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  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited April 2007

    Hey CGS, DH came home and said"honey you got somthing from Alaska , must be one of your sisters from your house ( hehe)" I said "Oh My Heavens Sweet Deb sent me My Surprise" then of course I Cried and he just huged me and said you girls should make a movie about how much you all love one another, he said " Ya Know like that movie you always watch the traveling pants" OH Deb, thank You for my CD, and Buttons I will wear them proudly, and NS, will be a world wide name soon, then maybe we can kick some butt with talking to people about " THE MONSTER" Love you, Thank You, You have made this sad CG very Happy!!!!! Love You All, and Praying for You Everyday! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Puppy

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    Hey Puppy

    Glad the CD and buttons got there I'm glad you sent me your address so you can play along. You are always in my prayers,
    Deb C
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Evening All,

    Puppy, glad you posted....we love ya. I bet we could make one heck of a movie with all the CG's.
    NS, hope you are doing better.
    Hi to all!!!!
    Oops, DH calling...gotta back later.

    Oh, my eldest is coming home Wednesday for a visit...I'm excited..she will be 27 tomorrow!!!!
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2007
    Hi all,

    My little guy is doing better, so I’m not quite as crazy this week! It is so hard for me to watch him struggle, and the control freak in me just wants to fix it.

    Cheri – I love the new avatar! I’m not sure that putting bacon on my thighs would cure a boil, but it might help me get my mojo back!

    Karen – Enjoy the Passover holiday!

    Vickie – I’m working on a journal page, but I’m a little stuck right now. My friends say that I should write a book about my family and the way they interacted with me during my treatment. My friends find the stories hysterical, but I’m not sure that they would appeal to a wider audience.

    Sheri – Hugs for your daughter. Several years ago, one of my students was murdered by an ex-boyfriend, and I still remember the sick feeling I had when I found out.

    Margaret – Thanks for all the drink recipes. I’m making a list of all the ingredients that I need…my family will be here for Easter, so I plan on getting pretty liquored up before they arrive.

    CY - I’m glad to hear that your Dad is doing better.

    Deb – I’m heading over to the Recurrence thread to check on your friend. I hate this damn disease!

    Tracey – Pink Pantie Pulldown?!! I’ll have to try that one too!

    Denise – I hear you about yelling at skinny girls on TV! I keep praying that the mirrors in my house have turned into the funhouse mirrors that just make you look shorter and fatter!

    Shirley – You look great, and I love those shoes! Shoes always make me feel better…

    Joyce – I’m thinking about you and keeping Kevin in my prayers.

    NS – Glad to see you posting and I hope that drain is out soon! In college, I once set my fingernail on fire while lighting a birthday candle on a friend’s cake. I can’t even blame LE for that one – I’m just a klutz!

    Hi to Madison, Shokk, Robin, MB, Nicki, Colleen, Jeannie, Shel, Jasmine, Amy, Jan and everyone I have missed!

    Love to all of you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Evening sweet sisters!
    wow...long hard day at work. Way too much for one person some days which makes the new job look even more appealing! I love my job so much and all the people that I work with but would appreciate a little recognision for all that I do once in a while. I worked through chemo and managed to do everything except one payroll. Guess I'm just feeling unappreciated and shouldn't cuz I know they appreciate me.
    Nicki...where is my sunshine sister? Ya got me worried dear girl. good to see your posts. I hope the drains come out tomorrow. That may relieve some of the numbness. Get ready for a magic carpet ride. We will grab Mazer and the chocolate fountain to cheer you and make sure the docs do what they are supposed to. Sending you love and hugs.
    Shokk...Wondered why my nose felt funny this morning heehee. I was going to wait till the next day to say April fools but couldn't pull it off...didn't want anyone to worry!
    Anne...thank you for the insurance info. I am going to check it out. That is my only worry about the new job.
    Tracey...ewww...snow! I am so sick of snow. We had a beautiful day today but are expecting snow Thursday and Friday...enough already!
    Shirley...bats! ROFLMBO...oh that would have been a great video. I actually do need to make an eye doc appointment as my vision just isn't right. One more appointment...big sigh.
    Odalys...the new job would be doing just payroll. It's about an eight of what I do now. They are also looking for an accounts receivable person and I could actually do both. More money...way less work. Just don't know if I want to leave where I am. I love my job.
    Lisa...TENNIS! Oh way could I ever play tennis...I am such a total klutz. The only thing I'm good at is swimming and volleyball. Beach bum...that's what I want to be when I grow up!!
    MB...sneaking in at work...bad girl. I do the same thing if I get a chance. Sometimes I'll write in notepad a little here and there and then post when I can.
    Cheri...hmmm...I saw a picture of Queen Elizabeth on with an umbrella...I think she's lookin out for you! LOL
    Robin...I'm so glad you checked in. Sounds like you are getting DH out of your head and I'm glad. Thoughts, prayers and hugs to you every day!
    Jan...bout time you showed back up!
    MarshaB...good for you on the video. I don't think I could do it. I'm pretty sure I'd probably bawl all the way through. for the coupon idea! 90.00 in prescriptions this weekend alone!!! Doesn't sound like a lot but it is when your a single mom with an eight year old that is growing like a weed! I swear that boy is gonna eat me out of house and home! I'm gonna have to start renting him out pretty soon.
    Gus...I'm always lookin for a good sorid story LOL. Living through other peoples lives in booorrrriiinnnggg! LOL.
    Jeannie...HI...missed you! I will be at work tomorrow. What time will you be in? I have to run down to walmart at some point and I don't want to miss you. I can go downtown any time so just let me know. As for your scan...I have osteopenia and they put me on Fosamax that I take once a week. Baby Sam must be growing like a weed. SO sounds like a true doll...your a lucky women! And beautiful too...I have a great picture for you when you come in. I am so sick of this up and down weather...sweaters one day...winter coats and boots the next. Enough! is Kevin?
    Hi to Alwayshope, Susan, Tgirl, Shel, everyone that I've missed.
    I love ya all!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Hi snuck in on me...write whatever comes to mind! It will be fun. We need the humor to go with all the other stuff we've been through!
    Love and hugs
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited April 2007
    Good afternoon CG's,

    Just a quick post, before I need to get ready for the sedar - at someone else's house of course!
    DH said that DD helped clean the house today - bathrooms, and vacuumed. So I guess she redeemed her self. Then when all was done she went to our friends to help with their kids and their cooking. That is where we are going for the second sedar tomorrow night.

    Vickie - felt that hug. Loved your story about the Rx.
    Shirley - your are georgeous!!! Loved the pics.
    Joyce- keeping you and Kevin in my thoughts.
    Madison - I have three kids - dd just turned 9, DS almost 18 and DD almost 21.
    Shirley - thanks, I'm just tired of it all. I jsut want to feel good.
    NS- storm door - maybe it will keep the heat in.!!! antibiotics are nasty. Sure hope you get some feel good days soon.
    Tracey - the good old Rocky Mountains - We get snow in May!!! but right now it is in the 70's and tomorrow back to the 50's.
    Jeannie - hope you areenjoying GS. Can't help with the bone density stuff - just had my first one last summer when I started Arimidex and I was borderline osteopenic. Stayed on Arimidex for 7+ months and now on Femara. Will have another bone density this summer.
    Puppy5 - DH sounds like a gem. Some of us are lucky. My DH is also wonderful. He will ask me what the girls have to say when I have questions. he knows how important this site and the CG's are to me.
    Well, I have left lots of people out, but really need to get busy. Miriam just got home and wants a few minutes on the computer. Be back late Wednesday night. Karen in denver
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Yes Vickie, I'm baaaack! I know I missed a lot. Are you looking at a new job? Sorry I missed the party, my life has been NUTS lately.

    Tracey, will the winter ever end for you??????

    Shirley, Hmmmmmm!! Wow Girl!! Lookin' good! Bats in the house?? No thanks!

    NS, I hope they take out that silly drain soon. This is getting to the point of ridiculous!! My cat used to look out the storm door all the time. It was his favorite place to be.

    Jeannie, Sam duty?? That's a whole lot of work. We are watching the 2 GS in two weeks. They are coming here for 2 nights. They both get up at night still ( ages 4 & 2 ). We will have to think of a way to tire them out!

    Karen, have a wonderful Passover! My boss is Jewish, and his wife always makes matzoh bagels for me. I LOVE them, but they sit in your belly like a rock!

    Cheri, Wassup?? What's happening in MO? How are those cute puppies?

    I had a crazy weekend. My DH's whole family was here on Sat. His brother got married last summer to a woman he met on the internet. He came to the party alone, and when I asked him where his wife was, he told me that she stayed home, because they were having "problems". Oh, big surprise!! But, all in all, we had a great time. The grands were here and that is always fun, although they like Pop Pop a whole lot better. One of the twins wanted to see his tattoos! We watched videos we took after the Valentine's Day snow storm, when we were all sledding down the front yard. That was very funny!

    Now I'm back to work and having no time to catch up, since I am working extra hours to cover for someone on vacation. Boo Hoo, nobody ever covers for me .

    Love to all. I know I missed lots, but I didn't h ave time to look back and read all the posts! Just know that you all are in my thoughts!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good evening ladies. Hope everyone had a good day.

    Denise, yes, you are sick. So is my dd she's always picking at something on somebody. She likes it, alot. I'm glad you asked the question about the flat mode and threaded mode because I never knew either.

    Anne, thanks for answering Denises question.

    Sheri. I just don't really know how to answer. lol I know it's nothing personal that your in the "anyone else I've mistakenly missed" list. TeeHee. I thought I covered most everyone. I guess I did cover 'most'. Maybe it's the same name thing but I imagine it's more because you and I have never really talked to each other about anything, that I recall. I don't know you very well. We've not had much interaction and also you don't post as often as some of the others. You can bet, tho, that I will include you from here on out. I apoligize and didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings. Now you know I'll be watching you to see that I'm mentioned in your posts. lol Anyway, thanks for bringing it to my attention instead of stewing over it. It honestly was nothing personal.

    Sparky, I sure hope you get that darned drain out tomorrow. That'll make you feel better. You need to get well now.

    Mena, wishing you the best. I'll pm or call you later. Or maybe an email, don't know yet. You know I'm going to nag.

    Hey to, Sheri, Vickie, Nicki, MB, Susan, Margaret, Laura, Christine, Karen, Colleen, Shel, Betty, Jazmanian, Odalys, Kristen, Michele, Theresa, Robin, Amy, Jeannie, Iris, Jule, Carrie, Deese, Brenda, Puppy, Iris, and anyone else that I might have mistakenly missed. If I missed your name it isn't personal. Wishing you all a safe, healthly, nice evening.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    I'm posting a couple of pics of the new puppies. They're a week old now.They're trying hard to open their eyes. Mork is bigger than Mindy. I can't wait until they get big enough to play around.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    They still look like piglets or guinea pigs. They are so sweet.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    This is a profile of Mindy.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    awww Cheri...babies and puppies...aren't they the greatest!

    Nicki...I'm gonna send out a posse if you don't check in and soon. I need my sunshine sister!

    Ginney...where are you? Does anyone have an address or phone number so we can bug her?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    A sweet angel to watch over us all tonight.
    Really tired so I'm heading off to ya all.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Happy afternoon girls. My day got shot to hell in a handbasket. Spent it in the ER!!! I'm fine.
    Went to work out this morning. Was having a little trouble breathing. Thought OK slow down, you haven't worked out for a while. Left Curves, ran some errands. Breathing not getting any better. So good girl that I am, call oncs office. Nurse says....hmmmmmm, doc out of town. To be safe go to ER or Prompt Care to get checked out. ER is usually a nightmare so off to prompt care I go. They do chest xray and ekg. Nada. Doc says hmmmmmmm. PE's don't show up on xrays unless they are really big so I'm sending you to ER. UGH, should have gone there in the first place. Good news is when Prompt Care calls the ER they just zip you right in. On second thought it could have been the fact that I can't seem to take a deep breath. Anywhos long story short, ER did some kind of blood test, Dsomethingorother, said test normal, ekg normal, xray normal....we don't think you have a blod clot but if you get worse come back right away.
    Doc said I do have a bit of a fever so I could be coming down with something viral.
    Good News is it got hubby out of a day at work.
    And that was my day.

    Odalys, I work out at Curves everyday. But mostly my size is plain old fashioned genetics. I got my dads skinny bod. My sis got all the other good stuff.

    Socal, what do you do at the library? Hope you had a grand time playing tennis.

    Jas, I live in a twilight zone episode most of the time.

    Gina, burning nails? 8 hour storm doors? and feeling crappy. Hon you need a vacation.

    Deb, ewwwwwww

    BooSue, if I had been in my bedroom I would have been under the bed. Bats in the house don't work for me either. Although I must say we have a minimal bug problem. At least the nasty vermin earn their keep.

    MB, got your bras today. Thanks bunches. Can't wait to hear someone elses critter stories. I know I can't be the only one ruled by wild life.
    I forgot your only here on weekends. I'm on tamox, I have "Cognitive Issues". That is my all time favorite side effect. I'm gonna be sorta sad to give it up in a couple of years.

    Cheri, at least you have an avatar. I haven't figured it out yet. BTW, you look a bit like my mom. And I look like my mom. So that must mean we're sisters.
    Hubby and I did have a nice day. We finally had some fun.
    I turn into a hermit in the winter. I absolutely hate cold weather. But once the sun comes out I want to be out in it.

    Robin, good for you for keeping your promise to yourself. I would never work out if I had a home gym. Have to go where they make me do it.

    Hi Jan, don't wear yourself out.

    Denise, don't know about the "flat mode" but bumping a thread is bringing it back to the top of the list.
    Menopause the Musical had me rolling in the aisles. I would spend the money to see it again in a heart beat.
    Yep we still have Mervyns. They haven't closed that many here in CA. I used to work for them when they were owned by Target. Was a good company then. Target sold to some money hungry investment corp while I was on medical leave. Hearing all the crap that was going on made me not want to go back. So I quit when leave was up. I miss the paycheck but not the stress.
    Well hmmmmmm I guess I'll take "skinny B***H as a compliment. I may be skinny but I'm really really nice.
    Please please don't compare yourself to me. I am what those in the know??? call Medically Anorexic. I don't starve myself, but I do not gain weight. I have been the same size since I hit puberty and grew boobs. Very itty bitty ones I might add. I am not physically fit. I am thin. Big difference.
    OK enough rambling. But it makes me sad when ladies compare themselves to me.
    EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW my daughter is a zit popper. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!!

    Hi Gus/Sue, antisocial is not a good thing. Good to see your not gonna do that anymore.
    I'm a shoe girl all the way.

    Jeannie, I have Advanced Osteoporosis. I am on Fosomax. Onc wants me to do Aredia infusions. They all tell me pain is not from osteo. I say baloney. I hurt all the time. Not sure if they give the biophos drugs for osteopenia. My advise is bump up your calcium and vit D. I do 1500mg of calcium and 800units Vit D a day. Plus fosomax weekly and all the calcium containing foods I can stomach. Good heavens how I hate yogurt.
    Have fun with your grands.

    Sheri, socks? o my. Can I have a fancy striped pair? I love socks.

    Anne, huh????? I'm sure that made sense to someone.

    Puppy aint the CD and buttons grands. Debs the bestest.

    Vicki, get your eyes checked. I got my new glasses last sept. They have never seemed quite right. But I have never got around to getting them checked. Stopped in at the Vision Center at wally world this morning before my fated phone call. Turns out one of the lenses was just a bit crooked in the frame. How silly is that. I've been seeing wonky for months for nothing.

    karen, it was a good day. Thanks for the comps.

    Cheri, those are just the cutest pickin little things I have seen in a long while. They do look like guinea pigs. Hmmmmm wonder what there daddy is? Maybe a sharpei?

    Rest well Vicki. I'm off to work on grandsons quilt. Have promised myself it will be done in two weeks.
    Liz, got your bras today also. Thanks bunches.
    Joyce, wondering how Kevins appt went today?
    Gina, prayers for tomorrow.
    Have a great night girls.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    Thanks for the feedback on the bone stuff. I just hate the idea of more pills----between the vitamins, fish oil, calcium, allergy meds, blood pressure stuff, glipizide, Femara and lipid crud I already take 18 pills every damn dumb day. I rattle when I walk! What concerns me is the Femara and the effect it might have down the line. Don't really want to take Zometa, although it has been shown to prevent bone loss when you're on Femara---but you end up risking osteonecrosis of the jaw. I'm my dentist's favorite patient, have already put at least one of her kids thru college so kinda hinky about that too.

    I'll probably hit town about three---will you be there? I want to go to Wegman's too---they carry organic meats that my Wegman's here doesn't stock. SO was scrolling thru my iphoto pics yesterday and asked me who that pretty lady was---it was YOU!

    And yes---where ARE you Nicki?

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    Shirley I hope you are OK. I HATE ERs!!!

    Well girls, remember the burner I set my thumb nail on fire on?? Tonight I put the oven mitt on it and set THAT on fire.
    I didn't even know it was burning except for my cat meowing at the stove! Maybe he should join the FD here- we are all volunteer and he is a good firecat!

    Then today, I totally DID NOT know someone I have known for SIX YEARS. I had NO CLUE who she was!

    I think I have anesthesia poisoning- eight hours is a long time...

    I am staying AWAY from the stove from now on!

    Love you all,
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007
    Those are the cutest puppies.
    I took some pictures of my Max today and will post them as soon as I figure out how.Also took pix of my community afghan.
    Goodnite to all of you.Have a great day tomorrow.The only way I will be able to relax is when Jasmine has this baby.Please pray for her.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Jeannie, personally I think zometa is a bit of overkill for osteopenia. Can't imagine an onc giving it to you before trying the pills.

    Gina, yikes. Order out for a while.
    I'm fine, breathing isn't really all that important is it?
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Gina, you now have a microwave, use it. But you still have to be careful when removing heated items from it, too. But unless you put metal in it there shouldn't be a fire. Take care of yourself.

    Robin, Margaret can teach you how to post pics, she taught me and did a real good job!

    Hope all of you, my dear friends, get a good nights sleep.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning! Nicki...where are you my sunshine sister? Do I have to sing to you...ok here goes
    You are my sunshine
    My only sunshine
    You make me happy
    When skys are gray
    You'll never know dear
    How much I love you
    Please don't take my sunshine away.
    Come on sweet girl...we all need you sunshine.

    Shirley...I had the same breathing problem a long time ago and went to the ER and they freaked out which freaked me out and it turned out to be stress. My mom was in the hospital at the time and I had no idea that it was stress related. What a day for you! There is a lot of flu going around so take it easy and drink a lot. Hugs.

    NS...oh my! I'm gonna have to come babysit you girlie! Be careful.

    Jeannie...I will be at work at 3. Can't wait to see you.

    Robin...sending prayers for Jasmine and you. Hope that baby comes soon and can't wait to see the pictures.

    Cheri...what are you doing up at 2am...silly girl!

    Sending love to everyone...gotta get ready for work. I want to get there early and maybe use the pool for half an hour!
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning.

    Hey Vickie, you beat me up. Well, you beat me posting. I've been reading post for about 15 minutes. Today is "fossilmax" day, but I'm already on my second cup of coffee. Does that tell you I was up at 5?

    At work we have to do a presentation to the board of directors next week. Yesterday, my boss informed me that our mayor will be there for my part. After about 8 years of our conference will be here next year. We normally travel around the country. I like our mayor, but it puts a little more pressure on me that I really didn't need. I'm doing a powerpoint (yeah, I know everyone hates them) and having DH to a voice over. That way, I don't have to talk during it, just answer questions. Do you think I've ever done this before? Noooooo. Just a wild ass idea I had late last week. I sure hope I can pull it off.

    Hugs to everyone. When I don't take notes, I say that. I don't want to miss anyone, so you all are in my big hug.

    Coffee....yes, here I come. More later at work if I can.


    Nicki, where are you???????
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Where is Nicki?
    Shirley, glad you are okay..scary
    Gina, be careful
    Has anyone heard from Joyce?
    Robin, keep us updated on Jasmine
    Gotta go, need to go to PT, and bring dog to be groomed....
    Be back later.
    Morning to ALL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Morning Madison!
    Betty...almost forgot my Fosamax!!! Glad you posted about yours!
    Love all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007

    Hey! I dont want anyone to worry about me. Im feeling good. Just need a break from the circle.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited April 2007

    Hey Nicki don't stay gone for too long....we need you here....give your husband a kiss today from the cg's.....I know there are times he drives you crazy but I think he loves you more than you know.........

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Morning kids!

    Hope everyone has a grand day. I'll be back later.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    A gracious good morning, ladies!

    Cheri, I agree with Shirley. Those puppies are too pickin cute!! They do look like guinea pigs though .

    Robin, praying for you and your daughter.

    Shirley, I've had episodes where I couldn't take a deep breath. It was stress. Totally scary though!

    Nicki, don't stay away too long, we all look forward to your morning posts!

    Not much exciting happening in my side of the Circle. Just work and more work this week. We are going to my youngest son's for Easter. He said he wasn't going to let me cook for a crowd two weeks in a row. What a good son!

    NS, you need to be careful around open flames!!! I have the same problem with recognizing people. I saw a guy I knew a few years ago, and I totally didn't know who he was. I will blank on names all the time. I just blame it on chemo brain. That's my story and I'm stickin to it!

    Everyone have a real nice day. It's supposed to get cold and rainy tomorrow, after giving us another tease of Spring. My forsythia have buds on them, and my hyacinths are coming up. Yah!!!

    To all I missed, Jeannie, Shokk, Odalys, Lini, Tracey, Sheri, Amy, Liz, Madison, Anne, Gus/Sue, Deb, Boo, Laura, LauraB and Susan, have a great day!!!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited April 2007
    Shirley---They decided on Actonal and another bone density scan in 12 months. There is a clinical study out called the Z-Fast study that shows that women put on Zometa as soon as they start Femara greatly reduces bone loss but they said my insurance probably wouldn't pay for it. I'd really rather keep my jaw bone anyway!

    Vickie---I'll be there around 3. Short trip this week---coming back home tomorrow---thank goodness. I was beginning to feel like I lived there and just visited here. Hard to keep a house running on what amounted to 3 days a week and still have time to read the Sunday paper!

    Nicki---everyone needs a break every now and then but we'll miss you while you're gone.

    Snowmen---what ever happened with the other job? I think I missed that while I was busy changing poopy diapers.

    Hope Kevin got good results back yesterday.

    Time to go pack for the Ithaca run.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning girls. I'm breathing this morning. Guess thats a good thing. Have no clue what the issue was yesterday. I don't think I'm stressed about anything but I guess I could be??? Took an ambien last night and it actually worked. Slept well. Maybe I was just over tired? O well another day. I didn't really want to do anything yesterday anyway.
    Thanks for all the good thoughts girls. I really am OK.

    Nicki, breaks are allowed. But not long ones.