away.........anyway you hang in will get better......Cheri what a cute picture of you and maybe I'm not right but why do I have a feeling the you two are just alike....he so much looks like you.....I loved the pic you posted a while ago of him going thru the doggie door.........DebC thanks so much for the tip on the water saving capsules you can buy and put in the ground....I called my nursery and sure enough they have some......So ladies I am only working a half day today and going home to clean house...if you see my posting this afternoon will someone please tell me to step away from the computer and drop the mouse!!!!Tomorrow my daughter has band practice from 8:00 till noon and quess what...the nursery is just right down the street from her school.....I am going to spend all 4 hrs there...I can't go if I don't dust,vacuum, and mop today....I need help.....please encourge me to do what I suppose to do so I can play out in the yard tomorrow......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Oh Christine what a cutie your "Stephen" daughter's band teacher is having a reacurence of breast cancer after being ned for daughter is fed up to here (holding hand a foot above my head) with the whole breast cancer issue....I can't blame her....the two most important women in her life and we both have bc and the same bs specialist.......go figure.....Odalys what a heart breaker you to love the dimple........Vickie I just want to give you shout undertake these projects and get the ball rolling...the afgans are just wonderful....all you ladies that are making such hugh differences in our lives by knitting squares and then Vickie and Madison bringing that love together in these afgans is just wonderful....Vickie are you getting much response in the journal quest????I take it that you want these journal entries in our own handwriting not to just pm you our entries.....maybe you could talk alittle more in what you are looking for...I think it is a great idea....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Oh and one more thing Vickie I'm sorry that the first journals got hijacked....that just #*& know what I mean....and Amy I just love the name are going to have to post his pic...............

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    overslept, off to work out. Back in a bit.
    Shokk go clean your house.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday Carrie!
