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  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007

    Tracey - ponder indeed. Now, if I could only remember where I put my ATM card and check book. It seems I've missplaced them this week. Yikes, hope they are missplaced and not lost!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    The strep update is still all good. We have no sign of anyone in our family getting sick and there are less people in the hospital today than early this week.

    The funeral is tomorrow. It will be a hard one and the family can use your prayers.

    Sending hugs to all my sisters

    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Hoping all of you, dear friends, sleep well tonight. I should've went to bed a few hours ago. I just keep thinking I'll give myself until a certain time then when that time gets here I give myself another hour, time does slip away. I know I need more sleep. Just hate to give it up.

    Jasmine, I worked on changing that silly avatar last night and I'd done it twice before so I thought I knew what I was doing but it wouldn't take it. Then tonight I was on the Party thread and I glanced up and my avatar had changed. I hadn't even messed with it today. Oh well.

    NS, it's time for you to stop all this pussy-footin around with those drains and get well. You've been sick too long. I sure hope someone is with you or at least runs in daily to help you.

    Deb, prayers with the family at this time.

    I've popped in and out of here all day today and can't even remember what or when I posted last. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. This is the best group of people I've ever associated with, it's just too bad such a terrible thing had to bring us all together. I must be getting tired, cos I'm getting mushy. lol

    Sleep well dear friends,
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Hey there,Always Hope--thanks for asking abt me. I am getting there one day at a time. Been getting estimates of the lost items and serial #s--what a pain! The stores don't track them and it is really annoying. I had pics of the front of my TV! Ha! Been throwing away and taking stuff to GCW--should have done that yrs ago. Gave away lots of clothes that were too big or just didn't feel right.

    How abt you? Missed the court info except the bit abt taking food so to cut costs of the county/district. That was like unique(JMO). It's like you gotta bring your own everything everywhere now.

    Man,thongs,you must have that circle graph abt my life this week. I have walked and said over/over,why am I in this rm,etc? Went to turn on TV abt a mill times and then,saw the blank spots--had two stolen.

    Deb,that is good news abt the strep issue. What a scary thing as who would have thought? I rememb a young teenager dying of a strange infection(yrs ago) and it reminded me of that and how fragile we are. Not to go down as I have fought it all week. Good you have such a supportive and strong network. I rememb reading abt you going to one of your girls' track meets/events and both of you falling into each other's arms. May have my info screwy--just could pic both of you so glad/strong together last yr. Nice fam pics/scenery that you post.

    Odalys, hope that you have found that checkb/dehit cd by now. That is not fun to worry abt missing stuff. Been so stressed this wk that I get paranoid every time I lose something--immediately think I'll have to call the police again---hate we are all so crime-ridden in this country these days. Hope that you are feeling well there in sunny Miami!

    Cheri,after your wild trip w/the Queen,you may be in Buckingham Palace w/those guards by now! Hope all those blue drinks were tasty! That was a great ride on the ship and hope you got home safely and did not buy too many souvenirs from the Chip and Dale gang! LOL

    To everyone else,hello and happy April Fool's Day! Glad that March is leaving...need a fresh start here in sunny NC.

    All the best,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Yes its Saturday, yes I could have slept late, and yes Im up. Cant seem to sleep in even when I want to.

    Susan: I agree - there are so many wonderful people here. Thats one of the reasons I come here everyday. You all are the greatest.

    Denise: The scabies thingis scary. When I evaluate people one of the questions I ask is do you have a rash or feel itchy. Two people told me "just a winter itch" well guess what, those 2 had scabies.

    Jan: Oh so I see there is a big party at your house today. So what are we having for dinner and appetizers?

    Liz: That sounds like such a nice ceremony. My quotes dont seem to quite fit in but these are my favorites.

    "It doesnt matter who is right or wrong, its who looks best in the end."

    "Make sure you learn your elbow from a hot coal."

    "When life seems grey, remember - the sunshine is waiting for you a little further down the road."

    Anne: Well I guess we here in chicago are gonna be sending you rain, possibly snow and colder temps. So much for planting flowers. Guess Im gonna have to wait until the end of April!

    DEbc: That was a great story and its funny cause I had a similiar experience here. We had one patient that had 3 mind 3 dermatologists check him out. Ordered all kinds of prednisone and anti itch creams. I finially went to the patients primary doctor and he "tried" to chew my head off. But hey, being a nurse for as long as I have been, well I just chewed his head right back at him. He was still not believing me - so I did a scratch test and guess what. Sure enough - it was scabies. Had to Elimite the whole darn buliding. Every patient and employee. Of course this doctor didnt show his ugly head again until the whole building was cleaned. Now mind you, this isnt some old, unclean nursing home. Its the Premier Home for the North Shore of Chicago.

    Odalys: Man, see - thats why I would be hesitant changing jobs. Hate all that pre-employment stuff. We are required by law to do criminal background checks on all employees and patients entering our sub acute rehab. But finger prints? Oh I would hate that. And I would be in deep trouble with the drug screening. Xanax = benzodiazepines. Darvocet = opiates. Antidepressents =? all I know is Im on them. Soemhow it doesnt seem right that a company can find out all about you. I hate drug screening!! So I guess, I will just keep my current job! This identity theft is getting scary. Heard that TJ Max and Marshalls had all their information stolen. Has been happening since 2002 and they just found out. Sure am glad I didnt have a credit card with either of them. But geez! At a hospital? Your giving all your information. Social Security etc. This girl is in heep big trouble.

    Jasmine: Since I am around sick people all day long, Im almost relieved that a lab coat will be part of my dress code. I keep thinking about all the germs Im bringing home. They are being very cautious with me, cause a big part of my job is Marketing. So there has to be a middle ground with the dress code. A little clinical and a little marketing.

    Tracey: You life is broken down into segments? Now that hit a funny bone.


    Cheri: When do you sleep? Hmmmm lets see, I was in bed a 7pm and fell asleep around 8pm. Guess thats why I get up so early every morning.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Iris, the week-end is young! The beauty of Cyber Par-Tays is that I don't ever have a hang over, now I can't say that for some of out girls. Ahem. My friend Vickie, now she drinks a bit...too much. Shhhh, poor dear, doesn't have a clue that it isn't normal to snow ski off the side fo mountain nekked. lol Well, she did have a furry hat on. BTW, those Queens guards really don't have much of a sense of humor, ya know. Not a smile.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    Hey there,Cheri!
    Well,w/those bathing suits,those Buckingham Palace guards might even smile--whaddah you think? It was a fun cruise,for real--more fun than customer service trying to activate my telephone. Yuck! Hate new things to learn and getting the bugs out when you are old enough to be the momma of the one talking.

    Funny at Best Buy--sales associate said that old people like me didn't always buy phones with all that junk on them. I thought it was pretty funny at the time as when the hills are old...enough said. Glad to be here!

    Have a wonderful Sat---no sun yet! Must be from too many rinks,Cheri! Now, where is Vickie? She said she had to get up real early.

    Hey to you,Nicki! You must have a million of those neat-o pics. All of you,are so amazing and the way you manage to find pics of me----simply bee-autiful!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Good morning circle sisters
    Oh my...I just can't seem to get my butt outta bed these days!
    Um Cheri dear I do believe it was you who had a bit too much of the blue stuff and threw up on the Queen LOL. I seem to remember some skinny dipping too.
    Nicki...sunshine sister! You got up before me again. Woke up to the puppy lickin my nose. I love your quotes!
    Deb...sending prayers for the family that lost the little girl. So sad. Glad that you are all ok though. the pic...looks like my life too!
    Hmmm...someone posted a link about patient records. I need to look at that as I had another mysterious call from the hospital Wednesday. Wondering who is calling me from there! My docs promised not to use this number and took it off my charts so I know that it wasn't them.
    Good morning Iris, oh I wish I were in NC! Have considered moving there to be closer to my daughter. She is still talking about coming home and said she'd miss the warm weather. Don't know what she's gonna do.
    uh oh...SIL is here to get groceries and guess who isn't showered and dressed yet...yikes. Good thing she's used to it LOL.
    Love to all and I'll catch up later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007 eye feels normal this morning!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Iris and Vickie.

    Iris! Did you pull an April Fools Day joke on me? Isnt today March 31st? Oh this chemo brain is maddening sometimes.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited March 2007
    No,you are right,Nicki! I thought I was going to be gone today and get a head start. Well,that did not happen....Going back to ph store as this ph is too hard for this old body! Tech is good;however,a strait jacket is not! I wanted to be able to send emails--not happening.,I wish you lived here,too. We need all the kind-hearted people we can get. It is real sunny and pretty today. Hope you and Nate have a super day!

    Got to head out to buy a "real" phone for dummies. That prob is the book I should have bought--dummy guide to cell phones. I did e-mail cust service at two stores. It is time as consumers need good treatment,JMO! I need to chill... Wrote some letters abt good treatment this wk,too.

    Have a great one,everyone~
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited March 2007

    Good morning ya'll sure do look good this morning (cleaned monitor screen)....yea found the bottle of Baileys put it in the refregirator to chill (didn't want any pesking ice cubes deluting it) and quess what sat down to watch TV fell asleep on the couch and that is were my daughter found me this morning.....bottle still unopen...oh well maybe tonight.....we got those storms last night that is all over the news...I lost a couple of small tree branches but nothing major but the ground is just is going to be to wet today to mow and edge plant some flowers but I am leaving to go to the nursery....took my daughter to school but didn't realize that the storms were caused by a cold front but its like 55 degrees here.....came back to get a gals have a good morning....lets all try and eat something good for us......Alwayshope...very funny....went back and reread my post.....the way I spell and the way my mine works I really should be rereading all my post......NS thinking about you............

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Good morning girls,
    It's been a long week! I tried work and I don't like it! LOL..It will take some getting use to. I've been trying to keep up with the post but it is tuff.
    Deb-I am glad no one else is sick. I am praying for the family. To lose a child has to be the worse experience to go through. My heart breaks for all of you.

    Karen- How are you feeling?

    Who posted to PM them with our addresses? I know I read it somewhere but I can't remember.

    Kevin gets his report on Monday. I am leaving work at 3 and we have to be at CHOP at 3:30. I am also going to set up his heart surgery this week for sometime in June.
    I'll catch up later..DH is making Saturdays!!!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    So, where is the PurpleMB? Mena I gave ya a holler on your tin can this morning.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited March 2007
    Hi just checking in from work. Of course end of month and at my desk. I'll been really sick with a very bad cold. I know I caught it from someone here.LOL
    Just trying to get through work and back to bed. Terrible because my younger son's birthday was Thursday and mine is tomorrow and I could care less about anything. We'll take him out to dinner tomorrow (Sun) and cake& icecream with the whole family and friends on Monday.

    Thursday my girlfriends and I went to NYC to the Rachel Ray show but after waiting in line for 1 1/5 hours were told no more room. They gave us a VIP pass for any show we want in the fall. So we spent the day drinking our way through the city and ended up at Madison Square Garden watching the NIT finals!! What a weird and great day!! But of course I wanted to go home to bed because I felt so lousy.

    Just stopped in and will try later to stop for a break.

    Happy birthday to all Aries!!!xoxo
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited March 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!

    ugh working saturday mornings suck!!!!!!! thinking i should have a nap in the back office!!!!! ha!


    hey nikki did you ever get to look at the african webcam site???? i was on there late the other night and saw some pretty cool animals... we seen water buffalo, gizzelles(sp), i think hyenas not sure what they were but thinking hyenas.... and then we saw some monkeys.... now that was fun!!!!!!!!
    have a great saturday ladies and dont think of me slaving away here at work
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Girls, thank you so much for your cards... you have cheered me up so much. I really appreciate it.

    The drain that he made me keep in is now suddenly draining fluid again so I guess it was a good idea it stayed in!!!

    Any of you have bruising after your fill-ups? I am all black and blue on the top of my chest...

    I need to catch up but it really is overwhelming here--- so so many posts.

    You are never far from my mind though and I DO try to read as much as I can- I just can't type for very long.

    If anyone is feeding their dog Mighty Dog/Alpo- check out the Purina website- apparently they are recalling that now too.

    My cat is getting homecooked meals from now on!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007

    Loved your gross story! I've had that happen to me before..(not the scabies!), In homecare and hospice we are the ones that are with the patients all the time, therefore we notice changes/new problems. We're called PCT, patient care techs, alot of name for a bit of money..we are not Dr's and we are not RN's, but we are not Morans either! Some Dr's are , to borrow a saying, "lilly livered a**holes."
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    A quick good morning to all, yikes, it is actually afternoon and I'm still in my robe!

    Joyce: I asked for some addresses just to have. Thought It would be nice to have them, then if a card or such is going out, we don't have to ask and search for addresses. That was a mouth full!

    I'll be back on in a bit. DH just Crawled out of bed. He's had the bug all week and finally managed to pass it on to me. I woke up this morning to 4 piles of Shi* and 2 Pee's on my living room floor. OMG! I'm not talking about the husband with the bug! Our dog, don't know what is up with that....guess who will be scrubbing carpets today. I told you that sometimes my job follows me home....I have a 9 yr. old lab who is showing signs of Dementia and incontinence.
    Hope all have a good day and I'll see ya in a bit!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. Slept in till 8am. Yikes, that never happens. Might have something to do with not falling asleep till 3. Heres a funny I found in the Hormone Therapy forum....posted by JoanofArdmore.

    Dear Tide,
    I am writing to say what an excellent product you have!
    I've used it all my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better!
    In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the ass. One thing lead to another and somehow his blood ended up on my new white blouse.
    I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so completely that the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative for blood and that I was no longer a suspect in the disappearance of my husband.
    What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without the stress of being a murder suspect. I thank you once again for having such a great product.
    Well, gotta go, have to write to the hefty bag people.

    Hubby wants to "do something fun". Which usually means sitting in the car for hours on end. But I do get a good meal out of it most of the time so all is good. Have to run. See you all later.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Girls- I have an SOS for a friend. Her name is Jayne1956, and she just got a Mets DX. SHe posted in Recurence and Mets and needs our support NOW. Send her a note of hope ladies

    Here we go again
    Deb C
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone: Its a very quiet day. Its sort of crazy, I spend all week looking forward to the week-end and then when it comes Im just bored.

    Iris: Oh my goodness. Old person like you? Give that sales clerk a beer or two. That is almost as bad as a family member telling me I didnt look a day over 50. I was ready to rip his eyes out.


    Shokk: I did hear about the storms you had yesterday. Pretty scary if ya ask me. Those storms are heading our way according to the local news. I hate tornados!

    Joyce: My goodness, poor Kevin has been through so much. And facing more surgery in June. Makes my life seem so simple.

    Theresa: OMG! You are an April Fools Baby? Sorry your gonna be sick on your Birthday. I say begone with all colds ande flu's. We want spring.

    Tracey: I havent checked out the site yet, but you can bet I will be later on. I loved the monkey pic. Looks just like I would feel if I had to work Saturday. Ill have a beer with ya when you get home from work. Heres something for your boss.


    NS: I never had bruising from my fills. Im just wondering if it is bruising from the surgery and trauma of putting in and taking out drains. Your approaching 4 weeks post op and I say you need a break and you need one right now.

    Denise: I started out working as a nurses aide when I was 16. Have been in health care all my life. Hard, hard work. My husband wrote a funny song once about us peons watching all the money go to doctors wives.

    Debc: We are putting Jayne in the middle of the circle. I did venture out to the reoccurance and mets thread. Left a message for Jayne. So many sisters out there who need out support. Hugs to everyone.

    Ok - guess I should get off my butt and go exercise. See ya all later.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    Nicki..guess I have to feed six beers to everyone!!

    Think I met a companion of your friend Tracey
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2007
    My sister enrolled in this study right after I was dx in 2005. They need more volunteers to continue----copy, paste and send on to anyone you think could participate in this important study.

    WE NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER to help us recruit women just like you! The Sister Study needs a total of 50,000 women by the end of 2007. We currently have 33,000 women enrolled in the study which means we need to recruit 17,000 more women by the end of this year. Our most successful method of recruitment is through word of mouth, so this is where you can play a pivotal role today.

    Through your personal participation in the Sister Study, you are making a tremendous contribution to breast cancer research. But we have another important request. Please forward this email to other women, friends and family members who may be interested. Or give them a call or a brochure about the study (call 1-877-474-7837 for brochures). If each current participant in the Sister Study helps us recruit one other woman this year, we will reach our goal and complete our recruitment phase on time! Remember, breast cancer affects women from every walk of life, so we need women of all backgrounds, occupations, and ethnic groups to join.
    For women who have received this email from a Sister Study member:

    You may be eligible to join the Sister Study if -
    Ø Your sister (living, deceased), related to you by blood, had breast cancer
    Ø You are between 35 and 74 years old
    Ø You have never had breast cancer yourself
    Ø You live in the U.S. or Puerto Rico

    To join today or learn more about the Sister Study, visit the web site in English or in Spanish. You may also call 1-877-4SISTER (877-474-7837), English and Spanish. All study materials are available in Spanish. Deaf/Hard of Hearing call 1-866-TTY-4SIS (866-889-4747).

    With our gratitude and best wishes,
    The Sister Study Recruitment Team


    Dale P Sandler PhD
    Chief, Epidemiology Branch
    Principal Investigator of the Sister Study
    National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
    National Institutes of Health
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited March 2007

    Thanks Silvergirl. I will forward to my sister who is turning 35 in May.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Afternoon ladies...well it's been a good day. Started out cold and damp but the sun has been out since about 1:00 so me and Nathaniel have been outside just soaking it up. He got his new bike (just a cheaper walmart bike but what the heck!)and he is thrilled. It's a little big but he's getting it.
    I've been sitting on the porch in my adirondack chair crocheting and generally being pretty darn lazy today. Took a nap earlier after getting groceries.
    Have a question....don't jump to conclusions cuz I may be wayyy off base...can you get pregnant if you are menopausal? Not saying I am but somethin weird is goin on! I didn't think it was possible but truly don't know for sure. Picked up a test at CVS but can't do it till tomorrow and it was probably a waste of money (hope hope hope)...adopting a baby is one thing...being thank you!!!! A bit freaked out here.
    Ok...back out to enjoy the rest of the sunshine and I will check back later and talk to you all!
    Love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited March 2007

    Vickie I have been looking for you all day. Preggo during menopause? Well as long as you are ovulating its a possibility. Can even begin to think about this one.

    Lisa: Great Gorilla picture!

    Jeannie: The sister program is a great program. Thanks for giving out the information.

    Now, its time for me to go watch some television.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    But if your ovaries aren't working you wouldn't be ovulating baby?!?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007

    aauugghhh...nicki...get off the television...HELP ME!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited March 2007
    Vickie-I thought they had test out now that you can test your urine anytime of day. Go to the drug store won't be able to sleep and we need to know...hang in there but go NOW!!!!
