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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Pregnant? Yikes! Pretty sure you have to have sex to get pregnant?????
    Call your doc if something funny is going on.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    got busy putzing and didn't do anything fun. Did finish painting the baseboards in my office tho. Check that one off the list.
    Hubby has spent the day in his man cave. Don't think he really wanted to do anything fun.
    Maybe I can talk him into a movie?
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited March 2007
    Iris, were you up all night or are you an early riser?

    Tracey, I like your time breakdown. Mine would be a bit different since I don't work as much.

    Hi tgirl, sorry you are under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.

    NS, I guess it's good your drain is filling up. Get all that stuff outa there.

    Denise, you too. Sorry you are sick.

    Deb so sorry to hear about your friend. I will send her a note.

    Oh Nicki, great sign about the boss.

    vickie, pregnant/menopause that's a good one. let us know!!!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited March 2007
    Susan, how are you feeling???
    I have to go check out recurrance, Deb.
    Vickie, my aunt got pregnant during meno! It ain't over till it's over!
    Jas, Thanks to your prison record I checked my wallet and I DID NOT HAVE my current insurance card!!! THANK YOU !!! I put it in there right away. I REALLY APPRECIATE THAT!

    ( slowly but surely I am catching up)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    I already bought the test (this can't be right...geez it was ONE time...a stupid mistake, trust me)but it says to use it first thing in the morning.
    IT WILL BE has to be? right?
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited March 2007
    Thanks nicki..I took that gorilla pic at the SD Wild Animal Park..lots of good looking critters there!! Many menopausal women have that happen!! Let us know ASAP..

    Good to see you NS...hope those drains start doing their jobs...

    We are heading out the door to dinner..
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited March 2007
    Evening ladies. We must've been shut down a little while in the wee morning hours. I posted to Iris and it didn't show up unitl after 6 a.m. and I'd been in bed for awhile then. Plus I had to login today.

    Nicki, I sleep whenever I just have to. I don't like it but I need the after effects of the rest. lol

    Vickie, I'm glad your eyes are feeling normal. I think you have to be exposed to that preganancy fish in order for it to "take" so apparently your new Virgin status is a farce. Say it ain't so. I've heard the term Menopause Baby all my life. I dunno...

    Iris, good luck with your new cell. My dd sends emails and pics to my pc all the time. I think what brain cells I had left after my 'party hardy' years was gobbled up by chemo.

    Shokk, mine's not so much the spelling it's the typing. I cannot type anymore! I now have fumble fingers, could be why I have such a time with hand crocheting. My brain knows what to do my fingers just don't comply. lol

    Joyce, praying Kevin gets good reports back on Monday.

    Theresa, Happy Birthday to you and your family. Sorry you're getting sick but sounds like you had a great time last thursday.

    Tracey, sorry you have to work another week-end. Maybe your boss thinks you're very trustworthy and dependable. Or maybe he's just a real ass.

    NS, hey you got the drain draining that's a good thing! Get it out of your head that any of us expect you to read all the posts and keep up right now! It's just nice to hear from you once a day to know how YOU'RE doing. And you stop feeling like you need to keep up, that's just silliness girl. Get well, then I, for one, do expect you to keep up on every aspect of my life. lol

    Denise, sorry your dh is making you sick. Mine has that effect at times too. Really sorry bout your dog. Our black lab started having seizures after 11 yrs and we finally lost her. You don't have time to be sick. You're the wife.

    Shirley, maybe you and dh should come to an agreement of what you both consider 'fun'. Least you get a free dinner.

    Deb, will take a look in on your friend Jayne1956. That's so sad to hear. I'm sorry.

    Mena, you promised last night that you'd post today and the day is still young, well, in my mind it is. So you still have time and you do remember that I tagged you last and you're "It". I hope you'll post accordingly. hahaha

    Suzola, where are you today? And Madison. Actually, we're missing quite a few I think.

    Wishing you all a nice evening. And I imagine I'll see some of you at the party thread. No, I did not throw up on the Queen. It was merely the end of her dress and the toe of her shoes. She wears old woman shoes, incidenatally. She didn't look mad to me course it wasnt her face I was looking at. lol

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    I am such an idiot.
    Not talking about it till morning. Putting it out of my mind.
    NS...glad to see you are catching up. Are you feeling ANY better. I think of you every day.
    Susan...are you going the cyberparty tonight...gotta watch that Cheri...she gets me in trouble all the time.
    Shirley...drag that man out of the cave and make him go do something fun!
    Jeannie...we have missed you!
    Somebody go unplug Nicki's TV!!!!
    Cheri...where are you?
    Theresa...good to see you. Sorry you are sick. I thought today was April 1st...who posted that! Know I feel dumb.
    Hmm...haven't seen MB she hiding?
    Awww Deb...not again...putting her in the center and giving you a hug.
    I have a job offer for a new job...don't know what to do. I love my job I have very much but this new job is half the work with much more pay. Nothing really bad about the new job I just really love the one I have (except for a few of the usual complaints). Going to ponder this one for a week or so before I decide. I'd feel really bad about leaving everyone at the job I have now too as they have been there for me through so much and I'd miss all our residents who are like family to me.
    Brain overload here...NEED A NURSE!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited March 2007
    NewVickie:It will be negative,surley we have survived enough without having to go thru something like least I am safe there.It has been 5 years and holding strong.I heard somewhere once that if you dont use it for 7 years you become a virgin again,thats what I am going for.

    Always Hope:thank you for thinking about me.Jasmine and I went to some yard sales today and still no baby.I will be so glad when this is over for her,I think that has been a big part of my depression this week.I wish I could do it for her.

    Vickie let us know ASAP!!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007
    Hi All,

    Mena, Cheri said "Tag, you're it"!!! Come out, come out!! You know you don’t want Cheri to have all the fun…

    Vickie, Yikes, brain overload....deep breaths...all we be okay!!! We'll make it okay...Give Nate a hug for me.

    Tracey, I’m still a pondering ….are you at work?

    Iris, what you have been through makes all of us realize we need to WRITE serial numbers down…..somewhere…we can all learn from this experience.

    Shokk, have you cracked open the Bailey’s yet….I on my 2nd glass of wine….

    Theresa, Happy Birthday…..Happy Birthday….

    Shirley, what’s ya up to? Did you get DH to come out of his den? My dh just said the “T” word and I think I need a xanax……TAXES…oh my, oh no!!!!!! I’m going to HIDE.

    Joyce, thinking about Kevin…..we’ll have to get the magic carpet going so we can all be there.

    NS, glad to see you posting….I am upset about the dog and cat food scare also…even called my Dr. daughter to see if she had more info…..I just saw on the news that they have recalled even more food….All 3 of my animals are looking at me right now…makes me wonder what they are plotting!! Take care, we love ya!!

    Denise, I got the package and have already started a-working on it……I think it is gonna be grand!!!!

    DebC, I did read about Jayne1956...darn, darn, darn….it ain’t fair…..what can we do…do you have her addy so we can send cards…..

    Nicki, you probably will get some colder temps next week because we are expected to get some cool weather. (It has been in the 80’s all week, i.e. 85 and 86. This makes me hurricane nervous!)

    Silvergirl, I am going to forward the info to my sister…sounds like a good study

    Lisa, good pictures…

    Cheri…I am telling ya…Mena better come over…cause she is going to miss a good party….


    Hi to all I missed, you know I am thinking about ya’ll

    Okay, I gonna hide, DH just said the “T” word again….I think I can hide under the crochet squares on the sofa…..

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited March 2007

    Hi Robin, we posted at the same time!!! Take care!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    awww geezum girls...i can't pull it off
    I was gonna wait till tomorrow and say it was positive, go to church and April fool ya all when I got back but I'm a lousy liar LOL. And I can't make you all wonder or worry. Silly idea.
    Forgive was a fun idea though. I'm no good at the April fools stuff!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited March 2007
    Too funny. I didn't even think about april fools.
    Got hubby out of the basement. We're watching Sphere. I'm taking a smoke break.
    gonna go check out the party.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    but it was kinda funny...heeeheee
    Had you girls goin!
    Gave ya all something new to think about for a while.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited March 2007
    Vickie- you little Minx!! You had me toatally FOOLED! I didn't want to say anything, but my mouth was HANGING open. You are BAD! LOL

    I don't have an address for Jayne. She is an on-line buddy that always had positive things to say during my treatment.

    Jayne- I hope you are reading. Let us know how you are feeling. We are here if you need anything....

    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited March 2007
    Oh're an a**! I'm here thinking how our little virgin could have come up pregnant! Love ya anyways!

    Madison: Glad you got "the box"!

    NS: Are you feeling any better? It's about time you get a break.

    Deb: I'm jumping over to mets to check on Jayne1956. Just isn't fair..we will all be taking care of her.

    Cheri: Haven't said much to you....sorry, I know your mind is probably in a gutter somewhere anyhow, so you didn't even miss me!! LOL

    I'm cutting off early tonight. Spent 4 hours at urgent care with DH. You know, the one that has been sick all week and has said everyday that if he didn't feel better he'd go to the Dr. the next day. He got dragged today, actually he was more than willing to go. Phneomonia (however the heck you spell it!) So between the steroid and some other shot in the butt, he's sitting carefully. Three RX'S and he'll be on the mend!
    Nicki: I started out as an aide also, then went to CNA, CENA, No respect at that end. I shouldn't have stopped at PCT, so close to LPN and just didn't do it.
    I'll catch up with all tomorrow. Going with my sisters to see a musical called "RESPECT!" Supposed to be quite funny.
    Love and Hugs to all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Heehee...was wondering when you girls would remember that I was a new virgin LOL. Cheri thought it was the guy that Deb posted in the back of the pickup at the cyber party!

    Denise...hope hubby is feelin better soon. Have fun at the musical! Love you too!
    Love ya all...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited March 2007
    Only 2 and a half hours till April! Yippee...April showers bring May flowers...I can't wait.
    Good night sweet sisters...I wuvs ya all
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    We were all waiting to be aunties again!!!

    Yep, good April Fool's...

    Sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Oh wow! I went and ordered you a baby gift from!!!!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Am I on night watch again?

    Deb – glad your family is OK. My uncle almost died from Strep throat. He started to feel a scratchy throat that progressed to shortness of breath. By the time his wife drove him to the hospital he was in respiratory distress and ended up in intensive care for three weeks. Very scary! Sorry to hear about your friend Jayne dx. This darn disease.

    Cheri – Your new avatar was great! What a great picture of you and your grandson, such sweetness. He is adorable.

    Iris – hope you’re getting things back to normal at home. Yes, I found my checkbook but not my ATM card. Would you believe I placed the checkbook inside a cookbook??? I used to blame things like this on chemo fog, but I finished chemo a year ago. Lately, I’m so forgetful. Did you get your simple phone?

    Nicki- I’m glad the pre-employment stuff is done. I don’t plan to change jobs for a long time. I have been trying to get into this particular health system for over 10 years. BTW - The monkeys are so funny. Where do you get all these cartoons from?

    Vickie – I can’t seem to get my butt out of bed either. Oh boy…I’m going to have to put myself on a strict schedule in order to get to my new job by 7 am the first two days and 8 am thereafter. What…pregnant??? Oh wait, I just saw your other post. You little bugger you! You got me good. What is this about you being a new virgin?

    Shokk – are you enjoying the Bailey’s bottle tonight? Glad the storms are gone and you are safe.

    Theresa – I hope you feel better so you can enjoy your birthday tomorrow. Life is precious and we are so lucky to be able to celebrate another birthday. Have a happy birthday.

    Snowmen n thongs – I hope your boss cuts you some slack and gives you a better schedule soon. My husband works weekends too and it sucks.

    NS – sorry you are having such a difficult time but glad to hear your drain is working. Please don’t worry about not being able to catch up with us; we understand. I know you will get through this and will be typing away soon. You are in my thoughts often. Sending lost of bright sunshine your way. image

    Denise – hope you get rid of the bug soon.

    Joyce – wow, heart surgery? We will lift him in prayer.

    Robin - glad to see you posting again. Sending you gentle hugs and lots of healing light.

    Okay, I think I mentioned everyone. Sorry if I forgot anyone. It’s late and I should start to get ready for bed. I had dental surgery this afternoon and need to rest. Pleasant dreams CG’s.

    Love and hugs,
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Odalys, you're not alone I'm still up and around. I'm a night person by nature, so I'm up late alot. I feel like at 8 pm the day is just beginning. I need to switch back around somehow. Just hate to go to bed. I'll be up for awhile if any of you can't sleep, just send me a pm.

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    hey chicas!

    i'm still wide awake, running around like a moron trying to pack my things! nothing like waiting till the last minute huh?!

    "earl" and mackenzie took me out to dinner, got me an ice cream cake, and gave me several lovely gifts for my birthday. it was a nice surprise (mostly because kenz and earl are trying to have something of a father/daughter relationship finally!)

    i'm outta here for a while, so i wanted to touch base before i leave. i hope you all have a fabulous week, and as always.......... i'm reading here and thinking of you all on a "several times a day" basis!

    this is the best place on earth to me (besides the beach lol)

    and thanks for all the birthday wishes, they meant an awful lot to me!

    xo, shel
  • TeddyJudy
    TeddyJudy Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    Hi Everyone ~
    Long time no talk. Hope everyone is doing well and life is treating all of you well.

    I really have not been myself actually for a few months, but it got worse. No, it's NOT B/C, but something called vaginal atrophy. I am DRY as a BONE, and all kinds of lubricants did not work. Yes, I talked about this in the "I Want My Mojo Back" thread and was told to see a doctor. I was finally able to get into seeing the gyno and she suggested Hormone Cream (I am a triple negative) so cream was ok, and to use Vegetable oil for sex. I am NOT kidding you EVERYTHING burned and SEX which used to be wonderful was and still is a thing of Who Cares. We are leaving for Hawaii this Thursday coming up (April 5th) for 10 nights (Romance Islands) and it would be HORRIBLE if it still is a thing of "Who Cares.

    I have also been quite busy at work (accounting) and have not had a chance to sneak a peek as they say, to talk to my sisters. I will at least try and catch up by reading "Nicki's posts, as was suggested to me to see how everyone is doing.

    I want everyone to know I do think of all of you a lot even though I have not written.

    Lots of Hugs to all of you.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007

    You poor thing. I hope that your atrophy gets better with the cream. I would be very careful using any oil on your tissue that is so fragile. I am so sorry this has been so hard for you. I hope you find a way to enjoy your vacation. Hawaii is beautiful.

    Deb C
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited April 2007
    judy......... can you get the "Estring"? even though i was 100 percent er positive, my onc was trialing it and let me join is friggin fabulous!

    my onc feels the benefits far outweigh the potential negatives, and as far as quality of life goes.......i am in total agreement!

    the only other thing that sort of worked for me was "gynamoistrin" ....... it didn't burn like everything else did and it helped a bunch ........... some on "him" some on "me" .......... (sorry for the "tmi" you guys, but i've been there and done that lol) and my heart goes out to judy!

    now on the vegetable oil note ........ yikes, i don't know if i'd go there, but then again ........ "when in rome......"

    i hope this gets better for you judy. i can totally relate!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Hoping you all have a good day and dont play to many tricks on your family and friends.

    Vickie: Never underestimated the instincts of a nurse. I knew it was a joke the whole time!!! But I did find this one for you.


    Madison: Yep your weather is heading right this way. They are talking about snow for this coming Thursday. Only good thing about that is it will melt pretty quickly. April is always unpredictable in Chicago. Thats why I cant plant my flowers and herbs too early - even though I wanted to plant them yesterday.

    Robin: You put a smile on my face. Its always good to see a post from you.

    Sherloc: Well after all your anticipation, Im glad that you and your husband got to watch a movie together. I would say that 1/2 of the time we cancel our plans to go out. We just both get too lazy.

    Debc: I hope you told Jayne to come to the wagon circle. She really does need us right now.

    Denise: Pneumonia? Geez. Hoping your husband starts feeling better soon. My husband wont go to the doctor for anything. Hasnt seen a doctor in 20 years. I was telling him last night if he keeps losing weight Im gonna make him an appointment. Man he looks so good its pathetic as I sit here getting fatter and fatter. He isnt eating and playing guitar all day. Thats a new kind of diet. Dont eat and play guitar. I swore I wasnt gonna eat anything last night. But alas - wake up hungry = 1 bowl of cheese popcorn, 2 cheese sticks, and for my finale - a hostess cupcake. Last night I convinced myself it was ok to indulge as I would concentrate on dieting again as of April 1st. Wonder what excuses I will have for tonight.

    Odalys: I get most of my pictures from I just found another site from one of my Illinois friends here on - little does she know what a picture monster I really am.

    Oh ladies! I have to tell you - I am going crazy this morning. My husband played at a pub last night. Got home at 3am, woke me up, and wont stop chatting!! I even made coffee and came to the computer room to get away. Guess what, he followed me here. He is really so full of himself tonight. I want my quiet peaceful early morning computer time - undisturbed lol.

    Judy: I sure hope that cream works for you. Hawaii sounds wonderful.


    Hello to everyone I have missed. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. I will check back later.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Good morning everyone,

    Guess I better be careful today, since it's April Fool's Day. I'm never any good at pulling off a joke. Vickie, you had me going.

    Yesterday was perfect yard work day, but I think I over did it. I'm so stiff and sore this morning. We bought a new lawn mower, but it had to be charged for 24 hours, so guess where I'll be this afternoon. As I was cutting and dragging branchs out to the road to be picked up, I realized what day it was. Two years ago at that very time I was sitting in a hospital bed watching the red devil drain into my body. It was my first chemo. I was so scared and just knew I'd be dead by Christmas. Yesterday, just the thought of that day made me weed, chop, cut even harder. I was just so happy to realize that two years after that day, here I am cleaning up winter from my yard.

    So after church, I'll be out pushing my shiny red lawn mower around. It has a key start so I don't have to struggle with a pull rope. We had bought an electric one but you had to have a cord and it was costing too much for new cords. It was light weight and easy to push, but I never got the hang of the cords. And every time I ran over it, it tripped a breaker in the house. Plus, I was always having to bend over and whip the cord from one side to another. I only have so many bends left in this body!!

    I didn't make the cyber party. I'm not a dress up kinda gal. I'm sure everyone had a great time.

    Hugs and prayers to all.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Morning Nicki and Betty,

    Vickie, where are you (hummm, morning sickness)

    Happy April Fool's Day!!! The biggest joke is being awake early on a WEEKEND....I am NOT going to want to wake up Early tomorrow morning.

    Denise, I hope your hubby is doing better...Pneumonia, oh my. Men...they NEVER want to go to the doctor.

    Judy, please enjoy your trip....I know it took a week trip to the beach to help me relax- you will be okay!!!

    Shel, glad you had a good birthday....

    Betty, enjoy the yard work today!! We had rain yesterday (and some storms)

    Deb, glad the strep has not spread. My dd finds out Monday if they all have to be tested for TB. It depends on whether an individual in their dorm comes back positive Monday....

    Well, I think my eyes are open enough to grap a crochet hook for a while before church....

    Morning to All, be back later.