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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2007
    I think I understand what ALL of you are saying, and I also agree. I find it fascinating how we have, as a group, grown and changed. Any group where there is no leader will evolve in ways no one can think of ahead of time. That isn’t a slam or a judgment…just an observation and my humble opinion.

    This place was started for, and continues with the best of intentions. We all want to be here to support one another and help through the hard times. We want to enjoy the good times. We started out as a group of strangers with one thing in common and have ended up friends.

    I think as we have become good friends we DO have inside jokes and on-going conversations. I don’t think that is a bad thing. It is product of our friendship…but I do agree that it might make it harder for others to feel like they can join us.

    I also think that people feel pressure to be the person everyone thinks they are…the funny one, the happy one, the sarcastic one, the fact finder, the cheerleader, the reporter, the needy one…whatever. Sometimes folks may not feel like playing their role, but they feel like everyone is counting on them, so they continue past the point of no longer enjoying it.

    Please don’t take offense at this…but we are kind of like a soap opera…we have tons of “back story”, the drama continues and changes from day to day….I can see how a new person, or someone who had been gone for a few days might have a hard time jumping into the circle.

    I do think it is a good idea to think about how new folks might need our help. I do go to other places on the site and post to folks I think I might be able to help. I also occasionally send someone a PM and invite them to “stop by” the circle.

    I think like any group of people, it is good to stop, take a step back and evaluate both the group as a whole and our own place within the group. That allows us to refocus on a common goal.

    I am not asking ANYONE to change. Please don’t take anything I have said as a judgment. It was just meant as an observation.

    For myself, I still plan on having fun and playing…I need to laugh. I also plan to try and reach out more to women who need my help.

    Hugs to all my sisters. You mean the world to me…

    Deb C
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited April 2007
    I think we all understand. I also think we don't have to change but we need to make sure no one feels left out either.

    So here is my update-
    I am DRAIN FREE!
    It is drain probation though... if the radiated side starts filling up with fluid again i will get another one.

    I am having healing problems and i never was a slow healer before. I don't know why. I started upping my protein before the surgery and THOUGHT I was doing everything right.

    I meet my new onc on Monday. I am making Easter dinner and do not know if I will be able to sit still- I am really nervous about having to break in a new onc. I wish my old onc hadn't done that with my insurance- at least I was comfortable there and knew what to expect.

    but this is supposed to be a brand new chemo place that the hospital has set up in a new location so everything is state of the art and not like my old onc's place which was a bunch of mismatched barcoloungers overlooking the train station!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited April 2007

    Congrats NS...whopeeee no drains.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Evening all, waiting for American Idol and catching up on my reading.

    Denise, we did have a lot of fun in Vegas - check out my pics in one of the other threads. Sure, your check is in the mail......You don't have Mervyn's store in MI?

    G, I don't think you should be cooking. Follow Cheri's advise and use the microwave. Just read you got your drais out - FINALLY!!!

    Anne, thanks for the explanation for flat mode vs threaded mode.

    Sue, enjoy those pink drinks.

    Cheri, those puppies are cute and I love their names.

    Shirley, glad you are feeling better.

    Robin, great picture of Jasmine and Noelle. Glad to see you posting on a regular basis.

    Sheri, I hope you're feeling better soon.

    Nicki, sending you big hugs.

    I get what everyone is saying. I think that this is a wonderful place that was created, a place to feel safe, vent, rant, rave, or just say hello. As it evolved, we got to knnow one another and be friends. I would like to keep that camaraderie going as well as welcome anyone new into the fold so they can experience what we are experiencing.

    Sleep tight all.

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    Good 'early'morning cgs,

    I know I said I would catch up a couple of days ago -- I lied. Way too much going on around here.

    My MIL and my DIL's father are both still in the hospital. I've been taking care of 2 of my granddaughters (ages 2 & 4) for my DIL and that's with my severly torn rotator cuff, the aches and pains from Aromosin and let's not forget my iron deficient anemia.

    My daughter is now having a c-section on 4/30 and she's a wreck. This is her first and I'll be staying with them at their house in CT for about 2 weeks. I can't wait for the baby and I'm nervous about taking care of her and the baby with all my ailments. My SIL is a saint, however, he is a man . . . Both my children still think I'm the person I was before BC -- always on the move, lots of energy and so on.

    I start my training next Wednesday for the patient navigator position at the oncology office in the hospital and I'm really looking forward to that.

    Gina--are you sure you want to cook for Easter? Can you cook and stay away from the oven at the same time? I'm glad you finally got that drain out and hopefully, it stays out.

    Deb--I totally agree with everything you and Gina said, even though I haven't gone back far enough to know the jist of it.

    I will get caught up by the weekend (G-d willing).

    Love you all,

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2007
    This is pic of 2 of GDs - Hannah and Madison
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited April 2007
    Hey CG's,
    I can't sleep so I thought I would give you all an update. They didn't tell us anything on Monday that we didn't already know. He has nerve damage in his shoulder coming from C-5 and C-6. Since he is fused from C1-C5,this is right below the bars. He has what they call an unstable spine and will need more surgery on that at a later time. The spine doctor says we have to be extremely careful with his spine. No kidding,I told him I want to put him in a bubble! He wants the anesthesia department and the heart surgeon to call him beacause they need to be extra careful with positioning.Again,no kidding...I told them that with this surgery.They say this could have happened because of his syndrome or the surgery. My thoughts are the surgery and I think his doctor thinks so too. They won't admitt it though. The good news is they still think we are in a window and this may not be permanent.That would be great if this is not permanent. The kid needs a break. The heart surgery is tenatively set for 6/20. We will know next week.I guess this is why I can't sleep.
    I only ready part of the post so I can't respond to anyone personnally but I am always thinking of you all. This is a great place to come to and I always feel welcome.I need to try to sleep now. I will check on you all tomorrow.

    Take Care,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007

    This is jankay from the bc chatroom. I have heard so much about this thread from cheri and purplemb, I finally decided to check things out. From the looks of it, it will take me a while to read everything. I hope to get to know all of you soon And wish all of u the best of luck.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Good morning sweet sisters,
    Welcome to our newest sister! Hi Jankay! Sunshinelite...I like that. Don't worry to much about catching up...just jump right in and join this wonderful group. We are always happy to have a new "sister" join us. Gotta watch that Cheri (she get into the blue drinks...shhh don't tell her I told you LOL...she will explain). MB is our exercise slave LOL...we love em both.

    It's almost 50 degrees here this morning and the wind is just howling! Supposed to drop into the 30's by this afternoon with snow and mixed crud Thursday and Friday!!! I want spring!!!

    Ishop...Take care of yourself. I know what you mean about people thinking you are the same person you were before bc. We understand though. The granddaughters are beautiful!
    Joyce...oh my. So many things on your mind. I don't know how you do it. Poor Kevin...I agree that it sounds like something that happened in surgery and they won't admit it. Sending you a hug and sending Kevin a very gentle hug.
    Gina my dear...thanks for writing last night! Be careful with those hands near the stove! I am so glad your drains are out. I was told to take extra vitamin C to spead healing. I did and can't honestly say if it helped or not but it couldn't hurt.
    Margaret...I saw your pictures! You look great. I saw the one of your son too...handsome boy.
    OH's thundering and lightning out now...BIG TIME...gotta run...I'll be back.
    I love ya all and hope you have a grand day.
    Vickie sweet sunshine sister...just sendin ya a hug and some extra love.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Good morning ladies.

    I devoted all afternoon and night to knitting rectangles for the afghans. I needed a break last night so I thought I'd check in at the Circle and see what was going on. So, here I sat with yarn all around me and rectangles I'd made only to read some startling posts.

    Nicki, I hope you're feeling much better today. I don't see the Circle as a bit confused. I see us as steady and solid. I think we have our priorities in line and I'm proud of each of us. I came here originally to help me. I stayed because helping others helped me. Yes, there are many people who need our help. I posted on the mets forum also, but Mena also needs help. I assume you've called her and sent cards?

    Sheri, no harm done. I just hadn't given your question a thought because I hadn't noticed it so it was kind of hard to answer. I'm not often at a loss for words but that sorta threw me.

    Shirley, I agree with your view on the Circle totally. You worded it very nicely also. After I read all the postings I went back to my knitting and thought about it the rest of the night.

    Jan and Margaret, I also agree with you girls

    Joyce, I'll be praying that Kevins condition isn't permanent. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2007
    A quick hello. Im really ok and dont want anyone to worry about me.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited April 2007
    Jankay, you finally came! I'm so glad. It's all that I've told you and then some. Welcome. All the girls are so easy to get acquainted with and we'll make you feel right at home. Good thing you told us who you were or I wouldn't have recognized your user name. Take a look around but don't try and keep up, it's a little over whelming at first but you'll love it. I'm so glad you came. You can post anything you want, tell us some background if you want to or how you're feeling today. Everyone will go out of their way to be supportive and helpful.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    Cheri...I don't think that the inside jokes or pictures are at all "out of order". We are who we are (notice I teased you above in my post to Jankay LOL). We just need to be a little better at drawing in the new girls and keeping track of who needs us and why. Maybe I'm wrong and misunderstood but that's what I think.
    I need to work on a calendar to keep track of appointments, test, procedures etc so it will be easier to keep track of who is going through what.
    Love and hugs
    this is what it looks like outside right now so I'm shutting down and will sign in at work.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Well, Cheri u have asked for it. I was diagnosised with breast cancer in 1999 not long after the death of my dad. It was the typical wait and see game although i did not have the support of ladies like you guys. I have been clear for almost 8 years so there is hope. For those of you who dont know me too well, i also have the distinct pleasure of having parkinsons. For a short period, i was fighting both. I am very bull headed so i am doing very well. I am taking physical therapy and yesterday I walked 75ft., i hadnt done that in along time.
    I am looking forward to getting to know everyone.
    Love jankay
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning all,

    OK, who stole spring. Now Deb, I know you want it, but all in good time. The dogwoods and redbuds are blooming today and will be snow covered tomorrow. NOT FAIR. Spring comes when spring is supposed to and doesn't look back. Or at least that's the way it's supposed to work. The weather folks are saying to pull out your winter coats for Easter sunrise services. This just ain't right.

    On a good note, I only have two more days of work.

    Oh an even better note, we went to a drop in last evening celebrating a friend's son return from Iraq. I had never met Trey, but knowing his mom, I just knew he was a good guy. He's such a quiet, unassuming guy. He was awarded the Bronze Star over there. Tony had interviewed him and his wife about a week ago and they had the article cut out sitting right there by the citation and the medal. He's hoping to get assigned to Fort Bragg. Mary (wife) says that if he's deployed again, which would be his third time, she's moving back here.

    I got my grass cut (poor little blades of grass will be shivering now) and it took half the time as before. I noticed my upper arm was swollen a little on the bad side. Guess I better start wearing that blasted sleeve even for grass cutting. With the exception of not lifting stuff with that arm, I've been doing pretty much everything. Am I setting myself up for a fall? I guess I have my head in the sand, which is quite a confortable place at times.

    Hugs and good mornings to all.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    hehehehe good morning...boss is gone...
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    Ok i have read the posts...
    JAnkay...glad you finally made it, this is a great place for support...don't read back...some mondays I don't even have time to do that...just say hello and go on...and wow, the walk is great, my uncle has parkensons i know what a big event that was..keep up the good work...
    Nicki...hugs...we just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts...
    NS..whoo hoo no drains...and your cooking...what are you nuts, I hope cooking makes you feel better...
    work calls brb
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007
    My goodness've been through the wringer. Plop yourself right down and we'll bring out the chocolate fountain and take good care of you like we do with all our sisters here. NS, Mena, Shel, RobinTN, Nicki, Ginny (where are you?), Sheri...all our girls having a hard time.

    Jeannie (Silvergirl) met me at work yesterday. What a wonderful visit we had. She is a beauty!!! She also brought along a bag of squares for the afghan that are so pretty.
    MB...sneaking in at work too...bad girls we are!
    Betty...winter coats for sunrise service here to and your stinks! I need spring!
    Ok...gotta work so I can pay my DSL for my board addiction LOL.
    Love ya all!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited April 2007
    ok back for a few...silly clients wanted me to work...hmmm...
    Madison, Ginney Pm'd me the other day so she's around...
    Sheri just thouhgt I'd say i love the avatar of you by a quilt, makes me jealous that I don't have the time to do that...and my hands and elbow just don't cooperate...
    Vickie...I must work so I can use the don't tell the boss...I have slowski dial up at home ,the other reason I'm not on very much when there...
    betty..hmm...swelling, its so hard not to think we can't mow or things like that, but I know that feeling, been to my massage therapist cuz i can't stay away from the rake...oh yea and i tried to spilt some fire wood...take care of that arm...hugs...
    NS...I do hope you will have help on Easter...but remember to listen to your body..(do as I say not as I do)...I have a great EASY recipe that I'm doing...called screaming pigs...i posted the directions once before, so let me know...
    Hey cheri...hmmmm your near someone coming to pinkstock...i think you need to catch a ride...we need to get the afgan group together too...picturing all the girls sitting around the camp fire crocheting a pile of squares...or triangles depending on how many blue drinks everyone has...
    Joyce..glad you posted sorry the news didn't answer your questions, but just know we are thinkin g about youand Kevin...hugs...and prayers

    Ok back to work with to all in need of hugs ..a big CG hug to all.and prayers and healing thoughts for everyone..and once again a bowl of choc kisses of all varieties(PB, caramel, cocoanut)...oh yeah and hugs too...
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning CGs!

    A big Circle Girl hello to you, JanKay!! Don't try to catch up, as it is impossible . Thanks for sharing about your dx and your Parkinsons. Just jump in whenever you want!

    Cherikins, I don't think we have to stop being who we are at all!! We are all part of the big picture. If I'm feeling down or scared, I know I can come here and someone will say something to make me feel better .

    Vickie, that big storm is starting here now! No thunder or lightning yet, but it's raining like the dickens! It wasn't supposed to start until later.

    NS, Hurray!!!! No drains!!!! I'm hoping it stays that way! I take Vitamin C for healing also. I don't know if it helped, but I have had no problems with healing so far. Please rethink cooking for Easter. That's a whole lot of work, too soon.

    Ishop/Sue, those are great pics of your GDs!! What a couple of cuties!

    Joyce, poor Kevin. That poor child has been through way too much! I'm praying that all will be well with him real soon.

    The weather was supposed to be clear this weekend and now they are calling for rain/snow . WTF!!! Of course DH and I have off from work on Friday and we were really planning on getting a lot of outside stuff done.

    Betty was talking about wearing her sleeve more. I tend to be very neglectful about my sleeve. I do try to wear it when I am doing anything heavy or exercising. If I don't wear it when I go to the supermarket, my arm gets funny.

    Well, time to go work on the piles of laundry that are calling to me .
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited April 2007
    Just have time to welcome Jankay. As everyone has said, don't try to read back, it takes forever and when you finally get caught up, ten more posts have come in. Congratulations on walking the 75 feet yesterday.

    Time to get ready for work. Why couldn't I have been born rich? I'll catch up with all later.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning All,

    Welcome jankay, this is a great place to be.

    NS, so glad the drains are gone...we are gonna think positive thoughts for you.

    Morning Ms. Sunshine Nicki

    Joyce, thanks for coming to the circle and letting us know how Kevin is...give him a great big hug from all of us.

    MB, thank you for letting me know Ginny sent you a know how someone just stays on your MENA----where are you!!!!

    Betty, we stole spring...but it is getting taken away from us...Jan and Vickie and all to my East...yep you are gonna get more cold weather because we are supposed to get in the 40's tonight. We hit 86 last week...crazy weather. The new hurricane predictions are out and I'm nervous.

    IShop, your grandbabies are precious.

    Cheri, I agree with MB...can you get a ride to Pinkstock...we need you there.

    Okay, truth time...I am in a panic mode and Don't know why...crying this morning and DH didn't know what to do...guess it is gonna be one of those days...

    Eldest daughter coming in today and she is bring JAKE, the bad lab puppy....oh my...oh no. She promised he has learned to behave...we'll see!!! Who lives in Oklahoma? My daughter has been accepted a residency program in Stillwater we will be visiting Oklahoma this year.

    Need to get to work….deep breaths….
    Hugs to all of you, Madison
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited April 2007

    Madison, OOOOOHHH NNOOOOOO! Not Jake again!!!! Batten down the hatches!!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2007
    Morning girls,

    Hey Jankay!!!!!! Welcome sweetie. I know you've been working sooooo hard at PT. Good for you!

    Madison - I live in Oklahoma and about 45 minutes from Stillwater! My oncologist is in Stillwater. We'll have to meet whenever you visit.

    Okay, have to go with the kid to his CT - will be back later.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    good morning cg's
    another day
    well i am working the two night shifts tonight and tomorrow.... grrrr...
    is it me or i dont know but it seems spring time depresses me happens every year ..... how strange is that i have heard of bi polor but bi springular????
    well the snow is still on the ground but i am thinking we are going to hit some warm temps today so hopefully it will melt and go away!!!!!!
    have a great day ladies!!!!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited April 2007
    omg its true!!!!!! there is such a thing i just googled it!!!!!

    Seasonal depression, often called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a depression that occurs each year at the same time, usually starting in fall or winter and ending in spring or early summer. It is more than just "the winter blues" or "cabin fever." A rare form of SAD known as "summer depression," begins in late spring or early summer and ends in fall.

    hmmmmmm i wonder if i have this!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2007

    Wow Tracey...I hadn't heard of that either. My sister suffers from SAD in the winter months. An antidepressant can help though. Sendin ya hugs!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2007
    Good Morning to all and a special welcome to JanKay!
    NS: No drains! What a blessed relief that must be...just keep it that way!
    Madison: Sorry you are having a weepy day. Those are the worse, especially when we don't know why we are crying! Special hugs to you.
    I don't like to post when I haven't read up on most of ya, but do know that I love ya and I'm thinking of ya!
    I hate it when work interferes with my personal life!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited April 2007
    JanKay, welcome to the Circle. You will love it here.
    Sherloc from chat, who would love seeing more chat ladies from chat in here.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    To be totally honest, a lot of the time I just get irritated with comments made in other forums.

    Shirl, I agree about not responding to some of the comments from others. I think my all time favorite now is some telling another woman who thinks she might have IBC that 'she had the luxury of time' and if her doctor wanted to do a biopsy to 'get a second opinion.' I was like...are you kidding me? Getting a biopsy is a GOOD thing...we WANT biopsies...and IBC people do not have the luxury of time. That had to be some of the worst advice I've ever seen posted on bco.