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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning all! Happy April!!!
    Had ya all goin didn't I...come on Nicki...fess up, you thought so too...haahahahaha
    Alwayshope...oh my...hope you didn't order anything!
    Betty...I'm never good at pulling off a joke either. I'm a terrible liar and always give myself away.
    Shel...glad your birthday was a good one. SIL just had to be tested for TB...the skin test came back positive but the x-rays were fine. There are a lot of false positive according to our nurse.
    Betty...enjoy your yard work. I can't wait to get outside and do some. The snow is almost all gone...finally.
    Ok...Nate is hungry and gotta get ready for church so I'll be back to post to everyone.
    I will post again about the journals too...haven't had a chance!
    Love ya all and have a fun filled day
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Nah, I was trying to April Fool ya back! LOLOLOLOL!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Vickie-You got me! I kept thinking how old is she,my age,OMG!!!! Good one!\Happy Sunday everyone

    Denise-I hope your DH is feeling better..MyBIL has pneumonia too. He seems to get it every year this time.
    I will try to check in later but if I can't I know you all will keep Kevin in the circle tomorrow. I just feel so out of control with this. I wish I could make it go away for him but I can't.
    My DH has been miserable this week and was taking it out on me. We finally talked about it and things are better w/h us. I think he has post traumatic stress syndrome. He has had to be the rock for so long it is getting to him. I have been there for Kevin with him. I guess because he never had to deal with me be sick before. He also doesn't want me working. I think he wants to put me in a cage so I will be ok. We are dealing with it though because what else can you do?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Heeeheee...good one Alwayshope, you got me back.
    Joyce...I'm 45, will be 46 in August! Scary thought indeed! Sending you big warm hugs for all you are going through. We will put you, DH and Kevin in the center. Sit back, have some hot chocolate (or something stronger)and bask in our love. I understand how your DH feels...wish I could put my DD in a cage to keep her safe. I worry all the time that she will fall, get in an accident, cut herself and bleed to death. It's pretty scary stuff. Her DH (and thats NOT dear husband) isn't going with her when she goes to have the wisdom tooth out and she will be home alone afterwards...hope the dentist truly understands her situation. Sending prayers for you all.
    Ok...gonna be late for church...seems like I'm always late!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. I'll be glad when I can get out and enjoy it all.

    Nicki, my dh has always talked alot. I mean alot. When he's home he talks all the time, follows me to the bathroom talking. lol When he has a few beers then he really chatters, same old stories over and over. We call him Mr.Friendly cos he can strike up a conversation with anyone. He has a great sense of humor too, which sometimes saves him when he's chattered me to pieces. lol

    Betty, even though you're sore today I bet it felt sooo good to be out doing yard work. Congrats on the 2 years.

    Madison, I slept until yesterday afternoon so I've been up all night. I have knitted my little heart out. I enjoy it. Sit here and watch a little TV and knit. Usually go into chat cos nobodys in there in the wee hours and I remember what it was like first being dx and not being able to sleep and having nobody to talk to. So I figure I'm in there just in case. Humm. Guess I do multi-task after all.

    Vickie, morning you little prankster. Please do post what you're wanting us to write about in these journals. I'm happy to do it for you just not sure what you want. And I'll bet more of these sweet, nice, giving ladies will be glad to write one, too. Won't you girls?? Humm?

    Joyce, my prayers are already being sent up for Kevins reports to be good tomorrow. You know, we're under such stress we sometimes forget to tell our dh that we understand they have stress, too. I have a really good dh (but he does talk too much) and I try and tell him often how much I appreciate him for always being there for me. And he has been. He doesn't expect me to be back to normal cos he read everything he could get his hands on when i was first dx and although he doesnt "get it" he comes close. Sometimes I'll write him a note and put it in his things before he leaves back out on the road for him to find later. We're far from perfect, lol, but he's solid. After reading all about some of these guys on here Solid is a very good thing.

    I hear my little GS, Kevin, waking up. My dd and her family stayed the night last night and he's been in his room cooing and giggling for about a half hour. Sounds so sweet. I swear babies make the cutest sounds when they're happy. He sounded like he crowed like a rooster awhile ago. I think I'll let mom and dad sleep in and go get him. He's coming on around to me, but it's a slow process. He actually is much better when I have him alone. I guess he's desperate then. lol

    Wishing all of you a wonderful day today.

    Ns, I do think you should be doing so much better by now. Is your dr up to snuff? I'm getting more worried about you rather than it being the opposite like it should be.

    Mena. You broke your promise to post yesterday. Again. Hope you're feeling alright. I'm not going away and let you just give up. I will continue to pester, by post, pm's, email, and phone calls. You need us. Now more than ever. So, take the hands that are outstretched to you. All of us miss you and want to help. We'll put you in the middle of the Circle (close to the Hooch tent) and help you deal with all this. Everybody, and I do mean everybody, goes thru times when they get by with a little help from their friends. Now is your time. And I won't even mention it to your Parole officer about you being in the Hooch tent alot when he comes looking for you. hahahahah You are soooooo "IT" in this game of tag!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    happy april fools day!!!!!!!
    another day at work!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr.... when i got home yesterday hubby had a couple guys over having a few beers when i got up this morning they were on my couch... well better then drinking and driving i guess!!!!
    hope you all have a nice sunday!!!


  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    anyone know any good home remedys for a boil?
    i have one the size of a golf ball on my inner leg groin area....... i can hardly walk:(
    this sucks
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Hey Tracey, try applying raw bacon on it. Course it'll make it a little harder to walk. Might have to duct tape the bacon to your thigh. Actually, the pork acts as a poul(sp) to pull out the uglies of the boil. My home tip. Hey wait a minute, I have a home remedy book in my shelf beside me, I'll look it up.

    ok, forget the bacon. Warm compresses. Place a warn compress, it can be just a warm, wet washcloth over the boil for 20-30 minutes 3 or 4 times a day. Or you can use a heated slice of tomato changing like you would a warm compress, a raw onion slice (that should give you that fresh all-over feeling) mashed garlic, the outer leaves of cabbage or my fave...a bag of black tea. When the boil has come to a puss-filled head it's certainly acceptable to sterilize a needle with a flame and make a small nick into the head and okay to squeeze it. The book says dr.s worry about it spreading infection deeper into the skin thus spreading to the lymph system...but that rarely happens. Letting the boil break on its own can cause more of a mess. It says you might use a mild antiseptic if you want but that really doesn't help. It says "in the office we just squeeze the dickens out of them".But let it come to a head with either the warm wet washcloth or the various foods listed.

    Also a poultice of warm milk and bread, or the mud of a wasps nest. When the boil pops and drains, wash hands often and keep the area clean.
    It's important to continue the warm compresses 3 days after it drains to make sure it all drains out.

    There you have it Tracey, straight out of the book of home remedies.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007

    Tracey..the boil could be a staph infection..and you might need some to get it checked out...

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Happy Sunday Ladies. No Aprils Fools Jokes from me. I'm not good at it. On the agenda today. More yard spraying. Working on my grandsons quilt. I have made a promise to finish it before I start the bra quilt. Only been working on the darn thing for 4 years. Shame on me. Bad grammie.

    Judy, ouch!!! My onc approved the estring also. Ask your gyn about it. I haven't tried it but plan on discussing it at my gyn appt in June. Feels like I'm all cut up down in the nether regions. And peeing, yowsers!!!!! Wish I could say it was from hot sex but I'm a new virgin these days. Just like pregnant Vicki. Lordy how I miss my estrogen.

    Shel, have a grand time. Soak up some rays and bring me some sand. We used to vacation in the Keys every summer. Have wonderful memories.

    Nicki, blah blah blah blah son in law has a Tshirt that says......I see your lips moving but all I hear is blah blah blah.
    My hubby talks for a living. All he wants to do when he is home is stare at the tv.

    Betty, yardwork around here consists of spraying with Roundup, waiting for the weeds to die, then wacking them. A never ending process here in the hills. Gotta keep the weeds down cause the rattlers like to hide in them.

    Denise, pnemonia? I missed that. Hope he's feeling better soon. What is it with men and doctors? Mine has a torn rotator cuff that he is refusing to have surgery on. Silly man.

    Hi Madison.

    Vicki, my first thought was "but she's a new virgin"....second thought was "hmmmmm what has miss vicki not been sharing with us?"

    Joyce, tell him the cage is out. Put you in a nice padded room. It will be softer.

    Cheri, my favorite night owl. You are very sweet to sit in chat and wait for newbies to show up. Me's is tossing and turning and pretending to sleep in the wee hours. I refuse to give in and get out of bed. Dang it, I'm supposed to be sleeping then.
    Solid is good. I have one of those too. He makes me crazy but he is my Rock.
    Give Kevin a smooch from me.

    Tracey, OUCH!!!! Hot compress maybe?

    Off to round up the Round Up. Have a great day
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Oh Tracey...that sounds painful. My sister used to get them all the time when she was little and mom used the warm compresses and they would usually break on there own. Just be sure to keep it really clean! We can't have you getting an infection!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Cheri, yuck yuck yuck
    Hi Socal.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    well shoot, I'm never gonna get anything done if you girls don't stop popping in everytime I post...
    Hi vicki
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Ok...I started and exchange box several months ago. Everyone who got the box added a few (or many) journal pages and sent it on. Somewhere along the line the two boxes got lost. Lots of disappointed ladies as they had put a lot of work into the journals along with pictures, drawings, etc. I decided to start it again and have 15 ladies sending me journal pages.
    Would love to have everyone join in. Journal as much or as little as you want. Include your first name only, screen name and where your from. After that...just go with about anything you like, rant, rave, be silly. Whatever comes to mind. You can add pics of yourself, your kids, grandkids, home...whatever strikes your fancy.
    Mail your journals to me. Deadline is May 1st so you have plenty of time.
    My sister is going to put the journals (which can be typed, handwritten...whatever)into Adobe and printing them for us. I am taking them to a book binder (hopefully...if he will donate his talent or make it inexpensive)and having a book made for each girl who submitted a journal page...or pages.
    There was talk about actually publishing this journal but I'm not sure about that. If it were published I would get everyones permission and 100 percent of the proceeds would go to either this site or breast cancer research. Not sure what I think about publishing it as it seems pretty personal but I am leaving it up to all who participate.
    Just a way to get to know each "see" each get it all off our chests and have some fun.
    Please join in! PM me if you need my address.
    Love ya lots to do so I'll be back later.
    One more thing...NO DONATIONS!!! This is MY gift to all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Shirley...heeeheee. Yup still a new virgin. No good men in these parts LOL. I am mailing you a bra tomorrow!!! Promise!
    Have a grand day!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    tracey- I'm not laughing at your boil, but I'm howling at Cheri's book though...sounds like she has you making a BLT on your HooHa LOLOLOL... It is not the least bit funny, but my warped mind justs saw this dagwood sandwich of a poltice on you thigh. Some times those old cures do work. Really watch for infection. If the boil spreads inwards is can get really bad. If it isn't better Monday, you may want to have it looked at. Good Luck. I wish I had a good cure for ya.

    Cheri- I would love to read that book. I bet it has someof the old things my grandma use to do....does it list wart cures? They ALWAYS make me laugh, but years ago a friend of my mom's "bought" a big wart from my thumb. He paid me a penny for it and then told me I had to lose the penny and the wart would go away. I was about 10 and he made such a big deal out of it I totally believed him. I lost the penny in the yard and 3 days later this big old wart I had for months FELL OFF and never came back! How weird is that?

    Got to run...I'm late this AM. Be back soon

    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Also a poultice of warm milk and bread, or the mud of a wasps nest.

    hahahaha Thongie... I triple dog dare ya to go steal some mud from a wasp's nest!!!!! ROFL!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    hey I just found beginnings of a wasp nest on my porch. I'll send it to you if you like.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    Just finished painting the last of the trim in the living room. Yehaw. Another check mark on the list. Off to the yard with me. See ya.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Oh my Vickie! You had me going there for a little bit. Kept thinking please just TAKE THE TEST NOW! HOW CAN YOU WAIT!
    hehehehehehehehehe. You got me.
    Happy April everyone
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    Just popping in. Dont have much time.

    Tracey: Lisa is right. Usually a boil is caused by a staph infection. As a matter of fact, it is frequently MRSA. So dont pop or squeeze the darn thing. Warm moist compresses are good and in addition you will probably need an antibiotic. You can get bactoban at the pharmacy. Its good for infections and MRSA.

    OK gotta go.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Oh my Cheri, I love the home remedy. It seems Shirley has the wasp nest (mud). Do you have Tracey's addy?

    Seriously, Tracey, it may be a staph careful-take care...but use warm compresses for now to help with the pain.

    Shirley, you are busy today!!! I just mopped my kitchen, does that count?

    Vickie, I'll send something for the journal....

    Deb, hummmm I like to wart removal idea...sure beats freezing those suckers....

    Gotta run and hide...DH still keeps saying the "T" word (taxes)
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Has anyone heard from Ginny? She hasn't posted in a while.....

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Tracey:Be careful with any kind of boil especially if it is on your bad side.Thats how I eneded up in the hospital in dec with MRSA for 8 days on 4 different antbx.My whole left arm turned into boils,I have never seen anything like it in my career.So just be careful,call your doc if it dosent get better.

    Nicki: Thank you for your compliment.To make others laugh is one of my greatest pleasures in life.

    Vicki:ha ha ha,you had me going i was a nervous wreck for you last night.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    I'm sorry Robin!!! That's why I posted last night that it was an April Fools joke...didn't want anyone to worry!
    Madison...thanks for joining the journal project!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Sherloc..between wasps nests and snakes you need some one watching over you!!!

    Ate out at the 94th Aerosquadron restaurant last night with some friends we haven't seen for twenty five years. They were visiting from the East Coast..

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Odalys – I understand about wishing for more hair on your ID. Maybe if we hang by our ankles it’ll make the hair grow faster…

    Cheri – First of all, I love your new avatar! But it’s funny you posted that you were having trouble getting it changed on Saturday, because I saw the new one on Friday, or maybe even Thursday. Anyway I’m sure it was before Saturday, because I didn’t get on my computer at all Saturday… Strange.

    Vickie – Glad to hear your eye feels better. You should feel good that they offered the job, even if you decide not to take it. That’s a nice compliment to you. (But half the work and more pay… I’d sure be thinking hard about that…)

    Theresa – Happy Birthday, dear Aries-girl! Sorry to hear you’re sick for it. That’s stinky.

    NS – I guess if you have to have the drains in, it’s good that they are doin’ something, at least. Hang in there!

    Shirley – I loved the Tide letter! That’s great.

    Deb – I’m saying a prayer for Jayne1956. That’s sad news. I am glad to hear that so far your family is symptom free, and I’m crossing my fingers all stays that way.

    Madison – Eeeewww. You said the ‘t’ word. We owe this year, but we’re waiting until the last minute to send the check. I hate taxes.

    Denise – Sorry to hear your DH has pneumonia. That’s not good, but you be careful that you don’t catch it, okay! My boss was out most of last week, and when I talked to her on Friday, was waiting for the results of a chest x-ray to see if she has pneumonia again. Last time she had it, she was sick for 6 months before she got over it, so tell your DH to take care of himself and follow the doctor’s orders!

    Tracey – I’ve never had a boil, but it sounds painful. I’d be heading to the doctor, but I’ve been in a paranoid frame of mind of late.

    Lisa – you take the bestest pictures!

    I am SO glad to have part of my day to relax with all of you. Yesterday wasn’t fun, as the seminar our booth was at didn’t have nearly the participation promised (although I did get several squares done while sitting around). DH and I went to dinner with my dad after (since it was in the same city where he lives)and that was fun. Without getting into details, there was one group represented that was putting out information about a ‘cause’ for BC that ACS says isn’t true. I didn’t want to say anything since I was there representing my company, not me, but it just niggled at my conscious all day long. There is so much misinformation about cancer out there, and everybody thinks they ‘know’ what causes it. Dang it – if somebody really knows, then nobody else should be getting it right??? <<climbing down off my soap box now>>
    The good news of the day is that I’m winning the annual bet I have with my DH about the NCAAs. He’s into college basketball and make educated brackets. I watch because he likes it, and make my guesses based on liking the team mascot or colors or such. And would you believe I’m winning the bet this year?? How funny is that? It’s a win-win bet; winner chooses which restaurant to go to.

    Going back over to watch another movie and work on squares.


  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Vickie, that was a great joke, you really had me going.

    I know there are a lot of people here in the circle who need special hugs, but my dd could really use one right now. Yesterday she called to tell me that a boy in her art class at school, a small liberal arts college, had hung himself in his frat house. They found him Sat morning. She's really upset, especially since they had been focusing on her getting psychological help because of a comment she made to a friend when she was having a bad day. She feels guilty because they were making such a big deal out of what she said and she didn't mean anything by it and here they completely missed someone who really was hurting. He didn't leave a note and never seemed depressed. I had driven down to Alabama to visit my parents this weekend, so was too far away to do anything. My dh went up to take her out to lunch this afternoon. I talked to her today and she seemed ok, but I know this is going to be a very difficult week. I just start crying whenever I think about it! I met this young man during registration last summer, he was in Sarah's group. It's just so awful!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Deb, I looked up removal of warts for you.

    1. Use any kind of medical or first-aid tape. Apply it snugly over the wart and leave it there for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Change the tape only when you want to look clean. Be patient and persist for at least 3 weeks.

    2. Apply a drop of Castor Oil to the wart twice a day then tape as above. Also, you may mix Castor Oil and baking soda into a thick paste. Apply a couple times daily and cover with bandage or sock or glove.

    3. Take garlic capsules or tablets.

    4. Apply vitamin E oil, or clove oil, milkweed juice,the milky juice of the sows thistle plant, or the milky juice of unripe figs directly to the wart.

    5. Soak lemon slices in apple cider with a little salt. Let stand 2 weeks. Then rub the lemon slices on the wart.

    6. Rub with a piece of chalk or a raw potato.

    7. Tape the inner side of a banana skin to a plantar wart.

    8. Hypnosis seems to be a scientifically validated tool for treating warts.

    9. The power of suggestion alone-without hypnosis-can be equally effective at wasting warts.

    My personal favorite:

    10. Rubbing the wart with a penny and then burying the penny under the porch.

    From: The Doctors Book Of Home Remedies
    By The Editors Of Prevention Magazine Health Book

    You all ask for home remedies, you got em!
