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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon CG's

    Vickie - happy April Fool's Day. The last time someone played a joke on me, it was my DS and his best friend. Boy did it cause a lot of trouble for the boys as they forgot to mention April Fools!!!! Son and friend were on spring break in CA with friends dad. The boys pretended that they had gotten in trouble with the law. Funny thing is that friends dad is a retired cop. Neither DH or I could reach anyone to verify and of course we were too dumb to believe the message. Long story short, nothing happened, and boy were the boys, especially friend in hot water with his family. We could laugh now, but not at first.I got the largest bouquest of flowers I ever had. This was a good 3 years ago. No longer do April Fools!!! But Vikie you were good. Is the job offer for real? or another Arpil fools? If it is for real, it sounds like a good opportunity. More money and less work (but what about less stress)?.
    Denise, LIz, Always HOpe, Joyce - I am still way more tired than I thought I would be. Also not used to wearing a bra. Not really sore anymore, just not comfortable.
    Odayls - I don't wear my pic ID this year - my hair was just coming back in - and one from last year was prior to Dx and hair was long - luckily my principal does not insist on us wearing our ids.
    Sheri - hugs to DD in college.
    I got a note from my friend whose DH of close to 50 years who has been battling colon cancer for 1 1/2 years is now in hospice. It just made me so sad. I feel so helpless. Please keep them in your thoughts. On a little more positive note, my friend who had another bone marrow biopsy on the 23rd, the preliminary results are clean but still waiting on one more test but my girlfriend feels preey optimistic (his last bone marrow biopsy had leukemia cells). They have now taken him off his imnusupprecient meds. Nine months since the stem cell transplant. Lets hope he continues to do well.
    DD is home from college and I am so ticked off at her. She knew she needed to help me get ready for Passover - she has known for months. Do you think she wants to help - NO!!! Because she is an adult and doesn't want to be told what to do. And she told her dad that I made her cry twice today. So she is off helping friends of ours who have 3 kids 3 and under. DH is helping run errands and will help in the kitchen when he gets back. The two of us will get it done. I am not making sedars this year, so it is not quite as much cooking, but I do need some food for when we come home from synagogue on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow I have to work as my spring break is over. Boy would i love to be able to retire!!! Counting the years...but its still a long ways off.
    Deb- I will keep your friend in my thoughts and send her a pm.
    Vicki, Shel, NS, Christine, Cheri, Robin, Anne, Biker, MB, Madisin, Cheri, betty, Cy, Sue, Margaret, Mena, Laura, Amy, Shokk, and anyone else that I left off. Happy April 1st!!!
    Hoping everyone is feeling better today than yesterday. As always, the CG's are always in my heart. I have my pins with my special good luck amulets and they go wherever I go.
    Karen in Denver
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi Karen...Hugs to you and enjoy Passover. Sounds like DD needs a wakeup call about acting like an adult if you want to be one! The job offer is real. Don't know for sure what I'm going to do. It would be a lot less stress...thats for sure! I would only be responsible for payroll every two weeks and accounts receivable. I do it all now. Accounts payable and recievable, payroll, benefit tracking, resident personal accounts, answering phones, fixing computers, not to mention balancing accounts. It's pretty overwhelming at the beginning and end of the month when I have 160 apartments to bill for rent, extra meals, guest meals, maintenance, housekeeping, cable, phone.
    We shall see
    Be back later
    Love Vickie
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited April 2007
    hi, can't read to catch up but wanted to update you. Dad is doing well except his heart rate dropped to 30 last night so they put an extrenal pace maker on him.

    I've been showing the kids around town between hospital visits. It's so nice to be where the sun shines so much. It's going to be hard to go back to the rainy area Tuesday night!

    Hope all are doing well.
    Hugs & Prayers
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Hey ladies, happy Sunday everyone.
    Need your help in a social matter. My dear sister is throwing a big bash for her 35th birthday. She selected a princess theme and is looking for recipes/ideas on "pink alcoholic drinks". Go figure. Does anyone have any recipes I can pass on to her? Thanks.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    One Pink Drink

    Scarlet O'Hara

    1 oz Southern Comfort
    1/2 jigger Roses Lime
    1 jigger cranberry juice

    Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
    Strain into a rocks glass with ice
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2007
    Odalys you mentioned your new job is in a health system. Are you a nurse also?

    Shel, have a good time in the keys.

    Betty, two years ago I was doing chemo also. Something to be thankful for, huh!

    Madison, you really do like to crochet, don't you. I have to admit now that I have my KK It's fun churning these squares out.

    Vicki, i've been thinking about what to write.

    Joyce, there is so much for your husband to deal with, I suppose we need to give him a break. Hugs for you and your family. Rooting for good reports.

    Cheri, I'd like to meet your husband. You mean he really talks more than you do!!! That's a lot. <grin>

    tracey, funny picture.

    Cheri, how can you go to work with bacon wrapped around your leg. I'm glad you got your home remedies book out.

    Hi Cheryl, good to hear from you. Glad your Dad is doing well.

    Karen, enjoy passover. Sorry the DD isn't helping much.

    I had a good time at church today. I have joined the audio visual team and my job today was managing the slide show. It was fun.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Wow, I've been gone most of the day. Had a good time with my sisters...I don't do much with them. We went to see the musical "Respect." Kinda like "menopause" that was around a couple years ago. Only 2 hours, that's a good length for me. I don't get into the real long jobbies. Walked over and had dinner in Greek Town. But, it all ate in to my time with you. I'll read the post in the morning, until then, Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!!
    Love and Hugs,
  • Marsha56
    Marsha56 Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2007
    Hi Ladies! Happy Palm Sunday to all of you! Just wanted to tell you today was the day my daughters and me made a video for the company that makes Tykerb I was ask to make it for other paients and doctor's see a paient view of this joruney. I forget how hard and strange it isto revist the first time you where told " you have cancer" but we did it and they love the footage so we will see. Also Vicki good luck on getting your paperwork done! You are so insirping with all you do with the afgrans that you put togeter. Have a great night I am off yo bed!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    SoCalLisa - Scarley O'Hara sounds yummy. I'm sure my sister would love it. The name goes great with the theme too. Thanks.

    Susan - no, I'm not a nurse. I'm a health information administrator. It's my job to make sure health information is accessible for patient care, payment and research.

    Shel - I hope you are having a good time in the Keys. The weather is great.

    Well ladies, dh, Steven and I will be driving up to Maryland tomorrow. I am so excited. This is the first vaction we take since dx. Plus, I'm looking forward to a long drive...getting away from it all.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    hey odalys this are a good!!!!!!

    Singapore Sling
    1 1/2 ounce gin
    1/2 ounce Cherry Heering brandy
    1/4 ounce Cointreau
    1/4 ounce Benedictine
    4 ounces pineapple juice
    1/2 ounce lime juice
    1/3 ounce grenadine
    dash bitters

    Shake with ice. Strain into an ice filled collins glass. Garnish with cherry and slice of pineapple.

    umm cheri mud from the wasp nest hahahahahahahahahahaha
    i get right on that one... hehehehe
    omg i just about peed myself when i read that!!!!

    ugh its still really tender.... didnt raid the wasp nest mud but keeping a warm compress on it

    ah my daughter stepped on a nail today went right through her shoe and man did she bleed thinking i better take her to doctors tomorrow for a tetnus shot!!!
    poor kid
    well have a great night ladies going to go put the compress on and lay down and watch the tube... hubby is making me blt and mushroom soup for dinner.... i was to lazy to cook tonight

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007

    hey odalys this are a good!!!!!!

    hahah you would think i had a few already!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Howdy do girls. Happy evening. Hubby and I finally had some fun. Went on a nice long drive in the hills. It is stunningly beautiful out there. Lupines, poppies, and daffodils blooming everywhere. I LOVE SPRING!!! Ended up at his brothers cabin about an hour and a half from here. Had a nice afternoon gabbing. Just got home. So I feel good. Got to do something and accomplished trim painting and yard spraying. It was a good weekend.

    Tracey, if you pick the bacon remedy don't fall asleep or the new puppy might eat you.

    Vicki, I'm pondering something for the journal.

    Madison, everything counts.

    Robin, yikes.

    Socal, very pretty place. The wasps and snakes wouldn't dare bother me. Now just watch me get stung tomorrow. No worries about snakes for a couple of months.

    Anne, I laughed out loud when I read that. Just had to copy it here.
    I get totally irked when I hear stuff thats not true too. Makes me want to holler at someone.

    Sheri, I am so sorry about your daughters friend.

    Cheri, hahahhahahhahahhah.

    Karen, I'm sorry your daughter is not being helpful. Want me to give her a dose of mommy guilt for you?

    Vicki, wow you do a lot. Reminds me of my working days.

    CY, happy to hear your dad is doing well. Will continue to pray for him.

    Odalys, Cosmos are pink. Don't know how to make them tho. Go to
    you might be able to do a search for pink drinks. I want a princess party. Hmmmmm perhaps I'll plan my own bash this year.

    Susan, glad you had a good day.

    Denise, I saw Menopause last december in florida. It was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. At the end they invited everyone up on stage and we all got to do chorus girl line dancing. Had way to much fun. And I think my sis even saw a bit of herself in the characters. She is 1.5 years older than me and lives in denial land regarding menopause.
    Have a great vacation. Be careful.

    Marsh, very very cool.

    Have a great night ladies. See you tomorrow.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Tracey - you are a riot! Thanks for the recipe. My sister will be so happy. I found a website for Pink Drinks that also has some interesting recipes.

    Did I read correctly, you got bit by a wasp? Ouch...
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    I'm back from Vegas. We had a wonderful time with my son and his friends. Hung around with the kids Friday night until Ryan turned 21 and then caught up with the kids at dinner last night. Had dinner with them, got kisses goodbye and thank yous from all the kids, and didn't see my son until we picked him up this morning to go back to the airport. The other two kids are flying home tonight. Too tired tonight to do anything.

    Vickie, that was a good April Fool's joke. Sent you a PM about the journal. I must have missed your job offer.

    Cheri, love the new avatar.

    Judy, glad you dropped in. Hope you have the va under control and have a wonderful time in Hawaii.

    Betty, congrats on being two years out.

    Denise, hope hubby is doing better.

    Shel, glad you had a good birthday.

    Joyce, Kevin is in the circle tomorrow.

    Anne, we owe this year too. My sister just got a note from the IRS saying she owes $10k in unreported income from 2005 - $8k and then taxes and penalties on that!

    Sheri, that's so sad when kids feel that the situation is so bad the only way out is the final way. Hugs to your DD.

    Karen, doesn't that just tick you off when the kids don't do what you expect and need them to do?

    CY, glad dad is doing better.

    Odalys: Cocktail Recipes:

    1-1/4 parts VOX Raspberry Vodka
    1/2 parts Cointreau
    1 part Cranberry Juice
    squeeze of Fresh Lime Juice

    Mix in skaker half-filled with ice. Pour into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with fresh raspberries or a lime peel.
    1-1/2 oz. Bacardi Light Rum
    Pink Lemonade

    Pour Rum into tall glass filled with ice. Fill with Pink Lemonade.

    1 oz. Carolans Irish Cream
    1 oz. VOX Vodka
    1/2 oz. Bombay Sapphire Gin
    1/2 oz. Cointreau

    Build over ice. Stir and serve.

    Combine in a snifter:

    2 oz. Hennessy VS
    2 oz. Cranberry Juice

    Fill with Moet & Chandon Nectar Imperial. Add on the rocks.

    1 part VOX Raspberry Vodka
    1/2 part Chambord
    1 part Champagne (float)

    Mix in shaker half-filled with ice: VOX Raspberry Vodka and Chambord. Pour into a champagne flute and top with Champagne.
    Garnish with fresh raspberries.

    Pink Pantie

    1 oz vodka
    2 oz pink lemonade
    3 oz Sprite® soda

    Pour vodka over ice in a highball glass. Add lemonade, followed by Sprite, and serve.

    Other pink drinks:

    Pink Dream
    Pink Flamingo
    Pink Gin
    Pink Lady
    Pink Lemonade
    Pink Pussy Cat
    Pink Pussycat
    Pink Smoothy
    Pink Squirrel
    Pink Sunrise
    Pink Tequila

    Will catch up with everyone tomorrow.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    no odalys not a wasp sting... lol i have a boil on my inner leg near the groin area and cheri thought i should get the mud from a wasps nest to make a poutice.....

    then shirley found a wasp nest today... hahahaha
    oh another drink is this one...

    Pink Pantie Pulldown recipe

    Scale ingredients to servings
    1 oz vodka
    2 oz pink lemonade
    3 oz Sprite® soda

    mmmmm i gonna try that maybe on my birthday coming up

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    hahahahaha.....bacon wrapped around the legs with mud from a wasps nest...mmmmmm, we are still talking about curing a boil... right???????

    Good night CG' to get to bed so I can get up at 6 am tomorrow. I'll check in before we head off on our vacation. Pleasent dreams!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Margaret welcome back and glad you had a good time.
    I am soooo looking forward to this chemo being over.It will never totally be over for me the maintaince part that is but the chemo hopefully will be in the next 3 months.I want a new liver.Wonder if i can find one on ebay?
    Nite ladies.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    want to share a couple pics hubby took today.
    I live a couple miles on the other side of the bridge.

    and me in all my glory. He was so annoying me with the camera.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    oops sorry girls
    good night
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Shirley,you are beautiful lady and dont you forget it!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007

    awww thanks Robin. I bet you can find a liver on ebay

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies - I am wiped out. No stamina any more. DD knows that I am totally ticked off at her - given her the cold shoulde. DH says that he thinks she feel guilty and i said good!!!. I just think that she has never really dealt with my BC. She's away at school more than home. I work tomorrow. Then tomorrow night and tuesday night are the sedars. Thanks goodness we are invited out - I could never have managed to do any cooking. We kosher our kitchen for passover - cover the counters, different dishes, clean the stove and ovens and even with all the help with DH, I am wiped. Could not have done it without him. I'm just not used to be able to do what I used to pre-BC. DH blames a lot on the AI's, plus I just had recon 9 days ago. I blame it all on BC!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!!
    Cy - thanks for update on your dad.
    Margaret - glad you had a good trip to Vegas.
    Odalys - have a good trip.
    All those drink recipes!!!! I barely have a glass of wine since chemo. When I do, it makes me sleepy then during the night it wakes me up.
    I hope to check in tomorrow - if not will be back late Wednesday. HAve a good monday. KAren in denver
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters...
    Where is my sunshine girl Nicki? Hey Nicki...I think I said once before that my Xanex is 10mg up to 3 times a day. I got prescriptions filled Saturday and CVS changed the labels (much easier to read)...well my Xanex is 1mg !!! I laughed so must of thought I was completely and totally looped all the time! Good thing I'm not a nurse!
    Robins on ebay lookin for a liver!?!? Oh my. I'll have to see what I can come up with.
    Odalys...have a grand vacation! You deserve it.
    CY...enjoy the sunshine and sending prayers your way.
    (((Karen)))...guilt always works LOL!
    Shirley and Susan!!! Thanks for writing.
    Shirley...I love the pictures and you look great!
    Tracey...are you getting the boil checked out? Don't know about the BLT on you leg treatment!
    Marsha...thank you and it's good to see you!
    Sheri...sending a special hug to DD and you. What an awful thing to happen. It happens every year here between Ithaca College and Cornell. To much stress for some or something. No one ever really seems to know. Sad sad sad.
    Madison...where are you?
    Ok...gotta get ready for work...tired this morning as me and Nate cleaned the entire house yesterday. Feels great to look around and have everything clean but I'm wiped out!
    I'll check back in after I get payroll done.
    Love ya all!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning Ladies and Happy Monday!

    Have to run but I wanted to thank you for keeping Kevin in the circle today. I will let you know how we made out tonight.

    Take Care,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning Joyce and happy Monday to you and Kevin. We will keep him in the center and in our thoughts today. Hugs to you and him.
    Margaret...I'll check my pm's when I get to work.
    Denise..have a great day.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning everyone,

    Hope eveyone has a great day. Back to work for me. We have the board of directors coming in 2 weeks, our boss is new and she's stressing about it. That stresses the reast of us.

    It rained all day yesterday, so my new mowere didn't get to show its stuff. But day is supposed to be nice, so we bond this evening. I did manage to clean one room though. We have a recumbant bike, my treadmill and all the files in there. We both tend to throw things on the desk and it just piles up. I'm not a very good filer and DH is worse. SO I brought home two copy paper boxes. One has a blue label and one has a pink label. They are now sitting under the desk and both are almost full. I'll get mine empty this coming weekend when I have Friday off.

    We were supposed to go away that weekend, but we are trying to be responsible grownups. So we decided we needed the mower more than the weekend. I'm not sure I like being responsible. LOL

    More later. Just wantd to say GM to my CG's. I love you all.


    Nickie, oh Nickie...time to get up.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning,


    Karen, sorry you are feeling tired. DD's are something else (I have 3 of those).
    Odalys, have a good time on your trip.
    Shirley, I love the look great. If I posted a pic of our area if would be green, flat land.
    CY, it was great to see you posting.
    Tracey, I hope you have the boil checked by a doctor today.
    Sheri...I'm sorry to hear about your DD's friend. We had a former neighbor and our daughter's classmate commit sucide (at the frat house-hung himself) a few years ago. There are not many words to express the grief. He was such a wonderful young man. I saw his parents a few weeks ago....they have a new grandbaby and I saw happiness in their eyes.
    Vickie, I know you are considering a new job offer....can you switch insurance companies? Since bc I feel slightly trapped because of my insurance coverage. I haven't sent any PM re: EE, but should be able to this morning.
    Marsha, Hello
    Joyce, will be thinking about Kevin today. Please post when you have the results.
    Betty, you had the weather that went through our area Saturday...supposed to be a cool front...NOT...we have fog so thick I can't see my neighbor's driveway.
    Need to get ready for work (my DD switched cars with me last night so she can go out of town on an interview -remember she had an accident a few weeks ago - anyway I am on tire looks awfully low!)
    Have a good Monday,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    Nicki, time to wake up!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    First of all let me say "bad Vickie..bad.bad Vickie...(swatting Vickie on the nose with a rolled up newpaper).....what you trying to do give us all a heart attack? I'm causally reading the post from the weekend and I read that Vickie thinks she is pregnant....what the....oh wait its an April fool's joke...geez......Joyce good luck today you and Kevin will be in prayers today......Sherlock I'm not going to ask how old you are but I am going to assume you are one of these women that have a body of a 16 yr old girl.....beautiful of the best vacations I ever went on the ex and I flew into SF rented a car and drove down hwy 1 to SD....we took 10 hotel resv. so drove stopped were we CA....actually got to experience a small earthquake in Long Beach......oh and Sherloc love the shoes.........Where in the heck is Nicki????Didn't take any notes but it looks like everyone had a good weekend.....Tracey maybe when you take daughter in for t. shot they could look at your careful that can get real ugly really fast remember your amune system is not strong......will check in later and talk about working in the yard yeasterday.....had a great day......everyone have a good Monday....I hope many will have a short week considering Friday is Good Friday......