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  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Ok no time to read but wanted to say at work its crazy and I want to be I will have time at lunch to try to catch up

    Hugs to you all, and hand holding for those who need it , and chocolate for those that must...lololo....
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Shirley - you look great!! You must have had your son at the age of 3, right?

    Madison and Vickie - For what it's worth, I had no trouble changing from my DHs insurance to my new employer's insurance when I got my new job in November. I did some careful research before I took the plunge to make sure my docs all took the new company, and that the ins company would cover me. I was told that as long as you haven't had a break in coverage, there isn't a problem covering you. So Madison, don't feel trapped - it adds a consideration to the move, but it is doable.

    Having a real Monday so far this morning, but it's time to get myself together an go to work.

    Later All,
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    omg i am soooooooooo tired of snow
    this is what i woke up to today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    hahahah sherloc my daughter seen your picture and she says who is that mom so i told her and she says she you look 19 yrs old........ i must say you are absolutely stunning girl!!!!!
    day off today for me think i might go back to bed after kids get off for school!!!

    i hate snow in april!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    good morning girls. Sorry about the pics being so big. Forgot to resize and was to lazy to do it over again.
    Was sitting here at my little desk last evening, playing in chat. Minding my own business when dear son yells from the other room......."MOM DON'T MOVE!!!
    Well of course that gets me up out of my chair to see whats wrong. About to turn the corner into the kitchen when WOOSH!!!! a bat comes flying at my head. "AAAAAAAAA" I scream!!!!! "Theres a bat in the house"!!!
    Son says, "Well no s**t mom, thats why I told you not to move". Poor lost bat makes a couple of swoops around the dining room and heads downstairs to the basement. I'm cowering as low as my skinny ass could cower on the floor. The kid is laughing his hiney off over his poor freaking out mom. Hubby is hollering from the basement, "Just open a damn door". I'm hollering back, "how the hell do you think it got in in the first place". Dear brave hubby walks right past the swooping vicious monster, opens the basement door and out it goes.
    I tell you my life is never boring.

    Karen hugs honey. My opinion. Good your daughter is feeling a bit of guilt. You just had major surgery for gosh sakes. Don't beat yourself up. The Lord knows you are doing your best to have everything ready.

    Margaret, glad you had a good time. Happy birthday to the kid.

    Vicki, hmmmmm maybe you need to see the eye doctor instead of the baby doctor?
    A clean house does feel good. Wish I had that feeling more often.

    Joyce, praying for Kevin this morning.

    Betty, hope your day goes well. I'm sure Vicki will be willing to give your boss some of her 10mg xanax. She'll be chilling in no time.
    I'm an anal filer. But hubby is another story. His man cave is chock full of boxes and bags of bits of paper that he just can't part with. Not to mention every other thing his hands have touched in the last 25 years.

    Madison, green and flat is pretty too. Be careful on tire watch. Hope dear daughters interview goes well.

    Hmmmmmm did you oversleep Nicki? Me thinks you are not happy this morning. I need my Nicki sunshine fix in the am. Come back come back where ever you went.

    Shokk, 16 year old girl? HA!!! 16 year old girls are perky. I'm just skinny and droopy. You can ask. I'm 45.
    The shoes are great aren't they. Got them at Mervyns on my girls day out last week. They had dozens of different styles. But I was good and only bought one pair. Seriously thinking of going back and getting a few more. I've done bits and pieces of Hwy 1. Scares the crap out of me. Parts of it are seriously not good for ones heart health. I've lived in California for all but 6 years of my life and have never experience an earthquake. How weird is that?
    Can't wait to hear about working in the yard. Did you find any vicious monsters?

    Hi MB, haven't seen you in a few days. Where you been?

    Anne, daughter at 19, son#1 at 23, son#2 at 25.
    Speaking of Son#2. He called yesterday. Lost in Savanah, GA. Wanted me to look up directions to a tattoo shop. Geez louise. He's gonna be covered in ink by the time he gets home in two weeks.

    Hope everyone has a grand monday. Not sure what I am going to do today. Probably should fold the laundry that has been piled on the couch since friday.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    O my gosh Tracey. You need to move. Guess no one told your weather man its SPRING!!!
    19 huh? hmmmmm I'm aging by the page here.
    Have a grand day off. With all that snow I vote for a couch and tv day.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2007
    Good Monday morning CG's,

    I should have been out the door by now instead I'm still sitting here in my night gown. My mind knows where I need to be but my body is saying no way, haven't even packed yet. This is happening more and more lately. I just want to sit still with no appointments or deadlines. Is that realistic?

    Thanks for all the pink drink recipes ladies. I emailed to my sister last night. She is going to be so surprised at the response. I wasn't cause you all are so great!!!! I keep telling her about all my cyber sisters. You are all so great!

    Nickie - running late this morning??

    Joyce - hope all goes well with Kevin today.

    Vickie - Are you also considering a new job? I missed that. What kind of job?

    Madison - don't let the medical insurance prevent you from moving on. Your current employer is obligated under the law to give you a certificate of coverage. Afterwards, you may need to purchase COBRA so there is no lapse in coverage. Having done those two things, you should have no problem with the new insurance. The key is not to have a lapse in coverage that way the bc dx won't be considered pre-existing. Anne gave you good advise. That is exactly what I am doing. The COBRA payments are not fun but well worth it.

    Shirley - you look great, how do you stay in shape? I want to get rid of my belly. Any suggestions on how I can get flat abs like yours?

    MB - thanks for the chocolate. I could eat chocolate the entire day and not get sick. Oh, oh, maybe that is contributing to my think???? LOL!

    Ok, got to is ringing. I'll check in after my vacation. Happy, healthy week everyone. Bye...
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited April 2007
    Good morning everyone..we west coasters get a late start ..I am off to play tennis...then to do my volunteer stuff at our local library...
    Tracey..can't believe the snow!!
    Shirley, wasps, snakes and now bats..yikes
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Sherloc, its like you live in one of those horror movie spoofs. LOL

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Hello girls,
    I hope everyone is feeling ok!!

    Tomorrow MAY be the day that they remove this drain....
    I HOPE SO!

    I have been very sick this weekend from a side effect of the antibiotics they had me on. I am now taking a new antibiotic for that. When I called my doctor she said she wanted a "sample" and said "Do you have any sterile sample containers at home??" YAH! Like I keep THAT item stocked. I said "No, I am all out" and she thought I was serious! LOL!

    Yesterday the carpenter showed up to put in my new storm door. He was supposed to come at the end of the month- the end of SEPTEMBER. So now that winter is gone I have a new storm door. It took him EIGHT HOURS to install it. I called my friend up and said "If I could use my arms I could have done this is 45 minutes!"

    My cat loves it though because it has glass that goes all the way to the bottom so he has a new lookout for intruders.

    Then LAST night I was making a cup of tea and had my thumb nail on the BURNER of the stove (electric) I didn't feel it! The only way I knew it was there was I smelled the burning nail polish and nail. What the heck? I am losing feeling in my fingers now??

    I wish I wasn't so out of touch with you all!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey Gina-

    Hope that drain is OUT of here tomorrow. I had a lot of feeling loss in my hands when my LE just started. It did come back though...of course then I lost it with Taxol....

    I have taken "samples" to the doc in nex ziplock bags LOL

    Sending you a hug
    Be back later girls
    Deb C
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Yea Gina its good to hear from the story of your burning reminds of the movie "Funny Farm" when Chevy Chase gets that hound dog that pretty much is comatose and they keep smelling burning hair and the dog's tail is in the fire in the fireplace and Chevy moves its tail with his foot....ha.....will be keeping fingers crossed so will get drain out tomorrow........Tracey I know you are sick of snow but how beautiful to wake up to and not have to go to is already so warm and muggy here in North Texas...after working in the yard yesterday I was getting ready to take my shower and under the remaining boob DebC you will appreciate this....the red rash.....coundn't be more trilled.......anyway planted flowers, mowed, and edged....the weather was prefect.....anyway off to lunch..have to run an errand for my 14 yr old.....will check back in later.....oh and Cheri love the new avater...

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    LOL Shokk-

    Thr TRUE indication of spring...when the rash comes back

    That is one thing I don't miss

    Deb C
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited April 2007
    Tracy - Still snow! yuck! It's in the 80's down here but boy do we need rain. I'll send you some heat if you send me some moisture.
    Shirley - A bat!!!! I would have been screaming and hiding under a bed. Bats are ok but not in my house! By the way YOUR BEAUTIFUL
    Odalys - I know just how you feel. When I look at my calender and see all the appts. to come it is so depressing. I would love to have just 1 month with no Drs and no tests.
    NS I sure hope that drain comes out. Be super careful with your fingers. When I finished taxotere I had some feeling loss in my fingers and didn't realise it till I found cuts on my finger tips a few times. Mabey your LE is the culprit. I'm new to this LE stuff but I have noticed sensation changes with it on and off.
    To all have a nice day. I'll try to check back later.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Shirley...LMAO...a bat...hehehehe I'll have to tell you the story of the bat in the middle of the night did you forget I only check in at work...especially when its soooo nice out....
    NSSSSSSSS so glad you are posting...hugs ...still counting on you this won't be the same without you....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It's a beautiful day in the Ozarks! Supposed to be up to 84 here. Then we're gonna drop back down this week. I love this Missouri weather. Shorts one day and coats the next.

    Odalys, have a nice vacation.

    Anne, on my avatar. I tried several times to change it and put the new picture in on thurs. night and it wouldn't take it. I'd done it before and it's simple, but it just wouldn't change. So I was aggravated with it and didn't even mess with it on friday. Then I was playing around at the Cyber party fri. night and all of a sudden my avatar just changed! Like a delayed reaction. Then on sat. I was talking about what had happened with it. So that's probably why the mix up. I still don't know what happened. But I got it so I guess that's what counts.

    Cy, glad your daddy is doing alright. Also, it's good for you to get out in the sunshine for a few days.

    Susan, I'm forced to talk as much as I do cos when dh is home I can't get a word in. lol

    Denise, I'm glad you had a good time with your sisters. Before I turned into a hermit I used to do things with all my sisters. I'm the youngest of 6 girls and 2 boys. All my sisters except one live about 35 miles from me. I just don't get out unless I have to.

    Tracey, sounds like the home remedies made you hungry. Didn't you say your dh made BLT's for dinner? lol

    Shirley, sounds like you and dh had a nice day. Pics are great.

    Joyce, prayers for you and Kevin today that he'll get good reports. Be sure and let us know how things turned out.

    Betty, we got a new lawn mower this year too. We have a 3 acre yard so we had to have a riding one. We've had an old one for a few years that dh had to work on every week-end so this year we spent the money and bought a good one. Every night when he's called home for the last 2 weeks he jokingly asks me if the grass has grown enough yet. Well today it has and he's out enjoying mowing. He's like a kid with a new toy. lol

    Madison, I'm putting the rectangles in the mail today. I went ahead and put in all that I had because they fit. So you've got several coming. It'll keep you busy. lol Then I should have enough done in a couple days to send Vickie a box.

    NS, crossing my fingers that you finally get that mean old drain out tomorrow. Hoping you feel better.

    Hey to Shokk, Vickie, MB, Nicki, Margaret, Laura, Christine, Karen, Colleen, Deb, Jeannie, Shel, Jazmanian, Kristen, Michele, Theresa, Amy, Jule, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Puppy, Janny, Iris and anybody else that I mistakenly missed. Wishing all of you a safe, happy day.

    Mena, where are you? I sent you a pm. that you probably haven't read yet.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    HI All
    I promised some of you that i would check in each day so I am going to live up to that promise.It is a beautiful day here 75 degrees and sunny.Noelle and I went to another closer town and I bought a deluxe abd lounge when my shoulder gets better I am going to get this weight off me and get into shape.Now all i need is a total gym,any of you gals have one you want rid of? I bought a bun and thigh roller at a thrift store sat for 10.00 thats what made me decide to make myself a small gym.I will have to do all the moving of course since the dh cant even take off the garbage anymore.
    I am going to try and quit even thinking of him,in my mind he is gone.
    Hope all of you are having a wonderful day.
    I would love to move to canada always have wanted to but dont think I could take the snow.
    My shoulder has been killing me today.
    I see the lawyer next week and cant wait to see what he has to say.
    talk to all of you later
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Robin, glad you are keeping the promise to yourself, this place always makes me feel strong...., you look great.....
    MB still sneaking in at work...lolol
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Hi everyone!!

    I can't begin to catch up!! I have been incredibly busy all weekend. Too busy!! Had the big family party and overnight guests, went to the Builder's Show and now I am filling in at work today. No rest for the weary! I will try to catch up a little later, when I have more time.

    Hugs to all!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Two questions first: What does "reading a post in flat mode" mean? What does "Bump" mean?

    Okay, good afternoon!

    Sheri: Oh, how sad...give your daughter hugs and prayers from me.

    Anne: I've discovered that you have quite the sense of humor!! I like it!

    Cheri: I must say that I love your medical book! Can you check on "removing fat" and let me know what it says, please? You're a Hermit? I would never have guessed, is it because of medical or just because? I've kinda turned myself into one too. Wow! The Squares are in the mail!!! (Thank you!)

    Karen: Still not to comfy, huh? Better than the corset, but not the best? Have a nice PassOver. Kick your DD in the butt and hope for some help. I never had trouble getting my DD to do anything...........then came the boys!

    Cy: Glad to hear your Dad is doing okay..extenal pacemaker, hopefully that does the trick and he can be on to a good recovery.

    MarshaB: Don't think I've met you, but glad that I have now. A video for Tykerb...very interesting!

    Margaret: Glad you are back and you had a good time in Vegas! Should I be looking for a check in the mail for my share of the winnings?

    Lisa: Nice weather, playing tennis and volunteering. Somehow, I can picture you in all of the scenes!

    I know....I'll be right back!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Denise what do you think "bump" means???????You are such a sweetheart............

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Cont'd: I'm starting to annoy myself with that trick.

    Shirley: Menopause the Musical was so much fun..alot of people went on stage after it here to..not my sisters..!
    You still have a Mervyns Store? I loved that place, but they closed all of them in MI over a year ago.
    BATS: Not my friends! I was stupid enough to by my DH a bat house for Christmas the first year we married (2001), I sure as hell didn't think they would really move in it!
    Your #2 Son sounds like my #2 Son!! Need say no more!
    Okay, now for the serious stuff. If you guys don't quit posting pics of your cute little bodies, people are not going to believe me when I tell them that my weight gain is do to treatments and meds! I'm beginning to not believe me!
    You do look good though.......but I gotta tell ya.....when DH and I are watching TV and I see a "Thin, Cute lady" I usually sneer, "skinny bitc*!" To you, I say it with affection, though!!

    Tracey: Yuk, more snow. Sounds like MI weather. You have a boil? I love boils! Sick, yes I am, and proud of it! You put warm compresses on that baby and call me when it is ripe.....I'll fix it all up. (zits, ingrown hairs, blackheads.....I fix em!)

    Vickie: I always wondered how come you were always so peppy and putting these afghans out so fast. Now I know, it was the 10mg of Xanex 4 times a day!! Did you take these with or without the "night time" cold pills?? I do like CVS' new blue labels, they are easier to read. Did you know that they take any drugstores coupon. I always get coupons from Rite aid for $20 on a new or transferred RX. Whenever I get a new (or refill on Presc. pad from DR.) they take it and I get a free $20 gift card for CVS. I sometimes feel like I take advantage of it, but the clerks say, Why not.

    Gina: I can actually feel and smell the burning fingernail. Yikes! 8 hours to install a door! Reminds me of the time (single then with 3 kids), I had a leak behind the faucet in the shower. The Insurance Co. hired "contractors" to take out the old shower walls and put in a new one and paint. We're talking SMALL bathroom and pre-molded shower walls. It took them 7 weeks!! Only shower we had, and I had 3 teenagers at home!!

    Joyce: Anxiously waiting to hear about Kevins results.

    Madison: Saying Hello, and hoping all is well with you and your Physical Terrorist!

    Nicki: Happy Stinkin Monday to you also my Dear!!

    Betty: Tip for filing. One swiff cross over the desk with arm and poof the desk is clean. Anything that hits the floor isn't important.......Shred it!!

    Love and Hugs to all,

    Shokk, alwayshope, Sue, Robin and Susan..Don't know where you are but sending Hi's and Hugs!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    I forgot to mention Debs "sample in a ziploc bag!" I have actually seen people bring samples in a Mayo Jar before. A full Mayo Jar! New business Deb.......we could market it under the logo...."a drip in a zip"!!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    I believe Denise when you "bump" a thread it just keeps it from vanishing off the top 100 active answer your other question I don't know I was just being a smart a$$

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007

    I know where my mind wants to put "bump." But I'm not sure that's where it should be!!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi girls,

    I'm back...I promise not to be so anti-social anymore!

    I've read back over everything I've missed, and I'll post a longer message later on when I have more time. Just wanted to send hugs to everyone!

    Oh yeah, Vickie...I was really looking forward to hearing a sordid story about a wild one-night stand that resulted in your menopausal pregnancy! I clearly need to get some so that I can stop living through other people!

    Love to everyone,
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    So where have I been? About 80 miles from home on Sam duty (grandson) 3.5 days a week. that's where! My DD lost her daycare lady for the month of March so I picked up the slack. I have been leaving on Tuesday and returning on Friday nite---leaving three whole days to strip beds, grocery shop, launder. Thankfully SO is a sweetie pie who scrubs and does all of the heavier stuff while I'm gone. Who was it who said their hubby was steady on and that's a good thing? I'll say! Had one of the other kind----I am a prime example of the fact that some of us have to love a bad boy in order to appreciate a good guy. He ain't flashy, he's my Sweetie.

    Their ain't no way I can read the gazillion posts since I left but just let me say you are all in my thoughts---even when I'm changing poopy diapers!

    NS---I see things are taking a "two steps forward, one step back" path. When this is all over you will look back on it and marvel that you made it through---but in the mean time, yuck! Hopefully the drain has come back out.

    I do have a question for you guys. The onc's office called this a.m. to tell me the bone density shows a 3-4% bone loss in the lumbar spine and left femural head---is that a lot? Osteopenia on the left side----but it's the right hip pain that started all of this rigamarole. I've been on Femara for about 6 weeks after 18 months on Arimidex and am concerned that the Femara is really going to do a number on the old bones. My Mom had severe osteoporosis of the spine and I'd really rather avoid that. I'm beginning to think the pain is related to a slipped lumbar vertebrae that was dx 5 or 6 years ago and has nothing to do with this. They are supposed to call back tomorrow with info on what to do next.

    I'm leaving again tomorrow and then on to downstate for Easter weekend with the other set of grandbabies (none of these little people have parents---it's the babies Gramma is bonkers over) so will be pretty invisible for another week----again.

    Vickie---can I bring you a bag of squares tomorrow? Have just been crocheting and knitting away and sudden;y realized there were 30 of them in my finished pile.

    Everyone stay well and warm---as opposed to upstate NY where we try to stay well and can't seem to get out of the cold. They're forecasting snow for Thursday and Friday---WAAAHHHH!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited April 2007
    Ok, Cheri, I'm not paranoid or anything, but whenever I reada your posts and you list everyone, my name is always the one that is "anyone I may have left out". Is it because our names are so much alike? Just curious.

    Thanks for all of you who have remembered my dd these last few days. She's doing really well, in fact, I'm probably more upset than she is, I don't know. The same thing happened to one of my best friends when we were in college. We went to different schools, and a girl hung herself on my friend's floor. It's always been one of my biggest nightmares. I'm sorry my dd has to experience it, too.

    I'm enjoying my spring break down here in AL. My mom is teaching me how to knit socks, so I'm taking a break on squares for a few days. I've never done the double pointed needle thing before, it's kind of fun.

    I love you all!!! Thanks, that's all I can really say right now, you mean so much to me.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007

    I keep thinking about Ginny...has anybody heard from her?

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Oh Shokk,

    I know you were being a smart as*! Cuz, it takes one to know one!!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2007
    Denise - I didn't know what 'flat mode' was either, so I switched from that to 'threaded mode' to see. Basically, it changes the way the boards display on your screen. In Threaded mode you get the most recent post completely visible, then all the previous posts listed just by the title below that. You'd have to click on them to view them. 'Flat mode' shows the whole post, in a list one after the other, oldest to newest.

    Does that help? You can always switch from one to the other in your preferences off of the My Home page. Remember to use the submit button at the bottom of that page for the changes to 'take', and be prepared; my computer locked up when I tried to switch back. (I restarted and alls well now.)
