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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited March 2007
    Good morning CG's
    Today is the last day of my spring break. Thought I would check in early.
    SHEL- HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope you are back online one more time to see all your greetings before you head off the the sun and sand. Have a wonderful trip.
    NS-as always thanks for keeping us updated. I sure hope that you have feel good days soon. You deserve it.
    Nicki - pink lab coat - I love it!
    I stayed up with Miriam and her two girlfriends till midnight last night (and then took two 15mg Restoril) and today I am wiped out- couldn't get up and feel foggy. Funny thing is, many nights I am up till midnight or later, butI don't know what was different about last night. I didn't take notes, but I am thinking of you all. Wishing everyone a feel good day. TGIF. Hope to check back in later to day. Karen in Denver
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Hello CGs,
    Another quick post from work again, since my puter ate 3 posts last night. I can't even remember what I was trying to say .

    Cheri, love the pics. See, your little Kevin is coming around. I told you my GS hated me and he finally came around.

    NS, drains begone!!!!!!! Let it be so!

    Shel, Happy 40th!!!

    Vickie, how's your eye today?

    Nicki, I have got to get back on track after this weekend. Big family party at my house tomorrow, so I'll start again on Mon. I will exercise, however!

    I know I missed most of you. No time to take notes and I can't remember sh*t . Love you all!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday...dear Shel and Carrie...
    Happy Birthday to you!
    close your eyes, make a wish,
    and blow out the candles....

    PS: Got to run now but will be back later to chat. Have a great day ladies!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Oops...before I forget...How is our jail house bird doing today???? Since I read your post I can't get this song out of my head. So here it goes....

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Hi ladies...only got a couple minutes to post...last day of the month for me and I'm buried at my desk.
    Gini honey...we miss you too. Know that you are in the center of our circle and we are all sending you good thoughts, positive energy and lotsa prayers and hugs.
    Christine...what a doll he is. So sad that little ones have to have such sadness in their lives. Nathaniel is a very serious prayer too.
    Shirley and Jan...not pink eye...think I scratched it somehow. It's better but not totally yet. You'll have to watch my drinks tonight cuz I know how Cheri is!
    Linda...welcome to you...this is a grand place to be.
    Cheri...wonderful picture of you and your little guy! What a sweety he is. Thanks for joining the journal project!!!
    Betty dear...grab a princess dress and join us in the cyber party!
    shokk...runnin out of time..geez...I'll be back at my break and explain the journal in detail.
    You know what ladies....
    I love ya all!
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi all,

    Welcome Linda. Sorry that things are so hard for your Mom. You can come here to laugh or cry, whatever you need.

    NS You are the Best.
    Let's get the Beast and put it to Rest.

    Sue/Gus too funny put on your big girl thong. I picture me in a thong. Would I be laughing or going eewwwww?

    Christine, I just can't wait till baseball season starts. I'm ready for a trip to St. Louis. Your nephew is a cutie.

    Cheri, I'll never tell. what happens in Buffalo, stays in Buffalo.

    Happy Birtday Shel and Carrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Happy Birthday Shel and Carrie. Have some cake and don't do the dishes.

    To much to do today. Will catch up later.

    Vicki, I am not a writer, but will do my bestest to work something up for you. Do you have a deadline.

    Speaking of deadline......Have to put a deadline for bras on the quilt ladies. Gotta be able to finish it in time for PinkStock. Sooooooo
    I'm gonna say May 31. Please have your bras to me by then if you would like them included in the quilt. Also don't forget to send me your info, real name/screen name/location.

    Thanks bunches.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Have I told you lately that I love you
    Have I told you theres no one else above you (cept my kids)
    You fill my heart with gladness
    Take away all my sadness
    Ease my troubles
    That's what you do.
    And at the end of the day
    I thank God and pray
    Cuz your the ones
    Cuz your the ones

    wuv ya's all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Hoping you all had a wonderful day. I was planning on cleaning my closet this week-end. Ya know getting rid of the Winter clothing and bringing out the Spring and Summer stuff. Well husband just informed me that they are talking about snow next week. Ahhhh April in Chicago can always be so interesting.

    Shokk: If you are reading this, then you are not cleaning!! So get back to work.

    Karen: They are keeping this whole change in dress code very quiet. The grand opening will be on the 10th. But hey, I think a pink lab coat is cool too.

    Jan: No exercise tonight for me. Computer and wine. I have all week-end to catch up lol.

    Odalys: Oh what a great video. I just love those hips jirating.

    OK everyone! Quiet day. I will see ya all in the cyber party thread.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Hello ladies!
    I've skimmed 3 or 4 pages and hope I didn't miss anyones celebrations, procedures or special needs.

    Vickie, Christine, Cheri, Odalys and I just know I'm forgetting someone........Your boys are beautiful! I've got to read the directions on posting again....Got to add my little Granddaughter to the group!!
    Cheri: See, your GS loves you!!!!

    Jasmine: BYOF to jail! Guess it beats bread and water!
    Anne: Loved your take on the jail house stripes and tic tac toe!

    Deb: Hope all is going well with the Strep B problem. A bit scary for all of you. Prayers.

    Madison: Another beauty put out by you! Hope physical terrorist wasn't to brutal today and hope it's doing the job. Has your dd had anymore word about the TB scare? Are they testing all?

    NS: Dam##, the drains remain. I think we will put you in the center of the circle tonight and chant, "no more drains, no more drains." What a drag that your Onc dropped your Ins.

    Cy: I'm glad your Dads surgery went well. Praying for a good recovery.

    Odalys: I missed something. Who's GIVING or GETTING Boobie massages? Sign me up, buttercup!

    Tracy: Those hours and days are pathetic. I hope there is some benefit in it for you. (besides keeping your job.)

    Anne: I knew there was a bit of Wild in you! WhooHoo, going topless!

    Robin: Remain strong and know we are here. When is your Chemo done? And I am GLAD you are ready to kick the Moran out on his A** and get on with your life!

    Cheri and Amy: Love the dogs names. I had neighbors who named their Labs, Levi and Strauss! My Idiot first Husband named our Shepard, Tokey! I was young and stupid and did not even think a thing of it. Duh!

    As you all know....I'll be right back!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    I'm back!!

    Nicki: Scabies, I haven't heard of that in a long time. It isn't very common anymore is it?

    Liz: Glad your cousin is doing good. Sounds like she really is trying. And glad you didn't admit yourself!

    IshopSue and Liz: I haven't attended a AlAnon meeting, but I do hear the support and closeness developed there are fantastic. I've got a book on it I'm going to dig out. It's quite old but I don't think they update them often, if ever.

    Sheri: I hope things are going better for you and I hope you are feeling better.

    Gus/Sue: You know we are here. Come, talk and let us comfort.

    Laura: Hope you have a safe and fun trip!

    Linda: Please, join us whenever you feel like it. Take heed though..this site can be addictive!

    Shirley: Sounds like you had a fun day with the girls. I don't really have many girls around to hang with. Seems like all my friends are "on line" friends. Which by the way, I would not give one of you up!

    Karen: Yeah! The Girls are Free! The Steel Corset is gone! Now you can swing them to the right and swing them to the left. (or if you are like me...just lay down and they pretty much flop to the side on their own!!)

    Carrie: I missed saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' earlier! Hope you are having a good one!


    Love and Hugs to all!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Denise: Scabies - its around big time. For some reason we are seeing a "super scabies" in the Chicagoland area. The hospitals and dermatologists are misdiagnosing it. This week alone we admitted 4 patients from 3 different hospitals with scabies. Very common with children in schools too.

    So watch out for itching, then these tiny pin prick scabs sort of make tracks on the skin. Usually found on the back, chest, upper arms, and legs.

    And to think Im going into these patient rooms holding hands and hugging people. I have to stop being so touchy feely.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Hi girls - I'll post more later but I need your HELP!

    I'm going to make a plate for my cousin's ceremony. Send me your favorite sayings, versus etc. please. I have a few but need more ideas.

    Thanks bunches.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    aaauuuggghhhh...just lost my whole post!!!! No time to to take Nathaniel to the circus. are a made my day and Nathaniels...I can now send out yarn to a bunch of ladies that need it. You are look exactly like a best friend of mine...they say everyone has a double and she is yours...I will try to post a pic of her because you will be amazed. Thank you thank you thank you.
    Ok all...come to the cyber party with your princess dresses but watch out for Cheri...she swipes blue drinks.
    Alwayshope...where are you?
    Did Shel run off to the Keys again?
    Boobie massage...hmmm...I missed something!
    Love and hugs to everyone...I will return.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Vickie and Christine - adorable boys, thanks for sharing their pictures. I agree, too bad our boys have to go through all this stuff. Perhaps, they will be better adults for having gone through so much at such a tender age. I don't think mine understands the severity of this dx since I'm the first one in the family to be dx with ca and I am doing so well (Thank God). Sometimes he will hear something on the tv or radio and will say, look mom she has/d breast cancer like you. One time when I was feeling so sick due to chemo, he asked me if I was going to die and wanted me to promise him I would live to be 200. It broke my heart cause I couldn't promise that, but I did promised him I would do whatever it took to live to be atleast 100. He hugged me and has never asked me about death again. I go the extra mile to make sure his routine and schedule are not disrupted. This is my way of making sure his world is not completely consumed by my dx. Is the least I can do.

    I'll be back later, got to go catch up with all the post.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    Liz...I love the quote

    "We cannot direct the wind but we CAN adjust the sails!!"
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Hi all, I don't really have much to talk about and my brain is kinda on the fritz today, so I can't remember a lot of details but I must say for about the millioneth time that you all are the most remarkable ladies. I love reading your posts. The little details that you share are always interesting. It's an intelligent group also and funny. And did I forget beautiful. Well dammit that should have been the first thing I mentioned. Gold stars for everyone.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited March 2007

    Love You CG'S!!!! Gods Speed. Puppy

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Just checking in to see if ya'll got my back.....only thing left to do is mop the bathroom floor....and quess what I unopen bottle of Bailey' was in a box in the back of the closet my ex left behind.....yipeeeeeee.....check in after I am done.......

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Liz: I'd love to help, but don't really know what you need. What kind of a plate are you making?

    Nicki: I always have been touchy/feely with my clients too. I think I'll drop the latex gloves and dig out the haz mat outfit! Not a laughing matter..well worth the post.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited March 2007
    Good Evening Ladies,

    Not much time to post, I have to go to the cyber party for a little while. Sounds like everyone is doing a little better than last week.

    I love you all and all are in my prayers! I have my DHs whole family coming over tomorrow and there is lots to do.
    Hugs and kisses!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited March 2007
    Evening girls,

    Let me say I hate living in tornado alley. Sick of this weather. The roads are flooding and people are having to be rescued in Oklahoma City. Cheri, Susan and Christine I think it’s headed your way DH is all ready for the city wide garage sale tomorrow. Wonder what his plans are if it rains? Hmmmm.

    Cheri – I have lots of jeans that are different sizes. Thanks to Arimidex, I know I will never fit into the ones I’m selling – they’re size 1’s. I will never see that size again.
    Love your new pic! Good to see you. I kept a copy of the CD I sent you hon. I just haven’t taken the time to watch it again. LOL I’m in Ponca City which is northwest of Tulsa. Yep lots of storms! Be safe. I’ll put the word out it needs to head in a different direction.

    Christine – what a cutie Stephen is. He’s a strong young man and has endured so much in his short life.

    LKE/Linda!!!! So glad you joined us. We used to chat awhile back. Sorry about your mom. Special prayers for you and your family. Stay here and we’ll keep you in the inner circle.

    Sher – A Reach for Recovery rep is someone who talks with you after your surgery. I personally think it would be better to talk with a newly diagnosed person before surgery but that’s not how they do it. Still undecided on it. I have no idea why they’re doing the CT on the kid. I’m thinking because he’s had recurrent sinus infections. He went to the doc for chest pain (his dad died at 39 of heart problems). The doc didn’t say anything about that though. Me thinks we’ll be looking for another doc soon. Oh and I sent you a bra yesterday! You have all my person info right?

    Karen – glad the corset came off today. You’re going to feel so much better now. Hugs

    Shel – Woohooo! 40 and fabulous.

    Carrie – Happy Birthday!

    Nicki – your pictures always make me smile. Men are stupid just like boys except we should throw bricks at them instead of rocks.

    Betty – I need to get an Ipod. Sounds like you’ve been busy. Sometimes people are just idiots aren’t they?

    Gina – gentle hugs dear. I hope things are improving somewhat.

    Jan – don’t you hate it when you lose your post? I do all mine in Word now and then copy and paste.

    Vickie – hope your eye is feeling better. Thanks for the quote.

    Denise – at this ceremony, you present your family member with a plate of sayings, quotes, versus whatever that you’ve made showing your support and how proud you are of their accomplishments. The person leaving makes a cup with something similar and in 11 months, they return to pick them up. Does this make any sense? It’s kinda hard to explain.

    Susan – my DH has always said we need to go to St. Louis for a baseball game. I’ve always ignored him as I don’t know much about the sport. Maybe I should learn.

    Odalys – what a sweetheart you have.

    Lisa – great quote – thanks so much.

    Puppy – Hi kiddo. How’s it going?

    Mena –Where are you? Need more jewelry? Hugs

    Shokk – well way to go! Now you’re making me feel guilty because I haven’t mopped this week. Geez. I’ll do it tomorrow.

    Okay, I’ve missed many again, but need to turn this off it’s lightening like crazy!

    Hugs to you all
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2007
    Vickie – I think the most interesting thing about April in Chicago is how y’all seem to manage to send your weather on to Detroit a few hours later. I am SO ready for warm weather…

    Shokk – When you get done with your cleaning, wanna come to my house? No? Stop laughing! It was worth asking and my house isn’t any dirtier than it was before I asked.

    Liz – I’m jealous that you EVER fit into size ones. And I thought I was doing okay today because I got back into the jeans I couldn’t button in early February.

    Betty – I love my iPod. Except I only play one album lately. I’ll bet you can guess which one, too!

    I was going to write a big post, but as usual for Friday, I’m beat. I have to work tomorrow at an event that’s going to keep me on my feet for several hours, so it’s time for Ambien and bed for me.

    Night All,
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    OK…If I thought there was even a tiny chance I would find a new bottle of Bailey’s if I cleaned my house it might get my behind off the couch LOL!!!

    Anyone want a funny/gross scabies story?? If not…quit reading now! If I remember right scabies is actually a little skin parasite, a mite I think, that eats along under your skin to lay its eggs…something like that. You end up with a rash that looks like little red lines where the mite went…gross huh?

    Well, my dad works at a hospital in town and years ago they had someone in the hospital that had a rash. A nurse’s assistant told her doc that she thought the patient had scabies. The Doc was an a$$ and chewed the poor nurse assistant out for daring to diagnosis a patient…was a real jerk about it. So this poor girl just shut up.

    Well, the patient was recovering from a stroke and was being seen by about 3 docs, PT, OT, respiratory therapists…darn near every department in the hospital was working with her. After about 3 or 4 weeks, someone noticed that one of the PT’s had a weird rash on her arm…Hmmmmm…that looks like scabies. One after another they found people…both workers and other patients in the hospital that had scabies! Tons and TONS of people. All because this jerk of an arrogant Doc wouldn’t listen to a nurse assistant. They were ordering Quell (I think that is the name) lotion that kills scabies in 5 gallon BUCKET sized tubs. I think my dad said they had to treat about 250 people by the time they were done.

    It makes me itch just to think about it….want to talk about lice next? LOLOL I work at a school and could tell stories that would make you run for the shower….
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007
    Okay it's late and, as usual, I can't get to sleep. Anyone else on night duty?

    I tried to catch up with all the posts but it's been a very hectic week, lots of doctors appointments and had to complete a ton of paper work with my new employer. Geeze, they put me through a physical, background check, criminal check, credit check, finger printed me and finaly took my picture Id. I am not happy with the picture ID; wish I had more hair. I'll have to flash this ID all day long. This was suppose to be my week off. I was going to spend some time with myself and relax...not a chance. On Monday we will drive up to visit some friends in Maryland and we're thinking of taking Steven to see the White House. It's his Spring break and he is so excited.

    Any CG's living in Maryland? We will drive up the East Coast and stay overnight in South Carolina. I hope the weather is nice.

    Deb - Docs have such an ego. Hey how about ring worm; very common too.

    Nickie - they tested me for so many drugs including narcotics, hallucinogents, antidepressants, and as usual alcohol. I'm not worried because I wrote down every drug that I take. The RN who did the physical shared that her mom is an 18 year cancer survivor. She had endometrial cancer, underwent chemo, and radiation and is doing great. She is now in her 80's.

    BTW - here is an interesting story that appeard on tonight's late news regarding patient ID theft.
    Scary to think we give our personal information in order to receive care and someone would take advantage of our vulnerability. This employee is in deep trouble with the Feds now because HIPAA law makes this a Federal offense punishable by fines and even jail time.

    Oh boy, I'm so looking forward to starting my new job!

    Okay, enough rambling, I should get to bed because Steven has a 9 am baseball game and I need a good 7-8 hours of shut eye.

    Prayers go out to all the CG's tonight. Pleasant dreams everyone, talk with you tomorrow.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hi ladies!!!!

    was out for a bit tonight...was a nice night had a few beers with some old friends around a camp fire!!
    just wanted to wish shel a happy birthday!! and carrie to:):)

    happy birthday to you!!!!!!!
    happy birthday to you!!!
    i know i sputter!


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007

    Hey Tracey - You got any beer left, please send some my way.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Wow, busy Friday. Just woke up from an after work nap probably because I just switched to decaffinated coffee. Going to try to eliminate most caffeine from my diet. I don't know why, just thought I would try.

    Tracey, so sorry about the nights and weekends. Have you asked why? I used to work a second job and made the mistake of saying I could work till 'closing' on the application not knowing that closing meant 1 am to 2 am in the morning and not when the store actually closed to the public. It was a mess and the manager seemed to give closing to only a certain few of us. It should be alloted fairly between workers in my opinion. Just keep moving ahead with your course work so you can get a better job soon.

    Anne, congrats on taking the 'topless' plunge. My hair seemed to grow faster once I quit wearing the wigs and scarves.

    Robin, how is your shoulder? Better I hope. I remember that song too "Summer Breeze"....blowing through the jasmine of my mind... They sure had the best music back then. I hope your daughter delivers a healthy baby soon.

    Amy, when are you going to post pics of the goats?

    Madison, has your daughter been tested for the TB yet?

    Liz, take care in all those storms. Surprisingly, we haven't gotten any of that storm system over here. The pics on the news looked bad. My LE doesn't hurt or ache, I just have a big fat arm and sometimes the back of my hand and fingers are swollen.

    Sheri, I sure hope you are feeling better today.

    Sue/Gus, so glad to see you posting.

    Tracey, I sure would hate to be that parachute guy. Now THAT'S a bad day!

    Denise, I never heard of the 'parrot' talk before. How interesting and sad also.

    Sue/ sorry you are sore. The weekend is here and hopefully you can get some down time from working.

    Jan, it seems like those cops could take rotating shifts so at least one person could respond to emergencies.

    Iris, how are things going with getting your house back in order?

    Christine, your nephew is a doll.

    Linda/ sorry to hear about your mother.

    Cheri, hurray...looks like you are winning your grandson over little by little. Great picture!

    Karen, congrats on the reconstruction results! I remember being glad to get the expander out. At the end it felt like I was walking around with a bowling ball on my chest.

    Shel, happy birthday

    Nicki, before I got to start telecommuting there were many morning I wished we had work uniforms just so I wouldn't have to decide what to wear. Just pull out the ole uniform and be done with it.

    Laura, I guess I missed where you are going on your trip. Anyway, have fun.

    Betty, 5 people in an office? Wow, not much privacy huh? The company I work for has cubicles and the ones with only half walls. It took me a long time to get used to that. Always had a 'room' office before this company. I never truly appreciated the Dilbert cartoons until this company. Now I get to telecommute and get so much more work done without all the distractions of hearing other peoples telephone conversations, etc. I need to get me an ipod one of these days.

    Madison, the afgan was just beautiful. Thank you to you and Vickie for all your hard work.

    Cheri, I see you got help with posting your avatar. You are beautiful, darn it! LOL Love the names Mork and Mindy. Very cute!

    NS, are you saying you are now the reigning 'drain queen?' So sorry you are having such a hard time with this. Are you still in alot of pain? Hopefully, things will turn around for you soon.

    Shokk...step away from the computer and put the mouse down! Right now! I gave up on keeping a clean house during chemo and now I just don't sweat it. Of course, the termite company called this week and scheduled my annual inspection for of I care and will probably spend this weekend cleaning a bit so the guy doesn't go back and cancel my policy on account of 'being a slob.'!!!

    Jan, hi. Sorry bout the posts. the song! LOL Boy doesn't that video bring back memories. I had such a crush on Elvis Presley. He sure was athletic in his younger days.

    Vickie, how is your eye doing? The afgan is beautiful!

    Susan, hi...hope you are staying safe in the storms moving through. Glad you kept Cheri from drinking all the blue drinks even if you had to make a personal sacrifice by drinking them yourself. Yu's a good friend!

    Shirley, hi...hope you had a good day.

    Nicki...snow??? No way! That is just so unfair. The lawn guy is supposed to mow my lawn tomorrow. If he doesn't show up I'm gonna need a machete to clear a path for my dog soon.

    Denise, I thought it was funny too! The ones getting the daytime jail sentence were the ones caught driving on a suspended license so it wasn't like they were the hardened criminal types. So, I guess its like going to work for them only to jail and bring lunch. of my favorite quotes since diagnosis is 'the measure of a life is its donation, not its duration.'

    Odalys, what a touching story!

    SoCalLisa, that is a lovely quote.

    Susan, hi, hope you had a good day.

    Puppy, you too. Hope you are feeling better each day.

    Shokk...exactly what are you going to finish before you check in again. The baileys or the cleaning? ROFL!

    Liz...size 1 jeans? Where do you even buy that size? I've seen some size 2's that my big toe wouldn't even fit into. Wow!

    Well, looks like I missed the party but maybe tomorrow night. Have a good evening everyone.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Deb, how are things going with the strep B outbreak? Hope you and your family are still in the clear and healthy.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    hey jasmine.....
    ya i talked to the boss and his response was that we are short staffed and he is the boss and i am next in line for the shit shifts!!! i am regular day time but we lost another front desk girl so i have to fill her shifts untill we can find someone!!!
    makes sense i guess and plus he promised july and aug i will get day shift and weekends off!! so we will see!
    hahaha jas are you writting us from alcatraz????

    here is something to ponder! ha!


    tracey was here!